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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1904)
I Iff TITE OMAIIA DAILY IlEEl RATUItPAY, MARCH 6. 1901 dreat Oil doth and Sale I Monday mm IM ) I II II f . 1 I '1 II II l" II I r-i-v n-v fill iiv g iljj uafl I J II t livl U v --rN .43 Monday lathe aal ol Oil Cloth and Linoleum ajjg Ribbon Sale Ever Held in OmaJia. Today Place on saJe an lnrannm quantity of manufacturers' mill rem nants of ribbon A well known eastern ribbon mill every four month ships uTThelr enUrS cn i initiation Tof ribbon remnants. The lot that we place ," ,HJ5 Saturday is the grandest l"t we have ever offered. Those who have attended oSr pr'vlou ribbon s,Uc know what It means when we offer these on epecl 1 ale For the pant few days they have been displayed In our front show window nd have creatr-d quite a nurry. The lot ribbon to 1 $1.00 per yH ffirST within the l7t i months. We put them on sai, Saturday. All the Zlo ribbon, at. , aw. Jtntw Il1i waah ImilpP TnllSHn conrlis or eyerin ng in iu ", ",; to the w de. stately sasn rionon. ! o. L,, .Li rd. TheV are Mildly all silk, satin taffeta.,, rrepe. atlna. Panted t., i,n.t,i.i hit ribbon thnt has been manu- A11 the ribbon that generally sella up to 10c per yard, at, 2Ac per yard 3 All the ribbon that generally sella for 12$c yard. CXkc mi T,..v vnrrl - All the 15c ribbon, Kc m rtaw vsprl wt, ' ' - - - You Should Not Fall to Attend This Sale per yard All the ribbon that la worth from 25o to $1.00, we place In two lota at, per yard 10c rora 25o co lota 15c-25c i Ladies' Hand Bags and Purses at 25c Manufacturer' sample line of extra fine quality leather Rood wrist hair, hand ting and liatelalno Imgs. In nil the newest leather, some fitted with smelling bottle, i tmnge purse and mir ror (fold, nxynlxed sliver nnfl gun metal frimfs-alao fine line of purses, some In burnt leather pos itively worth up to 11.00 each, at, each. e line or purses, 25c $1.50 Lunch Cloths and Scarfs at 59c Finest quality alt pure round thread linen, 36-Inch lunch cloths, scalloped buttonhole stitched edge and two rows of drawn work also hemstitched plain linen scarfs and squares, worth 11.60 each, at 59c Easter Novelties in Basement Easter Chickens. Ducks, Stork 'Wtoostertt, Rabbits, Automobiles, Rr etc, a, splendid variety, at, Wich, GOo down to "Swcllest Spring He ad wear in Omaha." The "Brandeis SpeciaJ" Hat The Leading Hat Store In O.naba All the Leading Styles and Shapes at Prices That Are an Economy for Every Man The "BR.ANDEIS SPECIAL" Our RprtnK leader for 1904 shows the most faultless style In men's headwear the styles are suited to the tastes of refined dressers and the quality Is far above that of the ordinary medium-priced hat.- The "Brandels Special" Is the only $2 hat in Omaha that has all the ap pearance of a $5 bat, A hundred becoming styles hats that become every face and suit every fancy for neat, perfect style the "Brandels Special" loads our price John B. Stetson Hats-ln all "Z A ft the late blocks, at '. All the Best Styles for Men Stiff and V jry fancy $2 if V t" cor" soft shapes. all shades.... Stylish Spring Shirts, Neckwear, Etc. The New Springr Outing Shirts Made la the swell black and white patterns that will reign In popularity perfect fit and fault- 98c-$1.50-$2 Splendid Spring Shirts Neck band styles extra cuffs, 11 and H.6U A M f Taluss, at rlfC-0!C less style, at. Men's Suspenders-Made with all kid enda and plated buctles 60o p m values, at IC"W jC Men's Neckwear All the newest styles and shades Tecks, reversible and French four-ln-hands, etc., at, each Ltrgest Exclusive Retail Millinery House In Omaha Stylish FliHinery at Popular Prices Beautiful Hats at $3.50, $5 and $7.50 The Store for Values and Style. Extraordinary Sale on Street Hats SATURDAY. Investigate It Pays. 15c-25c 1508 Douglas St. THAT'S MY NAME He Soils STATIONERY 1615 Farnnm St., Opp. N. Y. L. Uldg. Best Quality! Lowest Prices! We are leaders in quality and low prices. It will pay you to visit our markets. COKE AND BE CONVINCED- lAt Lrd, to lb., for tl 00 . Pork Roaat. lb...... - Je JiMfsUak. 4 lbs. for ....26o Pork Cruris, I lbs .for X WrMn 8teJs. I lbs. for o Ppars Ribs lb HrO KoaMt Beef, lb o I No. 1 BrvaJifaxt Bacon, lb.... ua Kolllnc Beef, lb So 10 lbs. Cboloa Bu tunas CVo SPECIAL LARD SALE. FKIDAT AMD liTtROiT OJTLT. Best KottVe-rendersd Lard at 7H lb.. -lb. psila for c, l-lb. palla for c Central Tularlcets, Blitf and Capitol Avetiua. 'Phon. 179. BixtaanUt and Harney Bta. 'Phon Sfi. Store Open Saturday Till 10 P. M. To out-of-town visitors OMAHA'S GREATEST AT TRACTION IS THE HUOB BEN NETT STORE. It s the people's popular Saturday meeting- place. Bar to your friends, "Meet ma at Bennett's", and you have touched the spot. Depots and street Intersections are too confusing in this hustling: city. Bo many of them. There Is but ONE BENNETT'S; It's the most consplcu oust the biggest, the newest building In Omaha's retail center. Make It your headquarters. There Is everything about It for your convenience and all conveniences are free. Saturday the whole store Is ablaze with bargains. GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES IN ALL. DEPART MENTS ALL THE TIME. A Snap in Pears We have Just secured a very large quantity of fine Bartlett peers, put up In a heavy syrup A t-pound can ..,, ....... vv $1.00 worth Green Trading Stamp! with each Jar, assort ed preserves. These re pure fruit Irt. and sugar. ar -SUC A delicious luncheon can be served with our imported smoked sar dinesspecial f?i price, can Meats! Meats! Meats! Headquarters for Choicest Meats. A Saturday Special. 7 lbs. Leaf Lard 80c Genuine Spring Lambs, hind quarters fOc Genulna Spring Lamb, forequar tr gr)e Fresh young Mutton Legs, year lings, per lb $o Mutton Roast, per lb 8a Mutton Stew, uer lb 2o Roast Beef, 7c and 6o Roast Pork, per lb 7o No. 1 Rex Hams UHo No. 1 I. run Hex Bacon la BpM Cottage and Boneless Hams.. l"o Mb. pall Silver Leaf or Rex Lard.95o l-lb. pall of White Ribbon Lard.... Oa bo-lb can Sliver Leaf or Rex brand Lard 14.25 Fresh Dressed Sprint; Chickens, per lb 10 l-2c Fresh Dressed Roosters, head and feet off, per lb 7 3-4o Great Pyrography Display Satrndf Lndy pill lit PIT ROGRAPHY OUT TITS WITH STAMP BOX. PRACTICE PLAQUES AND ONE FINE POINT with full directions for the prac tice or the art, a gen uine .i value Saturday Monday, worth of Green Trading no nil, & Ka, 'p; 1.98 And $5.00 Stamps. Handkerchief and Glove Boxes ar tide that regularly sell at 60c, Saturday and Monday for And S1.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps. Free Instructions with all pyrograph purchases. We carry the most pimw una ui pyrusrapuy supply 10 OS louna Ot come to Headquarters. SECOND FLOOR. 39c outside of Chicago or New corn-York. Boys' Express Wagons Saturday, $3.00 in Green Trading Stamps with each wagon sold I Cfl Saturday $1.78 and LOU BILLY BOUNCE The greatest novelty ever shown in Omaha a Efts delight for the children never loses his feet Vwu And S3 wcrth of Green Trading Stamps with each SATURDAY IN TOY DEPARTflENT. iflliifli Saturday. m llili Din's . . i a Men's New Easier Suits, worth $22.?0f at And Double Ore en Trading Stamps. Children's Easter Suits worth $6.00, at And $8.00 in Green Trading Stamps. Another New Lot Men's Shirts, worth to $150, at. And $5.00 in Green Trading Stamps. HAT SALE New blocks, $ just arrived, value to $3.?0,,at And $6.00 in Green Trading Stamps. Suspenders for Spring and Summer, burs, iibic ixi iu luuuci wcuuiu, rvlA worth to $150, at...... fcPClb And $5.00 in Green Trading Stamps. BOYS' UNDERWEAR, worth to 35c a garment, at i I5c The New York World J; page and brlog it to our premium parlor, a ootid floor, and get 11.00 wurih. ol Groen TraaiDK o lamps lor tv, raper aoia oa juais r looe, a ceou. imuLar's aditlon Cut Uls coupoa oia 1U funny RECOMMENOrO BY PtfYSICUNS AND CONNOISSEURS Dspvtr Stat Tatartearkaa. Food Inspector. H. L. R1UACCI0TTI, D. V. S. CITT VKTKRINARIAN. C(Bs sod Inflrsaary. Ik La. and Mason Bts. . fiattHS. Jiyb9ay 0S. The Last Week! March Discount Sale of Pianos will posi tively close at 10 p. m. Saturday. SPECIAL and very Interesting piano news are in waiting (or this week's callers at the liifC Piamo Store. Several irresistible rop ositlons will be offorod on ne, lat est style, strictly Artistic Pianos thnt are usually found only In the homrs of the rich folks. Customers of refinement end musical culture who have been restricted by moderate tim.nrliil means, are now afforded the opportunity of satisfying both their critical tHBte snd limited purse. Don't Delay this week or "not at all," If you wish to make the savins; promised by our advertising, which Is carried out to the letter In our business dealings. Terrific Cut Prices on the old reliable "Steck" pianos the royal "Hardman" pianos, the beautiful-toned "A. B. Chase" pianos, the original ,-Vo8e & Sons" pianos, the fieerless "Kmerson" pianos, the bril lant "StPger & Sons" pianos, with the new patent adjustable keyboard, a dl 'uoponjjsuoa ouBd u 'trouvAp luu all the latest, newest snd best from these standard, time-honored factories are yours without reserve, on our famous easy-payment plan, If you wish. Our Bargain Room May lack the large variety of used pianos shown at the commencement of this sale, but still a good selection remains, and the balance will be swept away. THIS WEEK ONLY, at these reduced prices: Used Upright Pianos New. Sale Price 450 Emerson $190 (400 Steger & Sons C 1 Q 7 parlor $10 $350 Emerson C 1 Q C parlor $107 $400 Erbe & Co. $174 $360 Krbo & Co. ' C 1 L L parlor CplDO $300 Tense , Cl C C large.. $133 $275 Howard C I C7 parlor fyDt $275 Bchubort T1 I Q large $IrO $400 Chase Bros. CI 7 large f$U $275 Kimball- P 1 XL mahogany. ......... .Uf $300 Sterling CI 'I ft parlor laCO $250 Arion C1 11 walnut $li IPS I Ml If st aw on kb Piaivo Players Other uprights, used from 10 to 15 years, for U, M, h. 73, P'A all on easy payments of $3 to 5 a month. We offer at absolute wholesale cost a brand new. latest style, "Ivers & Pond" upright: also baby grand "Kim. ball" piano, used only a short time, looks like new; also a ''Mason & Hm? lln" parlor upright piano that Is brand new) also a couple standard makes that were shiped to us without orders. Reduced prices this week on nil Piano Players no matetr how slightly used. $123 Maestro no w $225 New riayano now $250 Simplex now $250 Pianola now $250 Ccclllnn new now , $250 IMauola now $250 Simplex new now $250 Pianola now $100 $160 $145 $175 $186 $195 $200 $230 Cash or terms. Liberal uiusle proposition. New latent style Pianolas, $250; with Metrostyle, $300. Sold only by us. Call or write at once. SER (INCOMPODATCD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE-RETAIL F I hsl O S MAIN MOUSC AND OFFICC: 1S fSPls factosv:. 3' r""J Tl LCPHONC 1aS OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB tsa a. iith st. TKL. t co. BLurrs, 11 sos ixotowt TIL. Witch for Greit Salt of Hon Cifj Licet 1111 mm INS RKI.IiSLU STOHIC WatcH for Great Sale of Zloo City La cbs Host Veicomo flows. New Tork, N. J-1S, loot ITfcyden Pros., tminha, N'eh. Purchased entire slork of Myers, 1evey Strauss, Bth Ave., at 4o on the dollar. Goods shipped tonight by express, Tan dlsposa of fixtures here. JAMKS MURRAY. The hmine of Xtverw. 1 vpt Htmim. was well known tf all New Yorkers ami i to every person who visited New Yr:k frequently, as their establishment on 6th i Avenue nnd Proadwny wss very oonsplcu oils, and whs pntronned by the great raid- die class of ppli. THIS tiRKAT PT(K'!C. .(,lf(V(Vi WORTH oK YYOMK.VH BtTTTft JAt'KKTS. SKIRTS, wnlxi. cravenett rain cnts, nil kinds of gurm.-nis carried by en exclusive cloak houseNow on sale In our clo:ik department at prices never be fore known on new goods at this season of the year. Watch This Department The Next Ten Days UO WOMEV8 NEW SPHINO SUITS tv ers, Lvey Strauss price 7 ClK lls.60 our price VO WOMEN'S NEW PrniNfl RUrrS Tn fan cy mixtures and plain colors M., f Od I it a price 2.5o-ours BKAUTrFUt, SUITS In the nsw Eton ef fects, with silk drop, trimmed with brnld and bands af taffeta 1650 Ctmlr f the stock of suits, O 1 flfl worth up to $10, at SI.VFV MYERS. LEVEY A 6TRAVSS. Entire stock of silk snd cloth Jackets. In the nobby, new styles, at less than one half piiOA. 3.90 .5.00 7.50 175 silk and clofh coats worth UP to HO for .! 275 coats. In silks snd senres, black, blue, brown and tan, at . Women's silk and covert coats worth up to J1176 our price , It's Worth Your While Jnst to see the maxnlflcent stiick of skirt f rem Myers, Levey Jt Strauss, 4.MS skirts In all, both ladies', misses' and olilld ren'a. 50c 1 lot children's wool skirts at WOMEN'S RAINY-PAY SKIRTS, In Ox ford and light pray M., K & fW B. price ;t.Ti ours 1VCJ WOMEN'S FINK VOII.E, peau da sol.s broadcloth, taffetas, cheviot and serge skirls, elaborately trimmed, all jmf 1 A- sprinR styles, worth Ctmifl Up to J3.TO-at 3yv 50c WOMEN'S RAINY-DAY SKIRTS. In black, blues, browns and mixed colors, trimmed with strap grain m and buttons, all worth M , U & a prices, I7.WV- 7B ours J Skirts for extra Iutko womon, band 30 to M, length 40 to 46, medium, grays r and blacks-at O.VO 1 lot LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS at TTTB MTER9, LEVEY ft STRAUSS. The most wonderful feature of this rt eat purchase. Don't fall to see them women s 12.00 waists OUC Pea de sole. Japs, taffetas, madras and vesting waists, worth O QtS up to t7.0O-t "''O Women's $4.00 waists at FINE LACE WAISTS, worth double, at (5 00, (7.60 and .... 95c 8.90 Myers, Levey & Strauss' i CHILDREN'S COATS. 11.00 Coats, the greatest snap oc you ever saw, at "OL Children's nice Spring- Coats Reds, Blues, Browns, Castors and Oraya, Cape over shoulders, braid trimmed, gQ Children's Spring Coats In all different styles, worth 15.00, all colors, 2 QQ Children's Spring Coats, In mllUtary style, all colors, nicely trimmed, A Ort worth 7., at... 7. ,VU Children's $4.00 three-quarter length Win at 39c SPECIALS. women a Calico Wrappers, lapel over snouiaer, worm Ji.uo, at Women's Percale Wrappers, fittn worth $1.60, at VOfc w omen s Hpnng i n pes, nicely trimmed, worth S00, st Women's Underskirts, worth $1.60, at Women's $2.00 Underskirts In Moreens, at Women's Storm-made Wrap pers, worth $200, at .3.98 79c 1.00 1.50 tar oloaks, a few more left, 1 00 HAVDEN BROS. SOMMER BUOS. Exponents of Good Living:. Our Groceries and Meats trprtaent quality par excellence. Our price t art merely comprehensive suggestions to the considerate purchaser. Strictly Fresh Efrgs. per dozen 16o Ralston Oats, 3 2-lb. packages for. Bo Diadem Creamery Butetr, pound.. 2fo WheateL 3 2-ll. packages for Mo Idlewild Creamery Butter, pound.. H60 Lemon Cling Fetiches, per can IBo Choice Country Butter, pound 14c. a0o Bartlett Pears, per can 16o Select Navel Oranges, per dozen... 18a Swedish Health Bread, package.... Iba Florida Pineapples White Asparagus Leaf Lettuce Fancy Grape Fruit Green Asparagus Head Lettuce Choice Strawberries Cauliflower Kadlnhea Freah Mushrooms Tomatoes New Carrots Wax Beans Green Onions New Hoots String Beans New Potatoes New Turnips Egg Plants Mint Rhubarb Cucumbers Watercress Bermuda Onions Spinach Celery Genuine Spring Lamb--J.!;1 ?u!lVVe.:::::V::::::::::::::::: 85 Choice Bloater nark-rtl 30c LOOK THESE OVER It won't do any harm, and if you don't find what you want, JUST we have It and will be more than pleusrd to give you our prices. You know our repu tation and that we axe determined to kci p it good. 'Phone ua, write ua, or, better than all, come and see. WE FILL MAiL OKDEKS. $1.00 Temptation Tonic 2Rc $1.00 West s Brain and Nerve Treatment. 2io Carter's Little Liver Pills &c 3uo Citaturla Genuine lio $1.00 btuart's Dyspcpjitu Tablets i7c :'Ga Graves' Froth Powder lio Boc Poszoni bate Powder 27c iba Murray & Umimn a Florida Water. .tsc hc 1'lnaud's Kail de Quinine &c $1.00 plnaud's Lau de (julnlne Tie 4-oi. bottle Compound Syrup White pine and Tar, for coughs 25a 26c Humphrey's No. 77 lie $1.00 Chrystal Tonic G7c 1 lb. Sassafras Bark, new and clean 15u 50c La Blarha Fu Powder 3jo 60c Perfumes, new stock, ounce 2Jc Only one to customer. Write us for prices. Send the lint and we will quote prices that are RIGHT. SCIIAEFER'S DKUU STORE E T. YATES. Prop. Hth and Chicago Sta.. Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 77. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main 1-t . Council Bluffs. 'Phone 13. All goods de livered in lthr city absolutely ree. CLOSING OUT ALL OUR Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON FMtecatta sod Capitol Ave. B Kaad our spoclal "ad" every Sunday md Wednesday In The Bee. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tkt Hast rarsa Pas, I r 4 Swell Spring Styles h'or Men Vnur time won't be wsFted looking 'it our new spring sij ita Tlicy are oilgtnul, excliiHive and coitccI the pnper fashion, iu foot wear. We 11 be pleased to have nu call at this store and post your. ie!f on the new st)les In up-to-date shoes. $3.50, $4, $5 F.tther price will huy a pair of rhnes at this store that are r.ght In Hyle. qualify and tit. You can't do better than to come Iu and what we have for your feet. It's the beat there 1h. FRY shoe ca 6 units fl. ,fgW!ilWJl!lffl,:'lJl.f Kt