Decorating the Church for Easter VKX In tho 1 irg'S lhu church that is decorated (hi the ."-t-ji vi ti t a Ituisi is in the in H ority. As is tin- rusiiin in town and country, the inn n uf tho E i-iiiig. i gallon s,i" 'ake I lie matter In ihoir own hands anil turn the church into a bower of blossoms with th Ir own lil os and plants and cither green and bi,.ining thing tlial they havtj bought or burrowed fur tho occasion. Hut from the few i hurdies that uro reg ularly decorated ly floristis, many Ideas, easy of adaptation, can lie secured by tho homo decorator, so to speak; and thi-y will tend to give a more pleasing d'eoratlve ef fect than that produced by the customary banking of (lowers In crowded quarters around the pulpit. Arches unit shower effects will be u feat ure; In church decoration this year. I no of the prominent New York lloiista Is making elaborate plans for the use of the applo bioSHoni, which he will bring from the south in great quantities. The Japanese quince, one. of the most rare and expensive of flowers, will also he added to the list of Kaster favorites. The apple blossoms will be used for a shower over the chancel. This shower will be made like an immense tloral umbrella on a wire frame. The latter will bo Hist covered with the piersoni fern, that tport of tho Huston fern, which will be udmliab o because of Its feathery fronds. A fringe of these ferns will hang from the umbrella circle the top and the inside of which, will In- covered with pure white upple blos soms. Iuig strands of smilax will extend from the points of the shower over tho chancel to the side walls. These strands will be festooned with apple blossoms caught with pure white ribbon. At tho closo of the service, when tho choir Is singing the last hymn and march ing out, a unique ceremony will bo ob served. Four of the choir will take hold of the smilax ropes, which will be adjusted In such a. way as to close the umbrella, and the shower of fragrant white petals will fall on the dingers until all have passed out. No church decoration would be complete on Kaster without the Faster lily, lh; pure White chalices of which curry their mes sage of the resurrection. This same church Will have un immens.' arch over the altar, which will be comosed entirely of great White lilies and southern smilax. The arch will be of such a height as not to interfete with the shower of apple blossoms. At the rear of the church, over the organ balcony, tipple blossoms will be cascaded with southern smilax, and extend down tho side of the bulcony to the pillar in ft shower of bloom. One of the New York churches, noted for Its richness of decoration nt Kaster time, will use nothing but lilies, crimson rambler roses, nnd palms for decoration. 1 h:-re Will be a graduated row of arches, made of lilies and ferns, from the entrance to the altar down the center aisle. As the worshiper enters the church, the vista of the aisle will appear telescopic. On tho sate of each pew a cluster of lllie and palm leaves will be attached with pure white ribbon. The shower over the chancel will be made canopy shajie, of Kaster lllle, ferns and smilax. The ropes of smilux will be caught to the side walls and over the balcony. On each side of the altar will be what appears to be a cross made of crimson rambler roses, but which is a rns tree Itself, growing in a pot, and trained A IKOOKAT1VE SCHEME !'". WUh m wA RFy tmdrM Into tho shape of a cross. The tiny blood red clusters give a touch of color that Is Milking and slgnillcant. flusters of the rich red roses will appear on the walls, while the altar rail, chandeliers and pill us will be garlanded with them. The decora tion of tho rear balcony rail will constat entirely of lilies and a huge cross of red roses. Another prominent churon will use tho Japanese quince as a banking for the plpo organ. As the latter Is directly In front of the church, the results will be effective. Garlands and festoons of foliage and Kaster lilies will be suspended from the very dome, with great shower bunches of lilies hanging at intervals over the altar. The font will be a mass of white lilies, and suspended from pillar to pillar will be festoons of smilax and Japanese quince blossoms. A beautiful and characteristic effect will be in white and yellow. The pillars and walls of the chancel will be covered with white lilies tied with yellow ribbon. A somewhat similar Idea will be carried out in white and green. In the latter case evirything will be covered with white, while garlands of lilies and smilax will drape walls, pillars and pews. A large cross of smilax and lilies will be tho prominent feature to the right of the chancel. Another church will be more plainly adorned, simply having pyramids of whit ,5 jF life Ulli L'HAM'Kl, THE NATL HE UF W1UCH iS AN a ijecoratiyk scheme Fun the now of th'k lilies and palms. Large palms will bo behind the altar, while above this will be, in large letters, the words, "lie is risen," in smilax and lilies of the valley. A cross In the center of the chancel will be made of white lilies, and on either side, against the dark green background, will be a large panel of while lilies. A small lily cross will be fastened on the door of each pew. An arch, which will extend quite across the chancel and be surmounted by a cross of crimson rambler roses, will be composed of lilies. Jeweled against n green back ground. A portiere effect will be given to the chancel by stringing smilax In front of it und suspending from the ceiling anil attaching a lily litre and there, to look like a bell. Electric lights will form part of the dec oration of this church, which is of the approved twilight type. The eleelric light bulbs will have nrllllcial Illy shades, mado Of white silk. Festoons of these bulbs will be suspended from chandelier to chandelier and Introduced wherever possible. Hidden, ns they will be, In the heart of the lily blossom, the light will be subdued, and yet give a striking effect. A lighted cross will also be used above the pulpit. A pleasing decora 1 1 vp schema Is the lav ender and white one. Molls In thi se shades, made of Immortelles or tissue paper, are suspended from white and lavender por tieres. In using ascension lilies for shower arrangements, the stems, which are stiff und ungraceful, are broken off, enough be- IMMENSE FUJKA.L, LMMHEIJi. culucii. lug left, however, to secure them to H1 bo-is of different lengths, AspuruKUN fern and marguerites are useful for this pur pose lu connection with the lilies, Where Life is Knjoyable Penmnrk claims that there Is not a single person in lis domain who cannot read and write. On the northeast coast of New Guinea, the island of Kutahn, surrounded by a wall of coral Sim feel high on imd side and from llfty to Ml feet on I he other, maintains thirteen villages of natives, to whom War, crime and poverty have been unknown since the beginning of their tradi tions. Tho most peaceful and comfortable community in Kumpo is the commune of the Canton Valid, In Switzerland. Nearly everyone Is Will off nnd there are no pau per. Finland is a realm whose Inhabitants artt remarkable for their Inviolate integrity. There are no banks and no safe deposits, for no such security Is essential. You may leave your luggage anywhere) for any length of time and be cult sure of finding It untouched on your return, and your putsu full of money would be Just as Re cure under similar circumstances. Tint Finns place their money and valuables In boles in the ground and cover them with a big leaf. Such treasure is sacredly respected by all who pass It, but, in the rare cvi nt of a man wishing to borrrow of bis n Igbbor during his absence, be will take only I lie .smallest sum he requires and pi u e a message in the bole telling of bis urgent mod, promising to repay the umi'imt on a se eltied dale. And he will liiv.ii i.ibly keep bis word, for the Finn la li!inelhle in his Independence. Alu la park, ne;ir It. lit. In Holland, lit another l'toplan example. A tract of ten a ei'. 'M has upon It 150 houses, each with its lit 1 1. garden ami w ith certain common buildings end common grounds. The houses are occupied by the employes of a gruit diHilliug company, who form a corporation which owns the park. Kadi member owns shares in tin- corpora 1 ion and pays rent for his house. The surplus, after all ex penses have been paid, as dividend. If be b If lie dii s Ids shu res a 1 corpora I ion and t old to his place. conies back to Mm lies lo go away or boui;ht up by the I he man who taken Poor Judgment "Your proposal," sighed (lie young w niiiii. gazing upon the mm who knelt I fore her. "is very beautiful; but II sounds to me like the one Hector de Ilea 1 villi I110 made to Geiicvra O llm oiirt In 'The I'.o luance of Kid Chiz.bwiek Castle.'" "II is," confessed the swain; "it is n'mort word for word the sanio proposal. You pie. It seemed to me that It wis the host form I ever had seen, o I adopted II." "Well, did yoi- read the rest of He Morv'."" "No; only to see that sh" accepted h'm. That's as far an T read." "You do not know, then, ihnt lleitnr rte ISnuvillelne ran away with (he cook, after Mealing all of Genrvra's J. f Is nnd money? 1'lease go away. I shudder when I think of what I have encased."-Judge.