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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1904)
1 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: PATUKDAY. MAKCIt 20. 1001. r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cold Wt Carriei Whet Up Early in Par, but Price Bag. BULLS HOPE IN GOVERNMENT REPORT sow Makfi Review of Situation and Bay (irneral Wheat Outlook I Poor Cash torn Oat ol Liar. OMAHA. March 3.19H. The cold wave took wheat up during the early hours of the session lc lor the May end lc for new July, In addition to an opening from Vc to Vio up. Later It wss believed llm damage whs nut as great aa had been feared and the market sagged down toward the opening llgure. 1 he hulls are predicting a strong argument for high wheat In the government April report, and until Ita publication It will be a strong factor In the market. Snow e report for today Is very bullish and caused some buying In Chicago. Know s.iys thut with frost well out ot the ground, except In the northern belt. It is evluent the general wli-at promise Is poor. Heeding was late, fall growth small, and the win ter severe on a Plant not as vigorous a: usual. Kxcept In the lake region, the snow protection was Insufficient, and there was more winter killing than for some years. South of the Ohio river the con dition Is very poor and much will have to be plowed up. Houthern Ohio and Indiana were Ice blanketed and winter killing la reported. Jlllnola haa a better promise, but the wheat has a poor stand. Miasourl had a cold, dry winter and the crop spotted. Kansas was dry all fall and winter and the phint is small, although winter drouth la not futal and spring moisture will rally It. Halt; Is still licking In west and north counties which are In the heavy wheat dis trict. Oklahoma's average Is low and rain Is needed In the western part. Nebraska, promise Is below the normal, with sjjne winter killing In eastern counties and dry In the west. The Platte valley promises fairly well. Colorado promises one-half crop. California gives a moderate promise on a decreased acreage, and Oregon and Washington give high promises. Home of the Omaha wise ones think Bnow Is too bullish, but none of them care to get short on the chance. The range In prloes of Omaha grain for future delivery and the closa Thursday and today were as follows: Closec. Open. High. Low. Today Thur. POILTRY-Allve, steady to firm: chick ens. 12c; fowls, lto; turaeys, loo, dren-ed tuirly t-u) ; western chickens, ltilio; f stow Is, lie; lurkejs, western joung hens, UiUAUO tiflAl AM) l'ROISlOS. Features of the Trading ami Closing I'rlres on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, March 25. Fears as to the eftecta ot the widespread storms and Moods caused a net advance ot V V today in wheat. Corn gaim-d Sc, oats are up ',,c and provision i'u0c. Hie opining in wheat wan mm In sympathy with higher prices In loreign maisets. July was un changed to 'c higher at bcu37'c, and there was an urgent demand lroin I tie start. Before any reaction occurred July advanced to M-4.0. '1 ne closing tune, how ever, was strong witn July at B.-ayn.Vao. After ranging between W;c and ijc, Ai.iy rioted at Hoc. Clearance 0 wheat and Hour were! to oo.nou bu. Primary re ceipts were Lu., againnt o.o,.u0 )u. a year ago. Exports of wheat and Hour lor the week, according to lirii'isireet's, were equal to' 1.801, sw bu. Minneapolis, lhiluth and Chicago reported receipt ol it', curs, against inn cats last ween, and -JJ cats a car ago. The feature in coin was the buying of about I,uou.i"H bu. ot May by a prominent operator, who was recently long on May wheat. The price of the May delivery ad vanced nearly 20 from the opening fig ures and the strength of tiie nearby op tion carried the price of the more dm tant futures upward In sympathy, 'lhe close was strung with May at Euc, fitter it had ranged between and 64c. July opened a shade to VflSc higher, at 4-J-!e. 'iotal receipts were HO cars, Willi lu of contiact grade. The strength in wheat and corn was tne principal factor in maintaining a firm tone on oats. July opened He to -tita higher, at ic to sTHW'Jcfeo, sold between siVil JT.c and 3o ana closed at Hialsc.. Local recelpta were 144 cars. Provisions were strong ana inn niamci closed llrm. July pork was up THIiloc, at $13. Wi; Juiy lard was Be higher, at $..16, and ribs were up ft'it iVjc, at i.w. es timated receipts given out. The leauing lutures raugeu as uuuw. Articleal Oprt. Hlgh.l Low. Close. I Yes y Wheat Mny ., July Corn May July Outs May Local 88Hi KH 87V4 87HA 8SB 82 454 , 44 4Ci 44 46 44V. 46 45HA 44ViA 44 B Cash Grain . 33 Market. 38 B Wheat May a July b July a Bept. b bent. Corn- May July bept. Oats May July Bent. Pork- May July Lard- May July Ribs May July '"ilOSi MVaOs: 4lV 4DV.I 39 ' 37rVi 13 00 13 22 6 7 UW e 85 7 00 w 4S M 6o SPVil I I 95 W I bi iS7V'xl mm wvil W-.1I 2l 94 M 62', &2H NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Farioui Eujitg MoTemsnt in Union Pao Go Carr.ea Up Stock. NORTHERN SECURITIES AFFECT MARKET Bonds Are Irregular, but Bank B celpts of lhe Week Make Good Showing In Operations for Meek. NEW YORK. March 23 Today's stock market showed Itself still sensitive to the developments in the Northern Securities settlement. Yesterday's cloning weakness tvus Indicated by the current rumor that Vninn Pacific Interests had withheld their noM.-nt to the plan of di;-ti ihution. It was Inlerred from this that hostilities were again threatened over the transcontinental railroad situation. The revival In the mar ket today followed tho issuance of a state ment evidently by authority of the nuture of the difference. The solicitude of the trustees for the Ore gon Short line nnd collateral 4 per cent bonds ns to their authority to substitute Great Northern nnd Northern Pacific stock for the Northern Securities stock which now constitutes the collateral for those bonds, offered n very different condition from the rumored Insistence of the I'nion Pacific party upon the return of the amount of Northern Pacific stock In full as put Into tho Northern Securities merger. The Issunnce of this statement was followed by a furious buying movement In Vnlon Pa cific which carried it up to K"t. compared with 65 at the high point of the week. Twice afterward the price was carried to that level again, but the fluctuations of the market after this spurt were undivided and prices proved Impossible to hold. Tho receipts of Japanese gold are in cluded In the snhtrensury operations which have yielded Jl.lTO.OOij to the banks for the week. In addition there has been received bv the banks on balance from tho Interior over L',oi,.). The bond market was Irreg inar. Total Kales, par value, tl.4tiu,Kn). L'niMd States 4s, registered, nnd the new 4s ndvnnced H on call. Following were the quotations on the Stock Exchange today: rmies.iugn.Low.uiose. lU.Sto.Oaum and notes in circulation increased 1 fa.-H in . Exchange on lndoii. item J-tlJiKs lor checks. The rate ot discount for short bills is a per cent and tor three months' bills S per Cent. PA HIS, Alai cn 'A 1 he per cent rentes, fit TVo for the account. Exchange on Lon don, Af He for checks. Uuslness on the bourse to.lay opened calm. Prices closed heavy, except Inductrluls. which were llrm. Kussiau Imperial 4s closed at St.Du. HfcPOKT OK 1111! ILUAIIISa HOISES. Transaction of the Associated Bnnka During; the Past Week. NEW YORK., March . The following tabie, coinpllcu by Uruustrect, allows the bank clearings at tne principal cities tor the ween enued March 24, with tne pei centage of incrcate and oecrease as cum parcu with the conespoiiding wee last ear: CITIES. Clearings.) lno. Dec 62i 63 i i. 60Vi'fV40i'u-' 4MVl 4iJ 4i 3--V37V ? 37Vftv 37V;' rs 32H,3iu:i 13 4ZV 7 071 J 7 i2 6 7 10 IS 00 13 22H 6 97H1 7 12W 6 8S 6 92H 32Hi -41 13 07t4i 13 02i 13 80 13 22Vi 7 00 7 15 6 tO 7 06 6 97H 7 10 6 F5 7 00 "Cash corn on the Omaha market Is put of line." said A. B. Jaoulth. "The market is higher than Chicago, that Is. of course. v...a.r ih frelirht ra.te In mind. It will pay to ship here, for more can be realized than In the east, for corn is bringing more than uhirtnlnv value. The demand come from Iowa feeders who can afford to pay a little more than the eastern market beoauso of their proximity to Omaha. Not enough corn hus been received here lately to supply m. amAnil so the market keeps up." The cash market In wheat, corn and oats was practically the same as the market of Thursday. Holders of corn could efford to wait for their price, as the samples were limited. Receluta of wheat were 10 cats in and 1 car out; one week ago, 7 and 38 cars. rrn mcelnts were 1H cars In and 11 cars out: one week ago. 13 ind 8 cars. Oats re- reiots were 11 cars In and none out; one wi ek ago. 7 and 4 cars. No. 2. a Old. b New. Caith quotations were as follows: FlAJL'H uulet and bteady: winter patents, $4 .iKili.i.uu: stralnhts. M.6O&M.70: spring pat ents, 4.4tXu4.7u; straights, $4.0uu4.U); bakers, J.Ul 14)3.60. Wll 63o. 19'A to 1 EAT No. S spring, 8&gfl6c: No. 2 red. 94tuci$1.01. tUHM-NO. Z. BZOTtfC: INO, i yellow OATS No. 2. 3Sa3B3io: No. 3 white, i 43 "c. itih INO. I. tSKJ. BAULKY-Good feeding. 3S039c: fair choice malting, 4ofin6c. &r.r.t)H ivo. l nazBeea, it.osi; xso. i northwestern, tl 16; prime timothy, t'-.W; clover, contract grade, $10.26. r ku vtstUAB .Mess norg. per ddi., iis.wjiu; 13.124. Lard, per loO Am., 7V. Short ribs sides (loose), w.szvya.b, s. ehort clear sides (boxed), t7.26f 7.37. The following were the receipts and Bhlp- Representatlve sales of corlotg by sample I ments of Hour and grain yesterday: i-.l, at Onikhn! Corn No. 8. I cars, 47c (Mississippi riverl; 1 car 43o. 1 car 42c, No. 8 yellow, 1 car ennor) 42U.c: No. 8 white, 1 car 43c. Ono car r.t Vn 1 n Inter wheat sold for 82c. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 82VK)87n; No. 3 hard. 7Huase: No. 4 hard, 70ViT7c; No. I soring. 8iViriH7e: No. 3 aprlng, TAk'nKf. CORN-No. 3. 43c: No. S, 4142VsC: No. i imtuiui No. 1 vellow. 43Vc: No. 3 yel low. W4iH2Hc: No. 8 white. 43c; No. 3 OATS No. 2. 37S8c; No. 8, 3IVfj37c; No. 4. Kf?i40c: No. 4 whlto, 383i)c; standard, 4-H tUlHo. kotea front 1h Exchange Offices. Otnh-. hmnectlnns of srrain were 23 cara. Of wheat. 6 cars araded No. 8 hard winter and t cars No. 4 hard winter. Of corn, 10 cars araded No. 8 and 8 cars No. 4; I car of rye was no grade. Notea ol the Grain Trade. Chicago receipts were 8 cars of wheat, 111 cars of corn, 10 of which were contract, unrl 144 cars of oats. 18 contract. Omaha received two cars more of wheat than Chicago. Local wheat receipts have Increased latslv and Chlcaao haa decreased. Duroth wlrea that more flour was sold there Thursday than on any day before in tho history of the market. Argentine Shipment Thlg week! Wheat, 4.O72.0UO: cortf! 606,000. Last week: Wheat, Ii4iii: corn, siiti.uilu. Laat year: Wheat. 2,424.000; corn, 32,0u0. Total shipments of wheat January 1 to date. 2". 616,000; same n.rl.,,1 a vaar mil. lw.034.0O0: Increase. 9 3.1. 000. Corn for same time Is 8.432.O00: period vear ago. 690.000: Increase. 7,647,000 buaneia. Grain Markets Klsewnere. Closlns- nrlces of grain today and Thurs day at the markets named were as follows: -losed- Whest May July Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... oats, uu.... Hye. bu Barley, bu. Kecelpts. Shipments. .... 42,4u0 4i,"0 .... 25.000 28.30) ....107.800 M.MW ....217,600 23t.-A'0 .... 8,000 l.M 50,600 B5,3:0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm for lancy and steady for other grades; creameries, 14i&24c; dairies, lVinj-lc. Eggs, firm; at mart, cases In- cluueiJ, ibtuiuc. Cheese, easy, luiwixo. St. Louis Grain and ProTtsions. ST. LOUIS, March S6.-WHEAT-Hlgher on shorts buying; on track, l.o; May, Wc, July, No. 2 hard. 90(a2c. CORN lilgher. No. 2 cash, 46c; on track, 46c; May, 4w;; July, 47V4c OATS Dull; No. 2 cash. 40Hc; on track. 414Zc, May, 39c; No. 2 white, 4tHc , FLO UK uull ; red winter patents, 4 80 4.90; special brands high as 86.30; extra fancy una straight, st.awut.hi; clear, moo Q-4.25 enKP-nmotny, lower at vi.vjmi.w. COHNMEAL Steady at $2.40. B RAN Steady; sacked, east track, 60 (830. hat strong: utnotny. g.uuui3.oo; prairie. 1KOIM l UriTJIN TlliWKC. . BAGGIN'J 8Ve. HEMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: lobbing. 113.17. lard higher; prime (team, t'i.iij. rlacoii higher; boxed, extra snorts,; olna, rll.a t7 ahnrt Xk fll rOLLTRY-Steady; springs. Ji.'jOfiS 60 per dozen: chickens, 11c; turkeys, 12'413j; ducks, Ilk.-; geese, muiC. bUTTEK Wulet: EC dairy. 164il9c. ;aGS Steady; 14c, creamery, 2026Hc; Atchison do prtl ... Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western Chicago ft N. W C, M. & St P do pfd Chicago Term. & T.. do pfd C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. Del., Lack. West.. Den. & Rio Grande... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley ...... do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd :. C. Southern do nfd Louisville & Nash.... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn, ft St. Louis.... M.. St. P. & S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific, Mo., Kan. & Tex do Pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western.. no pfd Ontario ft Western... Pennsylvania p., c. c. ft St. Lt Reading do 1st pra do 2d nfd Rock Island Co do Pfd Pt. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway ... do pfd. exoiv Texas ft Pacific T.. St. L. & W no pfd Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do nfd Wheeling ft li. E.... Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Ex , American Ex n ted Ststes EX..., Wells-Fnrgo Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car ft Foundry , do pid Am. Cotton Oil .. ... do pfd Am. ire do pfd Am. Mnseed Oil .... do pfd 23,f") 30 25,300 i',600 iitH iis 300 20) l'sl 1,100 1,400 23,700 200 800 81'i r, 81 16H 1( 140 Vl Corn May July may KANSAS CITY. Today. ... K ... 87k ... 63 60Vk Thu'y. r4 b7 ETSA 4iB Flour, bbla.. wneat, du.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Receipts. 6,400 29.0-.O 23.U00 , 63,000 Shipments. 13.000 121.W0 73,000 66,000 July , Corn May July Wheat May July Corn May July Wheat May July Wheat May July Wheat May July A asked. ST. LOUIS. 84V, 77H 44 44H MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTH. NEW YORK. H U bid. 83 VI 76 A 44H 14 f3 8-H 46H 5 7B KEW lOKK GrJEHAL MARKET. Kansas City Grain aid Provisions, KANSAS CITY. March 26. WHEAT- f n v SJlo In tr 771. ra an r rt 9 tita r.l K-; No. i, 8Sc; No. 2 red, 81.ulijjn.02; No. 3, 1. CORN May, 4614c; July, 44V; cash. No. 2 mlxsd, 4ia-7c; No. 2 white, 4t,(j47c; No. 3, 4C. OATS No. 2 white. 40c; No. Z mixed. 33 S9c. HAY Firm: choice timothy. 110.00: choice prairie, J,. .Vip.w. RYE No. 2, 16.26. KUUB- Higher; Missouri ana Kansas, cases returned. 13MiO per doten; New. No, Z, whllewood caaos Included, 144a per ooxen. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu M 44.8)0 Corn, bu lS.ftW 2V0O Outs, bu 7,oo0 16,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 2S.-BUTTEn- Flrm. hkc higher: western creamery. 24Vc extra nearby prints, aic. r.t iJS f irm, v.o higher; Iresn nearby and fresh southwestern, 17Vo. at mark; fresh western. 174C; fresh southern. I.e. CHEESE Uulet and steady: New York full creams, choice to fancy. lOV'Sillc; fair 10 gooa, ivu iu'-c. 4) notations on Various trades, $,,i I gcxKl. 31.31'ii i -4eb!' of the Uay Commodities. NEW YORK, March 25.-FLOUR -Re (.MO packages. Market continued quiet and unchanged, Minnesota patents, Ja.llNj5.4ti Minnesota bakers, t4 20u4 w, w .liter patents, lulXioS'; winter straights, $6.CHi6 10; winter extras, X3.60di4.uu; winter low g ku. Rye nour. dun: luu- to 4 66; choice to fiiacV, 11.1. ' Buckwinlit Hour, rumlnal. CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western. l .limn.U; city,; kiln dried. V Wti .. ..... . Kit-steady; No. 3 western, lc, to ar rive promptly. BARLEY Dull ; feeding. 49c. o. I. f.. New York; malting. Kfttiic. c. I. f.. Buffalo WHEAT Receipts, 2..S00 bu. Spot market nrm; iso. 1 reu, 11 vl. elevator, f. o. a. afloat; No. northrn, Duluth, l .it. nominal t o. t. anoat: No. 1 hanl. Man itota, nominal f o. b. url.wt. Futures: May sW-tinsV. closed Wc; July, 2V,iuy4c. closed C4I7... u.,. ..... ,. ht:i...;, a .r. CORN Receipts, M..11O bu.; exports, 63.992 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 nominal, 61c f. o. b. atliNit: No. 2 yellnw. 66c: No. 1! white. 64c. Option market was more active and stronger, nut nnally- leld.-.l to realising with the close t lc net higher; May, biWJ s.-c. cios.hi o'c; juiy closed tkiv. OATS Receipts, bu.; exports, bu Spot maiket weak; N.. 04U. 4m 8 white, 4c; standard white, 46!c; s wiute, ,c. HAY Steadv; shipping, 70i"6c; good Choice. W7V1 00. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1 crop. L'.tiiioc TALLOW-vjulet; rltv (12 per pkg ), . couuiry iiihs. iree, ;'t.'ic. rx u fc-r irm; Janan. nominal HIDES-Sirady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs 1V-; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 1 10 -Mi in" , jo. I. EATMKR Steady; acid. ?3rf2c PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family. 11160 mess, ft v i; ueer nams. bat aeket. io.a.u 11 H; city, extra Irvtls Ms, (n is mo. l ul meat, quiet; pickled Hies. 17 2-St (l: pickled shouldrrs. in &. pickled hams, fiuntlll (U I.ard. firm: west ern steamed, s. h rvnned. nrm: continent 87 46; South America. 37 46: ronipnund. K75 bSiV6 Pork, stesdv; fsmllv short clear. 114 7Ui isbO; mens. 116 0016 60. Bl'TTER Firm: fresh ciesniery, 1624Vc; is:v iiMiijr, jn:ic ntfcntiiar; state. rui I rream, cy. smimii ana isrre. colored ana whtt sv.,iuiier, tiv, ui luaae, IJ0, V;Sc; No 2 northern, 4H'9 8.742 ; No. No. to fair to extra, 3vfj5'-c; Minneapolis Grain Market MINNEAPOLIS. March 26. WHEAT May, WTc; July, 96'c; September, So: on iraca, .no. 1 nuro, northern, 67u7c; No. Stv,!'. rlAH K-f irst patents now Quotable at 35 lo'i6.26; second patents, $5. Km 5 10; first clears. 3.6ia3 .0; second clears, :.6i BRANln bulk. 814 60. Hllwaskt Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March 25. WHEAT Ic higher; No 1 northern. Il.ul; No. 2 northern, use; juiy. n't;C. KYK-W- hlaher: No. 1. 72c. BARLEY Sieady; No. 2, 63c; sample. 38 inc. tUKN-rirm rso. 3. Bii!c: July, Tu'tC bid. Liverpool (rnln Market, LIVERPOOL. March 85. WHEAT Snot, d-ill; No. 1 California, 7s Id; futures closed nrm: May. as .id: July. 6s cvd CORN Firm; American mixed, spot, new, 4s :'il, old, 4s 7d; futures closed quiet; May ts 3'ta. Dntnth Grain Market. DULUTH, March 26.-WHEAT-In store No. 1 hard, P-h-; No. 1 northern, !Hc; No, 3 northern Sic; to arrive. No. 1 hsrd, Wc No. 1 northern, SibV; No. 2 northern. tHc May. StiV,,.; July, tHiVjc; September. 83o. OATS 10 arrive and on 4 rack. 3c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. March 26 SEED Clover, cash and March, 80 4.1: April, 36 3a; October, .".4:'V; i;;:iiie,; prime timothy 11.36. 612 60 82 24 V, 116VS 64t 42 Vi 100 35 35 100 1! 19 loo Sti'4 8'.V 8.(V lOtiVi 1051 200 1424 142V 800 7H 78 I.4U0 1UV4 110 'i.'oOO ftl'Vi '62 ' 610 700 'V.nno 81,600 llfiVi 674 42 '60" 21 614 44 185. SOO 100 1.600 28.200 ln 800 700 800 494 20 72 36 41 484 JO 714 J?1,4 254 100 214 21; 700 1.5O0 4,300 16, 4f'6 100 1,400 700 , '"'too 500 ', "'206 100 fno 1,900 700 200 100 "'906 ' l.ouo 200 l.ono . 200 200 I.Mfl 23.700 200 4R4 81 V. 12&H '424 27J 17VJ 13 '?4" 166 44 84 Am. IocomoUve do pfd Am. Emelt. ft Refng. do nfd Am. Sugar Refng Anaeonaa M. 1.0... Brooklvn R. . . . . Colo. Fuel A Tron Consolidated Gas Corn Products do nfd. exdlv Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American ..... Paclflo Mali People s Oss Fressen uteei car..., do pfd Pullmsn Palnre Car., Republic- Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do rfd Tenn. Coal ft Tron.... U. S. I-eather do pfd IT. 8. Realty do pfd V. s. nnhbor do pfd V. 8. Steel no pfd Westlnghouse Elec. Western Union Total sales for lhe dny, 67iooo snares. 4RV. 824 1264 ' 134 '?4" lfiflH "fiii" 36 27 97 74 4"4 19v; '3814 50 13 624 114 1624 27 9CV4 42'4 194 '38 " T 78 4 41 134 6? 114 574 102 ft t-4 W 55 43 T8 60 224 62V4 44 134 4H4 214 82 234 244 85V; 81 91 19 . 354 154 IH'-i 2?2 190 10S SuB 44 W 714 4 ts 4 KK 8 28 214 814 4S4 92 1254 64 424 27 197 M4 t4 23 IGfl 11 r,4U 35 74 15 81 29 67 209 7 42 1H 74 38 1 78t; 494 13 524 114 (74 114 8SV4 New York Chicago Roston Philadelphia St. Louis ... Pittsburg San Francisco ... Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee providence ........ Buffalo Indianapolis St. 1'aul , Los Angeles , St.- Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis , .Scnttlo , Richmond , Washington , Savannah Albany Portland, Ore.... Fort Worth Toledo, O Salt Lake City . Peoria Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville l'es Moines Spokane, Wash.. Tacoma Grand Rapids .. New Haven Scranton Dayton Norfolk Springfield, Mass Worcester .. Portland, Me Augusta, Oa Topeka , Sioux City ... Syracuse .... Evansvllle .., Birmingham Wilmington, Knoxvllle .... Davenport .., Little Rock ., Wllkes'oarre , Fall River ... Macon , Wheeling. W, I Wichita Akron , Chattanooga Springfield, 111 Kalamazoo, Mich, Youngstown Helena Lexington Fargo, N. D New Bedford Canton, O.. Jacksonville, Ixiwell Chester, Pa Qteensburg. Pa.... Rock ford, 111 Binghamton tprlngtield, O Bloomlngton, 111... Culncy, 111 Sioux Falls, S. D.. Mansfield, O Decatur, III Jacksonville, 111... Fremont, Neb tHouston tOalveston Charleston. S. C. Cedar Rapids Del.. Va. 31,K'9.o.0'.5i.. iit,,i.;4;, bm,476,IS.. 4.l'J,i3. 87,3J,i-i. le4.411.9Mi. 2I.S4i.i74 2J,u3:t.fo0 19.6,,64 24.S7J. lt(j 12,IK.-:6V. i4.iM.:t:i 9,uu7,01 7.754.5471 7.W3.U64 6.95.1H 6.6J3.S2-. 4.SLM,43ft 6. VW.HU 6,217.276 4.179 9.191. 4.VK7.W1UI 4,:iJ,S'' 6.2T5.572 8.915.619 4.591.5;,7 8.7r,7,lKl 2.597.321' 2i'5.7il2 2.S09.644, a. 51 11.521 2,8.".4.4S.S f. 21 6.591 2.!'m:),014 2.S70.262 2,2i)."i.6.i6i 2,M1.4M l.'Jjtt.uou; 2,075.;!53 2.059 9!S 1.903,1531 1.725,2iS 1,672. 19 i.413.5741 :,6i2.797 1.677.422 l,8r.O,4:i9 9:l9,073! l.3.336 1.558,9ol T3.216I 1.241. 1.101 I.OI.61 a 1,183,678 1,168.219! 1 0H9.4N8 1.211.661 9ill,890 9J3.937 tt'.2.77o Fla. 0.!. ....1 16.3. .... .... 4.9. 2.9,. 4.9. 93. Uj io!ii, 6.2. lO.l'l 14.1 2.8 . 6. 46.5 16.9... 01. Kt 9.7 1.6 8.8 36 9 4.6 32.6 2.5 3 1.7 O.t 10.4 6.9 .8t 1. 40.4 1.6 20.4 8.6 25.6 2.4 'ii.'s 9.8 8.9. 12.6i, 2.61. "I'.i , 11.6 .. 1.! 7.0 0.7 18.1 6.0 6.8 16.3 22.91. 30.21. 14.8 . 6.31. 26.3 43.9 10.4 1.8 "i'.i 1.6 643,51 6! I 29.2 Totals, TT. 8 Outside New York. J.10B.0. 01 tll.Wkt)! 1.0C9.75(1 6?S,4o 7'.205 761.8:8; t!1.912 648.7W 4.'.fl.ttM 7.W.264 372.7351 8H7, 609.994 802.477 867.71W, 4:C,6"vS 4i6,731 649.760 4"3.6' 877.016 447,0;4 S4,763l 200,864 V6.499I f.39.189 . 176,7l-5i 11. 172.099 8,323,0(10 1.057. 92K mi83 44.2i 7.2: F2.4 8.1 1.1 1.3 22.4 6.2 154.8 33.4 6.21 I..S 9 4 .... 4.3 3.5 16.3 81,877,249.080 . 767,729,OU6. 1.3 17.8 27.8 22.6 8.8 6.6 "i 9.3 'ii.'i 0.9 1 8 3 6 1 0.6 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver, I). C... Hamilton London, Ont St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C Totals, Canada.. 18,706.208 1 21.6 18,627.996 1 10.7 14 4:16,754 22.6 1,859.483 7.1 1,340,525 11.6 1.211,600 0.6 l,3"l,023 41.8 1,112.296 32.4 75i,P50 2.4 ...... 796.646 17.9 6l'6.89il S3. 4 45.675,276 10.0 tNot Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. (Not Included in totals because of no com parison tor last year. . New York Money Market Ntr.w YORK. March 25. MONEY On oalL steady, lMig,l per cent: closing bid and orrerefl. 1V4 per cent. -nme loans steady; 60 days. 8(34 per cent; 6 months, SfH per pent. Prime mercantile paper, 4iiirf ner rent. HTER1.1W1 EXCHANGE Steadv. with actual business In bankers' bills st 64 8705ft 4 8710 for demand find at 24 843"iT4 8415 for 011AUA LIVE SlOCIi MARKET Oattla Ecoeipts Fairy Liberal tui Kt Much Changs in Frioci H05S SOLO STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER sheep In Active Uemnnd at Prices Ranging Strong; to Dime Higher, but Lambs Did tint Show llarh ol Any Change. SOCTII OMAHA, March 25, 19-H. Recelnts were: Otln-lai Mondav Tuesday Official Wednesday .. Uttlcial Thursday .... Official Friday Five dnvs this week Biime days last week Same da)s week before. . 16. 1H I Same three weeks ago...l(i,2JS Same lour weeks ago....iW,jli Seine days lust year 21,076 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR Cattle. Hogs. She. p. .. 3.510 4.ij6 8.41.1 .. 6.9.1 7.904 10.1.'4 ,. 6.6U 8.6. S 11.167 .. 3.8J.) 6..y- 9.403 .. 2.0tki i.iM d.640 ..213 . .Z4.1.6 .IMV i f0 1 00 I CALVb-S. .ivin I it 31,677 41.672 ;,i.mi 84.8'.H 67,891 41,913 Tt DATE. 42,830 84.3'0 &J..66 ko.781 31.7U The loiluwlim list ahowa the receipts of cattie, hogs and sheep at boutn omaua for me ear to uale, with comparison wiiu last ear: 1oS Inn. Dec. Cattle 2l.a;3 2i:.91 4,o4J Hogs Rni usii .; mi 17.93K fclieep 442,11 31,l-4 120.1J) Aerage prices paid for hogs at South Omaha lor the lost several days with com parisons .- Date. I 1904. U998. 11902. 11901. 11900. 11899. 11S98. 2. 8... ... ... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... 11... 12... Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 13. Mar. 14 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mur. Mar. I 6 Ml tHi e b ! 6 12i 7 U2 6 11 6 04 T Oil 6 07 6 0 1 T 111 t 17 15 16, 17, 18 19.. i0.. 21.. 22.. i-i.. ii. la. 5 221 4 68 I Sl 3 78 6 3.1 4 tHi 3 6i. 3 S 8 83 6 Kii 4 6 4 b 6 Sl( 6 134 7 16) 1194 6 U 7 14 5 J04i s la I 7 061 0 91 6 34 I 86 4 71 6 lOi 6 06 7 l 6 07 7 29 i 6 V9 7 13 6 18 5 15 6 25 6 1641 ; 4 6 04 4 874 4 9241 4 9.M, 4 964! 6 014 06Vi 7 23 7 U 7 19, 7 10 & 37 t 89 5 41 5 39 6 4J 6 46 6 6 13i 6 65 6 101 6 66, I i 561 6 151 7 06 6 21 6 66 7 19 6 22 t 61 7 3.. 6 l.i & 71 6 6 4 (0 4 71 4 72 4 71, 4 73, 4 76 4 79, 4 751 8 63 7 34 7 45 7 86 7 'M 6 31 6 80 6 kol C 29 6 U 6 76! 4 79, 4 85 4 94 4 89 I 4 66, M 4 85 4 9u; 4 93, 8 5 8 62 8 45 1 3 ttO, 8 63 3 681 8 M 3 59 3 62 8 61 8 651 8 tu 8 b 8 58 8 66 8 63 8 60 8 67( 3 87 8 83 8 89 8 76 3 7d 3 k0 8 79 3 74 I C 8 6$ 8 70 3 .1 3 73 3 78 3 76 3 76 t 76 8 71 3 67 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of run of stock bic ught 111 today by each road was: Cattle. Il.,u HheeD.H'r's. l ., Bil. K, 1' 3 MlKsouri Pacific Cfiion Pucihti svstem 19 C. & N. W F.. K. A M. V 24 C, St. P., M. A O.... 21 U. & M 1A C, B. & Q 1 K. C. & St. J C, It. 1. & P., east.. C, K. I. & P., west.. Illinois Central 2 8 1 91 6 1 11 4 9 1 s 25 7 :. 8 15 i at X 1 X B 71 15 "l Total receipts.... The disposition of the day's receipts was as loiiows, each buyer purchasing tne num. Der ot neaa inaiuatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs, bheep. Omaha Packing Co 315 230 Swift and Company 925 953 5c6 Cudahy Packing Co 709 1.112 .2 Armour &. Co 490 L444 l.Ul Armour Hi Co., Boo city til Vansant & Co 7 .... 1111 & Son, 6 F, P. Lewis Huston & Co Hamilton & Rothschild L. F. Husz Wolf Jk Murnan... Purker & Webb.... Ktey Packing Co. J. B. Root & Co.... M. Hagerty & Co.. Other buyers 17 7 87 25 28 29 25 65 394 241 675 8Ts2 71 60-day bills; Hosted rates, 3485 and 84.SS commercial bills, I4.S4V1. PIT.VKR Ttar. 5fic: Mexican dollars, 44c. P.OND8 Government, strong; railroad, Irreculnr. The closing quotntlons on bonds are as 'ol'ows: ...106 IManhttUn e. g 4i..,104 ...lOjU. Max. Ontrsl 4l 44 ...lMlil da 1st Inc.... , li .. ;o4i Minn. A Pt. Ii. 4s.... tit . Id , K. 4k T. 4S Boston fltack Onotatlons. P.OBTON, March 25 Call loans. 24B34 per cent: time loans, S'iff44 per cent. Offi cial doping ot blocks nun uouus: U. 8. rrf. ti, n do coupon .... do . rg.... do coupon .... do new 4l, rcg do coupon do old 4i, reg... do coupon At.-hlscn son. 4c... do art. 4c Atlantic C. L. 4.. Dal. A Ohio 41.... do S4a Central of Oa. (a. do lot Inc rh.a. & Ohio 4Ha. & A. C. B. & Q. n. 4. C. M. & S. f. I. 4 C. ok N. W. c. 7a. C, R. I. 4 P. 4a. 'do col. Sa e r r. St g. l. t. 4 Chicago Tar. 4a... (.'on. Tobacco 4a... Colo. He Bo. 4a.... I). St R U. 4a Erl prior llco 4a. . do sen. 4a P. W. & D. C. la Hocklns Val. L. l N. unl . 'Offered. Totals 2,390 4,830 CATTLE There was a very fair run of cattle In sight this morning for a Friday, and considering the receipts all the week the market wua in very satisfactory condl tlon. Trading was fairly active art J most of the offerings were so!d at a reasonably early hour. Prices did not show much change from yesterday. The beef steer market was uneven. The kinds that gutted buyers were probably right around steady with yesterday morn ing, uui usiuo irum muse me maraet was no better than steady with yesterday's wiak close. As compared with last Friday good, tidy, weU-tlnip,ied. blocky cattle aro safely 15c higher and In soma cases perhaps a little more, but the general run are not over lotfjloc higher for the week. Warmed up cattle, owing largely to the lack of com petition from speculators, are not much If any higher. Taking the week ss a whole, though, the market has been In very satis factory condition, as the demand has been brisk and each day's offerings well cared ror. The cow market was also about steady with yesterday. Uuyers were Inclined to pick out the ones they wanted and neglect the others, but still a good clearance was made at generally steady prices. For th week gooa, lightweight heifers or nice me dium weight well-tlnishud cows are right around a quurter higher. Dig heavy cows, though, or anything lacking In quality could not Dfi quoteo. over luvj'iao nigner ror the week and dinners have shown very little Improvement. Bulls were slow sale this morning the same us they have been all the week and no particular change In prices was noticeable. Veal calves remained vnchnnged. There were not many stock era and feeders on sale and only a few were wanted. Prices were certainly no more than steady , with yesterday and not much different from the close of lust week. Representative sales: BEEP STEERS. 170 4 ts 1 t40 1 :s Ill I 04 1 144 t t- I -'J I 00 1 1 I H no I 00 1 s.o 7 1 10 I "0 I I I 74 STOCK HKtt AND FEF.DK.11S. fTO I 00 1 CM I J.l HO I M l: 7l I . "1.5 I 20 1 440 I 4u 4W0 I tS 1 (47 I 40 H1 I ii 7 1 I 1 1 ! I ;i lit I 0 f.i t t 7i. 3 15 MO li 4 7& IO 4oU i 3) SS -5 t 0 IIOUS There was a light run of hogs here this morning and the market ruled fairly active and strorg to a nickel higher. Packers mure than cmt lock iiuality Into consideration this mailing rather than weight. Anything weighing from .impounds up sold In about the same notches, where the iiuality was the same. Prime butcher weights or prime hcavl.n could s. II at the top of the market, but In order to bo classed ns prime a load had to be even. Mixed hog did not fell to as good ad vantage, 'lhe bulk of the hogs void right ground 85.05. with the choice loads f1 Ing mostly at t- .11. and as hiRh a: $.l2v was paid. The light, trahy stuff sold nustly under 85.05. lhe early arrivals were dis posed of In good s.nson, but some trains were late, which delayed the No. M. Sa. fr. A. eu.... 41.... I..... 1.... 4.... 4k..., (0..., 71... 1.... 17.... Id.... 40..., SS.... M.... 6..., 7o.... 40.... 7.... 70.... en. . 71.... 4.... CO.... 74... ..tin ..lot ..lot .. tit .. 114 ..101-4) N Vt CI. do la N. R. R. of M N. V. C. g. ma..., S. J. C. g. ta No. Paclflo 4a do 8a at W. a. 4a B. 1 4a ot par ..l4i4j Penn. conv. ta . , fla Reading sen. 4a.. . .1"1l, St. L. a I. 77 ,St. !. B n 0. 4a. 75 .129 Vi . 714, . 94 V, . J i4a M. c. ca .lUSa V. ti 4a. 1 . 4Vk St. L. 8. W. la. ..lOlVKcahoard A L- 4a. .1294,So. Parlflr 4a ,. I Ko. Hallway 5 ... .. 7alTia ; V. la .pa) IT., St. U & W. 4a. Atrtalaon adj. 4a do 4a Max. Central 4a.... Aiohta.s do pfd Rnaton A Albany.. Boaloa A Malua... Boatna Elavatad .. Ktt.'hhurg pM Mel. Central N T., N. H. aV H. Para Marqoatta .. t'nlon Partno Amcr. Arga. Cham do pfd Aicr. Piieu. Tuba. Amtr. Sugar do pfd Amcr. T a T.... Amar. Woulca ... do pfd Dominion I. aV S.. Klaon Rlcr. Ills. Oanaral Elrtrta .. giu. Elactrlo .... do pfd Mm Gaa t'attad Fruit I'nltad Shu Macb do pfd V. I. Steal do pfd t Ariranturs .. i"4,Weeting. common .. 41 lAllouca .. Amalgamated .... .. 4 Amen, an ZlQC ... ..21..', 1 ..Ib6 lUngli&m ..U('al. A Herla ..1401, Centennial .. lo:t Copper Kanga .... ...II)1,, Daly Weal .. 7a Dominion Coal .. .. alS Franklin .. 1I Hranry ... 7! il'la Knyala ... 4 Ij4aa almlr.g ...:: Michigan ........ . 4 . 41 . ' . 4t, . .if.0 . 14 . t'. . . i :: U .. t .. rr, ,. it, .. 12V4 ,. r.i .. K .. M .. .. M .. 3 .. .. 9'4 .. 33V .. K .. ,. n Hear York Mining stocks. KKW YORK. March r.-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks; .124 . I0 . 74 . J .164 . 72 Mnnt C. A C, old Dominion . Oaeola Parrot Qulncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity .. Vt'. .. t'. 8. .. I4 I t ah .. V vi.torla .. II iWgnnna . .. 17 14 W oliarlna Mining oil M . M . r. . 7tt . ao .l.H4 4l....lo4V .4a IrSkt t'nlon Pacific do conv. 4a , U. g. Bteal Si 6a. Wabaeh la do deb. B W. A L. E. 4a... Wla. Central 4a... Oolo. r. 4k 1. e. i London Stock Market. LONDON, March 2S. Closing: Censola. money... 85 15-14 ;N. Y. Central.... do accouitt Anaconua Atchlaon do pfd Balt'.mora A Ohio, ''anfrdian I'lclfic .. Chea. St Ohio Chicago lit. W.... C . M. St. P.... DeHeera V St R. O do pfd. Erie do lat pfd do id pfd Illlnola Central ... lula. A Naab M . K. ft T of Norfolk & W. . Ontario A W. . lu'rennaylvunla .. . 3 I Hand Mluea ... . S i i Heading .imj do lat pfd. . 92'a do id pfd., . 15 -4 So. Railway .. .n;i do pfd . Illi'to. Paclfle .... Soitinfon Paclflo do pra .... U. 8. Steel.... do pfd .... Wahaab do pfd .... .Spanish 4a ... M 64 . !(. .114 .110 . 70 .10SH . .74 . 7S .114 ,. li . . at.S, . it ..llO'j .. M , .. .. to .. .. ns .. 40 .. 10 .. 114 .. a.! l, .. 4 .. l .. tl ... II', .. i .. i4 ... 17 ... 71 71 .10 8IL.VKR Bar, steady. 25 M-16d per ounce. MIJN r. V oU4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for ehort bids is 3 per cent; for three months' bills, ZVii3 per cent. Bank ! 00; Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 15. METAI.S Tin sold off sharply In i.nnciun. spot breaking :i H'e. and futures Ail-." si to tVi-i and 127 17s lid. reeuwctlvely. The l.x-al marke also was easy, closing at $8.ioti:9 Ai. Cop per arciineti ns 111 to .oi 10s 1 snot and 1)1 u Tor lutures. ijocally e..p per was held llrm. with lake and electro lvtlc quoted at 812 87H4J IS O" snd casting at $12 'W.(13 . Lead declined la ad In Lon don lo ltSa. but remained unchanged lorn It v at 14 tk&4 6. Speller was firm and a shade higher at $5 1. to Jo In New York, but was unchsngeJ at 2S In London. Iron closed at bU Jd In Glasgow and st 43s M In Mtddlesboro. Ixh-IIv Iron was unchsaered. No. 1 foundry northern In quoted st I SO! If. M. No. I foundry northern at 8'4. Go. No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 fuuiiilry southera soft at lli-wlLM, Aiama Con Alice Breeoa pry-fwich Coo ... Comntn. k Tunnel Con. Cat A Va.. Horn surer Iron Surer Uadrllle Coa .... 1 . 1 . 10 . 8 . .IM 120 .:..o . a Mule Cbtal Ontario Onhlr rhoenlx Potoal Baraga Sierra K'evada Small Hopva .. Standard . .4"0 .. .. ti .. 47 .. (4 .. II ..2ii Foreign Financial. IjONDON. March ti. Money was 'In fair supply in the market today. Discounts were 3 j,. I. Trading on the rkock xctmnge was all. Consols eased a fraction, but re covered. Americana opened .weak, rallied slightly, especially Chicago, Milwaukee & hi. Paul and Louisville dt Nishville. On the street Americans were bucygnt. Union pacific wr.s quoted at SB. Atcl iaun, Topeka ek Santa l at 71 and Boltlnio a Ohio at al. BERLIN. March SS.-Trad!nT cn th hours today was most quiet Americas rolls were lower. The weekly 1 tatement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes since last report: Cash la banal Inoraasaa su.iou.OuUn. tr e uiury notes decrnuMXl eUu.iAAUU, ,titmT kocurlLiis lucreeuwil t le 85.- irls OMAHA. March 15. Bank clearings for today, H.:'17.o.V4.4i. an Increase of $10,718 .81 over the corresponding day last year. Oils and Rusln. NEW YORK. March 25. OIL-Cotton-seed, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 3ic. Petroleum, uulet; refined New yellow, 3fSc. Petroleum quiet; refined New York, $vt; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $11 60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, eS. 70. Turpentine, quiet. bs-G'-aS'iC. Rosin, SAVANNAH. March 25. -Ol 1.8 Turpen tine &8c. Kosln firm: A. B. C, D, $-10; K. $.'a5; F. 8-.tK; O. I2 .; II, $2.70; I, $J !a; K. t3.3: M. UAJ; N,; W. O . $1.7'J; W. W . 4u0. OIL CITY, March K. OILS Credit bal ances. $1 71; cei tulcutca. 110 bid, Shipments. b,.'Si; average. US. 8 bh'.s.; runs. So.fiiO bbls : average. 70.115 lit.'. Hhlpments, Lima, bbls.; average, 1,7.I bbls.; runs, Lima, 'ii,'.W bbls.; average, 54,183 bbls. t'oaTea) Market. NEW YORK, March 3-X)FFEB-Ths luaukct opened sttu.dy at unchanged price, to a decline of 8 points. Sales were re- rjrted uf 43.Z&0 bags, Including April at 5oj6.6nc; June, 8.7'v; July, 60c: August, 8kvc; 8ptemter. .uuvo6c; Ooiobr, 40c: December. .iit! 4fcc. cot Rio, dull; No. T Invoice, tr'jc Ml lit, slssadyj Cordova, lOUo. rio, at. Tr. No. Ar. pr. 1 to0 1 00 !.... 1124 4 10 1 . 870 t 00 15 lift 4 10 J 20 I ft IK 11K9 10 1...: H0 I 16 1 1154 4 10 I 10O0 t 14 11 111 4 10 4 1101 40 (0 1177 4 li 1 170 I fiO 2 1241 4 tO 7 m I 60 f 112 4 80 1 MU I M 10 lltl 4 10 I 1020 I 60 14.. ltoS 4 21 4 M t 70 21 1081 4 20 ! 070 I 76 11 l'JI7 4 io tf. Jk4 t 76 16 1177 4 10 16 6V0 I 40 I llSO 4 '20 i U:i4 S 0 14 llf.6 4 20 II CO KO it 1111 4 10 1 1260 t 10 40 lilt 4 2.". 16 m I 60 80 Ilflt 4 26 tS P'i0 8 86 S3 IifJ 4 80 c e-.'i 86 IS lieS 4 30 II KS I W U61 4 to 6. too I 66 10 1174 4 84 llol I 14 11SS 4 10 1 110 I 0 IT 11V4 4 16 14 105 I i6 t.r i:s 4 05 II 1164 I 66 II 1171 i 33 11 1107 I 9S 14 1296 4 S3 1 114 4 05 6 li0 4 SJ T7 10:'7 4 06 17 U'7r, 4 40 I V..0 4 06 II UU 4 40 I 1178 4 10 14 ISM 4 60 10 , ll't 4 It 1 1410 4 M 1 11.71 4 10 BTEER9 AND COW8. JO 8 8 66 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 794 8 SO 54 im.) 1J 11 I 6 ti 1200 4 la II 1114 4 06 1 4 1161 4 40 STEERS AND STAGS. 16 4 t to COW8. 8 W l 1 905 $ I I 1000 I 16 4 1022 I II t 70 I 15 i ie5 I 10 1 10 I 16 10 in I is 1 9- 0 I U ' 14 1( U I 2 4 194 I ti t 630 I 26 1 911 1 10 1 1071 I 16 4 1010 t 44 t 1120 26 8 190 I 40 I 10K4 I 26 1 1090 t 60 I InaO t 80 1 160 I 60 1 1110 I 84 I Ml i 60 1 1140 I 10 I Tsi t Lit 18 loal I 80 1... 1010 160 10 1094 I 86 I MO 1 66 16 1121 I 16 1 1020 1 76 10 1211 I 40 I , il I 76 t 120 I 40 1 900 i 71 I I lit I 40 t 10i I 71 1 141 I 40 1 1020 I 71 4 1006 I 46 1 12u0 I 76 11 10..I I 6o 1 100 I 71 4 1060 I 60 1 ll"0 I al 12 : I ii 1 44i t 90 4 I'. .0 64 1 IO110 I 90 I 9..8 I ,M 7 907 I i 1 1190 I 60 1 UoO I IS 1 Ism I 60 1 1400 I 00 1 UOO I 60 II n : 3 00 18 K6 I 60 4 Ko IM i2 in I 66 1 1070 I 00 1 t. ...1..JI I 6 II 1211 I 40 t lolT 1 64 I .1090 I 0) 10 121 I 1 1140 I W 22 l.-ij 1 t6 17 lt I 04 1 1260 I 70 II H' 100 1 feMtllO COWB AND HEIFER. 1 M 'heifers. M J 616 I 16 J isg 21 676 I 64 II -,4 1 to 1 610 t .6 I h ,0 3 to 4 611 I 71 I a.11 I ti 1 171 I 26 I ro I 70 17 791 I 2 I PMO 3 76 1 621 I St II lull I ;, I r2l I 8) 1 190 4 00 If t 46 . BULLS. t. ..! t 6 1. IMS 1 a 1 I 40 i 12M 100 1 ...144 I 41 1 la I II 4 I M 1.. Ia0 I 16 1 114 I lall I II 1 He I M . L. M..1MI I SO 1 lit I i 14AS I 10 1 AM I 90 I... la II . . -2u4 ...U0 ...el ...2ol ...24 ...It. ...244 ,...166 ....246 ...264 ...224 ...lot ...Uf ...a...i ....291 ....221 ...23 ...2J2 ...261 ...21.0 ...241 ...844 ...201 ...22 ....841 ,..'.861 ...80 ...881 .211 .127 40 W 40 90 120 40 0 fr. 4 97 . I 92j UItt 6 lu 6 oa I Do I I 6 06 I 06 I 06 I 14 I 06 I u) 6 0 6 06 6 06 I 06 6 06 I 0.1 6 . 6 08 I 06 6 I'S 6 06 6 06 6 06 6 00 I 06 6 06 I 06 49 Hi 9a 40 72.... 71.... 78.... 64 62.... 7a.... T7.... 61.... I.7.... tr.... 7. .. 16 ... tH.... K ... 69.... J. ... 72.... .... 3... 89.... fc.l.... 64.... .... . .21 ..824 ..:f9 ..221 ..2..f ..tt6 ..191 ..121 ..20 . 2ft ..21 . 248 ..2.7 ..246 ..197 . . 220 ..2.0 . .2.;n ...224 ..210 .."?6 ..231 ...24 ...2-2 ...21 ,..2.11 ..249 . . 2 .221 close, bu. IT 90 I 06 6 06 I 06 I 06 I 06 6 06 I 074 6 0. I Ol a I 01 I O.'i 6 "' I 07 a 6 Oiv 6 07 It 6 o .ti 6 07' , 6 u:s 6 01, 6 o;s 1 on, 6 071, I 07' I 10 6 10 t 14 6 10 I 10 I 10 6 114 to higher; middling. 14V; shipments, bales; stock, iX,J; bales. OMtllA VIULK.!AI K MIUKPT. 193 Sri b.ii.k' The ro was a verv moderate run of sheep here this morning and, as nil the packers had quito liberal orders to till, the market ruled active and strong to a dime higher on the desirable grudes. Trading was brisk from start to finish and all tho early arrivals were out of first hnnds in good season. As high as (5.05 was paid this morning for Mexican yearlings. Sheep and yearlings mixed brought SIM. Ewes sold up to 14. W and clipped lambs brought 4.50 and Wooled lambs ei.36. As compared with a week ago the market on ewes and wethers of good quality Is safely a quarter higher. Yearlings In most cases are not, over loo mgnsr, while lambs, unless choice, aro slow and 110 more than steady. quotations for corn-fed stock: Choice western lambs, 15.60u5.7D: fair to a-ood lambs, K.OOfi 5.5(1: eood to choirs Mat run yearlings, 4.9'.1B; good to choice western enmn,s, h.ioj-j .t.i; rair to good yearlings, t4.50&l4.75: SOod to . rhnlcet VHthAri 14 :,V,4) 4.90; fair to good wethers. s4.2o4M.6T: cood to choice ewea, 14.25(34.80; fair to good ewes, 63.7Ki-l.lo. Av. io western ewes 1 Mexican yearling 575 western clipped lnmbs 855 western clipped lambs 291 western yearlings and weth ers , 271 Mexican yearlings 407 western lambs 101 western lambs 9.7 7.) (T7 56 75 7S 78 Pr. 4 4 05 4 60 4 50 4 FS 6 tV r. ns 6 35 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady, Sheen Strong-, 1'hlle Hobs Average Five Cents Lower, CHICAGO, March 25. CATTLE Receipts, a.uuv neaa; muiKel steady; gooa to miuvin, iiuuiuiHi, o.o((; poor to iiuiuuin, S.tiOij'o.OU; stocKers and feeders.; cows, 1.7i(i4-3; heifers, JJ.iiii4.75; canners, i.,iiu2.ttj; pulls, I2.utiif4.i0; calves, M.uuyi v.uv, x DAna'.tu ieers, 4.WIJ4.10. HOGS Receipts, 15,0tK) he.ia; estimated to morrow, 10.0UU bead; market oo Iwwer, clos ing stroQg; mixed and butchers, 16.:oa.4o; good to choice heavy. io.4o(u o.ou: l.miii Heavy, i.2'aa.4i; light, f5.uiiuo.4o; bulk, uf sales, $.".iooo.4'. BHBaP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head: market atrontr: himnu. himu.1v. tr.ti.ri to choice wethers,'ou.Jii; fair to choice mixeu, j.owni.ov; western aneep, natlvo luntoa, H.uoiui.VJ; western lambs. ei.uvT. to. Kew York Lite Dtoek Market. NEW YORK. March 25. CATTLE Re celpts, 2.521 heuu; good to choice steers, firm iu iuc nigner, oinrrs steady; duii.i, ateauy to strong; fat cows, higher; thin cows, dull. Native steers, t4.tii'iio.4&; extca prime, 96.86; fat bulls, 4.1iia4.i.; cows, 1.6o4.uu. tup price 4..u Cables quoted live cattle steady at ll'yllfto per lb., tops HVc. uu dressed weight; rtlilgeiator beef, htfiaViiC pur tu. ii.ip.iru, none; exi.maiea tomorrow, tUO cattle and 4.7o0 uuarters uf beef. " CALVES Receipts, 2JU head; choice heavy vtma uuoui steauy, oiucrs imic lower; veals, I4.u0(o7.36, few extra at 3-S.uu; little calves, o.uu; ciiy uresaeu veais, itto per 1U country dressed, 642 10c. IIOOS Receipts, 1,087 head; market easier; good to choice state hogs, 5.1H1. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1,K5 head; sheep and lumps, steady; common and medium, sheep,; lambs". $5.7i4j e.50. Estimated exports for tomorrow, 140 neaa. Condition of Trade anil Quotations oa Staple nnd t'snrr rrorlnee. rtlOS Receipts, liberal; market rteadyi fresh stock. 14c. 1.IVK lOlLTRY Hens, 1V; youttg roosters, Sii9c; old roosters, oc; turkeys, 13c: ducks, s'tOi geese, R. lU'TTKR- 1'ackmg stock. U',c; cholcs to fnncv dulrv rolls. l.:14c; sepaiatnr. KKKSH FISH Trout. !' ti 1K-; pickerel. 51- lit'..-: pike. .-; perch, IVti'iV; bluetlsh, b-o whlteiisli. (.(jilv: s-ilnmn, 11c; hn.l.iock. 1.- coiitlh, l:'c; rcitfiuipper, lie; lobster, boiled, per It).. 3.V: lobsters, green, per IK, bitllheail-4. lie; cntti-h. l.l'riltc; bHck bnss. k-; halibut. lt', crupplcs, 12c; bi rring. 4 -CJ hlfe bnse. lie; Muetln. 8c; smelts. pVullo. O Y ST Kits New York counts, per can, 41c; per sen I.. ?2. ; rxtrs select, per can, s;.c; per gnl . Si 7.".; standard, per can, 27c per Bill.. J! So-ill 40. T'.R A Per ton. US 'W. HAY- Trices quoted hv Omaha Wholesnlo rcfilcrs nss-iclotion: tJholce No 1 uplnn't. No. 2, $6.ti; medium $."5.t; course. f5 00; rye straw, Vi.uu. These prices are for hiiy of good color snd quality. Demand fail and receipts light. VEC1ETARLE9. POTATOES Colorado, 1.; Dakottv, per bu., tl.10; natives, $1.00. NAVY IlKAXH-l'rr bu., -,.W.'i2.35. CELERY Large Calitornla, 60c, 76c, and kVlc. ONIONS Spanish, rer crate, tl 90; Colo rado yellow and red. per lb., 3c. CA HMAt, K- Wisconsin Holland, 4e. Tl" KN 11 'S White, iwr bu., HOC. CAR ROTS-Per bu., 1.u0. rAI.SNll'S l'er bu . 7oc. KLKTH Per bu., 7"c. C AC Li FLOWER California, per crate. Cl'CrMMKRS-Per dns., ll.TT.-If? no. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crato. $3 :V.xo 1 i. KAiusnKS-rr no. tuincnes, a.v.i.w. LKTTl'CH 1IEAD8-Pcr doi. bunches. tVV'uJl .no; top lettuce, dns., 45fi50o. TP UN I PS Souilmii.. per dolt . fc IlKKTS Southern, per dor,., 73c. CARUOTS-Southern, per dot., 7Kc. J'ARSLEY Southern, p.-r dox., 11.00. SHAI,I,nTS-Pcr dor.., 7;-c. ONION EKTS l'er bu of 32 lbs., yellow, :.: red 2.25; white, 12.5". MMNAOH-Per bu.. !U-(i$1.00. FEANS Wax, per bu. box, 15.00; string. per bu. box, f4.0u. FUU1T8. ArrLES California llellflowers. per box, .75: Oregon fancy leds. ner box. 11. W. New York export Greenings, Russets and &U1UW1IU.', 4. UU. L'RANBEKIUES Jernev. ner hhl.. 7: Del box, J60. 8 TRAWllEIlllirs-Texas, tier 24-nt. cam. $4.60. TROPICAL FRU1TP. ORANGES Nuveis. cooiiv. all slses.; fancy nuvuls, ull elxes, K.76. UiJIU.Mi-California, lancy. 0 to 3H; choice, 40 lu ..0 sixes. FIGS California- unr lu-lb. Imported Smyrna, j-vrowu, loc; l-crowii, loo. liANANAS Per Top.llum I2.U4I2. 60; Jumbos. fc!.75u3.25. 1-A lliS I'eislaii, per oox of 30 Pkgs., $2: per lb. In CO-lb. boxes. 5c: Oriental sluffej Outes, per tox, l'J.40. COCOANUTS Per sack, $4; per tog.. 50a MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Yi8consiit twins full cream. I2c; Wisconsin Young Americas, i:)c; block Swiss, liic; W'lscuiislu brick, 13c; AYlsconain lliuburger, lie. t-llJWIt Per bbl.. per H-bbl., J3.25. MONEY Nebraska, tier ?4 fi Vtuh and Colorado, per 21 frames, (3. IIORSEKADISH-Per cuso of 2 dog., pu ked, hoc. AiAPi.rc isuUAll Ohio, per lh., 10r. lilDES No. 1 reen. fie; N.. 2 irrnn f.f No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted, ii.- No 1 venl calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. Slc: No. 2 venl calf 12 to 15 lbs., KUe; dry salted hides. m2c: sheep pelts. 25ii27c; horse hides, $l.5of2 tVi. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, lh.. 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 11c; No. 2 soft ahull. . per lh., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., U'c; Hnixlls, per lb., 11c; Alberts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c: neanuta ner lh .. rousted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, 12fj134e; large hickory nuts, per bu., J1.60; shellbarks, per bp., $2; black walnuts, per Dll., 51. 2 J. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. March 25. CATTLE Re celpts, l.luo head, including 60 head south erns; maiket for export and dressed beef steers s.ow, cintrs steady; export and aressea beef steers, fi.wiia.a2; fair to good a.i.uuqii vj; western tea steers, S3.4v(a4.oo stockers and feeders, $3.00414.30; f out hern steers, .I.0ou4.a.; southern cows, 12.4041.1.2;. native steers. I2.00-lj4.0o; native holfers. tJ.&O (U4.21J; bulls, IJ.5udi3.70; calves, l3.00dio.25. HOOS Receipts, 3. "00 head; marke steady; top. 65.20: bulk. t5.Otxa5.17t2,: heavy J") Mi j. 20; packers, to.06u6.1o; pigs and lights, 4.?5Ai6.16. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, l,O0 cead; market steady; native lambs, $5,264' E.76; Western lambs, 76: fed ewes. 14.00(4.60; yearlings, $.oVu6.2u; stoskers and fuAHuru t- .r.iii 6.1 t. I.ouls live Stork Market. 6T. LOUIS, March 25. CATTLE Re celpts. 1,300 bead, Including 3u0 bead Tex ana; market steady; native shipments and export steers, t4.6oi(6.26; dressed beef and puicner steurs, j.o'iit.w; steers under l.iaaj lbs., t3.tC'a4.:o, stockers and feeJers, H.Vrf 4.00 cows ami r.eirers. caniieis !2 102.60; bulla. l2.76(Ni.65; calves. .r..ui:..60 lexas and imiian stoers, 13.wi4t4.40; cows and heifers, t.' loo.'!. 20. HOGS llecciuUi. 4.600 head: marke steady; pigs and lights. S4.ui5.00; packer (4966.45; butchers and befct heavy, ti.ijj SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.0O.1 head; market steady: native muttons, t4 00 4.2 4 mj : iambs, fi.,but.Mi: cutis and bucks, IJ.2X.u3.6o; BtockerJ, Z.oo3.iJ. St. Joseph Live Stock Markst. ST. JOSEPH, March 25.-CATTLE Re- relpts, 370 hed; market steady; natives, : . tofts. a; rows ana neuers, ji.soii4.3i stockers ana feeder, n.ix a 4.. HOGS Receipts, 2,9&j head; market heavy. stendv 10 6.; lower, otners sternly to strona light, f&.10ti5.15; aiedlum and heavy, lo.Li .2U. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 499 head markot active, strung tu 10c higher; lumbs, 5.75; sheep, Jj, Sloas C Itr SIOCX CITY, II. ti.VlUS.Si. carious. Kocl He; Vtrowu, Blzed bunch, , Wool Market. DOSTON. March 25.-WOOI-Pullerl and territory woo'a steady. In fore.nn wools there Is n good demand for low Aust.-allan crossbreda to take the Place of itnmritin quarter-bloods. Current quotations: Ter ritory Idaho line, 15(iil.V4c; heavy fine, 37f 14c; fine medium. 15(iir.'ic; medium, 1i;i&17c; . low medium, ljHc. Wyoming Fine, 16TJ Itic; heavy fine, 13714o; flue medium, lfVul 15p ; medium, lSril9c: low medium, Hieic. T'tah and Nevada Fine, ln'rilS'c; heavy fine. 13!fil4c; fine medium. 15V4ftlir.; medium, lK'ainc; low medium, lli'.ijfle. Ilakota Fine, 616c; fine medium. ItWltfic; medium, 184J 19c; low medium, 19(i20c. Montana Fine choice, 18fil9c; fine medium choice, 18nlftc: average. WiTlQc; staple, 19'u20c; medium to choice, IHfiiao. The t ommercinl Htilletin tomorrow will say: The wool market Is steady and firm. wiiu a rainy active inisiaess in small lots. The Increased demand for fine grades. Including domestic fleeces, territory and AuHlr.nllan. Is n feature of the There hns been 110 shading of prloes, that is to any extent, put dealers are anxious to clean up stocks as closely as possible, making way for the new clip. Boston buyers are leaving for the west, but im portant transactions have not yet been closed. The London auction sales closed flm at prices 6'n 10 per cent higher for crosi breds and at par to R per cent lower for merinos. The shipment of wool from Rns ton to date from December 87, srs 66.614.621 pounds, against 61.7C3 35R pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to data . are 40,79.',177 pounds, agnlnsf ' 45,342,4iS pounds for the same period last yenr. ST. LOUIS. March 25. WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing nd clothing. 13 22c; light fine, ir.iffWe; heavy fine, 12'd 14,c; tub wnshe.l 2?31c. Sugar and Molasses, NEW YORK, March 28. SUOAR-ail grndes of refined sugar have been sd vanced Re per 100 lbs.; raw, firm; fair rs flnlng, tt,p; centrifugal. 96 test, 3Ho; mo lasses sugar, 2Tic: refined nrm. NEW ORLEANS, Mnrch 25-SUaAR fitondv; open kettle, 2H.I2T8 3-lc: open kettle, centrifugal, SHc; centrlfugul whltos, 4'4 fi4 5-l(5c; yellows, 8V-4c; seconds, Stin) 3N MOLABSF.S Nominal; open Vettle, 01(3 25c; centrifugal, HViiloo. Syrup, 2Jj25c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. March 2S DRY HOODS Conditions aro vnchHnged, buyers Wins; fnt Tested In lltt'e save goods for Immedl ste delivery, which are not overabundant. The firmness e the rsw material market has nind lt Increasingly jnwnrrnntablg for sellets to make any concessions, though this firmness la not exciting tho buyers Into any activity. HEAL, I'STATIS THANkFEIlS. live Stork Market. March 25. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, ) head; mur Jtet steady; beeves. $3.5o4.6o; cows, bulls end mixed, t2.ot(u3.60; stockers and feeder, 3 .OPfra 85; calves and yearlings, t2.7Wj3.0O. HOUd- Receipts, i.Otw head; market steady, selling at 4.S."'uo.l5; bulk, lo.Ouu.lO. Stork In Bight. Following srs the receipts of live stock for lhe six principal wealeiu cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. 2 Oi 4 M4 S.040 i.&on 16,t) 1.100 3,700 1.6.0 4.6iJO 370 2,i 3u0 2,000 South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Ixiuls .... St. Joseph ... Sioux City ... ll.OoO 1.0o il'l Totals 7,635 32,710 12,13 Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. March 25. COTTON Spot In limited demand; 1. rices easier, 12 points luwer; American middling fair. 7d; good middling. 7 o2d; Auierican middling, 7. 72.1 ; low middling. 7 62.1; good ordinary. 7.62i' ; ordinary, l.Ud. Futures opened quiet and rioted sleadv; American middling, g. o. March. 7.&6d; March-April, 7.62d; Aptll May, 7 49.1; May-June. 7.47d; June-July, 7.4id; July-August, 7.41d; August-September, 7.21d; Scptember-Oclober, 6 61.1: oto-br-November, 61od; November, l'Jd; No. vemher-December. 609d. NEW YORK, March 26. COTTON Spot steady at 25 points advance; middling up lands. 14.75c; middling gulf, li.Ooc; Males, 1,M tales. NEW fiRT.FANR, Mnrch 4rvrTON Futures steady; March, 14 644 660; April I4.703U.85o: May. 147H.8c; June, 15.17 ISSUo; July, 16. 37016. 3c: August, 14 64J it OX-: September, lX6331t October, li 7411 LTV; November, 11 67n.ll 6e. ST. LOUIS, March 2thCOTTON-8tsadr; DEICDS mod for record Mar.-h 25, 1904, sa furnished by tho M 1.1!.. mi Ouuia.Uce and Trust company, 1611 I'arnain, street, for The Hee: Mary Ilorowlck and husband to liar- ; man Kamloth and Joiicplilne K.un loth, i.urt of lot 13, block 6, Wilcox f 1st add t Ouy C. Rarton snd wife to Mahls V. Fhrliier. lots 21 und 22, block 1, Orch ard Hill 1 Isabel Cornell and husband to Sarah b'. McCundless, undrvldod one-sixth lots I). 11 nnd 1!, block 1, Isabel add 680 R. W. Madder, Jr., and wife to Alice L. P.u:-cliuiore, part of lot 2, block 1, Shlnn s udd 3,500 N. S. Drown to Arthur J. Story, part lot 9, block II, liniuha View add 350 Sheriff to John II. Ku.lrl.ank, lot 6, blo.-k 2, Tlurnborough Place V) Sheriff to same, lot 4, block 2, same... 4o0 Virginia Nllea Harris and husband to Wil.-.un T. Graham, lots 4 and S. Mock 6, and other lots In Parker's n.l.l 6,653 Clinton If Rrlggs and wife to Hettle I'olllns (U tea, part lot 1, block 10, West Omaha 1,250 Milton Trust company to Frank J. Dworak, part of lot 6, block 7, Kountze's 4th Sup JCO Wllhelm Heltmann and wife to Gus tHv Reltnian, undivided I. alt s1 neW 6-16-13 1,000 Laurence Mirot and John C. Cobb, trustees, to Ella A. snd Oeorge li. Marshall, lots 27 and ?. Eldnra add Ki Sherilf to Stephen D. Langs, 205 lots In Summit add 26,700 5 Sm COMMISSION CO , Incorporated Capltsl and Surplus $600,000. Dealers In GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. REFERENCES: 176 Etats and Na tlonal Hanks ex Commercial Agencies. lni Branch OfTices. General Ottieei N, Y. Ml Hnlldlngr, afiKNixroui. -Otnah Bravaek 14)18 Farnans St, Tol. 4T. THO. M. WAIIDIrK, Cor. 'A I I I ,Jl v. 11 i-( t, 1