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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1904)
23 TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: BUN PAY, MAHCII 27. 1001. MOHLER BILLED FOR' DMA Preudeit of 0 E. it, K. Mentioned n Hext Un'.on Pioifio General Manager. BANCROFT BACK f 0 THE SHORT LINE port from' Halt lke Cllr that . Barklsaham Will Become Gen eral Baperlateaateet of the Onfoa Short Line. ITis latent reports from the west name Edgar E. Calvin as vice president and general manager of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company; W. H. Bancroft rice preeldent and general manager of the OregJn Short Line; A. L. Mohler aa vice president aand general manager of the Union Pacific, and C. H. Markham aa vice president and general manager of the Southern Faclflc. In addition , to theae announcement, which, by Union Pacific official, are said to be reliable, a report published three or four days ago In a Salt Luke City paper ays E. E. Buckingham, now auperintend ent of transportation of the Union Pacific, ' will become general superintendent of the Oregon Short Line. Mr. Buckingham has been out west several days and It Is said to be for the purpose of looking over the new ground. Union Pacific officials believe there Is something to this report. One Oflclal Announcement. The official announcement of Mr. Mark ham's appointment has been made end that much of the program Is settled. Mr. Bancroft at present holda the position of vice president and general manager of the Short Line, but he Is also general man ager of the Union Pacific In addition. It la said this latter position will be taken from him and Mr. Mohler will be placed In charge of the Union Pacific. Mr. Mohler Is now president of the Ore gon Railroad and Navigation company. Owing to the contemplated redisricting of the Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and Short Line, the position of Mr. Bancroft with that company will assume much greater responsibility than It has at pres ent. Through the redisricting plan several hundred miles of Union Pacific and South ern Paclflo trackage will be added to the Short Line. All the local officials of the Union Paclflo plead Ignorance of the plans of Mr. Hani man. A well Informed railroad man said, however, that In his opinion it is the inten ton of Mr. Harrlman to assume the ' dency of all the lines In the Harrlman sys , tern and place vice presidents In active con trol of each road. The vice president of the San Pedro road, J. Ross Clark, has denied that his line, which is now building, will be united with the Unon Pacific. He contends that It will be operated as an Independent company. Other reports say Harrlman already con trols It. DIFFER AS TO NEW BUILDING Heathers of Konntse Memo-rial Will Disease Hatters at Meeting Hoa day Night. Aa is usual in similar conditions with all churches, the directors of Kountse Memo ll are struggling with a difference of opinion as to the course to pursue. They meet Monday evening to discuss these questions, and If possible reach a decision ao that action can be taken at once. One Idea Is that the entire sum derived from the sale, $90.000, . should be put Into the new lots and building and those opposed favor creating a fund which will In nart help to support the church. "Another dif ference . arises In the selection of a loca tion, as to whether the new church shall be far out or close to the business center. Then there are two opinions aa to whether a temporary tabernacle shall be erected or work at once begun on the new church building. In the first of these questions, some of the. board think, that not more than $05,000 of the $90,000 received should be put In the new church. These believe that the $6,000 debt should be paid, and the money left Invested, so as to form a contingency fund and one which will furnish some Income, They think the $66,000 should be put Into the building and site. . In the matter o( location, one party says the church has now had two down-town locations and has both tiroes been forced to move out by the encroachments of busi ness. They now wish te have the church put where It will never have to be aban doned again. The other Idea Is that by getting a new site each time only a com paratively short dlstanoe from the busi ness center, the property while In use by the church and not taxed, Increases In value rapidly by the growth of business around If. In this way the congregation has twice sold sut at a large profit and been able to rebuild. The neighborhood of Twenty-fourth and Farnam seem now to be most In favor. A $00,000,000 PYRAMID IS BEIN6 CONSTRUCTED BY THE Bankers Reserve Life Go. . OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA With Tils Yerj Sitlsfictorj Result to Data: BUSINESS III FORCE l9, $530,800 1899. $775,500 1900, $2,135,000 1901, $3,421,500 1902, $5,234,500 1903, $6,911,500 1904, $10,000,000 B. H. Robison, President to assure ail policy holders and friends of the company that Its foundation Is solid and buUt for all time, and that the $50,000,000 pyramid will be a reality before A. D., 1915. Reliable men can secure liberal contracts with choice of territory by applying to nOMK OFFICE, McCAGUE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. I r THE 39 CENTr STORfl I ISldDodgesSir-i GREAT EASTER SALE Novelties and Cards The Iargost, finest display In the -city. Bring the children. Chicks.... 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Ducks 5c, 10c 15c and 25c Happy Hooligan and others. ...10c Easter Baskets, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Easter Cards.... Ic, 2c, 5c and op GIVES ONE FREE EXHIBITION ratafia Berth E;ntertalae Falls . City People sued Distresses Those of Other Places. The Falls City Journal conveys this bit of news which will be of timely Interest to the people of Omaha at leaat that por tion of them engaged In the business of preserving; Its penal provisions: Bertha Liebke, or Fainting Bertha, as he Is commonly called, boarded the train at Omaha last Thursday afternoon and got off at Btella. .She attracted a great deal of attention and ' sympathy by fainting and moaning as theujrh la the greatest agony. 'When she went to the hotel Dr. Matthews, a dentlat from Omaha, recognized her and Informed the landlord that she was a swindler. She visited all the stores In Stella, but eo far as Is known, only committed one petty theft. From Btella she went to Hiawatha where he atole a diamond. There the police got hold of her. She returned the Jewelry and was given her freedom on condition that he leave town at one. DO YOU KNOW what the drug combination is trying to dot The state law of Nebraska says: It Is Illegal for any association, combination or number of persons to fix, make or cause to be made, any list or schedule at which any commodity or number of articles shall be sold. Now we have been placed on the CUT OFF LIST, that la we are unable to buy goods on the open market from the wholesale druggists, JUST BECAUSE we will not Join an association which is doing Just what Nebraska's laws say It mut not do! Do the people want trusts and combinations to flourish. In spite of the laws made to regulate them? Do you want to pay $1.00 for a bottle of medicine Just because ' the prloe $1.00 is printed on the wrapper? WE CUT THE PRICE ON OUR OOODS BECAUSE THEY ARE OURS and we would re ther sell more of them and have more customers, than to sell a few and ret the oldrtlme full trlce. - IF MORE PEOPLE WOULD READ ADS AND take advantnite ef them there wauld be lees combinations and holdups, more competition and more business for every body who has life enough and sufficient unity te conduct a business without uav. lng an N. A. It. D. to tell him how. WHi JT1UL, KLAJ.Lt UKDLKts. CnilACCETC cut price UUIIHbl kll J DRUQ STORE E T. YATES. Proo. 16th and Chlcaao Sta.. Omaha. 'Phones T47 and TO7 Hth and N Sta.. South Omaha, Phone No. 1 6th Ave. ana Main St.. Council Bluffs 'Phone 233. All goods de livered In either city absolutely free. atteatloa, Kagleat Tou are requested te attend the funeral f Brother H. V. Brant at Heafey's under taUngrooms at t p. m. Sunday, March 27. C. E. ALLEN, W. T. We desire to express our most sincere thanks to all the willing friends who so kindly assisted us during the Ulneee and death of our beloved wife and mo:her. MR. L. F. NELSON AND FAMILY. Bathe Massage and electricity. Parlors at O. F. Sanatorium, ZLa Lake at 'Phone llL Dentist with well established practice la a excellent location la Be building de sires gentlemsa to share orflce, preferably physician, aaaress K . bee offlre. Revlvsl meetings s by evangelist Miss Maud Cretors at the mission. 90S Cass street, beginning March 2S and lasting tea ay. rp Marriage Ueeaiei, to noon, March it, the couples had been licensed to wed: Name. Jonas K. Nelson. Oakland.. Jve Kelson, Omaha John Jackaon. I Kelt, Omaha.. Mullte Culvert, Omaha following Age .... so .... 30 .... n .... U K Wedding Rings. fcdiiokn Jeweler. $1.75 Each $3.50 for Two Men's Shoes that wear In a satisfac tory manner shoes that have the new 1904 style to them shoes that cannot be sold for $3.50 except as we can sell them without any extra expense This allows us to put mort value in them than If we inly sold $3.60 shoes. There must be a truth In this or our trade in these shoes would not be continually growing larger. Our beat customers are the men who have bought these shoes you will always be a customer of ours if you once own a pair. DE1EXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Strest. nasaktt'si 1 1 Ft at. CU .. sVJ V,,., sw-mi me fTl, 1 L- si is mi Sir: FRY SHOE COMPANY N. . Cor. 16th and Douglas. Swell Spring Styles r4 H for . j -L easier We Are Ready for Your Inspection Handsome and irlRlnai styles and eathera For Men Smart, unique and pretty foot wear fashions For Women The most exten sive lines of fash ionable spring foot wear ever opened In the city are now to be soen at this store. All the smart, swell styles of the season, In shiny leathers and cor rect tan shades. $3.50-$5 These prices have never bought such' splendid quality, fine finish and cor rect style as the hoes we offer our customers this season. J3 mb2 w3 mmS CT3 0T We have said our tailors know their business and they do. They're drilled to It. A garment from oar establishment bears the unmlstaksable marks of having been designed right and made right. Costs, very UUfcs more to have these stylish touches, and you're proud of your purchase. Helgreti & Gradmaa, Tailors, .109 South 16th Street. .; a: A WORD TO THE WISE SAVE YOUR TJSETH-THEY ARB VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU-THIS fact Is, unfortunately, known only to those who have neglected them. ' While artificial teeth are a GODSEND To humanity, they can never quite take the place of the natural ones, there fore, it behooves you to take the best care of your teeth, and when you require the services of a dentist employ the beat. The best is always the cheapest. This applies to dentistry as well aa other lines. . BAILEY THE DENTIST, B,ock I LEE HERDMAN TO GO MAY FIRST Will Leave tapreme Court Oaace Tkta, says Oac of His dose Polltlwal Frleaaa. Announcement has been made upon the authority of one of. his closest political friends, that Lee lierdman expects and plans to relinquish his hold on the suprems court clerkship May 1, provided, of course. that his successor has been appointed and qualified. On his last trip to Omaha, how ever, Herdmaa, said, in reply to a ques tion: "I shall be out of the efflce on May L and no one knows It better than I do." His friends deny that he has entered Into any deal with the railroads te pro long hi tenure. Bald one of them! "Herdman was appointed te serve four years from May X, 1900, and his term will expire, therefore, pn May i, 1904. The constitution provides that the clerk of the supreme court shall be appointed for a term ot (our years unless sooner remeved by th court." Loeatlea for Baslaesa. If you are seeking a location for any mercantile business, for the practice ef a profession or for the manufacture of aajr article, first communicate, with the under signed, who will Inform you In regard to opportunities on the line of the Chicago Oreat Western Railway Co., the most pro gressive railway traversing the most fer tile section of the United States. Maps and Maple Leaflets mailed or more speciflo information given as requested. W. J. Reed. Industrial Agent. M Kndicott Bldg., St. PauL Minn. 15 IS Iff W 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 flS Iff are all we claim . for 1B them. Then we are well 15 Pleed also, for our business has been - beyond our ex CIS pectatlons. Dvury piece of cloth In the store is a new 1904 SDiina- 1B pattern. Buita mode to order is ,a naz als 15 FIFTEK 1B 15 Dunham Dunham TAILORS We have been delivering Suits all week. In every In stance our customers have been well pleased - and are satisfied. Our tailored to order Buita at $15 No More No Lesa 15 15 15 16 15 16 Henry W. Dunham, Jr. Manager. IIS South ISth St. Between Douglas and Dodge. IB glB F1FTEE glB BIB in 15 15 1B 16 15 15 15 15 1I 15 16 16 IS 16 ip ' 15 15 16 15 15 15 15 fll 1 15 16 15 15 15 15 Latest st) lee ladies' suits, skirts, waists, cravenettes. spring Jacket., mlllin.ry. Cash or credit. Men's clothing department now open. People's Btcre. ltitb & Farnam. Have Root print it. settlers' Rates To points In Minnesota, North Dakota. Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan and As sinabola. Tickets on sale by the Chicago Oreat Western Railway every Tuesday la March and April. For further Information apply lu (nwi F. Tbuutu. casual ageoi. Udl Faxnaai st.( Omaha, Ken. RHINITIS, COItYZA, Influent. Grip, Acute Catarrh, Cold In Head, cured by An ti -Grip Capsules. Btopo that "bone-acne" and clears the head. For Coughs, Tightness In cheat. Hoarseness or Tickling In Throat, Take Howell's AnU-Kawf. . 11.00 HyomeL complete tl 00 2bo Vapo-Creaollne ano Sue Field's Worm Powders 16o Our SASSAFRAS BARK IS RE SIFTED BY OURSELVES. 11.0 Orange Blossom 76c 60c Almond Cream S5o 60o t'utloura Reaolvent ioc Hot Swda and Ice Cream Soda. HOWELL DRUG CO., t I6thaa4 Capitol Ave. ON I M OD MAN'S FRIENDS Best Material Finest Workmanship.' We eave you the Middlemen's Profit. 190 New Spring Styles. MAKER TO WEARER. $3.50 AE5D $2.50. Regent Shoe Co., 205 So. 15th Street. 9 DR. BRADBURY Painlasa Extraction Without Gaa. Fillings 50c uo Gold Crowns, $2.50 up Bridra Work $3.50 up Lady Attendaat 1506 Farnam DENTIST. TEL. 1756. Fourteen Year Sam Location Wa positively remova nerves from teeth with, out tba leaat particle of pain. Platee $2 up. Open Sundays 10 tel2 Excuse the brusqueness of the question, but ZD TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER s)ae Dollar a Veas How arc you fixed for Easier? SUITS. $20 to $45. TROUSERS, $6 to $12. Tou will make no sf- It you leave your order with Dresher ItiK Farnam 8t. Open Evenings. Too Busy Making Clothes te Close, Q DO NOT Jo 1 Attend Our Salt of Zlon Citj Laces. tili TUB RELIABLE ITOnK. Dott't Ftrgit Our Women's Suit Stle Monday. HartScstfifcoi U Marx Hand Tailored msana Boys' Spring Clothing THE MOST OOMPREHENS1VK AND BEST COLLOiCTION BVE SHOWN IN OMAHA. t MKN'B PfNlO SUITS. You need a new suit for Enster, the ares test dress occasion of the snn. You cannot beat our line. Suits in ull the most popular fabrics, latest styles and nolbiost patterns. Perfect In lit. fuultles In work manship nd with all the Individuality aniV eH.v grace of outline of a custom made suit, that would cost you twice the price we ask. naoo. U2.&0. $iioo, m.oo. up to t.eo OUR LINE OF MEN'S TOP OVERCOATS are unsurpassed In qunllty and style any where for this price. The line Is so com plete that It Is easy to p'tciise the most t.istld!nus of dressers, at tlO.UO, y.l M, $13 and I18.uu. THE SWELL COAT THIS SEASON Is the L'AlRlon rain proof coat. We have these stylish rain coats, so rop"'r this seaxnn, in great profusion of culnr.s snd patterns, at 10s00, 11S.S0, ilh and J1S.00. Vo Are Headquarters for Boys' Con firmation Suits. - We can supply you with the very best Etxids at th very lowest prices. 'OL'BLE-BHEASTEP KNEE PANTS SUITS. 12.05. 13.25. B.60. UD to to.OO. THREE-PIECE KNEE PANTS SUITS 13.50, $3.96, $4.60, and up to $4.50. Strong all linen silver, ' ACin bleacnea namasK, at, yara Heavy all linen Scotch . fQr damasK, n incnes wiae, at " w Heavy all linen bleached 7Rr damask, at ww Heavy bleached . damask, 70 Inches wide, many patterns . UNr wide open borders uw Heavy mercerized damask AQf! 60 Inches wide, at w " w Heavy cream dumank, snow 2C wmte union oamaK, at Pure linen bleached pattern cloth, with border, 2 yards wide, f (IU 2tt yards long, at -J Heavy hemstitched huckaback lOc towel, at Do Not Hesitate To see us for your Spring Underwear. We are showing all kinds for Ladles and Oentlemen. Ladles, 10c UVfcc, l&c, 25c each. We also have the extra style for large Ladles, lien's Underwear, 25. 60c. 75c. II. uO eiidi. The very tHt value for the nijiit) shown anywhere. We curry a full line o Ladies' and Uent's Hosiery, Underwear and urnlhliig goJa Jos. F. Bilz ZZZ Boutii 16tli tit, YOUTHS' BLACK LONO PANTS SUITS both single and double breasted, $5.75, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00. Ack to see our lines of Hart, Schaffner Sl Marx hand-tailored clothing. Curtain Swiss Curtain Swiss 2500 Yards on sale Monday, March 28th, at 5c a yard. This Swiss is $8 Inches wide and comes i stiirjes. dots and flarurea. at 10c. 124c. 15o. in fancy stripe patterns, regular 10c qual- 20o, worth up to 40s. ity. I Also 40-inch curtain Swtes, in fancy SEE OUR ISTH STREET WINDOWS. Does Your Linen Closet Need Re plenishing, tlow is the Time to Do If. Heavy linen huck towels, up to : 40 Inches long, fancy borders . All linen darr.aHk towels, knot ted fringe, funcy borders, 4-ln Ion All linen' bleached napkins, H size, dosen ... All linen bleached napkins, satlu finish , Four quarter bleached, muslin, at Four quarter unbleached muslin, ut Hemmed seamless sheets, 81x90 size, at Rendy-to-uso pillow cases, 43K3S, free from dressing, at 15c ,19c 98c 1.69 6ic . 5c .48c 9ic HAYDEKJ BROS. Reliable Dentistry ESTABLISHED FOR YEARS. NO DELAY ! &9L By Old, Reliable, Accural, Painless. Expert Dentists. N Students. Skilled Specialists In Each Department. Until March 25th, low prices continued by request of the large number we have been unable to wait upon. We hare got the hiz and are here to stay. Hiirh class work and low prices causea the people to crowd our place; 16,000 patients in the last year and a half. Bet of Teeth, mp frowa .3.00 Gold Crowns, from ...... .2.00 jUinlniDtTlatM, arose UK FUlUvea, Croat .... ......... .ItSo Teeth Bztvaetodl Fioo. sit GuJiranteee. Work guaranteed 10 years. State charter. Consult the pro fessors free. We make loose teeth tight, stop bleeding or me gums, and heal all diseases of the month. fw nri nf rtnr Donble-Suction. Non Irritant Plates, that are Guaranteed to Fit Our gold crowns at $3.50 can't be beat for Fit and Appearance. Union Dental Company 1522 Douglas. Open Daily Until 8; Sundays, 9 to 4. OMAHA. "f l III THAT 18 OUR P''8INEh8- VV 1 '"ndKron?. V ):;i:r: Ml our m...y w i - , t l in . 0 ,nrrirnrv j i I Vh?'MU yM ThI hii to le had. If a i I ''7 'all from us. ! W JUST TRT US ANU PROVE , Jl ' TH,B 8TATEMENT- lit i f 4 C.B. HAVERS tCO, Id 219 S. 161. St. M : .1 in r it. Bee. - i . r.i r -