16 THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. March 27. 1904. ! I i.i.i - 4 Pjun.t Up! Pacini Up! Let this be the watchword for the house-owners of Omaha this spring. To do this with th.- mnr- est economy use Lowe Bros.' "High Standard" Paint, because it gives best results. WHY? It ! 16? Street Because it is a pure liquid peJnt not a "mixed paint" A "inixrtl paint" is nude sis dimply ms possi ble for llio purpose of selling to make the largest possible prolit-and will lo .your house more harm than good. On the contrary a pure liquid paintlike Lowe Hrus.' "Ilifjh Standard" made on honor to ''give the best results", will preserve and protect your house, m the best satisfaction, save you money in the lonj; run, and itmease the sales and make money for Lowe lli-os., because your next door neighbor will see what it does and use it NEXT time in other words it works like an endless chain. WHAT IT COSTS One Gallon. $1.60 Five Gallons, $7.75 53 Colors to Choose Fr om. Now- one gallon of "Ili-h Standard" paint over a fair surface, using two coats, will cover about .'loO square feet. Figure up how many square feet on the house by measuring around the house multiply this by the height then add about 110 per cent for ed;es, windows, doors, ornamental work, etc., divide the result by l)T() and that will ivt the number of gallons you need. Then multiply by $1.(50 (the cost per gal lon) and you can tell pretty nearly what it will cost for the paint. , We have a reputation to sustain throughout the country at larKe, and in Omaha where our pods have been sold and used with gratifying success for a long number of years. Wo know that In "Hifh Standard" llcml, wa have, a paint which will best serve .iur purpose, which will afford you full satis taction ami which will save you money Writ or 'phone us (312f nd wo will call and fltfuro with you. Send f.ir color oardH booklets or any Information ou want ' The Mg lit I'alnt for livery Purpose Chester C. Clark, Mgr. Paint Department Heyer-Dlllon Drug Company 141 Harney St. 'Phoat )42S. Rubber Goods I-.- V.e. kf t"P .,V'.'r.yth,lf 1,1 th, "np an "HI at popu lar pi Ice. Rubber (lloves for housework protect .t'cUr halldj wh,n yu w"h dishes, work on the lawn, $1.(0 Farnnm Itublier Clovra . star (If hy mail send 10c for postage ) Ur.Jn'l"n Value Fountain Svrlnffo 48c IJ.l'O H-qunrt l:ig Value Fountain Syringe 6Sc ii"L-:q""rt F;i,"'"'i Hot Water Itottle 4sc 11.00 ,1-quart Karnam Hot Water Hottle .. . ' 58c Io.imi Ir. Mall'H Female Syringes $ ' 50 If by mail add IL'e for potuKe on all' the 'above. ... .We keep over fiOO different articles made of rubber. Write or call for what you want. Special Cuts in Toilet Soaps Soap, aic I'lmtud's Violet Sensation C'lKe. lu.v .... " So can recommend this urlicle to be one of Mie best made.) 1'r.e Cutloura Soap, cake, J0c; box HO -c lar Soap. oake. lye; box GOe l.ic I'eirs I'nseented Soap, cake IV r""',. '.'IT'.L :: 1140 .... . .mi!, .v, per cent uiycerine Soap. cake, 15c; box 50c toe. llyn Soap. raki'..."''"''" 1 All you want.) Wo Myers; Turkish. Hath. Olvcerine. Mder Mower and Oatmeal. half pound cakes. So each; box of 1 d z.. . fliest bath soap made.) -00 box California VioWt Soap, box of three cakes niyer lolet (! I'ame Ku.in i-.,l In-- H Kind we will Tou.' ruSMp8' cin 4r.e VJO 10c 2Cc Special Sale on Battk Cabinets nmh". '"'i lT.VaS,(" """W'-V r"' Itobinson Thurmal Hath Cabinets for wT'. ". ,';,"1;,i,ln S1,m,. wr w"re 0,,liJ " lrRe quantity of cabinets duced rates: "r K'k f"r "" Wl"k uffl'r thlnl at 1,10 Moving re- f.'1) Ilnth fablnts f. --r, ST. L0 it-ti ii r'.i)ii...iu I: Il.firt ruth 't'abmet si! V.V.V.V. '.'.'..'.'.'.'. U.iii Mail or- derililUiud.1''8 W'th !,t0Vt' d"llvi'Jed 10 'our liome free of chaw. T Claytons Dog Medicines Are the Best Tl.t.v :ii will. .... nKu..l,..., - j ... ...... uj, ....... .i .1 ic ii.t 1 u iiiue, nt ltii.-t,,.v ( M ,.-i....' Li. ..11.... e 1 . ' -'. - "'J ivii a i....viivill'0 JOl 1'OK, Itefuiw all substitutes. Insist I'layton'R M.iiiko Cure always a 1 t-iu-e for nil diseased conditions of the skin price 50c Clayton' Mange or Skin Cure stall. less, rnlorltwH, 0101 lews very desirable for bouse jx-ts price. . DiX- Clayton's lislernH'rine a prevent ive and sure cure for distem per price 5tv Clayton s VermifiiKe tho best of rtll exp Is the worms without in Juiintf the animals price 6iK." Clayton's Worm I'HN very easily administered pi ice 50c Clayton's lllood I'urityinir I'ills for all blood diseases price 30o Clayton's Condition I'ills the Iwst altentlve and tonic will make your do eat -price 5V Clayton's lixati,' I'ills the only appt rient and liver pills price. . . B0c Claytons iJiarrlioe.i Cure for mule and chronic diarrhoea price Me Clayton's I'anker Ijotion for In ternal and external canker, dt-afness. etc. -price 60c Clayton s F.v.- I.otion for all dis eased conditions of the eye prl.v 50 H'layton's Ceollne, VK Wash and Disinfectant surt death to fleas --price Sic and 25c Claytons Fit Cure price 50,. Clayton's Counh Cur pi i.e. ..!!!! Clayton's Tape Worm 10xii.-ll..r price Clayton's Distcmperine' Tablet s price Clayton s UiKesiive 'IMlilets p'rl'c'e! t lay ton's Sulphur Tablets-price, t la ton's Cola Tonic price Clayton's lhippy Tonle pi ice .'!.'." ' Claytons Hair Tonic price xi.. ..ma uneumatiu lab.-t 6'Jc B'lc 60c 5oc Wic 61 K- 60c price Cl.i 5iV l.oo ivlDn'u l!illt-u 1',..... ..i.'.' Clayton's Ctoline I)oK Siai-irict i.rti iiw a MiAMnx)-For wash ing doss non-iHiisouou. leaves the li"1! ), . Kh1' '1,';!r '"" Sure death to fleas, lice, etc. We have a Krent many lady customers usliur this preparario,, Bhamp.ui their own hair for which purpose they recommend It Very highly 'I 'R 05,.. Ct,AYTONS ImmJ S(1AI'-The onlv Birietly non-poisonous dot; soap in the market, very healing. Will not injure 111.M.V ui'iicaie KKlli l'l if -h' -ik. " .... ....h.. .4iini.- nitiii llllr. Til- SOU.' AC.KNTS. WRITK on CAT. I, IK Itcx.K AI.I, A1IOCT IMXSS-IkKBK. 1 TpftraK HILIMMJ llTOCd IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT- ASK THEM I hare uw4 It o my own new rcsule.nv. 41st ami Havei.iH.rt Cm you sk ttu- for any hiKlr nt.mn,.( miour 30th "I montly l,avc pnh.i.M my .vHi.lcn, o. 1314 South "r,-u. n i"w Lros. Ulul, htamlurU' mul it loch bettor tliau any l.-a.l ami oil job 1 ev.-r saw " Next WMk Albert Ciilin II... i.i.i .....1..- 1 . . . resJdenoti, r.-J5 Farnuui. B ug 10 uavo lA,we uro-' a,tJl1 fitalulw 'ut on bis eleKant J 1 r :4 r I'V I I I