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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1904)
TITE OMATTA DAILY YEE: SUNDAY, SIAKCIT 27, 1904. TOMORROW MORNING WE begin toe sale of toe great Hi 126 7. 41st St. This is the greatest and most important sale of a dressmaking stock we ever held Sale begins Monday morning at 8 o'clock. The finest quality of imported dress goods, silks, unmade robes, made up costumes, laces and trimmings from one of New York's most famous dressmakers. 12 n ran n r? n7 . tm n HU If w Beautiful Unmade Robes The dressmaking establishment of Van Pelt is known to. New .Yorkers as one of the most excellent in the country. The house serves an immense fashionable trade and a great percentage of the elaborate toilettes worn at great New York assemblages come from the matchless workrooms of this dressmaker. Only the highest grade fabrics are employed and the establishment is renowned for the beauty of the fabrics in its costumes. This sale coming at the height of the season makes it very noteworthy. We were remarkably fortunate in securing an immense assortment a complete stock in itself from this great house, including conceptions ex pressly designed for the most select New York patronage. We bought at an amazing bargain and make most extraordinary offers. HIGHEST CLASS LACES From the Van Pelt Dressmaking Stock The finest and most elaborate la'ccs in the entire purchase, beautl ful sleeve laces, lierre laces, bands, galloons, inserting the most beautiful specimens will all be sold quickly on big bargain square, at, yard From the Van Pelt Dressmaking Stock Included in this stock were some twenty-five beautiful unfinished gowns and deeollette waists and corsages. The materials are I crepe de chine, deutelle inserted, soie aujoure applique, poplin, crystal applique, etamine bolero, net robe silk garniture etc. j The gowns, which were im ported to sell up to $175, will go at, each fThe superb Waists, which were worth up to $85, will be sold at r cro, net robe suit garniture etc. $15 to $89 $15 to $25 From the Van Pelt Stock Up Costumes 'A number of exquisite dress costumes in this great purchase will be shown tomorrow at remarkable bargain prices. Among them are: Highest Class Dress Goods ed $1 Yard Included in the elegant assemblage are Chiffon Voiles, Crepe Illusion, Sicilians, Amazons, Broadcloths Doeskins, Mof hair Melanges, Voiles, Etamines, Deutelle Voiles, English Cloths, Scotch Mixtures, Etc., Etc. All piece goods are in 7, 8, 9 and 10 yard OO pieces iiic cuiuc aisui uiiciu was uui icv-ciui imported. The entire array will be sold on immense bargain square tomorrow, at, yard, One pastel bron.lrloth gown, with One chiffon velvpt and silk mousselln jvMtit lace ornaments, worth $4Q costume, worth $3(50, $14Q On l'iii de vln broadcloth gown, Irish point Three crepe dechlne ' 1160 it Worth $65 Kowni at - 303 One tucked chiffon cloth costume, Mme. Two crepe de chine $4Q Pompadour trimming, worth CQU gowns at 1200. at ij0 Two crepe de chine One cut velvet and thread lace costume, costumes at 143 u ,uu VttA!?.:... 25 Two .chlffonnd lace $75 One rhanttlla lace over green chiffon, "'' ZSi. .....$125 $85 Ladies Suits for Easter At Extraordinary Prices. Tomorrow we continue our sale on ladies' spring suits which we bought at such a tremendous reduction from an eastern man ufacturer. These suits are all new and make handsome costumes, for Easter. ' ' Never were rncb great value offered to ladles' tailor made suits bo early In U season. These garments are all brand new and fresh from the factory. All ffe most favored spring novelties. Ladles' $12.50 Suits $7.75 Novelty cloth suits in blouse and Eton styles jackets are silk lined new fabrics and f75 Colors all sizes, A - at u Ladles' $16.00 Suits $9.75 Made of etamine and canvas cloth, etc., new epaulet capes with latest trimmings all Cft98 styles and worth regu- J larly up to $16, at Ladies' $20.00 -Suits $12.50 Handsome voile dress suits also smart novelty walking suits Eton, blouse and mili tary styles, newest features, at w. Fine Sample Suits $14.85 Beautiful novelty effects in both dress and walking suits many are exclusive in style and worth about twice the price Y I 85 we ask for them ISsCtj---- tomorrow, at Superb Silks From the Vn Pelt Stock The finest silk stuffs from the Van Pelt stock all imported novelties from Paris and Lyons exclusive patterns for street and evening costumes swell silk brocades in light and medium grounds for opera coats heavy pompadour silks and 3 and 4 tones, many handsome shirt waist silks in single patterns chiffon messalines, printed warps In taf fetas, fleur de soie and satin de chine, ultra fashionable single cloth. "A few of these fine silks have been displayed nr , In our show window, and the entire lot will be placed on special sale, at, yard. .' LINING TAFFETAS FROM VAN PELT STOCK I FINE NEW SHIRT WAIST SILKS .00 Very finest quality about 85 pieces of 27 In. oil boiled taffeta, Lyons make every yard wear guaranteed positively $1.25 value, at, yard 75c 126 pieces of new shirt waist silks, all the new weaves and colorings champagne, blue, browns and new greens regular selling price would be up to 1.5o, at, a yard 122 SS! Walking and Dress Skirts Walking Skirt mads in latest novelty features and QQ worth $3. BO, at I0 ,ldlM' Handsome Walking Skirts latest ideas, worth up T J Q kJ.TSJ to $6, at. Ladles' Smart Style Dross Skirts worth up to $3.00. Cg Ladles' Very Handsome New Dress Skirts worth up to A Oft T.U 75c 3et - ..........10c-15c-25c FINE ALL OVER. LACES For Making Entire Lace Wajsts We will bring forward all the beautiful allover laces for making entire waists white, cream, ecru and black, handsome effects, rr" Z !!.!2;.d:. ........ 69c-98c-$1.39 All the Fancy Dress Trimmings The dress trimmings from the dressmaking stock, including the handsome braids, Persians, spangle, and orna- 1 A ments, at yard, 25c and 1UC ORNAMENTS WORTH UP TO 500 EACET, AT EACH. . . .5c TOMORROW IS THE GREAT Floor Oilcloth & Linoleum Sale A storehouse full of 'these goods got wet The immense stock of Farr & Bailey, manufacturers of floor oil cloth and linoleum, occupying the first floor and basement of 122 and 124 Market St., Chicago, was flooded. The Automatic Sprinkler System on one of the upper floors broke loose and the Farr & Bailey stock, occupying the first floor and basement, got more or less wet. The Linoleum was stored on the mMn floor, and standing on edge re ceived only a Blight wetting on one end. The floor oilcloth, stored in the basement, recei ved the most damage. WE BOUQHT FOR SPOT CASH ONE SOLID CARLOAD OF THESE GOODS, AND HAV1NQ HAD FIRST CHOICE WE BOUOHT ONLY THOSE THAT WERE PERFECT OR SLIGHTLY DAMAGED, AND BUYIND THE LOT FOR SPOT CASH WE GOT AN IiinENSB BARGAIN. When it is considered that only a few of these good are slightly dam agred, and most of them sound and perfect, and that we are going to sell them at one-half and one-fourth their reg ular prlco, this is going to be a sale very much out of the ordinary. 15c 25c 39c 49c 59c 15c 39c 'We are going to sell all widths and all grades of floor oil cloths that sell as high as 50c yard, at 15c per square yard. Bear in mind these are full pieces, not remnants. We are going to sell the best grade of Floor Oilcloth, abso- f" lutely sound and perfect, in all widths, at twenty-fle cents per f square yard- ; sS We are going to sell extra heavy linoleum that often sells at' ninety cents per square yard, these are sound and perfect, and go at thirty-nine cents per square yard. The very best Printed Linoleum that is manufactured, selling M rfX at one dollar and twenty-five cents per square yard, we will U soil o fniW-tr.Tiino rna rfi srmnro "TO ril We will sell several grades of extra heavy Inlaid Linoleum that often sells as high as $2.50 per sq. yard, these come in wood and tiled patterns, and go on sale Mondav at 59c per squdre yard An opportunity to buy Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum that may never occur again. 59c $7.BO, at Ladies' Spring Jackets $4.98-7.50-9.98 $3.98-4.98-7.50 The Pretty New Covert Jackets for spring at ' The Stunning 5llk Blouse and Eton Jackets up from Cravetett-in all new ideas in T7 JA Q QCI II f CIO eravenetted cloths, silks, etc. S y jJtOJl,)toptJ Handsome Voile Dress Skirts All the newest styles and shapes in ultra swell dre-ji skirts, in. eluding new Dutch and Colonial idas $7.50-9.98-12.50-14.85t.$49 Monday Specials in the Picture Dept. Passepartout Pictures, 5x7, lots of them sad ll good subjucts, the 10c C kind, at DC Gilt Frames.l inches wide, fitted with 14x17 artotypss, mounted with A Q white mat, w trth 73o, JC Three Fencing Olrls Picture, in ombl- Dslloo, black FUmiih (rsmes, A Q Tff reifular price 98o, at Cherry and Oak Finish Rooms f 0 rionldlnj, 1j Inch wide, fuut....lC Crajron Portrait Frames gilt and oak, com pie to with if las and back, 70 ... SMART SHOES FOR EASTER regular 91,25 va.ue, at.. Colored 'Etchings, 1Sx28, fitted with has vy white una and three- C inch but quality fraraa, at $13 Vs. The Finest that Money Can Buy and the Best for the Money Ladles' Strictly Bench Mad Shoes $8.00 These are hand sewed, light welt sole, lace shoes, custom work Ideal kid uppers military heels a perfect shoe combining the highest points of elegance without- being conspicuous Full Dress Shoes, Turn Soles. Louis Heels In shiny leather, in dull gun metal finish leather, and in plain French kid leather. in naif Louis heels, full Louis heels and extreme Empire beels, also one exclusive pattern in the Imperial spike heel Swell Street Shoes With Welt Soles These are of Surpass Kid with patent tips, and in dull gun metal leathers, with plain toes, combining all essential feutures of durability wltn the extreme of style in the most perfect taste. . Fine Turn and Welt Sole Shoes Four new spring styles, in Una (Surpass kidskln and Ideal kldskln medium heels, medium toes very good to look at splendid to wear, and very easy on the feet The New Hook and Lace Shoe This Is the new style, with four rows of hook at tn top iiks a man snoe, diii wnn me nooks protected so that the luce on tne sKtrt win Dot can n. J rie snoe is mauio or nne .Dongol ki1. with a usnt weit nexiuie sole a neat tie witn patent lottlher tip a, perfect fuUuf shoe and very stylUli iaai The 1904 Sprier Phlt Eazi Shoe Comes in 4 styles, plain and patent tip, and 1 u aiweye, tne uti entw 111 mo worm inr tj.tiu. w e nttve nanaiea tni shos for fifteen years made out of the same grade of leather, and on the same modnl.and never had one complaint ail Ilea, A to EE The Brandels S l.8 Special Shoe In medium and extension tolet, made, or aaa a aitl every pair warranted a good shoesolid in every part good to look at fits well and wears well $8 leather. $5-$6 $5 $4 3.50 CII1U IS $3 1.98 Four Bargain Squares of Embroideries Aa immense display of fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric embroid eries, insertings, bands and galloons, in all widths, many suit able for corset covers, children's 10 t dresses, etc., at, yard i 2C-IUC'IejC,'IC 1 . OHHnMHMaVHMsHnsMHMM Charming Easter Millinery The most elaborate display of Easter millinery in our new millinery department on the third flooi the greatest and largest millinery store from Chicago to San Francisco. The selection of an Eas ter hat need cause you no worry at Brandeis' our great assemblage of trim med and ready-to-wear hats offers the widest con ceivable variety and the most comprehensive ex hibition of correct style our great force of sales ladies and designers is at your disposal to assist you in your selection. Hcaaiiiful Model Hats for Easier Here are the daintiest models from the most renowned designers in America, and abroad hundreds of the moat charming- and exclusive designs every hat a millinery - r..:....... $8-$9-$10-$12.50 p $25 Beautiful Easier Hats at $5. Elegant hats for Easter wear that reveal the In tout style In shape ST mk and garniture made from combination chiffon, fancy straws, 1J braids and mallnes at gre&l choice, at VL sj Hih Class Trimmed Hats at $3.50. Beautiful confections for Easter wear deel sned according to the smartest Paris models and fashioned on graceful and pretty lines, lemarkable C Cl values, at. ;?t)U Trimmed Straw Hats. Ladles' and misses' fancy straw hats made of the new colored straw, white fany straw border, late spring ideas and jauntily trimmed, JJ f f f at ................................................... ,t,ii,,M..,.(i,,,,Miv a i Smart Street Hat at $3 $3 39c 17c A very swell new street hat the newest shapes and the most popular trimming very fetching designs, at Ladles' and misses' untrlmmed straw hats, at Fancy straw braid worth 7So bunch Saturday, per bunch Special Sale of Linens. la Turkish wash cloths, at, each, liC 31c 5c 7He huck towels, at, each lfio dollies, at, each DOo pillow shams and scarfs, at, each Ha lunch cloths and scarfs, at, each 25c 49c $7.60 all linen t.emstltched table sets, 10 4' cloth, and I dosen napkins, set $4.98 3 all linen table damaak superb quality, double satin, latest designs, C ?Q at, a yard 26 Inch napkins to match, worth 7 W. at, a dosen... $4.98 Wo quality fine grade full bleached table dumask 11 linen, extra heavy t?0 satin, at. yard jJC V) Inc h napkins to match, tt, dozen $1.69 J riAMFi J t I Jl To n?33 Ll tout j,sGU.13 4. W n m