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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1904)
TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAltf'IT 2V 100t. IMS 11KT SI MY PfF VWMW utu aw www v jpfmsmsKmmamn isihtbi ii w ai " " flaVVfOaaBBBlV i . Sv A r 8ecjnd "EUctioi" fjf Ten More Trip to ...... -1 . n. r T . ONLY A FEW SCATTERING VOTES CAST j toalnl StarteSl Yesterday Will llese 1 baraday, March 31, at ft P. M. AH was qukt yesterday at the opening of the second voting contest for ten trips to the Bt. luls exposition, and no one mi heard to say anything, but thnt of course don't signify much. Will waters run deep, and they'll run deep enough before the week la over. In fact, It will need pretty big slecvca to keep one afloat and in the awlm at the end. The vote at 6 o'clm k p. m. on Friday wan: liena Wakehouac, Council Uluffs, la 2W iienry Johnson, Onmha M llly King, (iniana lii lo it. Hess, bouth Omaha Is 1'eter X. Kennedy, Omaha 8 Walter OoMxmith, Otnnha 8 l,ce Kllsworth. Unix ha 7 Xalpli A. Newell, Omaha t . J. I'upune, timaha 1 Kill Mi Kiravey. HiHing City, Neb Oia J. llrucc, South Omaha 1 AT J. l BR4SDEIS ONS MONDAY, i:atlre Urmmiklnc Mock from Van Pelt, W, 4 tut St., H. Y. The Van Pelt dreasmaklng establishment catered to the very highest class and rwelleat trade In New York City. We secured new and fresh gooda bought for thla season's business at only a fraction if the coat to import. Street clotha, thin dress stuffs, all wool and silk and wool cloilia at amaalng bargain. A few of the hundred of varieties are now on display In our show window. The date of aula la Monday, March 2S. J. Li. UKANDE18 A BONB, Piops. Boaton Store. Ten trips a wet to tnu bl Louts expo sition will be voted to the moat deserving by lies readers. Suva your coupons. AiioHceweati of the Theater. The Ulrl with the Auburn Ilalr and the other features of the bill at the Orphrum lor this week will be seen for the last two times, matinee and night, today. Wilfred Clarke and company, presenting Nro More lroi'Die, an adaption irom tne 'rench, heads the vailed bill for the week commencing matlnoe Sunday. "No More Trouble" la a lively and laughable little larce. Mr. Clarke, who has been dlirtln Kulshed aa a member of Booth and liar let ts company, Ada Rehan, Barry BullS van and other stars, Is a nephew of the N lute Edwin Booth. His support Includes such established players as Archie Glides, Mlas Lucille Bplnney and Mlaa Theo Carew. Tony Wilson and Helolae, originators of the rebounding bed turn, together with a daring triple bar act. Lew Bully, the fa mous minstrel and a prime looal favorite, will have new stories and songs. The Wel-ner-Amoros troupe, pantomimic corned ana and Jugglers. La Petite Adelaide is a cute and winsome dancer. Mile. Amoroe does a trapese act, while simultaneously Mile. Charlotte performs acrobatics on the stage. Harry Le Clair, the female Impersonator, will be one of the Important features, and the klnodrome pictures will be entirely new. This afternoon and evening Miss Rotelle Knott and her company will repeat "When Knighthood Was In Flower" at the Boyd. Miss Knott made an excellent Impression In her representation of the character of Mary Tudor last night, and her company proved Itself most competent. On Sunday afternoon and evening the pretty pastoral comedy, "One Night In June," will be the attraction. This Is said to be ona of the most charming plays of the kind now on the road. Seats are now on sale for the engage ment of the Bostonlans, who will give three performances, operas, at the Boyd theater on Tuesday evening ("The Serenade"), Wednesday matlnea ("Roblnhood") and Wednesday evening ("The Queen of Laugh ter,'' new). This Is one of the Important engagements of the sesson at the Boyd. "Too Proud to Beg," which Is pleasing large audiences at the Krug, closes Its en gagement with matinee and night per formances today. Sunday afternoon and for the first half of next week the attrac tion at the Krug will be Holden Bros.' big scenlo production, "Nobody's Claim." This Is one of the most thrilling and Interesting plays now touring the country. Card of Tkaaka. We wish ta express our sincere thanks to our neighbors and friends, especially the dern Woodmen of America. Maple camp No. Hi; the Royal Neighbors, Pansy camp No. 10, and the Omaha Retail Butchers' union, for their kindness and sympathy dur ing the Illness and death of our beloved husband, brother and son. MR 8. HENRT U KOClt. MRS. O. W. NELSON. FETEn KOCH. Revival meetings by Evangelist Miss Maud Cretora at the mission. Go Cass street, beginning March 26 and lasting ten days. First-class watch and Jewelry work at Hubermann's, corner 13th and Douglas. Homeaeekera' Hates to North Dakota, Every Tuesday until October the Chi cago Ureal Western railway will sell round trip tickets to points In the above named state at a great reduction from the usual fare. For further information spply to Geo. F. Thomas, general Agent, 1612 Far nam street, Omaha, .Neb. Japanese wedding at First Presbyterian church Monday, March 88, at I p. m. Ad mission, 15 cents. Card of Thanks. Mrs. Fsrrer and sons wish to thank Cus ter Post, Q. A. K., members of the W. R. C, No. G. Mayor Moores, police depart ment and their many friends for their kind remembrances and attentions durltj the sad bereavement of husband and father, fclmuel Farrer. MRS. 8. FARRER. NEWTON FARRER. CHARLES RYAN. Dentist with wall established practice la SO excellent location Id Bee building de sires gentleman to share office, preferably physician. Address E SS. bee ottife. Settlers' Rates To points In Minnesota. North Dakota, Manitoba, Ontario, Saakatchewan and Aa- slnabola. Tickets on sale by the Chicago Great Western Railway, every Tuesday In March and April. For further Information apply to Ovorge F. Thomas, general agent, Vdl Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. mm New Easter Suits aid Top Coasts 'f'ii tun is inoani aiiii .''..1 l'sii Easter is the bigytst fafbiou day of the year. This joyous day ia but oue week off. Plenty of time to ;et the new top coat or suit. The new Easter Suits and Top Coats which we have on display in our immense Clothing Department will be most attractive to the particular dressers. The men who are fastidious and who follow the fashion plates, and who know snappy clothing when they see it. The more a man knows about styles and qualities, the more appre ciative he will be of this matchless collection of the season's newest and best. . Sounds Boastful? But it isn't. Tacts only. With many years of dothing buying and selling be hind the knowledge that enables us to seek out only the best. No ex perimenting no uncertainty along that line. The showing for spring has never been -equalled never so near perfection never so near to the ultra high class. Kvery fail and fancy that fashion says will distin guish the men's apparel for spring is a character mark of the lines now on show in this superb department. 2.50 3.50 Our $10 Men's Suit Is the Oie We Wish to Feature Particularly It's the greatest line we have ever had the pleasure of offering. The broad concave shoulders the shaie retaining tailoring the quality that is so emphatically in evidence in the unseen as in the most conspicuous parts This character izes the line we invite you to see today. Men's Shoes Worth $3.50 and $3 at $2.50 Men's Onodyear welt Lace 8hoes made of ' elour and bix calf, ulso vlcl kid and pat ent colt all stitched and sewed with silk soles are of oak tannuge, all con structed on foot-form lasts the styles are , the newest, and for we:ir cannot be ex clled we have 14 styles to select from, and every pair guaranteed to give wear sno sntistuciion sold by others fit 13.50 and 13.00 our price MKVS SIIOKS. First shipment of "Oiler's" men's guaran teed Patent Colt Shoes for Buster wear they are more stylish than ever, and new, snappy, up-to-date shoes In button, bhii her and lace styles we Kive a miar- antee that the patent cult will not br-nk in slsty days; It so, we replace with new pair all slies and widths at HOIS' AMI VOITIIV SHOl-:. 1 oya' and youths' Casco Calf Laco Shoos, good, plump solos Sizes 2 to b at 1. M Sixes 13 to 2 at SI 3 Sixes 10 to 13 at $1.26 MI9SKS' AD CHII.nilFVS SHOES. Misses' and children's Tarls Kid Lace Shoes with patent leather tips heavy, flexible soles Misses' sixes, WV, to 2 at II. 25 Child's sixes, 8V to 11 at II. U0 15c Collars for 5c Saturday we will sell 3"i0 dozen fine Linen Collars thnt sold for l.ic for R" we are chut Ring several lii'Hnils of our rca-ular stock, and nil our discontinued styles will bo sold for Ec ALL t'.OOD STYLUS AND GOOD SIZES FOR EACH Men's 50c and 75c Sose for 25c Saturday we will sell a lino of hlnh grade Hose at 'way below their value we pur chased a lare quantity from an im porter who supplies only the fine ha!or- aasners ine qiianiiiy oihi wu were ob'liced to take makes It possible for us to sell 60u ana ido noae lor. A Lavish Display of Easter j Meoi-TaJlored Suits f or Womfeh j One week from Sunday is Easter, The woman wants f to look her best on this day the year's most fashionable day, Here will be found every article of women's attire that style " has set its approval upon The thousands of our customers do not need to be told that this is the greatest emporium for feminine fashions in this city, With Easter but one week away, we would advise purchasing now, while stocks are-at their best, and we tender every facility at our command to make buying pleasant and satisfactory Here is what c are offering for today Spring Tailor-Made Suits 5c There's money to be saved by buying "Nebraska" Clothing. Our price range for Men's Suits, Top Coats and IJain Coats is $7.50, $10, $12, $ 13 and up to $25.00. Coafjrm If your boy needs a new outfit for Confirmation you will save at least one-fourth by purchasing it here this week. Confirmation Knee Pant Suits $2.50-$3-$4-$5 Confirmation Long Pants Suits $5-$7.50-$l0-$13.50 These suits are the best the tailor can produce. The prices are the most economical ever placed on such high grade suits. 25c The very newest styles. In tne clever medium length military effects. Aladu of broadcloths and cheviots also striped materials. Conts with or without shoulder capes, trimmed with combination braids and satin lined. Fklrtu strapped or with Btao pieuts. v r ikins: lenptn Tailored to fit wi men's and misses handsome garments tt 12.75 New Tpring Suits mm .ef Old Hats Off The spring: rtles are all here. Whether you want a "f.TKTPON" hnt at 3.5o or ono of our 12.00 and 12.50 bnts, we are ready for you. Our 1.iV hat stands ov parlson with anybody's 2 50 hat. We -show them In nil the preva'lna; shapes, both soft and St. IT We are showing the new rprlng caps for boys and men. An extraordinary suit offering; for Saturday, consisting of about ten different stylea of tho latest spring models. Made of cheviots, broadcloths and mixtures, in blues, browns and blacks. Coats In military or F.tor, styles, neatly trimmed with fancy shoulder capes. Coats silk lined, skirts in walking or dress lengths, pleated or trimmed with siik nraius, tnese garments are perfectly tailored and correct In lit and finish 12.50 values offered at I n I w jiri I i"i ii r 16.75 Clever Spring Suits Made of mixtures or plain material. In light or dark shades. Coats in military, Eton or blouse styles, trim bed with shoulder capes, straps and brnb:.-,. Cut with fancy sleeves and finished with zlg-slg collars and belts pirciies. siik linea. eKirts, walking or dress lengths. or If Interested In a new spring suit it will pay you to investigate these at 19.75 Silk Lined Suits, $24.75 P.cautlful voile suits. In blue, brown and blacks. Coats In newest eollarless blouse effects, trimmed with silk braids. Skirts In dress lengths. We would call your at tention to many other new spring styles In tallor-mado garments. Made of mixtures, voiles, broadcloths, chevi ots and striped materials. In all the predominating snnaes. lauorea iy tne most bkiiiiui suit, makers. In styles to please everybody Kxtmordinary offerings, at Exclusive Suits at $32.50 Made for us by the beat rki;ied tallois. Choice of br nr. cloths, voiles, etair.lnes and mixtures, also novelty mn terlals. Coats In rollurlbss military and ICton styles ian-?iiy mmmea wmi conu-anii'is; urams straps. Best of linings and workmanship, correct )n style and fit The largest asortment ever shown at sns Grocery Is always In the lead, ana there's a reason. New and first-class goods, courteous treatment, prompt delivery, and the ever populur GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Tea. SpeciaJ For This Week $12 Maaeslc. Nebraska lodge. No. 1. A. F. A A. M . will work U. M. degree. SpecUl meeting, Satur day, March M. at I p. m. GEO. A. PAT, W. ii. W. C. McUEAN. SecreUry. r A. B. Ilubennann. dlsjnonds. owl Imp. VI BO. aTOHATH-Mlrbael, aged IT years, rrlday - mornin. at fanUiy residvsce, ttit fYank- 4 $4 $5 ' fin in stamps with 1 lb. D. vW v Janan Tea at ft)o f( In stamps with 1 lb. S. D. VM-' Japan Tea at 50o ff In stamps with 1 lb. Oun- vi powder Tea at 50o l flfl'U3 H I U,l dlUTIJS UJ 'VVJ glsli Ureakfast Tea at..T5c Coffee SpeciaJ For This Week SI Ofl m mP with 1 lb. fancy 4)1. UU Santoa at f)f In stamps with 1 lb. Cucuti Hlend at 26c (f In stamps with lbs. Ex-VM-' celslor Blend at Ii.O) rtfk In stamps with S lbs. Java .vv ttni Mocha at un $1 $5 $5 Miscellaneous Specials $1.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $3.00 In stamps with 1 package Uest Cornstarch at too In stamps with 1 qt. best Ohio Mupln Syrup at tK- in stamps with 7 bars Beat 'Em All Soap at t..25o In stamps with H-lb. pkg. Bchepp'a Cocoanut at &! In stamps with Vlb. Bak ers Chocolate at 2uo In stamps with 3 boxes Sesrehlhjht Matches at..l5o In stamps with 1 gallon N. O. Molasses at Ko E. T. Smith . Co. 1407 Douglas St. 'Phono 164. H , - - f"Jjrp' Q N I M O D J mm rworr i predominating 24.73 pleats and 32.50 SHOE THE BOYS Tomorrow and let them get their new shoes broke In before Easter on Saturday we always have three extra salesmen In our bays' - department Salesmen that know how to fit a shoo to a boy's foot there's an awful lot to the fit if it's done right the boy gets more wear out of tho shoes and his feet do not grow 111 shaped and tender. Just try a pair of our Boys' 11.50 Shoes they will pleuse you. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Strpjl. Omtki'i Ua-tfDiii Shot Hsuia MAN'S FRIENDS Best Material Finest Workmanship. We pave you the Middlemen's Profit. 190 New Spring Styles. MAKER TO WEARER. $3.50 AND $2.50 Regent Shoe Co., 205 So. 15th Street. m . , CLOSING OUT OUB NEW SPnitIG SUITS No house In Omaha shows a more up-to-date line of Spring Suits than you find right here. The Alfred Benjamin make of fine clothes are sold only by us. The styles this year are more exclusive and prettier than ever. On account of us selling them on a very close margin It makes the tten jamir make of suits the best value to be had In Omaha. We atart the line at 112.50. Benjamin expects us to retail this Hue at I15.iv, that Is where his suits are supposed to sta.-t. Other prices on the Benjamin suits w have fixed at 115 00, 117 50 and 111. 60. For the jitter price we sell the kind that should sell for li.00. No tailor csn turn out better suits no matter what the price may be. Anyone looking for a auit at a more moderate price than the Ben jamin make, we have hundreds of stylet to choose from, each and every one guar anteed by os In every way, at JlO.Oo and 7.M per suit. Tbs Camnfse Cl.fhln Cfr. lUJ-Ua Pouglaa street. Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON Fifteenth and Capitol Are. EASTER NOVELTIES. We are showing all that's new and beau tiful In thin line and at our usual cut prices. ttmall Easter Eggs, etc., 18c and 15c Large Oecorated Easter EgBs. doz 10c I. urge t'reden Ktigs, each bo Panorama V-Hii. each 5c Chicks, Uoslins. Kabblis' and Baskets, each fc Baby-face Rabbits, 2T,o and luc Large Kabblis, Helm, Koumeis and Ducks 19o !S sticks for 5c Peerless Mixed, per lb to f4i-.tUr.Ti ii.r lh I Fig Brilliants,' per lb 10c nutter I'ups, per ID ioc Raspberry Elg lump, per lb 10c Chocolste Pipped ilints, per lb t'ream Mixed, oer lb 13c I I 'can ut squares, per lb l.'.c Home-made Fudges, per lb fn As-sored Chocolate -i, per lb .970 i.olf Slicks, per lb ic Chocolate Chips, per lb 4c Italian Creams, per lb 40c Oum. I packages for lor 1 lea Cream Soda 6c i DRUG DEPARTMENT Doston Store Saturday we will place on sale 6,000 Rub ber Complexion Brushes, regular price tna world over 5t)c, our price Saturday 19c I'ecun Scented Soap 12o 0,000 boxes "My Queen" Soap, regular price 'Jbc per box, our price Saturday, per box of 3 cakes 0c Easter Perfumes In fancy packages, 26?, 49c, 70c and U8c, worth double. Remember we are Madame Tale's ex clusive agents In Omaha. Madams Yale In her famous lecture of January 19, at the i ; Boyd theater, said: 'Buy my remedies at the Boston Store drug department and I ' I will guarantee them fresh and genuine but if you buy them elsewhere 1 won't.' All our Yale's remedies are fresh. Saturday Special m... - .... 1 r -1. ..lut .nM.n a. V tn1tahf .... f. - 1t Inches high from the floor, 10 Inches In diameter has Roman dip to -the seat upholstered In Oriental figured tapeatry in tna regular way this stool woud sell for M eo special whllo they last, Saturday each Another pattern stool made with framework of select oak or birch mahog any nninh ail highly pollened noer rusn top seat is u Inches high from the floor top Is 15 Inches In diameter. This stool also would sell at regular value 14.60 each special while they last Saturday each A limited quantity only of the above stools on pedal gala for Bat-, . urday. ' Store Open Saturday Evening Until 9 O'clock. an uip to -roe f 2.35; 2.35 Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company. Read oar special "ad" srery Sunday Wednesday ta The Baa. torn is. "FLOOR LAC" Thla ia a name given to a varnish atuin made with a tine quality of floor varnish. It is made to stand walking and washing. There are colors to imitate all the natural woods OAK. CHERRY, MAlKMiANY. ROSEWOOD. WALSI'T, also UOl.DEM OAK and I'.REKN. Pints. 4.V; quarts, 7oc; half gallons. 11.36; gallous. U. - This Is a most beautiful floor finish. 8ecllly adapted for use on floors around tugs. CALL FOR COLOR CARD. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. Tar. ItMh sa4 Ddg Its., Omaha. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER asbscrlfca law. AHAMO AN OMAHA PRODUCT Should not necessarily be patronized! solely on account of its being a home I Industry. Merit Is what counts nior than anything else. People want their I money's worth nowadays. Combine these two facts and. presto! you'll have a cake of AHAMO scouring soap. Fact la. we guarantee It the best en I the market. A word to your grocer I will get It don t forget that! THK AlltMO t o. liar.), Omaha. For Menstrual Suppression nr. ZZrZZX PEN-TAN-GOT si a hii mm, . w Miiesa. eni uM ....Everyone Iavited.... to attend our Millinery pemng MARCH 26TII at our new location, 111 South 15th St. J.W.M.W.Pcnncll. FREE--S2 in Green Trading Stamps--FR E SATURDAY. MARCH 26 Come and buj your wines, liquors, whiskeys, etc., for Easter. With every quart bottle of our high grade wines or whiskey purchased Saturday, March 26, we will gle $2.00 IN GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Santlmes-Zlnfomdel-Eseapemong BOc-7Sc-tl.O0 per qt. Very Una California Claret 11.00 per gal. Miller's Pure Hye, full quart ; per jt Miller's Old Private Htoi k, full quart 11.00 per qt. Miller Old Ptandard "Bo'tled in Bond" under V. B. Govt. supervision, full quart 11.28 per qt. If it comt8 from Hiller's it must h good. HILLER LIQUOR CO. 1309 Far Bam Street. MAIL. ORDERS SOLICITED.. .'Phone 1241. BEND FOlt PRICH IJST. Sl'KtlAL UESIKItlM FOR K A ST ICR. JKRBKY ICK CHI" AM ROIJJi Ksk. natural slse, containing yolk, dosen.. llird. Neat, dosen email chickens, dosen larger Nests, eaich. .. Hetiinc Men. 6 Fg. 11 portions, each I rgx Raliblt. 15 portions, each.,.,.., Merangues, dosen Chicken emerging from shell, dottui Artiticlul Basket, cream bird eggs, dosen.. tocijoiir' H Pal buff beautiful line of Iiisket. im i Homea filled wth Hoi a Koni appropriate for this occasion IB20TARNAM ;PHONE.7ll I tin nrwri. 1 uufiai notice is tor. I i i vrs vs. m ssaueag M siitaH) st n