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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, MAlJCII 27. 1004. 19 11 I i XRA1N AND PKUDICE MARKET Fremium en Cai'i Wbegr, Ererywhtn Fau Balli cd B mpsge. MAY AND JJLY OPlN nl jH, BUT FALL BACK Prospect of Uriung leeal form Arm Rot Hrlgktcst, scarcity Betas Generally Heporled Fntar Rail Dona.'. OMAilA. March 28, 1904. The future market m wheat was feeling buiiish oy 1 euoii ot lue premium on casu M Ileal every wneie alio lilt iniiclu fcotlluui tnut winter wueat win im Deiuvr lue av eruge. i n gt eateat aiieugtir came tariK-r in me ktaslon uotu in wneat ana oat in rough too covering or auoii. May upenva irom nu t point uuow in iio ut niuu and auvumeu to no, but later weaaened in tn hait. New juiy upenetl iu uvcr tne close, but uiu not bold ita strength, ending at rriuay uuot.iuoiie. lue minui alluatiou In the nortu seem to be Improving, lor il Ik reported tnai tne Mii.nHitpoiia null win tart attain Jdonuuy. uuiutn miller have been buying wntal there and tne cash de mand la bener. r rani ou L.OU1 cornea word tiiat a leaains mnl tnere will anut down us It haa a big .toe of liurd wheut hour and no demand. Talk la heard of trouble In getting seed corn. In Iowa It la said germinating tea is allow tne Meed should cause grave appre hension. Tne low temperatures during No vember are said to nave killed or weak ened the germ and good results trom plant ing are problematical. A southern Illinois authority says corn left in southern Illinois, In MlKsourt and In Iowa never can grade on the market, bhort sellers, according to his Idea, will be pinched If they persist In thinking plenty ot contract grade is In the hands of the farmeia. N. B. Updike waa the principal aellur of May corn tins morn ing. This future opened at 4"c, Vi point over the close of Friday. It sagged to 4ec on selling offers and continued tne decline to 4bfec. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Friday and today wtru as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. r'rl'y. Wheat- May July Corn May July , Oats May Local 88 D fWV4 88 sRB 87UA 8ZVU 82V 45 464 44 A 44VA 4HSB 46 H 46 46 4TH 44 38B S8H 34 S8HB t8 n Cash Grain Market, Fair business was done over the grain f 11 lis this morning, corn, as usual, being he principal exchange. On the small offer in kk and the general firmer tendency corn advanced tc. Wheat and oata were rather firm at Friday prlcea. Receipts of wheat were 4 cara lit and U cara out; one week ago, 4 and 11 cars. Corn receipts were 23 cars In and 4 cars out; one week ago, 26 and 12 cars. Herelptn ot oats were 1 car In and t cars out; one week ago, 9 and t cars. Representative sales of car lota by a am ble on truck. Omaha: Corn No. I white, 1 car, 43HK No. 4 white, t cars, 42Jc. Oata No. 4, 1 car. ITHc. Rye No. i, I car S2o (Mlsalaslpp ' VV MEAT-No. i hard. ttHfjg7rf; No. t hard, 731,c; No. 4 hard, tuwitTie: No. I spring. 8.S'riH7c: No. a spring, Tb'iiittc; No. 4 sptltiK, liiio. CORN No. 2, 44c; No. , 41H43o; No. 4, 40U,i42c: No. 2 yellow. 44Vc: No. J yellow. 4J'u-Uc; No. 2 white, 444c; No. 3 white, 42ft 43c. OAT8-N0. z. 87J3Sc; Mo. I, M87c; No, 4, 8: "irliic ; No,' 4 white,' 3SyS9c;'. standard, 40H 41Vc. Notea from the Exchange Offices. Omaha Inspections of groin were 18 cara. r tf,. 1 M. XT A ui 1 ui 11, 1 till m Biiiuru i.v. a, x vni u, v. I cara No. 8 yellow, 1 car No. 8 white and 1 cars No. 4 white. Ono car of wheat. graded, No. 3 hard winter. One car of oata No. 8 white, 2 cara No. 4 white, and 1 oar of rye, No. 8. , Grain Markets TClsenliere. Closing prices of grain today and Friday at tne markets named were as louowa CHICAGO. Closed Today. Friday, Wheat May ... July .., Corn May .... July ... Wheat May .., July ... Corn Muy .., July .. 96 87WB 53UB 87 68 60 KANSAS CITY. 84S . 77 84H 77 ST. LOUIS. Wheat May ... July ... Corn May .., July ... Wheat May ... July ... 4f 47H MINNEAPOLIS. 97 A 96 96 96 DULUTH. Wheat May July .... Wheat Muy July A asked. 964 B B NEW YORK. .. ftiB B bid. MEW YORK UEMERAL MARKET. ttnotatloaa of the Day at Various Conimodlt lea. NKW YORK, Maicil 2ii.-FLOURRa Ciouis, 21.UM uuia. ; txpona. iu.m luim cttuny liuiu, wun uUr.iibs uiuuvrie; juui uuaoia paieuia, a.lvuo.; M.t.uveulu tiaa Via, tri.v-t.ttu , WI11111' tiatell., v.4vi'.u winter aiiaiKiii. tj.Mta.iv: wmt.T exna. 8J.w4.uu; wuuei low airaaea, fi.wui.M. iy tloui, dull; luir tv guod, tsu'i to laucy, jittcawiieat nour, haaw. COKNMBAL Steady; weatern, UK!. 12 Mly. kl n-urlea. M idi AJ. Kir hi Liuh; No. wtatarn. elu, to arilve prompt. liAiuEY Dull; feeding, 49c, c I. f., New (org; mailing, butwc, c. 1. 1., ouniio. WHEAT Keceiuts. b.eau bu.: exborla. 89, 882 bu. bpol, mm; No. 8 red, lu! nominal elevator and Il.1u1Z1l.1l nominal I. o. D, alloat; No. 1 northern Duiutn, tl.feft. nom inal f. o. D., atloai; No. 8 nara Manitoba, nominal f. o. b., aliuat. Opuons t.h tilted strong advance this- morning on another cold weather scare, with shorts the buyeis, but finally eased oft on predictions ot ris ing temperature. Last pneos were only o pet higher. Mny, vii&oc, c'.nsed at 98c; January, 93iuV4C, cloaed at 93c; Septem ber, HuSsHc, closed at 87o. CORN Recelpta, 40,860 bu.; exports 8,718 bu. Spot, firm; No. 8 nominal eievator and Uo afloat; No. 1 yellow, 66c; No, 8 whits, 66c. Option market waa dull and nominal, closing V.C net higher, without salee; May closed at ttc; July cloaed at 66V o. OATS Recelpta, 8I.O0O bu.; exporte, f89 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 48c: standard white. 46c; No. I white. 47c; No. 8 white. 46r- 11 AY Quiet: shipping. T0J72c; good to choice. ;c71.00. HOPS Steady; state, common to cholcn. l!fl. 27T'ttc; !8f. tStUTc; !. 8414c. Pacifio const. lsil, 2431c; 1"2. VgMci olds. txfrl4c. HIDES Steady; Oalveatrn. to 25 l-a, ISc; CHlifoniitt. 21 to 26 lb., J9c; Texas, dry, 14 to so ths.. 14c. l.EATH H!R Stesdy; acid. t?ro. PROVISIONS !Wf steadv; family 811 V fn? o; meaa. f9 Wnfit SO; beef ham. 2o.5ol t-'OO; pscke linswu.EO; city, eatra I-da mess, oneT'ii ro Cut meats, iloll; plckl'd bellies. ;00fr.00; ntrkled shoulders, 850; pickled hams, tin rnt?li.o Tarj firm; western stemmed 87 40 refined, firm; con tinental, ff si- Mith America. 87 60; mm tnnnd tit TVfia K7L Perk teailv bmllr. i5oi; short tl-or, 114.7616.50; meaa, tliW& 15 5 Bl'TTER Firm; extra fresh cree'neey, 24Uc; cream"- eommn to chnl'"e. '""'to; ette dslrv. ise! hld cresmerv. 14T10t4o; renovated. 11TU- '-ory. 12Ktl4e; 1ml ts"" .nifv 74Uriaei. CHE EPF Re-dv: state fcl' cream. fv, a"'ill colo-ed anfrnboe. 1e; lt rsde, j e: small wMte nteinber, 1! laes coiorad teptf mher, ,12c; larga whits Pep FOOR Firm: atsto anA Ponsvvan's. ftnav dwnea elresl, iel. Sd jo.vtvenla eleefa. ; elerr aj-efej, 14- TALLOW Dull; city, 4Tc; country, 4tf " ISc. Philadelphia r4ara Market. rmi.ATMri.PHIA Msreh t Bt'TTEtl Firm ood di rrsnd- extrn ee'rn creamer'- J", extrs pnrhv rinte. Se FN1HS Firm tc eiirHer: ewh nsrv. IV- st msrw- fr w-era. 11Uc. st mark; fresh sou '" " at mark; fresh s" "'" iTVc. at mark. CHICFfE -'4. ele- "- T"-; full creams -olce to fancy. 10fTllr; fgtr good. 10J10o. Peart Grain Market. PKORIA. March liCOKS Higher; No. 1 46c; No. 4. 43c. Urernael Grata Maurket. T.IVFRP4TOI.. March WHK AT rwt dull; No. 1 California, 7s. Future Clo4 quiet; March nominal; May, (a THd; On TVd. July, (OHN-Epot, ,qu!et- American mixed. Pot. new. 4 Id: American mined, spot. old. 4a Futures closed quiet; March, nominal; May, 4s J5o. CHlCAtiO (1IUI ADD PHOVISIOS9. Featnrea of the Trail lag aad Closing Prices oat Bosirai of Trad. CIMCAOO. March 2 -Doubt to tn severity sf Injury Inflicted upon winter wneat lea many traders to liquidate touay, causing a weak close. Compared with last night, final Quotations on July wheat are down HCac. Corn la up Vc Oats are a B'i up 14c. rovisions are practically un chanced. v July doted at the bottom with a losa of t4 and i cents at JT'iC. After Selling be tween KMo and Wo. may cloaed at P6Vc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 114 KoO bushels . Primary receipts acre 111. 0 0 bushels, against 479 K) bushela a year mr Ulnn.ihnli. I in! u I i nrA 1'lAt.mtrn rft. ported receipfe o 120 cars, against U0 last week and ll9 a year ago. There was a fair scattered demand for corn. Prlcea received some setback late in the session 'due to the weakness In wheat but closed firm. After opening Vic to Ho higher to aVH'? 6o4c, July closed at 60, tone. Local receipts were 124 csrs, with two of contract grade. Oats showed greatest streneth during the early part of the session. The opening on ju v was aee to nianer at spmc to k-.o. After ranging between 8So and SSc the clos waa at Wc. Local receipts were 133 csrs. Provisions were firm. The close was fesrty. with July pork I cents higher at JUS 15. Julv lard was unchanged at 17.15. Jtlh closed a shade lower at I7.P?W7 o. The leading futures ranged at rouows: AftlClee.l Op. I Hlgh. Low. Cloee. Tes y Wheat !5 May July M 95 8 95 tt'Ul i 43 88 88 7!87 83) W b July 8K 87 83 ept. apt. 81 83 188tt'l 82! 82 k2 Corn- May July Sept. 58tJPT' 54 53! 1 53 53 So. ti, BOtk-H'-: 6i 504i 50 4j6,60lg 49 49l 49 Oats May Jujy 8et)L 89 S3? S9'3i'fl 88V 88 8 82 ' 3f 38 iri37a" . 32 S2l K Pork- . ..I. May Julv IS 80 II 40 JS 20 I IS 1!I 12 13 07 18 42 13 82 18 86 I 13 W Lard- I May July 1 M 8 97 7 00 7 15 7 OS 7 V) 7 15 8 90 7 05 7 17 .7 7 15 I Ribs- May .92'. 7 oei 9?f 8 9" 7 07 7 02 Jttly No. t A Old. b New. Cash Quotations were as follows: FliOCR Unlet nnd atendv; wlntur naJunts 84.i800; straights. 34.5O4.70; spring pat- nts, 84.4O04.7O; straights. 44.X24.M; bakers, WHEAT No. 1 snrlna-. 92cfi1.00: No. I spring. BWi98c: No. 2 rad. 95V3J1.01. i:WR.t-A. 2, 53(&icj No. 2 yellow, 58 G&Sc. OATB-NO. 2. 38W39C: No. 2 white. 293 RTB-Ko. I. 89o. BARLKT Good feedinr. S8(B39e: fair to chclf-e malting, 46f8c. 1 ti',u-?.), 1 naxseea, xi.wtt: no. 1 nnrlhwaiUm t1 lew. nrlwn tlmnlKv t9CR. PROVISIONS Mass nork ner I hi tilt Oil v...,', IIIIIH.III, -.-. is un- Liaro, per juu ids., b b. Bhort noi sioes tioosei. .m nj'oB.ei snort clear skip looxeoi, fl.: wt.St fc. The following ware the recetet and shin- menu 01 nour ana grain yesterday: Receipts. Btupments Flour, bbia 41.500 84.800 Wheat, bu 26.000 86,410 Corn, bu 213.700 93. W Oata, bu 814.100 181.301 Rye, bu 8.000 9,400 Barley, bu 49,400 S9.S0J Oil tne Produce excliuiiKe today the but ter mantel was steady: creameiles. 144iic dulriss, Lmmzic. t-ggs, turn at mark, caaai luciuued, mibtc. Cheese, easy at lAt St. Loals Grata and Provlaloas, ST T-Tt:iS Vfitrrh tk! WUTiT T.... Ho. i rsd cash, elevator, 9Ug; track, ll.niij f.Df, 9hl? 1 i a,. La. u r mi. . i i.. , u . aw .. . TIC niCAITri Ar A JXKLn. 71 ' T "" " ; cumx. weaki.Ko. 2 cash, 4Sc; track, "1'ii i'iBli juiy, airi:. OATS Weak: No. 2 oiish. 4ic: track ao- May, &c; July. S6c; No. 2 white. 46c. r laji., n iuu ; reu winter puti-nia, tt.Wjt 4.90; special brands high aa 85.20; extra fancy and straight. 84.uuftm.75: clear. 84. uo 434.2; BEiSO Timothy, steady at t2.40ffl2.80. CORN MEAL Steady at $2W. li HAN ti teady t sacked, eaat track. M HAT-eteady; timothy, J8.00ia.OO; prairie, fu.wye.w. iKUN COTTON TIES 82c. HAOOlNCt 6o. HKMP TWliNE 6c. l'KOVIBIONa Pork, hlirher: lobhinir aij...',,. iara, steaay; prime steam, j.t)U. bacon, steady; boxed extra shorta, 87.76: l AI fl), 17 ?,. hnrl naw lb n 1 POfLTt Steady; chickens, lie; springs, ts uvtsri uu per oaten; turkeys, l.lBiJo; iiucaa, 12e; geese. Sii'le. , BUTTER yulet; creamery. 2.:5c; aairy, idvidc. EOG8 liiather at 15c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 12.U00, bu Z2,W 97,(4)1 Corn, bu 69,000 b9.uo0 Oata, bu 63.000 60,000 Kaaiaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSA8 CITY. March 28. WHEATr- May, 848c; July. 77A7TVc! cosh. No. 2 hard, iic: No. 8. Mit; No. 2 red. 81. 02jil. 04; No 3. tl OO'n 1.01 ; receipts, 27 cars. CORN May. 4&fe4.ic; July, 4i-i44Xc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 4tliiilt;c; No. 3, 4,4j4iio; No. 3 white. 4t1i4t;ci No. 3. 45c. OATS No. 2 white, 4oc; No. 2 mixed. 3& tie. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $10.00: choice prairie, i.-itxiisit'. RYE No. 2, 623c. BCTTKR Steady; creamery, 2022c; dairy, fancy, 17c. EOas Hfcher; Missouri and Kanaaa. oaaea returned, 14c; new. No. 2 whllewood cases inoiudt.-a, loc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu., , l.tia 27,200 Corn, bu 12.00 . 8.0"0 Oats, bu 7,000 1,000 Evaporated Applas and Dried Pralta. NEW YORK, March 28. EVAPORATED APPLES The market la meeting with only a moderate demand at the moment, but prlcea are firmly held. Common are quoted at atc, prims at 6fi5c, choice at t9 Hc and fancy at 7fii4c. CALIFORNIA DRlEl FRUITS-Prunea are attracting a little better demand ap parently, but the general tone la still easy. 1 Quotations ranae from 4 "a to tic, according 1 to grade. Aprlcota art practically out of the market, with Quotations nominal at tW90o for choice, 10aioc for extra choice and lHtlSc for fancy. Peaches a e firm and ahow a hardenlna tend-ncy. Choice are quoted at 7U(o7c, extra oholce at 7ti8a and fancy at 8ui0c. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, March 26. WHEAT Firmer; No. 1 northern, 81.oi.Ql.01; No. 1 northern. WHUyic: old July, c, bid . 1 f IT U A . . . V.. t 1. RYE Steady; No. 1 73o. BARLEY- Dull; No. 2, 63o; aample. 170 68C. CORN Stronaer: No. I, 47t46c; July, 80c, bid. HlnaeapolU Grain Market MINNEAPOLIS. March 26. WHEAT May, 97c; July, 96!87c; September, Ml9 I:i4,c. Cn track: No. 1 hard, ii.c; No. 1 northern, 97i'ic; No. 1 northern, 9le. FLOL'H First txitenta, 86.1645.15: aecond patenta, 85 00V l: nrs i U.... I,f All! nrsi clears, j wfli.n; BRAN la bulk, 114.50. Dnlath Grnln Market. DULtTH. March 18 WHEAT In store: No. 1 hard. 87c; No. 1 northurn, 96Wc; No. 1 northern, 93c. To arrive: No. 1 hard 0741c: No. 1 northern. BVc; No. Z northern. W,c; May, !Hio; July, 96c; September, 0AT8 To arrive and on, track. I9c. Taledo ieed Market. TOLEDO. March 2 -BEED-Clover, cash and March, W45; April. 4i. Oc:obr, 85.4j; prims aiaige, 40.1a; trima tiinoiuy, i.3o agar aad Molaeaea. NEW YORK, March .-SCOAR-Ra w. firm: fair relinlng. 84c; cnimugai. m teat ISc. Molaasea sugar, lc. Rellned. firm: No. 8. 4 Soc; No. 7. 4.25c: No. 8, 4 2iuNo. . 4 UHJ: XNO. tu, a luc: ro. 11, a.wt, no. la. c; No. 11. 8 96o: No. 14. 89uc: confectioners' A. 4 66c ; mould A, i.lic: eut loaf, 6.40c; rrushed, 6 4oc j powdered, t.suc; granuiatta. 4 iuc Clil)"S, 4 06c. MOLAeSEs Firm: New Orleans cpen kettle, aood to choice. 81fi37c. NEW ORLEANS. M-irch it: 8I'OAR Ctrndv: opcu kettle. 14kiilt-18c: open kettle centrifugal, 84j3o: oentrlfugal white, tVJ 4 8-1 Ac: yellow. 84Y4c: second. 2fi3c. MOlAHSKS Nundnal; open kettle, ft Be; centntiiiiiti. t'j?jic- Metal Market, NEW TORK. March 18 -r-METALS-De mand fair, with holders firm tn their Idea a ss to value except tin. whtra continued easy on the basis of MNatiJ.OO fur spot, lake -copper. 8!tl7yhll w; elgtrrl tic, STUeilJ 16: caatlna t;S.ii.fill 78. Spnltcr. mj and Marrh. ijlfiuiuai. Lead. 84.MI4 65. The Iron market coutluea firm wlttt good demand, NEW YURIi STOCKS AND BONDS Dngrom Fire Hsar 8'ock Ixcbgnge Ucnsei Oonsidsrtbl Ezo UmtDt. SMOKL FILLS ROOM IN BLINDING CLOUDS Plaa for the Distribution f KortU- cra Serorltles Holdlaga auad Sym- yathetle Storks Oceasloa of Excited Specalatloa. NF7W YORK. March 28. Today's stock market waa a amall affair and trading cen tred again in Luton Paclrto. That lim n fluctuated over a range of slightly more than a.DoInt above last nlsht s level, with constant reactions and ended the day with ah advance of c. Borne excitement waa caused all through the Stock exchange neighborhood by the outbreak of a danger ous fire near at hand on Broadway, and the clouds of bllndina and autTocating smoke pervaded the exchange floor and the omces and nail ways ot tne great 0111,0 buildings aurroundlng it. Attention waa thus diverted irom tne u.urnei ana tne trading waa dull and languid. A reaction before the bank statement carried prices back In the neighborhood of last night's level and there waa an Indifferent rally after Its publication. The closing was dull and neavy. ine bank statement showed something more thsn the expected increase In cash hold ings. Tne liberal loan expansion carriea that Item fairly above the bllllon-dollar mark for the first time In the history of the clearing house. The Increase In bor rowing was attributed largely to the In crease In speculation on the Stock ex change. Total sales of bonds, par value, 860, 0UO. The clan for the distribution or tne Northern Securltlea holdings of Northern Pacifio and Great Northern waa the oc casion of an excited speculation on two dava of the week. Transactions on Tues day In over 400.000 shares of Union Pacific one at an advance or over 8 points was an incident which nnda few parallels in ine nistory or tne stock exenange. one fiarallel waa the excited competitive buy na of Northern Pnriflc In 1901. which tire. cipltated the corner in that atock. The I nlon I'aclflo movement came under sua plrlon of a speculative and manipulative origin. The precedent was recalled or the enormous absorption or Southern railway which followed the Intimations of the lodgment of the iAuisville & Na?hvllls In a community of Interest In the south. Dealings In Southern railway for one day mounted up to M4.000 shares and were not followed by any change of representa tion in tne control or that railway. The laggard movement in United States Steel In view of the reports of revived activity In the Iron and ateel trnde waa especially notable, although the tips from tnai trade had a cheering influence upon the general sentiment. So did the ralna In the southwestern wheat belt, This In fluence waa somewhat modified by the ad vance In price of wheat. The avoidance of a soft coal strike and favorable con ditions In the anthracite trade were bene ficial Influences. Prospects for mllroad arnlnga were better. Exchange advanced to the gold export p'lnt. but the con tinued Inflow of Japaneae gold has had an effect. The money rates have fallen and Interest on time Inane Is at a point which en courage the holding of dividend paying rnnroHo stocks ar present points. Retl road bonds related to Northern Securities mereer shared In the temporary activity of the stocks. The bond market generally was Irregular. United States 2s, old 4s Fill lieW 4a rafflclAra innrnqaul 1 . raf cent during the week. following were the quotations on the Stock exchange today: Bates High. Low ciose. Atchison 1,700 o 6 6a do Pfd 1ST) 90 so 89 1H B. 0..i 1,600 7 78 do nfd 8X Canadian Pacifio. 1.000 !14 114 114 Central of N. J... ion SJH .87 80 400 16 16 15 169 2,400 141 140 14-1 db Pfd. 7. ". I irt.i. nt TKT a. r i fr "CBlcrn I V a ii n C.. M. St. P. do pfd HI Chicago T. AT do pfd C. C C. & St. L. 9 75 16 68 23 150 265 20 87 Colo. Southern 200 18 16 do 1st pfd do Id nfd Del. A Hudson Del.. L. A W 200 150 150 D. & R. U..... do cfd Erie 6,1') 217 64 42 26 61 1 do 1st pfd 2.S0O 63 41 74 80 128 19 83 do 2d pfd 500 Hocking Valley do ufd III. Central Iowa Central oOO 129 lOU 19 12a 19 do pfd K. C. Southern 18 34 100 105 1(J6 143 142;, 142 do pfd L. & N Manhattan L Met. Securities 800 2u'j 76 Met. St. Ry Minn, dc bt. L 1U0 111 111 1U 60 62 120 91 17 87 3u llnt 67 lo 21 116 62 Xd., bt. P. efc S. Ste. M. do pfd Mo. Pacific 2,9(0 91 0 M., K. & T do pfd Nut I R. R. of M. pfd N, Y. Central Norfolk & W 100 117 117 do prd Ontario A XV Pennsylvania 600 10.UOO 21 U7 21 116 P., C, C. e St. L. ... Reading 2 H 43 43 4.; do 1st pfd do 2d Pld 7S 60 22 Rock Island Co 1.4U0 22 22 do pld 1 St. L. & H. K. 2d ptd St. L. & S. W 49 12 33 do pfd So. Pacific So. Railway 10,1c 10 1U0 4Ji Utt, 4.S 21. 21 hi do Ptd Texas & Puclllc Hx 23 2j 23 S I., bl. L. V W., old. 23 do bid 4u0 18.3110 l.uw) luo 1.9l0 luo 85 -' 92 19 s; 16 36 1 li 19 io 34 BMv, 91 ' ls 8u Union Paolllc do ufd Wubusli do pfd W. ex Lake Erie It) 18 40 220 lao 108 Wis. Central do cfd Adams Kx American Ex U. 8. lix Wells-Fargo Ex tuO B,a)0 100 2 4K 2u 2uo 4S 71 Amal. Copper 44 iu Anier. Car at F Jt nf J ' Ull gllW .,.. Amer. Cotton Oil 'to6 29 29 do pfd is 26W 8 2t. 21 81 Amer. ice mo 408 674 86 do pfd 26 Amer. Linseed OH... do pfd Amer. Locomotive.., 'm 2i ii do pfd Amer. Smelt. A R ... 49 93 do pfd 100 too L200 luo 6u0 82 136 43 28 198 82 Amer. Sugar Ref 126 125 103 42 43 27i 17J 197 197 Anaconda M. co Brookly n R. T Colo. Fuel 4k Iron.... Con. Oaa Corn Products 13 do Did 68 4 13 16j 11 64 35 74 15 7 2 96 2 64 209 42" Distillers' Securities. Oen. Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd 1U0 66 66 Nat l Iead l-ttCino Mail 800 People's Una SuO 96 Preaaed 8teel Car.. do pfd 100 66 69 Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do ptd Rubber Good ino luo 42 19 42 19 19 7o4 do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron.. I . 8. Leather 4 10 6 80 13 64 11 67 IB 88 do Pfd U. 8. Realty do pfd 1.1'aj 1.100 J0 7 j0 60 13' Mi 57 161 80 18 63 IPS' 57V? 161 V. 8. Rubber do ptd V. 8. Steel do bid Weslina-h. Electric. W estern i'li on Total sales for Hie day. 94.300 shares. evr York Mlalag Itocks. NEW YORK. March 2-The followlna ar the e'oalng price on mining stocks: A da me Con Allra .... IS It .... 14 8 .... 186 Itl ....'.J.8 I Little Cklat Ontario Ophlr Phuenlx Potoel 8aTaga surra Nevada Small Hopea .. Handera M . 4 . SJ . 44 . a . it :u nrunaerlck Coa .. I'MiiMMt Tanpel Con Pal ft Va Horn Sllorr Iran Slrrer UJtlue to ... kew Yark Imports and Export. NEW TORK. March 26 Total Import of dry goods and general merthandlsi- at the port of New York for the wuek ended today Vera valued at 111 .763.79. Export of soecln from New yora ror tn week war I'j9v,24 silver and t770,ot gold. Imports of srwle ut Now York during the week were 84k.72S gold and 846,688 silver. ' Clearing; He Averages. NEW TORK. March M The atatemcat of avcrag of th Clearing sou ba&aa itt this city for the week shows: Loans, 2:07,- 'v.t.r'K). increase .1H4.M); opposite, i.wl. Increase circulation. U,- 9..ii, Inrreaae -'ti; legal tenders, .l,- 9.aiiu, Increase 22.uM.tviP; specie. 8217 Tt,ll, Increase 4s7.StK): reserve. 89.M6,. In crease 32.772,'; reserve required. :t;,l7, 125. Increase 2,914.7i0; eurrlus. 27.46'.8T5. In rrease tl&s.Sou; ex-Unlled States deposits, JS.ii,9i'0, Increase 81.5u3.u70. New Yark Moae Market. NEW YORK, March 28-MONET-On call, nominal; no loans. Time loana, eay; 80 days, 2'aS per cent; 95 dys, 3 per cent; 8 months. 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4'ffs per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual bualnesa In bankers' bills at 14 871 Wi 4 8725 for demand and at 84 84iVHf4 846 for 60-days bills; posted rates. 34.8s4.(8; com mercial bills H.MMJt.Ht. SILVER Bar. 6oc; Mexican dollars, 44c. BONUS Government, steady; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: I'. I. ret. ti, ttf mi Manhattan e. g. 4a. ..14 do coupon 10o Slav. Central 4a 44 do la, rri lw do lit Inc 14 do eovpon ion Mian, ft Bt. L. 4a.... 94 do new 4a, res St.. K. tk T. 4a at do coupon 132 do 2a 774 do old 4b, rf... nn n. h. a. or m. a. a. to .inn H y. c. f. SHI 97 .101 'a M. J. C. i aa 1 . No. Pacific 4a 10s dn coupon Atrhlaon gn. 4a... no ad. 4 Baltlmora 4V O. 4a do isa Central ot Oa. Ii. ilo lat Inc Ctisa. Ohio 4H. Chlrafo A. Hi. C . B. Q. n. 4a .101 V la la Tltk 44 N. A W. c. 4a to . ...1044 O. 8. L. 4a ft par.... 94 '4 .... at Pann. conv. SHa 84 ....IMS Readlui aea. 4a. M'4 .... 7T St. L. ft I. M. e. 8a.. 1H ... T4 St L. ft i r. fa. 4a. 81 C. M. Si R. P. g. 4a. .107 st. l. s. w. ia 84 C. N. W. e. 7a C, R. I. P. 4a .U4 tteaboard A. It. 44 11 lit .. Bo, PaclBc 4a., do col. ia C.C.C. 8. L. (. Cblraao Tar. 4i. 7 4 so. Railway M 4a.. ion V Tel" ft p. M ,T., St. u ft w. 70 Con. Tobacco 4a bl Vnlon Pacific 4a 101 Colo. So. 4a 84 D. ft R. O 4a 8TS Brla prior Han 4a.... 87 do gen. 4a alii T. W. A V. C. la... .1044 Hocking Val. 4Ha. . . .101, L. ft N. unl. 4a i Offered. go conv. 4a.... 8ft V. a. 8teal II ta... Wabaph la do deb. R W. ft L. E. 4a Wli. Central 4a Colo. r. & I. a. la. . 414i :S . 8! Boston fttook Qantatlons, BOSTON, 'March 28 -Call loans, 2 per cent; time loans, SHtitH per cent, clal closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlsna adj. 4a 'S4 Wealing, common . do 4i n Anvantura Mex. Central 4a.. An b Icon do pfd Bontoii ft Albanjr. ftoetnn ft Maine.. 4J Allouei lkT4i Amalxamated 8H4t American Zinc .... IUV Alia. .lie lsoto Blnabam . 481 . 8 . l .4M . 18 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . He . 4 . 8 . 88 . tH . 18 V, . 88 . 4V, . 80 :.H . . 11 ,: ,. 71 Poetnn Elevated ....138H lal. ft Hecla Fltchburg pfd .. ,...HH Canttnnlal Mel. Central 10V Copper Ranee . N. Y., N. II. A H... Pere Marquette t'nion Pacific , Arte. Chem.. do pfd .WA Duly Wet,t . 78 Dominion Coal . ;' Franklin . 13i Orancjr . 7! Inle Rnyale .... Amer. Pneu. Tube. IS Man. Mining . Amer. Sugar 125 Mlrhlgan so pfd 1:04 Monasx Amer. T. ft T 114 Mont. C. ft C. Amer. Woolen 10 do pfd 78 Plmlnlon I. A 8 t'n Old Dominion . Oeceola Parrot Qulney (.. Fhannon Tamarack Trinity V. 8. Mining.., u. s. on Vteh Vlitorla Edlaon Electric Ulu. 834 (leneral Electric .108 . IU . 7tl . 88 . 89 . 47 . !St4 Nana. Electric .... do pfd Maee. Oaa t'nlted Fruit Vnlted 8hoe Mach. do pfd V. . Steel dn pfd Bid. . II Winona 4714 Wolverine London Stock Market. LONDON. March 26.-Closlng: ' Console, money... tf lt-lt-i Norfolk ft W... do account fa do pfd Anaconda 8-14 Ontario ft W... Atchison 70T4 PennaylTanta ... 64 ..... 89 .... 1114 ftt ti tS 40 "J, l 49- MS J't U P 18 do pfd .. ft Rand Mlnee .... ,. Riadlng ..117m do let pfd... ..St do 2d pfd... .. 15r-i So. Railway ..148 do pfd .. 13Vi Jo. Pacific .. il Vnlon Pacific ... ..11 do pfd .. !" C 8. Steal . CI, do ptd .. 4.'l Wabaih . .1(W4 da pfd .. 17 Spanish 4 Baltlmora ft Ohio.. Canadian Pacific ... Chea. ft Ohio Clilca.o Gt W C. . M. ft 8t P fleBeera D. ft R. O da pfd Erie do let pfd do td pfd Illlnola Central .... M., K. ft T K. T. central.. lie- SILVER Bar, quiet, 25 U-16d per ounce. jviwiM. 1 vsiu4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; for throe months' bills, 2Vy-3 per cunt. Bank Clearings fur Week. Comparative statement of- bank clearings ror the week: 191M .11,31 2.440.59 . I,l3j,53a.u6 . 1,2W9,S99.70 1903. ti. 292,283.00 1,l92,7t8 97 I.194.78H.38 Monday Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday Friday ..... ..... Saturday 1.363.487.79 l,291.3l6.63 , 217, 064. 45 . 1,306,840.64 1,215,950.71 1,225.802.33 An Increase of 1210,991. 29 over the corre sponding week last year. OMAHA WHOLESAMi MARKET. Condition ot Trade aad ((notation on Staple and Fancy Produce. EQQS Receipts, liberal; market steady! fresh stock, 14c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10c! young roosters, 64jVc; old roostKrg, Sc; turkey.s, 13c; ducks, 9u; geese, 80. RUTTEK Packing stock, llc;. choice to lancy dairy roiln, 13:140; separator, 22c. FKUU1I FISH Trout, 94.uio; pickerel, 6i6c; pike, 9c; perch, 66o; blueflsh, 15o; whitellsh, 63o; nalmon, lju; hudduck, 10o; codfish. 12c; redsnapper, Uc; lobster, bolted, per lb., 82c; lobsters, green, per lb., 8O0; bullhead, 11c; cattish, 13ii4c; black has, 20c; halibut, 10c; crappb'S, :3o; herring, 4'io; white liass. 13c; hluelins, 4c; imells. lOifllc. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43o; per gal., 12 30; extra select, per can, 80c; per gal , 81.75; standurd, per can, 27c; per gal., tl.36oj1.4A BR AX Per Ion. tl8.ttl. HAY Prices o,uoted by Omaha Wholesale Dialers' association: Choice No 1 upland, J6.50; No. 2, $0.00; medium $5 50; coarse, $5.00; 1 va straw. fo.OU. Thes prlues are for hay ot good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts ngnt. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado.; Dakota, per bUi,; native, 81.UU. NAVY BtiANti Per bu.. $2.2ofi2.35. CELERY Large California, oc, I5c, and lc. ONIONS 8anUli, per crate, 81.90; Colo rado vi'lluw and tea, per 10 , Jc. CABBAGE Wisconsin. Holland, 4c. TURNIPS-White, per bu., 600. CAHKOTB-Per bu., $1.00. PARSNIPS Per bu., 7ic. PKM'IB-l'ar bu.. 75c. CAULIFLOWER California, per crat. $2l5. CUCUMBERS-Per do.. 11.7tiffJ.00. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-bauket crate, 13.5ot,4.uO. KAUI8HES Per dot. bunches. SStfiOc. LETTUCE HEADS Pr dox. bunchea. tocii w; top lettuc. per oos.. tawxic. TURNIPS aiouinori., par aox., hoc, BEETS Southern, per dox., 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dox., 73c. PARSLEY Southern, pir do., tLOO. SH ALLOT3 Per do.. 75c. ONION BETS Per bu. of 82 lbs., yellow $2 26: red 12.25; white, $2.60. SPINACH Pr bu.. 86c$l.0. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, fS.OO; string, per pu. dox. 4 uo FRUITS. APPLES California Ballflowera. per box. S1.T6: Oreaon fancy red, per box. 8190; New York expoit Oreeulug, Ruaaets and Baldwin. 84. uo. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., $7; per dox, a.. no. , STRAWBERRIES Texaa, per 24-qt, case, TROPICAL FRUITS. OKANGLS ;vei, cnoice, all a I sea, $2.40 4.tio; lancy navels, all aisea, 8i. ito. LEMONS Calltornla, lancy. 0 to 2&, 83.00: choice. 240 to iiU Sixes. 83.0uii8.Zo. lUat California, per 10-lb. carious. 86c Imported bmyrna, i-crown, 14a; 6-crown, loc; 7-crown. 16o. BANANAS Per medium ailed bunch, Kuoftrivu; Jumbo. Vi.lla3.a. DATES Persian, Per box of 80 pkk.. 82 per lb. In bo-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental tuff J uaiee. per oox. 84 J. COCOANUTS-Per aack, $4: per doi., Mo. MI3tt L.1A..-M f.UUO. Clih-ESE Wlaconaiii twina. full cream. 12c: Wisconain Young America a, 13c; block Swlaa, ltic; Wlaooasln brick, 18c; Wisconsin limourger, uc. L'lUtH-Per bbl., 85.50; per -bbl.. tl 2B, HONEY-Nebraska, per 24 framea. 13 Wtan ana Colorado, per il Irani, 83. HORSERADISH I'tr oaa of 1 dog. packed, sue. buuak 4jnio, per lb., loc. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 1 green, Sc No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 8 salted, to: No. veal calf. 8 to 12 lb.. 8c; No. 2 vral calf. 12 to ia ioa., oc; ory aaiteo nines, !"THc aneen pens, z.-xu-'c; nnrse nioea, n Vj&2 J. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 aoft ahelk t.r lb ltic; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 aoft ahull. per id., ijc; ro. 3 nara aneu, par id.. 12c lip. M IK 1 1 . - e IV,.P, . Ik 11. " -. - . , . . . . . . , av, u . , almonda. aoft ahell. per lb., ISc; hard iliell per lb., isc. pecana. larg. per lb., Uo mall, per lb. 10c: neariuta. ner lb.. c roasted peanuta. per lb., 8c; Chill walnut ltiHc: laige hlckorv nut per bu . II jO shell! arki, per bu., $2; black walnut, pr bu.. $i.:.v lly Gaodi Market. NEW YORK. March 26 -IRY GOOD Ttnvra eintiniiai i rfr,iln frrim niwratin under the. iiellvf that piice will decline and until that time arrival will rental inactive On the other hand, manufacturer are firm in their idt'a end refuse to mak contract exocpl ut ruling prices. Under thes condition the market clor auletl and unchanged, either as to prlcea or move meat ot goo a. OilAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Deiirabl Bef 8:er8 Ten U rifln CnU Higher for the Wek. HOGS ALSO SHOW AN ADVANCE Bbees) Active aad Fifteen to Qaarter Higher X"aB a Week Ago, Good Laxmlia Tea to Klffeea Higher aad Others A boot Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. March 28. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. ... 8.510 4.166 8 4jA Official Monday Official Tuesdav ... Official Wednesday QfTiclal Thursday .. Official Friday Qfllclal Saturday ... ... 8.971 7.904 ... 1.817 8.8TS ... 8.820 ' 8.393 ... 1,068 4.91 ... 68 8,901 10,124 11.1H7 a 4il Total this week 22.029 86,99 42.708 Seme days last week 23.391 48.870 M.844 Same days week before.. 18.478 38,678 81. Kl Same three weeks ago.. .16,528 8S.936 86.039 Seme four weeks ago. ...21.817 68.4S8 86.445 Same days last year 21,161 45,250 81.918 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. ' The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and aheep at Bouth Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 180. 190S. Ino. Teo. Cattle tH.t 127.140 8,721 Hoga 869.899 MS.) 18.499 Sheep 441.931 834,583 107.&43 Aver pre prices paid for nogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: Data. 1904. 11908. 11902. 11801. 100. 11899. 11898. I 011 S Bl 4 881 8 611 1 78 881 I I 271 4 )' 8 51 8 7 021 6 111 4 691 8 Ml 8 W J OTI 8 071 I HI I IBS 8 JT t 111 i 97 86 4 T4 8 8J t ,1 I I .'ii' a 70' 8 45 ir.i a 111 a rrri a 71' 9 8 8 I 6 as 4 .11 f oat a 1 7 Hi i 8 41 ( 4 711 8 681 s 71 8 8 79 8 74 7 rs & tn 4 7 : j ni 7 29 T )tl 6 oi a jsi - 1 s a 1S I 40! 4 761 7 23 20 6 451 4 791 1 C 7 M a 6 131 6 56 4 76l 8 621 t m 8 68 6 10! M 4 791 8 61 4 RSI S 65 T 19 7 10 6 56 1 70 8 15 6 21 a 14 8 65 ! 3 71 7 05 5 65 6 .61 a 8 6 8 73 4 89 3 71 4 86 1 68' 4 811 8 661 8 75 4 S5I 8 601 8 70 4 901 3 68 3 76 7 191 8 22 7 8ti 6 17 1 0 il 7 84! 6 251 5 M 6 81 7 46 7 8KI 0 23 4 931 1 ! I 71 7 261 8 3 5 76 1 67 1 07 7 21 8 361 6 87! 4 89 I 8 65 Indicates Sunday. he official number of cara of stock brought In today by each road waa: i'uiila linn, RhMin H'r'l. M. & St. P 4 8 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 nlon Psclrlc 8 1 22 8 10 1 1 & N. W E. St M. V St. P., M. AO.. & M. Ry B. A Q R. I. & P., east. R. I. & P., west. 8 Total receipts 14 65 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the umber of head indicated: liuvers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omiina Packing Co Swift and Company i:i5 771 1,020 m 6j9 udahy Packing Co Armour & Co Armour & Co.. Sioux City 173 Other buyers 347 Total 347 4,083 173 CATTLE iThe same as usual, there were ot enough cuttle In tiie uids this tnurn- g to make a market. For ine week ie- ocipis are a trifle Bhort of luat week, but h compared with in." uorretiponding week f last year there la but little chance. Beef a leers have made up the bin nd or tlio receipts nil the week and the i(ua ity hua been about the aame as of late. The (hipping demand, as well us the demand from lo-al packers, lias been in good su.ip nd wni.e price nave fluctuated duck and forth to ouite an extent, still the neneral tendency ha been upwrd. The noil eab:e ca lure or tne ttaue tnis wctK ttii tne at' entlun eiven by packer to the duality of the cattlp. They nil eeoincd to want month, even, well-finished, blocky ca tie or all weights, and those kinds are gtn r- ftlly lOxiloc higher ror tne week. 1'iain and Uneven cattle have not sold so freely nnd are verv little hierher than a week nsro. while tvarmed-uns are orobabl.v more thun steadv. Good to choice cattle are ruotable from J4.Cft to 85.00, with aomethlng foncy as high as $5.25; fair to pood enttle adl from $4 il to 84.50 and the short-fad kinds from in Ml to 14 00 Th ,'ow market has been bnsk mint ail the wet'k and good lluhtwelght heifers and well-finished rows or ngnt to mianim weight are generally a (ftiarter higher man a week niro. Heftvy cows and the irneril rnn of fair to jtood cows and hrirers are not over lOlilio higher for the week, while oannera are selling In much the Fame notchea thev have for some . time pnst. Good to choice cows and heifers are quota- M from 13 40 to, ratr to good rova from 1 .v to 8 ?5 and canners and cuttera from 12 00 to t; 40. Bulls have been alow sale an tne ween ml hnvii sh.iwn verv little chansre. Polngna grades are selling largelv st rrom 8? so to s?.ss. witn tne aooo rat onus rro-n tl.00 to $8.25. Veal calves are In good re mand at firm prlcea, aa high as $5.(5 being Tinld for the heat. mere nas neen a rair run or siuuser nil feeders here thla week for the time of year. The market lias been ratner bpotteo, being a little stronger on some day than on others, but at the clou of the week trier Is practically no quotable change rom the cloae of last week, ine better grades on most daya have aold readily nougn. while common kinua nave Deeti neglected to some extent. Uood to cholco glad are uuotable at from $3-75 to . with someining atrictiy cnoice a inn above that; fair to good from $3.60 to U. and the commoner kinds from 83.00 down. HOUS There was another ngnt tun ot hogs here thi morning and with a fairly liberal demand the market allowed an advance of fully a nickel. Trading was fairly actlv. ao tnat moat vryining waa disposed of Id good aeaaon. Th am aa was tne case yesterday, ins rang 01 prices was narrow, ths big bulk of th hogs selling within a spread of a nickel. Quality and not weight now determlnea prlcea. tuner cnoice 11 envies or uguia top the market, aa la shown by the fact that hoga weighing 277 pound and others only ltj pounds sold today at $5,17 and tuG-pound hogs brought 85.20. The bulk of tne nogs soia irom to.iu 10 o.i, witu toe long string at nm. common, trasny Stuff sold from $5.10 down. For the week receipt nave been ngnt, arrivals showing a loss of about lo.oix) head, both aa compared with laat week and with the corresponding week of last year. The demand has been liberal, both from shipper and local packers, and prices nave moveu sieauny uiiwaiu ever biiiuv Monday. As compared with the close of last week trier is a net gain amounting to about 15c. Thla advanc carries th mar ket nearly back to where It was Maron IS. The light receipts this week are taken as an Indication that farmere are not willing to sell their hogs for leas tnan 80 ou. lusp- ressnlatlve sales: Mar. l... ( 18 Mar. I... 091 Mar. 8... 8 12 Mar. ... (04 I W.- i At 1 88! m : ::: ' mmv. I ... l D lll'V ... fe;- l m.i I Mar. 10... BP. n'nr. jt,,, n iika. Mar. 12... 6 15 Mar. 1.1.. Mnr. 14... g 15 Mar. IS.. S 26 Mar. 18.. 8 15 Mar. 17.. 6 04! Mar. 18.. t 04 Mar. 19.. 4 7 Mar. 20. J Mar. 21.. 4 M Mnr. 22.. 4 93 Mar. 23.. 4 9r Mar. 24.. 6 01 6 0V Mar. 26,. 6 12 No. A In. Pr. Nu. At. gh. Pr. .8 114 130 I 04 71 244 849 8 12Va 44 288 80 I 08 t tut ... I 111 81 tit ... t 18 84 210 80 4 KW (4 tl ... I 10 78 124 40 4 13'i 48 148 'It 8 10 18 V:i 40 4 80 121 40 6 10 18 ill ... 4 ia 47 888 104 I It 44 tb4 40 8 It 44 oJ 80 4 10 11 21S 80 4 16 84 tit 80 I 10 77 134 4 It 14 181 80 ( 14 tl 818 140 8 It 88 100 820 I 10 1 0 247 ... I 16 k to4 80 i 10 44 liO ... I 1 48 241 80 I lt4j 8t rt 80 6 10 10 217 ... t i: 42 238 80 4 16 84 1 ... 8 iti 81 t0 180 i 18 tt 2U 10 4 It 4 61 tut ...-4 16 44 217 40 tile (4 214 120 116 88...- f7 ... 4 121, to . 278 40 8 It 14 214 120 8 ll'i 14 1.14 ... 4 18 88 118 ... 4 12 10 242 ... 4 16 18 2-0 180 4 1214 72 I ... 8 16 87 184 ... 4 11 li 1t 248 ... 4 16 - 181 ... 4 124 44 16 80 8 II 17 22.1 40 I 12 80 271 ... 6.17 t 40 4 12 14 804 ... I 20 84 40 8 12W SHFKP There wer practically no aheep on aal thla morning, but for th week recli)ta ahow an increase over last wek of about 8.010 bead, and a compared with the umi week of iaat year there 1 a ttaln of about ll.ouu head. Considering the lib eral recelpta. though, tne market naa been In exceptionally aood condition. In fact. trading baa been very active, with th tendancy of price upward. Ewea and wethers can aafely be quoted a quarter higher for the week, while yearling ar all of 10trl6c hlKtier. Good to choice lamb ar also Watte higher, but th lea desir able, grades ar slow and no more than steady. Th quality of th lamba coming forward thla week baa not been at all good, with the exception of a bunch which fold for $5.63. and number one at IS 60. A choice bunch ought tu bring right around 46-4. Practically the only fcedera comlna for ward are fchorl fed lauibs. fur which tliure tie quit a demand at about th me prlcu a hav bean ruling for aom tlm naat. uuotatioog for xra-I4 stock: Choice) l.tmhs. tT..." .VI; good to choice Mexican yearlings, 84 "'j6.1.; good to choice western yesrlltigs, 4.7i a j.t"1; fulr to good yearlings, 84 fn'oN i5; good to choice wether, 84 7i J 4 9-; fair to good wethers. It 21u4 ."; good to choice ewes. 84 2.4 90; fair to good ewea, 81 764. IS. CHICAGO IJVK STOCK MAHKKT, Cattle Nosnlaal, laeea and l.amha teady aal Hoga lllahrr. CiriCAOO. March 26 CATTLE Hecelpta, k) head; market nominal; good to pi line steers nominal, 8n.2.VuT 75; poor to mcillum, $3.9o Oti- stockcrs and feeders, $J.7:A;' 30; cows, 81.rIUt.28; heifers. 2 2C'ii2.7R; canners, 1.754i'I ; bulls, 12 il'dl 10; calves, ti.iAH 50; Texas fed steers. HOOJH B. HOtlS-Recelpfs, 7,000 head; estimated for Monday, 10.000; market Be higher; mixed- and botcliers. if. KiP3 bS; good to choice heavy K 4ou6 TO; rough heavy, l" 80 fi64S; 4? 6. 45. 04a; ngnt,,1, bulk of sales, SHEEP AND LAMTIS-Rerelnts. 2 000 head; market steadv; jambs steady: good to choice wethers, 84.754rj.8o; nstte lambs, 84.0O4J6.75; western lambs, $4.5cJ.75. Kanaaa City Live atock Market. KANSAS CITY, March 2. CATTIJD Recelpta, X head; market etroner: export and dressed beef Risers, t4.taYu6.2o; fair to food, 83.6n4i4.40; western fed steers, 1 3 40; stockers and feeders, 83 00a4.35; south ern steers, 83. 6(4. 25; nouthern cows, 8?. 40 C3 15; native cows. 87.UOfci4.00; bulls, 82 50 tjl.70; calves, 83 .00(56 50. HOOS Receipts, 2.5i0 head; market 80 higher; top, 8r25; bulk of sales. tMOtfS.SO; heavy. tSli'ZS: packers, to.lOii6.22; pigs and Hahta, (4 2T4ifi.SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head: market steady; native lambs, 16.n0 f6 75; western lambs, 84 75W.75; fed ewes. t4.0O4f-4.60: yesrlings, t48iwiKi.25: stockera and feeders, tl754 50. Receipts of week: Cat tle. 28.100 head; hogs, 28,400 httad; sheep, 17.300 head. Mt. Ionls live Stock Market. ST. IXUIS. March 28.-OATTLR Re celpta, 800 head; market steady; natlv shipping and export fteers. M10N25: dressed beef nnd butchers' steers, $3. 900 6 00; teers under l.nno lbs., $3 764 90: stock ers ann reeoers, 3 3Mr4 tm; rows and heifers try'SSRi; canners. $2.1(w;60: bulls. t"65f 8.50; calves 4.00i5.50: Texas and Indian steers. $3.SO(ff'4 40; enwa and Indian ataore, 83.8ndT4.40; cows and heifers. tS.lOfiS 20. HOtlS Receipts. 1 fino head: market steadv. Pigs and lights, $4.76fT5 00; stock ers 85.ftVn5.40; butchers and best heavy, $fi.SVfJR P5, BMEEP AND LAMBS Rec spits. 1 (Soft head; market stesdv. Native mutton, M00 M0: lambs, t4.7oer8.fin: culls and bucks, $2.256850; atockera, $2.0O&8.00. New York I Ive Stock Market. NEW YORK. March 26 BEEVES Re celpta, none and no trading; dressed beef, steady; ordinary to choice native sides. 6o to 8o. Exports today, 620 cattle, 131 Sheep ana 4 750 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 76 head; feeling, steady; veals, $ii.76; no prime or choice veais on sale; city dressed veals, steady at $7 fl2c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.467 head; sheep, steady: common lambs, steady; good to choice lambs, firm; medium aheep, $4.X6; ordinary to choice lambs, $5.90 till. 70; yearlings. $5.60; dressed mutton, 8 to 8c: dressed lamb. 8 to 10c. HOGS Receipts, 2.193; none for sale; feel ing nominally steady. Slons City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, March 26.-(Spelal Tele pram.) CATTLE Receipts, 500 head; mar ket steady; beeves, 83.6uiQt.60; cows, bu la and mixed. 123.50: stockera and feeders, t3.00a.3.85; calves and yearlings, 12.753.60; cows and heifers, t2.0rxn3.50, HOGS Receipts, 2, On" head; market strong, t4.9Giff5.15; bulk, $5.055.10. St. Joseph I. Ive Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March JO. CATTLE) Receipts, 44 bead; market unchanged. HOGS Receipts. 1,63 head;, market 83 higher: light, $5.0ug5.10; medium and heavy, $6.2i&5.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Stock tn Sight. Following are the recelpta of live atock ror tne aix principal western citl yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen South Omaha.. Chicago Kansas City.... St. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City Totals 68 s.902 17'1 .. SOO .. 600 .. too .. 44 .. 600 .iloi 7.000 2.500 l.Son 1.0U 2,0"0 18.6S5 I.tV) 8' W 1,600 8,976 Foreign Financial. LONDON. March 26. Money was In strong quarter-end demand today. On the stock exchange consols were weak acd Americans showed an undecided tendency on fenm of further litigation In the North ern Becurltles cne. Thev closed oiiitlv steady. Grand Trunks dropped on adver3 iorecasts ot mo retiruary revenue, jap aneso were exceptionally firm. PARIS. March !. Trading on the bourse today opened with a better tone and re mnlned and closed cnlm. Russian Imp Mil fours closed at 94.60. The private rate of. nlscount -was per rent. 'I nre per o-nt rente, 6 francs iiB cnttmes ror the nccount KxchanRp on London, 25 frtines 24',a cen times for checks. BERLIN. March 26. -Trading on hours today wis nuiet and quotations friictlonallv lower. Exchange on London ?o marks 4i nftr The rate of discount for short hills. 3 per cent, and for three months' bills, s per cent. Wool 1 arket. BOSTON. March SR. WOOL Pulled and territory wools steady. Quotations: Ter ritoryIdaho fine, J5il."V4c; heavy fine, IS'fj? 14c: fine medium. ih!i(l:'; medium. UiSjlvc; low medium. IT'S ISc. Wyoming Fine, 151? 16c: heavy fine, ISfillc; flue medium, l r t 15K.C: medium, 1S.jl9c: low medium, l((n'19c. 1 tah and Nevada 1 ine. )t'iif.,o: havv fine. lSOT14c: nne medium, lbwoltsc: medium lS'rflOc; low medium, 19'i20c. Dakota Fine. I.vl6c: nne -medium. iiitiic: medium, is-o1 19c; low medium. 19f"2iic. Montana-Fin rho ce. IPiHHc: nne medium cnoice. ixwi9c average. 1i'il9c; staple, 19fa20c; medium lo choice, lffiinc ST. LOl'IS. March ZR. wom-Hteanv: medium grrdea. combing and clothlnc. 1W 22o; light fine. 15il7c; heavy fine, l?4j'14o; tub wished, 7'rj!r. LONDON. March zs. wntii-ntiring tne wek cross-bred woola were firm and fine merinos The arrivals to date fnr the next series numbered liz.hsi bales, or which 65,000 were forwarded direct. Oil and Itualn. OIL CITY. Pa.. March 26 OIL Credit balancea, 81.71; rertiflcatea, no bid; ship ments, to. 756 bbls.: average, 66.rt:'2 bhls. ; runs, 107,321 bbls.; averaae, 76 476 bbls.; shin- ment, IJma. 77,197 bms.j average, bhls.: run. Lima, 69.653 bbl.; average, 6428 bbls. BAVANNAM, ia., Marcn st. uiLr turp entine steady, 6So. ROSIN Firm: A. it. c ana i,; k. $2.65: F, $260; O. $2 65; H. $2 70; I, 12; K, 8.130: im. j.3s; n, kou, w. u,, tw iu; W. w ti oo. REGISTERED BONDS ARE SAFE Court Holds Broker Liable for Sal When Hot Authorised by Owner. NEW YORK, March 26. A decision has been handed down by the appelate division of the supreme court affirming the decision of Justice Si'ott. In which a member of the New York Stock exchange knd three railway companies were held liable for losses sustained through ths unauthorized tranafer of registered bond. It Is th first decision of that nature and was based on the suit of the Jennie Clarkson Home for Children, the treasurer of which sold through a broker a lot r,t bonda with which th home was endowed and fled with the money. It was shown that ths' treasurer had forged a resolu tion of the home'a directors, enabling hlra to procure th transfer of ths bonds to himself. TRUCE DECLARED AT BUTTE Contesting; .Wining Companies Reach n Agreement a to Dis puted Property. BUTTE, Mont., March 26.-For the first time In years there Is absolute peaca in the underground working of the Butte mine, and by th ttrru of th truce, de clared temporarily, between the representa tives of the Minnie Healy and the Boston ac Montana companies, each agrees to withdraw all miners from ground In dis pute until the ownership s ha 1, have been absolutely aettled by th courts or other wise. Neither side shall attempt to ex tract ore or do work of any kind until that time, and each agrees to cease all overt acts, sgcb as blasting, smoking ami th us bf water, steam, etc., for th purpoaa Of holding or galulug ground. GIVES DE KEYSER DAMAGES Jary In Laadaa Ma let a Aathor Who Areaaed nfTleer of tlrwelty. LONDON, March 26 While mlselor.ark s wers petitioning President Rouscvi-lt and Secretary Hky at Washington yostorilny t intervene In behalf of the natives of the Congo Free State, Captain Henri de K.-y-aer, a former offlceir of the Congo Free State, was suing Captain Quy Iturrows In an English court for libel In Connection with the alleged atrocities. Captain llur rowa. on hla return from the Congo. Janu ary 1, 1902, published a book, In which ho charged Captain de Keyscr with commit ting numerous atrocities on natives, shoot ing them, cutting off their hands nnd other wise mutilating them, etc. The taso had been on trial for two d:iys and resulted In a verdict In favor of Cnptaln de Keyser, who was awarded 82.5") damages. In the course of his i 1rl.vcc Captain de Keyser not only swore that he himself waa guiltless, but gave a dtii.u! of similar charges current against tin; Congo Free Btate officials generally. The defendant produced no evident in support of the charges. Two other suits against Captain Burrows, brought by Captains Chaltin and Duoile culck, both Congo officials, whem Hurrows charged with dlsembowllng Infanta, ate, were settled In court, Purrowa agreeing to pay each of the plaintiffs 8250 damages. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. (Continued from Pago Fourteen.) "Helmweh" by Hugo Wolf, three song from the "Trompeter von Sakklngnn" by Rledl, "Die Drel Zigeuner" by Mart, a Bolero" by Arditt, and the aria from the fifth act of 'The Prophet" by Meyerbeer. Miss Josephine Hartmann will play a bnce of plana number. Tomorrow night at the First Congrega tional church of thla city, a tnipl!"' recital will be preaented by Mlas Luell.t Allen nn.l Miss Lillian Fitch, assisted by Miss 8w i- -son. harpist, when a rich program of llic Intellectual and musical offerings will he submitted to the public ear by the enrm--'- students of the teacher aforesaid. The word "recltatlonlst" In Inst fttindny s music column of The Bea, In connet li.-i: with Bchumnnn-Hetnk, should have lieiu recltallst," but THOMAS J. KELLY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record March 26, aa fur nished by the Midland Uuarontee mid Trust company, bonded abstracter, lull Farnam street, for The Bee: J. W. Thomas and wife to J. N. Haskall, part of lot 18, Crescent park t 1,21(1 Louis W. Schlver and wife to XV. L. Harris, lot 32, block 6, W. L. Selby's add 1 Claua Sump and wife to Theodore Sumo. aA alfc bw'A sec. 82-15-12. and other land Fred L. Ooodrlch to J. Emll Carlson et al, lot 19, block 10, Shull'a 2d add Eva Locke Ivea to Charlea B. Hor ton, lot 3, block 4, Kllby Place Rosette S. Stuart to George B. Kiak-y, lot 12, block 14, Walnut Hill John Ring, Jr.. and wife to Auguat M. Tillman, tindlv. lot 12, block 470, Qrandvlew add Howard B. Smith and wife to August M. Tlllmnn. undlv. lot 12, block 470, Qrandvlew Sheriff to Omaha Loan and Building association, lots 60 and 61, Clurke Place Leopoldlne Sohestcdt nnd hunlmnd to Omaha Loan and Building associa tion, lota 60 and 61. Clarke Place ... Omaha Loan and Building association to S. V. 8arl, lot 60. Clarke Place.. Ellen Weir to Monroe C. Steele, part aublot 2, tax lot 12. In aea. 21-15-13... 6,Co C'.il 6, '.ID l.UM 2.:oi 100 2,!in 2 : 17. Farnam Siruy & Co. STOCKS. DONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Far,',a;Ti St. Tel. (i)64 TEN TO FORTY SHARES UNION STOCK YARDS. SO OMAHA AT 98-SUOJECT Tu' SALE. " WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY la bound to be the best investment of the ug mnl puy Immense dividends: tloO in vested now in this slock will be worth thousand In a Bhort time. Fo Ill's: WKIUHT, M'KINI.KV, PRKKLK, SClll.V LKU and WORDSWORTH lire eiiulpln'.l with Atnericuii De Forest ytfin. The British P. o. Dept. has adopted nnd i.i using De Forest system In Ireland ami Wale. The U. ti. PIkiuiI Corns recently ftnv contract, to De l-'oreat Co. fur wiv es apparatus for Al.iska. The LONDON TIMES Is using the American DK I-'olilOSI' WIRELESS system In reporting the J.VP RUSSO WAR news, sending pre dis patches 230 mile across Yellow sea. Ha vana and Key West will In a few weeks lie connected by De Forest system. For salo limited amount of INTKHNATION A I, WIRELESS stock. (Par value 810.00, full paid and non-assessable), for short tl:no only, at SI. 00 Per Share. This stock I exchangeable,' par 'for -' par, for stock of th AMERICAN' UK FOREST WIRELESS TEL. CO. Don't aulas this chance of aettina" nrat claas atock, aeenred by lOO patent and profitable government nnd for eign contract, at n bnrgaln price. Remit for aharra drelred by check, money order, retflatered letter, etc., to order of A. F. 4 'LA It K. tttli go. dtlt' St., Philadelphia, I"a. S COa Incorporated CaplUI and Surplus $600,000. Dealers In GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. REFERENCES: 178 State rod Na tional litmus &. Commercial Agenda. ltv branch Office. General OUleei V V. I. II llulldlug, allN.NBAPOLia. Omaha Brau.-b IUIS Farnam S.. Tel. 3 KIT. TIIOS. M. WAItDif'K, Cor. . Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly Iu all market Office, 652 Ee Building, Telephone 24S6. 0. W. UPDIKE. MANAGER, The Merchants National Bank ot Omaha, Neb. tit-gate? Capital tod Surplus, $600,000 tun uim, re. sec a. wooa. v. rr. UltlU 4UIXC84wr. f lJt T. IUI.1IM, Aaat Ulm. .Uaatva oont at kaAka. aankara. aartar. Uaaa, gnaa ul laaleMaal tatorakl tariaa. gorals Baaasaa teas! a aul. Latun a Cr4it lasuaal. aealUkl la all s Ik. ur!4 tnt.raat I4 aa Tliaa Cartltiatas ot Deposit, (allaatlaa. aua arwnoHIr ao.4 eaeaeiluali. We rn.iat nrra ai Sanaa