Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
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LI 1
v Vt
Eeta'.or Is Oonve.ed of Accept, 3 to
Protect Grain Company.
!r. I
One Juror ObjactS to VerJ Ct nd il Ad mot
i.tied by the Go art. ,
Become ii en App-sl to tha Unitod States
District Court.
Oovernor Bailey Also Hfloiri to
Make Comments on the Ground
that It Would Re Dls
conrteooa. BT. IiOUIS, March 28. -Joseph Ralph Bur
ton, United FUates senator from Kansas.
ws ronvicud by a Jury In the Untied
Biatea district court on the charge
of having accepted compensation to protect
the Interests of the Kialto Grain and Se
curities compunj of St. Louis before the
Fostntrice department. The Jury delib
erated lorty-one houra.
A motion Pur u new ti Kit wan Imme
diately tiled by the i-ouniel for the senator.
Judge Ad.inm thereupon ord red that Sen
ator Burton appear In court, cither In per
son or by proxy, at 10 o'Uuck from day to
day until the court has heard the argu
ment! for a new trial, and If this be de
cided against him the court will then fix
his piiiilHhment.
Kor a time there threatened to be a dis
agreement In the Jury. The Jury v;ss
brought before Judge Adams, who nsked
the cause for the long- delay, lie was told
taht eleven Jurors had agree'd, but thn
twelfth stood alone. The court admonished
the lone Juror that the expense of a new
trial should not be Incurred because of him
falling to agree with the majority of the
Jurors. A precedent was quoted showing
that the majority of the Jurors should de
cldo the cuse before them and a verdict
be rendered accordingly. The Jury was
then told to go back and poll Its vote once
more. Boon after the Jury reported, bring
lug In a verdict, but Judge Adums found
that the third count In thn Indictment had
not been considered, and again he sent
the Jury back to consider tho case without
having announced the verdict returned.
The third time the Jury entered the court
room the result of Its deliberations was an
nounced, and l'nlted States Senator Burton
stood convicted on the charges brought
.against him In tha Indictment.
Senator Burton'a recourse is an appeal to
the United States circuit court of appeals,
which body Is the Anal arbiter In his case.
When seen at the Southern hotel by the
Associated Press, Senator Burton declined
to in any manner discuss the verdict. "You
certainly appreciate the situation and
understand that I have nothing to Bay,"
fee aald.
One Ceoit Omitted.
KANSAS CITT, March 28.-A Star special
ays that at the time that word waa re
ceived by the court that the Jury had
agreed and waa ready with the verdict.
Senator Burton had gone to tlyi Southern
hotel. A marshal was sent to notify him
to appear In court. The senator came lnte
the court room at ten minutes after 11
lie had been sent for a half hour before
and the long delay caused a rumor to
pread that he had collapsed. Few people
were In the court room when he entered.
He took Ms seat by the side of his attor
ney, Mr. Lehmann, and looked the Jurors
In the face as they entered.
"Have you reached a verdict In the
case?" asked the Judge.
"We have," aald the foreman.
"Hand It to the dark." aald tha court
Judge Adams looked at the verdict and
aald: "You have made no disposition of
count three."
"We have agreed aa to that," aald Mr.
Charles Walla, tha foreman.
The Judge Instructed the Jurors to retire
and Include the findings aa to oount three
in tha written verdict.' During the fifteen
tptnutes the Jury was out not a word waa
spoken in the court room. A funeral serv
ice could not have been more solemn
Nelthe.' W. H. Roeslngton. Charles B
Bmlth, Representative Campbell nor other
friends of Senator Burton were present at
this time.
Barton Appears Calm.
"We, the Jury, find the defendant guilty
on counts one. two, six, eight and nine
In the Indictment and not guilty on count
There was no perceptible change in Ben
atir Burton's countenance when the ver
dict was read Judge Krum asked to have
the Jury polled. Each answered that the
verdict was his own. Judge Krum forth
with presented a motion for a new trial
Th court replied that the bond of 15.000
was entirely sufficient. The court did not
pass sentence.
Court having adjourned. Senator Burton
calmly lighted a cigar and, turning to hta
attorney and private aecretary. Colonel W.
W, Bmlth, began a conversation in a low
tone. He appeared entirely composed.
If today 'a verdict la sustained Benator
Burton will lose his seat In the senate and
forever be prohibited from holding any
office of public trust. Each count con
statutes a separate offense and Benator
Burton could receive a penitentiary sen
tence of two years or a 11.000 fine on each,
Benator Burton's conviction Is the first
under this section of the statute, whlc
was enacted by congress In 11(64.
erasable for Barton's Beat.
A special to the Btar from Topeka, Kan
ays mat lawyers who are close to gov
ernnr Bailey regard the conviction of Sen
ator Burton as an Immediate vacation of
Ms seat and the contest for the plat
will. It la believed, commence at once.
"A Judgment against a man In a case
of this kind," said a former Justice of the
Ksnsaa supreme court today, "la regarded
by the courts as a conviction In the mean
ing of the atatutes, even though an appeal
may be taken and the decision of the lower
court subsequently reversed."
Governor Bailey refuses to dlacuaa tha
case. Politicians clone to the chief ex
ecutlve express the bcl'..'f that the choice
of Benator Burton's successor Ims between
Fourth Assistant real mastur General Brla
tow of Sauna, or Cyrus Iceland. Jr.. former
republican national committeeman from
Halt Ketalua; te Kay.
Governor Bailey I ft tie cf y ah tartly after
tha news cj Senates ticrtua's conviction
ru inurrred. Ha refused abaotutely to
talk act the ubjacv cad aald b weadd not
atutk any Kt en It In aey way eatii
after the I" cited f?J lJl taken actus.
- "It would be dta-aortanm." aakl the go'
era, "and I woukt he gotng out of as
gCantnian fl aa faoanl JFagnvJ
Arrangements Art How In ProgrcH
for Pirrhm by Amer
ican Firm.
SANTIAGO, Chile, March 28. Arrange
monfa r li I n a. muiln l.v f'rdle tn Bell the
'jaMle - hlp t'oplmn Prat, the armored
t'iyulser Esmeralda and the cruiser
ebuco, and by Argcnih.e tn pell
armored cruisers ( and
teyrredon. Sener T rry, the minister of
rgentlne to -hll lnv here for Buenos
yres shortly to arrange the mutter. The
urns realized by the Bales of those war
hips will be donated to adding two pow
erful ships to the navlea of Chile and
A dispatch from Santiago, March 23, Bald
hat n representative of Charles n. Flint
f New York announced that the Chilean
warships Cspltan Prat and Chabueo
ad been bought, but that a gaurantoe had
been Riven that they would not be aold to
ny telllgerenl power. The Bale, It was
addej, must be approved by congress.
bin Court ltefuas Application for
Writs la Election t'aaes.
SANTIAGO, Cuba, March 28. The local
ourt has refused the application for a
rlt of habeas corpus In tho case of seven
lection Inspectors of Santiago nnd three
of El Cobre, who have been imprisoned on
the charge of falsifying results of the elec-
ons for congressmen. The liberals de-
itunil the arrest of many prominent men.
hero was a great demonstration last night
nd tho liberals will hold n meeting to pro-
st against tho electoral frauds.
It was announced from Santiago on March
23 that the provincial election board has
discarded the returns of forty-two electoral
olleges which show liberal majorities. The
result, therefore, was the election of five
nationalists and a Mandelay liberal. The
liberals. It was added, would contest this,
lalmlng the election of five congressmen.
Senor flomcx, their leader, advised modera
tion nnd aald ho believed that the liberal
majority In congress would seat him and
his colleagues. There was considerable ex-
ltement over the matter.
Ameer Is ialte Well.
PESHAWAR. British India, March 28.
The ameer of Afghanistan, who was er
roneously reported to have been Impris
oned, is quite well. He Is residing at the
Baghbala palace, outside of Cabul. The
ameer's brother, Nasrullah Khan, In a
uarrel with a half brother, Mohammed
Ummar Khun, Is reported to have been
severely wounded by a revolver shot.
Will Sot Threaten Ven snela.
BERLIN, March 28. The Foreign office
says the report that Oermany intends to
make a naval demonstration against Venez
uela in order to compel the prompt set
tlement of Its claims waa wholly Incor
rect. Detroit Goes to Han Domingo,
COLON. March 28. The Vnlted States
cruiser Detroit coaled and left Colon yes
terday for San Domingo. The cruiser
Montgomery Is coaling and It la considered
likely that It also will go to San Domingo.
American Seenrlty Jobber Falls.
LONDON, March 28. The failure of H.
W. Harries, a small Jobber In American se
curities, was announced today.
Pennsylvania Coart Passes on Right
of Company to Operate Ita
PHILADELPHIA, March . The state
supreme court today directed that an In
junction be Issued perpetually enjoining the
Jones & Iaiughlln Steel company of Pitts
burg from such operation of lta furnaces
located In the Fourteenth ward of Pitts
burg aa to produce clouds of ore dust that
ould Injurs aurroundlng property.
The Jones & Laughlln company's prop
erty represents an Investment of 16.000,000
and gives employment to about 10,800 per
The decision today reverses a Judgment
of a Pittsburg court, which refused an In
junction. The supreme court'B opinion
among other things aaya the right of the
steel company to operate In Pittsburg must
be conceded, but It cannot so operate Ita
furnaces aa to actually destroy homes and
other property In a residential section of
the city. The court stood 4 to S, the chief
Justice Joining In the dissenting opinion.
Miss Lain Congdon Seleeteit aa One
of tho Bearera of tha Daisy
BOSTON, March 28. (Special Telegram.)
Mlaa Laura Congdon of Omaha, a mem
ber of the sophomore class at Vasaar col
lege, has been chosen aa one of the bear
ers of the dnlsy chain at the. class day
exercises of the senior class during com
mencement week. This Is one of the fea
tures of the Vassar class day, and the stu
dents are employed for weeks In weaving
the huge chain of daisies which Is borne
during a certain portion of the outdoor
festivities by the girls selected for this
Hardened by Debt nnd Yearn ai
Tortarad by Memories of Iast
Fortune They nntclde.
BT. IOl'IS. March ffl. The dead bodies
of John U. Altman. aged fts, and hla wife,
Jullriiina. aged 17. were found in their home
today, both having been asphyxiated by
gas, according to their own prearrange-
ment. Burdened by debt, advancing years
and the recollection of a fortune vanished
are supposed to have led them to commit
suicide. They left a note saying they had
taken their own Uvea In the cellar was
found the dead body of their pet cat, which
had been chloroformed.
St. I-oats t'atiimlsaloaern Arrive.
NEW YORK, March iS.-The steamer
Moltke, wi ll h arrived today from Hun
burg. Southampton and Cherbourg, had
among Its paengers Count Friedrich WU
helm von IJmburg Btiriim, German ran-
mUsloner tn the 8t. Ixiuls Ion. Prof
Bchley, Wllhelin Bplelmann, and ten other
heads of departments of the German gov
ernment at 6t. Ixnila. twelve assistants
and twenty others who will be connected
with the German exhibits. Hans Petrrka.
Austrian rocn mission r to St. Loata, aUto
was a pasaxnger on the steamer which
ornurM a large quantity of gooda for ex
niuuion ii ine iiiwamon.
Among the around eaiiin pas sea re1
Felix Mastersoa and famuy. kluteraon
la rnargea witn rorgvry la tmtomla.
Lit. J 1-umeda, II. Lamed and E. in-
Bard. enesuelsn wnmlMiwifra te tha Pt.
Iiuia exposition, arrived today on tha
Opeinte-n Cmrwy era Point.
EFlUNOFTfSJX TO-, XTirr-h a. At to.
doy's se ntim of tha joint sraie committee
on the Illino's eiwU eratitrs and miners
the )K-L r emu km r taii-t fr WM
county. The mire-rs s i il rtsnis ad id aa. Iflr
oa aaas (u at amu.
Two Persons Missing at Grind Eap'ds Be
lieved to Be Drowned-
Michigan and Missouri Points Report
Worst Floods In Their History,
lth Mark Loss of
GRAND KAFIDB, Mich., March 28.
Flood condlilnns In the Grand River valley
have greatly Improved In the past twenty
four hours, and unless there should be a
fall of ruin, which Is threatened tonlsht,
further danger from high water has passed.
Since morning the river has lowered r.ine
Inches from the high water mark of 20.15
feet. Tonight the water Is stationary.
All the marooned inhabitants In this city
have been properly cared for. School
houses, churches and the auditorium are
being used for that purpose. Contrary to
all reports there has been no loss of life
in this city on account of the flood.
The subway recently cut out under the
Grand Trunk railroad tracks Is now be
lieved to be responsible for the unprece
dented flooding of the tipper half of th
west side. Heretofore the railroad embank
ment, twenty feet high, served ns a dyke.
RAY CITY, Mich.. March -U Flood con
ditions tonight are very grave. The Ice in
the river ftarted out this afternoon, going
as far north as the Rellnda street brldifo,
where It gorged, seriously damaging the
piers or threatening to sweep the bridge
away. Relow this point the river la filled
with ice and the bay la still coven d, al
lowing no relief for conditions In the Sag
inaw river. Eaaements along the river
front are filling and fire engines are en
donvorli.g to keep the newspaper prera
rooma clear. A acore of blocks In the ex
treme south are under water.
Dltnatlon Is Appalling;.
FETERHBURO. Ind., March 28.-The
flood situation in this county is appalling.
White river, above here. Is thirteen miles
wide In places and twenty feet deep In the
channel. Patoka river, which flows
through the county's center, is three miles
wide for nearly forty miles. Farms aro
under water, bridges and fences are gone,
the soil washed away and much stock
drowned. The los now reaches $t'50.(X).
The wheat Is ruined. It is feared there will
be two more feet of water, which will
quadruple the loss.
WASHINGTON, Ind., March 28.-Whlte
river continues to rise an inch an hour.
The water works machinery was raised a
foot today In an effort to prevent It from
being drowned out. Fifteen inches rise
will close the plant. The worst la expected
tomorrow. At Elnora, twelve miles north
of here, the river la fifteen miles wide. The
west end of the town is under water. The
Evansvllle St Terre Haute railroad tracks
are three feet under water in places.
Two Drown In Flood.
DEFIANCE. O., March 28. Leroy Car
penter, 18 years of age, and Albert Moore,
21 years, were drowned In the Auglalxe
river, two miles south of here, their buggy
being swept away by the swift current,
while attempting to drive through tho
water, which covered the roadway, leading
to a bridge.
BAGINAW, Mich., March 28.-Tr.ere has
been no perceptible fall In Saginaw river
today, although the Cass and Flint have
fallen considerably. All the Industrial
plants near the river In this city are par
tially aubmerged and 6.000 workmen are
Idle. At the south end of the city 100
houses are In from four to six feet of
water. There Is much suffering In Zll
waukee, where 1,300 people are living In
upper stories with many domestic animals
elevated with them. Only one life was re
ported lost, that of a Polish boy nam ml
Stephen Soltyslak, who was drowned be
tween this city and Crow Island.
Flood In Mlssoarl.
POPLAR BLUFF. Mo.. March 28 -It U
feared that the loss of stock resulting
from the rise and overflow of Black river
will be enormous. The river Is six miles
wide and thousands of acres of bottom
lands, used for pasturing stock, are under
water. The entire east side of the city Is
under from two to ten feet of water and
many residents have been forced to aban
don their homes. No Uvea have been lost,
but there have been many narrow escapes.
At Willlameville, the water has driven
the Inhabitants from the village. The
railroad telegraph operator wired:
Water Is up to operating table: will have
leave. ine onage nas been swept
The bridge waa a 120-foot Iron railroad
bridge and was comparatively new.
Conditions In Indiana.
PRINCETON, Ind., March 28. The White
and Wabash rivers continue to rise an
Inch an hour. Both rivers are now near
the mark of 1880. All low lands are de
populated. Much Buffering Is reported.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 28-Whlte river,
which last night overflowed West Indian
apolis and covered the first floors of 1.000
houses, has receded rapidly today. The
power houses of the street car company
and the water worka pumping station have
resumed operations. The crest of the W
bash river flood has passed Terre Haute
and Is above Sullivan, where the waters
are still rising. There 25.000 acrea of farm
land are under water. Weetpot t haa been
totally abandoned, the Inhabitants going to
tha high lands back of the valley. At VI
cennes, on the lower Wabash, the leve.
have given away and all bridges across the
river are closed. The river la twenty-one
feet and rising. The crest of the fluod Is
expected to reach there tomorrow, when all
records, It la believed, will be broken. The
H axel ton trestle of the Evansvllle & Terre
Haute railroad is being guarded by armed
Reports from citlea on White river and
lta tributaries place the estimate of flood
loes north of here at $1,000,000. Ten thou
sand persons have had their homes In
vaded by the flood. Great danger is feared
when tha Wabash and White rivers join
floods In southwestern Indiana, which will
take plar tonight.
High Water In Hew Yark.
PLATT8BURG. N. Y.. March JS.-Tbe
tea gorges and flooda are causing cons id
arable damage In this (Clinton) county.
At Champlaln the Chaxy river rose ten
feet there In aa many mlnuU-a, flooding all
tha store, hotels and many ruddvneea.
Merchants had no time to remove goods
from their cellars and many residents had
to make their borea, cattle and other
live stock swim from tha barns to high
ground. It waa tha highest water In
eight aa years. At CaAyvUla iron bridges
at Wood's mills vera carried away and
many rods of sidewalk and fences were
tors up acd smashed by the lea. Dyna
roll waa tiasd In attempts to brtak tha
tee Jama ta Uxla ctry. bat with, twtt DUle
aucceas. and scan are attil ad vara.
mci, H. T- March aV-JiJuugh flnnd
enndman are vary much oettcr In tha Ma
hawk v allay, tt la still cauntng the railroad
tfiintrmmd ea Hfcnnii Pag.)
Retired fitrnmnnder of Army llsrasses
Patriotism In Letter to Michi
gan Kemorrats.
WASHINGTON, March 28. In a letter to
Peter Itoran. president of the Democratic
club of Grand Rapids. Mich., which was to
have boon read at a Imimuot of that club,
m Mp.irioJ on account of the flood. General
Nelson A. Miles, after pleading Illness In
his family ns reason for his absence, says
In pirt:
Having boon Invited ti sponk on the sub
ject or patriotism, 1 should reply that pa
It'lotiMrn comes nearest the heart of every
tiue citlton of our republic. It Is especially
fitting to give it serious consideration at
this time, when we are menaced by serious
evils when we are approaching an Impor
tant crisis In our political history and the
weal or woe of this republic will depend
upon the Intelligence and patriotism of the
sovereign voters. Their action during the
important ;vent of the coining autumn will
bless or seriously embarrass the liiture of
this country. In fact, the perpetuity of our
democratic government depends, not upon
the presence of grist arm leu. tho will of a
despot or the dictation of any ruler, but en
tirely upon the patriotism of our citizens.
The opportunity and respnnsibl'lty of the
democratic citizens of Michigan and of the
whole union are now greater and more im
portant than they have been at any former
period of our history. There are many
vexel questions and proluems in which
there may be an honest difference of opin
ion, but there is one transcendent principle,
fnr above all other questions, whether of
economies or individuals, and that Is
whether the spirit of tho Declaration of
Independence and of our constitution In
brief, a pure democracy shal prevail or
Tho change from cpnresslon to llbertv is
wrought by violence, but tho change from
dom lerscy to despotism is quiet, Insiduous,
subtle and fatal.
Misdeeds Are Wo Greater Than Else
where, However.
WASHINGTON; March 28 Chevnller do
Cnvelier, secretary general of the state
Cuveller. secretary general of tho state de
partment of Congo, In a recent note to the
British government, pertaining to alleged
conditions In the Congo Free State affect
Ing the treatment of natives and trade, de
clares that the manner In which the state
Is administered entails a systematic regime
"of cruelty or of oppression," and that the
principle of I'roedom of trade would cause
modifications in the law proper as uni
versally understood.
He says that In the multitude of meet
lugs, writings and speeches directed of late
against the state always the .same, facts
are affirmed, and the same evidence pro
duced. Concerning the treatment of the
natives, the note recites that the govern
ment of the state never has denied that
crimes and offenses are committed in
Congo as "in every other country and In
every other colony." Further, It Is stated
that It has been realised that these mis
deeds "have been brought before the tri
bunals and their authors have been pun
ished." The conclusion to be drawn from
this. It la stated. Is that the atatefulfllls Its
mission, and that If, as a matter of fact,
some offenses have escaped over the vast
territory of the state tha vigilance of Ju
dicial authorities, this circumstance would
not be peculiar to the Congo Free State.
The authorities have severely punished per
sons convicted as aalutory lessons to
Referring to the allegations that In a
train proceeding from Leopoldvllle to Ma
taid three wagons wi filled with slaves
of vhom a doxen we. chained, under the
guard of soldiers, the governor general Is
quoted as saying that the groat number
of those represented to compose a convoy
of slaves were militiamen being dispatched
from one district to another, and that the
chained men were a party of persons "con
demned by the territorial tribunal at Ba
soko, and who came to work out their
punishment In the central prison of Boraa."
Replying to allegations against the sys
tem of the state's administration, so far
as concerns the taxes, tho note says:
At the bottom It Is the contribution of
the Congo native to the public expenses
that is criticized, as if there existed a
single country or a single colony where tho
Inhabitant, under one form or another, did
not bear his part in those expenses. A
state without resources is Inconceivable.'
Continuing, the secretary general says
that since 1S9S the Improvement of the
general condition of the natives has pro
gressed and that schools and workshops
are being multiplied. "Economically speak
ing. It would be deplorable," he says, "that
In spite of rights regularly acquired by
the whites, the domain lands should be
so disposed of as to pass even temporarily
Into the hands of natives. It would be
the return to their former state of abandon
ment, when the natives left them unpro
In conclusion, It Is asserted that the
policy of the state has not, as has been
stated, killed trade, but on the contrary has
created and fostered It.
Asks Holders of Northern Securities
Stock to seud Proxies
ST. PAUL. Minn., March 28. The Dis
patch today says that Jamoa J. Hill has
sent to St. Paul from New York, circulars
and proxies to all local holdurs of North
ern Securities stock. The circulars narrate
the plan for closing up the affairs of the
company and request the atockholdera to
sign the proxies and return them to New
York at once, as It is desired to act
These circulars are said to disclose tha
actual amount of Northern Pacific and
Great Northern atock, which the securities
company has held.
Many estimates have been made 88 to the
amount of Northern Pacific stock held, but
few know the actual amount. The circular
reviews the fact that the securities com
pany held 99. 2 per cent of all the atock of
that company and that It also held 91 5 per
cent of all Great Northern stock.
A report was current today to the effect
that Mr. Harriman would refuse the tender
of Great Northern Btock In place of an
equal amount of Northern Pacific stock,
which he formerly held. Mr. Hill offered
Mr. Harriman an amount of Great North-
em stock, equal to one half the amount of
Northern Pacific held by hta antugonlst,
and If the latter refuses. It will place Mr.
Hill In an ember-easing position.
fj-tt-- Carrier Teat til ea aut Sfurder
-Trial and D-tt-tlve TrlLs ef
ffearchlaar Defeasance Box
BAN FBANCISCOv March 3.-In the Ret
ain -nxrder trial today (X A. Fmtter, a
letter carrier, Menttfled the hMdw-ttlcg of
Mrs. BofJrln. Captain of Detecttrea J. F.
Seymour told of tha anarch made of Mrs.
Botkln'a room In lffi and Jullua Fay tes
tified that ha had cashed money order
bearing Mm. Botkte'a signature. After
several other wirjuiia had vtrtually re
peated thrlr tbrtner tntlmaoy, John P.
Dunning wae railed. H re-tald tha alary
at hie relaUang with, tha isfandaai,
Britisk Exoerts Give Him Credit fot Work
ing Wonders with Naj
Port Arthur Fleet Can Coatlaae
Waiting Uimt Intll Hrloforcrd
Aspect of Affaire Will Be
Entirely Changed.
(Copyright by New York Herald Co.. 1901 )
LONDON,, March 29. (New York Herald
Caolcgram Special Telegram to The Bee.)
Vice Admiral Makliaroft is working
miracles, not only with Port Arthur, but
inEugland. A month ago the English press
and public wero both equally sanguine of
victory for Japan. The public talked airly
of tho capture of Port Arthur, Vladivo
stok and of the Russians being driven out
of Manchuria and bark into the recessea
of Siberia. Expert writers of the press,
of course, knew tliat the task for the Japa
nese was a much more difficult one, but
nevertheless the tone of their articles gen
erally wub inspired by the belief that In
the end Japan would undoubtedly win.
Russia, It was proclaimed without contra
diction, had ceased to exist as a naval
power In the far east. Its ships, cooped up
In Port Arthur, wero Useless, even worse
than useless. Vice Admiral Togo. In the
words of ona writer, "had swept the seas
as clean as did that Dutch udtniral who
set up a broom at his masthead and sailed
down the English channel.
Vice Admiral Muknro went out to Port
Arthur, and now all this haa changed.
Makaroff has done wonders, and. as Fred
T. Jane writes In the Dally Chronicle,
"Vice Admiral Togo has been credited
with victories ho never won, with (dera
tions that it in now getting clear he naver
attempted nnd presently he 1b likely to he
unjustly blamed because no results are
"Togo and Makaroff," continues Mr. Jane,
"are fairly matched In mental calibre, and
though the latter has the weaker fleet
everything points to his ability to play n
waiting game than which nothing Is more
likely to be fatnl to the Jnpanose."
A statement of this sort a month ago
would have been Impossible In England.
Togo's Task Not So Easy.
Another expert. Rear Admiral Ingles,
who was very enthusiastic about Jupunese
prospects not bo lung ago, pipes in a much
lower key today. In the Daily Telegraph
this morning he pays tribute to the ener
getic leadership of the new Russian com
mander at Port Arthur and says, "I think
now that Admiral Makaroff has bo many
of his (hips once more repaired and on
the qui vlve, and his torpedo flotilla ap
parently In working order,' Vice Admiral
Togo will probably not have another op
portunity of blocking the entrance to
Port Arthur."
Rear Admiral Ingles points out that
Togo has run the link of being caught
between two fires. "While engaging Port
Arthur a force of ships from Vladivostok
might appear like Blucher.' 'he writes, "to.
complete the action. Furthermore, he haa
to keep one eye at least on the Baltic.
Thla must ever be In bis mind.
"The j'nanese, I lenn, have disco-ered
that for Llookadlittr fnVj really need two
ships to every one of the enemy. They
cannot reach this. The standard that three
admirals laid down for English practice In
1XS9 waa that the proportion thould be five
to three. The Japanese would like to go
one better, but their resources In men of
war are strictly limited.
"They have as much as they can do in
tho present circumstances to contain the
Port Arthur force, and If Russia should be
reinforced their position at sea would be
come most difficult."
"We are getting mighty tired," says the
Dally Telegraph, In one part of this morn
ing's Issue, "of the phrase, 'the might of
Russia,' although It Is an Important fac
tor." But In another portion of the news
puper It prints a Moscow dispatch whloh
a month ago I think would have been
edited out of Its columns. In this tho
correspondent says the buoyant optimism
which for the last few weeks haa charac
terized the leading advisers of his majesty
Is growing more intense and strong hopes
are now entertained that the war will
end In the complete ruin of Japan and
the hegemony of Russia In Asia.
Russians Relieve Celestials Are Only
Waiting Opportunity,
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
ST. PETERSBURG, March 28. (New
York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram
to The Bee.) The headquarters' staff re
ports that very unfavorable news concern
ing the action of the Chinese has come
to hand.
For aome time the attitude of the Chi
nese has caused misgivings. It Is almost
certain from Information received here
that the Chinese are Inclined to play a
treacherous role If they get the chance.
Infantry Has an Engagement
Ruaalan foaaacka.
LONDON, March 29 The Seoul corre
pondent of the Dally Mall aaya that In
an engagement March 23 which tha Japa
nese infantry had with Coanacka between
AnJu and Chong Ju. the Japanese were
victorious, but lost fifty killed.
. Say Boats Were Sunk.
TOKIO, March 28. A telegram received
from New Chwang this afternoon says that
at S o'clock yesterday morning the Japa
nese succeeded In sinking four steamers at
the mouth of Port Arthur harbor. A flotilla
of deatroyers convoyed the merchantmen,
which were subsequently sunk and rescued
the volunteer crews. Later the Japeneas
battleships bombarded the town and lie
Stesed Ship Is Released.
NAGASAKI, March 28. The steamship
Brlsgavla was arrested at MoJI on Friday
last by the authorities, lta manifest show
ing that among its cargo were aeven field
guns and 200 tone of ahlp building material.
When It waa explained satisfactorily that
thla waa consigned to Klen Chou, China,
the vessel waa rel ased. It left y aterday,
tha rrth Ins., for Shanghai, lta destination.
Britain Will Remove Gaakeat.
IvO.VDON, March tS. The under foreign
secretary. Earl Percy, announced In tha
House of Commons today that deaprte tha
British consul's request that the gunboat
Esplegla remain at New Chwang It had
bean dactded, after const tftation with tha
rommander-tn-chlcf of tha China ataUo n.
that It would ba Inadvlaable to keep the
v-anel tbere.
Bartxtsa. St-am-a-a tmr Saw Cbw mag.
CUB FOO, Mare 28. I p. m. Flva Brit
bin merchant alaam-ra left Che Ton for
Now Chwung today, Just before advices
were receive! of the dee'aratiiia u martial
Lur ir hjf tUa Biiaaiang
Rain In Snath and Main or Snow la
North Portion Tnesday nnd Prob
ably Wedaeaday.
Temperatnre at Omaha Yesterdayi
Hoar. Dent. Hoar. Dear.
B a. m IV 1 p. tn
n a. m iti p. m
T a. m W 8 p. in
W a. m ni 4 p. m
O a. m Ml ft p. tn -T
10 a. m 3T p. m 4
11 i. n 4 T p. m
lie m 42 p. m 43
n p. ... '
Assures Mnbrommlttee ef Republican
Natloaal Commlttea that All
Obligations Will tie Met.
CHICAGO. March 28. The subcommittee
of the republican national convention, hav
ing In charge arrangements for the repub
lican national convention, in this city, met
today with the local committee to discuss
the preparations, which have been made at
the Coliseum, where tho convention la to
be held. The meeting was entirely har
monious. All arrangements made by the
local committee were approved by the
members of the national committee and
there) was no friction at any time. Those
present for tho national committee were
Captain U. S. New of Indiana. R. B.
Schneider of Nebraska and Sergeant-at-
arms William F. Stone.
It was explnlned to the members of the
national committee at the outset that Chi
cago hud never promised to put tip for the
use of the national committee such a sum
as tlfi.onn. nor had it promised to put up
any sum of money at all. What It had
promised waa to pay all the bills of the
convention and this It would do.
Mr. New suggested that there were some
things for which the national committee
would be compelled to pay and he thought
It well if the local men would place a cer
tain sum at the disposal of the national
committee. This the local men agreed to
do at once and the amount of T.,000 was
promptly arranged for. It was decided that
all the bills for the convention are to be
turned over to the locnl committee and
they will provide for their payment.
None of them will be presented to the
national committee, which will be tinder no
obligations for any of the expenses at
tendant on the holding of the convention.
In going over the arrangements made for
seating, it was found that the total ntimbe
of seats In the hall will be 8.428. Of these
600 are to be on the stage and 275 will be
for the press; there will be 990 Beats for
delegates and the same number for alter
nates, leaving 5,fi73 for spectators.
Davis Gets Enoouh Votes In Arkansas,
bat Contesting Delegates Will
Go to Convention.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., March 28. On the
face of unofficial report Governor Jeff
Davis has captured emnagh votes to glvo
him 225 delegates In the state convention
that being the number necessary to se
cure the ?enomlnat1on. Judge Carroll D.
Wood carried counties that give 162 votes
In the convention, leaving 3 delegates not
yet certain. The vole will be canvassed
officially tomorrow and a contest will be
Instituted by followers of Wood.
Indications are now that contesting dele
gations will be sent from at least half a
, dozen counties to the state convention
which will be held In Hot Springs on the
second Tuesday of June. In many of the
counties apparently rried by Davis the
county conventions that elect delegates to
thn state convention are controlled by
Wood men. Thla complicates the situation
and renders a bitter struggle probable.
Advices from the First congressional dis
trict show that Congressman Hugh A.
Dlnsmore has been defeated for renomlna
tlon by J. C. Floyd of Yellville.
Cotton Mills reduce Pay, While Silk
Weavers Secure an
LAWRENCE, Mubs., March 28.-A reduc
tlon In wages carrying from to 10 per
cent wnt Into effect at the Arlington cot
ton mills todny. The change applies to
2.000 of the 4.0X1 operatives. Upwards of
500 worsted workers have been Idle alnce
March 22 on account of a strike which fol
lowed the posting of notices.
PATERSON. N. J., March SS.-The silk
weavers employed tn tha mills of Johnson
Cowdln & Co. have been gi anted an In
crease of 10 per rent In their wages by the
new scale to go Into effect today.
Some time ago the employes demanded
an Increase of 20 per cent, and after a con
ference between the weavers and the bosses
a 10 per rent Increase was granted, with
the promise that the other 10 per cent
would be given in three months, If business
continued good.
Four Killed and Six Injured by Acci
dent In Pennsylvania
BROWNVILLE. Pa.. March 28.-Cedar
Hill tunnel, on the ConnellBvllle Central
railroad, two miles southeast of this place
was the ooene yesterday of an explosion
In which four workmen were killed out
right and six others seriously Injured.
Three of the Injured. It la feared, will die,
The workmen were all foreigners and wen
by numbers Instead of names.
The runnel Is bflng constructed by
Keller and Crossan. contractora. The ex
plosion waa caused by one of the work
men striking a charge of dynamite with
hla pick. The dead workmen were ter
lihly mangled.
The Injured were taken across the coun
try to the Unlontown hospital.
Te Defend "Sealed letter" Deques
f.v fttO.OOO la tha Will of
Phlla S. Bennett.
NEW HAVEN. Conn- March 3. WTIHam
J. Bryan will appear In the auperior court
tomerre r to pro acute his appeal from the
decree of tha probate coart. excluding as
a part of tha will tha "sealed Utter.
In which Mrs. Grace Imogen Bennett Is dl
aar tad ta pay to Mr. Bryan $"l,0f)0 rasu In the will of Philo ft. Bennett
Bryan la an executor under the will and
the objection to tha "sealed letter" an the
part of Mm. Bennett la baaed on tha al la-
gat mn that Mr. Banmart waa unduly tnfiu
encad In drawing up tha document by Mr
and Mrs Bryan. M.w. Bryan came here
with her h"sland. She la to Its a witness
having copied te will at Lincoln, for
BoBsiani Hare Placed Neu'.rtl Oily In Van
chnra Under klartial Law. '
nterferei with Oonaular Bights and Stops
Trade at that Port
oreign Warships Also Liable to Ba Ordervd
from Port.
Step Practically aa Appropriation of
the Disputed Territory and a
Defeat to American Aims
In that Province.
NEW CH WANG. March .-The civil ad
ministrator late yesterday evening notified
all the foreign conaula and resldenta of
Viceroy Alexieff's order placing tha city
and port of New Chwung under martial
low, explaining that it had been bo ordered
for the purpose of safeguarding the com
mercial Interests of the rort.
Fending the publication of the full text
of Viceroy Alexieffa order the following
regulations are ordered to bo immediately
First The entire territory of the city and
port, also all persoi.s, without distinction
of Jurisdiction uud nutlomilllv. resident In
said territory, are subjected to special reg
ulations renaming a state or war.
Second vll traveler urrlvinir bv sta and
nil cargoes entiling the port ale to be In
lccted Ixith by naval oinuers and customs
Ultli lals.
l'hliU The Importation of arms and am.
munition Is furiddden.
Fourth The exportation of contraband of
war is loiiildden.
Filth t'ersons deairlna to exnort contra-
land Koods are leu til red to deuoslt a sum
equivalent to the value of the cargo. This
deposit is to serve a a guaranty that the
cargo is not to bo forwarded from ueutral
ports, cither to Japanese or Core a.
Sixth The functions of the lightship and
harbor guides in the river IJao are sus
pended. Seventh Contraband of war la to consist
of such urticlHS as are mentioned In the
decree Issued by the czar, February 28, de
nning coniruoana oc war.
A list of contraband gooda then follows.
This list Includes beans and bean cakea
and other food stuffs.
The Interference with this traffic, together
with the operation of article v, referred to
above, will stop New Chwang's trade. Five
ships, which arrrlved outside today and
are neutral, will ba unable to ahlp cargoes.
The opinion of loading foreign residents
and officials Is that, although the rights of
neutrals remain unaltered by treaty, Rus
sia assumes the power to annul these
rights, also consular Jurisdiction and ex
tra territoriality, rendering the position of
foreign consuls untenable.
In some quarters the order la regarded
ai an apparent challenge to neutral powers,
especially to China, on account of the ap
propriation of Ita territory, and that ren
ders the United E tales gunboat Helena
and the British cruiser liable to an order to
leavu port. ..'. " -'
The consuls will await Instructions from
their respective governments. Inasmuch ae
there Is no law to guide the consuls' ac
tions. The foreign consuls had a conference with
the civil administrator today. The latter
Informed them t'.at the full Intention of
Russia's order ol yesterday was to pro
claim martial law and also to annul con
sular Jurisdiction, and that the same al
ready was annulled.
The British consul Interpreted the order
as not declaring martial law. The other
consuls were unnble yesterday to compre
hend Russia's Intention.
The administrator agrees with the consuls
to Btispend a rigid enforcement of said order
until the foreign govermmnts net. In order
to lessen the complications.
The Americans here coll attention to the
apparent defeat of American sir.. a regarding
placing ctnaula In Manchuria by the execu
tion of Russia's order. American and Brit
ish flags were today removed by the Rus
sian military from the proptrty of the citi
zens of AmeMcan or British Rationality.
St. Petersburg Papers Take Divergent
Vlem of Subjeet.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 28. The
pupera are all discussing tho possibility of
bettor relations between Russia and Great
Britain, through the Intermediary of France.'
The NovoKti contliuea to Insist that the
absence of conflicting Interests la bound to
bring Great Britain and Ruasla together,
as their nlllance would be of enormous ad
vantage to both. The Novoe Vrojia, tinw
evor, declines to bury the httchet, stilt
harping on perfidious Albion, and Baylnjr
that Great Britain has been trying to fasten
its Interested friendship upon all the Euro
pean nations In turn, but they all saw
through the game.
The Bourse Gazette eorcaatlcally say
that while Russia Is strong. Great Britain
will not move, British attitude toward Rus
sia becoming more friendly In proportion
aa it receives newa of the strengthening of
the Baltic ports and the reinforcement of
the Kusaian army near the Indian frontier.
General Kouropntkln haa left his train
at Mukden and Is proceeding to Llao Yang,
whence It Is now believed he will proceed
to the front for an Inspection of the troops,
his visit to Port Arthur being temporarily
Reports from the general staff aay the
Japanese skirmishes are more enterprising
and that more outpost affaire may be hence,
forth expected.
Storsael Issues Order Telling Them te
Stay at Pests.
BT. PETERSBURG, March 28. Lieuten
ant General Stoeseel, In command at Port
Arthur, nas Issued an order forbidding
civilian functionaries to desert their offices
and suck places of safety during bombard
ments. General Stoeaael sarcastically ob
serves that he haa not seen them at tha
batteries when the enemy waa attacking.
In order that the Ruaalan troops ahall
not present a bright target for the enemy
an erder haa beun issued by the minister
of war directing that gray tuatead of white
shall be tha eolur of tha untturm during
tiia summer aeiufon.
Captain William W. Judsen of tha engi
neer corp. U. B. -A who la to anrompaity
the Russian army during hbstillti a, and
Lieutenant Newton A. McCally, the Unit ad
Siatra naval attache to tha Raaaiaa aary,
will prcbabiy leave for the tract April I
United States Ambasaador YfeCormlch will
preeent them to Foreign Minister Lama
dorfT March 80. Captain Jtldann Bad Lieu
tenact McCnlly he haaa well aw atvtd
bjf the auibarttlani and, we betxui tUsi