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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1904)
24 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: -SUNDAY, -MARCH". 27, V1MJ. SPECIAL NOTICES ilrfrllimmli far these colaaaas will be (akra anttl IS an. for the Train edltloa aad III 8 . at. far Hatts, 1 1-Se a ward ajrat lasertlea, la word tnereatter. Nothlaa; taken for less thaa ao for tha ftrst laser, flea. Theae ad-r4lae eata aaaat a ran eeaaeeatlrely. Advertisers, by reqaeatla a i,a bered eheek, ran ha,, aaawrra ad dressed to a nnaikfrrd letter la fir, f The Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will be delivered aa preieatatlaa euT tha cheek only. MISCELLASBOl'S. The Van Sant School qf Shorthand and Typewriting. ,71-717-7l N. Y. LIFE BUILDING. pt&XHX. NEB. 'A specialty achool of Shorthand, Type writing and Office Practice. A achool which haa a demand for every student aa aeon aa qualified to take a position and at the last eat prlcea paid recent graduates of any achool In Omaha, lta atudenta are filling the beat positions In the country, from amanuensis to court reporter. The system of shorthand used la this school la the sys tem used by the man who waa private sec- rtary to the last three presidents of the nited States, and whose efficiency as a ethnographer caused bis appointment to a cabinet position. Learn a system of short hand which -meets the exigencies of the most rapid and scientific reporting, a sys tem which haa been developed by the beat reporters In the world; a system ao simple that a child Can learn It, and yet possessing the capacity for the beat reporting that haa been done. Do not be fooled by taking a system based on Monstrosities, to which has beeu added a conglomeration ef absurdities. This achool teachea the Van flant system of toiich typewriting a system which has revolutionised the typewriting of the world and produced a majority of the experts em ployed by the typewriter companies at tba great expositions of the last five years, A week's trial Is given free. After enroll ment a atudent, if not perfectly satisfied, can get back money for unexpired time aa quickly aa he nan draw It frdfn a bank. Only those will be enrolled who can prob ably succeed. No money Is wanted from failures. To Insure success, to be certain of a good paying position, to aave paying something for finding out you are not adapted to the business, enter the Van Sant school. 13 y ao doing you will reach success or save your time and money. R The Nebraska Seed Cos SEEDS WILL GROW. Catalogue nee, u3-o Howard. R Mitil Je-1 HRAVPI DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI J V LL fl(jIAL feUoN. WAli&a, L. 1. Van Court, luTo N. loth. Tel. las. R an CUT RATES TICKETS everywhere. Phllbln, 15u6 remain ana opp. if. P. aepoL Tel. i4 ana lo3. M -M693 OMAHA bale and Iron works make a spe cialty ot nre vacuus, shutters, doors and saies. G. Andreen, Proa , ltM . Wth au K MaoO Maytt D. M. HAVKRLY EXPEKT ACCOUNT- ANi'. ki B BLU. PHONIC J-D4. K-4 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 B. 14th. T. 666. - R 604 r.m r SILVER, nickel Plating. On Elating Co., lsus Harney, 'lei. iioK v woe CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. . R SPECIAL-For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair ot spectacles ror $1. on t miss this chance, c b. uu Uutaua, sua N. Utn au ' RI AQLQ Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all buainuaa conndenuui. idul Dougiaa. H-att EXPRESSMEN'S DeUvery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. loth.. Tel. U6. K 444 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, wa both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. Win. Tel.-xui. LOCKSMITH Nl Flprtn'r Carpet Cleaning Warks. N. A. i-ICtll It Chrieiensaa. xl N. 2vtu. Tel. 1641. . R i , ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prlcea. CI N. li.TeU 171 R 641 P. MELC1IOLR, machinist, 13th Howard. K r PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON. ta tha Bee Bldg. R 641 J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 8. tSth. . it axe Al 'STRONGEST In tha World." ThaEquital ble Life Asauranoe society. Its policies re sight drafta at muturlty. H. D. Neely, manager, Merchants1 National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-64 SIGN painting. B. H. Cola, 1308 Douglas. H1 ALL klnda carpenter work, repairing bromntlv aMn tn loth and Lake. 4. i Ociul'ree, R-870 5AVI8' ,,f mow. heavy hauling, lll Farnam. Tel. Stl. R-U2 M3 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach Res taurant; reasonable prices. 418 8. 16th St e-B Mayis VODICKA A CO.. fine tailoring- all klads sj'i IVv '"""'a- uui i neater Diug. CLOTHES pressed, altered. Youaen, Pag ton hotel taller. R 4t TR-tCIiNa8:a blue. pr1nU n4 working . lt-- R-237 Aprtig PERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no In tereet. honest values, easy terms. R 63 H. O. SMITH, plumbing, Ul N. 16: tel. S. , f R-M36 5?AHAM1RRO MFO- CO., v 'vi.kvZ Tel. Him. It M7U0 All -BTO VIC, storage and repairing. Hughes 2? PHOTOS U" atudio 11 N. 16th., epp P. O. -RJU BICYPI FS Largest and best selec- v T v , tk' ,n tn clty- Second. ?J",Sdwh,Ml." Jor w nd "P- L""1 Flescher Capitol Ave. R M0 IU R -UELLA 8. CLEVELAND, graduate ... uiuvrrsiiy, wnn ten years ex perience with Dr. J. H. Kellong In Bal- located at mi Seward St. . R-M2U tSx O. E. KOCH, tinner. I71T N. S4!h. Tel. L-1MI. Agent for Columbus roof cement paint. R-272 Jea ' PARPFTS d"" '''. washed: gen vrtrw u I Jeral house cleaning J. Wood. y,w.uLi pv(kjjiu. uui r wniv. z. 1 1, t iara. 1 CLEAN, dye, repair clothes M N. lCfh. Je3 CUT R ATE TICK KTS every where. Phllbln. r rn rn ua opp. r. Uepou Tel 7M and Wl. . K MSt PARTTFJI A!Hna A 11- i l - rursioa April 5. Great opportunity. For mum vmw a. xsee. R 4S7- TOVrfl stored rleaned Maekwl uml J,"- arnn; bicycle repairing. Ja-ksua rvm. m rvgg, IU Ix. UUt. 1 " I. SCI. . R MO Apr DKKSIMAKrSO. IN fsjnlllea. Miss Sturdy, Sow Davenport. M3HS M ik!t 1X1. s achool reraared. ta fM rar- WAITED MALE HELP. 46 WILL I GET A SITUATION?" Tls tha business collage student's first question. ' . Our Employment Department haa recently placed oyer 300 Boylea' graduates In fins salaried positions with firms where ability warded. The names and addresses of these students are given In our thrrs folders, each entitled "A Yard of Positions," 100 gradutes to a yard. Let us know you want them and we'll gladly send all three of theae proofs of our prestige among business men of this section. Both the Smith Premier and Remington stantly asking for "Boyle Gradutes for It la a provable fact that w have never have had to offer our students. It pays to attend the college from, which Stenographers and bookkeepers. BOYLES COLLEGE SPRING TERM, APRIL 4. H. B. BOYLES, President New York Life Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad tare upon our lallure to convince you oi tills being the BEST, largest and only reliable, most practical barber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbara' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 666 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied. unmarried men, between ages or zi ana m, cltlsena of United States, of good charac ter and temperate hahlta, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Dodge fits., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M164 MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver, colo., offers advantages In teaching the barber trade that cannot be had else where. Write today for our terma. B-Mfl7 A6x WANTED Expert laundryman, or will eu gooa steam laundry doing gooa misi neaa. Willis Cad we 11, Broken Bow, Neb. B M864 WANTED, a bright, neat boy, about 16 years oia, as mailing Clara. Must do quick and write a good hand. The F. E. Sanborn Co. B M266 AN OPPORTTTNITT. Tou can make from 6160 to $300 per month seuing our new combination accident ana sickness policy the best and most liberal contract ever Issued. A little energy will do for you what others are doing easily. Write or cn.ll at the home office. BANKERS ACCIDENT INS. CO., Des Moines, la. B M311 M WANTED, first-class baker of good habits; sieaay worx, rood wages, wayne oakery, Wayne, Neb. B M318 81x BY MANUFACTURING house, trusty as- sisiam tor orancn omce; lis paid weekly; position permanent; no cnpttal required; previous experience not essential. Ad dress Branch Superintendent, Como Plk., Chicago. r B M334 27x WANTED A stout boy to take care of a norse ana cow and deliver goods. Apply 1318 Farnam. B M340 27 WANTED, by wholesale house, experienced uooHKeeper, zi years or age; address in own handwriting, statins; age, experience and salary wanted. Address F 49. Bee. B M388 27x WANTED, two aa-ents. at once; salnry ar commission, tr. Adams Co., lsis How ard st B M3S3 ' NEBRASKA AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE A. C. ONG, A.M., LLB Pres. Cor. 17th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. COLLEGE NOTES. Spring Term Opens pril 4th. New classes In all the departments will be organised. Tha auocaas and satisfac tion of tha atudenta of laat term Is most city and are obliged to go homo at this and take up another course. rne next terra promises to be ma largest spring opening in the history or tha ai hooL ' Those who enter will reoelva every attention in whatever branches thay may Uike up. The personal Instruction and attention given the students are special fea tures of vital Importance. A Among thoaa who entered laat week la Mr. Kerkhoff. who had taken bookkeeping In St. Louis; he entered with us to complete a thorough course In banking. The work we are doing In tha Commercial and Banking Departments Is ' becoming well known. Within tha last tan days wo have had four calls for our graduates from city, and country banks. ' A number of students finished their three months' term last week and before leaving called at the office and expressed their entire satisfaction of tha advantages way uaa enjeyea ana requested catalogues "THE TEACHER MAKES THE SCHOOL." The Qualification, exnerlenca and efficiency of our te&chera are matters that largely determine the merits of our achool. Prof. Lowry, principal of tha Commer cial Department, has bad twenty yeara' experience as a practical bookkeeper, aa well m maw uciui. hih i3rs, principal oi me the Chicago Gregg School for Teachers, and successful experience as Instructor, etatement: "The teacher roakea tha achool." We moat cordially Invite all who are Interested to call and investigate the work, methods and discipline of our achool. If you wish a thorough business training, one that will qualify you to hold a good position, wa are able to assist you. APDly for catalocue. bound in allesrator the finest ever miblliihad h a himlneaa college. WANTED, men everywhere good pay, to oiainouie circulars, aav. matter, tack signs, etcj no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M3c 27 x 600 PAINTERS at World'a fair. St. Louis; union men, boo per hour; no trouble. Ap ply at World's fair grounds. B M903 lx PERMANENT position for three energetic people resiaing in lowa or Nebraska; special work; 370 salary, with commis sion. Call or addresa H. M- Paradise, 614 Paxton block. Omaha. B m 1 WANTED Energetio repreaentatlva ta manage branch office for Chicago hawse. tl.UK) yearly with commission, alsa all expenaes, permanent position. 3'JuO se curity required. Address Gen'l Manager, 213 Pontlac Bldg., Chicago. B 424 37x WE will pay any rood man $86 per monin ana an iraveimg expenses to take orders and deliver for the greatest por trait house In the world, and will deposit bond if requeated with any bank named aa guarantee that our contract will be carried out. Address Dept. 77, D. M. Moran. Chicago, 111. B 41$ t7x A GOOD POSITION for a competent man; manager, book keeper, aaleaman. Address, Bualnesa Op portunity Company, I Union Square, New York. B 441 Tis WANTED Reliable representatives only in every community py a large western supply house. Nassau Mercantile Com pany, Room 26, Mills Bldg., Ban Fran cisco. B 440 27x WANTED Everywhere, people to copy let ters ai noma, assvro lima, aac return to ua; good pay; materials sent free; aa mailing or canvassing; enclose addreaaed envelope for particulars and waxes wa pay. Guarantee Co Dept. Sts. Phila delphia, fa. -431 7 WANTED Men' to Uaura barber tradst board, tools aad scholarship Included ta our offer; few weeks completes; prepare aaw for apriag rush; graduates earn tap wages ; peai uous guarantees; call or wrua. atelar college, 1M Douglas st. B MQ4 Anns RICH -CLASS traveling er local salesmen can earn at htast tw weekly with new oi ty or village; can maka U& daily: oreof of atatauieni; aample case (weight 10 enumaal, freo by return mall. Addreso A WATTKB-JI ALB HELP. and Industry are quickly noted and re Tpyewrlter agencies In Omaha are con our Customers." been able to fill all tha positions that wa business men have found it pays to rat WANTED Tea men in each state to travel, tack eigne and distribute circulars and samples of our goods; 160 per month; 63 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dept. II-, Atlas block, Chicago. , B 463 Tlx DETECTIVES Every locality; good sal ary; experience unnecessary. Interna tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B M 27z WANTED By prominent Chicago whole sale clothing firm a young, energetic trav eling man thoroughly acquainted in south ern Kansas; clothing man preferred, but not essential; state references.- Address F 32. Bee. B WANTED Circular distributers; cash paid; send stamp. American Distributer, Den ver, Colo, li MAN, young, to take charge of our business in Omaha; we are the proprietors of Liquid Skin, the Fluid Court Plaster; good salary and advancement; we prefer en ergy to experience. Royal Drug Co., 9-A 1, Beekman St.. N. Y. B WANTED Every wnere, men willing to dis tribute samples, tack signs, etc., at 33.00 dally; permanent; no canvassing. Conti nental Distributing Service, Chicago. - B ta3 27x WANTED Energetio young man over a to travel, advertise and collect: salary 320 weekly from start and ail expenses; steady position. Address Road Supt.. 3us Dearborn, Chicago. B 127 27x WANTED Show case salesman on com mission throughout the United States; makes good side line; write with refer ences, experience, etc., Tha Reld M'f g Co., Detroit, Mich. B 446 27x . WANTED Man to sell county and state rights for valuable invention indispensa ble to farmers. Write for particulars. Address Lock Box 704, Osage. Ia. x B-447 27x WE PAY CASH to grow mushrooms for us at home; large income; experience un necessary; spawn free;' addressed en velope for particulars. National School of Agriculture, 194 B'way, New York. u wr Z'X WANTED A registered pharmaclstyoung man preferred; good opening. The West ern Ref. & Bond Ass n., 840-54 N. Y. life bldg. v ; . B-Ml-27 BUSINESS A. j LOWRY, Prin. - pronounced. Those who live out of tha time have signified their Intention to return to take noma tor tnetr irienas. onormana ueparunem, is a graauaie oi this qualification, coupled with High school, eminently fits her for tha work. True tha A POSITION IS OPEN. Do you know where it lsT Wa do. We have peninga for high grade men of all kinds executive, technical and clerical paying from $1,000 to tli'.Ouv a year. Write for plan and booklet. OfBcea in twelve cities. HAI'QOODS (Incorporated). 014 Chemical building. St. Louis. B BPLKNDID opportunity to learn barber trade. Best offer made. College rated by government as "best In United Stairs. Write today. American Barber College, Omaha, Neb. B 66 Jii WANTED 3 aookkeeaere, with experience; sma II salary ta start with; gned opening; ug men preferred. The Western Ref. ond Asa'a., 340-641 N. Y. Life b'dg. youn; & Bond B 642 rr rok exchange:. TO EXCHANGE. 440 screa choice eastern Nebraska farm lands ror sleek or general merchandise or clothing. Address Lena a Miller, Wlsner, Nebraska. Z M3a4 6 WILL trade beautiful piano for herse. Bohanoller Mueller, in jraroara. Z-693 NEW hotel to trade for good farming land; I-atory brick, as tearooms, steam neat, gas light, water works, and all the fur niture, all rented; good trade; price 117. (no. H. Harder, Scribner, Neb. &-M474 x FOR EXCHANGE a0 aores good land In Sherman JO., nro., ror sieca gen I, Address Box 61, Loup City, Neb. 2471 !7x Looking For An Opportunity? GLANCE, THROUGH THE WANT ADS YOITLL FIND IT A PROFITABLE HABIT WATKI-FEWALE HE I J. SPRING TERM Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douglas, OPENS MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 4. NEW CLASSES In all Business Branohea; also Bhorthand, Typewriting, Tel egraphy, Penmanship and Pen Art. PENMANSHIP Wa employ an expert, professional Instructor tn Penmanship, the only one employed in Omaha. If you want to learn to write a business hand, you can be properly taught at the Omaha Commercial College. TO WRITERS of GREGG SHORTHAND Send ua your nam and address and you will receive something next week of peculiar Interest. SHORTHAND AND TYPEVVTUTING. To anyone Interested ta Shorthand wa wtn sand free C pages of matter containing the first sts lease aa In Bhorthand. tha beat system rrar devised. Tou tan than sea how readily you can laarn ta write 1L SPECIAL SUMMER SCHOOL, En Bookfceepmx ghortaand, Typoarfttng Telegraphy. PanmawMj and all PtlalU Bottaol Branches. Send for particulars. CATALOGUE AND CIRCULARS Will be aant free to any address. Write. Rohr bough Bros.. Omaha, jaeb. - ANYONE need of housekeeper or msn and wife call Canadian office, lith and Dodge. C-666 WANTED, a good cook, (female)tfor em ployes at Genoa Indian achool. Write for particulars to Paul A. Walter, manager. C-M281 37x WANTED At once, fifty sewing machine operators for herse blanket department. Apply at Bemls Omaha Bag Co., between 8 and 10 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. m. C M317 27 WANTED Girl . for general housework; small family: best wages. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, 1210 S. 11th. C-M35t-2 WANTED, good girl for general house work; good wagee: no washing. Tnqulre immediately, 30.7 Marcy. C M361 27 FOR ST. LOUIS World'a fair, 60 ladlon, work nammoth palmistry -studio. J'JO weekly; experience unnecessary ; large il lustrated palmistry book with instruc tions for 3 stanins. Professor Frederick, 813 W. 126th St., New York Fair Pent. 127. C M387 2x LAPIKS for work at home stamping World's fair souvenirs: steady. RR Doug las Diag., opp. nayaen s. u-mh: ab WANTEDj-Ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage. Two to four weeks completes by our method. Can nearly earn expenses before completing. Instruments and diplomas given. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Dousrlas St, C M43G-1X IF you wish to earn money bv writing short stories or by acting as news cor- responaents, address United Preaa Syndl cate. 333 Postal Building, Indianapolis, -Indiana. C 420 27x- LADIES to do plain sewing at home; steady work, 39 per week. Materials sent . everywhere free. For- particulars send addressed envelope. Pa Pont Dent 627, Box 1382. Philadelphia, Pa.. , 0-43-27k . LADIES $16 per week sewing at home; ma - terlals free; no canvassing; beautiful sam ple sent free on receipt Of addressed en , velope. Majestic Lace Co., New York. 1 C 471 27x . WANTED Ladles, remove your moles free, wiinoui pain, acia or electricity; sair-ad-dressed envelope. Lock Box S3, Indian apolis, Indiana,. . ; ...... . , 4-43J 87x OMAHA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Cor.. 17th and Farnam Sts., OMAHA, NEB. SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 4. If you are intending to take a course in commercial or stenographic work, we invite your candid consideration of the merits of the. Omaha Business University. We are giving the best work in these courses that is possible to be obtained. We give all students the privilege of attending one month before requiring the payment of any tuition. Call, write or 'phone for catalogue and full information. WANTED Experienced laundry girl. Hln- PRINTING, chey Laundry, 36th and N 6ts., So. Omaha. ; ' C-828 HIGH CLASS printing at lowest -prices. W A NTED Marker and aasorter: expe- ...Tel. 1268. I. A. Medlar Co., 422 8. 16th st, rlence necessary. Hinchey Laundry. 2ath . MJ33 A3 and N fits.. So. Omaha. 0-3H9 tn , AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. LADY stenographer, salary $60 per month; ut our prices. Tel. ISO. 1648 Chloago. position open about middle July. Addreas M374 A3 V. O. Box 2U2, St. Paul. Minn. C 4s6 37x LADIES to do piecework at homes; PRINT1 N G, of iUljrSUJSSi LYNGSTAD fl6U bt and Cap.,ol Avo. to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe Bt Chloago. J C-477 g.x KRAMER ac CHANDLER, Quick Printers. Isfled customers; exclusive territory; no WB make caienaar,, uai 6o M Unt, ot IVZfZufZ XVnflll&A f1taio,ft prlnUng. Barton Printing Co.. 707 B. 16th! Paris Skirt Company.. Cleveland. O. C 'Phone 3266. M7S4 A14 HOME WORK $9 weekly during spare time; no canvassing, experience or money OSTEOPATHY. needed; enclose stamp tor outfit, lnstruc- tlons, etc. Address Universal Co., Ua W. -.. . . , . ma New Vr.rk C Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 164. 33d St.. New York. c Dr. J. A. Meehan. 616 N. 1 . Life bldg. T. 11 COMMERCIAL TEACH ETtS should regis- ; 71 ter with us. We conduct a Teachers' Em- . , plovment Bureau. Telephone 1284 or The Hunt Infirmary, McCagua bldg. T. 3363. write to 7-0 The Smith Premier Typewriter Company. C-ou6 27 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, $33 N. Y. Life. Tel. . tm. 7 LADIES $-$16 paid weekly doing plain . sewing home; experience unnecessary: Fayette Cole, osteopath. 60S Paxton block, material sent free everywhere; send 7 stamped addressed envelope for particu- - lars. Weber Mfg. Co., 1135 Broadway, tr. Farrall, specially nervous diseases, $04 New York. C 467 37x Paxton. M 646 A36 WAXTKD FKMALB HELP, WANTED Everywhere, people to copy let ters at home during spare time and re turn us. Materials sent free. No mailing or canvassing; 39.00 weekly earned. En t close self-addressed envelope for particu . lnrs. Guarantee Co., No. 627 Ninth SU, Philadelphia, Pa. C 438-27X . SITCATIOK9 WANTED. POSITION WANTED aa draftsman; 6 years' experience In machine desslgnlng, molding, refrigerating machines, eto,'; graduate of teclinloal school in Austria; married; best of references. Address L. 8 top k a, 421 Belden ave., Chicago, III. A M m ZI WANTED Work by man, 28. Am In need and will accept any honorable occupation. Address, E 71, Bee. A 256 27x EXPERIENCED girl wants work in pri vate family; references. E 76, Bee. A 247-27X WANTED By young lady with six months' experience In office, stenographic position. Address, E i'6, Bee. A 239 27x AM under 40; can sell any kind of goods; had management, handled travelera, passed on credits; well posted on Imple ments, hardware, groceries, grain and lumber; want a position; best of refer ences. Address F 46, Bee. A 394 27 x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8T1LLMAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat. by. bldg. -653 THE new Bnow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors, brokers everywhere.' 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 123. S4 JUDGE DICKINSON, 61S N. Y. life- set tlement estates specialty. . Tel. F-26oi. FLORISTS. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 800 L." HENDERSON, florist. 161S Farnam St. 801 ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1607 Farnam. ..Tel. 3333. ; , . .. t0$ A4 FOR RT FIRMSHKD ROOMS. CENTER hotel. HO N. 17th; nice transient rooms. B U6 kUI ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago K 6b DEWET, European hotel, 13th and Farnam K 6 NICBLT furniahed rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 17W Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17U. E wa O. M, E. haula trunks. Telephone 61L E-r3 $1.26 PER WEEK, Deran House, 423 8. llh. E-663 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fins rooms: 6M Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Rumge Hid. LARGE, warm room, steam heat. 1903 P-'-1 C'pUo1 B-M7 KL1TB parlors. 61S a 16th. 2d floor. NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15th. V3S E6 "VIAVI," way to health. 360 Bee building. ELEGANT apartment house for men; rooma alngle or ensulte. luxuriously fur- , ,,,. , " . . . .. nlahed, now ready for occupancy. Apply MAGNETiCr'f '-"T?.1 Kath!i. t.m5' at tha Chatham. 13th St., opposite Millard ,"v-,t,l-' ""Smith. 118 N. 16. 2 fir.. R. 3. hotel. . E5-M812 U-M3&. A8x NICTCLY furnished rooms.-third floor. 143) "S.8 Jll.T,r ,1ftn ;ordeon pleatlngf Dodge St. E M437 X nolhln" but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co.. Douglas blk. U-736 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam sts. nr nri,,- . Reference required. KM956 Bf u,?hThy dldn J you met m9i n! , Columbia Phonograph company last LARGE front room, suitable for two g-n- Vl,' ,.1 w'ted till naif past . Say, tlemen or for light houeekeeptng. 2321 iLT.'Ii,,.8 coniel", "re rand, and I , California st E-1M343 S7x VM?'? X' R? "cord',t tf i each. Peggy from Farla. U M1S7 MODERN furnished rooms, IS. 118 N. fclth. ' PANTORIUM----- THREE elegantly furnished, with bsth. " w 1 xl V-ltl team heat, 2234 Farnam. 'Phone top flat. U 737 B M380 87 . ., SEND 36a for HOMESTEADER S GUIDE. LARGE room, suitable for two: also single containing forty-eight pages ot valuable room. 1908 Capitol. E M378 fflx .nformation. OFFICIAL MAP and fu'l Instruction how to get a claim oil tha ONE large front room, 310; one small room, ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Fotbes Lo- $5; all modern; on two car lines 8213 eating Agency, Bonesteel, S. D, U-sl Cuming. E-M379 28x . PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al NICELY furnished rooms; gentlemen pre- lowed on purchase. Srhmollor A Mueller, ferred. 131 S. 26th. 'Phone 3456. 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1S26. U 932 E M378 Kx . TLB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th sU NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable. 717 U 3G6 80 .17th. K-M371 3$ , -- OAS fixtures at coat. Sam'l Burns. FURNISHED alcove, parlor and rooma. U M814 Al 2310 Harney. E M367 28x . , SMOKE Capt. Freer's Greonlandar cigar, ROOM for gentleman. 2406 St. Mary's ave. 410 8. 13th. U M17 Mayl E M364 28X . , . THEATRICAL masq. oostumes. Llebnn, LARGE front room with nlcove; gentleman 1018 Farnam. U M911 preferred. 1817 Capitol ave. BiljoJ iWx . LODGES, dancing club or meetings of snj MODERN furnished rooms for gentlemen. kind can Bet-ure a hall In the Bee build- 2101 Farnam. E M366 38x lng, with splendid accommodations; ele. vator service all night, clectilo light, ONE to three partly furnished rooms, mod- piano, etc. Apply to 11. C. Peters & Co., ern; can be arranged for light housekeep- ground floor, Bee bldk'. U 341 lng; no children; references. 2701 Wool- , worth ave. K 190 27x CRYSTAL Ice Co.. 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 1028. BEAUTIFUL rooms newly furnished. U-M60 J10 Handsome front parlor suitable for two DR. FICKES, G. C. B. S., dentist, 338 Be gentlemen. 1613 Howard St., 3d fl. Bldg. U M800 A16x E 406 27 X . . , IF EVER in the park you sat and haard MODERN furnished rooms. 23 Cass. the band upon your hut play walttes, E M6 30x marches and two-steps, too, 1 think II .,, 7 ; . would astonish you, don't youT But say, FURNISHED rooms and board; fl:-e lock- the most surprising thing is how Stoecker, tlon; gentlemen only. 2215 iarnarn st. 1404 Dough.s, can aell his Monogram cigar y 64 Alx for 6c. Just as good as most 10c cigars. LARGE front room, modern. In desirable . U M8ti3 neighborhood; private family. 406 N. M WA NTED A piano to use for storage: ,treet- E 066 private family. Address F 41, Bee. MODERN, furnished rooms. 1922 Call for- , U ICTtO 27x nlB- E M528 30 "LUX CRUCIS "-similar to Ben Hjr-by miDUTaumn .r . . . M. Gardenhlre. Investig&U-. Roach's FURNISHED rooms. $5. 1806 Lake. Circulating Library, 1615 K -Mj28 80 ' 0862 27 FURNISHED rooms. 2220 Burdette SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts aiidmoles pari M5-5 Six mnnenlly removed by cleotrlclly ; consul- mvn ,- . . .,, . IIT'Z rTt" . tatlon free and confidential; all work FIVE large and small rooms. 6U IN 19th. guaranteed. Miss Allender. 4i N. Y. Life. M523 3X J U 436 27x KaTL rm"-in?uit,' lR,;f WIN your cigars with Whirl, the solentlflo nt J,nrkl?neiyilf,,f?mr CU Cu"',, Send 10c In stamps to Whirl. 4223 hall, rent reasonable. 1821 gfJ-- Douglas St. Agsnts wanted. U-604 27x crxm, , . . ZTT1 7 , . .' MEN who suffer from excesses and early Kav'nJh 18 r00m' rJceL?i,!iB1- 'oll'e '"1 one dollar for our guaranteed VJ F-MS36 29x cure. Cures while you sleep. The Oby NICELY furnished room, private lamTiT! Chemical Co.. Bt, Louis. Mo. U-466-27X 2118 Burt. E MS36 29x BUST developor; all may be plump; an- NICELY furnished rooms. 1704 Juretnod1 'on Xml anoai tux one 00iIar. plaln wrUjnper. Penn Specialty FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 417 N. Co.. Mount Oliver. Fa. uim-27x 1tn' ; E M638 29 MARRY 8,000 worth $1,000 to $100,000; paper, ELEGANTLY furnished, strictly modern 10c: eal.edK(n,ct,hlns' fr"); ,anrk Tfer" south snd east front room In a new mod- f"oe: Ished 8 years. , R L Love. ern cottage; large wardrobe; close In; no Denver. Colo. U ifil-27x other roomers; will rent to gentleman T. -... . .-... . only. 'Phone L 2659. E 552 tlx . E?JLAIlaB TwUR BUSTS. LA DIES 1-A ' to 10 Inches at home, with Dr. Conway's Bu)Jt r.biol)g at trifling cost; $1,000 for a FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. case we cannot; those developed In past 17 ' years prove 'tis permanent. Saltd facts 4o THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms, good "t"mI,,s- .CONWY SPECIFIC CO.. U bc-rd; reasonable rates. F M818 M27X Temple Place, Boston. Mass. U Ia5 j7x UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. MARRY-Wealth and Beauty. Mnrrlsga V 6G8 Directory free. Pay when married. En tlrely new plan: send no money. Address ROCKAWAY, 1318 Douglas. Meals, Uo, H- A- Morton. Dept. 27, Tekonsha. Mich. F 6j3 L if 27x Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with- PRETTY American lady, wtlhmit Mth or outboard. Midland hotel, Mth at Chicago. ' ,nv. ver7 75,thy' -wnt ! honest zny- husband. Addresa Lowe, 291 C Inton fit.. Chicago. U 479 27x HOME Dining Hall; first-class meals, 20e mnnn kntrr. v,,,-. ,w , and 26c Homo cooking. 1709 Dodge. MII?DL 1"AOE12 lJu5,n1"7 mn' r,h r8Si" " irMir" a ia 000. sober and industrious, wanta rood. r ja- A-m ,ome-lovlng wife. Addresa Mr. Andre. LARGE south front room and board for 85 Hudson Ave.. Chicago. U-f76 27x two; all modern, with phone A-2563, $600 ,.,. ,. ,.,. . . ajveek wch; genUem.n preferred 2406 B8t!T,en gi va't SrTgse.Tdl , dress F 66, Bee. U-401 Tx $6C TURKEY DINNER 36C , J Turkey dinner Sunday, 35c. 1709 Dodge. F M340 27 MEDICAL FURNISHED rooms and board. 118 N. .MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. 18th. Tel. F2318. F-M170 3$ ' At druggists. $L 738 FIRST-CLASS day boarders wanted. 1828 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, ra- Capltol. F MSS1 28k tall. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. ' . 733 LARGE parlor; another room suitable for 1 : 7- two or three. 1S12 Chlcaga. F-M377 28x IR- PRIES treats successfully all disaasea . . and Irregularities of women: experienced, FURNISHKD room. With board. 621 8. 18th. reliable, 16UH Dodge, Arlington Block, 'Phone 1203. F M374 38 Omaha. 740 YOUNG lady for roommate. 60$ 8. 20th. WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma- F M376 28 tlem, scxema or stomach trouble that Co- , Lon-Co WON'T CI RE. m 3s TWO large parlors, with board: reasonable. ' .. ; . 1 3020 Harney. F M373 36x PRIVATE hoepltal during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. ELEGANT south front room snd alcove. Tel. Red-1884. 741 with board. 2418 Case. F M373 lx -..-,." " ; - PRIVATE horns during confinement; babies ROOMS and board. 810 Douglns, adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, F M366 3rx 72i 1st Are., Council Bluffs, Ia. 626 FURNISHED rooms and board. 2215 Doug- PRIVATE hospital before and during con las. F M363 2$x finement. Mrs. Fisher, 2616 S. 11. Tel. 1&S9. ; 742 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE sanitarium during confinement. . Babies adopted.- Dr. and Mrs. Gerlaoli, UNFURNISHED rooms. 312 Harney. 8u California. -269 28x -M368 30x SISTE7RS In despair. Speedy relief. Ab- FOUR modern rooms for light housekeep ing, H block from Farnam car line. 210 B. 30th st. G 666 27x THREE) unfurnished rooms. 2216 N. S7th ave. G Mi27 1 MODERN, unfurnished rooma uos Oraoe. G hMUt 30 FIVE) modern, unfurnished rooms, on car Ine. 2-06 Lake. O M624 2$x A SUITB of 8 unfurnished rooms, with bath rocm attached, In quiet locality (Kountse Place addition) one block from 24th at. car Una. Addreaa V 60, Bee offloe. G 633 27 THREE desirable rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, partly furnished. 3210 Cae. ' G MfiW WANTED TO (VENT. WANTED To rent room and board In v private family by two gentlemen. Ad dress, E 68, Bee. K $43 27x WANTED To rent furnished heuse; small; desirable tenant. Address F 62, Bee. K-sM 27x WANTED Two rooms and board for lady and two sons; must be desirable. Address F 63. Bee. K 7 27x WANTED To rent on or before June 1, furnished houae for young couple; can refer to any bank or bualness house in Omaha. Address F 62, Bee. K 14 $7 WANTED, by young ooaple, room with alcove, or two rooma unfurn iahed. with or without boaxd. Addreaa F 4' K 630 rtx DASCIN6 ACAD XT. MORANTTS 16th and Harnay, spring ta a begins this weak: cllreo, S L, a a,; adults. Tuea. A IT1 . 8 a. m.; n ' 1 $; prtvats laasona aaTy. TzL ItiX. r? AJ4 dctixtivb ac ret. Cast, Citnrtairk. C2 rsraarh blk, TaL A-3U1 PERSOV4L. DR, ROY. Chiropody, r. 3, 1615 Farnam. U-MS37 Paper Hanging Kua": C. P. McCLAlN. teed at reasonable prlcea. 310 N. 17th St. Tel. B-2647. U-MSfl Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quickest Mra. A. C. Mark. 17th and Douglas. v U-730 LA BOOK, iadiea' tailoring, -U Karhach Blk. U 731 ANT poor girl In need of a friend can call or wrlto to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women, SSL'4 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U-MiiM Maylx normal suppression, any cause. Write for remedy. Hafe. sure Dr. Martha Walker Co., 1& State, Chicago. 41$ I7x DePHYBTER'S Monthly Regulator. Brings nappiness to tnnnsnnas 01 women. Tee sample sent. Willys Chemical Co., New Haven, Conn. 411 2Tx DR. W. HUTCHINSON, ' specialist of women ana ennnren: jo years practice. Office, 22""i Cumlna-. Resldrnce telephone. F-2790; office. B-2b3C DR. PRIES, German gradual, renowned ror nis bkiii ana exrx-rience in rontlne ments; cures sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus snd ovaries, euros painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, recent or of long standing. Ladle who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without deration nr the hospital. If a personal Interview ta Impossible state your rase fully. Inclose stamp and answer snd advice will promptly be given. Address R. F. Pries. M. D., 15im Dodgs St., Omaha, Neb. LAD1E8 When In need send for free trial of our never fallina- remedy: relief sure and oniric. Paris Chemical Co., Milwau kee, Wis. LAPIEH. our monthly regulator aever falls; box free. Vita Co.. Station A. De troit. Mich. LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the beat. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps, for pHrtlculai s "Relief for Ladies," In letter, by return trail. Ask ymir rtri.ssjat Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. OKTHAND AND Tf PE WBjn.tO. A. C, VAN BANT'B achool, 717 N. Y. Life. -724 Neb. Bus. A Shorthas CoL, Boyd theater -22$ PATauiTa, H. X. COWGILL No tm an leas a-tceaatf ' 4-1 ft. ttth fct- C-u a. Tel. 17 rJ 1 PAXXNTS gaarasOead. ' Sua Ce . Ome a? Z. ataaadwr. r. U. fta. La tsw Xor V.i svatia at. ai I AX Ait '? -4 9, t