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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1904)
J The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 13 TO 20. g 3si?,a?srw''srrarSir ESTAIUIHIIEIJ JUNE . 19, 1871. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, MAIU'H 27, 1004. Mini jmLU EASTE mksm Ha Jl jH 5 Groceries! Groceries! Tour b-t Interests are digestion and your poeketbook, and don't forget that the foods that wHfth lightest on BOTH are Just the foods that make a man "healthy, wealthy and wise." Hure thing - Ifs In this respect that BENNETT'S groceries outshine all others pur lty, freshneKs and quality of foods make for good dlsestlon and our sensational cut prices are the best guardians to your poeketbook. A High Old Time With Little Green Stickers Monday- j teamed m One dollar s worth of Orten Trading Stamps vitk each bot tle of tlie following - Gcdney's Chili Sauce, pint bottle 50c Gtdnty i Pepper Sauce, red, pint bottle, tie ' (hdney'i Pepper Sauce, green, pint bottle Sc Gcdney's Sour Pkklc.t, pint bottle tUc $1 worth Grren Trading Stamps with each pound full rrtam Ato York Cheese, per pound 0c. 60c worth. Green Trading Stamps with each vuckaac California Fiat. per package ioc 60c Green Trading Stamps with 3 pkg. Swansdown CodAfh tSe J talis mm y rmn TOMORROW morning Omaha's greatest store greatest in the sense of magnitude, assort ments, trading supremacy and money paving opportunities throws wide its portals and asks your most critical inspection. For weeks and weeks our buyers have been cn the eastern markets, our managers have been working almost night aud day in the refurnishing of stocks, our entire organization, peverely strained with increasing business, has had a strenuous time with store alterations, with installations of new fixtures, with improvements in general work ing facilities. At last the work is done done oh time. The culmination of -these weeks of hard work will burst into fullest reality at the opening hour tomorrow morning, eight o'clock. Come to the Spring Opening. Kaufman's select orchestra will give two concert 10:30 to 1 and 3 to 5:80 o'clock. The store will be elaborately decorated in our clever decorator's best style. Easter palms, plants, sprays and lilies will throw grateful vernal tints all around. Cigar j Dept. Joe Wright Cigars, 0in CC-a box.... M5? $4 worth of Green Trading Stamps with each box. Mil Wednesday March 30, Is oar regular monthly Red Letter Green Trading Stamp Day Brine your hook WBDSrSDAt Grern Trading Stamp PuU aud vie mill pasta A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GREEN STICKERS INTO IT. THEY WILL COST YOU NOTHING. Don't t. ksrs f la alia a par chase. Fruits! Fruits for Easter and Oren Trad ing Rtnmps with 'em Monday anil Tuesday. One dollar's worth of little Ureen Stickers with the under noted. Six measures of Peanuts for , One pound any kind of Nuts One pound Fancy Mixed Nuts Three quarts Cranberries for .... One peek Fancy New York .Baldwin Apples lor...,. ,25c 17c .171c 25c ..40c mm The articles itemized above carry one dollar's worth of Green 'Trading Stamps EACH. Mon day and Tuesday. Fruit Department. Basement. Meats! Sale of Meats. T Double Green Trad y J ing Stamps with all Department Monday. We nre headquarters ' tnf Mntmll'a i . i vi' n Uti,l.. tiums, tin oon and L4irj. We nre receiving dally big shipments, and for this great Spring Opening we have received a gigantic shipment of these extra suprrllne brands. Light Wapello brand Bacon, nice strips, leun and tender Sn per pound I"" Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacdn, small strips, "Just the weights lOln you want" per pound laV Everything In the Meat Market Mon day carries double Oreen Trading Slumps. "Now, what do you think of' mm Purses! Purses! And Green Trading Stamps ' Real Saffian leather Wrist Bags, full lined and fitted IVlth finrt narr q aaa n4 coin purses, fully worth dollar-fifty jsionaay m 59c And 15 in Green Trading Stamps With Each Wrist Ba. Ileal Kaftian Leather Purses in all the popular colors styl ish shape part of them fitted with card . 1Q case aud coin purse values 50c and 75c, f - : And $3.00 in Green Trading Stamps. .:t i Jewelry Department. v ... Grand Easter Opening in the Dry Goods Dept. We want to make Easter week a memorable period in our. Dry Goods and Woman's Keady-to-wear Departments. The space allotted in t his issue will not allow us to give you an account of all the many inducements that will be offered to make this Easter week the greatest selling week in the history of the big store. - 50c OIR GLOVE DEPARTMENT Contains fabric gloves in blaok and OS-. colors at 7c. 60c and These are the best styles and values ever offered In Omaha. ' OC R VEILING DEPARTMENT Has Just been supplied with all the up-to-date veiling nets and veils of the present season. Twl special Items should ctmmand your attention. 45 pieces of black and fancy Bilk OCp net veillnar at OW A full assortment of colored veils, really worth 75c, at WOMEN'S KBCItWEAR The very latest effects in Persian and Bul garian novelties and iace and Mexican drawn work as welt as the plain CSc staple styles, price, up from ol' WOMEN'S SLITS WE CHALXANOB THE ENTIRE WEST TO SHOW SUCH A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF TAILOR MADE SUITS AND COSTUMES AS IS TO BE FOUNp IN THIS DEPARTMENT. SPECIAL SUIT BALK MONDAY. .60 Suits In black and all colors. worth from S&.bO to . f. Q 112.50. at KJ.fxJ hob Suits the entire line of the Chicago Novelty Suit uo. bought at 60c on the dollar, worth from 113.60 . Q 71 to $38 00, at ,J DOUBLE OREEN TRAD- UNrt STAMPS WITH EACH 'OF THESE SUIT SALES. """ LADIES' . SPRING JACKETS " An fmmetise stock t covert Jackets, plain and faney weaves, at rr.5, 17.45 A Qtt 16.96, ; 6.9i and VJ '" WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS Hundreds of styles.' every Imaginable price. n ,v-4i. ). nnmher- etamlne and voll skirts, 'trimmed with taffeta silk a Ef and buttons, an 18.50 quality, at... mm WOMAN'S SHIRT WAISTS ' Nearly one hundred doxen, Just opened, line lawns, mercerised mulls, piques, vestlngs, pongees, and China silk, black and white. Our waists are for kitchen, street, parlor or ball room, prices from 120 (!() down to uVb .JX8,LK department has'been A BYWORD IN EVERY FAMILY-QUALITY. STYLES AND COMPLETE AS SORTMENT ARE OUR FIRST CARE. Wash cords at, . yard 3t3C Plain white Jap silks at, yd., fl.lB. Odn 76e,'ttc. 45c and .....!. ........ OUC SILKd FOR BHJRT WAISTS AND SHIRT WAIST SUITS IN LOUIS1NR, IEAU DE CHAMOIS. FOULARD8. SOFT Ti FFETA8 AND PONGEE. For this freat sale will place the entire STOCK OF CITINGS IN THREE LOTS. LOT 1 Funcy silks In checks and stripes, worth up to Kq. for this sale SOC LOT tFane y'siika'lnflne pattern's' 7E worth to M.00, specie 1 for A LOT SAII the Imported fancy silks and embroidered pongees. These silks are the choicest of this season's styles nn line for the Easter sale at 1. W CREPE DE CHINE Bargains, In 7Er black and colors, for U 86c and BLACK SILKS TAFFETAS, yd., for $1,26, ILOO. Sc, 0r, 75c, 690 and , PEAU DE BOIE, yd., ,1.98, H.58. fQr tl 3. 11.15, .0O and WVl. BLACK SILK GRANADINES SPECIALS 48 Inch wide pure silk, worth up to $2.00 per yard, for this sale only , 7Br ' at ,v t .k OOuOr KD DRESS GOODS 16 pieces 64-ltleh "J.aln Pr6oT Clothe suit able for .street costumes. In gray, tatv 1 blue,, brown nd cadet mlature, 4 He worth l.v the yd., Monday at I. AO 25 pieces 46 to 62 Inch Yashmak Bultlngs repels all Cust does not Wrinkle in ox ford, medium and dark gray, medium and dark navy blue, French blue, champagne, biscuit, dark' red and fancy plaids regu lar $1.60 goods, Monday I (1(1 at..........i... a.WU CO Pieces New Voiles, Etamlnes, Mistrals, canvas, crepes, tweeds, mohairs, fancy brillfnntlnes, beiges, and fancy mixtures worth up to 9Sc the yard en Monday at uUb BLACK DRESS GOODS An elegant line of high finished Sicilian Cloths, 62 to 68 Inches wide the cloth par excellence for spring wear. We will run them Monday at 75c, $1.00. $1.25. $1.50 the yurd worth 26 per cent more. A new line of 4-ln. French Voiles ff cheap at $1.25 the yd. Monday at...vfU K pieces French Crepe Etamines, Cre ponettes. striped mistrals, Panamas, granites, ranvas, poplin, t amine, pru nella and henrletta cloths e?e all go Monday at Ov OUR WASH DRESS GOODS DEPT. has had many very attractive additions In the pust 10 days. BLEACHED TABLE LINEN In all the very latest designs, 72 ins. 4 (E wide a regular $1.60 quality, for $f .Bleached Table Linen, the very newest pat terns, 68 Inches wide, worth $1. 5c Bleached and Unbleached Table Damask 73 and 66 Inches wide, special for SQrV Monday. 26. dosen all Linen Nankins In the very newest patterns else 24x24 a O QB ' ta.fio oualltv for 25 dozen all Linen Napkins else 22x22. worth $2.25, for ;PlneherostltctMMl Huck Towels, 19x98, all linen, a regular 90a towel, 9 If for i.t The celebrated Webb's Dew Bleached Irish : Linen Towel, hemstitched.. 'Ifte wortn Mc. for OOW WE ARE AOBNTS : FOR THE NEW. IDEA PATTERNS AND FASHION BOOK. The New Idea Patterns are . IOC The New Idea' Magasine, per copy 5c, enr by the year.. i " 1.75 The New York World Sunday's edition. Cut out the coupon from the funny page and bring It to our Premium Parlor, sec ond floor, and get one dollar's worth of Green Trading Stamps for It. Paper sold on main floor gg Mm r Clothing Dept. Child's Three-Piece Suits- ages 4 to 8 years, worth seven dol and a half, Moil day for And $10 in Green Trading Stamps Peninsular Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves 3 flog Double Stamps for Monday and Tuesday. The highest grade steel range made. Has more special features and more' handsome appearance than any other steel ronge on the market, hat's so! It .has double walls of steel, with ASBESTOS BETWEEN. From outer wajln of body heat Is increased In and around the oven and radiation on cooking surface is greatly Increased. Body Is In one piece. No. 8-17 Steel Range, has 6 8-Inch holes, 16x20 oven, with high helf $36 50 flame stove with high closet.l $28.50 No. 8-19 Steel Range, has C 8-lnrli hole?,'' 18x20 oven, with high shelf Same stovi with high closet.... ...iw.W No. s-15 Hpuure Cook Stoves. ...JIO.'H No. 8-17 Square Cook Stoves .1.2.75 No, 8-19 Square Conk Stoves $14.71 Double Green Trading Stamps With These Stoves and Ranges Monday and Tuesday. Best .W.ool Dusters, up from - 10c Ana soc in mam pa. Curtain Stretcher 80c Pillow Sham Holder Wood Coat Holder .. So 4a A Feast of Millinery And everybody invited to It. Hats to plesse and charm everybody. Hats that will give becomlngness to the figure and never ba so much as a strain on the pocketbook. We tell you emphatically thst our modes and styles and Ideals In millinery this season are not only the best that millinery art can produce, but they indicate clearly our expertness In selecting. See our store. If you have be;n entranced by any particular pleoe of millinery you have seen out side of the Bennett store we will show you another that Is greater. Vlrot pattern, In the most delicate combinations of gilts and OS. ifi flowers, worth $.16, at Mme. Pouyaur patterns, which are In .hnne. HiSn. nV OI VV AX The famous boat-shaped hat, A f( &'nV" VortW'at 25.00 made of rose leaves. worth'$5 4.UU One of the most dalntugund exquisite The much sought after Continental ' creations made of lace flow- hat. In navy, brown and black, trlm- ers and ribbon, worth K S (in mf,1 ln ilk and straw QB and U0, at I O.VJU eorda special at Straw colored, plaited braid, Inter woven with velvet baby ribbon, stud ornaments for trim- O QQ mlng, worth $5; at The Japanese House - Second Floor. Our store decorator made a decided hit de signing, furnishing and , finishing the charming little jupanese art room on second floor. It's a quaint, cool, re freshing, Inviting retreat, all. in tlie charming elaboration of sunny Japan. Lanterns, Chlrmware (quaintly Jap anese), Salts, Peppers, Cups Saucers, Plates, Pillows, Cozies, Work Baskets Waste Paper Baskets, Dollies, Dolls (funny little things). Match Safes (Just so cute), and dosens of unique Oriental brio-a-braca. BIL Art Grand Opening Sales THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE! ART DEPARTMENT wtqt rv CHICAGO. FACT! PICTURE FR A M E8, MOULD1NGB FYROaRAPIIIC GOODS. BEVINT LEATHER ARTICLES AND DEN No VE LTI ES. Only a visit; to this vast department will give one on Idea of the bright and up- to- - " """ u.uuu uuur. am CAaihK BAKOAJNa, mauea paiterns wun Deautuui mot tos by Longfellow, Whlttier, Taylor and others. 20c, and $2 worth of Trad- Remaraue nroof etrhin UtM left. 96c, and $3 worth of Trading Stamps. Ing Stamps. See window display. Handsomely framed carbon patterns, oval brown frames,, 69c, and $1 worth of Green Trading Stamps. Subjects that are beautiful remem brances for Easter. Madonnas by the best, well known masters and Hoffman's famous Christ at the age of 12. Double Green Trad ing Stamps in all Fram ing Monday only. Our reputation for novelty and artistic framing is unexcelled. Stationery Dept. New York World, Sunday edi tion, Tuesday 5q Cut i the Oreen Trading Stamp coupon from the top corner of the funny page and bring It to . our Pre mium .Parlor, second floor, any day, up to Saturday and get one dollar's worth of Oreen Trading Stamps for it A Snap in Dog Collars Sporting Goods Section. A big new line doubtless biggest in the city erery size, every style. A fellow fenling makes us wondrous kindget your fQur fm footed friend a collar "it will tickle him." Monday's I J price for a specially fine new idea In dog collars " Easter i Perfumes Our stock of Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, and everything In the line of toilet preparations, la entranoingly arrayed. It's a long sweep of perfume and beauty. It's an EngliKh rose garden in a condition of fine concentration. It's a bargain spot, too. Colgate's Apple Blossom, Jessamine White LilHO. Wood Violets. Sweet Pea, I .a Franc Rose, Pansy Blos soms, White Rose and Lily of the Valley Extracts all fresh, sweet, clean and capUvatlag your choice, per ounce 36o Hudnut (Hudnutlne) Mr-nalesla Tail ma, Velt Ulurnen (Duetsche) per ounce. 60o Ves-O-Lay (Peris), Melt-melo and Cytlse per ounce 76a Roger Gallet's (Paris) Blossom das Amours per ounce 75o Attractions in Toilet Waters 47-11 Toilet Water, June Rose, LllM de Perse Violet per botUe 600 Plnauil's Vegetal Extracts, LI las, French Carnation and Jockey Club, per bottle too I. & M. Florida Water small S"C Large hulf pint 6c Colgate's Violet Water, 4-ounoe..? Sao Eight ounce 746 l iver's Vegetal le Trifle 75o Face Powder Re-no-msy Hygenlc Face Powder a full Ht-.o So Full line of Freeman's Face .Powders, Tetlow's Swansdowu " 10 Levy s I-Ullanche Sic Vlolst Poudre-do-res 4$o Soaps Kirk's Juvenile Soap, In boxes of 8.... S5c 4711 White Hose Glycerine Soap. bar.. Ho CVIeates Turkish Bath Soap, par sen, 60c ach to Colaate's English Process Old Wind sor Soap, boa of ens down 80o Araiours or Colgate s Violet Soap,' box of three loo Double Green Trading Stamp on J 'outgoing adrer tined artklzs in Perfumery lkpartment Monday and Tuesday. Only njh adver tmed articles, s ' Main Floor SPRING FOOT WEAR Oxfords for Ladies and Gents Twenty different styles of DOROTHY DODD OX FORDS AND SLIPPERS Just received from the factory at Boston. " The most charming and desirable Oxford footwear ever shown in Omaha or elsewhere at any time. Patent Ideal Kids. Tan Russia Calf. Vtcl Kid. , ' World's Fair Vlcl Kid with heavy sole. Tou must see these latest products of Dorothy Dodd genius they are the perfection. Each Dorothy Dodd Oxford Is fitted with the arch sup porting idea it keeps the foot cosy, It preserve the roper poise to the carriage. You walk double the dis tance with less than one-half the fatigue, and you will feel a good Ave years younger If you wear Dorxhy Dodd. There Is a durability In Dorothy Dodd footwear. Never j et beeu equalled by any shoe on the market. GREAT PIANO SALE . Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock we will place on sale the following ten pianos Your choice for - - - : $22 DOROTHY DODD OXFORDS. ALL STYLES. AL LEATHERS. ALL PRICES. ALL SIZES AND NEARLY ALL COLORS 2.50 Oxfords for Men Ten styles in men's New Spring Ox ford a Patent Ideal Kid. Tan Russia Calf. Vlcl Kd with light or heavy sole. Send yaur husband for a pair of Oxfords Monday and get a pair of DOROTHY DODD OXFCRDS for yourself, and WHAT DO YOU THINK. T rive tollera worth of Oreen Trading Stamps with each pair. With Fine Stool. Scarf and Green Trading Stamps Absolutely Free. ; ' ' , rrlce. One full sized Walnut Piano, in fine condition, style changed In catalogue.. $3'i5 One Malioguny Piano, used three months. In good condition 1350 One Walnut Piano, a little shopworn, standard make $290 One Quarter-Sawed Oak Piano, brand new, but a little marred in shipping. . .$200 One Oak Piano, parlor size, used a short time for trying music in our wareroom $275 One English Oak Piano, used in window display $205 Two Golden .Oak Pianos, a little shopworn, but ln fine condition $275 , Two New Sample Pianos, in beautifully curved rosewood cases $205 All sold on our Easy Payment-Plan, with Green Trading Stamps to the full amount of the purchase with the first payment. If You-Get It at, BENNETTS, You Know It Is RIGHT. Our buyers have bought heavy for this spring and tho goods are coming In fast. We must bare room and intend making a general clean-up the com ing week of all odd styles 'or slightly shopworn instruments. The above are but a few of the bargains we offer. However, it will give you a general idea of what yba may expect to find by calling at our l'iano Department early tomor row morning. At exactly 0 o'clock you will find the above ten pianos placed ln a lot' by themselves, marked just as advertised. The early buyer will get first choice. A word to the wise Is sufficient ' To Out of Town Buyers TELEGRAPH your order, and as long as they last careful selection, prompt shipment and guaranteed satisfaction will be yours. llanos shipped subject to approval, and if not entirely satisfactory they may be returned at our ex pense. Address, . The Bennett Company, Piano DepArtment, Omaha, Nebraska. ' Get In on These Sensational Green Trading Stamp Events Read This Ad; Wall Paper! Wall Paper! 1 See our new display of F. R. Beck and Pittsburg Wall Paper Specials. There is nothing made in the waLU paper line that will compete with these goods in btyle and colorings. Burlaps. Plate Bails and Boom mouldings. Three thousand rolls of new goods. In one and two-rom lots, at less than one-half 1 tho cost. Can't miss this 6c and be papers at per roll - LCIIIS THIRD FLOOR. Some Interesting Parlor Suite Values. t-plece suite, mahogany finished frames, oov- n QE ered with silk damask, regular $15, special IU,t t-plece suite, mahogany finished frames, highly polished carved, covering Is silk damask, regularly 01 Citl at 127.00-apeclal aSI. JU handsomely , ... 24.95 t-plece suite, mahogany finished frames, carved, covering In silk damask, regularly ' sells at 430.00, special Carpet Dept. New showing six-frame Body Brussels OT Kugs. till at eW.O It would be hard indeed to find more durable rugs than these, and our large stock affords the widest range of selection. Art Fiber Matting, M Inches wide, reversible, sewed and laid like carpet, suitable for dens, sleeping rooms, etc. up from yard OV A Big Week of Special Sales in Drapery Dept. Special for Monday We have Just received a speofsl shipment of Ku tiled Bwlss Curtains thxt we bought es pecially for this sale curtains thst usually bell for tso per pair special for Mo nday In our t'rapery inr 1.98 1.45 tepartmeot pur pair. Three-fold Screens, filled with sllkolli'., worth each, special for Tuesday only each...., Three-fold Screens, filled with French crepe, worth 2 S each, special for Tuesday only. each. Fine Crockery and lota of It Indies tes home cultura of the ideal sort The housewife who takes pride in her cupboard sees that good chinsware and rich cut glass (from BENNETT'S) are there in plenty! tier's is the hand that rules the world. Think of it! Isn't it so? HavIIand it Co. nicely decorated footed Punch Cups, full coin gold treatment, on the new shapes, val- easy m ties up to $ 15.00, per doxen A J China Dinner 1.75 2.88 Royal Coalport English Plates, with the origi nal Indian tree decora tion acb ; Rich American Cut Class Sugars and Creams per pair . Decorated English Porcelain Cups and (Saucers, ln both tea and coffee size, from the leading English manufac turersto close out some lines we will place on sale numerous decorations and colors at the price of common white goods--for set of pst six Cups and Saucers Jf If tlx ot eac h v"' w AND 12.00 WOUTII OF STAMPS. Johnson Bros. Boyal Eng lish porcelain 100-plece Dinner Sets, each .....' 5.88 Pit! S Double Grten 'lrading Stamps on all White China for decorating. . See Our Line of Caster Novel-tics.