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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1904)
it) THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. MAKCH 27. 1001. WAR ON CURBSTONE SIGNS twenty-four hours ending at noon Satur day: nirths Ttenrv Harrlg. 173S Routh Twenty, eighth, boy; I, outs Wolf, 11JO South Thir tieth, boy; Charles Rich. 2t Davenport, girl. Denths ItatTV Brant, county hospital. 39; V. . SMe. couhtv hospital, Infant Ko tera, 1723 South Fourteenth, 1 month. WHERE ARMIESHAVE FOUGHT Men Have Made War In Strange Flares W ater. Ifsyof Ifoorei Will Order Tum Etmored frotn Ba'inesi Ciftriot. 14 Ft T F F fer Fi Alet Ut Ik l I rm on -r H ;u si re to rt Kc .4 r a 3 ? 3 si i 1 a 5 I An Easter Hat to I ns i :Be Given Awcxyti To tlie latlv who makes the tween ei'lit o'clock Monday 2 nine o'clock Friday evening, -5 stunning Knsler Hat, and deliver it Saturday, in time to wear Easter Sunday. 5 See the Hat in Our Window. 6 Green Trading Stamps Given With Every Purchase. l Miller Linnor 5 1309 Fnrtiam St. Vir YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT We'd like you to romp In now, oxamlno our Pultlnfts nnd the new fashion plates., pick ont the cloth nnd the style cut you'll have, and lt-t us get the order recorded and the date of delivery fixed. We have a great variety of the latest fashionable cloths nnd arc ready now to take your order for prompt delivery. J. A. Kerva.n, Merchant Tailor. 1316 Farnam St. i b li Vi i 11 li vi 4 1 h i ,C. H. Frederick 1504 Farnam Street Leading; Hatter. SHIRTS That fit every spot All styles in the from $1.00 up. Dunlap or Stetson Hat for Easter In all the latest shapes and shades $3, $4, $5. 0PCN EVENINGS SEE OUR WINDOWS AS YOU 00 BY. Exclusive Agency DUNLAP HATS Hakes "Old Men" Boys Again Free receipt that restore youthful wl alltyto men of all ageaoannow p. . be had of the discoverer with out cost Cures nervous debility, prostatic) trou ble, emissions, etc, and restores normal nerve - power al most Instantly. FULL DIRECTIONS FOR HOME CURE Now that they have found a new In gredient that makes cures 60 per cent . quicker than formerly and practically given the desired effect over night the Tr. Knapp &leriical I'd., of Detroit, the world greatest authorities on tho cure of vital weakness, want every weak man to write them for the tree receipt that does thin wonderful (food, Hiid full directions how to cure yourself privately at home. There In no ruan so old that thin rerelt will not make him feel line a youngster again; and middle-aged lnei who think their heat days ar gone will have a happy surprise In store fur them. It la a blessing Indeed to any man who la not as good us he used to ha, and Whether you art) In the HVs or In the GO's the effect will he equally satisfactory and quick. I t orn what those who have used It say, a man can expect the change In l a than Jl hours and a permanent cure In a ahort time.- It cures nervous debility, premature 1ibi barge, undeveloped orgur.s, emissions, Varicocele, stricture, Inck of power, fx liaustlon etc., and cures It permanently to staved cured. It acts directly on the muscular tissue, mucous membranes, nerves and glands, and the effect Is a comforting one Indeed. If you can make use of a receipt that brings about such happy results send your liaine and address today to the Dr. Knapp Medical Co., Hull Huildlng. Detroit, Mlrh.. nnd It will le sent you by return mail together with directions for a private home cure and a descriptive booklet on your disease, nil In an unmarked package. Let there he no delay. From Scandinavian points I to Omaha. Now is the time to bring your relatives ( and friends from the old country. Those greatly re duced rates will only last a short time. All information at Wabash City Office, 1601 Faroarn St., or Address Out Kate Steamship Tickets Ham E. IJoores, Omahi- Neb lnrpest cash iurcliafo be morning, March 2Sth, and April 1st, we will 1 present a ! April 2nd, 2 Co J 'Phone 1241. 5 U vJ vi lb tV Oi D il vl vi ili vi vi vi vf Co.,, Hen's Furnishings Absolutely correct In every detail. very latest patterns, Dunlsp Silk Hats Ironed Free The Only Dpubl Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. 6 DAILY TRAINS J nulHl TO CHICAGO 8.25 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED barter, bath. Mlttuhon.. dlalnf oar. and obeenatloo ran. Eleetrio llahtad throuahout. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pullman toorlut lpln oftM nd ooacHm. Wninf n mmmt from CliDton. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman drawlsi-room and touri IxdIiii ears. f.r!linlngohalr oars, buB.l ltbrarr and amokuie an. Dinlna eara. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 31. fl l if Pullmanlrawln-moniileplntir,hnirt ttlJ AM imoains and librarl oar. anu f r rMlio- "m In, cb-ir oar. to Cjliloago. Ulnlns can. II 111 ill Through aarrlos Omaha to ChioaOT I nil AM North-Wwara .tandard daf ooacha. I iWU uli fra. cbair oan. Dining oar.. 25 pm azr-? M Vl" 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL:MINNEAPOUS 7 CO. 111 Obaarratloa oaf. ears, parlor ears and wtl eoaohaa. m 0 I C DU Pullman .lasnlnl ears, bofft Ubrarf O.IJ IS oar. and f raa raylln Tnlos ohair cara. BLAG II HILLS 2CR Dtl ToFremont. LIeoln,Whoe,DeldCtF, .v)U isf, fork. Haatlnga, (Seward, Gn.Ta, Hup. rlorT Norfolk, Un Pine, 0P. . Hot Hurt n., iMMdwood and Lead. Through radioing chair irai Pulitnan eleaplng car ana O nr. Ill To Framont, Llneoln, Wahoe, Norfolk. O.U3 AM Lonii line, V.rdinr.. Bouaaieel and the fioeebud Indian Hmrtalion country. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street CURES WITHOUT STOMACH DOSING Hyonirl Cores Catarrh by Simple Breathlnar The Sherman A MeCon nell Draw Co., Corner Sixteenth and Dodge strerte, ' Omaha, Refund Money It It Falls to Cure. A long stride toward Bolvlng the mystery of curing catarrh was taken with the dis covery of llyomci. In fact, the percentage of cures by this treatment proves it equal to the final testa The folly of taking medicine Into the stomach to cure catarrh of the nose, throat and lunga haa been realized by physicians. but not until Hyoniei was known had they a pructlcal method that would obviate stomach drugging. A complete llyomel outfit costs but $1, and consists of a neat pocket Inhaler that can be used anywhere without attracting attention, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hycmel. Breathing Hyomel through the Inhaler, every particle of air that enters the nose throat and lungs Is charged with a healing that soothes and allays all Irrita tion, kills the catarrhal germs and enriches the blood with uddit:onal osone. The 8herm;m & McConnell Drug Co., cor ner Sixteenth and Dodge streets, Onaha, have so much faith in the power of Hyomel to cure catarrh that they are selling It un der their personal guarantee to refund the money if it does not give poHilive relief. WHX FONITI YKLY Hi: Kidney and Uvcr Disease. Rheumatism. Hick lie-iuache. KrvHelas, Hcrofuia, Catarrh, Indigestion. Neuralgia, Nervous riesH, Dyspepsia, rtyphllitic Dlnecses. Con st ipati'in. U.:'Se.Va) people were treated In ldu3. lc. All Uruggiata. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER teaches the Lif Stock Mcau OVERHEAD ADVERT. SEMENTS COVE NEXT Chief Executive In Supporter! In This Movement by the Rrrrillr Or, gaalerd tlrle Improve ment I-enoe. Mayor Moores haa derided to make war on the curbstone signs and advertising con trivances of all descriptions. He declares all must go and next week will Issue orders to the chief of police to have all offending business men notified that they must remove the obstruction at once. The order will apply to the downtown district and a reasonable time will be given for tho work. Klectrlcal and ornamental algns, ex tending over the sidewalks, will not be dis turbed for the present, hut the poles, boxes, showcases and other objects on the outer edge of the. sidewalk will be under the ban. "I always have wanted this class of ob structions barred from the streets." said tho mayor. "But up to the present I have not considered public sentiment strong enough to warrant such a move. Now there seems to lie a positive demand for It and It will give me considerable satis faction to order the curbstone signs taken away. They disfigure the thoroughfares and occupy valuable space on the walks. In Omaha their number la legion and the task of eliminating them will be no small one. Howover. a beginning will he made next week and the work carried on as rapidly as possible, without discrimination or favor. No exceptions will be made to the general rule. (loth Slaris the Limit. "Cloth signs of nil descriptions hereafter will be absolutely barred out. These lire perhaps the ugliest things that can be seen upon the streets. The boxes, display cases and the like, will he permitted for the pres. ent, provided they are plnced close against the buildings. But they must be tasteful and free from objections of all kinds. With the support of the Civic Improvement league there Is no reason why this Invoca tion cannot be carried out. I shall do my part. Other reforms will follow and erent ually Omaha'i business district will be one of tho most artistic In the country, pro vided the present tendency to Insist on this feature is maintained." JAILER SPOILS "THE'SCHEME Gets letter Sent Woman In Which Man Incriminates Pelt and Seeks Her Aid. William Wills, 1140 North Nineteenth street, arrested on a charge of larceny as bailee, has had a preliminary hearing In police court, the case having been continued until Monday morning. Wills was charged with having taken $30 from N. J. Dixon of York, Neb. Uzzle Wilkinson, whom Dlxnn said he was spending the evening with and who was arrested with Wills, has been re leased. It appears that Dixon was eating supper with the Wilkinson woman in a restaurant t Thirteenth and Howard streets and that Wills offered to change a 120 bill for Dixon so that the latter might pay for the supper. It la then claimed that Wills and the bill ltft the scene instanter. A feature of the trial was the Introduction as evidence of a ropy of the Christian Her ald that Wills had asked the jailer to give to the Wilkinson woman In her cell, saying the woman would no doubt be lonely and would want something to read to pass the time away. The woman did not receive the paper, as the Jailer saw It first and examined the In side, which contained a letter from Wills to Miss Wilkinson. The effusion began with "My Dear Baby," contained a number of endearing terms and had twenty-three kisses Intended for the Wilkinson woman, but which the Jailer got. The burden of the letter was a request of the woman to get the old man (supposedly Dixon) drunk, so that when he appeared in police court against Wills he (Dixon) would be unable to Identify Wills as the man who Is al leged to have taken the 130 bill. He also said that he would "get stuck sure" if she did not "do the deed." Dixon is positive that Wills is the man who kindly offered to change his currency, but the latter denied the implication. ANGERED OVER ACCUSATION Stockman Arrested for Alleged Viola tion of Quarantine Incensed at Officers. An order for the arrest of Alex Hoover of Sheridan county was issued from the office of the United States district attorney on the charge of removing horses afflicted with maladie du colt out of the quarantine limits without Inspection. The animals were bought from the ranch of Joe Escoffey and were shipped to east ern Nebraska some time last fall. The Escoffey ranch was on or near the Pine Ridge Indian reservation, and In the tape cinl district affected with the malady. The arrest was made at the Instance of Dr. E. T. Davison of the Inspector's depart ment of the bureau of agriculture at Rush- ville. Hoover was much Incensed over the Information filed against him and is said to have threatened to do up one of the Inspectora who was investigating the mat ter. One of the Infected horses was killed and the others taken In charge by the in spectors. A deputy marshal was dispatched to Rushville to arrest Hoover for violation of the quarantine laws. SENDS NURSES TO THEATER Jockey Thorpe Pars Compliment to W of Hospital Where Wife Lies. C. A. Thorpe, the world-famous Jockey, who rode last year in France and who is spending the winter at his home at Geneva, Neb., showed the kindly feeling he has for the nurses at the Wise Memorial hospital by sending eight of them to see "When Knighthood Wat In Flower" at the Boyd Friday night. Thorpe's wife has been un der treatment at the hospital for some tlnio and Is recovering. The party was chaper oned by Miss Lillian Covert, the head nurse, and was made up of Ieone Hunt, Mildred F.pps, Minnie Erlckson, Eva Edgar, Oraci Crum, Nannie Howard and Clura Town send. POSTMASTER JJNDER CHARGE I. I lllle of at. Michaels Arruaed of F.mbesaling Five Hundred! Hollars. Orders were Isaued from the I'nIUd 8tates district attorney's olnce for the arrest of Ij, I Hlle, assist tut postmaster at Ht Michaels, liuffali county, on the c.iarge of embeisllng t'4; C5 of p..stAl money c der fund. The aliened peculations of Ue a cuaed ccver several montl.n sr;l :.s r is ben undrr surveilla-jce f r a)cu thit time. The case w;i warned up '.y Fo. t office Inspector Sinclair. Hlie wid be arrnicn.d befire the United Sinus commissioner at Kearney. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported M lbs Boaxd of UcaiUt during ihs When the American marines and the Co lombian troops recently confronted each other at Colon It 1-mked for a time as If a battle was to be fought on the pier of the Royal Mall Steamship company. The pier Is rnther an unusual place to fight a battle, but battles have licen fought In many curious places, ranging from mountain peaks to sewers, from Ice fields to desert sands. At the battle of Monterey, In the Mexican war, the Americans were sole to com mand the streets of the city with their artillery, but they had difficulty in dis lodging the Mexicans from the houses. So, the city being built of stone or adobe In solid blocks of houses, the Yankees broke through the walls frotn one house to an other, fighting and driving out the enemy, so that the battle of Monterey was largely fought Indoors. In one of the battles of the wars of William the Silent for the independence of the Netherlands the Spanish ships were frosen In on the Zuyder Zee. The' Dutch came out on horseback over the ice ana attacked them. This is probably the only battle In which cavalry was ever used di rectly against ships. Several other com bats were fought between troops on the Ice In these wars and on one occaslnn the Infantry Is said to have worn nkates. The tattle of AusterllU was partly fought on a frozen lake, and when the al lies were retreating across It the shot from the French artillery, plugging Into the Ice and breaking It up, caused the death of thousands of Russians and Austrlans. Of the many underground battles which have taken place In history the fiercest was probably that of the siege of Haarlem In the Dutch wars. The Spaniards mined and the Dutch countermined with equal in dustry, and below the ground a fierce con flict raged. When the Versellles troops took Paris after the commune they chased some of tho communist troops to the great sewers of the French capital, where some dcs. perate struggles took place. Washington Post. FINED ON THE FIRST CHARGE Kleptomaniac Domestic Reglns Har vest of Her Nomerons Escapades and fir Victims Arise. Ella Hurst, recently arrested on a charge of having stolen various articles from about sixteen Omaha residences where she worked in the capacity of servant, has been arraigned In police court on the first information filed against her. The first charge to be filed was preferred by D. E. Chapln, 2680 Harney street, the last place at which she worked and where she was arrested when she had a bundle of grocer ies that is supposed she Intended to take as she did numerous other articles from that and other places. She was found guilty on this charge and was fined $26 and costs. E. W. Arthur, 914 South Thirty-third street., has filed a complaint against the Hurst woman, charging her with the theft of two suits of clothes, an overcoat and quantity of groceries from the Arthur resi dence. THREE FROM ONE FAMILY Trio of Boys In Ebrneser Home Brothers Who Go Back t Mother. The parents of the five boys who have been kept at the defunct Ebeneser "home' have been located and it Is thought ar rangements will be made for the return of their inmates. Three of the boys are sons of a Mrs. Curtis of Twenty-third and Cum ing streets. The woman is said to hnve been unable to provide for them and al lowed them to go to the "home" to be used as a pretext for the charitable lmpo. sltlons said to have been Imposed by the management of the "home." Another of the boys came from Council Bluffs, where his sister, Mrs. Hogan, lives. The fifth boy is the son of Mrs. Bell, the blind "In structor" of ths Ebeneser place, which has been closed by order .of Chief of Police Donahue. FIRST SURVEYS FOR VIADUCT Preliminary IJnea Being Run for Driveway Over Network of Railroad Tracks. 1'rellmlnary surveys. In order to aecer tain what the work will consist of and how much It will cost, are being made by the city engineering department for the vladucr on Izard street, from Sixteenth to Thirteenth, asked for by about thirty busl ness firms. The object is to enable teams to pass from Sixteenth street over into the bottoms and to East Omaha without having to cross a network of Union Paclflo and Northwestern tracks. The viaduct will be big and costly, If built, and there Is some doubt as to whether or not the city can compel the railways to construct at leas immediately. WOMEN HAVE GOODS ON THEM Mrs. O Oliver of Albright and Dai Arrested for Shoplifting. Mrs. O. E. Oliver of Albright end her daughter-in-law, also a Mrs. Oliver, were arrested yesterday by Officers Ferrl and Dunn In Hayden Hrns. store and are held at the station on a charge of shop lifting. They were searched and severs rings and other small articles were found belonging to the Hayden store, and In ad dltlon a set of silver spoons, which wa claimed by the Hoston store. They are supposed by the police to be old handa the business. UNFAILING SIGN OF SPRING gal of Dog Tags Opens First April at Office of City Clerk. Dog tags will be on sale In the office of the city clerk on snd after April 1. Thii the one unfailing sign of spring at the city hall, and since the announcement by tit Clerk Klbourn no one thereabouts doubt that the winter has been ended. The tags this year will sell for the same old price, tl apiece, and will be small and tasteful I shape. After everybody has been given rhanrs to buy a tug the kidnaping of dogs by official orders will begin. Rallws Is. Oerrlt Fort, agent of the assistant genrral passenger i nmn i-::cmc, nas returned from Denver. W. M. Frants. traveling freight agent o tne Illinois ventral, nas gone for a trl in Nebraska. H J. Ross of the Chicago ticket de partment or tlje Hurlmgton. formerly con necteo wnn tne ssme nne In this city ts in umsna caiung on rriends T C Ditvlaon, chief rate clerk, snd David John.on, city tlrk- agent of the I'nion Farinr. risve gone to hllver retk on hunting trip. P. C Daviann and Claude BlnrKnem. rate eirks ltn the same enm pan, left, last nlftu tor Mm earns point. BAD PLIGHT SI ILL EXISTS Unsanitary Oonditisna at County Hoipita Eeported by Plumbing Inspectors. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RECEIVE IT Affairs Said to Re In as Deplorable State as When Reported After Investigation Some Months Previously. The report of the Bonril of Tluniblng In spectors, consisting of John It. Lynch, Dun Clifton and James Cameron, submitted to the Board of County Commissioners, was revelation In Its way and showed a state of affairs at the county hospital fully In keeping with the deplorable condition of things that has come to light In other dc partments. Tho Inspectors pronounce the plumbing of the whole Institution In a most unsanitary condition and, Judging from the particulars they go Into and the recom mendations made with regard to the same, their general characterisation Is mild In the extreme. The recommendations for changes cover at least half a doseti closely typewritten sheets, and at tho conclusion they say The plumbing will then be in as fair a ondltlon as can be posslblo without re newing the whole system." The waste pipes, through which all the filth of the institution goes, have direct connection into the sewer of the building and, the Inspectors say, ought to be tnken out entirely and a 'new system of pipes with proper traps nnd vents be put in their place. Many Other Fanlta. A new sink Is advised for the boiler oom and new floor drains for tho store room and nreaways are stated us Indispen sable If the sanitary condition Is to be os- abllahed. A broken soil pipe was discove red in the old men's department, and the ward is in a condition in keeping Willi the rest of the institution, and new wash bowls, a lowering of the slop sink, the putting In of traps and renovating of the whole sys tem are deemed imperative by the in spectors. A dozen or more other serious defects are pointed out ami recommendations made. The report was referred to a committee. Mr. Connolly moved that the clerk of the board, at a salary of i'M per month, and one of the county clerk's assistants, at a like salary, be appointed by the county clerk, Instead of by the board, as recently recommended by a committee of the board through mistake, and the motion carried. County Treasurer Fink asked for 326 square feet more of floor space In his office, on account of a necessary increase of help. Several minor bills were ordered paid under a suspension of rules. Among them was one for irelght on rtone being shipped for 'use in the building of the East Omaha dike. Mr. Kennard suggested that it might be a good idea not to have any more stone shipped to be dumped beside the road until It was found whether It could finally be got to the place where It is needed. Mr. Connolly announced that the shipment of material has already been stopped. J. E. Somers was appointed chief of staff of the oounty hospital, with orders to make a report to the board as to existing conditions there. JUST OUT FOR A LITTLE FUN Playful Italian Temporarily Loses His Equilibrium and Pays Fine. Joseph Chileno, an Italian living at Ninth street and Capitol avenue, arrested for being drunk nnd disorderly, has been as sessed t5 and costs for hla frolic. Chileno has a keen sense of humor and always tanks on the bright side of things. Though trouble may at times come to him In large bundles, he continues to sit up and notice things. "Were you drunk7" asked Judge Berka of, the man. "Na, na; Justa hava ltlla funa. Ma walka downa street, brlnga hum pounda prune and a pollcamon say 'Joe, coma wld ma to do Jalla." Ma ben gooda 'Talla mon. Ma playa de org' In St. Loo four yar." LOCAL BREVITIES. A permit has been Issued to Ernest Sweet for a tl.oiio frame dwelling at Twenty-fourth and Mandcrson streets. E. Howard, 716 North Sixteenth street, reports that some one pried open a rear window of his pool room Friday night and secured to and n quantity of cigars and tobacco. Prof. Charles M. Bracelen will address the Philosophical society this afternoon. on ' Borne Problems of Colonial Adminis tration; Lressons and Landmarks From the History of the Great Colonizing NatloiiK." The parents of Cornelius Tyree. Washing ton, D. C, are anxious about the where abouts of their son, who Is said to have left home without notice February 19. Tho boy is described as being 15 years of age, fresh complexion, dark brown hair and eyes and rather largo for his age. A concert Is to be given this evening at 8 o'clock In Myrtle hnll, Fifteenth and Douglas streets, by the Woman's Socialist union. The union has been conducting u school throughout the winter at the social ist headquarters and the children from these classes will furnish the program. The labor problem will be presented by the chil dren. SURGEONS RESORT TO THE KNIFE. When a Simple Home Remedy Cures. Why do physicians always advise an operation for the cure of hemorrhoids, or plies? Are they unconsciously Influenced by the dicta of operating surgeons, who stoutly assert and maintain that all other treatments ere merely palliative, and that the knife affords the only means of cure? There could be no greater fallacy, as the worst possible cases of piles are perma nently cured by the use of Pyramid Pile Cure, which Is in suppository form, is ap plied directly to the source of the com plaint, and removes the cause, which an operation doea not. "I have been a sufferer from piles for over forty years .and after trying every thing I could hear or read of, without benefit or relief, I came to the conclualon to give Pyramid Pile Cure a trial, and I can truly say It has given me entire satis faction; It Is a wonderful remedy. The bleeding has entirely ceased, the protrud ing has stopped, there is no longer any Itching, and I feel no swelling of the parts; In fact, I feel like a new man. "I had to wear a truss for several years, to keep the bowel up,. but I have now dis carded It, after using six boxes of Pyramid Pile Cure. I think after forty years of suffering, the six boxes wan a small amount to make such an agreeable change, as I was unsble to do sny work that required stooping In the last eight years. I recom mend Pyramid Pile Cure to every one with whom I cme in contact, as I con sider It beyond price." Geo. W. Ivey. Confederate Soldiers- Home, Richmond. Va. We vouch for 'he trutti and accuracy of the above teHtiniouial, and urge all suffer ers to purchase a fifty-cent package of this famous remedy at the nearest drug store, and give It a trial tonight. Accept no substitute, and remember, there Is no remedy "Just as good " The Piaml4 Drug Co.. Marshall. Mich., publish a little bonk on the causes and cure of piles, and will gladly send it free to &any address. After examining our books, and deals under way, and our auxiliary companies, said: "I see no reason why your company should not be able to pay 20 per cent to 30 per cent per year dividends, and I con sider an investment in your stock just as safe as in aYiy National Bank stock." This man and family invested over $3, 000.00 in the stock of the Torrey Explo ration Company. Remember Our Company is Paying 50c Per Share Dividends, Per Month. A Company of Only Treasury Stock. Write or call for particulars. Torrey Exploration Company J. W. WATSON, Mr., 330 Boird of Trado Building, Omaha, Neb. Phone 492 ".lain Office, Denver, Col. GEO. J. BIRD, Ugr. of THE STATE MEDICAL DOCTORS The Men's True fo) m, u Kidney and Vrlniiry Troubles and all diseases nnd weaknesses of men due to evil liahltH in youth, excesses or the result of neplected or Improperly treated private diseases, which cause night losses, day druius, and Impairs the niml. destroys miisculur Mrt iiKUi and reduces the sufferer to that deplorable male known ns Nervo-Sexual Debility. WE CURE AND CURE QUICK. We Don't Patch I p We Cure ttnlrkly. safely and Thoroughly. We have observed the terribly blighting Influences of abuses and Indiscre tions In the young and mlddle-ugcd ; sapping the vital forces; undermining the foundations of manhood; clouding the brightest minds, and destroying nil nohlo thoughts and ambitions; family circles disrupted, and the poisonous fangs reaching out and blighting even succeeding generations. We have devoted many yeai'H exclusively to treating tills class of troubles, attended with the greiilcxt success, nnd ure thus enabled to give this tlai of sufferers the benefit of our experience In treating diseases of thla nature. We have investigated and tested hll known methods for the treatment and cure of prlvute diteaics and weakness. of men, which give us a right to judge between the false and the true, between shallow pretention and solid worth, be tween substance and shadow. Musty theories cannot stand out against our mode of treatment, against progressive medical science, new discovert lee, and undis puted facts of cases cured to stuy cured. m NO HARSH OR DANGEROUS METHODS USED. foundation of life, destroy their h"Hlth and strengili, 'e.ivlng them a mental and physical wreck. iot knowing where to pply for a cure, many of tl ese poor si fferers, loaded with disease, remorse iumI humilldtlon, silently suffer on, going from bail to worse, or tin y t xpeiimi lit with too many "J-'re Treatment" and ' (Julck Cure .Schemes." AVOID DANGEROUS OR UNCERTAIN TREATMENT. VVe have been the meuna of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to com plete ami perfect health. Will you place, your confidence in the care of honest, skillful nnd successful specialists? Years of practical exjiertence, thousands of dollars spent In researches and an liiimi nse practice have enabled t.s to evolve 11 spticlal system of treatment that Is a safe, certain and speedy t ure for all private disease and weaknesses of men. The change In thousands of cases is simply n.iirvolous. flighted lives, blasted hopes, weakened eyslenis, debilitated unil shrunken organs, and nervous wrecks have been quickly and safely cured by our method. We have evolved a treatemeiit that Is a powerful, permanent an,j determined medical corrective where men's characteristic energies have become, weakened or dissipated, either through sexual excesses. Indiscretions, abusive habits , or the results of neglected or Improperly treated private diseases. " Our object Is not so much to do the work that other doctors can do. but rBther to cure obstinate cases which baffles them. Tiie worst cases that we have been called upon to fine are those which have been .mproerlv treated before coming to ns. Hy our system of electricity and medicine combined we , ure quickly, safely and thoroughly all diseases and weaknesses of men after all others have failed. All that deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and sclentltie office equipment can accomplish are now being done for those who come to us for the help they need. CONSULTATION FRFF)fflre ur. m- t P- Sundays. 10 to 1 AND EXAMINATION ntt only. If you cannot call write for symptom blank. STATE ' MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnans Street, Between 13tn and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb. ITS TEN CENTS What To Eat Ti Bend for copy. 10 cents or a rear, h'ilable HeUta ArUcloe, Table Btor.eav Jests, Poems, Clever Toasuu A good friend to brighten your leisure mo ments. Pull of Dorsl suggest terns tor entertaining Th. lews H1U BalMta sere"0r fceeMS Mil he Sa.B.1 an hapfftW If the Haniae wot. faaeVr. at tale virur cmhlieealem." WHAT TO BAT UMeetSI Miss last Waeaiagtaei ft, aaa rrlia Ae, II AMD I Agencies, Omaha, Neb DOCTORS Specialists HYDROCELE VARICOCELE STRICTURE BLOOD POISON (SYPHILIS) RUPTURE NERVOUS DEBILITY 9 FOR ill IL'jJ Are Yol" one of the many thousands of WEAK MEN and do you wish to he cured? Multitudes bring on themselves the horrors of H lifelong disease by unnatural habits. Thousands mid thousands of men urn prematurely old and diseased tlirouvh excesses and unnatural drains, which san the at uiauuer limbics ni oner. Cures In f 48 Hours URINARY f DISCHARGES Fch Cstw ' thrreNrrVaVVrrrWharfWVMWS