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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY MARCIT 3. 1904. POSTOFKICK JIOT1CB. steamer rinses 'st .v80 a. m every Mon Our. Wednesday and Ssturdsy. Kegistered mail closes St p. m. previous ay. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Scklpio? it Liith and Wheat and Oata Show S'.renf !h. Ireah southwestern, lSVUjWtc; fresh south- i n, lr. L'HliliSb Steady: New Tork full creame. choice to fancy, lotjllo; fair to rood, luw loVtc. Transpacific Mafia. CjllINA and JAPAN, via Seattle (specially addressed , only), close here dally at t:30 p. m. up to March I4th, Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Bhmut AUSTRALIA (except Went). FIJI ISL AND and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, clone her Bullish Reports tron Keatacky Crops, dally at p. . up lt man-n tiin, in CORN DISPLAYS SOME ADDITIONAL LIFE tbitioiti of Mlaaeapolls Mills ad Strong Gatkles Htrt Their Effect. CHICAGO GRAM AMU PROVISIONS. Feat area at the Trading aett Cloelaa; Prleaa aa Board af Trad. CHICAGO. March 22. Weakness of coarse grain offset today In the wheat pit the effect of crop damage officially reported from Kentucky. Wheat closed practically at yesterday a final figure". Corn Is oft HGlc. Oata are down la. Provisions cloved so lower to 60 higher. jnaraea inclination to Duy wneai was manifested at the opening. July opened Va'uVao lower to .frto higher, at kw to He'ie. May was unchanged to Ho lower, at 1S to Wc. From the mart the volume of commission house buying waa larger than ior turae time past, ihe lop ngure 01 me day was reached at steady at 8HJw4c He Ihe close was May suld between 1 1... .... ilu-ti tnh A VT , . ,. n HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Franclaco, rlos here dally at : p. m. up to March llth, Inclusive, for d'-spatch per s. s. Coptic PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran. ftmr-n close here dally at 6:80 -p. m. ud to m.rrh iLTin. inclusive, ior aesDaicn Deri omaha. ararcn a. it H Tranaoort. 1 A Brood acelnlnK -market today. Wheat TTAWAII. via . San Francisco, close tiers I and oats showed no strength, but did not .i..'l. fr.n rinanatrh Tier s. B. Alumed. I ttAnnr T.. M.rfl. htilllah nature of I 91t.4l92iC. Closing with a gain of Vc at CT-lN tnd JAPAN, via Vancouver and the Kentucky state crop report and the WV.C. Uejnuiws ol ! wheat and flour were Victoria, a. 1., nope n strength or the r.uropean cauiea, in m 1 . 'i. p. m. up to April aoin, inclusive, ior opinion of some of the pit crowd, snouia '"1 """"" mmi despatch per s. a. Kmpreas of Japan, have given the market considerable bushels Minneapolis, Duluth (Merchandise for L. 8. Tostal Agency at strength, but these Influences were offset and Chicago reported receipts of 328 cars, Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via by the shutdown of the Minneapolis mills against 443 care last week and 132 a year and by the continued rains in Kansas, y- ........ Oklahoma and Texas. The crop report f tha first halfhour the corn market I,,.... v.. wint.. rnnd t nn tn hi ruieu uuiia u nil. inn nose wu near inn M. as against IM for last year. The Minne P", ay Deing on WIV. at Za. rs have taaen anotner tilt at 1 "VP . "a""' ""5r r.naHi.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma spe cially addressed only) closes here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April ith, inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Afnmsinna sota millers ITHALIA (except th. mh.t bv unoundm that thev will to 50Hi&)Hc. sold betweem 49660So, and West), , NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, I shut down. The former suspension was Closed II lV. Local receipts wera SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, I for three dava and this one Drobably will cars, with 17 of contract grade. clnss here dally at 6:w p. m. up to April t,e for the same length of time. This 1 snoweoi more incunauon 10 iouow will cause a considerable hols in th wur "", .x V'"'" w3" stocks. Liverpool opened strong on the bltorn. ,'wlth. '"T dow" M to lie. July Kentucky report and tha tightness of tM Xi,'"J'"Tr . TS.,""1". ""7" Argentina situation. ?1 Ti cioaea bi eic uocai re- On omana exenange iay wneai was 01a - ud M from Wc, and July declined irom 1 " ".'.'J'. ,"" v cri, , siv n tv,. -hu..n v. r.nii I unaw tne innuence 01 email nog receiots Horn Kn to 1"Sc, and the July from 7Hc nd higher prices at the yards. There waa to 86c. May corn seemed to teei a iiDerat 1 ey roiichij u.un iui tuth inrlunive. for deeoatcn ner s. Ventura. I if the Cunard steamer carry ing the Britleh mall for New Zealand in.a nnt arrive In time t eonnect with this dlspateh, extra mail tiloelng at t:30 a. m.. a. m. ana o:au p. m.j ounuays St 4:10 a, m., a. m. and 8:30 p. m win be made up and forwarded until tne ar rival of the cunard steamer.) HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP- I short Interest, Chicago ranged from 63Vid mand foL.Lard, nd rLbgi rb cl?.Ti wnjk ISLAND, via San Francisco, close I . ci?,. 1. ,ki. m hm.k. fmm Itradr. with Mav rork down Rc. at 113 06. here daily at e.tfi p. mf up 10 April iijin, 1 a$c to 4514c, I rnn inru ciuam oj jngnnr, at Q.viy:t W11119 in.-infilve. for despatch per n. s. Korea. 1 th- rsn.a m nri. f nrrDv,. rr.ln for l rms were up z4o. at no estimated TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via future delivery and the close Monday and '?P. flven out. Ban Francisco, close nere aany ai in today were as follows' I lne 'eaaing rutures rangea as louows n m iin to Arjril listh. Inclusive, for des- I rin.4 I natrh hit i. s. Marlpaxo. I rw. ui.i, t n Tniv vtnn. Articles. Open. High. Low. I Close, Tes y -..rr. f ...i. -nri. I . . . i , rt 1 1 r. ' . . . . ". : I w neat 1 ,, . Australia Is forwarded via Europe; and kw 7.i Rnn ana i-'nuinDinee. via nan Franclnoothe quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at ths foreign rates. Ilnwall Is forwarded via Ban .Francisco- exclusively, r.n.n.r-lfl malls ere forwarded to port of sailing dally and th schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. IRealstered mail closes at 6 p, m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofnre, New Tork. Tf. T.. Mai-ch 18. GO VEHEMENT NOTICE. May July , Corn- May July Onts May ., Local 82B S2hkB 81A glA 8214 6tiA 4H 4RA 4BiB M b Ju'V 43V 44 B 43 44 B 43 f'Pt. Corn- May July .... 8 B Cash Grain Market. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MAUT1.TR CHEYENNE. WTO.. March 21. 1904,. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to were 23 cars In and i cars out; one week ...... . ..4 lh I S3Pt market was up Uc. Oats on the other H. hanJ wenkeneil to Un below the Monday I ilr mark. Wheat was firm at the quotations of, that day. Omaha elevstors sent out the largest number 01 wneat cars sines the exchanae ooenecL lne number was "I and the larger part of It was consigned east over tne MiiwauKee. necetpia 01 wheat were 13 cars In and 72 cars out; one week ago, 4 and t cars. Corn receipts aso. 12 and 18 cars. oat receipts were 4 cars In and 2 cars out; one week ego, 4 cars out. Representative sales of car lots by sample on track, Omaha: Corn No. 3, 2 cars, 431ic; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 4314c; no grade, 1 car, 30c. One car of No. 2 white oats old 'or 41 Up wheat no. z nara, no. hard. "KViTjfWc; No. 4 hard. lOWaTla; No. 2 spring. 8:H'S"c: No. 8 spring, WVs&SBc; No. the upuul conditions, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., mountain time, April t, 1904, and then opened, for electrical work at Fort IX A. Russell, Wyo., as follows: (1) For wiring buildings, lur- nlshlna and installing fixtures, watt me ters. eta. : (2) for constructing primary. secondary and-, arc light lines, furnishing and Installing transformera. cut-outs, light ning arresters, street light hangers, street lights, etc. All proposals previously re ceived (February. IS. H04.) for the above work havs been rejected. No change In either clans or specifications. Full infer mat Ion, plans, specifications. Instructions and blank forms of proposals furnished on application to this office. The United States reserves the rlsht to accept or re- lert anV or all bids er anv Dart thereof. En velopes containing bid should be endorsed I 8Ulsc; stundard, 41&42C "Proposal ior miecincei yyorg at f ort u. .. Russell, Wyo.," end addressed to Cap tain W. 8. Bcott, quartermaster TJ. B A., In charge of conatruction. heyenne.-wyo. Men zi, a. a. Apr 1 niH-592 92 91"J 9214 92 RTS-v. 8714 87 87H 8fii&i 87H 8(1 )i SfiH 81'H,'S i 81i 8? 81H lvUS S1H 801i 80T4 81H f,2'3 ' B3V4 "nT4 52eS2ii B2i SOS'S EOS I 49-I 9 (KHi'li3? 49 49 48S 48Tij49Hf'' 40H'ti 404 8PH SS'i 40 JUly 3MI 38Tj, 37 37 3- Sept. 33i334ro 82 82 33 Pork May 13 15 13 30 1SW- 18 OS 13 ID July 13 40 13 SO 13 25 13 27 IS 80 Lord May 7 00 T OS 95 6 97H 92H July 7 15 7 20 7 12H 7 12HI 7 10 Ribs- I May 8 85 887H 6 80 80 I 77H July 8 97H 7 06 98 6 85 6 4 spring, 7ul4'S75e. CORN No. 1. 44'ic: No. 3. 4214aM3Vc: No. 4, 41l442c; No. 2 yellow. 44c; No. s yel low, 42V.ifi'l3V,c: No. 2 white, 44ic; No. I OATS No. 27 it7V4'ff3.SV4o; No. t. Sftnmic; choice malting. 4R-&6&C No. 4. 35H136V4c; No. 2 white, 4mig424c; SEEDS No. 1 flax, 81.07H; No. 1 north- No. 8 white, 394iaM4c; No. 4 white, BSWiy I western. 11. u; prime iimoiny, w.. No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Quiet and easy; winter patents. t49if(0'S.OO; straights, t4.5oa4.70; Spring pat ents, $4.4134.70; straights, 84.0y4.2O; bakers, 83.Ontff3.60. wheat-no. z spring, etstiy.c; .io. s, sw 86c; No. 2 red, 91Hiy9Bc CORN No. 2, We; No. 2 yellow. (Co., OAT8 No. 2. 3KAi38c; No. 2 white. 45c; No. 3 white, 39T42H0. RV K No. 2, 690. BARLEx Good feeding, 378380; fair to NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 0oniiderl Ictiyity in - Union Faoifio Stocks Mjttlfiei Deden. GENERAL MARKET MOVES IN SYMPATHY Baoyaaey of Paeia Stock Take as FrennsllTe EvlJeaee of tha Advantage Secared la Co a. trolling Interest. NEW TORK. March 22. A price move ment of first-class Importance, with a mystery attached, stimulated the languid speculative appetite of the stock market today. Union Pacific was the leader of the movement, but the mystery centered about the Northern Securities company and the probable process of Its dissolution. All the securities related to that company and Its Interests made free price move ments. Northern Securities were In eager demand on a rapidly rising price scale. Other stocks concerned In the Northern Securities merger have disappeared from the market, but the Oregon Short Line participating 4s, which are secured by the Union Pact tic's Northern Securities stocks as collateral, and the Hurllngton Joint 4s, which were exchanged for Burlington stock, were aotlve and higher. ' The principal question has been whether the Northern Faclflo and Urent Northern stocks should be redistributed to the hold ers from whom the Northern Securities received It or to present holders of North ern Securities in proportion to the value at which that stock had been changed for the merged stocks. The buoyancy of Union Pacific was presumptive evidenVe of the advantage secured to ths company by' Its controlling Interest In Northern Pacific be fore the rumor. The movement In the gen eral market was purely sympathetic and ran from a fraction to t points, the Inst named figure being slightly exceeded In St. Paul and Southern Pacific. United States steel preferred closed the nay un changed. The arrival of 22.SOO.OOO add! tlonal Japanese gold at San Francisco was reported. Union Pacific's extreme rise reached 8 points on dealings of 4O8.000 shares, that in Great Northern preferred 7"4 and Northern Securities on the curb about 7 points to within a shads of par. The close was strong and active. The bond market was strong, led by Donas related to ths Northern Securities merger. Total sales, par value. 13.llo.ouo. United States 4s registered advanced per cent on call. . Following were ths quotations on ths stock exchange today: . . , Ba1es.Hlgh.Low.Close. Atchison 44.WX 7014, 68 do pfd 1.900 904 Baltimore & Ohio 24,200 80 do pM , Canadlnn Pacific 3.100 115 Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio... 900 Chicago & Alton 800 do pfd Chicago Ot. Western.. 1.100 Chicago N. W 700 18 .. M. K St. P 47,X 1; do nfd 100 178: Chicago Term. & T 89'4 7814 Notes from the Exchange Offices. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 313.00 13.1214; lard, per 100 lbs., 86.8u4i6.82H; short rlhs sides (loose), B.jvi'ai-il; snort clear ENGINEER'S OFFICE, BIOUX CITT. IA., March 17.' 1904. A pub ic sale of govern ment nronertT 1 pertaining to Improvement of upper Missouri ' river, consisting of steamboats, barges, hollers, junk and scrap Iron, will be held at Sioux Ice Harbor, Srou City, la. t Anrll lfi, 1904. Information furnished on- application. H. - M. CHIT TENDEN, MaJ. Engineers. " M19-J1-WV2SA1S-14 'LEOAL NOTICE. .NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Bealed blda will be. received at the office of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of April 4. 1904. .for the erection and completion of a eold storage building at the Feeble Minded Institute at Beatrice and hospital building at Mllford, according to I Wheat- plans ana specincaiinns now on nie in inn 1 May omce ox commissioner 01 puouu itimis unu 1 iuiy ...... hulldtnnw. The boHftl reserve tha riant to I Corn- reject any and all bids. I May UlSOKUKJ W. MAHISH, I July . ,- - . eecreiary 01 tioara. Mar22dl0t-m Omaha Inspections of grain were 68 cars. Of wheat. 2 cars irrnriVd No. 1 hard win ter and 3 cars No. 4 hard winter, of corn, 11 cars graded No. 2. 24 cars No. 3, 8 cars No. 4. 4 cars No. 3 yellow, and 1 car no I Wheat, bu grade. Of oats. S cars graded No. 3. 2 cars I Corn, bu No. 4, 4 cars No. 8 white clipped, 3 cars No. 8 white, and 5 cars No. 4 white. Of rye, 1 car graded No. 2 and 1 car No. 4. Grain Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Batur day at ths markets named were as follows CHICAGO. , Closed - Today. Monday ahles (boxedt. 87.2bQ7.27V4 The following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain yesterday: Recelpts.Shlpments. Flour, bbls .. 60.400 . 46.900 284,100 1fiS.300 Oats, bu SH4.2O0 229.80 Rye, bu 29.100 12.700 Barlay.bu 116,100 28.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 23Vtc; dairies, 12t4'S21c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 15144J l&Vic Cheese, easy, 10143 He. o pfd C C C. & St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Delaware & Hudson.. De .. Lack. West... Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd .... do 2d pfd .... Hocking Valley 00 pro. Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do nfd K. C. Southern do pfd Wheat- May ... July .. Corn . May .., July .. KANSAS CITY. 92V4 80V . B5V4A 49HB- iliinitHii4i HEATING AND VENTILATING HIGH SCHOOL. YORK. NEB. Sealed proposals will be received until 7:30 p. m. March 30 by the undersigned for the heating, ventilating, sanitary fixtures and plumbing High school building and new I wheat auumoil 10 same, au 111 aceirinui'. wiiti plana and specifications of J. IL Felt & Co., architects, m. josepn, mo. Requirements to bidders and other In - formation will be furnished by the archl teets Bidders to submit- their own plans and specifications based upon architects' blue prints. The right to reject any or all bids Is re served. Signed . Ohio. IL hulueman, Secretary. " - Mnr??dSt-m ST. LOUIS. Wheat- May July May .. July ., MINNEAPOLIS. 82 44i 43 1H 8?V 45 46A May July .. Wheat- May .., July .. Wheat- May .. July .. DULUTH. NEW YORK. 95iA. 963.B 94HB 6VB .. 9614 .. MVS NEW YORK UEJVEItAL MARKET. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Hew twtn-noraw mmmtn at Uktw leas. KBW Kotta. HorTBtutaM. via auULAXi.MS, aulue la wns. M a. av Potadam .Apl. i Noordam Apl. M HoturiUm Ayl. I!, Poudam alar 111 HiaOam ....Avi. mi uourdi ........ .May II Will aall at I'lfinouttt. GUANO-AM KM1CA LINK, Iro St., CiS nn. ill. 1 Hairs hmtm. M01 garawa St. 1 C. . hatSartoM. 1111 raraaat Bui i, p. auaaUa, Us ar ia a. f CH1CAUO 14 VB STOCK MAHHET, Cattle an4 Sheen Steady and Hon , Rnle front Five to Tav Higher. CHICAGO, March 22. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 Jifttd; market steady; good to prime ateers, Ib.a'u&.st; poor to meajum, a.6U(ui.vo: sioc 4.00: K..lla i . . ... -7K HtJUS Receipts. 7. 000 head: estimated tomorrow, 2o,0ui; left over, s.426; market (it 10o higher; mixed and butchers, S6.2i4b6.4u; auud to elioke htutvy, JO."vj5.45; rough heavy, 6"(i0; light, 84.lKao.36; bulk of aaivs, 35.2&u.aa. tJHELp AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head: market steady; good to choice weth era, K2ut&46; fair to choice mixed, 23.504 wesism sneep, ei.suQe ju- native lamus, .ntto.v; weaieru aauiua, j.omao.DUi . St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. celpts. market ateera. steers, UKuuS 10; steers under l.U"U lbs., li.B-M6.00j stokera and feeders, U-WirtbU; cowa ana heifers, 12 iwaH.lte: cannsrs, K lwih lit: bulls. 1Z.764H.IH): calves, t3.0UAi6.2&: Texas and Indian steers, 83.2o4.; cowa ana o th. D.r V.rl.-s Commodities. YORK, March 22. FLOUR Re 4,447 bbls.; exports, 336 bbla.; aulet and lower to sell; M in pat en ta. 8j.1iXu5.4d; Minnesota bakers, J4.2MU4.6o; winter patents, ib.bxjv.w; winter straights, Xj.tAub.lo; winter ext: St. Lonls Grain, and Provisions. 92 BT. LOUIS, March 22. WHEAT Weak, 8tV4 after an advance; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 97c; tracH, 31 0345)1.06; May, 81Hc; July, 82Vc; S2 No. 2 hard, 8S&90C. WW CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 45e; track, 48c; May, 4614c; July, 46ftc OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 40c; track. rT4 41c; May, 89140. 7Ms I FLOUR Dull and unchanged; red winter 1 paienis, 4 MMyo.ifj, ina aptviai umuus nv 44H high as 36.20; extra fancy and straight, 34.0 44l 4 80: clear, 11.864.10 BrcrjD 1 imoiny, wowpiro. CORNMEAL Lower, J2.40. 90 I BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 8ZTJS3C I6.0OIB9.00. 4f,i I IRON COTTON TIES82& 471Z I PAOGINO 6t4c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 4UT1 318.05. Lard higher; prime steam, .. SI2n I Bacon steady; boxed extra shrots. 37.62. Ir7a r-l - rm 17 mi. Khnrt rlesr. 17 87 .A.v mn ci. .... -I 1 . 1AlA11n, PULinl DltWUf; fllirncnn, J'nyaiiv, springs. I3.WII3.6U per anjen; luraeys, irut 12V4c: ducks, lzc; geese, wiy(o. B1TTER Quiet; creamery, 204f264c; alN EUGS Bteaoy, IJiC, case rouni. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.....'. 17,ono Whot hii .: 17.000 151. 000 Corn .bu 66.000 102 001 Oats, bu 80,000 . 79,000 93V 96 92 Available Snpply of Grain, NEW YORK. March 22. Special cable and uiAirrnnhln communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies, as compared with the last account; . Wheat. United States and Canada, east . . . 1 r 1. 1 A a 000 via hi, Unit X-!?: SAhnin: lor'and in 'Kurop;: Increa.l.i.OOO bu.; awa , vn.s a--w-, W I fitOl nllirirtl V npfTMnM MMfl IS HI DU. to fancy. 84.bwu4.80. Uuckwhet Hour, num-1 Cnrj. nit-d "Btates and Canadx east of NEW celpts. market peso La .ers. J6.W5.86; poor to me4ium, $3.5uu.0; m fob afloat- H-kers and feeders, U tWV ; cows. l 1 L1'. A .ifi;. I); heifers, .24.50; canners. 31.6o&V5o: J;!J rnnniS.i t Us. laVtkatH MiSlim, uiast.uo; Tt. fed "nt) Z lnal. CORNMEAL Pull; yellow western, 81.loiui.16; City, 31.10til.12; kiln dried, 3.1W 33.20. . JKIE I'uii; no. x western, tic, to arrive. UAKLEY Dull: feeding. 44k-. c L f.. New York; malting, 6oqiko, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 16,576 bu.; spot mar ket steadier; No. 2 red, 81.01 elevator and lu. x uurinern iuiuin, No. i northern Manl- o. b. afloat. Options opened Purely steady. reactions occurred, following corn, with r, 'nf Sklu Inrresaed 192.000 hll. Oats, United 8tates and Canada, oast of the Rocklea. increasea jz.vm du. The leading decreases reported rnis weeg are 1,003.000 btT. In Manitoba ana me norm aioviinra. 4nn.0il0 bu. at the northwest em Interior elevators snd 133,000 bu. at the Milwaukee private elevators. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 22. WHEAT In tha last hour May, 964c; July, 95c; September, 82ffll 83c. On track: No. 1 hard, oc; No northern Hnvfc: mo. z norinem. vvau. FIOT'R First patents are now quoted at 8B.15ifi5.2R; second patents, 3S.0Of5.10; first clears. f3.BiS3.75: second clears, iz wuz to, BRAN In bulk, Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March 22 WHEAT ts. 84,000 bu.: spot market Half cent higher; No. 1 northern, 93&99,4c; 47c; standard white, 47c; No. 3 northern, 96&97c; old July, choice. 97iU1.0u. iitTire.l'i.M. n.l...iA. M ac 1 ) helr-. 2.0.a3 25 1 18c; California, 21 to 25 lba.."lc; Texas, dry! HOG-Receipts. 6.U00 head: strong: p irslti l u,. Sin ' ' 1 . . - 1 1 , , . .... 1.. 1 ,. , . i 6 1 v l '- . '" ' . . auu 11, 11 1, w . , t-.n,, vi.aiv.M; DUicntTH ana Devi neuvy. k.pvd.x. BHt.'lUl' ANU WMB-iteceipta. soo bead; last prices Vuo net hlgher May, 97c, closed. ftiVc; July, KITa'UO'-TaC. closed, w-c; etepiemoer, n4'iIMbc, cioaeu, iu'o. 'AUW t......l..d IX ftiVl V... . X" KirA. No. 2 yellow, boc; ungraded mixed, 664c. Option market waa dull and entirely nom inal In the abaence of business, cloaing Vu e net lower. May cioaea at Oic uatk-tteceiprs. M,uuu du weak: No. 2. 47c: standar No. 2 white, 48c; No. 3 white. 47c. OpUons 7Ur market nominal. I iiYF-Hteadv: No. 1. 72Q72o. HOPS Eauy ; state, common to choice, I BARLE7Y Firm; No. 2, 63c; samples, 38 Firm; No. 3, 4217 Vsc; July. 49o. RICE Steady;' fair to extra, IV6o: . . T..,on nnmlnil ' T .TvFhpool. March 13. w H1UAT BPOl " . . . . i . r r . . a . , , , , , . . . . MAX VJUlet; snipping, lWH,iC; good to I IUU; XXO. I laiuurnia, i m. ruiuira, sieauy; naivu, uuuiiuw, iu, , uij 6S td. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4aZ4d: American mixeo, oia, ts la. r u tures, aulet; March, nominal; May, 4s Xa. 3.0W head. Including 1,900 Texana, coat, lire. 22&2S; olds. 9-&140. CORN .,."ad. native sluicing and export TALLOW-Dull: city ($2 per pkg ), 474o; H KUJ.wi areancu oeei ana outcner I ,n,.m.v frei !VUi I market Arm; native muttons, WOj-4 H); lambs, 84.76i 80; cull and bucks, 8J.IAci-l.aO; siocaers, (i (MC,w. Stoax City Live Stock Market. LEATHER Steady; acid. J3S2e. PROVISIONS Bef. weak; family, 311.8 llBOifl 12 60; mess. 39 tvg M: beef hams, 30 5ma 22.U0; pscket. lli.60a'li 50; city, extra India mess, 316OU41I8.K). Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies. 37.25iib.0O-, pickled shouldvrs, tt bu; pickled hams, 3100f U .00. Lard, steady; BIOUX CITY, la.. March 22--Speclal Tel- ""n- ': J I ram. CATTLE Receipts, I.euO head; fi'lLn1' J1,' isrket strong; stockers, steady; bee ves, 1 . "2i clear, Dolnth Grain Market. TTTLTTTH. March 22. WHEAT In store, No. 1 hard, IsSc; No. 1 northern, 94Wc; No. 2 northern, Vic; on tracg, no. 1 nara, vnc, vta 1 A,h-rn au.n X.' ,i 4 mtrtham 8' western steamea. (.; rennea, steady; con- Ki.y 94c; July, 86c; September, S214o. tlnent, 37.40; South America, s.0u; com- OATH On track and to arrive. 8S4c. cowa, bulla and mixed. 33.3uw 50. ftuTVloTke a?,d f?ederr.. talsS , B"EMrm: ffrh creamery. laO CHKfcJSls steady; state run cream. eg ma fJ 0 I bu; aloe and yearllnga, 82.7lhS.T6. HOGS Reoelpta, !. head; market loo higher. selUne- at K7i-u&.16; bulk of sales. Stock In Sigh. FoHowIng are the receipts of live stock ior tne nvs principal western clUes jester. Pork, easv: fanillv. 314.76tfl6.6u; mess, J15.U0 fancy, small and large, colored and while. Betiemoer. lzc; late maae, iua. F.OGS Steady: western firsts. 16io. POULTRY Alive, ateady: thickens. 1!e: fowls, 14c; tuhkeys, 16c Dressed, firm; western clilrkens. 12313cl fowls, western. 14c; turkeys, western, young nens, luai'C. South Omaha,. Chicago 1 Kansas City...., ft. Louis St. Joseph.. Sioux city Totals Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .i7 t.OuO 7.5"0 5.000. i aa 1M 9.4-10 6.UI0 4.M4 .16.UM . S2.0 2X664 Oils and Uosln. . SAVANNAH. On., March 22. OIL Tvirp , tntine, dull. 67o. RotJlN Firm; A. B. C atid T, 31 60: E. 33 66: 12 60; O, 32 66; H. 33 70; I. 32 : Kv w;Mk ' $S fc,; w Q i OIL CITV, Ph., March 2X OIT-Crett balances. 31T1: certihi-aies, no bid; ship ments, 80.468 bbls.; gverase. 67.14 bbls.; runs. 40.1- bb'.s. : averagts, 7S.M bbls.; ship ments. Ulna, 64 969 bid. ; average, 67.347 lbls. : runs. Lima. 14. bbla: average. U.U46 bbls. . ' peerla Market. PEORIA. III.. March tt-CORN-Steedy; Kit. 3, 4SSc No. 4. Knnana City Grata svnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. March 22. WHEAT May, KiSc; July, 77c; caah. No. 2 hard. 88 fita'c; No. 3. 857S7c; No. 4. TStl': rejected. Kr76c; No. 3 red. ii.w: no. , asse. 2 each, 44c; No. 3. 43c; No. 2 white, 43444cj I bales pio. a. a'u'tJi-. OAT3-.No. 3 white. 29c; No. 2 mixed, 40c RYE No. 2. 64c. HAY Choice timothy. 110.00; choice prairie, I7.7witl os, BUTTER Firm; fancy, lie Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. March 22. COTTON Spot in limited demand; futurea easy: American middling fair, g.iua; gooa miaaung. 7V4d middling. 7.84d; tow middling, 7.7d; ordl nary. 7.64d. Futures, steady; American mlddlinar. a-, o. c. March. 7.47d: March April. 7.44J; April-May, 7.41d; May-June 7 !Xl; J one-July. i.xia : juiy-August. T.Sid August-Beptenilier, 7.19d; Septeinber-Octo ber, 6 ld; October-November, 6.20d; Novein ber-LVcember, Hod. ST. LOUIS. Muroh H COTTON Noml nal, Vo lower: middling, 14e; Bales, none receipts, v bales; siupments, bales; stock. 21.4L-V bales. NEW YORK. March 22 COTTON-Spot closed dull. 6 points decline: middling up. land, 14.00c; middling gulf, 14 2Se; aalea, 208 creamery, fific; dairy, EOrtS Weak; fresh Missouri snd Kan sas stock, cases returned, 13c; new No. I wbltewood caeea included. ic Receipts Shipments. Wheat, bu sl 12i.r Corn, bu 29.600 Oata, bu ?3.-0 6.0UO I Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 21 BUTTER ! Steady; extra western creamery, !4c; neerbv prima. 28c. FOC1S-Firm: good demand; fresh neerbr. lkVtc at mark: Ircsh western. 16V611c; NliW ORLEANS. March 22 COTTON Unaetlled; aulea. bales; ordinary 11 7-16c; good ordinary, 12c; low middling, UV; middling. 13o; gooa niHidiing ltl-l&c; middling fair, 14 7-lc. Futures ou et and steady: March. 13 Wffll3.18c: Anrll 13 3NU.4uc; May, 13 64V13 6nc; June. 13 671 1J 7IK-; July uqii xk; August, u xor, tild September, 11 97-110(w; October, lLJcll.t-c November, u.iuu' CoaTee Market. NEW YORK. March 21 COFFEE The market for futurea opened steady at an ad vapce of 6 point on March, but generally unchansed to 6 pointa lower. Sslea were reported of 132.360 bags. Including: March, I ift.juci Apru. s.vic; aaay, i j.(ij uc; July 0 doc ; M-pienner, B.aViiaac: ix iober. fr November, f4.06ci iJecember, .vt&.iuc January, 1.600 20 1,200 100 200 704 9014 79 K 11314 mT4 l.-ie 3114 Sli 37 38 80 14 l.Vi 167 IW14 144 146 1784 178 parity, becsmw-lnactlve and became un settled. Kaflirs were Irregular. BERLIN. March 21 Business on the bourse today opened dull. Prices became stronger later. Exchange on London, 20 discounts for short bills, 3 per cent, and for Ctttls Bfosipti Very EeiT and Eteert PARIS. March 22 Three tier cent rentes. 9S francs 87 centimes for the account. rJtocks on the bourse today were less nnn and ths trading was limited. At the close the prices were Irregulsr. Russian im perial fours closed at 94.60. OMA LlYE STOCK MARKET So d L. wer, with Oowt About 8tead " HOGS AVERAGED A LITTLE HIGHER 1..- ...lew 1 1:0 1 iu t w t 1 1 t... tALVES. Sh York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. March 2S.-MONET-On call, steady at lfil per cent; closing bid, 1H per cent; offered, 1 per cent. Time loans, dull and easy: 60 days, 2?2 per cent: 90 days, 8ff3!i per cent; 8 months, 3 1)4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 43 per cent. ctpih TVfi irvni k vnr c?. n . . .. .i v 1 1 1. V . will. - . a, I 7.. . .'IT 1 i" i'ibi unci iit-h!, iii imiiKna iin.- i a,eii(V I l.nlClal MOlldHV 4HilO for demand and at 4 MsntH 485 for I Official Tuesday . - ' . . , 1 . , ' ' l V. , W.D.'UY.OO, Will mcrcinl bills. 34.84. v SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars, 44e. ' BONDS Government, fltm; railroad, strong. The closing quotations on bonds ar as follows: Desirable Grades of Sheen Met with Ready Snle at Folly Steady Prlcea, While Common gtotl Was Slow and Weak. L"fe .. T1S ..!" ..140 . IS ,. 11 .. 1 .. ro 17 EEPF.RS. t M t i iu : I 18 i 0 I 4 I M 44 I to . st , 51 . Ill , , 4M . 7 ...lonl t 4 as M I t I M I M 4 SOUTH OMAHA, March 22. 1904. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Eheep. 1.610 , 7.460 4.166 6.667 8.416 9,400 V. 8. raf. ta. rag....l do ta, coupon VN ao la, rg ..IM14 to eouimn loan to saw 4a, raf 1S?S do eoupoo 182 to old 4a, reg tor do coupon Atchiaon sen. 4t. ao aaj. 4a its Atlantic C. L. ta 2S B. O. 4a do ila 14 Cantral of Oa. ta...,10v4 do lat lne Chl. Ohio 4ii....lM . Chlcaso ft A. ma... 74 1 C . B. ft Q. n. 4a... t M 0. M. A S. P. (. 4S..1OTH C. ft N. W. e. 7a....l4 C, R. I. ft P. 4a... do col. ta 7Si C. C.C. ft ft. L. . 4a. H CMraso Ter. 4s Con. Tobsroo 4a. 6S;4 Colo, ft So. 4a D. A R. a. 4a 7H Erie prior lien 4a.... t74 do ten. 4a I54 r. w. ft d. C. la.. .104. Horklns Vat. 44a....in44 Li. at n. uni. as n Manhattan . g. Mot. Central 4a 4a... 104 44 Two dava this week. .1(1 970 11 0W 17.816 Same days last week... .11,000 13.510 18.6M Same days week before. 8.733 10,67 14.171 Same three weeks ago.. 6.030 16.063 26.410 tame four weeks ago. ..12.620 23.816 II. kj; Same days last year..., 9.7S8 17,173 16.K25 RECEIPTS FOR THK TEIAR TO DATK The fill In ! no- 11- ihA. lYim reeelnta of do lat int..... 114 I cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for in year 10 uaie, wun comparison wmi i&si year: 1904. 198. In. Dec. Cattle WR.8i',0 207.370 990 Hogs 634,331 618,178 26.1f5 Sheep 4O8.0R8 804.72 103.216 ATeracrs trla rM fnr tinn at South ri-K . , , t , .-.. 1 . v. . .-iiicwn iur K119 iaii several uai wnu psriaons: Date. I 1904. 11908. 11902. 11901. 11900. 11899. 11898. Mlna. ft 81. L. 4a.... t5 al.. K. ft T. 4s M do ta 77 N. R. R. et M. . ta. It N. Y. C. f. tMiS 7H ..lys . pit .. 71 i.M tit t n 4.. 1 4 04 1.. I l 4 m 1., I til 4 M 1., 1 1 e 1. 1 1"0 t 00 STOCKER3 AN 1 710 I (0 a... J 4 t m 14... I TVJ t !i 12... 7 y-i K 14... tV .l I U tl... 1 710 I 4'. )... t I 1.5 It... t IN U... HOOS Receipts this morning were fair and with favorable reports from other points the market opened a little higher man yesterday, the advance amounting en the averaae to about 2 cents. The mar ket could probably best be described by calling It strong to 5 ct-nts higher, with the freatest advance on the butcher weights, logs weighing from 2J6 to 2o0 pounds are now in ine u'si nemanu, inuugn injiniiif from 2"0 to 275 pounds meets with ready sale. Heavy hogs, unless choice, no longer top the market. The btlk of the medium to good weight hogs sold from 14.90 to 3-VOi, with prime hoss selling as high as to.i. The loads weighing much under 200 pounds. ns wen as nogs jatKing in quality, soui from 84.90 down. Trading was not very nctlve at any time and after packers had their urgent orders filled the market slows,, up and closed weak. Representative sabs: .imV,N. 1. C. g. ta. No. Paclflo 4a.. do 8a N. ft W. o. 4a.. a 8. L 4a A par... 4T4 Pann. aonv. 141, Reading can. 4s M'4, 9I.L,tt. M. e. la . lux St. I. ft B. F. fi. 4a. ni St. L t. W. la Srabnard A. u 4a.... M So. Pari no 4a. H So. Railway la........ll Taiaa ft r. la 11a T. su U ft W. 4a.. Union Paclfle 4a. lftlti do eonv. 4a rfl r. S. 8tel Id la Wabash la 111 do dab. B 0s W. ft L. E. 4a H4 Wia. Cantral 4a t! Colo. F. ft I. s. as.. TO Mar. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 9 London Stock Market. LONDON, March 22.-Closlng: Connola. money kk'4N. T. Central.,, n -lINorfol ft w..., .. I'-J do pfd . TOVil Ontario ft W... 2PDnarlTanla . Mar. 10.. Mar. 11... Mar. 12. Mar. It., Mar. 14., Mar. IS Mar. Mar. Mar, Mil 19 'if" 644 Z4 20' I 85 84 Z4' 300 151 150 150 200 20 20 .23.200 . 4.BO0 . 800 . 1 20 2T.7. 04 42 81 ...1 9" ... 1,100 129 .... 100 19H 2474 Slfc 74 81 12S 129 19 19 35 191.4 35 or rj ilMi 68 26 63 42 74 81 Louisville St Nashville 3,100 JKV 104 inR mannniian u el 143g 143 14H Met. Securities 200 79 79 77 Met. St. Ry 5.500 112 111 112 Minn. & St. Tjnuls K7 M.. St. P. & S. Ste. M. 600 63 63 63 ao pfd 13) Missouri Paclflo 46.600 92 90 92 M.O.. Kan, & Tex 700 1h 17. 18 ao pra .., 1,100 3R SS 30 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 100 RH 87 N. Y. Central :. WiO 117 175 116 Norfolk A Western... 5.300 68 67 P8 do Pfd 85 Ontario 6 Western ... '3.900 71 4 Slit Pennsylvania ...60.800 117 116 117 P.. C. C. AV St. ti Keadlng ... . flo) 1st pfd do 3d nfd - Rock Island Co ,.10,800 2U4 do nfd ,flrin ? St. L. & B. F. 2d nfd.,, 400 , 44 6t. Louis S. W... T..... 200 14 do pfd t....i.. i -HOO 81 c-ouiiiern mrinc l.tivnp ooutnern itaiiway ao prd Texas & Paclflo . T.. St. L. A W .30.300 44 " 43 9074 . 62 41 14 83 45 21 84 24 . 6,500 . 21 , 85, 800 , -t'400., '24- Wo ...401700 900 800 .. 1,500 'ioo 80 85 ., 91 . 19 -S6 'lR A.... SfiH 76K 60 44 78 89 21 62 44 14 84 4K 21 94 25 86 94 do aecount Anaconda ... Aarhlson .... do pfd ... Baltimore ft Ohio.... I'm Rand Mine Canadian Paclflo ....HI1 Rradlns Chea. ft Ohio S2 do lt pfd.. Chlcaso Gt. W do td pfd.. C. M. A St. P 148 So. Railway .. ItRrer 14 do p'd D. ft R. O tovj go. Paino .... do pfd 70 Vinlon PuclAo . Erie loV do pfd do lat pM... H4 IJ, B. meal.... do td pfd 41 do pfd Illlnola Cantral 131 Wabaah Loula. ft Kaah 10714 do sfd M.. K. ft T :.. lmlspanlah 4a .... SILVER Rar, steady, 26d per ounce. MONRV RruXU. nor cont The rata of discount In I tie oten market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three months' bins, l-wusfr per cent. .li . 11 . i . C9'4 . . Ita . 40 . im . si . N's . 47v; . 741, . 10 . 11H . (.H . ll4 . ai . 71 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 16. 17. 18. 19.. 20. 21. 22.. 6 13 8 0U J 1J1 Im 1 (07 ; 6 13 119 6 18? ( 10, 6 1074 B 16 5 15 i 25 6 16 04 6 04 4 97 4 92 65 I 98 T 021 t 111 a 07 t 7i t 99 10 06 T 01 7 11 7 06 7 16 7 14 7 25 8 07 7 2l C 0W 16 20 6 13 6 10 7 13 I 7 2o, a 7 19 7 10 T 06 7 19 7 83 7 84 a 15 8 21 1 25 21 I 221 4 881 I 811 6 27 I 221 i 86, IV I 89 6 41 a I 39! 401 6 46 6 56 6 66 IK 6 65 6 SOI 5 61 4 66 8 6 V 4 69 8 571 3 621 4 74 4 70! 3 4 71 4 721 71 4 73 4 T6 4 79 4 7ol 4 79 4 86 4 94 4 89 4 86 4 81 5 71, 6 83 I 80 4 86 8 60 3 801 3 83 3 68 3 53 8 59 3 C! 3 63 3 51 8 65 8 65 3 681 3 58 8 6 3 78 3 83 8 81 3 87 IU 89 8T 8 7-1 3 f-0 I 79 I 74 I 69 I 68 8 70 3 71 8 73 I 73 I 78 I 76 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of ears of stock i M brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. rrs. No. 11 49 44 71 M , 11 71 75 4 48 74 71 10 II 71 e , 8 18 70 71 SS II 74 80 I II 7 J 70 IS 11 48 11 M It 10 40 43 II Bank Clearing's. C. M. tt Bt P. Ry.... 3 Wabash 1 Mo. Pacific Ry 7 V. P. System 69 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F. E. 4 M. V. R. R.. 66 C, St. P.. M. St O.... 63 B. A M. Ry 81 C, B. Q Ry 3 Iv. (J. ft St. J I C. K. I. & P. east... 7 C, R. I. A P. west.. 6 Illinois Central 1 Chicago a. W 6 Total receipts 303 la 21 1 89 9 1 113 80 I I 47 ou llTA u.,.iii 99 T3anlr elearlnana fori rr- l . , . . , . - ... - . , today, 31.236,685.55, an increase of 34J,7wj.t8 as follows, each buyer purchasing ths num- over ihe 'corresponding day last year ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co 1,290 Swift and Company 1,4mi Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Cudahy Packing Co., Armour dt 10 Armour & Co., Boo City, Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Logman & Co Mccreary ft Carey W. I. Stephen Hill & Sun Huston ft Co L. F. Hubs Hobbick & B Sol Degan S. & 8. Halatead Knvback & Co J. B. Root Mike Haggnrty & Co Other buyers. .....a I.lb8 ,1,342 , 22 , 81 , 103 , 234 . 7 , 146 , 81 , 18 . 102 1 65 . 406 102 87 233 8 1,721 1,750 1,702 1,033 189 4,0u6 1.118 8,786 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fresh stock. 14c. L1VH POULTRY Hens, 10c; young roosters, 84?9c; old roosters, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Packing stock, llc; choice t6 fancy dairy rolls, 1314c; separator, 22c FRESH FISH Trout, Wl"c; Picaerei KlLfiiltn. rlli. Q n.rrli f.itAXLf hlllPflSh. 16C whltedsh, 84)c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, Ho; lobster, boiled, per lb 32c; lobsters, green, per lb., 80c; bullheads, 11c; catfish. 13ai4Cl black bass, 20c: halibut, 10c; crappies, 12c; herring, 4c; white bass, 13c: bluenns, sc; smelts, imo'iic OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43c; per gal., 32.10; extra select, per can, 35c; per gnl., 31.76; standard, per Can, 27o; per gal., ii.3fifli.40. nniV-Pr Inn t1R Oft. HAY Prices auoted bv Omaha Wholesale Tealers' association: Choice No 1 upland. I ...1 fsnl stsair mix nnns Ktir 4 Hah (lav WBS mal I K50; No. 2, llOO; medium .60; coarse, i55.00; I advanced before anything like a clearance rye imw, o.w. i .nicon.D i was maae. jTaaing on me kiiiub uni oT good color and quality. Demand, fair suited buyers waa fairly active but slow and receipts light. I on others. . VEGETABLES. I A large share of the arrivals this morning pfiTiTOPO rnWorfn n an- Tknkota. nee consisted of corn fed steers. Trains did 133 257 SS8 Total receipts 6.887 7.640 10,045 CATTLE KecelDts of cattle this morn ing were rather excessive, there being about 300 cars on sale. Considering this heavy" run the market held up In very 87 89 18 18 85 80 18 100 192 192 .. .29.900 Z10 400 "700 700 200 . 3.700 300 16 187 4? 222 190 106 205 48 47 20 70 . 71 29 do nfd Union Paclflo do rjfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & L. Fi., Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex. Wells-Fargo Ex... Amal. Conner Am. Car & Foundry,. ao pro , Am. Cotton Oil..., do pfd Am. Ice , do pfd I, Am. Linseed Oil.. do nfd , An. Locomotive ., do prd , Am. Smelt, ft Refng., 1,601) do nfd 30U Am. Sugar Refng..,.. 8,100 126 125 126 yxnaconaa m. uo wo eii Brooklyn R. T. .20,900 43 42 43 Colo. Fuel ft Iron HO 29 fl Consolidated Gas 10,500 197 194 197 Corn Products 13 do pfd 2O0 72 71 71 Distillers Securities.. - 2 al 24 24 24 General Electric 800 168 168 168 international raper... do prd of 28 22 S3 4874 92 27 i "S2 83 48 20$ 2i 22 81 48 91 International Pump., do prd National Lead North American Paclflo Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Ca,r..., do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd ; , Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron.. IT. 8. Leather do pfd , U. 8. Realty do pfd , TJ. 8. Rubber do pfd TT. B. Steel do nfd ... Westtnghonse Elec. Western Union Northern Becurltlea 100 200 J.RO0 1.600 15 86 80 15 85 27 97 100 7 7 . 400 l 100 . 800 . 406 . too . 200 ; 7oo . 400 . 100 .10.000 ..47.700 19 77 88 7 78 ' 7 51 11 5774. 1,000 168 100 88 19 T7 8 7 78 6 fio 13 82 11 5h7i 162 88 11 lin ST. 74 15 85 29 97'i .29 69 210 43vt 19 76 S8 6 77 6 roils 5 1' 67 1'3 R8 99 bu:. 81.10: natives. 21.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 32.2&fr2.35. CELERY Large California, 60c, 75o, and HOC, rado not arrive any too early and "as a result the morning was well along before many cattle had' crossed the scales. As a general thing the market wus a little lower than ONIONS-Spanlsh, per crate. 3190; Colo- yeaterday, buyers taking off "J' arii, voiinw end rid nee lb 8o 'hey put on yesterday. Something that ABPAGV"-scroen.lnPeHollan5af l ' i? '1 TnZl'n Vrun TtTtiis:iPavhit n.r hn . son. ' steady with sales of the general run CARROTS Per bu., 3100. PARSNIPS Per bu., 75c, Dcr.rB r-er dil, inc. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate. 32.75. CUCUMBERS Per dOS.. 81.TW3.W. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. 83.50ftj4.00. ft ai i M !;! fer aos. ouncnes. so'fmoc. IjETTUCE HEADS Per dox. bunches, oci(7li.iiu; top leituce, per aos., awywe. TURNIPS Southern, per dos., 60c. BKETS Southern, per dos., 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dor., 75o. PARSLEY Southern, per dos., 31.00. SHALIjOTS Per dos.. 75c. ONION SETS Per bu. of 22 lbs., yellow, rz.; red 12. zb; white, jz.hi. SPINACH Per bu., SocOtlOO. of cattle going all the way from weak to n ma lower. The cow market was active and generally steady. There did not seem to be any too many In sight to fill packers' orders and for that reasor trading waa quite brink at about steady prices. Light heifers con tinued to be the most popular ana sucn kinds were picked up in a hurry. Some of the less desirable grades of heavy cows may have been a trifle weak, but still the change from yesterday In the prices Is scarcely worth mentioning. All the early arrivals were disposed of In good season. Bulls were slow sale toaay ana certainly no more than steady. Veal calves were in arood demand at unchanged Drlces. The supply of Blockers and feeders was not very large snd the market could be quo tea steaay. weeiranie came mer witn BEANS Wax. per bu. box, 38.00; string, ready sale while the common stuff was Total sales for the day, 1. OCT. 000 shares. 'Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. March 22 Call loans. 2ipT per cent; time loans. 8W5 per cent. Official cloaing or stoegs ano nonas: 88 . . 70 , . V .244 ...IMH ..131 .. im Atchiaon ad. do 4a Atchiaon do pfd Boaton ft Albany. Hoaton-ft Malna Bnaton Slavalaa. . Vitthbun pfd .... Met Cantral N T.. N. H. ft H t'nlon PaHne Aaar. Aria. Cham. da Dfd Amar. Pneu. Tuba.... 4 mr. Suiar 1M4 do pfd " Anrr. T ft T 134 Anar. Woolaa M'4 do pfd 71 IXimlnlon I. ft 8.... IS F.rilaoa Elae. Illu. ntiarat Eltrle, . fBa. Flartrla .... do pfd .' Maaa. Uaa tittM Krult t'nltad Shoa Mach. do pfd r 8-stael de pfd Waetlng. commoa. Advantnre ,. Mlouaa 4malsaauta4 ... American Sine , Atlantic Rtnghum ' Cal. ft Hacla.... Centannlal Copper Range ., Paly Want Dominion Coal , . lSUjiFranklln . 71 lOraney , me Rnvala Maaa. Mining ... Michigan Mohawk , Mont. C: ft C.., Old Domlnloa ., Oareols , Parrot Qulnoy Shannop Taniarark , Trinity , r. S. Mlalng... ''. s. oil , ti rus H4 Victoria , 6Ta Winona ........ to Wolarlna .Ill .141 . 1 . Tl . I . ts . . 7'4 . .450 I ' ! 41 . t . l . 7 . t . Hi . 3'-, 4 . . i . H ,. M ,. K .. M ,. tv, ,. tl .. 4 .. .. la Kew York Mlnlnc Stocks. NEW YORK. March 22. The following are the c'oaing prices on mining stocks: Adaau Cos A I lea Rraere Hrunawtck coa . Coauluck Tanoat Con. Cal. ft Vs.. Horn BiWar Iron Slitae .... Laadrlli ca II . M . 14 . I . 11 .lk0 .IJi .til t.lttla Chlat Onlarto , Ophlr Phoaols Hotoal ......... BaTasa Biarra Kara da small Hosaa . Muairl ... t ...are ...4Ii ... ... ti ... 17 ...J64 Aa8cssnu!nt paid. lx -dividend. foreign Flnnnelnt, LONDON, March 22,-Monay was con siderably scarcer In the market today. Consuls trapruved despite the diversion In support of the Irian loan. They closed a fraction below the best quotations of the day. Home raila were cheerful, Americans oyeueti ycatk, rallied, ta soautwhavl above per bu. box, 24.00. FRUITS. APPLES California Bellflowers, per boxj 31.75; Oregon fancy reds, per .box, 3190;M Baldwins. 84. 06. CRANBERRIE8 Jersey, per bbl., $7; per nox, ?z.ov. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt case, 84.DVUa.uu. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, all sises, 32.40 (uz.oo; lancy navels, ail sues, iz.vo. LEMONS California, fancy. M to 16). 3.oo; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, 3.0ug3.25. F1US California, per 10-lb. canons, 86u; Imported Smyrna, S-crown, 14c; 6-crown, 16c; 7-crown, 16o. BANANAS Per medium sixed bunch, ez.ixsuz.Du; jumDos, sx. . per lb. In GO-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, ri.40. COCOANUTS Per sack. 34; per dos., 80c, MISCELLANEOUS. CHtiiasis Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c: Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, 10c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin limuurger. Lie. ClDb-R Per bbl., 35.50; per -bbl.. 38 25. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, 33; Uttrh and Colorado, per 24 frames, 33. HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dos., pacxea, sue. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. No. 1 salted.' 7c: No.' 2 salted. 2c: No. 1 f veal calf. 8 to 13 lbs., 8c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to ia ios o-c; ary saitea niaes, xoj'izo; sheep pelts, K'a.lo; horse hides, 81.S0tfi2.oO. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, tier lb., lac; nam sneii, per id., lac: ino. z sort shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., lie; urazus, per id., lie; nioeris. per id., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb., lie; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb... 12c: small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 4o; roasted peanuts, per lb., sc; Chut walnuts, 12i81.1c: large hickory nuts, per bu., 31.60; ahellbarks, per bu., 32; black walnuts, per DU 11. iO. Wool Market. BOSTON, March 22. WOOL Owing to me t'-nnuj VI uuiiicb uu WUUH, UUIO neei-B and territory, medium wools are In great demand and very firm. This scarcity also has led to a marked Increase )n the de mand for low and foreign wools. Offerings of domestlo grades are small and at cur rent prices. The market for pulled knd territory woola to steady. In foreign wools there Is a good demand for low Australian croasbreda to take ths place of domestlo quarter-bloods. . Current quotatlona: Ter ritory Idaho fine, l.Vul5Wc; heavy One. 13sf 14c; fine medium, 15ulje; medium, lGtsl'c; low medium, 17ul8c. Wyoming Fine, lo( IGo; heavy fine, 3314c; flue medium, 15 '( 16 Wc; medium, 18l9c; low medium, lKftllc. Utah and Nevada Fine, Anl5o; heavy fine. lS(jl4o; fine medium, 15'jiluc; medium, leg 19c; low medium, lUi'JOc. Dakota Fine 16aloc; fine medium, lloc; medium, IH. 19c; low medium, liia. Montana Fine choice, 183l9c; fine medium choice, 18'oHh.-; average, lsgl9o; staple, l!ij20c; medium to choice, lR-alic. LONDON. Mareh tl WOOL A t the sue. tlon sales today 12,938 bales were offered. A number of buyers were present. Following Is the sale In detail: New South Wales. 2.3u0 bales: sooured, Is tel 'o Is 7d ; greasy, 7d tils Id.. Queensland, 2 109 bales; sooured. Is ldttjls d; grassy, 4iUHil. Victoria, 1.600 balea; scoured, Is4du2a3d; greasy, 41 la3d. South Auatralla. l.M bales; greasy, 7duls. West Australia. 23 balea; greasy, (d. New Zealand. 1.10 balea; greasy. 4V if lid. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. iEJl balea; scoured, la IWdls d; greaay, (v(9d. Punta Arenaa, 1.8u0 balea: greaay, y lod. ST. LOUIS, March 21 WOOL-Btaady; medium grades, combing and clothing, lovfi 22c; light fine. U17o; heavy flue, LuHWo; tub washed, 2tJlo . slow and In some cases hard to sell at yes terday s prices, itepresenraiivo sales: 1. t... I.... 12 ... 4V... IS.... I. ... II. ... I. ... 4.... I ... m.... 14.... I.... 14 ... 17.... 14.... 4... I.... ... II. ... t II 11 t a n it i t to i t li 17 10 tl Ti 14 ,:::::: 1.. 4t.. 8. At. Pr. No. M0 I 00 II 610 I 00 II.... 724 I 00 71.... lio I ao tt.... ...... 115 I 40 19.... M0 I 40 10.... 1041 8 45 18.... 1071 144 II.... lost t 10 tl.... - t 75 21..,. 110 t 71 t0.... 1071 I 10 II.... til IN 1.... ......loot t 10 II.... 1U7S t 10 II.... 181 8 M I.... Ml t W It.... ......1031 I U 14. 1('S III S3. 1041 t 96 4C. IU 1 10 14 llftl I 90 16 1010 I 10 . II 1117 I M 11 KW7 10 10...... lost I so to ......K' 10 14 , 104 t M I 1UV0 t 5 11 ISOt t 5 tO ......X0SS t 19 l , IIS 4 00 14 nm 4 oo it 1111 4 00 11 11KI 4 00 IS STEERS AND COWS. 1141 I 10 t tot 8 H , 1S1 4 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ..,.100 I I 1 112 4 64 171 I IS 4 11,14 4 00 .... M IH II liat 4 11 ....urn I o M iso 4 li .... HI IM II U7t 4 II ....1010 4 00 STEERS AND STAGS. ... i;t 4 io n mi 4 11 STEERS AND BULLS. .... Ml I 5m-COWS. so t os it no 1 1 mi 1 11 4 Itt4 t M 1 1131 t ao 11 1104 1 M A. Pr. 1011 4 04 1131 4 00 1171 4 00 , 11 is 4 08 1097 4 05 lilt 4 10 1241 4 14 net 4 10 , 1121 4 14 10l 4 10 , llll 4 10 , 1111 4 10 1070 4 II 1170 4 IS 11M 4 15 It4l 4 li 1200 4 It 1211 4 10 12 4 10 ....1161 4 20 ....1114 4 10 1171 4 0 ,...1114 4 II ....1421 4 tt ,..,.lll 4 14 12BI 4 11' 4 10 131 I 10 14'i 4 15 ,....1141 140 1274 4 40 IMS 4 45 ISM 4 45 1421 4 10 1JU 4 40 .luto t tc .171 I 40 ,1200 I 10 . IM t 10 . 7M I 50 . ISO 8 SO .1015 I 40 10 I 40 ISO I 46 1100 I 70 1020 I 70 ll10 t It GEE 1 into t It i loao t IS i 104 8 71 i lose 8 IS 10..., 1... I..'. !... 4 :::: 1.... 1... 1..., 10.... 4..., 1... ... 3..., 1.. .1114 171 1010 t 10 144 t M uao I 00 llut I 00 1216 t 00 KrtO t 00 ISaO I 00 1S4I I 10 lilt 8 14 1104 I 10 S44 1 15 1300 I IS 1VS0 I 10 I'M I tO 113S t M lfMVS I li S4I 3 It 1210 t B COWS AND HEIFERS. 1056 I HKirrJKH. 4 .... 8 16 tl t. t. t. t. t , It 21 t I II II 4 4 I 8 4 I t to I tl 11 It 10 16 15 T 84 1141 I 16 ....1SU4 I II ....1171 I It ....1(.7 I 15 ....1170 t at ....1S04 t 40 ....lwi5 I 40 ....1300 I 40 ....lout I 40 ....1147 140 ....1MI I 40 ....1211 8 40 .... HI 8 44 ...44 8 44 ....UK) t a ....1411 1 IS ....KM 1 14 .... s t SO ....10m t St MM IM 1010 I 10 100 I M 1114 t SO 1111 t so Ul I II lCkl t IS 161 t 40 1131't 40 1126 I IS 1177 I 70 144 I SO 17 t 16 . 44 t 40 I 4 SSO IM StO I 44 t4 i 04 141 I It 174 I IS 474 t 10 til t 40 tut I 44. I.. II.. I . It.. I . to.. tt.. ... T44 I 44 ... IK III ... 144 I II ... 741 I 71 ... 114 t It l4 I 14 IU IM Til t SO 710 f " t 45 I.... I.... 1.... BULLS. ... fie t s 1 At. ..171 ..100 ..111 ..tit ..8f. ..194 ..14 ..2S ..111 ..104 ..111 ..lit ..191 ..181 i.lDO ...ITI ...III ..111 ..M ..204 ..tit ...tot ....241 121 .....111 set 2!t ISO 270 221 171 !44 2SJ 200 115 237 !21 204 2:4 IH til tlj 227 tot t4 104 Bh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. .. I M 14 IKS ..IK .. 4 tt 44 141 N 4 45 .. 4 40 41 240 40 4 44 'HIM II Ill ,. IH 10 4 10 IS 121 1, IN .. 4 0 71 lt4 ,. IH .. 4 10 41 22t 44 4 M 214 4 M II 211 . .. 4 N .. 4 0 11 S21 40 4 tt 40 4 10 41 1st 10 4 M IM IH 47., LSI .. t 17 .. 4 40 71 Ill ,, 4 tt 40 4 40 70 Ml ..4 I7H 10 4 SO 71 n 104 4 I7S .. . 4 40 47 121 SO 4 11V, 40 4 10 DO ..Ill 40 4 l"V 120 4 tl 44 131 10 4 I'1 SO 4 1214 II 211 110 4 7, 40 4 14 234 .. 4 I7V4 liO 4 t:v 11 1. 2 JO .. 4 7' .. 4 12 tut HI .. I t7t SO t I2V4 81 Ill .. 4 74 40 4 W 41 S71 .. 4 ti .. 4 M 47. ...... .ISO .. 4 17 .. 4 44 41 177 .. I 00 .. 4 45 251 ..S0t 40 4 13 11 J't .. I 00' .. 4 15 tt..' tSS .. 100 .. 4 15 at 2.11 SO IM ' .. 4 It 40 ...175 40 I 04 40 4 II 44 271 40 I 00 160 4 45 t.. ......141 .. t 00 1(0 4 45 4 MS 44 I 00 .. 4 15 a t4 .. I 00 0 4 HI 41 tT .. I 00 40 4 t 64 2SU It I 00 M 4 M II 2!I .. I 00 .. 4 tt 44 ...310 40 I 00 140 4 I" M 2ii .. too .. 4 15 44 lfcl .. 100 4 45 . 44 lo4 M I 00 .. 4 B5 70 101 44 t 00 10 4 15 42 2l .. I 02 .. 4 6 10 174 .. I 02 .. 4 46 14 lit 44 4 11 10 4 K 14 lit . .. 4 rl4 .. 4 5 44 3"4 .. 4 12 tO 4 95 10 141 .. I OS .. 4 K 10 1"4 .. I OS 10 4 15 tt I M I It SHEEP There was a verv heavv run of eheep here this morning but the demand was sufficient to hold pilots steady on all desirable grades. Buyers were out early and the better grades of sheep ohaoged, hsnds readllv at shout vestnrdav'a Drices. The commoner kinds, though, were more or less neglected and in many caaes had to sell a shade lower. A large share of the offerlmra was made un of swea and a bunch of Colorado ewes waa good enough to bring H.ou, wmcn is tne highest price or tne sea son for western stock. Some clipped ewes sold for 33.80 and some clipped ewes and wethers brought 33.90. Lambs were again slow sale unless choice. and most of those offered could not be classed better than fair. As high as 36.25, though, was paid for some Colorado. Uuotatlons lor corn-fed stock:- Choice western lambs. 8S.60iaifi.65: fair to crood lambs, 3o.OO(u.50; good to choice Mexloan ' yearlings. H.iMtS.iiO; good to choice west ern yenrllnga, 4.6u4.90; fair to good year lings. 4.26w4.50; good to choice wethers, 34.2564.50; fair to . good wethers. 33.sXK94.26: good to choice ewes, 33.3004.10; fair to good ewes. 33. 25413.75. No. Av. Pr. 78 western cull lambs 2 23 23 western cull lambs 44 i 00 u. western clipped owes and wethers 222 western ewes....'. &-9 western ewes and wethers., 11 western cull lambs 189 western ewes ; 118 western wethers... 330 western ewes 1 western ewe 139 western ewes., ....... '81 i...... 110 110 ::::::: ft 113 101 98 . 72 100 93 106 90 . 11S,HtAin ll,m lomH 11 - ' . . .... . . v.- a....,.'........ ,1. 299 western lambs 65 4il western lambs 84 1 western lamb 150 8 SPHfarn. Tfiirllna ' ..' 1S 48 western cull ewes 91 45 Idaho bucks 173 in Mnhii ol.ll nna, . K1 uaal.rn mm 94ll,Mt,,n rllnnaJ 80S western clipped ewes n western cupped ewes 330 western clipped ewes 107 western clipped ewes 911 Jdano ewes . .-. 803 Idaho ewes 11-3 Idaho ewes 12 Idaho ewes 320 Idaho ewes , 845 Idaho ewes , , 3W Idaho ewes , 344 Idaho ewes 59 western ewes 299 western ewes 378 Mexlcan'yearllngs 8 Western wethers 151 Mexican yearlings 1 Mexican yearlings 42 MAvlfiiin Inmlta 344 Mexican lambs 29 Mexican lambs , 9flt western awAa 127 western ewes Z7 western, reeder lambs........... B7 Mexican ewes , , B33 Mexican ewes 608 Mexican ewes ; 180 4 06 4 25 4 26 4 30 4 60 4 51. 4 60 4 60 100 . 100 . 102 . 102 . 103 . 81 . 97 . 96 . 95 . 98 112 . 114 ,. 48 ,. los ,. 68 . 73 . 73 ,. 73 . 72 100 98 01 82 92 82 4 75 6 00 6 20 6 'A 2 ::bo '89(1 4 00 4 00 4 15 4 15 4 16 4 16 4 16 -4 25 4 J5 4 23 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 00 4 60 6 00 6 99 6 89 6 81 3 90 3 90 4 86 4 40 4 40 4 40 Kaaaas City Live Stoclr Mrket. KANSAS CITT. March 22. -CATTLE Re celpta, 1,000 head, Including 700 southerns; marget steaay, strong; export ana aressea beef steers, steady, t4.504jfc.26; fair to good. wti.w, slow; western red steers, slow. J. 3.40fr4.4o: Blockers and feeders, strong, S."6 tj 4.25; southern steers, elow, Ki.W34.6; southern cows, strong, $2.409.60; native cows, strong,; native heifers, strong, 33.5ovM.40; bulla, strong, t3.60itt2.70; calves, strong, aJ.uvai no. IIOOB Receipts. 7.600 head: market to higher; top, 35.20; bulk of sales. 34.90U.12; heavy. 36.hrfi6.20: Dockers. I6.004i6.16: pin and lights, I4.2fi!y6.00 c; ir t i ii . K' i . t lima Y 1. a rfw. head: market strong to 10c higher: native lambs, 36.0OI&6.76; western lambs, 14.756 00;' fed ewes, 34.OOiit4.bO; yearlings, 34.Ousiu.Ul; stockers and feeders, J3.75-u4.Ua5. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. March 22. CATTLE! Re ceipts, l.ftis head; mostly 1816o higher than Thursday; natives, 33.867i6.36: cows - and heifers, $1.76ij4.60; stockers and feeders, $3.80 4H a. HOGS Receipts, 3,302 head; mostly Bo higher; light. Jl.kij6.12; medium and heavy. I6.U6&G.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 4.684 head: active, strong to 10c higher: lambs. 35.65; yearlings, la.26; wethers, 35.00; ewes, 34.56. I Toledo 0d Market. . TOLEDO. March 2J .--fittKD-ClovtW. ranh aa a 1 Uu.nk fttlRii. Arvrll tJ AA -tnKAa iaVl Lliu tTu.ts, ayv.wv, trviui'pi. tsay, -sawf prime alaike, 30.20; prime timothy, 31.40. IHJrttT COMMISSIONS CO. Capital and Surplus $600,000. Dealers In (Ioeorporattxl "' in n )ef. ennu nnnuia iaii . itaavi DAUB po etiAin, rnuiidiundi aiutiao. uunue AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. REFERENCES: 176 State and Na tional Banks & Commercial Agonal as. ltkv Branch Ofllues. General Ottlret !. Y. Life Balldlag, ktlNNBAPOUS. Omaha Branch I HIS Karsara St., 1'el. 4U7. THOS. M. WAnUICtC, Cor. aaflaflBjfaFf!aass 134 t It t i h in I oo I Kit t 1 I last IM The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Nob. H. t. asssssaary Capital lad Surptui, $600,000 ftAW SUtwr. tret, Kit . VSttts V. Bra. Umitl MaU. Uikaar. riAW 1. lAMLTtti Aaat, CaafckM. Baaatva aaaaaau at tsaha, Baataaa. an-a la at too, gnaa a4 taahvlSeala sa laaaaalll tarma. fyrslca Bxakaasa feaaaaat aa4 aalA lAtvats at brazil kamaS. aaalialOe la all Ban a tea a14. ltaaaat BaiS aa Ttaa CaittSaaaas et Pay a alt, f alUMivaa an it a sraaBtaia seal aniaaaalislla , tt aaeaaaa a.maan aaaa