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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCII 26. 1004. If 1 (1 I? . m i SPECIAL NOTIGES Advertisements for lhff rnlamna will be tikrn until 12 m. for h renlaa; edition anil until p. m. for the mernlna and Snnrlay edition. Rates, 1 l-2e a woril first Insertion, I a word thereafter. Neithlnsi taken for less tbaa We for Ihe first Inser tion. These ad vertlsemeats most be run eonseeatlvely. Advertisers, h reqnestlns; a nom liered check, pan hne answers ad dressed to a numbered letter In eare f The Bee. Answers so addressed tI1I be delivered on presentation of li e cheek only. MISCELLANEOUS. APRIL 4 SPRING TERM Boyles College, MJW VOMu Lift, lib H.u.-nvj, CaUIUM .-ilj . OMAHA U-M403 The Nebraska Seed Co.'s BEEbEi u..i... Catalogue tree l.,u-.i.. Howard. rt J e-1 p.PAVU'l DRIVEWAYS AM) AKTI ALtvS. fc,. U. Van Court, li&e N. lulu. lei. R Ml J -il CUT KATE TICKETS evtiy whme. Pliillnn. ,.i Farnam ana opp. uepoi. lei. .M and 1073. n MbM ...Hill Bur.. nnr1 l.liU a spe i.UlV Of Lie uUUa t ... ... !', U-.U1S und kales. O. Anureeu, iiop. ... o. loin i. L. M. HAVLULY-ct . 11 1'. il- Hi-. .. 1. -iw i v. ha nip. Carp. Cleun. Co., 7.s o. mil. i.ij.j I .HI n8ILVER- nickel n-nm UULU lullim Co., i..o ii-iiiBj . ei. . CU'V SAVINGS UA.Mi. lays t pei ut-iu. i We feHEClAL l or u lnnnvu uu wilh a nun ni ui. . u !. or 31. UOIl l 1I11HH llila v.11.111' ucluns, Mn N. lljlli st. v.o .ill II Spfel lit. 11 bo. LAULE Loan c.ltice. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business con..uu....i.. ..i a-.urf-us 11 oj L'XPRESSMKN'S Delivery Co., luutui mid siorage. 214 N. liiin. id. nJ. iv un TRY THE CHICAGO LAUSDRY. IX you don't, wu both lose, ijood work, Horn pi attention, li-i N. luih. isl. -0. I PlilCMITtl c. R. HEFLIN, 309 N. loWVlUilll 1 It 16th. 'lei. 29i4. U M26J Wlprtrtr Carpet Cleaning Works. i-lCCU (.111 istt'lison, S. vlli. Tel. ANTI-MONOPOLY OAHBAOK CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes f,'artagta, dead animals; reduced prices, b-1 N. la. lei. 17. 'J lt-Mi I'. MELCTIOIR, muchlnlAt. 13th & Howard. K t4i! JJL'BLICITY DESIGNS W1IKATON. In the Bee Bldg. R-043 9. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, C05 8. 13th. R-H26 Al 'STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Merchants National Bank Bldg., timnha, Neb. 11 046 PJGN pjinting. S II. Cole, 1303 Douglas. R 047 IALL kinds carpenter work, repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ocnlliree, 20th and Lake. R 370 J2. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling. Ills Farnam. Tel. 363. R 152 M3 POR noon luncheon try the Karbach Res taurant; reasonable) prices. 418 8. 15th St. II SJi May 16 JVODICKA & CO., fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug Theater bldg. Tel. 8182. R-t;4 CLOTHES pressed, altered. Yousen. Pax ton hotel tailor. R t,l TRACINGS; blue prints and working vii a wiuga. ours at jcj., umana. non R-237 Apr22x fERFIELD Piano Co., Ben Bldg.; no In terest, honest values, easy terms. R 638 Or PHOTOS, 2BC. Btudlo, 119 N. 16th, opposite P. O. R '."11 U. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 16; tel. 3092 , R-M366 tJMAHA MIRROR MFO. CO.. 708 N. 16th. lei. aaai. K M790 A15 6TOVE. storage and repairing. Hughes Stove,,,.Palr Works. 2217 Cuming St. Tel. F2302. R-926 f)f PHOTOS, 26C. Studio 119 N. 16th., opp V. O. R911 RIPYPJ largest and best selec- t r y tlon ln he.clty. Second- finnu wneeis ior .i anu Up, Lfluli Fletcher 1623 Capitol Ave. R M2u0 26 V.CLLA S' CLEVELAND, graduate of Michigan university, with ten years' ex perience with pr. J. h. Kellogg ln Bal tle Creek. Mich., sanitarium methods. Is lucaisu si ilia eowura at. ' ' R M255 28x ilOST convenient and economical power vviite uhs or Uaaollno Engines. Wltte J.r.?n w.ork" Co- 6- W Bl" 8t-. Kansas U. is. KOCH, tinner, 2717 N. 24th. Tel. L-1949 "r oiunioun root cemnt pnlnt ' R-272 Je'Jl PARPFTS 1u",t1- lB'"'. washed: gen i i '1 house cleaning J. Wood, inwuuu wuinnn, can or write. 2U16 Clark R M?S6 A -22 i LLiiAN, oye, repair clothes. 604 N. 16th. IWM309 Je3 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. Phlll In rnrnsm ana opp. II. r. Depot. Tel nci ib,.i. R M693 Bl'SI.BSS CIIAXCRS. FOR RENT, a summer hotel furnished complete and situated at l.k Wiaiiinc ton (near Mui.kato, Minn.); can also lie used as summer resort for several private ' families. Lake affords tine boating ami fishing. For particulars write Mucbrtb, & '""", autiiKaio, Atinn. y M367 1 TO GET In or out of business call on WU iiuiiis, room til, Aiccague building. Y-662 BHCJL.ES-A KMSTRONQ CO., 732 N. Y. Life " Y-MS16 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 31! Brown Blk can get you in or out ot business. Y-MK38 FOR BALE A money making Nebraska newspaper: snap If taken soon. Address ror particulars F 33. Bee. Y X0 ?8 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In e- county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in. come. Amnta In the country with horse and bugy especially desired, anvassers make easily 30 to 3100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. J 213 WE wsnt 10,000 sgents for greatest house hold seller ever produced; actually sells In every house; immense money maker fur agants; send 10c for complete sample and our large illustrated cataloguo of agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. B 107, Ilouson, Tex. J-M446 Apr 3 ri-ORIST. HUH 4k ttWOUODA. 1415 Farnam. 0 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Furnim 8t! 801 ALFRED DONAGHUH, JR-. 1W Famam. Xsi, im. tut As WASTED MALE HELP. BASE BALL TEAM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Three new members have recently been added. We are loosing for one more good man. Do you want to go to school and play base ball? If you do. write us quickly. Advertising matter free. Address, ROHRBOl'OH BROS.. 17th and Djuglas Sts. MEN to learn burner trade, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST, largest and only Tollable, most practical barber college In this section, write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 655 WANTED For I. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 26, cltlxens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to rerrultlng officer. lth and Dodge 8ts., Omaha, or Lincoln. Neb. B M1M MOLER'8 BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., offers advantages in te.ichlng the barber trade tha'. cannot be had else where. Write today for our terms. B-M217 A Ex WANTED Expert laundryman. or will sell good sleam laundrv doing good busi ness. Willis Ciidwell, broken Bow. Neb. B-MSS4 WANTED, egg cnudler. Apply at Armour & Co.. So. Omaha. B-246 -' WANTED, n bright, neat boy, about 15 years old, ss mslltng clerk. Must be quick and wrltt a good hand. The F. K. Sanborn Co. B-M2M AN OPPORTTNITY. You can make from $1W to $3ij0 per month selling our new combination accident nd sickness policy the best and most liberal contract ever Issued. A little energy will do for you whit others are doing easily. Write or call at the home office. BANKERS ACCIDENT INS CO, Des Moines. Ia B M311 29 WANTED. Mrst-clnss bnker of good habits: stendv work. Rood wnRes. Wnvne Bnkery, Wayne. Neb. B M319 HlX BY M A N I 'F '('TI HI NO house, trusty as st"nt for linn I' office; $1S pnld we'eklv; position perrrnnenl: no inplinl r"ftilrd: provtn'i exieroncc not essntlnl. Ad (trr.r Prnnih Suner;ntendcnt. Cnnn P'k., Chlcngo. B M.134 27x WANTED A stout boy to take care of a horre and cow and deliver goods. Ap'ly 1.11S Farnam B M340 27 ARE YOC STtSFIED Wiih yovr present position or s-tlary? If pot. wrile us for plnn nnd booklet. We Ivm-c crtpnlij!s for rnflnqeers. secretaries, n'lvevt!'; p rnen nnd "iilesnien: also tech-rlf-pl. clcrl'-sl ed fxneutive rr.en of .ill kinds, liieh crde exetiivelv. Offices in twelve dlnr-i t cltlt-s. IIAPOOODS fln eorpointedi. 016 Chemical bldg.. St. LuMs. B WANTED, by wholesale hon. experienced bookkeeper. 21 venrs of age; pddress In own lui nd writing, statlne nge. ornr!ence nnd s:lnry wnnted. Address T ' Mee. B M5'S 27x WANTED, men everywhere, pood pnw to distribute elrculnrs. ndv. mitter. tick slpns. etc.: no ennvaasing. National Adv. Rureau, ('hlciigri B 27x WANTED, two npetits. nt once; si'ii'v or coniT''sslon. F. Adams Co., 1619 Ifow ard st R-M.m WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack slitns. ilMHbute circulars, stmples, etc.; ni cmviisuinp: cood pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau. Chlcngo. B-M3B8 26x WANTED I went the name of every man In any wnv !nter"sted In !ncni-to-s or poultry vnlslnnr. I have sofetbing for you. Write nt once to M. M. Johnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center. Nh. B-M359 26x m PAINTERS nt World s fair. St. I.ouls; union men. SOc per hour: no trouble. Ap- Plv nt World's fiilr gro-mds. B M9Q2 1x WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wife call Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 60S WANTED, a good cook, (female), for em ployes at Genoa Indian school. Write for particulars to Paul A. Walter, manager. C-M281 27x WANTED At once, fifty sewing machine operators for horse blanket department. Apply at Bemls Omaha Bag Co., bMwen 8 and 10 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. m. C-M317 27 WANTED A eomoetent cook; references required. Mrs. H. W. Yates, fist nnd Davenport. C 325 26 WANTED Olrl for general housework; small family; best wages. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, 1210 B. 11th. C-M361 28 WANTED, good girl for general house work; good wnres: no wnshlno-. Tnnulre immediately, 3027 Marey. C M361 27 FOR ST. I.OUIS World's fair, 50 Indies woi k inn iiiuioi ii fHiiiimiry minim, a-ir weekly: experience unnecessary; large il lustrated palmistry hook with lntroe. tlon for 2 stnmns. Frofessor Frederick, 213 W. 126th St., New York Fair Dnt. 127. C-M3S7 2x LADIES for work at home stamping worio s rair souvenirs: steady. a Dong Iss bldf., opp. Hayden's. C M383 A26 SITl'ATIOXS WASTED. POSITION WANTED as draftsman; 6 years experience in machine desslgnlng, molding, refrigerating machines, etc.; graduate of technical school In Austria; married; best of references. Address L. Stopka, 421 Belden ave., Chicago, 111. A-M356 27 WANTED, position, ofllce work; high school ana commercial education: use smith typewriter; age 20; best references; must bo chance of advancement. - Address F. S. T., care Box 966. Shenandoah, Ia. A-M3S7 26x WANTED Work by man. 28. Am in need and will accept any honorable occupation. Address, E 71, Bee. A-256-27X EXPERIENCED girl wants work In pri vate family r rererences. e its. nee. A-247-27X WANTED By young lady with six months experience In office, stenographic position. Address, E 16, Bee. A 239 27 x FOR RENT FIHSISHUD ROOMS. CENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. id 129 M18 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago E lioSt DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam E 660 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17is3. E 661 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E-662 3126 PER WEEK, Doran House. 422 8. 18th. E ofw VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fins rooms; ladies' cafe, private dining r. ; open nights. ti 6M LARGE, warm Capitol ave. room, stesm heat. 1909 E-M720 NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15th. E 665 ELEGANT apartment house for men: rooms slrgle or ensulte, luxuriously fur nished, now ready for occupancy. Apply at the Chatham, 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. E-M8.2 FURNISHED Burt Rooms, reasonable 1613 ) E M614 26 NTCFLY furnished rooms, third foor 1420 Dodge St. E M497 THE FARNAM. lHh Reference required. snd Farnam a's. E M96 LARGE front room, suits ble for two arn tlenen or for light housekeeping 1221 California St. E M343 77x . a . . MODERN furnished rooms. $6. 113 N. th. E M36S 28 THREE elegantlv furnished, with bath, sl am heat. 2234 Farnam. 'Phone top flat. ' E-M380 CT LARGE room, suitable for two: also single room. fW Capitol. E M378 ?8x -- t--k. front room, fl: i.-.e sn)ll totm. "II modern; on two car line ?ij .Cubing. E MT.79 Sx NICELY furnished rooms; gentlemen pre ferred, til 8. ttih. 'PboM Stf-i- -aa?i Mm DO YOU READ WANT ADS? IF YOU DO, SO DO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. BETTER HAVE YOUR AD AMONG THEM. FOR RE.1T FIRMISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable. 717 Bo .17th. Vs M3ll a Fl'RNISHED aloove, parlor nnd rooms. siu Harney. iv m.i ROOM for gentleman. 2405 St. Mnry'g ave. E-M3G4 28X LARGE front room with alcove; gentleman preferred. Isl. Capitol ave. E SH MODERN furnished rooms for gentlemen. L'lol Fiirnuin. E M3K6 2fx KI RMKHED ROOMS AID BOARD. THE ROSE, 20 Harney, rooms, good board; reasonable rates. msis xnix UTOPIA, steam heat. 1721 Davenport. F-668 ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglas. Meals, 15c. F U69 Furnished, rooms steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F-6 HOME Dining Hall: flrat-class meals, 20o and 26c. Home cooking. 1709 Dodge. F M4i2 A-10 LARGE south front room and hoard for two: all modern, with phone a-l'5!'.'!, ih.'Jto a week each; gentlemen preferred. 24m Cass. F M642 JoC TURKEY DINNER-35C Turkey dinner Sunday, 3Sc. 17U0 Dodpe. F-M340 27 FURNISHED rooms and 18th. Tel. F2318. board, lit N. F-M370 28 F1RST-CIJVSS dav boarders wanted. 1823 Capitol. F-M.TS1 ?Sx LARGE parlor; another room suitable for two or three. 1812 Chicago. F-M"77 28x FURNISHED room, with board. 621 P. IRth. Phone im F-M374 28 YOUNG lady for roommate. 808 8. oth. F-M375 28 TWO large parlors, with board: reasonable. 3tI0 Harney. F-M372 tSx ELEGANT south front room and alcove, with hoard. 2418 Cass. F-M373 lx ROOMS and board. 2310 Douglas. F-M365 2!x FURNISHED rooms and bonrd. In. F- 15 Doug- , M362 2Sx FOn HET l NFl ItMSHEIJ ROOMS. THREE desirable rooms, suitable for llRht houscKieplng. partly furnished. 310 Cass. G-:73 26 UNFURNISHED rooms. 2612 Il;irney. G M368 31 FOR SAJjF. MISCKI.l.AM-'.Ol S. INDIAN GOODS and relics. ill9 Farnam. y a4 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- mfsu. tir timbers. 901 Douglas. W-tW5 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McContiell Drug Co., Omaha. 14h'Ji KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain, can or wiite Room 1, nee uiag. . Q tDS SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; Diniaru tables repaired; large mock cneap Di.r fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wick-Balke Colltnder Co., 407-9 S. loth. Q-700 150 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. Q-M701 WE RENT Sewing machines, 76c week. We repair and sell pans for every machine manufaclured. Second-hand machines from 35.00 to 310.01). NebruHka Cycle Co., 'Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. 702 FOR SALE Several scholarships :n a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course ln business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q 862 FOR SALE cheap, old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room of Tho Bee. Q 343 HOUSES H Ziw,,!' hBVe "fveral smaller tracts adjoining - D-672 AUTOMOBILE-31.100 Toledo Steam Das-a-cas at a great bargain. ' E 65, Bee oltlee. y M649 AM STOCK YARDS feADDLERY CO., Wholesale nnd retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on earth; everything hand-made; union shop: headquarters for axle grease and whips. J. U. HLESHINU, :31 N. 26th St., 80. Omaha. Q M 774 FOR SALE Will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best Omaha business colleges. Address F 15. Bee office. Q-M 901 FOR SALE Second-hand safe, soda foun tain and National Cash register. Rich-mond-Derlght Co.. 309 S. 13th St. Q 917 TREES Hazel Dell Nursery, 3208 N. 24th. g M199 All FOR BALE 2 second-hand. 40-qt. lee cream machines at 33a each, inquire or W. 8. Raldufr. Q-M221 26 DEN8MORE typewriter. In good condition, for 330. No. 1016 N. Y. Life. Tel. 3576. Q-M332 SODA FOUNTAIN-340 00 will buy a nickel double head counter fountain, coninlete. -' h icebox, bottles, etc.; in good shape. ;n01 Lake St. Q 349 27x OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 515 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664. Dr. J. A. Meehan, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664. 71!) The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 352. 7:o DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 882 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2086. 721 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. DRS. LAIRD A LAIRD, 203 Karbach blk. 'Phone 30S11. 441 M25 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, HORSES for sale; second-hand harness and vehicles cheap. Melcheor's Stables, 51 S. lth. P Mt&i SAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey, cheap. P-925 Al HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-M375-3 HORSES clipped. Cotton Livery Stable s, 1502 Caas. P-M7..C All LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN PRICE, 410 1st Nat. by. bldg. 663 THE new 8now-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors, brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 123. -&4 JUDGE DICKINSON. 61 N. Y. life: set tlement estates specialty. Tel. F-2656. 28 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. r:t N'stx Bus. s Shorthand CoL, Boyd Uuejar. FOR SALE REAL, EITATK. MUST BE SOLD The settlement of an estate requires that the properties advertised be sold quick. Any reasonable propositions considered. 3302-3304 Cuming St., double house. 6 rooms each; rents 22 per month; lot 66x130 ft. j good locution for grocery and market. Four cottnges near Webster and 14th sts.; lot 0t;xl3.' ft.; rent 36 per month. 3319 Cuming St.. 6-room house; lot Sxl59 ft. Choice modern lo-room house In Kountie Place, with two lots. Corner lOih and Center sts., 122 ft. on luth st. by 142 ft. on Cc-.ter St. 44x132 ft. on 10th st,, east front, near Dodge St. 19th and Harnev sts., corner, Jx87 ft. 306, 307, SUB and 311 N. 27th ave., four small houses; rental Value. 336 per month. 33x1034 ft. on Leavenworth St.. near 23d it. SEE VB FOR PARTICULARS. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Famajn St Com'l Nat. Bank Bldf. RE M304 27 ONLY $9 PER ACRE! ONLY PER ACRE! Fine hay and stock ranch, 1.440 acres, Holt county, Nebraska. Fenced In two sepa rate ranches, but Joining. Running t.ater over SfO acres' of the finest hay Vottom in Nebraska. Most of hay land will cut over two tons per acre. Iocated 10 miles southwest of O'Neill and the famous Shoemaker ."at adjoin this land on the east. One of the owners says sell to close out estate. Land In this vlclnltv brines SIS to 15 tier acre. If you want something good and cheap don't let this get away. Price 39 00 per acre If sold in 15 days. M'CAQUE INVESTMENT CO.. Sole Agents. RE M179 27 CLOSE IN MODERN house, 9 rooms, near High school and Crelghton university, paving all paid, only W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam St. RE-M87S ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. one of the finest 8-room modern residences In West Farnam district. 32.200 8-room modern residence, Farnam and Slst avenue. 33.700. RE 4J8 MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, 1018 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE M406 A9 HOUSE AND HALF ACRE SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND HALF-ACRE, near 25lh and Blnney sts.; trull, garden, flowers, large stable, cow shed, etc. Only 33,000. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. KE-M306 26 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to set a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE Mfc9 FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and In fist-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 8177 Davenport st. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge St. RE M37S SEE R. II. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE 691 lllus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 935 MODERN 8-room; also 6-room house; beau tiful lots; fine location; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton st. KB-916 A18 ELEGANT BRICK BLOCK. 4 stores, with 6-room. modern flats above; price, 315,000; H cash or farm iand, bal ance can run nearly 6 years at 6 per cent. THOMAS ERENNAN, Room 1, New York Life bldg. RE 823 . BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACTS. 12 acres, good house, eic on Bellevue road, two miles from South Omaha 33,600. 6 acres, very well improved, on the Gil more road, 3;, 600. 2 oc res, rair Improvements, on Boulevard, IS miles from South Omaha postoflice 3850. 40 acres, unimproved, lays well, close In 34,000. 35 acres, unimproved, good land 33,600. 10 acres, adjoining Albright; great bargain 1 me cny 1 v flint urn rile nno verv phuan. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AOENCT. South Omaha. RE M608 All C1LAS- Williamson Co. , K, 32,4002622 Decatur St., new, well built, 7- room nouse. modern, pi pea ror lurnace, oak floors downstairs; A BARGAIN. D. V. SHOLES CO.. 722 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 49. RJE 687 FIVE acres, with apple orchard, at a bar gain; close in, inquire 14iu Dodge. RE M34S A7 6-ROOM house, city water, barn, full lot. ti onio ii., i.uw.iKj; easy terms, n, U, Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. RE 297 26 FOR SALE, fine high bottom Improved farm In Mo. valley, near Craig. In Holt county, Missouri, 178 acres; a very rich and productive farm; can give possession this year: 45 acres In fine wheat; 360 per acre; cneap. j. k. Adktns. cralg. Mo, RE-M336 28x WEST FARNAM LOT, 3760. We have for sale 4 lots on 41st St., 200 feet north of Davenport. The first man with the money gets his choice at this prloe, They are right up on the hill no reason why they will not be as good as Lows ave. lots soon. Few lots command such a beautiful view. Two blocks from the street car. One block from a splendid school. Sewer, water and gas ln the street. Look at them. Growing neighbor hood. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 811 RE M353 WALLACE. The following bargains for people who "CLOSE IN" property, are worth Investigating: 33,300 Corner, 65x69, 2 blocks west High school, desirable for double house; a good thing. 32,500 7-room house, partial conveniences, block west High school. 34,00060x132, with 2 houses, renting 3336 per year; fine placo for flats, 4 blocks north High school. Others, If you want them. Bargains In all parts of the city. GEORGE Q. WALLACE. BROWN BLK. RE-348 26 GLOVER. 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE 688 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FAkM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and atock raisers about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 50 000 homes of farmers snd stock raisers, so If you have a good piece or land to sell st a reasonable price you will find a buyer anione them. The coat of an advertisement is small 2 ctnts per word In small type or J.' j.' per Inch If set In large type. THB TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NOTICE TO Homeseekers We are now offering some of tho finest Im proved large and small farms ln the best counties In Texas. The soil Is rich and lota of good water and a fine climate. Prices run from $6 to 315 per """ ln to suit. The railroads are now giving cheap round-trip rates to Texas, and now Is the time to Investigate. If you antici pate going to Texas, write us for our list and prices, so that you mar be fully posted. We also have rice lands and Im proved rice farms In south Texas. Rice farms there clear from 370 to 380 per acre. Prices ars cheap. Terms to suit. We are i posted on Texas lands. Writs us for lull particulars. Van Sickle Brokerage Co. ty. M Kli M3b0 26 GARDEN ACREAGE FOR RENT 16 ACRES, good J-rocun house, for rent. 6 acres fruit, 9 acres for garden trunk, 3155 cash rent. Bemis, Puxton Block. RE M344 26 31,250. S-room cottage, city water and sewer Inside, 30-bbl. cistern, cemented cellar, on 18ihst. near Grace St.; a snap. THE BYRON KEED CO RE 326 27 WE rent houses, write fire Insurance, ex change farms for city property, buy and sell real eMtte mortgages, loan money and sell real estate of all kinds. KENNY REAL ESTATE & 1NV. CO., 300 Bee building. RE MS 14 2 FOR RENT HOI SE. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, lallVi Farnam. Tel, 1659-863. D 670 CENTRAL, I-room cottage. i3d. Tizard. 220 N. D-M764 IDOM CCWrCWorkj. Poultry, Lawn llv-rn 1 unoL, wire. 611 S. lClh. Q-M.87 Jy8 nnt 1CCC In all parts of tho city. Tl liUUJCO 0. F. Davis Co.. 60S Bei Bid The D 671 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice houses. 601-6U3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-673 WE MOVE pianos, age Co. Tel. 1496. Mnggard Van Stor Offlce 1713 Webster st. D-674 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D 675 FOR RENT 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade, trees; 3177 Davenport St. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge St. D-M375 HOUSES FOR RENT. 3021 Chicago St.. 6 rooms, modern t'.O. FIAT, 1615 Howard St., 3d lloor. 6 rooms, best of condition, modern 127.50. GEORGE & COMPANY. D M162 27 FOR RENT, 6-room cottsge, modern except furnace; first class. 4x3b liainey nt. D-M3I7 26x 8136 Chicago at., 8 rooms, modern, very desirable, Hb; rurnisnea, t. 41 m t-arnam St., 8 rooms, modern, barn, 3-2.60. 2222 N. 18th St., 6 rooms, large yard. 3 8- 107 S. 28th St., 6 rooms, 38. Rlngwalt Bros., Bsrker Block. D-M342 27 8-ROOM all modem house, 3111 Pacific st. Wyman, Shrlver Co.. 1003 N. 1 . ure liidg. D -M354 2J FOR RENT STORR8 AND OM'U'ES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at tiis i-arnam, ..xw. ionr stories and first -class cemented tasement, elevator. Are and burglar proof vault, of flco counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room loo, Bee Building. I M507 FOR RENT Three upper stories In four- storv Dunaing at sio rarnam si., two stories if preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec'y, Room 100, Bee bldg. I-M988 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing. 1516 uooge St., now occupiea ny Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. 1-682 TWO-STORY building, 1512 snd the second floor 1508-10 Howard, w. 11. uusnman. 1-68.1 DENTIST wanted to share office with a phvalclan with fine quarters ln Bee blilg., with well established practice. Address C 21, Bee. 1-131 STORAGE. Fifth floor cf building at 1608 Harney st, occuDied bv Mklland Glnsa and Paint Co.. 66x132 feet, good light, heat elevator service 3100 per month. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam st. I -M160 26 FOR F.X CHANGE. TO EXCHANGE, 440 acres choice eastern Nebraska farm lands for stock of general merchandise or clothing. Address T.ane A Miller. Wisner, Nebraska. Z-MSM 5 WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1813 Farnam. Z-692 MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge block. -309 DAISY HIOOINS. voice, piano. Tel. A-274J. 2018 Leav. M318 CHA8. H. KEEFER. piano, 65 Barker Blk. MH80 LOST. LOST, on street car or street, a gold and blue enamel pin. Order of Elks. Liberal reward If returned to room 440. Mlllurd hotel. Lost Ml 26x LOST Bundle of silk. Finder please leave at 406 8. 16th St.; reward. Lost-M.TiS 23x DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. MM M DOWELL'S school removed to l&ui Far nam St. M1 Al DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'S 13th and Harney, spring term begins this week: children. Hat.. 3 p. m.; adults. Tues. A Frl., 8 p. m.; 12 lessons 36; private lessons dally. Tel. 1C41. 776-A14 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent room snd board In private family by two gentlemen. Ad dress, E 6, Bee. K 248 27 x DETECTIVE AGKNCY. Capt Cormark, 617 Karbach blk. Tel. A-.12 744 When You Write to Advertisers - remember It only takes an extra stroks or two ef the pen to mention taa tet tha foil saw la a4 in u PERSON I DR. ROY, Chiropody, r. J. 1515 Farnam. n-.Mi7 Paper Hanging J!, 3?'': C. P. McCI.AIN. teed at reasonable prices. 210 N. 17th St. Tel. B":M7j.M3(n Areordeon pleiitlng, cheapest, best, quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17lh and 1"l"1'J?-30 LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring. 613 Karbach Blk. T3l INTELLIGENT voting business man. tier man, highly cultured, wishes acquaintance with retined lay with means; object, matrimony. F 72. Bee. U--2K -nx ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of Ihe Salvation Army Home for Women, 3!-'4 N. 24tli St., Omaha, Neb. U M526 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Hid. 1." 732 ELITE parlors, 615 8. 16tti. M floor U-733 "VIAVI," way to health. 350 Bee building. U-734 M AriNFTIP treatment baths. Mine JVIJ1N C I lsmjth. 118 N. li. 2 Mr.. R 2. V- M33S Abx WIIAT'8 nicer than neeonlcon pleating. We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., M Douglus blk. U 3o BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at Columbia Phonograph company last night? I waited till half past 9. Hay. their free concerts nre grand, and I bought a doien X. P. 60c records for 25c each. Peggy, from Paris. U M137 PANTORIUMcfe- U-737 SEND 26e for HOMESTEADER 8 GUIDE. containing forty-eight pages of valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full Instruction how to get a claim on the ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Lo cating Agency, Bonesteel, 8. D. L M3 riANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller A Mueller, 1318 Fnrnam. Tel. 1626. I' -93 2 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 1.1th t,t. U 365 WANTED Information of Mrs. E. O. Val entine, formerly of 169 Rlvlngton St., New York City, or any heir of Eliza Jane Reynolds, late of Hartford. Conn. ; valua ble Information given. Address Attorney, P. O. Box 871, Hartford, Conn. U 290 26x GAS fixtures at cost Sam'l Burns. U M914 Al SMOKE Capt. 410 8. 13th. Ft ear's Greenlander cigar. U M917 Mayl THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. U M911 LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can secure a hnll In the llee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, olectrlo light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. I'eters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. U 341 CRYSTAL Ice Co. 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U-M450 JelO DR. FICKES, G. C. B. Bldg. 8., dentist, 338 Bee U M800 A15x IF EVER ln the psrk you sat and hoard the band upon your hut play waltzes, marches and iwo-steps, too, I think It would astonish you, don't you? But say, the most surprising thing In how Htoecker, 1404 oult.H, can sell I.ih Monogram cigar for 6c. Juwt as good as most 10c cigars. U M862 WANTED A piano to use for storage; private family. Address F 41. Bee. U-M2&0 27x LliKKT KAY and Ernest William Cor nish ICnv left Tynernouth. Devonshire, Ei.glnnii. December, :8W, for the United States. '.VIII they or sny person who krows about them communicate with Volutin R Kav. 116 Whitechurch road, CardifT, Wales, Great Britain. U-291 26X NICELY furnished room ln modern cot tngo. reasonable, for 2 nentlemen. .Apply 715 N. 23d. U-129 26 'LUX CRUCnS" similar to Ben Hur by M. Gardenhlre. Investigate. Roach's Circulating Library, 1515 Farnam. U 352 27 MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, 31. IT CURES. 738 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConncll, Omaha. -739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women; experienced, r-llnble, 1511V4 Dodge, Arlington Block. Omaha. 740 WANTED The caRe of catarrh, rheuma tism, eczema or stomach trouble that Co-Lon-Co WON'T CURE. -869 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-1881 -741 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good S.nnitiitan Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia. 626 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. Fisher, 2516 8. 11. Tel. 1889. 742 PRIVATE sanitarium during confinement. Babies adopted. Dr. and Mrs. Gerisch, 3625 California, MS 28 x CLAIRVOYANTS. $5 READINGS 50c THIS WEEK ONLY. There Is only one Prof. Phillips Just ar rived In Omaha, born In Bombay. East In dia, the very seat of occult forces. He has been for years a resident of New York and during that period created a great furors. Prof. Phillips is the original wlio predicted the great Galveston flood five months be fore it happened, and during that time he was almost put to death by ihe skeptics nnd unbelievers of Texas. He carries tha ! narks, which he can show to each and every caller. He predicted the orenon flood, and amongst President McKlnley's papers was found a letter predicting his ussasslnstion. Those reading of the trag edy mav have seen also an account of this letter. Honest people, poor people and rich Feople who wish a true reading must not nil to visit this wonderful Hindoo clair voyant. HOURS. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. PARLORS, 1919 DODGE ST. $r READINGS 50c 'I TELL YOUR NAME," ANSWER (jI ES TIONS MENTALLY AND WRI I TEN. Winona Brooks, Trance Clairvoyant. GIFTED WINONA. Born with a double, veil, educated in cccult science In Egvpt nnd India. THE ONLY ADEPT OF HINDOO OC CULT MYSTERIES I'M A ' I 1 1MU IN AMERICA AT THE PRES ENT VI ME. 1816 Dodge St. 1816 GYLMER, palmist. 715 N. 23d Tel. B-3246. 8111 BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th St. 8-245 A20x PRINTING. HIGH CI.ASS printing at lowest prloes Tel. 1I6A 1. A. Medlar Co.. 422 H. 15th st. M! A 8 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. Get our prices. Tel. 1621. llilii Oil' aifo. .U74 AS PP1NTINO f '-''H" 0r"d8 Work. rtliN I iivj, t roiUIll.e biotk. corner of LYNGSTADl ICtb St. and Capitol Ave. KRAMER A CHANDLER. Quick Printers, llu3 Farnam. Tn deliver work when promised Is our hofcby. M763 A14 WE make calendars, and do all kinds of priming. Barton lTinting Co., 707 8. lth. 'Vhone ::266 M754 A14 PATENT. II. J. COW'OILL No fee unless successful. (It 8. 16lh fee, Omaha. Tel. 1793. 723 . asBeasssa. vassal) a M Cm. . a aWL. MOM'.l TO l.OAM t HATTKl.s, MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bilk that have accumulated during the wlntej It might hp an advantage to ou to secur( money from us nnd pay them, and thetl pay us in weekly or montlily payment until you act out of debt. We loan on fur niture, pli.nos, live stock and other 'chat tels and we make loans to salaried peo ple upon their own agreement to repay. Our rates are as low as any and a great ileal lower than some. Our service l uuli k and without publicity. If you have uenlt with us ami are pleased, tell others, and If are dit'lcascd. tell us. Omaha Mortusne Loan Co , 119 Board of Trade Bldg Tel. 22P5, (Established In1-). 3ob flout h 16th St. X-748 CASH You can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE firm and secure money hn ever you need It. We will advancn you enough money to pay off all your debts, so that you will owe It nil In one place, where you gt courteous treat menl. Our easy payment plan has astonished peo ple who nave previously borrowed of other loan companies, on account of our liberal rates. We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI TURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, etc. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. r7-S Paxton block. X-M303 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us if von want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO . 683 Paxton block, 16th and Farnam streets. X 704 MONEY IjOANED SALARIED PEnPIJl and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman. room 440 Chamber of Commere. bldg. X-705 MONET loaned oh plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Ilutton Co. X-706 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc.. at half usual rates. Dr. Prlbheimw, room 215 at 209 8. 15th st. Tel. B-2T4. X -M427 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, 1w- erlv, horses, cows. etc. C. r . Heed. SIR H. 13th. X-207 LOANS mnde on Jewelrv and dlnmonds. Great Western Iinn Office. 117 Frn:im. X-M752 A15 CHATTEL, snlnrv nnd Jewelry loan". FVilsiy Lonn Co.. 1501 Fnrnnfn st. X W MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel, 164. W-710 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W-7U 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Taxton block. W-712 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas W-713 WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1330 Farnam st. W-714 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., Beo bldg. W 713 6 per cnt loans. Garvin Bros., 16"4 Fnrnnrn. W-717 MONEY to loan. Kenney Real Estate nnd investment Co.. r. :) Bee bldg. W 345 MONEY TO LOAN I'uyne Investment Co. W-M7 WANTED TO ill Y. Rz-iiL-c bought, sold. Antique Cook Con DOOKb wn. 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 8531 2D-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2O20. Chicago Furniture Co. N tM) DRIVING horse. 1506 Farnam Bt. Dr. Bradbury, dentist, N-M410 (iOVKIUMESr NOTICE. OFFICE (THIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, t.eb., Feluusry 27, 1U4. Sealed pi4posals, .n triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received r-ere until 10 a. m., cent. -a 1 standard time. March 29, 1904, for furnishing transportation, drayaga, anil for handling stores In Department of ih. Missouri, during year commencing July 1, 1?04. U. S. teserves right to accept or ro- Ject any or all proposals 01- any part thereor. information rurnisneii on appli cation. Envelopes containing proposal to be marked "Fropoials for Transportation on Route No. ," addressed J. E. 8AW- YEK, C. Q. M. M 1. 2, S. 4, 26. 2J(M NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Rids will be received until 4 o'clock D. m on Mondav, April 11, 19o4, st he office of the undersigned In L'.ncoln, Nebraska, room 101. of the contra! Luuuing. mate univer sity grounds, for the construction or a physics laboratory building for said univer sity upon Its grounds !n Lincoln, and ulso for the conatruciion or a scuooi nuu iiioura tnrv htilldlria unon Its farm near to the city of Lincoln, according to plans and specifi cations for said buildings on f.le in tho office of the superlnter.dent of construction, room 112 of said central building. Bidders must consult the supenntenneni berore irenarstlnn and tiling of their b'ds upon all matters which may appear to them un certain In either plans or specifications; must also examine ine xorms oi rnniraci and bond required and on fie with said superintendent: and m'ist personally In spect the university grounds, farm and tho bulldlig sites thereon selected. The Mils upon the two buildings must be mnd"s sealed and filed separately nnd must con form strictly V3 I lie nuuaing pians ana neelflcstlnns resriecti vely. Bidders must be prepared to furnish comnerclnl ratine, or satisfactory rererences tim kj imi-ii- uiihu clal standing. If the same be required bv the university authorities. Fsch bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some Lincoln bank, payable to the Uni versity of Nebraska unconditional v, for the sum ef One thousand dollars. Th check of the successful bidder. In case of an award, will be held a? a gu.iniritv for the slRnlng of the building coniiu.-t In form as pronnsed. furnishing to the super intendent schedules of materials with ouan tltle.s and prices, and furnishing security companv bonds as required. Both the se curity cninfnnv offered nnd the fnr-n of the bond must be satisfactory to the hoard of reKetits or its building enmm't'ee In esse the successful bidder fnlls within two weeks from the dale of the nwnnl to flh said schedules, furnish snd rile bonds as required nnd to enter Into contract nt the amount of bis hid. the check detion. -1 hy him will be fot felled to the unlvi'li v as liquidated dnmnges without further run ceedlngs or notice. The check of Ihe bid der whose bid Is eeennd best. !n fn i funinn of the bnsrri of reverts or Its build'ng com mittee, will also be held pending the n-iro. ttatlnns for the closing of n cortr ict wltll the first best hllder. or until It is d t'-r-mlned whether the second best bid wl'l be taken tip or rehliMlnr called for. I1 bids must b slrned. sn1ed up. nddresed to the undersigned snd be t.'li lv ninrkeil on the outside with the bidders nnrne nnd the words phvsice building bid.'' o-, "Farm scbooi building bid " tis th" case mac he. Said bids must sl.o bear the residence or business address of the bM-Vr The bid w"l be opened and !nw'ii soon after the date ahnce set for flilne uaree a th" hnerd of regents or its bnl'i'ln committee ran be coivenb nllv nssetnbled T e right Is reserved to reierf suv nd el' l-irls. Ad Art-" the undersicned t rnoT lui cen'ril bnl'"ng Sfete nniverxlty tr-otn NV hm.''!. Station A. -I. 8 btlfj HTli to."!. 4 . ft..fM.'pry I.KI.AL NOTI4 H. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be receive d al tho nflV h of secretary of state up until 12 loc k noon of April 4, 19" I, for tho erection anil completion of a cold storage building; m llin J'ecliie Minded Institute at Beatrice, and liospital building lit klllfoid, iicioiilinK to plnns and specillcalioo now on f:U- i-i Hid ofl.ce iif coniniislonei' of pubile lanilr nnd biiildingr. The reservea the iigl-t .o retei I any and nil hld. GEORGE W. MARSH. tSeirelatN of Roaid "1u r.''.l I'a -in INSURGENT GENERAL IS SHOT Man Who Gave Order Kllllaa; Amer ica a Hacaialst Is Sum. saarlly Kxeeateci. NEW YORK. March 26 General Nicolas Arias, an Insurgent leader who gave tha firing order which resulted In the death of Machinist J . Johnson of the American gunboat Yankee, February 1, bis been csp-1, tured by the go'-ernment troops, acoordlng to a dispatcli received here from San Do. mi ago. After a drumhead court-mrtls4 i hs was enfysnceA to daatb aAd Itnmedlitsln I ' i