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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1904)
28 TI1E OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, MAKtfl 27. 1904. II If 1 i s 3 p I 2 B 3 c pr, Pi cT 1 4 3 N FOR SALE REAL E8TAT1B. HOMES A residence that coat $20,000 for $10,000. This Is a pressed brick residence, very best construction and complete In every detail, all material wan carefully selected regard less of coot, fixture and hardware In oxidised silver, bronie and brans; arrange ment of Interior artistic and delightful; lower story has five rooms besides reception hall, finished In best quarter-sawed oak and other hard woods, polished floors, tiled vestibule, grates and mantels, grill work, art glass, etc.; second floor has six rooms besides bath, front room has grate and mantel and alcove; attic and fine, light base ment; good barn. This home must be seen to be fully appreciated. Owner recently decided to sell and desires to sell at once, hence the price, $10,000. We are offering the beautiful residence of the late Judge Ogden on 39th, noar Farnam. This Is a modern stone residence, with large grounds. In a location that riannot be surpassed. Price, $18,000. INVESTMENTS Eastern client haa secured under foreclosure the double flat property on Douglas Street opposite the Omaha club; frontage, 100 feel; we desire to close this out at an early date; an excellent, close-in location; price, $12,000. ' N A business property In the heart of the best retail district; ground, 22x132 feet; building, 3-story brick; occupied by an excellent tenant at a reasonable rental and paying t per cent net above ull expenses. Trice, $42,000. This is a first-class Invest ment In every particular. On lower Fnrna.n street, 22x132 feet, with brick building. Price, $10,000. Several sales have recently been made In this location to parties who believe that value axe sjoltig to advance. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 FARNAM STREET. RE H Modern 6-Room House H "W'a have a number of good locations where we can build you a tlrst-daea, -room, . modern house- lor $2,250; terms, 6o caah, balance monthly. Call and talk it over. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 New York Life bidg. RE , FARM 800 acres, H mile north La Platto, Sarpy Co., $46. 7-K. modern cottage, Capitol Hill, $3,100. Two 8-1V modern houses, near high school, $6,600. SO acres on creek one mile west of Florence, some Improvements, small house and other outbuildings, $1,1160; $560 cush, bal. anual payments. 16 acres 3 miles west Florence, t acres cul tivated, well fenced, young orchard, 40 apples, bearing, $1,700; $uw cush; terms to suit on balance. W. N. NASON. 444 Bee Bldg. RE 302 28 $1,200. 6-room cottage, city water and sewer Inside, 10-bbl, cistern, ax-menied cellar, on 18th St. near Grace St.; a snap. THE BYRON HEED CO RE-328 27 MUST BE SOLD The settlement of an estate requires that the properties advertised be sold quick. Any reasonable proportions considered. $302-3304 Cuming St., double house, 6 rooms each; rents $22 per month; lot 65x130 fL; good location for grocery and market. Four cottages near Webster and 14th sts.; lot 60x132 ft.; rent $.15 per month. 8319 Curr.ii. g St., 6-room house; lot 96x159 ft. Choice modern 10-room hoube In Kountze Place, with two lots. Corner loth and Ccvnter sts., 122 ft. on 10th St. by 142 ft. on Center St. 44x132 ft. on 10th St., east front, near Dodge 19th and Harney sts., corner, 83x87 ft. 806. 807. a and 311 N. 27'h ave., four small houses; rental value, $35 rer. mnth. $3x1034 ft. on Leavenworth St., near 23d St. SEE US FOR PARTICULARS. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St Com'l Nat Bank Bldg. RE-MiWl 27 A OREAT BARGAIN FOR FIVE DAYS. Lots 80x150, south, front, corner. 10-nrom house, big reception hall, with oak floors, large front parlor with plate glass win dows, large sitting and dining rooms with rlate glass windows, sliding doors bo ween each room; large kitchen with metal celling; large pantry. Second floor has line large bedrooms and closets, bath and toilet, with marble stationary wash stand. Very large garret, all floored. Good furnace, almost new, Nice laundry In basement. Gas all through house, with fine chandeliers. Hot and cold water; 150-barrel cistern. In good condition. Five fruit trees, consisting of cherries end apples; besides other shade and orna mental trees. Property In One neighbor hood. One block from street car and four blocks from school. This property will be offered for $3,660.00 until April 1st. J. A, LOVGREN CO., Suite 636-637. Paxton Block. RE IIB acres good, dry bottom land close to Blair. Wanhlngton county; partly culti vated; good little house; some good tim ber; must sell; do I hear $10 per acre? . Address F 69. Bee. RE 611 27 x $1,160 Four-room house; city water, bsrn and shed. 3513 Seward St. RE M516 4x FOR SALE ON PAYMENTS. i-room modern house, except furnace, 50-ft. lot. west part or city; owner leaving tne ...... . VT.. .... .if. 1 t.X . QUICK sale " " J. H. SHERWOOD, $37 N. Y. Life. RE 639 27 FOR BALEt-room cottage, with 8 lot lust outside city limits, near car line: or weuld trade for Improved or vacant prop erty closer In. J. H. SHERWOOD. $07 N. Y. Life. RE 540 27 F. D. WEAD. New home, all modern, double floors, nuu. ter-samed oak. polished floors, nlckle open, plumbing, porcelain bath and washbowl, ! on care line, unuan trees, owner moving to California; north part city; 3,000. 1&24 DOUGLAS. RE NEBRASKA FARM AND RANCH J LAND Are you tired of the grind of business day after day? Is you brain tired and your body worn out? If so. Just buy a section or a township of our land out In Nr 1. casks, make a farm or a ranch of It. Go out and look after It, stay a whole sum mer, if you can. It will send you home with a well stomach, restored nerves, an appetite ready fur your work, your meals or pleasure. And best or ajl, give you a good investment. Just such an experience saved the life or President Koossveit, char.aed him from a prospective Invalid to an athlete who can stand hard wcrk every dav. The purchase of some of our lands will afford you the shortest cut to ease, health and affluence you ran pos sibly find. Call or write us at our office, t3 8. 13th St.. Omaha. Union Part do Land Agency. RE 6o5 27 10 ACRES, 80 do'lars. Out over timber land. Good land. Title perfect. I. A. Crocker. 416 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. RE 5n3 2Jx FOR 8 A I.E. . m Poulevard , 4-room house, city wster. h-lf block fr" Bouiti Omaha ll"; prli-, $afi0; terms. 8160 cash. balunc !fj per month. Walter Breen. 416 Karbuch block. j RE 653 27 FARMS I'OH HKT. LAST CHANCE for good acres; 1 seres near tk and Ban croft, t-room bouaa. barn, rltv water; flneat kind of vlacs for chickens and pigs. See us NOW. CHAR. K. V'lf LIAMRON CO.. First floor U H. Nat l Bank bldg. 544 27 WAKTBIA TO BORROW, LOAN $1 s wanted from private party on my $Hjy readmit a ur cent. Ad FOR liLE REAL ESTATE. FOR REST HOI 8KB, thf. nmaha Van and Storage Co. pack. move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, lallVi Farnam. Tel. 1558-863. D 6.70 IDfM CCNrPW("'1"' Poultry, Lawn uvwii i wire, gii b. lfl'.h. Q-M.J7 Jy$ UnilCCC fn all parts of the city. The HUUDCO o. F. Davis Co., 508 Be- Bldg. . u ba PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. 601-OJ3 New Tork Life Bldg. Phone 1010. D-673 WE MOVE pianos, age Co. Tel. 1496. Maggard Van Stor Office 1713 Webster st. U tii 4 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. J )R RENT 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3177 lnvenport St. Apply H. J Windsor, 1518 Dodge st. D M375 HOUSES FOR RENT. S"21 Chicago St., 4 rooms, modern $ro. FLAT. 1U15 Howard st., 8d floor. 6 rooms, best of condition, modern $27.60. GEORGE & COMPANY. D Ml Si 27 313 Chicago at., 8 rooms, modern, very desirable, 146; furnished, $ri0. 431S Farnnm St., 8 rooms, modern, barn, $22.oO. 1222 N isth St., 6 rooms, large yard. $18. 107 8 2Sth St., 6 rooms, $s. Ringwalt Bros Barker Block. D-M342 27 8-ROOM all modern house. 3111 Pacific st Wyman, Sbrlvsr Co., 1003 N. Y. Life Hldg D M354 2i FOR RENT 8-room house, newly papered. 8527 Charles St. ; $20. Tel. 673. B. II Rob inson. - 1J 3S!I 1117 S. 82d St., 9 rooms, modern $40 2518 N. 81at st.( ft rooms, modern 12 611 N. 16th St.. S rooms, city water 12 806 S. 16th St., 3 rooms, city water 10 8014 Ames ave.. 6 rooms, olty water 10 2423 Cuming St., 4 rooms, city water 1 26fi3 Marcy St., 6 rooms, city water 204 N. 27th st., 4 rooms, city water 1038 H, 18th St., 6 rooms GARVIN BROS., 16o4 FARNAM ST. D-509 27 FOR RENT 45tx-room modern cottage, 2533 k.encer st. The O. F. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Lldg. D-M507 29 NEW modern brick house, 84th and Dodge sts. Win. K. Potter, 3u3 Brown Ulk D 606 27 2928 Grant st., 6-r. cottage, city water and barn, $12. A good 3-r. flat on Jd floor, bath and toilet, 16th and Clark sts. $12. 1 We have a good storeroom on Sherman ave. and Wirt st. ror io. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D488 27 7-ROOM modern house and barn, $-0. 2426 Ersklne. D M407 t8x FOR RENT $719 Marcv St., 10 rooms, mod ern, barn and shade, $35. 1740 So. 27th. 6 rooms, modern, except furnace, good repair, $22.60. 1732 80. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern. $.10. 1105 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern, $37.60. Tel. 4S. D. V. Bholes Co. 722 N. Y. Life. D-M511 29 2917 Dupont St.. Bemls, Paxton 4 rooms, Block. city wster. $8. D 60S 27 "HOUSES" "HOUSES" "HOUSES" 1410 N. 17th., 8-r., city water $. u6 S. 16 in, 3-r., city water, cemented cellar $8. S&u Caliiornla, 4-r, nice shape 19 60. 1KS7 N. iWih. 2 rood 1-r. Mais H and 810. i 1117 8. lMh. 4 uood rooms, city waier f. S23 N, i&tb st.7 4-r.. in good s.iape, close in is. $042 Davenport, 6-r., city water and cis tern $12. $519 Lafayette ave., $-r., modern only $20. 2015 Decatur, 6-r., city water, large yard $17.60. 2123 California, 7-r., all modern, close In SX! 60. 1644 t). 27th, 8-r., ALL MODERN, in fine ahape $30. Splendid -r., strictly modern residence in West Farnam. on corner, faces two paved streets $55. We have others. Bee our list before you move. Payne, Bostwick & Co 'Phone 1018. 801-8-S N. Y Life. D Houses, 2 rooms snd up; also Insurance. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. D 646 $7 FOR RENT, modern 7-room house, 1318 South 20th St., 126. Modern 7-room house. 2613 Davenport, $2), 7-room house, 3027 N. 20lh St., $10. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Lire B'dg. D 4o0 7 6-ROOM houae, $18 per month, ton. 4134 Hamll- D M404 28 8-room all modern house aad barn. 950 N. 25th. 1 $30.00 8-room modern. K-9 Seward 20.00 8-rooTi modern cottage. 3519 Lafayette. 20.00 6-room, city water, ini Farnam 20.00 4-room. city water, 1U4 N. 22d $.00 F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS D 612 $7 FOR RENT Seven-room house, all mod em; U23 California St.; $3,160, Including water tap. Inquire at vJi r. mn st. D M518 SEVEN-ROOM cottage, yard; $20 per nionlU. Ink. good stable, big Gannett, ttrowu D-M661 Wx WE have a fine 8-room, strictly modern hui:ia. West fearnam district, large yard linrmiin: must be lukxn at once at present price. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1st Floor U. S. Nat I Bank bldg. D 643 27 FOR RENT, two rice rooms, furnished or unfurnlsnea. s;-'i o. win si. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock rausers about li. The best way to reach them Is througn THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 10 00 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good place of land to sell at a reasonable price you will And a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement - I W Small-2 cents per word tn amali type or BISMEM CHANCE. THE ABBOTT-COUWAN CO. S12-S1 4-81R Brown Block. Phone A -3337 WEEK1,T BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS. $3,500. Cattle, hngs, horsee, wagons, farm Imple ments, feed, etc., and 6-year low priced lase on 4o-scre farm, turned over to pur chaser of above property. 84.770. 964-acre ranch at $6 per acre. $5, 800. Improved, 0 acres, finely land adjoining city or 10,000. turn. Best stock ef millinery and fixtures in city of 8,000. $r.coo. Furniture in 0-room hotel. Everything first-class and fine business. $800. no competition Omaha bakery; within I blocks. $32fi. Best located barber shop In town of 2,000; good business. tSOO. Only drug store In good town; has permit. $600. Omaha cigar, confectionery and notion store; clears $05 per month. $6,ffi0, cleared over $4,000 last year; Drug store, snap. $378. Confectionery and cigars In good town; lo cated In postoltlce. 19.000. 160-acra farm 4 miles from Logan, Harrison county, lowa. t7.nno. General merchandise stock and buildings In good Iowa town; no compeunon; nne uuw ness; will take part In good land. Finely Improved farm In Sarpy Co., Nob.j trade for Omaha residence property. $100. good business; Cigar stand; suitable for woman. $s,ooo. Brlrk block In Council merchandise stock. Bluffs; trade for $1,600. Best Omaha grocei we have ever listed. $600. Interest In small n uiufacturlng business; purchaser to tru v' S.lAiO. Wholesale liquor business; clears $3,000 per annum. $1,600. Omaha. Old established retail business; good. . $326. Cigar, confectionery and rooms. grocery; living tr. arm Hotel nrouerty to for Omaha resi dence. $Tcoo. Omaha bakery; flue, i uslness; close In. $1,500. Hardware buslnes.. :iod Iowa town. $:;5o. Photo gallery In Ncii. town of 2,000. $:jo. Cigar and news In South Omaha. $800. Pool hall and clgais, Omaha. $800. In town Best restaurant of 2.600; fine flx- tures. $5,600. , , 41 Mill property and residence; good location. $1,000. Omaha grocery; sales over $30 dally. $8,000. Hardware and furniture; trade for good land. $1.0)0. ' good Nebraska town. Jewelry business; $2,200. Omaha Hvery busti.e; clears $160 per mo. $4,000. Lumber business In good Iowa town trade for good land. tliKft. will t 1 h.U anA el Bill' store. COUntTT town of 4.0U0. til RllA Hardware, doing guod business; will trade tor gooa eastern, mim. 1K H4l) Ranch. 12.120 acres. In Sheridan county. "5n-n'.iTi- ...ii.. fence, etc.: would Vado lor clear farm land: now Is the time to get Into the cattle business. .ooo. . .. Lumber, coal, fcardwarc.iurauur- .nu - Dlpmpjiia. in kuuu iuwnt !. ----- blear $6,000 per year; investigate; a snap. . ...v . well ion-acre ion" "";" w , u a I 1 k h n ran I fl. . 11 BU. . lmproveu; never ueioro u leb than $8,4W); owner must sell. 82 260. Choice comer lot. ' soutn 01 raroaiu, cny today. $35,000. Mercantile business in Omaha; one 01 me old eaiabllshed ones B viov-nRyjLmjr' WITH CiylI V- i. r.m imi if D f T V v w rt L8 VV K A - iv COMPANY. TUB 1 ""r," I'n'h. Y HOTEL extra good one; large nn" town wen riiittoii.ii"i - Investment. See W1LL1AM3, Room 411. McCague Bldg. Y POSITION n4 .rl,.W,'"JT,.,i ous, esiauuaneu ; ,.. t.i Omaha firm. Party must tak ' M. ii.iiOO Interest In the business See WIL LIAMS, Room 411 McCague Bldg. 4 TO 7 PER CENT WEEKLY Legitimately earned ana pa a on of I2f ana upwaras. rrinuii withdrawal upon demand through any tank or express company In America. Positive proof of our stability, unques tionable references from our own locality snd a handsome booklet explaining our business will be sent free upon request. The most prosperous season of the year Is now commencing. Don't wait, but write at onc to BALDWIN COMPANY. Mall and Express Bldg. New York City. 1 W (I. $0 PER CENT monthly profits earned and paid by the Henley Company; dividends mailed weekly. This company's large earnings will soon be Increased. Invest ments subject to withdrawal on demond. Write at once for free particulars and references. The Henley Co., Morton Bldg., New York. Y-K9 27x FREE $ MONTHS Illustrated mining pa per; full news from alltcamps; invalua ble to Investors: write today. North American Miner. M Broadway, N. Y. Y 658 27x FOR BALE Only Implement business In s lively town. Established business. Will consider trade for good land. A. L. Barnebey, Cairo, Neb. Y 670 27x SPLENDID opening for a harness business. Address, with stamp. Lock Box 8, Chap man, Neb. Y A Vacant Room Earns Nothing MANY DA YS' RENT CAN BE SA VED BY A LITTLE WANT AD. HI SIM-. tHACK. Sholes-Armstron Company. TO N. T. Life. Tel. 48. BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK Very clean and desirable manufacturing business, netting $2,000 per year. Stoca. now on hand will Invoice 1.5'Jo; ma chinery $"0 or $iW. Price, 2..2uU for every thing. We have six grocery stores In Omaha that we want to sell this week: all good. Prices range trom tooii to w,iw. Soda bottling plant in good western Iowa town; will Invoice $2.60; for sale this week at $1,250; net profits tl.3"0 per yeir. 23 acres of very desirable fruit or garden land adjoining; the city of Council Bluffs; a snap at !- per acre; would trade for gilt-edge Omaha rental property. FARMS FOR SALE Highly Improved 80-acre farm, 16 miles S. E. of Lincoln, in Lancaster county, 2s miles from good town. It is a model little home; pi ice, too per acre. BHOLES-ARMSlRoNG COMPANY, 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y FOR RENT, a summer hotel furnished complete and situated at Lake Washing ton (near Mankato, Minn.); can also be jsed as summer report for several private families. Lake affords line boating uml fishing. For particulars write Macbeth & Gardner. Mankato, Minn. Y M367 1 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411, McCague building. Y-652 BHOLES-ARM STRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. VJ. I M816 ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 312 Brown Blk., can get you In or out of business. Y-M83S FOR SALE A money making Nebraska newspaper; snap If taken soon. Address for particulars F 33, Bee. Y 300 28 FREE 100 lots to advertise Edgewater Park, suburb N. Y. ; first 100 sending stamp given 25x100 feet. Seaside Co.. 187 B'way. New York City. Y 444 27x CAPITAL Is readily secured by coipora- tlnns exploiting good business proposi tions providing (A) The capitalization Is reasonable, (ft) The officers are experienced men. (C) United States government bonds pro vide safety for capital Invested. Central States Underwriting & Guarantee Corporation, Tribune Building, Chlca Tx Y 415 47, INTEREST per month guaranteed on Investments of $25 or over. For partic ulars addre? Southern Commission and Brokerage Co., 317 Poydras "St., New Orleans, La. Y 417 27x $19 INVESTED In ptits and calls made $.Vi mis ween; get our BooKlet, email in vestments, Lurge Profits." Open $10 ac count todny for next l"iii'. Kt:it''i"'"'d firm: profit checks weekly. The Horner 1 commission Company, U Grind me Milwaukee, Wis. Y 432 27x BIG MONEY IN WHEAT AND CORN. My clients received a profit of 22 4-6 per cent for week ending March 19th. Were you one of them'.' A!;.ke your money make money. $10 buys a put or call on lO.CiO bushels of wlic;it or corn. A move of on makes you $500. S'nd me $10 or more uml t ike u cl:nne. My clients everywhere endorse my plan. My protU comes, from ,my customers' success. Accounts b:il nr.ced nrd checks mailed every Monday. Stocks, Kiiiln arid cotton traded In on 2c margin. Write for circular, etc. Address m. C. Shield, Investment Broker. EMtabllshed 1890) Suite 1101-1112 Chemical Bldg., St. Lotiln, Mo. Y 450 27x $50 WEEKLY", growing mushrooms; In structions, with spawn to start. $1; grow In cellar, shed or envo; stamp for purllc tilnrs. American Mushroom Spawn Cu., Dept. 32, St. Louis, Mo. Y 111 I7x PENSIONS, patents, claims. Information free. Myself a pensioner. Graduate of a law school. For veais a clerk in the pen sion bureau. Will answer all correspond ence and give prompt attention. J. II. Brunemer, 812 East Capitol St.. Washing ton, D. C. Y-4ti6 27 PARTIES with capital to assist In valu able. Invention. Petersoti, the lock and gunsmith, 420 Broadway, Council BlurTs. Y-295 2sx BUSINESS CHANCES. CHANCE OF LIFETIME to one man only In each state, with reference and few hundred dollars, for branch- office Kupply Ing agents (we furnish ngentfi; enormous profits, without rlak. Hull, 154 East 23d street. New York. Y 453 27x RE YOUR OWN BOSS. Learn a profession which nets you $'0 per week. Information free. C. C. Hsns- come. Mgr., C435 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Y-4H7 27x FOR SALE Meat market, boarding houae and confe"tlonerv romhtned for 81 .6"P, ejther cash or on time with good banka ble note. This business Is for snle, not for rent. This Inclii'Vs stock and nil. En Quire of Julius Schroeder, Gretna, Nb. PATENTS GUARANTEED . SUES & CO. Address, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb., or 1003 F Street, Washing ton, D. C. Only firm In the United States having a western and Washington office. Send lor references and free patent book. Y- BETTER TOUR CONDITION by Investing In our privilege trading de partment. We have always paid our cus tomers 6 per cent each week with no losset. Our little booklet, fully explaining "Privilege Trading," toe neweHt and safest form of speculation, mailed free. Custo mer, business banking and financial refer ence furnlhhed. MACK COMMISSION CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. Y- BY APPLYING at once, the right man can secure permanent position as local sales manager; salary $160 per month; oppor tunity lor advancement; references re quired. Address National Art & Calendar Company, Drawer 644, Detroit, Mich. DON'T work for others; be the boss; start a Mall-Order Business; we help you. Finn and new catalogue for stamp. Cen tral Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. Y WANTED Partner with money; references exchanged: 17 years experience m Omaha. Real eHtate tilings tire moving: now is th.) time for the right men. F 47, Bee Office. Y ll 27x PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secAired or fee returned, model or sketch lor free onlnlon 1 Send as to piiientabilily. Bend for Illustrated GUIDE OOK and list of Inventions wanted: fin est publication issued for free distribu tion. Contains vuluable Informaiiun re garding patents, trade marks and copy rights; how to obtain and sell them; loO mechanical movements, etc. Patents se cured by us advertised free in 4he P-itent Record. Sample copies free. Addresg Evans, Wllklns Co.. Hegistereu Attor neys, fa F St., Washington. D. C. Y IF you have the business discernment to recognize a genuine, nonorable money making proposition, offered by a large manufacturing corporation, operating upon a new co-owniti ve and profit-sharing plan, and can furnish evidence of hav ing been sufficiently successful In your present or former vocation to the extent of having accumulated at leust $2,5u.00 In real or personal property. It will pay you to rigidly Investigate what we have to offer. If your application Is favorably re ceived, we advance railroad fare for per sonal Interview. us send you the statements of men handling our business without interference with their pit sent occupation, who are niakinK big money, quick monev. sure inoncv. nnd ni high as $750 per week. This U YOUR OPPORTU NITY. Get particulars toiluy. Address Walter H. Jackson, 222 Main St., luiven port, lowa. Y 1' 27x IUMF. CHASCF.a. QUESTIONS. WHO PELL8 restaurants? WHO SELLS hotels? WHO SELLS cigar stores? WHO PELLS confectionary stores? WHO SELLS grocery stores? WHO PICLLS General merchandise stores? WHO PELLS hardware stores? WHO 6KL1-8 Implement business? WHO PKLl.S Steam lauIrles7 WHO PELLS livery stocks? WHO PELLS barber shops? WHO PELLS bakeries? WHO FELLS blacksmith shops? WHO SELLS country newspapers? WHO SELLS drug stores? WHO SELLS transfer business? WHO SELLS saloons? WHO PELLS meat markets? WHO SELLS manufacturing business? WHO SELLS rooming houses? WHO PELLS boarding houses? WHO FELLS Jewelry stores? WHO PELL8 feed stores? WHO SELLS coal business? WHO FELLS lumber business? WHO SELLS pool rooms? WHO PELLS printing offices? WHO FELLS racket stores? WHO PELLS office business? WHO FELLS photograph galleries? WHO BELLS bowling alleys? WHO SELLS harness business? WHO PELLS steam dye works? WHO SELLS everything, every place? WILLIAMS DOES. If you want to buy anything, any place, caii on mm, Koom 411 Mciague ciag. Y OPPORTUNITIES In Grain btl. lots and upwards; send for free market letter nnd our book on "Successful Sneculatlon. Everlngham & Comstock, Commerce Bldg,. Chicago. Y 496 27x FOR SALE, a complete stock of drugs, sundries and wall pnper In one of best county seat towns In southeastern Ne braska. Address F 68, care Bee. T-M406 3x GOOD, up-to-date threshing outfit for sale or trade for farm or other property. What you to offer? Central Exeh'nge ' Co., Council Bluffs. Y-567 27x $4,000 STOCK hfirdware. harness, paints and oils: good town eastern Nebraska; new goods and well assorted; will sell for 90 per cent of Invoice. Have a cash customer for good, clean stock of erooerles nnd merchandise, not over Jtl wn FT '""'"TIER REAL ESTATE CO 1H Ttee Rldg - X-fitt 27 MUEY TO MA!"I CHATTELS. MONEY. If you are aiuioyiJ by uuinci ous small bills tli a I have accumulated during the winter It might be All advantage to you to secure money from us and pay tiieiu, and Mien pay us in weenly ui uioiuuly payments uiuil you set out of debt. We loan oil fur niture, piiiiioH, livu SLocii and Oilier chat tels and we uiaKe loans to saiiiiRd pco pio upon their own agreement to repay. Our rules ale us low uny anil a great ileal lower than some. our hervlce is gunk and Willi, lUt publicity. It you have ueult Wltii lis and are pleased, tell others, and If you are dispieured. tell us. Omaha Aior.gaue Loan Co., 119 Board of TruUe iulg. Tel. ISJo, (Established lsl-. iiuti bouth ltith St A. 1 4a CASH. Y'ou can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE il'.ni and secure money wn.-n-cer you need It. Wo will advance you enough money to pay off ull vour debts, so .hat you will owe it all in one place, where you get courieuus treatment. , ... rinr ..-.u loivment nlnn Iris ABtniuyned peo pie who hive previously boirowid of other loan companion, on account of our UKnr.ll pnten. We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI TURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, etc. 30ir8 Paxton block. X-M303 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANoS. LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and ea-y terms. Business confidential. Try us If vou went to nave money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton block, 16th and Farnum streets X 704 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; business in 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440 Chamber of Commerce Dill If. -a ruu MONEY loaned on plain rote to salaried people; business confidential: lowest rates. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutmn Co. X 708 MONEY to loan on furniture, horse, etc., at half usual rates. Dr. Prlhben'-w. r-om 215 at ! S. 15th St. Tel. B-L'l. X-M'27 MONEY loaned on rilinos fiirn'turi 1w- erlv, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 S. 13th. . X-2'7 LOANS made on lewelrv snd d'mcn'. Great Western Loan Office, 117 Frn-m. , X-M7S2 A15 CTf ATTKL f.osn Co. sn'arv and lewelry loan Flv 1W4 Farnam st. X 209 MOEV TO LOA REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1S4S. W 710 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W 711 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W--712 PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas W-713 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-714 WANTED Real estate loans nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. W 715 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. .W-717 MONEY to loan. ' Kenney Real Estate and Investment Co., r. 3o0 Bee bldg. W 815 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment -o. W-837 WANTED, to loan you from $U0 to $5,i) on yor personal note at 3 per rent. Get our system. Good solicitors wanted. J. D. Rust & Co., Cedar Rapids, la. W 47S 27x FOH RENT S I ORES AM OFFICES. 4 FOR RENT, building suitable for whole- aale purposes at ii rarnam, :aw, iour stories and tirst-cla.s cemented basement, elefator, tire and buiglar prouf vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inijulre C. C. Rosewater. Me rcian' Lee Building Co., room 10U, Bee Building. - 1 M01J FOR RENT Three upper stories in four story building at Ulii Farnum St., two stories If preferred. C. C. water. Secy, Room 1U0, Bee tldg. 1-M385 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing. 1515 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpel Co Inquire on premises. 1-012 TWO-STORY building. 1512 and the second lloor 1008-10 Howard. W. II. Bushman. 1 GS3 DENTIST wanted to shsre office with a phvstclan with tine quarters in Bee bldg., wlih well established practice. Address C 21. Bee I -181 JaLSIC AL THOS. J KELLY, voice, Davidge block. I J DAISY HtGGINS, Til. A-2711. voice, piano. 2018 Leav M31S CHAS. H. KEEFER, piano. 65 Barker Plk. AGRXTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscript Ions to T 11 H TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents in tha country with horse and bticgv especially desired, snvassers make easily 0 to $!( per month. Ad drtss Century Farmer Solicitors' l'.urenu, lies Building. Omaha. J 213 WE want lO.Ono agents for greatest house hold aeller ever produced; actually sells In every house; Immense money maker for agents; send l"c for complete sample and our large Illustrated catalogue of agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. 11 107, Houaon, Tex. J-M446 Apr AGENTS can mske $2,000 to $4,000 next three months handling newly patented articles; absolute necessity; demand enor mous; experience unnecessary; exclusive territory given. Household Novelty Co. (Manufacturers), 161 W. 108th St., New York. J 443 27x AGENTS Liveliest seller ever Invented; new household necessity; over lou.otm sold In one city; demand Increasing dally; big profits: exclusive territory. Utility Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J 442 27x AGENTS 110 to $00 weekly profits. We send proof, read In dark, name plates, numbers and signs. Send for simple. Your name on postal will do. Wrlnht Supply Co., Knglewood, III. J 425 27x WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal offer. S dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. Mention paper. J 422 ZiX $5 TO $3 per day easily earned taking orders for ladles' garments made to measure. No capital neeessarv. Model Garment Co., 613 8. Halatead ' St., Chi cago. J 423 27x AGENTS Drop everything and write us ror special terms on our latest office specialty: sells Itself: greatest money maker In years. Address American Lock Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J 41!) 27x WANTETV-Catholic women to travel or represent n. reliable corporation at home; salary nnd commission; must give refer ences. Address General Manager, Pox, Cincinnati, O. J 429 27x AGENTS $78. 00 weekly and expenses easily mane writing lienitn ami Accident insur ance; experience unnecessiiry; write to dny. Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo. J-414 27x WE PAY $,T1 a week nnd expenses to men wnn rigs to introduce rouitry ompounu. International Mfg. Co., Parsons. TCnn. J 4S5 27 X BELL the quickest seller ever sold to farm ers: a money silver; they cannot afford to be without it; they borrow money to buy one; 1.K00 sold In cine cnuntv: expect total sales for 1904 to reach Sflo.OO"; we want live representatives In new fields; want an agent in every county In central states where we are hot already represented; live men only; no sleepy ones. Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, Iowa. J 484 27x LADY AGENTS wanted In every city and town to sell our line of elegant und styilsii nun co.itx to their friend und ueigubuis; prulllM large; we send you l.ii'gu line ol b.tnipli H 10 Miow, full ilneclions und meas urement blanks; we wili every one ol our us'i nls to h.ive a garment fur tier own use und to sliov usionicru; write today. L'uas. Duve, iio Franklin tl., Boston, Musi. J HUSTLING men to handle lightning rell nif liotelt, saloons, ciKar stolen, brand new; bifcf noiiey. Thoniiia & Co., I'ciui iiut falo, N. Y. J 1!2 27x WANTED Portrait amenta g-t your por traits direct from arusi and save mu.dlo man's profit: best work at lowest prices. A. Hliiger, lleti S. Hoyne ave., Chicago. J 112 27x AGENTS Absolutely new; sells Instanta neously. Gold plated Japinese Coin Cigar Cutter. Kciul 14 centa for sample and terms. New Japan Co., 66 West lath St., New York. J-404 27x AGENTS wanted; exclusive territory. New Automatic Burglar Alarms; doors, win dows. Wonderful seller. Retklls Mc. Send 2"ic for outfit. Ramona Co., WJ0 Metropol itan Bldg., New York. . J Jti9 27x SALESMEN S!de l'ne. Can make $25 to $.'U per week handling cur up-to-d ite line of Advertising Funs. HpectuI and exclu sive t'esljrnE no one else fun offer them. . Bumplca ready; ;ight nnd eay to carry. Apply at once. Dept. B, care The K- rnper Thotnas Co., Cincinnati, O. J--4G0 2.X AGENTS Big profits, quick sales; don't accept an agency until you pret my free samples and liberal offer. T. M. 8iyman, 2141 to 2151 Fianklln ave., St. Louis, Mo. FREE SAMPLE to agent: practical, ready call device for telephones; caves briln work, hours of time; sells Itself; one sale sells dozens; sci Ins's. believing; send et;imn. Telephone Appliance Co., 1-K Madison ave.. N. Y. J NATURAL diamonds-puzzle exp. i ts; stand every lest. Write tod.iy for locket outfit; we will start you. The Chapman-Tower Co., Oneidu. N. Y. J 4i7 27x MINUET largest Skirt and WaLit Holders offer l.Liilis. easiest sales, exclusive territory. Sample free. Whei ler & bald- win, Garden City Block, Chicago. J 481 I7x WANTED, reliable. Industrious portrait canvassers. Money maker for g iod agents. True Portrait Co., 3 Hubbard Court, Chicago, 111. J 40 27 X WANTED, agents, by large transportation company, to place issue or biock tor ine purpose of increasing Its present equip ment. This move made necess:iry In or der to handle enormous volume new freight and passtuiger business. The stock of this company pays the iRrgest annual dividend of npy transportation shares In the United States. Exceptional offer made representative and responsible concerns or Individuals everywhere m aot as fiscal agents for the sale of stock. Ad dress Tabasco Transportation ''o.. Title and Trust Bldg., Chicago. J 476 27x FREE 'sample to agent, self-l'ghtlng pocket lamp, size or lead pencil, burns perfectly, takes place of kerosene lamp, candles and matches: rnpld seller. 8e Ing's be'levlnir Send stamp SneclMty Introduction Co, 876 Nassau St.. N. Y. J- BIO MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $2 to tn a dozen: cheaply raised In only four weeks: write for our free hook about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 11 Friend St., Boston, Mass. J LAMP makes Its own gas and tells the time: no kerosene, wick or chimney; sells for $1.60; free lamp nnd credit on stock to those wishing to work for us. Liberty Imp Co., 200 A. J., Broadway, N. Y. PORTRAIT AGENTS and Photographers. deal direct with the artist. Send for our new catalogue and free sampl-s. l!er- lln Artist Association, Dept. 15, 62 State St., Chicago. J WE PAY $32 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound:'s contract. Imperial 11 fg Co., Dept. f-4, Parsons. Kan J $11 CO WEEKLY and "Xpenses to men with cents. Address with stains. F. R. Greene. 69 Dearborn St., ChlcagV J START Mall-Order Business; big profits: particulars for stamp. Frdnkliu-llownrd Co., Denver. Colo. J STOP RUNAWAYS Hitch horses solid In stantly; carry in pocm-i; agents w.inteu. pocket Hitching Post Co., Box 268, Mun cie. Ind. J ATTENTION EVER YBODY This offer Is good for 30 days. If you will send us we will send you one of our Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers, which sells for $2 00, and formula, free of charge, showing how vou can make 50 lbs. of powder for $l no. This Is an article needed In every home, factory or place of business, especially where there la no fire protection. Farmers, Protect vour property. Write for circular, lome Ktre Protection Co., 23-24 Sentinel Bldg.. Milwaukee, Wis. J i'Jl 27x RESIDENT manager wanted: novel picture hunger: handsomely nickeled wireless d vlce; hts anv frame: simple 11 ml particu lars t.r'-oni'l loc. "King" Hanger i'o., 1133 J. Broadway, N. Y. J 470 27 x MAKE MONEY Bell dome-shaped perfor ated skillet covers: prevent grense splash ing onto stove; catchy sellers; guaran teed; profits -50 per cent: catuloeue free.. American Novelty Works, Reailinv. Pa. J-5.;r 27x AGENTS WANTED Permanent emti'ov. ment; active men snd women irle 115 to "S rn r week worklnr for u. Address Will O. Ile.ser, Greensburg, Ind. J-5SJ) 27x COST. LOST Bundle of silk. Finder please leave at ub H. iiih eu; reward. iust M2i6 28x FOH 9ALE-MISCEIXAXF.OI . GENUINE CUT PRICE PIANO SALE1 We need the room for new spring H" and are compelled to dispose of. a number of used plane and organs regardless or root. Note the prices on the following makes: SQUARE PIANOS. Hallet Davis fine tone $15 00 Jewett fine tone 28.00 Emerson round corners SS.OO C. 1). Pease beautiful tone 46.00 James Holston carved legs.. 6200 Groversteen ebony case, good for beginners 0-00 ORGANS. Burdette flat top $ 8 00 Whitney Holmes 1$.0 Cornish small parlor slxe 17.00 Klniball-parlnr sire 22.00 Kimball t hapel onk chkb 30 00 Mason Hamlin, Chapel Wal nut case 35.00 USED UPRIGHT PIANOS. J. P. Hale ebony case $08 00 Gilbert walnut case 4iV00 New York make 7is-octave "e Chicago make walnut finish.... 82.IM Hallet Davis fancy case, gold gommed 112.00 The above Instruments have been thor oughly overhauled at our own factory and fully guaranteed. You can buy them oil payments of J .00 per month, and Should you desire to exchange any of the above bargains, wc will allow you full price wltliln three years from date, on our Omaha hand made Schmoller Muel ler piano, fully guaranteed for 20 years. Bend for catalogue and bargain list, or pay us a vlnlt of Inspection. We will posi tively sava you money. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. ' The Old Rellablo llano 1313 FARNAM ST. House. TEL. 1628. INDIAN GOODS and relics. 1U9 Farnam. y tjU4 2D-IIAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. W tt'J6 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB" LINO. 1oiig Ur timbers, vol Douglas. Q-tM5 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 087 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or wrlto Room 7, Pee Bldg. Q tl&S SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repalied: large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counter:!. The Hruns-wlck-Palke Collender Co., 407-8 b. loth. Q-7i 150 WATCHES. 75 dlamori'ls, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, : 1401 Douglas. 1 Q-M701 n WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. Wa repair ami sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phono 1M3. Corner 15th and Harney. 70S FOR PALE Svcrnl rcholirrhlps In n first (lass standard school In Omilm, comprls. I:ig complete course In business, short lnnd and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q S52 rort SALE cheap, old Ink hirrels. Apply to the press room of Th' Q--S43 1-1 fit ICCQ in all parts of the city. R. C. I1UUJCJ 1'eters .4 Co., Bee BnlUibig. D-u.2 AUTOMOU1LE-$1,100 Toledo Stuam Das-a-das ut a great bargain. E t-i. Bee office. y M6I9 Ali STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on eatlh; ever tiling ha'id-made; union shop; headquarter for axle giease and whips. J. G. BLESSING, 3J1 N. 25th St., bo. omaha. QM 774 FOR SALE-WI11 sell at a discount a rchol arslilp In one of the best Omaha hu'lauas colleges. Address F 15, Lee office. Q-M 901 FOR SALE 8econd-iand snfe, sodn foun tain and National Cash register. Rich-mond-Deright Co., Si S. ,13lh st. Q 17 TRBESr-Haxel Dell Nursery, 32s N. 24th. ' Q-M19 A 19 DENSMORE typewriter. In good condition, for $30. No. lul N. Y. Life. Tel. 3578 QM.133 SODA FOUNTAIN-$in.OO will buy a tibdTeT double head counter fountain, connnlete, n'lth Icebox, bottles, etc.; in good shape. 2001 Lake St. Q 349 27x ONE Remlnirton, typewriter, two 8-foot standing desk". Wni. K. l'otter, Receiver, 803 Brown Blk. Q 606 27 FOR BALE Very cheap, life scholarship In one of the best commercial colleges In Omaha; nil privileges and advantages guaranteed. Address at once, F 61, Bee office. Q 499 27x FOR BALE Young Jersey row. Just fresh, good milker, $35. Jersey elfor, 2 veers old, $20. Good phseton, $20. Ladles' three horn douhfe-glrth side saddle with bildle) and blanket, $10. Sewing machine, good working order, $5. Address F 66, Ree. , Q 403 27x BOriA water pays 'arge profits. Fountains from $:5 up, on easy monthly payments; little cash required. Catslogue of g-eat bargains free. Do not delay or you rfliv be too late. Soda Water Tnnks repaired. Robt. M. Green A Bona, Philadelphia. Pa, Q SEVERAL hundreds of fncubators snd brooders for sale, practical, wel made machines, fit to man any poultry plant. They are all Petalumna and hay proves, their worth by years nf success. Fes? further Information address E 14, Be. Q SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS 'i hoc niaciiines havtj all Uetu Ihoiouylily uvirliuuied and pul in firai-ciuaa coudi 11011, and are Puiguiris fur luu muuey: Yost .' $10 01 1 uiiarapli 10 00 iu. u i.ui keiiauciler 16 uu ,o. 2 Reiniiibtoii 2u U .No. 1 lilu ki usuerfer 2s UU No. 1 Miillti 1'reiiiler 2o 00 No. 1 Hi usiiiui e bU 00 No. t lieiiiiugtun 4i 60 No. to iU'iioiititoti 60 00 No. 8 iieiiunatuii 00 00 Nu. 2 ,-ni. la I'ltlluer bo 00 No. 2 Ha Ml' 46 00 Nu. 2 oim r to 00 Nu. 3 Ol. M l' tw U0 Sai '.jND-HAND MACHINES. Never prn is fur such tpioda offered 1, dure. a. id if at uny time wilhlu one year Sua nam to buy u nxw :i mi lium we will like 11. e old uiiti buck ut exactly what It cum a on. Tne iuiiow:ng Is a partial Hal of what we offer lor ull tills wees: Former Pries. ...$ 00 ... 20 00 ... 24 00 ,.. 3'i uo , . . 20 00 ,.. lo 00 ... 10 110 ... 10 00 , . . 00 00 ... 2'J (0 This Week. $ 4 00 10 00 11 00 16 00 10 00 6 00 00 6 00 3 00 10 00 One Domestic One Domestic Three Singers, nigii arm... One Singer, new improved Ouu HouBcliold One Union One Wlille One White One W Ion Ac Ulbbs One New Hume One burner, tailoring 40 uo 20 00 Mudern drop-huuu n.aiiiino nUfciuiy ua, ut one-halt tlie regular price. Wn lent machines ut 75c ptr week, or $2.00 per niontli. 1'liese are niudern, up-to-date inai him -K. with all attachment. We se.l niwlies und parts for nd repair fM-i'v sewing mm iilno manufactured. "SECOND-HAND HH'YCLES, GO i AS NEW, $6.00 TO $15 00. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Corner Fifteenth aid Harney Sts. 'Phono lOtll, GEORGE E. MK'kEL. Manages BRANCH OFFICE-! N. 24th, So, Om 1I1A W- EXTRA good fresh cow' well broke, with heifer calf. 3118 N. 28th ave. Q-elJ 27 FiK SALE Grocery shelves and counters; must be sold at once. Inquire Summer Bros., Utb and Farnam. Q 516 28 HORSE-CLIPPING machines and repairs lor an stannara makes; we and repairing promptly. A. do griiiiliug L. UndelaniT, 12i4 Duuge CI., Omaha. G, 550 1'INl" suda fountain, uae.l ona reason; complete equipment, lea cream cabinet, furniture, marble counter covers, small heller and engine; will sell very cheap, , Address Avery AIT, Co "nulla, Nib. ni y n iju 1 di es V M. I . - tl 41 . -J jr " - - " " - . -