Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1904, Image 7

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The April Century Will Be;in Dr. Weir
Mitchell'! Unique Work.
Japan Before he War," One of the
Leading; Article In the World
Today "Reflect Ions of a
Mornlnw After."
funk A VnnnallM company have Just
published two iiriillttonn to tlulr Hour-Glass
sorles of dainty booklets. Tlic first l
"Parsifal." an IntlinMto nml upproclatlvi
description nn1 conHlrtfrntlnii of Wagner's
groat opera, ly II. R. ll;iweiH, the musical
critic. It la llliitmtl with a portnUt of
the composer nnrt with scenes from the
opera. The second book I "The Trouble
Woman," by t.'liira Morris, a story which,
when published Iti r populur magazine,
elicited from renders who liml been com
forted by it no tunny requests for its pub
lication In a handler and more permanent
form that the author consented, and chose
' tho Kour-Ltlnaa series the medium of Its
reappearance. The little atory, which is
. drawn from Ml Morris' own experience, M
an "o'er tragic" tale, yet It carries the
: most cheering of messages. Its unobtrusive
moral is that the way to find consolation
fur one's own trouble Is to consider those
of others, and to lend u helping hand.
In the April Century will begin Pr. 8.
Weir Mitchell's unl'iuo new work, "The
Touth of Washington: Told In th Form of
an Autobiography." A new and vivid sense
of the personality of Vn:hlnaton and of
the remarkable experiences which made
hi in the man for the hour and for all time
will be the reward, It Is prophesied, of
very reader of this record. Dr. Mitchell
Imagines Washington sitting down nt Mt.
Vernon In his old ago and recording solely
for his own eye thP story of his "'youthful
life and the Influences that affected It for
gemd or 111." It Is claimed that the author
has so fully entered Into the habit of mind
uf Washington that It will be Impossible
for the ordinary reader to separate In tho
text the passages taken out of Washing
ton's actual writings from those which Dr.
Mitchell Imagines him to write.
the publication. The April number opens
with an article on "The Greatest World's
rnlr," and the two men most able to do
the subject justice havs treated it. David
TV KYamls, president of the exposition
company, furnishes the t xt. and v ernon
Howe Bailey, the distinguished young
artist, lias done the Illustrations.
"Wee Folks' Alphabet" Is the title of a
little hook for little folks that Is well de
scribed by Us name. F.a h page 1.4 at
tractively illustrated with pictures Intended
to assist In Impressing upon the child's
mind the letter connected with tho story
Illustrated. The pictures are by Bessie
Hitch and tha book is published by E. P.
"Reflections of the Morning After" Is the
appropriate title which has been bstowed
upon a collection of pointed observations
written and illustrated by Herman Dee
Meader. They are a sort of deductions ap
plicable lo llfo and people In general, made
by one who Is for the time being viewing
life from a shaded spot rather than in the
full glare of light, and some of them are
very Interesting. The H. M. Caldwell Com
pany of Boston Is the. publisher.
Fell Ttironrh Elevator Shift,
Anether Bit by Train.
"letters to a Young Man About Town,"
by William Makepeace Thackeray. Is a col
lection of charming but comparatively little
known essays that appeared In "Punch'
orlgtnally, and wera reissued in a volume
by themselves once. Thackeray shows up
the follies and life of a young man about
town In these essays In his humorous and
satirical manner. The book is very prettily
bound In red with gilt lettering and de
sign, and Is Issued In a "pocket edition"
size. II. M. Caldwell Company are the
"The Merchant of Venice." by William J.
Rolfe, I,ltt. P., formerly head master of
the Cambridge, Mass., High school, is the
first volume of a new series. For many
years Dr. Rolfe's edition of Shakespeare
has been the atandard for school use, but
this edition has been reset and recast. The
book Is Intended for school use. American
Book Company Is the publisher.
"Japan Before the War," Ono of the lead
Ing articles In thu World Today for April
is written by a resident of that country
who knows whereof he spe.-.c.s. It will un
doubtcdly Increase the admiration and sym
pathy generally felt lor tho J.tpaneso In
the conduct of the war. It Is a remarkable
testimony to the wise self-control and
fervent loyalty of that nation. "House
keeping In Japan," by Charles Hovey Pep
per, tho well known artist, gives a pic
luresque view of home life and quaint
the naval battles with more vividness than
perspective, and fairly dripping with pa
trlotlsm, ore a prominent feature of the
magazine. These were received direct from
Yokohama by the World today.
"Willows Grave and Otherwise" Is a conv
pilatlon of quotations with reference to
and concerning widows, which has been
made by Cora D. Wlllmarth and Illustrated
by A. F. Wlllmarth. It Is arranged In the
form of a calendar one quotation for every
day In the year and each page of the book
Is either decorated with a conventional
design or an Illustration; red and black
are the predominating colors In the binding
and In the decorations. Paul Elder A Co.
are the publishers.
H. Blake ine of Kleator shaft
Victim anil liana uleann. Track
Walker-Doth Omaha
J. It. Blake, Thirteenth and Podge
streets, fell down the elevator shaft -at
Harden Bros.' about 8:IW yesterday morning
and died of his Injuries soon afterward
it St. Joseph's hospital.
Mr. Blake went to the store with his
son, F. B. Blake, an employe, and was
standing near the shaft when he made
a misstep to get out of the way of the
rush Incident to the morning business In
the order department of the store. Mr.
Blako was blind in one eye, to which fact
Is attributed his fall. lie fell from the
first floor to the basement, 'a distance of
about fifteen feet, striking on his head and
causing a severe concussion. He was Im
mediately removed In the police ambu
lance to St. Joseph's hospital, and It
was thought he would not survive the
ride. Mr. Blake was a carpenter, fiO
years of age, and has lived In Omaha
for a number of years.
Killed lr Train.
About 6:30 p. m. Monday afternoon Hans
Oleson, 226 Cedar street, a track walker
employed by the B. A M. railroad, was
killed at the foot of Jones street by B. &
M. engine No. 3.TS. It Is said that at the
time of the accident a Union Pacific train
was backing onto the receiving track and
that Oleson did not hear engine 33S with
a string of cars coming from the north.
Oleson was struck In the middle of the
body, being terribly mangled all over. The
remains were taken to the morgue, where
Coroner Bralley will hold an Inquest Wed
nesday morning at 10 o'clock. The de
ceased Is survived by a wife and three
children and would have been 44 years
of age Saturday. Mr. Oleson was a mem
ber of Beech camp, Modern Woodmen of
America. The funeral will be held Wed
nesday afternoon.
Kirk has been In the restaursnt business
In Canton for seven years, perhaps two
weeks will be needed to get ready for serv
ing meals, but the restaurant will be ready
at the time of tha formal opening of this
hotel. April . Tha gospel meetings seem
to be growing in Interest, the attendance
Monday evening being forty-two, the larg
est since the chapel was opened.
Somber la Increasing and Itlsr Attend
ance Looked fnr nt Seat
The membership of the Dixie club has
grown to about 4oo, and fcO members are
expected at the meeting of the club to be
held at Arcanum hall, Thursday evening,
March 31. For this meeting a program has
been arranged and a feature of the event
will be the reception of natives of the
southland by local residents, native to the
manor burnt The following sponsors thus
far have been appointed for the meeting,
and each will be provided with a suitable
badge Indicating the state from which site
Miss Cecil II, Skeggs, Kentucky; Miss
Mae Yntes, Maryland; Mrs. Paul Froellch,
Tennesse; Mrs. Fannie Colburn, Potith Car
olina; Miss Cora Jack, Florida; Miss Vera
Barden, Texas; Miss Grace Conklln, Missis
sippi; Miss King, Alabama; Miss Nell M.
Grlscom, North Carolina; Miss May Blight,
Missouri; Miss Corrle Lee Morris, Vir
ginia. Sponsors for the states of West Vir
ginia, Georgia, Iouislana, Arkansas and
District of Columbia are yet to be named.
A well-known Omaha young woman will
appear In the character of "Topsy" as
sponsor for the press, both "lokel and
John P. Howe, president of .the society,
has received a letter from Captain Brltton
Davis of Kl Paso, Tex., congratulating the
society and expressing a wish to Join It.
Cardinal filbbons and Tno German
Countesses Mentioned In Real
Estate Deal.
Two separate deeds have been filed In
the register of deeds office. Involving the
names of two German countesses and Car
dinal Gibbons of Baltimore.
One deed transfers two lots from Thomas
The Motor Book" is the title of a small
book of Instructions and explanations,
which has been compiled and edited by R.
F. Mecredy for the benefit of the auto
moblllst. Beginning with the generation of e. Waggemann, trustee, to James Cardinal
the power. Mr. Mecredy goes on to explain Gibbons. They are located at Fourteenth
tne rent parts of the motor and their and Jones streets and Thirtieth and Paven
connection to one another, telling about nort streets. Vicar General Colanerl.
Japanese war posiers, u-u.eiuii, tn enange of gear and transmission. He whose name, appears on the back of the
includes Instructions on how to drive. In- deeds, states that he knows nothing of the
strtictlons as to the care of the car, and ex- transaction further than that the deed was
plains and enlarges upon temporary de- sent him from Baltimore with instructions
rangement. The book Is profusely illus
trated and with the clear Instructions given
should prove of value to those Interested
in automobiles. John Lane Is the pub
Applications from All Over Division
Besiege Headquarters, Kays
Nnperlntendent Itathbooe.
Said Superintendent Rathbone of the
western division, rural free delivery:
"We are literally besieged with new ap
plications for additional rural routes nil
through tho division, and particularly
throughout Nebraska. As Tho Bee has
noted, the Nebraska corps of the special
agents' division Is now out In the state In
specting the proposed routes, and, instead
of looking after 10 or more new routes,
they are likely to inspect nearer 150 before
their work Is finished. These routes are
approximately twenty-five miles In length
and must take In about 100 families, so
you can at once see the rapid growth of
the extension of the system nnd the Im
mense amount of work ahead for us. The
same story of rural routes extensions comes
from every state In the division. We think
we are equal to the emergency of meeting
all requirements. Our special agents are
nil of them good, competent men and will
j complete the work as rapidly as consistent
with the Interests or the government and
the patrons of- the new routes."
city, was the filing of the first complaint In
police court against the woman.
The charge was one of petit larceny pre
ferred by DeForest K. Chapiu, J.W Harney,
ft tun which place the w oman was arrested
nnd where she Is said to have stolen twelve
napkins and two forks.
Miss Hurst promptly pleaded not guilty to
tho charge and a hearing was set for next
Saturday morning. All efforts to get the
woman to say who was Implicated with her
or where the plunder a have failed. As It
Is expressed In police parlance. It looks as
If she will "stand rat" nnd let the authori
ties ferret out the case as best they can.
That none of the goods that she Is charged
with having tukeu from about sixteen places
has been located In Omaha, or even else
where, makes the case an obstinate one.
V- r
4 1. v
The brilliant manner In which the pub
lishers of Everybody's Magazine have
handled the subject of the St. Louis ex-
position affords a clew to the success of
Ptva-American Expoaltloa.
to have it made a matter of record. The
lots are unimproved and It Is the supposi
tion of the vicar general that they nra
gifts from Mr. Waggemann to the cardinal.
He knows of no contemplated Improve
ments to be made on them.
Mat- ! The latter deed bears the name of two
countesses. They do not appear as parties
tn the transaction hut the rleml nrnvtilca
FINED FOR FIRING AT SPOUSE that no further transfer of the property
can be made nor a lease of the premises
Above books at lowest retail prices.
thews, 122 South Fifteenth street.
!B.:i.!,-'.:t.'ri,.-i!.ilJ'.ll-1 i i-
Woman Who Shoots at Husband Gets
Fifteen Hollars and Costs from
Jndae Berka.
Effle Kimple, who was arrested Sunday nt
the Richelieu hotel on North Thirteenth
entered Into without first securing their
csnsent and the consent of several other
parties who It appears are stockholders In
the Peter Schoenhofen Brewing comnanv.
I The deed Is simply a transfer of a lot from
the brewing company to the trustees of the
1 same organisation and has no special slg-
street on a charge of shooting with Intent niftcance so far as known. The namea of
to wound, has been fined 115 and costs In the countesses are Countess Elisabeth Bopp
police court. von Oberstadt " and Countess Lillian
It Is stated the Kimple domestic troubles Bchenck von Btauffenberg. The lot Is lo-
have been many since last summer and eated In the north part of the city
that divorce proceedings are pending. The
case was aggravated.- It Is said, by the
weman's husband, Benjamin, taking his
wito's clothes and locking them In his trunk
and keeping the key. . Sunday morning he
Is said to have gone to the hotel, where his
wife had been working as a cook, and pre
cipitated new grievances, when the woman
fired a shot at her troublesome spouse.
When arraigned In police court Mrs. Kim
ple was asked whether her husband had re-
For the quick preparation of a dell
clou drink, (or making Chocolate Icing
r lor flavoring Ice Cream, Lowney'a
Alwaya Ready" Sweet Chocolate
Powder has no equal. The full
chocolate quality and properties are
present, unadu'.tered and unimpaired.
The Book reviewed un tins paga
can be prornred Irani us at si dl
roant. We rnu also furnish any book
Tel. B2234. 1612 Farnam St
Invitation from Sooth Ilnkota Stork
Growers Cornea Omaha
Commercial Clnb.
At the regular weekly meeting of the
Commercial club executive committee an In
vitation wua read from the South Omaha
turned the clothes and stated that while Live Stock exchange to Join In an excursion
she had been In Jnll he had brought some April 12 to 18, inclusive, to the western
of her wardrobe, but they were only her South Dakota Stock Growers' association
summer attire and she thought It was I and the Northwestern Stock Growers' aa-
rather early for light garments, even If the I sociatlnn, to be held at Rapid City and at
almanac do say that spring Is here. Belle Fourche. A Pullman car Is to be
Among the articles taken to the Jail by the chartered. The Sioux City stockmen and
Jobbers will go to Belle Fourche. A circu
lar letter will be sent to members of the
club Informing them of the excursion.
A letter was read from W. W. Cornell of
Pawnee City, who wished to Inform the
club of the support of Pawnee City busi
ness men In any effort to get the Rock
Island cut-off built between Tawnee City
and Emporia.
Heeelves Orders from Washington
Making: Hint C hief and Purchas
ing: Commissary.
Captain Frank A. Cook, commissary de
partment, U. S. A., and formerly assistant
to the chief commissary of the Depart
ment of the Missouri, has received tele
graphic Instructions from the office of the
adjutant general of tfi' army at Washing
ton assigning him to Uti'ty as chief commis
sary and purchaslng,oydTnmissary of the
Department of th Missouri, vice Major W.
H. Bean, deceased, imt 11 further orders.
An order was Issued a few weeks ago as
signing him temporarily to that duty upon
the departure of Major Bean for the Phil
ippines and under that order he would
have taken charge about May IB. How
ever, the telegraphic ' order Just received
places him In charge of the office of chief
and purchasing commissary of the depart
ment at once.
Captain Cook has been acting as assist mt
chief commissary of the department for
about one year, and Is regarded as espe
cially fitted by training and experience for
his new tejponsibllitles.
husband was the woman's nightrobe.
jg thinking about the Fresiderit Here are
gome facta about him that hv not been
published before.
Bogus Ten-Dollar Silver Cert Iflrntea
Like Former Ones Are
Captain Webb of the United States secret
service reports the appearance of a couple
more of the counterfeit 110 stiver certifi
cates in this city, which he has recovered
during the past few days. One of them
was gathered In by a South Omaha mer
chant, who had before him the printed
article from The Bee describing the coun
terfeits and their peculiar uniformity of
numbers. However, the counterfeit was
so well executed that it slipped by the mer
chant without observation and waa only
discovered when he deposited the bill In his
The other counterfeit of a like character
was recovered In Omaha. The Impression
prevails among the officers of the secret
service bureau that theso bills nre simply
holdovers from their first appearance here
and must have passed through several
'hands before their final discovery.
The Best Cure for Colds
Is Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Sure, pleasant, safe ar.d guar
anteed to soon cute, or no pay. 6uc, J1.00.
For sale by Kuhn A Co. .
Beatnurant at Institute.
The International Christian Institute Is
fettlng ready to open the In the
(ellone hotel. 8. A. Kirk and Mrs. Kirk
of Canton, O., arrived In Omjilut last nl;ht
to take charge of the dining loom. Mr.
Mme. Yale's
Almond Blossom
CWnses, softens, purifies, whiten
and beautifies the akin. Soap and water
only cleanses superficially. Mme. Yale
says: A little Almond Blossom Core
plexlon Cream should be applied every
time the face and hands are washed.
It removes the dust, soot, grime, smut,
and smudge from the Interstices of the
skin and makes the surface smooth as
velvet. A dally necessity at home and
abroad; a treasure when traveling by
land or water, or when on an outlnp; of
any kind, and particularly prized at a
seaside or mouutain resort. Protects
the skin from cutting winds, burning
rays of the sun and every Injurious ef
fect of the elements. PYevents and
cures abnormal redness of the nose or
any part of the fuce, and that purplish
hue duo to exposure to cold, also chap
ping, chafing, cold sores, fever blisters
and all Irritation of the skin. It la the
greatest known specific for burns; takes
the fire out more quickly than anything
else, soothes, heals and prevents scare
and suppuration. Indispensable for
use of Infants and every member of the
household. An exquisite natural beau
tlfler. A grateful application after shar
ing. Excellent for massage purposes.
Now in two sizes; Mme. Tale's Almond
Blossom Complexion Cream Is sold by
Drug: Dept-, Boston Store
Our Special Prices 45c and 80c
Judge Berka Grants Old Offender An
other Opportunity to May
In Tom.
.Tames Collins, a well known police char
acter, has again been given an opportunity
to leave the city, this time being under
penalty of a thirty-day sentenee. When
arraigned In police court Collins said:
"Jedge, an' shure yer a folne rnon. Just
give me wan more chance. I got tin clnts
and V" t"ke the first car out of town.
It's a good Irish mon. I am Jedge, ,an'
I nlver turn down a frlnd, nlver."
Alleged Kleptomaniac Itefuaea to
Give Police Name of Confrd.
. eratra or Any Knot.
What Is thought to be the beginning of
tho end in the case of Klla Hurst, the serv
ant arrested Inst week and charged with
many thefts from prominent homes of this
The Man Roosevelt
written by his personal friend,
at Washington throws light on many im
portant events, including
IVrtusly an4 Impartial)! told )
Tries It tS Net. Mall 1 St.
alt Booiarllvr or
D. APPLETON & CO., New York.
I. ad llnrla Hrlck Into Crowd for Jeers
and Is Arrested for Incorrigibility.
A complaint has been filed In pol ce court
by AssiHtant County Attorney U orge B.
Magney, charging Henry George with In
corrigibility. Henry Is Just 11 ytars of
age. The case has been et for March SI.
The boy with the distinguished name was
arrested Saturday on a charge of striking
Glfford Mi-Manlgal, 3301 Burdette street,
with a brick, causing a depressed fracture
of the fkull. The assault Is said to be
the result of a conspiracy of tha other
boys of the neighborhood against the
George boy, who Is a newcomer and did
not feel Inclined to mix lih the 'gang.'1
It Is stated that a crowd of boys made an
attack with snowballs on Henry earlier In
the week, on which occasion he warned
some of them If they did not dot-it some
of them would get hurt. The parents of
the George boy will enter a plea of self
defense on behalf of their son, so It Is
For your own protection when buying
ma j. i r
it. d s j mm
1B NATURAL LAXATIVE GOLf9flf 3 S3 Sl't It D f& mt
WATMf ro
Ask for It by tho full name.
of Maryland.
State of Nebraska, office of Auditor of
I'ubllc Accounts.
Um-oln, Feb. lat, 1904.
It Is hereby certitied, that the Fidelity
and Ieposlt Company of Baltimore, in the
state of Maryland, lias compiled with the
Insurance, Uw of this State, applicable
to xuch companies, and Is therefore author
ised to continue the business of Fidelity
and Surety Insurance In this State for the
current year ending January 31st. l'5.
Summary of report fileO for the year
ending December 31st. 1:S:
Prcnilums $1.S.024 V
All other sources .... 248,591.25
Total J1.536.615.6J
Pnld policy holders..) 4iS1..1".2.7
All other payment .. l,oi,Saj.7i
Total H.516,158.61
(or Sale by
Faruam 1. Omati.
warrlase Ureases.
The following marrl . licenses were Is
sued by Countv Judge n..,nh.ilr d'i-!ng
the past twenty-four hours up to n....n.
March C:
Name and Residence. Age.
CaMius C Crawford. Omaha :li
fcJit Irene Sherwood, Omaha K
William Kaschke. Omaha t
til Gertrude Krenyel, Omaha W
U K Wedding Kiaas. fcdhoUn, Jeweler.
I 1
For rates to or from all parts of
Europe via all
Reliable Trans-Atlantic
Ocean Liners
Bailings, diagrams of steamers, des
criptive pamphlets and correct infor
mation, call on or adddres:
ADM ITTKD ASSKTS 3.787,2ti7.22
Cnpald Claims and
Kxpen-es 2K8,7K1.!1
I'nearned Premiums.. 71,278.18
All oilier liabilities.. $ 990,'MUH
Capital stoc k paid up $2,000,000,00
Surplus, beyond Capi
tal Stock and other
liabilities 2.7H7.227.13 4.797.227.1S
Total 15.787.267.22
Witness my hand and the seal of the
Auditor of Public Accounts the day and
year first above written.
Auditor of Public' Accounts.
Special Agent for Nebraska.
203 I'lrht National Hank Building,
Our clerks a commission to sell you a
substitute when you ask for a patent
We will fill any doctor's prescription,
exactly as directed, olid, while with
us quality 1 of paramount importance,
our prices are notoriously low.
$1.00 lVjito-Mangan 8So
il ml Reef, Iron and Wine ."oc
tl 00 Kroner a HI on, I Remedy 7on
Cuticura, Resolvent 4"c
J1.00 Kodol 7ac
ta.i.i Chichester's Pills $l.7i
$2 .ui Tremuln's Female IHls $1.00
2.'.o DeWltt's Wl'eh Hazel Salve 2"c
ouc Wyrtb'8 Uihla. Tablets 25c
Don't forget our fresh, strawberries
with lea Cream Soda.
16th and Capitol Ave.
f aujimsaw i in 1 1 jaa
(old I run m from
get nt Teeth frnm ...
We are here to stn.
Suits for Boys
If your boy needs a new
outfit for confirmation you
will save at least one-fourth
by purchasing it here this
These suits are the best
the tailor can produce. The
prices are the most cconom
ican ever placed on such
high grade suits.
Our boys' hat and furnishing
goods department is complete with
nil the little fixings necessary for
the boys' outfit.
I J,annWiini4fcUnni
is Uncle Sam's "long suit.'' It's ours, too, if we
tlo say so. We are ready to take your small
savings in sums from $100 to $5,000 and invest
them in collective mortgage fund now in excess
of $1,000,000 and paying thus far not less than
G per cent compound interest.
Dividends are paid semi-aunually in January
and July of each year. The ''Conservative'' has
never uaid less than 0 per cent.
Over $200,000 has been paid in dividends;
has over $30,000 in a Ueserve Fund; has handled
over $5,000,000 without a loss.
If you want to get in touch with a bound and strong
savings fissotiation, the largest in Nebraska, better get in
line on our Secretary. You'll be glad and the gladness
will be mutual.
' 6
-us y, i mm
Acorn Steel Ranees
We ought to get more for Acorn ranges
thun our competitors get for the ordinary
kind, but we don't. Fart Is, our prices
save you from live to ten dollars.
As to quality, you know what Acorn are.
The Improved Hot Bhist Smoke nnd Boot
ccnminilns fire box Ik an Improvement of
great value for this spring. Prices $3(1.00,
"If you buy it of Huasle it's right."
Who's Your Tinner?
If you're building, the tlnwork Is on of
the most Important features and
Tha Furntce
la either a great comfort or a coal con
suming refrls.eralng plant. We have given
the scientific and practical features of
waim air heating years of study and each
job receives our personal attention. Don't
start wrong.
"Let Hussle do the work."
2407-09 Cuming Street. Tel. 1116.
92. sr.
tes Yi:ni.
a sf tiilfi,t.
V j
Work done free
6 null
charges for mstxriat.
from 20c.
iit-i Douglas. loom i.
HEKK are Home of the low rate which the Rock
Island Hystem offers from Omaha:
$25.00 to San Francisco Today
$25 00 to Los Angeles Today
$25 00 to Portland
$25 00 to Seattle I Today
$25 00 to Tacoma )
$22 50 to Spokane Today
$20 00 to Helena, Hutte and Anaconda. .. .Today
$45-00 to San Francisco or Los Angeles and return
April 23 to May 1 and Aug. 15 to Sept. 10.
Full information at this office.
THE BEE-.-For All the News.