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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1904)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY flKEi SATURDAY. MAKCIT 1001. SENATOR SEES CURRIPTION Mr. HiDtbrongh Intirratei ttat Afenti Are Worsine Congress. WANT REFEAL OF LAND LAWS FOR SCKiME Assert There I. a Minister Motlte la thn Kfforta firing; Ma!e to Get Uid Hill Thronh tbe Srnatr. other syndlratP Interested In ths repeal of the laws." Mr. Newlanda expressed the hope, that the Innd lawn might be materially modified. Monopoly Can of War. Monofxily of land, asserted Mr. Newlands, had been the ratine of most of the series of European wars. He said conrentratlon of lands in California had Interfered with the proper development of the state. Mr. Dubois said that charges of frauds In the public land states were a sweeping Irdletmpnt of the administration of the land laws ond that lie for one resented them. He never had known a case of fraud under tho operation of- the desert land law In agreed to. It provides a salary of not to exceed ST 20 a year and prohibits the solicit ing of business or the reception of orders by carriers from any person. Arm or cor poration, but permits the carriers, under certain restrictions, to carry merchandise for hire for and upon the request of pa Irons residing on their respective routes. The house, at o:Z7, adjourned. MAY NOT ALT KM TUB K AW RIVER. Kaasas l.rarlslatar Onre weriareu Stream to Be nt Snvlanble. WASHINGTON. March 23. An Interest ing question has arisen In connection with WASHINGTON. March 25. - Senator Hanabrough charged In the senate to lay that the movement to secure the repeal of the desert land law, the timber and Stone law and the commutation cluuse of the homestead act was due to the efforts of a lobby composed mainly of holders of lands bought In large tracts from rail road companies, with a desire th'-reby to Increase the demand for their property. Senator Dubois Intimated that the pres sure for repeal was due to largo holdings of forest lieu lands by tho railroads. Senator Gibson yesterday advocated re pealing the laws in question. Senators Hanshrough and Dubois contended that the repeal would be unwise. HenuMor New lands favored modifications of tt.e law. Tho bill making appropriations for the support of tho District of Columla was considered for revcral hours, but with out completing It the senate took up the private pension calendar, passing a large, number of bills. During the d.iy former Vice President Morton appeared on the floor of the senate and warmly greeted. Interested la Improvements. The senate adopted the following reso lutions, which were offered by Mr. Hoar: That the committee on rules be di rected to consider the report whether anv amendment be desirable In the senate rules relating to Impeachments, and espe cially whether the rules may r-mperly and lawfully provide for taking testimony in such cases by a committee. In accordance with the practice of the I'wiRii-h House of Lords in such cases, questions of the ad mission of material testimony ana the final argument being reserved foi' the fuli senate. , Mr. Hanshrough spoke In reply to the speech of Mr. Gibson, made yesterday, on the bill providing for the repeal of the desert land and other laws for the dis posal of the public lands. He agreed with the Montana senator In the contention thct tho timber and stone act lieu land law could be disposed or to advantage. He also spoke In support of the "commutation clause" of the homestead act. Mr. Hanshrough Intlmntcd that there was an ulterior motive In the repeal of the laws In question, saying that there was In Washington an organization preparing the way for the repeal of the desert land, timber and stone and commutation laws, and speaking of this organisation, he said: Sees Sinister Motive. "I am satisfied that It Is the purpose of this organliation to enhance the value of the private holdings In scrip and lands." He said In this connection that he made no charge that any senator or member of the house was Interested in any such an organisation. He added that "one of the Individual in connection with the organi sation has been receiving a princely sal ary from one of the land grant railroads for the past six years. I find upon inves tigation," he went on, "that a great syn dicate has recently purchased at the price of 70 cents an acre a large body of land from the Union Pacific Railroad company and the agents of that syndicate have been her In Washington conferring with offi cial to secure the repeal of the law in question. "When, therefore," he added, "senators talk of syndicate of cattlemen, land baron, etj., and when people on the out Ide accuse senators with being agents of uch syndicates. I think It no more than fair that attention should be called to a bill Introduced by Senator of Kan- Idaho, and in view of the fact that It was ar)nror,ri.tin 11. 500.000 for stralghten- the only law under which the public land lng tn(l KkW rver wtn H vlew to avert states could be settled, he thought Its re- i tne usuai ferine floods which have peal would trie a calamity. He declared that the time for large holdings of lands bad passed away, and said the only legiti mate complaint to be made against the exe cution of the land law at present was In connection with the use Of forest lieu scrip, most of which, he said, was held by rail road companies, been so disastrous to the people and prop- , erty of that state. The bill was referred to the War department for report and It has been returned with a report made by General MacKeniie, chief of engineers, to the efTect that several years ago the legiPlature of the state declared the Kaw river unnavlgable and authorized the con The District of Columbia appropriation I atructlon of bridges across it at various bill was taken up and a discussion followed I points, effectually closing it to naviga- on the reduction in telephone rates. Tho tlon. service given by the local telephone com-1 The point li made that If the stream pnny was condemned. The senate amend- I 9 unnavlpable It Is hot under the Jurls ment fixing the rate on Individual tele- diction of the United States, and conse- plioncs at t!0 a year as agninst 180 named 1 quently any appropriation made for Its WE ARE WESTERN HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED EDIS OH PDiaiGBAPHS VICTOR TALKING MACIIIUES and Our Great Terms Nothing Down Buy records, take ma chine home, begin to pay later in easy installments. We want dealers in every town. LIBERAL OFFER FOR RI6HT MEN Write ns for proposition. Write today for Catalogue. We earry Ihe lJret "took of Records la west. They sing everythlinrthey play eTerrthlnac. TIIH WORLD'S UHHATKST BAM1S, ORCHES TRA. MISICIANS, SPEAKERS will perform, amnse and de light nn In yoar home at bat a trifling; cost. by the house was agreed to. Without completing the District of Co lumbia bill the senate passed a large rum. hr nf r.rlvate pension bills and after a brief executive session adjourned. not SE PASSER POSTorriCE BILL. Paragraph Affect I as; Rnral Letter farriers Is Reinserted. WASHINGTON, March 26. The house to day passed the pustofflce appropriation bill after a prolonged debate on the paragraph affecting rural letter carriers, which yester day was stricken out, hut which today was Inserted with enthusiasm und-r a special order of the committee on rule. Every amendment and substitute offered to this paragraph was voted down. Mr. Mann made an unsuccessful attempt to recommit the bill with Instructions to strike out the appropriations for special fa cllltles over trunk lines south of Washlnp ton and west of Kansas City. The bill has been under discussion since March 7. At times members vigorously assailed the Postoffice department and General Brlstow and demands were made for an Investl gallon Into the entire postal service, but Chairman Overstreet, who has borne the brunt of the attack, stood as a barrier to such action. A distinct compliment was paid to Mr. Boutell by Speaker Cannon of the house, who had presided over the com mlttee of the whole for the ability with which he had occupied the chair. Improvement would bo simply for the ben efit of tho state and its citizens and not for the benefit of the general govern ment or the people at large. It Is stated that the proposed legislation wilt be op posed on that ground. FIRE RECORD. Thousands of Records Big Stock of Ma , chines up from Come and Hear Calve Tomagno Caruso, Plancott and other premier oper atic stars. OQ IL'PUCC.' "12 N. 21th St., So. Omaha, OnAnUnCO. 334 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Bars at Perry, Iowa. PERRY. . la., March 25.-(Speclol Tele gramsThe livery barn of W. L. Knowles, a brick veneered building at the corner of Third and Willis avenue, burned at 11 o'clock this morning. I,osa, S10.000. Three horses were burned. Including a $200 mare owned by Dr. Ross. All rigs except a $1,000 hearse were loBt. Two men stopping In the barn were saved by Night Watchman Mitchell waking them. Other buildings on the west and across the street east nnd south were saved by hard efforts of firemen. ' The fire is said to have CMIlfllf f .lanirln m.l.. HT-1 c-. - - - . I v li n, f lira. J liriV WU9I . . . m $2,000 insurance on the raiding in the Re- United S.a'.ei Seoatsr JjXplalDS mnsac- llance of Philadelphia and n.OCO on con- ;icni with Bia'tO Oomiany irnis in me capital or JJes Molnea. I'ostomre nt Edar. ,lftn rAimT rtiiACurn RV THC r.fillRT EDGAR. Neb.. March ?r, ..s.n.ll vtr. ninu vvun i v"-""'"-" - " ' wa discovered yesterday af'crnoon about 1 o'clock in the east end of the postoffice. I Defense Rests and Wltnes ine alarm brought the fire eomnsnv NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., GEO. E. SVIICKLE, Manager. MAIN OFFICE, CORNER I5TH AND HARNEY STREETS, OMAHA, i BURTON TAKES THE STAND quickly to the scene and in thirty minutes the Are was extinguished. Considerable damage was done to the exterior and the Mr. Dalzell (Pa.) of the committee on nside of the upper part of the building, Is Ex- cosed by Prosecution .Without the t'snnl Cross-Examination. ruls brought up the resolution reinserting In the postoffice appropriation bill the sec tions stricken out yesterday relating to tho pay of rural carrier and the prohibition with reference to their acting as soliciting agents for persons, firms or corporation After some debate Mr. Mann (III to recommit the bill, but a point by Mr. Dalsell was sustained. By a viva night. The fire Is supposed to have orl voce vote 4h resolution was agreed to. inated from a defective flue. Tha loss e but the contents were saved without loss. The damage to the building and the origin of the fire have not yet been ascertained. Residence at Plat tsnioutli. FLATTSMOtTTH. Neb.. March 25.-(Spe- 8T. LOUIS. March 26. Previous to the defense resting its case, late today. United Btates Senator Joseph Ralph iurton or Ktnsas took the otand in his rwn behalf in connection with charge of having llle- a ration. clal.)-The Julian residence on Tenth and .,v accented fees from the RJalto Grain I.) moved Elra reetBi occupled by W1!am ckl lrotiLVouia.Whm Jy .v?va " I" Z? lY "r T mh-rw excused from the 5y a lva night. The fire Is supposed to have orlg- ,. cross-examination by the Mr. Mann (111.) became Involved In controversy with Mr. Overstreet. "Why," Mr. Mann asked, "I it more Im portant that the gentleman shall object when a resolution of inquiry Is proposed than when any other subject is discussed. Why cut off free debate?" Mr. Overstreet desired to put a question, but Mr. Mann hotly remarked that Mr. Overstreet was not In a position to ask or to answer questions. He thought the rule should be recommitted and a new one brought In, separating the question of the pay of rural carriers from that of their right to act a agent In a private capacity. He Invited a vote on such a proposal, but aid Mr. Overstreet would make a point of order against It. After a. prolonged discussion the original paragraph brought In by the committee was tlmated at $1,000, was covered by insur ance. HYMENEAL Stors;eon-I.ocns. CREIGHTON, Neb.. March 2G.-(SpecIal.) A quiet home wedding was solemnized at S o'clock tonight at the residence of Mrs W. F. Lucas, the contracting parties be ing Mr. J.. D. Sturgeon and Miss Gertrude Lucas. Rev. J. N. Gortner of the Meth odist Episcopal church performed the cer emony. Mr. and Mr. Sturgeon will make his Intention to stand without cross-examination by government. ' Senator Burton testified that n naa accepted the offer of the Rialto company to act as Its general counsel because he had lost ''heavily in a financial panic and needed the M a month for which his contract called. I was assured by the tompany, he aid, "that my services would not be needed in Washington in any capacity, but simply to defend them in any crim inal cctlon." Senator Bur'on was then bsked If he had ever Indicated to Inspector Cochran nterfere with the ro- thelr future home In Norfolk. Treaster-Wllkluaen, BSATRICE. Neb., March 26. (Special.) I .a st evening at 6 o'clock, at the Christian parsonage. Rev. Edgar Price officiating, oc curred the marriage of Mr. Eny Treaster A WONDERFUL CURE OF cesses of the department or to Jntlmate to him (Cochran) to refrain from taking any action in tne complaints against ine Rialto company. He replied: Wanted Money on the Bide. Not at all, I told Mr. Cochran," re- of Omaha and Miss Hattie Wllklnsen of Piled Senator Burton, "that other sen- thls city. The young couple departed on an I ators and representatives had built up evening train for Omaha, where they will I large private practices during their term i I t i i in. 1 v. rvn m Joseph Laughran make their home. Stoll-Motl. PLATT8MOUTH, Neb., March 13. (Spe cial.) County Judge II. D. Travis united In marriage In hi office William A. Stoll and Miss Ina E. Stoll, both of Nehawka, MEN ARB POWERLESS A WELL KNOWN PITTSBURG MAN TELLS A REMARKABLE STORY OF CURE it was not for the fact that Mr. To Plght Against Disease I'nleas They Strike at the Vnderlylng; Cause. To treat drandruff and falling hair, vlth Irritants or oils on which a parasitic germ will prosper, i like scooping water from the ocean to prevent the tide from rising. You cannot accomplish a satisfactory cur without having a right understanding of the fundamental cause of the trouble. Tou must kill the dandruff germ. . . - I nvnuiu (161 yilUQ UUCB una UWKUN II iiittu ib kuuwu to me lO De perrectlT Is specially made to do that very thing. reliable aaid trustworthy in Lis State- When th germ U removed, the hair ha ments I would find it difficult myself to creuit His remarkable story. Kead what says, if you doubt, go and see him rite him a letter. MUNYON. Mr. Laughran's Story .uuuyuu raw-raw use effected a wonderful cure for nie. I was troubled with rheumatism varying from severe sciHtica ana lumhngo to intense rheu no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty. Destroy the cause, you remove the ef fect.' Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co., Detroit. Mich. Bherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, special agents. -fell. -THE GREAT.- NATURAL REMEDY 4r) Mi Stotatub AUfl VBSCafaBSSECISM S Nrrttt. lata ViuUty. IllMttmfttUaB, CftiAirh, TrtmblfM. PQt CircuUlitM. DtiiMfc Cosutittio. pmt Hegf (cm h 44 iaa sr. ( t- rmm a t W i atel saraa CMRf CTrONt ! a 4 wi . a IMPtl NfWilf IMI 4 aM Hi tM Mf. HlsMs). m SMs mi, - PRICE. $1,00 Cattle An Oolnar Well. DOUGLAS, Wyo.. March 25. (Rpeclal.)- Tha nnHt winter has been a rpmnrknhln nnn niatic pains. At times I was bordering in on helplessness. My physician told me absolutely no losses of live stock here. Zero uini u was in my uiooa. lie railed to weather ha prevailed only a few time, relieve me and I tried several largely ond for a tew hour at that, and there has naveniseu remeaies, all of which left I hardly been enough snow to afford stock me iu uie same conaiuon. A few weeks water. Leading stockmen who have re uko. at tne earnest auvice or a rnena, 1 turned from a trip over the range say purchased a bottle of Munyon's Paw- cattle ar in prime condition and have I'aw. Before I had finished half of the not looked so well at this time of the year bottle I felt a (treat relief. My Indices- tor twenty year. Sheeo alio are in fin. lion w nsaispeiiea ana 1 eouia sleep com- ,hate. Several fiockmasters report losses aaainst the defendant Thoma b H.pi.n. furto rl It a rVisA n iilali lnn 4 l-i i- a .msxk -II . . . . a . . . I ' i. .I. V " i or inree ana lour neua or neep aunng tne attorney for the Rialto Grain und Securi muni- i louiiu pfrniBiieiii reuei. .m i winter in bands numbering 6.0UO and T.000 Mood now circulates properly, my appe- J h(,,a, this being the smallest percentage of tlte and digestion Is excellent and every joss in the history of th business in this region. The ranges are dry and moisture Is needed badly. Grass is coming, but owing to the dryness la making (low growth. of office, and that I, In a small way, do sired to emulate them. I told htm that I was general counsel for the Rialto com pany of St. Louis, and asked him as a matter of friendship to tell me If at any time I did wrong. Mr. Cochran and I are from the samo state." Judge Krum then asked Senator Burton to tell the Jury whether at any time he had ever said anything which could bo construed into n caning that his purpose was to Influence them in the performance of their official duties to either Mr. Coch ran, the postmaster general, the fourth assistant postmaster general or the as sistant attorney general In charge of post office affairs. Senator Burton replied: "Absolutely none whatever." Colonel W. W. Smith of Topeka, Kan., Senator Burton's private secretary, testi fied that he frequently dictated and signed letters for Senator Burton pnd picked out one of the letter Introduced by the gov ernment a one which he had probably dictated. He testified that he had signed three of them. Defense Rests Its Case. Judge Krum then took the stand In be half of his client. He said that the rea son Senator Burton had not appeared in the trial of Major Hugh C. Daniels was that It would overweight the case with counsel. The defense then closed Its case. The government placed a witness on the stand to deduce testimony In rebuttal, when court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. On motion of Judge Krum, senior counsel for the defense, and after much argument. the court ruled that as the third count In the indictment alleges practically the same charges are made In the first, the third count be quashed. This leaves six counts WHAT A SNAP! It took less than four yearly prepaid subscriptions to win a trip to St Louis In the first exposition "election." There nre fifty more trips to be voted fur, and you might as well be one of the fifty, or Bee that one of your friends Is one of tho poople who gets an Inexpensive vacation. Ten More Trips to Be Voted For This Week. The second "election" started on Friday, the 25th, and ends next Thurs day, March SI. Look over the following list cf Ust week's winners and .the number of votes they secured. They wero certainly easy: it John H. Disney. David City. John Woodworth, Omaha George Hackua, Omaha M. A. Martin, South Omaha. Miss Ruby Splgel. Omaha... Anna Carlson, Florence Kmnia lloskovec, Omaha ... Mrs. E. Peterson. Or.iaiia W. S. Robertson, Omaha... 4. R.12 4 491 3.674 3 U'i zz:: 5. fi:i:! 2,9 9 1.921 MIfs Ruth Comett, Nebraska City..... l.VL-S These ten and fifty more will take a trip to the World's Fair Louis any time they please during the exposition. They will nil go at St. ft 1 Via. ike Wabash This road direct to the exposition grounds, and In addition to saving a day for you either rolng or coming to be enjoyed at the exposition inmeid of starting from the station In St. Louis, it will save you lime, because It is the shortest road between Omaha and St. Louis. Rules of the "Election" The ten persons receiving the largest number of votes at the close of each "election" will be furnished, at The Bee's expense, as prizes, each a tree trip lrom Omuha to St, Louis and return, to be taken any time during the exposition. No restrictions are placed as to where th party live a a candidate for one of the exposition trips. No votes will be counted for employes or tgents of The Omaha Bee. All votes must be made on coupons which will be published each day in The Hee. Prepayment of subscriptions may be made either dlreot to Th Be Publlxhlng Company or to an authorized agent of The Bee. No votes sent In by agent w'.ll on counted unless sent in In accordance with instructions given them. The vote from day to day will be published in all edition of The Bee. The "elections" will close each Thursday at 6 p. m. ' Votes may be deposited at the business office of Th Bee or sent by nail- No votes sent by mail will be counted which nre not In the Omaha postoffice lor delivery at :ao p. m. on tne aay oi closing. Address, Omaha, Neb. 'Exposition Department," Omaha Bee, COUPONS ON PAGE 2. symptom of rheumatic pain Is cone. I do not know of snob a beneficial tonic as I'aw-I'aw. (Klmedi JOSKrH LAUfiHUN. 1240 Rebecca St.. Allegheny City. Pa. Catarrh of Stomach Cured With One Bottle of Paw Paw I wiii a severe sufferer with Catarrh of the Stomach. Indigestion and grippe. I uoed numerous rn'.edies with hut nerlodical benefit. 1 tried Munyon's Taw-Taw and before I had finished half PaTr a bottle I felt as I had not felt before ties company, was the first witness for the defense. He told of the employment of Senator Burton and testified that In all his preliminary talks he (Burton) laid par ticular stress upon the fact that as u I'nited States senator he could not under take any duties derogatory to hi office. 2E in Delegation I for Moore. PIERRE, 8. D.. March 36. -(Special Tele gram.) The democrat of Hughe county In mass convention this afternoon selected a delegate to th state convention at Pious Falls Charles Shaffner, T. Sutley, W. A. Lichtenwainer, John Biever and O. D. While the delegation goes practically Opium la ( hainberlaln'a Remedy. Cough unlnstructed th convention endorses the Since contracting the terrible 111. By the cJldacy of Judge David Moore of Btan tlm th flint bottle had been used I was "V county as delegate to the national con- rerfoctly cured, and, although It has been more titan a caoutn since I tisea that wonderful tonic. I hare not had the leoht siirn of returning trouble. I can beartMy recommend i'aw-I'aw, feeling that It has permanently cured li e. ISIgnedi WM. BRAY. 410 Federal St.. Allegheny Uty, Pa. Such startling cures have heretofore been unknown in the history cf medi clue. Irt'.gglsts and tloctors say that nothing like It wa ever known. Hufferers front iypers!a. Nervousness Or Sleeplessness or sufferers from auy form of Catarrh or Hheuuiatlsm shotnd lose no time If they want to be well. tJo to the nearest drug utore today aod Bret a bottle of Taw-raw and let the good wor' po on. No waltiii for resdlts with Paw-Paw. The process of cure bepina villi the first dose and Improve ment is constant until the cure is complete. A a Spring Medicine and Tonic PaivPme Mi no equal. fluoysVa Paw-Psw Tonic lor saU at all 4rtif.Uta. Paw Paw Laxative PllU U e boat atomach and Uvsr pills on arth-23 a koala. ventton. There is not the least danger in giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small children, as It contains no opium or other harmful drug. It has an established repu tation of more than thirty year a the most successful medicine In use for colds. croup and whooping cougn. It always cure and Is pleasant to take. Children ilk it Ton Days' Frco Treatment Offered Men Orsat Parisian Method That Corel Seminal Weakness. VaricoceU Stricture, (Heat, Gonorrhoea, Unnat tiral Dlscharga. Irritation and En larger-neat of tho Prostate (Hand, Bladder and Urinary Disorders, Without taking; Hedlclne Into tha Atomach and In Their Own Home. It Will Be 5ent Every nan Absolutely Free. By a wonderful method successfully ussd for years In France, and now for the flrsi tlma Introduced In America. It I pAsilbU for any man, no matter how bad oft, ta aulckly regain th vigor of young manhood THC PARIS MEDICATED CRAYON. medicine lanen into in iiumacn. it others tell you nothing ran be done for yon. this vslll surely our you. Writ to Dr. Steven A Co., Columbus, PLEASANT. SCOiHIMS AND HCAUfcQ. Without tsklDg any laedlcln lnt- the stotr. aoh. and to prove that It will do tins lhy otter a full Ten Days' Trial Treatment ab solutely free to every man striding; unms and address to Dr. Ptevens A Co., ljox 1771, Columbus, Ohio. Tou apply It locally la the seat of the trouble, and It quickly rinds It way to th deatrtd spot, enlarging the tnuaolea, increasing th r.erv force ami giv ing th nec-Msary vim nnd anergy. Tho world of sclenu and medicine thorough: endorse it. jf' It cures In wonderfully quick time, lir" your own hoite, lost tllallty, emaciation, prematurity, varicocele, rinture. unnat ural lirltatlon and enlargement of the pros tate gland, snd all bladdsr and urinary disorders of men. It Is' (he only method known to science that wl!l electrify the body, rout wasting disease, create vigor, warmth and force, and all this without medicine taken Into the stomach. If others tell Ohio. Bnx 1771. They offer Ten Days' Trial Treatment to every man. It Is no "pre 'jcrlptlon," "deposit" or "C. O. IV scheme, as this firm is too large to resort to such petty waya In addition to the absolutely free trial treatment they send .the most complete book ever written on the Diseases of Men, telling all, and fully Illustrated, with forty engraving from life. Every thing 1 confidential and sent perfectly plain, and since they merely ask you to Inquire what they have got that will cur you, w trust every gentleman reader or this paper will write them at once as above nnd thus get the Ten Day' Trial Treat merit and book, both absolutely free. lr:-ft Maid urJff-WJf I a - Balsam i'rouioiea the growth of tho hair and gives it the lustre and sllklncBS of youtn. w&en the hair is gray or uaca it, BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and batr falling And keeps the rcxlp Clean ana Branny. IAILWAY TIME CARD. IMOX STATIOX-IOTH A1SU MARC V. Chicago, Pock. !c'and A Paolfle. EAST. LesTe. Arrive. . s i.ri im t I io hi 7 00 am 38 pm Ml :15 am 6 put .a 4:3t pin bll o0 am .a i.iO pm a Ml pm , 7:80 am I D pm Chi-, po I.7.:sht L'ml.f.... C'hli'H.i IuyltKht Local Cblcatio KtpiM P-H Motion KipifM Ch'cano Ft Exprem ....... WEST. Rw.t- UntintMln f.lmltrrt. . . . ver, Piifhlr, mii.1 Ai at'.ltpm IM pm Tetui1. Ollfurnla n6 OkUftonia Flyr n !!. St "Cann.m nail" F:i . . . a 0 pm a 10 am Et. Louia Local ti'o. Iitnti 't. . a t IS am aiO;IO pm ChlcMBO ft KortliKfaterii. r..t a 41) am i1:Uia Local Chicago a 4 10 pm all 40 pm "SB SJ iskey and.oeer. Habit PERMANENTLY CURED BY "ORRINE," ABSOLUTELY SAFE. SURE AND HARMLESS. Pbyaicians pronounce drunkenness a disease of th nervous system, creating s morbgj Craving (or a stimulant. Continued indulgence In whiskey, beer or wise eats away the tcmactt lining and stupefies the digestive organs, tuns destroying the digestion and saining the health. No "will power" caa heal tho inflamed stomach membranes. "ORRINE" permanently remove th craving for liquor by acting directly on th affected nerves, restoring th stomach and l igestive organs to normal conditions, im proving the appetit and restoring tta health. . Caa be given secretly if desired. Cure Effected or Money Refunded. Ask your druggist whom you knave what he thinks of ORRINE; 'he will indorse our statements as truthfuUo every respect. It ORRINE (ails to cure we will reload you every penny paid (or it as cheerfully as we took it. No Sanitarium Treatment or Publicity! No Absence from home or toea of timet Mothers, wives and sitters, you cannot cure those who are afflicted with this most terrible of all diseases by your fervent ptayers, or eyes red with tears, nor by your hope that they may stop drinking. It can be done only with ORRINE. You have the remedy will you use it ? If you desire to cure without the knowledgt of the patient, buy ORRINE No. 1; if the patient desires to be cured of his own free will, buy ORRINE No. 3. Full directions found in each package. Prico $ I per box. w Wl" 'ladlr furnish a treatment Ire of coat to aay physician zsSf Icrv3 to demonstrate that Orrin is a poaitlv specific for drunkenness. ii " All Correspondence Confidential. For free book Treatise on Drunkenness snd how to Cure It write to THC ORRINE CO.) INC.. WASHINGTON, O. C, or call on Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. 16th & Dodge, Omaha Geo. S. Davis, Druggist, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mai Loral R om C It y Daylight lit. l'aul reyll.!it rtilcafo Limit.' 'Jhlcafu Kat Chl-aso Local rhlcaio Fart St. Paul St. Paul Kipreaa Fast Mall Loral Sioux CHr Norfolk and noneate.l Lincoln and Lon Hlne Ueadwood. nol Llnoola it 1 1 : 111 at a c m pm a s pra b I 46 pm a 7 r." hi i rio ou pm a S on hi nil to pm a l l'i fin a am a 5 V rm t .& pm a 4:2R pin s a 1:11 pin a T nr. am a 2' ' a t .w l'ir b 4:'i0 pm a air. a . 'On am liio 33 i,i b l ot. am bin ' tin Sprinna sod z :w cm a r i. pia anii WiAmlnt F.fnreaa...d 1:50 pm l:10 pir. Haallnss. Sup.rlor and Albion. .b 150 pm b :10 pm f'lilentfo. Milwaukee A St. I'anl fhli-ato riarllrtt Chbago Fant Fipreaa.. Overland Limited Oaa Molnea Kiprear... Inols Ontrnl. ..a 7 r.r am all 15 pm ..a 145 pm io pm ..a a 20 pm a t io am ..a 7.ti am a t.10 pm I rtili-ao Eipren. Ctnliano. Mlnn.apolle Paul I.lmu.a If you have tin or shingle roof in need of repairs or paint sea Haver aV Moore, agents U. 8. Roof Faint, room S. N. Y. Hfe bldg , Tel. 13i Locomotive toniiany !. Off Mea. 8CBANTON". Pa . March tl. The Ameri can Locoii.ullva conijany liua diacharge J oi.e-l.ull Its empn.yrs in tne Hi-ra.i- lun ah'iii. including reterul draughlsineii. Chief iJrHUKhtsnHii '. K. I.oniiiuiiu and srvers'. of Lis asxistants have i'e-n trsns-ferre-1 to tl.e Brhiiertady shoos, i h move ment is hU to tf in hurmuny with the i lloy of retrenchment kdi.ptrd by all of the small (Itint ur tnu company. Get 11M,'HI a Year Becaua fa ba a keen, clear brain In a vlgoroua body. Electric bitters give both and satisfy or no pay. Try them. Uc. For sal or Kufca Ce MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cur-re) Froatbitcis and Cbilblsvlne. Mustang Liniment Beat thills fur a laxue horae. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment tUives) out fill iaflammsvtioa. MEXICAN TAustang Liniment for Man, Beaet or Poultry. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment beala Old Sorea quickly. MEXICAN Mustang Lsniment area Cussed Udder ia cuss MEXICAN Mustang Liniment curea Cuta, Burns, Brulsea. MEXICAN Austang Liniment curee Spraioa and Btraina. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment la a jtoaltlve ef for PUea. 10 .13 am a 4 :10 ui a 4 Ot pm a 710 pm a 10 X pm St. a 7 'So rm a .-oK am Mlnnaapolla and HI. Paul E. ..b 7 iO uru toio J pm I nlon l'arlflc. Th. Overland Limited a I" m a I Ml pm Tha Fart Mall a 1 :.o sm a 3 20 pm Tn. (allfornla Eipr a 4 pin Th Atlnt;c Speilal a 7 (1 am Tb. Portland-c iitrmo Special., a 3 :'ii pm a f :o pm Th. Atlanliu Kpm. "!'!!'"" Th. Colorado Hli'll nil SO pm s J Warn Th. I lili i Special fc J 40 ai.i Lincoln, lieatrlce and Stroma- bur Eipr.a h 4 00 rm J HM Colunihu. Local b..0pin b i lilt-nuo iri-a Weitem. t. Paul and Mlnneapolla t.mtd T -IS am St. Paul anil Minneapt-lia r.i.. a t 'v r Chlea.0 Limited .... psi St. Paul. Minn rbli-aso El. a MO pm t'blcafo Eiprera Ml.aonrl l'arlflc. St. Louie Kpre. lo fto am a . pm K C. t St. Lou'.a Kprraa....10 ro pm .1. am SrHMM.TOt STATlOti-lOTH A LISO (taleaao, Borllnelon 4olncy. Chleago Spaelal fhl.aao Vwiibuled Eipreaa Cnlmo Um-I Clilraao Limited r..i Mall Kansas MM. St. Joaepli A Co. Ill u It.. K.n... ntr tir Fipreaa a 16 am a 4 0 p,n Si L..uli Klr ... pis all ' am Eanua Ur N f ht Kpr.e ain 43 pm a 4 34 am Uurliuelloii A Nl.aourl Itlver. Wrmore. Beatrl-. and Lincoln a i M am hi! lis pm rebr..ka K.pra. .7 4 pm E.nvrr I.liuileil 4 10 pm a 4 V. am Black Hill. A Pua-et Sound E all 10 pin a 10 pm l-..lnrad.. Veallbuled Fl.r J ?! Lincoln Mall " " Port crook nd PKtUmnuth b I In pm M0 Ij am P..II.VU. and Pacifl. J.nct'.on. .a 7 M pm a . 27 am litllatua ai.J PsclSn Junction, a I 3u am M'KUMTKIl UKI'OT-IriTH at' Wi:ilTEH MU.oerl Prlne. ts-av. Acrlv. N.b. Ixca! la Weeping Water b 4 10 pm sin am I iilcaso. St. l'aul, Minn. A Onmlis. cue Pannm.r h . rfi am t l pm SI001 1 iiy rernr fiaklan't Loal a liaily. b D.llr eirepl Sunoa. d lull eacept lliiril4v . lull? l-l't Miino. Iav. Arrlv.. a 7 00 am a I f5 pm a 4 00 pin a 7 '45 am a l am all 00 pm a I S pm a 7 4e pm t 4.'t pm t 00 pm all blili l-m b 10 am U Ki STKAMSHII'S. TWLLiMD-AH a. I . ! kuvawi t U.6w l.u Sktt tuka-uul I InbiS. l atotLwwa Sailliis Inewx. .( 1. s. sv futiJm API. 4 Noordai. Apl. 't I'. I r lm Al'l I", Pola-lam Mar 1. Htadam ivl. IK llult.rjam May II Will cull at I'lymouik. MOLLAND-AMKHICA LINS. W llMrW St. Ci ntn. lilt "'rr Uamn. IMI Varaaaa S4. SMkaaSor. IU rmt Scl 4. a. aUiaeKaa. til kM.aai St.