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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1904)
10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MAKCIT 23. ltK. BBEI3 IF 111 The finest line of alike tor ahlrt walxtsulLs shown In the city Oreat sale of ell Jfo)o) ver mounted eb- Big Clot hi ax Sale Saturday Brandels Special Hats at $2.00 0 onv noveitiea.. Thursday. WaUhl 5 Tv LOU for ad. TUB I1BLIABLB STOHR. ! I 111 ! I) i n UST EXHIBIT GOES TO FAIR van Cws ii I lis tor Loalsl a Ezpoaftloa. j The last car of the exhibit for the Kebrsaka cotnarfeaam tt the Louisiana Purchase exposition will be shipped to 8L Louis today for Installment with the Nebraska dlsrley at the exposition. Thla will consist largely of fine ipwlmem of Corn, sheaf grain and grass product. The entire force of assistants In the employ of the commission will leave for Bt. Louis during the present week and Mr. Jamn Walsh, superintendent of the Nebraska srlctiltural exhibits, will leave Saturday for the name destination to remain In definitely. Work then will beln In fixing the Ne braska, display and will be In chara-e of expert men, so that the exhibit will be as artlstlo as skilled Ingenuity can make It. Ko effort will be spared to make the Nebraska, display on of the finest In the Agricultural palace. Berretary Bhedd Is already to St. Loots and lias been for some weeks; looking tfter matters. The Nebraska boot, fit abret ready for the fttusMng tiwuliee and crnly awaits the ar ttral of tfn present shipment to make It cssnpfetOi Will Io All Thla for Ton. T. Khurs New life IHls pnt vim. rigor life Iota every nerve, muscle and of the body. Try them. Sc. For aeJe by Xnhn A Co. W. Q. GERREMS, Pres. 209-21 1 South Fifteenth Street Shall Nicoll make your Easter Garments? YOU'LL pick of the chok est new fabrics if you pick NOWt Our spring fabrics are sprouting forth Ilk surprise party of crocus under the snow. Spring Suits ivt $8.98 A Suit Special at $8-98 The new Eton Jacket eriects are very nrsttilv mawlA In these a-ulta siclrta ere handsomely trlmxned the new aleevea, true new colors artd trie smart obw CaJarica for spring, at "8 - Stamdax New Softs at $14.83 The and military effect jacket, the skirts, trimmed with buttons, etc. a hundred fetching n.ov elty styles In late spring shades, at.......... .... ..... .... new new blouse Dutch 14 Corert and Silk Jacket--The swell new things made ln the popular short J9 fQ styles. Just the right weight fj for spring rery smart style, at... v Ladies' Qolf Skirt at $2.98 Made of ' pretty and nov elty cloths-new ewv no hip yokes, etc., at 2 8S m Charming Spring Millinery Our new millinery department the largest west of Chicago Is filled with the beet new cre&Uona for spring and summer, wear. Every model 1 artistic and many are entirely exclusive with na. An Omaha, showing- was never so filled wttti charming modes. Our Oreat S5 Trimmed Hat Offer Beautiful trimmed hats, made cf chiffon, horse hair braid, maltnes and fancy straw ln the newest and smartest shapes handsomely trimmed worth up to $12.BO each, at Model Hats at $10 The most exquisite styles the product of our own unexcelled workrooms, as well as the designs of famous foreign and American milliners a wide variety, at The new Flower Hats are arriving dally. The styles ai and attractive for Easter wear, W Invite your inspection, m en tr Third Floor.) its, made $5 proauci or $10 extremely pretty (Millinery Depart- Silk Bargains at 29c Yard 29c Shirt waist silks, taffetas, silks for pettlooats, foulards, pongee silks, etc., some slightly damaged, on sale at, a yard , Sale of Laces at 22c, 5c, 10c Sample strips of embroideries, galloons, inserting and bands, white, oream, ecru and linen f 1 0 shades vals, point d'Parls, net tops, eta., atC- JC"IUC All Llnea Handkerchiefs for ladles and men some now on display In our show window, at, each 121c ry. n I Every one doesn't know It BUT YOU DO-so make tba others pick after yon. Trousers $5 to $12 Suits $20 to $50 We want you to examine the generous variety en ur tables we want you to see the linings that will go Into your suit snd last but not least we want you to Inspect the workmanship on finished garment. Our cutters are ready to measure you up If you'll drop In today SPECIAL SALE By request, and for the benefit of our customers and the public, we will plaos on bale for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the following spoctais: TWENTY DOLLARS IN OREEN TRADINO BT AMI'S with each combination package of 1 pound of K.... 85c 1-lb. can of The Boston je" Bakiii- Powder, at 40 C fssal. can of maple syrup, Q9q JEIOHT DOLLARS IN GREEN TRADING STAMPS with. I pounds of our best Mocha and I on Java Coffee, for IsUU FIVTO DOLLARS IN GREEN TRAD .INO BTAMPtf with each 1-1 b. ran of Mocha and Java Coffee, OREEN TRADING STAMPS with all meat, flsh, poultry and same pur chases. Fresh nab. every day Black !, Cropplas, gunnab. Catfish, Bull he1. White, Trout. Pike, Smelts ana severul other kinds can be had bare all the time. Fresh vegetabloa of sll kinds. Follow the crowds to Omaha's only down-town OREEN TRADING STAMP Meat Market and Grocery, THE EOSTCI HEAT & GROCERY CO. -1 , SIS Hart SLatecath St. iA SPECIAL NOTICE IN ADVANCE OF THE LADIES' OXFORD TIES AND SLIPPERS WHICH WILL GO . On Sale Thursday, March 24 TITIS is the entire floor etoch of (7, J. Fox, Haverhill, Mass., which we bought very much under price. The sale will include ladies opera, Cuban and military heel, vici Jcid oxford ties, half Louis heel, fancy scroll pattern patent leather oxford ties, and an immense assortment of ladies' slippers and strap sandals of every description. All these, oxfords and slippers are strictly hand-sewed. The - price during the sale will be One Dollar and Fifty-nine Cents a pair. There are all sizes and all widths, and coming at this time of the year, when everybody will be wanting just these hinds, it will be a grand opportunity. On Sale fwaa s& n li E-fc E-I cs THURSDA Y cm. Second Floor L, com MARCH 24. "Outside" and "InsideM Paint This LAR Is the "GENERAL" or "REQL- line of Btierwin-WUIams Paint In tended for all Kenrral purposes. It's, the paint for the OUTSIDE of dwelling, al though it la equally as good fur INSIDE worn, its gooa paint ror roors and fences, but C'KKOSITB PAINT will do as well for these purposes and la cheaper. This Is. the line of paint bearing the three big letters 8. W. P. In this line of paint are 40 shades, Including all the beau. If ul YELLOWS, TANS. DRABS. SLATE COL ORS. LIGHT AND DARK GREENS, BROWN, CHOCOLATE. RICH MAROON, LAVENDER and AZURE BLUE. It doed not come in smaller than quart cans. It is put up ln quart cans for 6oc; half gallons, Mo, and gallons, for 11.60. Five finllon csns for $7.75. - In barrel nf 60 khI ims. II 60 galloa EVERT GALLON WILL COVER THREE HUNDRED FEET TWO (2) COATS. CALL FOR COLOR CARD. Shsrinan&McGonnellDrugGo., Cornor 16th and Dodge, Omaha, Neb. Mrs. J. Benson We are showing all the new and desirable stjlea in SPRING CORSETS The long or Habit Hip for full or medium figures. The Kb art Tlip or Girdle for slender figures. The best corset waists that are made for ladips, misses and children. Oux corset department include prices from the lowest to the best. Foot Fashions ' for Easter ,We are ready to fit our cus tomers with shoes of the latest spring styles In all the new leathers. Correct shades ln tan Russia, and the new patent, leathers, made up with dull aid topa and dull buttons, finely finished and with original features not to be seen In the ordinary shoes. $3.50, $4, $5 Thesa prices wfll buy more style, more quality and more satisfaction for the feet at this stuns than anywiiara ea. CTYiTMECO. HI H THE GLORIES OF EASTER. The eeasonrs finest ideas th.e rarest pro ducts of the best ar tistic and industrial brains in the world are pouring into this huge merchandise center almost every hour of the day. For weeks past our buyers have been on the New York and Eastern markets with your Interests and tastes as their guides. No better discrimination Is possible, for notody appreciates your demands better than our buy ers. RESULTS: Xo store surpasses ours in Easter prepar ations in style-facts and in money-saving realities. Green Trading Stamps with all purchases in all depart ments all the time. See the little sticker here and there? It means there are extra specials about GROCERY BEST AND FRESHEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. THAT TELLS. Two Dollars forth Green Trading; Stamps with two pound Stone Jar Pine tf,f: ..30c Imported Sardines, can. . Baked Beans, 3 lb. oan Salmon, 1 lb, can Preserves, assorted, large Jar. Boiled Oats. 1 lb. pks; Table Syrup, I lb. can . Mo . lOo , 10c . 10c ...lOo .12V40 Full we4sht milk can .". lOe Cero Fruto, pkg lOo Gelatine, pkg; 10c Olives, bottle c $1.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with each package Social Tea Uv llll Biscuit, pkg..' $1.00 WORTH GREEK TRADING STAMPS WITH ; EACH 2 LB. CAN BEN. NETTS Breakfast I Qrj ifliiee, can . . tu jfaracalbo Coffee, per lb 15c Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per lb.... 28o TEAS B F Japan, Oolong, Gun powder, per. lb '.. 38c Imperial Japan, lb.. 25a Tea Sittings............. 15c BUTTER Reoetved every day from the beat dairies ln the country. Fresh country butter, per lb 15o Bennett's Capitol Creamery, per lb. 7o The New York World on sale In the Stationery Department. Cut the Trading Btamp Coupon from Its funny page won't Injur the paper-bring it to our premium par lors on the second floor any day np to Saturday and get on dollar's worth of Green Trading Stamps for It mm THE O.NLY" IJave you seen the wonderful In-oV.btior.an1.broo,,',T- hchlngVhlc'ken; wlndow.UmOT Se " la lUTM" Poultry raisers are specially Invito llllSZZ nt U,1 rUW? WslII Pper w , colorings and designs In omss, eto?r,Wn ffects' T. Art Plate Ralls, Room Mouldings and all shades of Burlaps. """"a" "u THIRD FLOOR Rocker Special Would You Buy a Rockar With One-Halt tha Price Chipped Off? LOOK'B HCREI Solid Oak, golden finish, saddle seat, high back and arms, finely finished, substantial and comfortable. Reg ularly sells for $4.00, 1 CI special at. ! There are only 50 of them better come early. They'll find new owners in a hurry at this price. THIRD FLOOR A STAMP SENSATION WITH WOMEN'S SUITS Wednesday we will sell fifty-five women's Tailor-made suits, made from fine Venetian cloth, Trim med with satin bands, jackets lined with ex- ff JPV tra flne mercerized sateen, style Eton with jrX drop girdle, value $10 price Wednesday. . vf r J With each suit we will give $10 worth of Green Trading Stamps , PONGEE SILK Special offering of plain and silk embroidered, ln all col- QQf ors, Wednesday, at 2JW Dress Goods for Wednesday. NEW BICIUANS Special for Shirt Waist Suits Colors, brown, tan navy French blue, champagne and black; also black and white com- blned. Tills is a I1.U0 Quality Wednesday c" BLACK SlCIiiAN-vAn extraordinary offering, T5o quality, 60C at Cotton Dress Goods CALICO DRESS LENGTH, gg at PERCALE Drees length, 75 patterns, Gingham dross length, 12Ho- TXc quality w MOrSSELlNE DH SOTE-Sheer and-tneuo aM eanstn "ajoioo iraJ2Bn pagne, light Wue. pink, white, at ul' JTACGTJARD CREPE The newest sheer wash dress material and all theQf. new elegant colors. selUng in New York at l.0-Wedneaday our price.. UOW SHEETS Fine heavy muslin, sis 72x30 Inches, 49 C for a NAPKIN SNAP 23 inches, all pure linen, worth $2.26 Wednesday syg per dosen - E0 DOZEN LADIES'' LISLE GLOVES 1 studd embroidered, all slsea from to 8, black, white, gray, tan, mode, brown value up to 0c to open 2Sc the rummer glove season we put thum on sale at, per pair Green Trading Stamps Every Time LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN OMAHA. ' The only store where Stylish M illinery Properly Priced It's worth your while to look. , Beautiful Hats at $350, $5.00 and $750 Street hat sale Wednesday. 1508 Douglas Street. SJW is. Trading Stamps Free With All Cash Purchases Boys' and Children's Fino Suits TUB GREATEST LINE OP BOTS" KNEE PANTS SUITS ever shown ln the city. special for 1 Cfl Wednesdav C.Uil These suits come in sll the latent snd rnoet populnr fabrics, such as caseimrres, womteda, cheviots, serges, etc, In blue, black, brown nd gray mixtures, fancy mixtures, plaids, fanny strlprs snd Iliilri colors, all handsome, well madn 8uli moot of them with double seat and knnes. m-orth twice what we ) IJr nk Wednexilay, special ........ t'OU WE ARE HEAn3tTARTEUS FOR llOXS' We have th kvee r A Kra ntirro h. double breastpd two piece and three piece. wU,iu uMimieu aiyia, mnue up in all tne mnpt popular fabrlos, In rlaln blnck, DOU 5y BREASTED BUITS at U2i .i.on snd Joint. THREE-lMKCE SUITS at $8.50l $3.95. KM snd up to KM). YOUTHS' IXJNO TANT8 BUIT8-4n hlack. for oontirmaUnn, in slnsln snd double breasted stylos the (rrealest line In the city, st 16. To. 16.60. $7.M snd up to I10.0. von tau to see our line and get opr prices. Now Is the Time to Buy Furnituro The prices we are making; are money-savers. We bay left a few of those k . SAMPLE IRON BEDS. chJnJe. " "eUlnr at & Pr cent "CCHlnt tnra Tlar price. Dont mUs thla A FEW OTHER BARGAINS ARB $2.36 sewing- rocker $?.95 arm rocker .... 11.28 SIM tS.tO arm rocker ,..12.23 11.60 arm rocker .... fj.jtf $13.25 conch , ...... ,...$9.00 $15.00 couch , ............ ..$11.60 $30.00 t-plece parlor suite ...$1,86 $38.00 (-piece parlor pulte .....$27.00 $18.50 S-plece parlor suit , ....... .$1160 t drawer chlfTonlere $4.60 Dressers $7.50, $R.60, $S.R0 and up. Combination book case and desk, $12.60, $13.60 and up. $14.60 sideboard M $9.60 $15.60 sideboard .......... ...... $10.50 C7.50 sideboard ...$M.60 $3.26 center table, 24-inch top, at $L2f y' Aro You Looking for Bargains Don't Pass Those Up. WOMEN'S SUlTS-made of Lyman's wool . WOMEN'S WAISTS-tn ah new materials. fihflVICilR fttnn mftstftm alii. 1 1 ,-. I . i . I . . . . - ---- v.,vUn- i ' ' j uiiuiiicu. in. axxaiesc nareaia out. silk drop- 14 OH Tu ever saw. worth CiLl worth $36.00-Wednesday I4.VU up to $3.otu-Wednesday .VOC WOMEN'S WHAPPERS ln heavy Sea Island percales, ruffles on shoulder. o Q 16-lnch flounoe, made to sell at $1.60-speclal for Wednesday ZfOC Wednesday's Domestic Room Bar- $1.60 Ttrrkey red table clothes, I wide, i yards long, gniar anteed fast color $1.86 all' linen, hemstitched table 2 yards wide, 24 yards long;, at Standard apron check Bingham White joods, all kinds, worth up to 12fto yard, at Tard wide percales, lis ht and dark patterns, cheap at loo yard at .... gams, yards 69c Cloth, 1.29 ,...5c ...5c ,5ic 68o linen finished bleached sheets, S-inch hem, 24 yards wide, 2tt yards lonir at Ida linen finished pillow cases, fn 42 lbohes wide. 8S"A Inches lonr IUU Standard dress prints at White meroerlsed wa latinos, IRn nrlh iftfw. at vard - AtJW Sootch suftlr.jrs, worth 10, yard, Wednesday 49c .. 33c Hardware, Stoves, Ilousofurnishings 71c, SEE WHAT IT WILL BUY- 71c Fancy wood salt box Ttto $ boxes tooth ploks THo Pullman tronser hanjrers 7o Fun size claw hammer ....... To J-arm nickel towel rack 7o Royal shoe polish 740 Ixiatberette lunob boxas ...7'-o Carpet stretcher ....... .. .....-..THo Shoe brush THo Aama Frr nan 'Vic SPECIAL SALE ON BLUB AND WHITE ENAMELEDWARB DID YOU GET ONE OF THOSE NEW CONNECTICUT THEY CUT EVERYTHING. ON BALE N OW. Wood knife and fork tray TVio Two bottles machine oil ....... ........7Vio Two long rolls toilet paper 7V4a Granite pie plates 7'4a 14x21 photo nolders ....... ..... 'no Fine shaving brush 7Ho Handy fruit sllcer Jo Soldering set JHo Rtnve nrusn ...... . it" (piece garden set . ...7VW FOOD CHOPPERS NO MONEY DOWN Our Terms 50c, 75c and $1 Per Week WKy Be Shabby for Easter When you can gmt a uit from $5 to $20 and pay little each payday. Fine Line of Up-to-date ReadyMado Ladles', Men's and Children's Wear- Ing: Apparel Ladies' Flna Suita from $5.00 to $28 Ladles' Fine Skirta from $1.48 to $20 Ladles' Fine Trimmed Hats.., .$2.50 to $15 Ladles' Fine Shirt Waista from $ 1.48 to $8 Men's and Boys' Suits We have a fine line of men'a aulta which will equal any ready-mad garment in the city. Boys' and youth's auita from $2 to $12. Ladles' Shoes. $2 to $4. rhutn of 14 stores makes bar gains poaaibie. Lsrgeat dealers in middle west en credit plan. YOUR CREDIT IS UOOD II. B. Ridgley Mdse. Company, 316 South lSthbtreet, Oo 15th, Betweaa Parnaa and tlaraey treete. 1 CLOSING OUT 00a Bargains in Sewing Machines Xfm jjjjy, n atock a few machines sllgh tly scuffed up and shop worn, but other wise new of standard main with rotupl ete attachments and latest styles, which we will sell at a OK EAT RKJJUCT1 lO.M. as long as they 'last. Cows quick and get choice of rhe bargulua. . Machint reutad at 7So per week or ti 08 pr month. P. E. FLO DAI AN & CO., TELLPUONE 1974. 1514 CAPITOL, AVCMUE. Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON at I HtU H Bead ei Q and Wed PUtswath ao4 Capttol Aro. ear apeetal ad" every SoBday Wsdnssdsy la Tha Baa. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rta J'keteasaasaa lUaatsattoasa K Oold t Gold -t:iltia.. Sliver run Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 M..iTd aa. BAILEY, TIIE DENTIST. 02tahllahed im.) 14 rUOOM. k'AJLTON BLOCK. Piles Cured VriTHOTTT PAIN By W. C. Mstawelt. M. U. Oraduato ef ItelWvue il -MiJtuJ Madlca CaU lre o Now York Cite. Baa b ami ilia. iMnaiia. Km. TL ad.