Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1904, PART I, Image 7

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Wmrleyi Win Chimpionih'p of Omiht
Leaps by Eligh: Ma-gin,
Scores Mss by he Mm Who Meat
ThrOBBh the Reason Bach
Woald Ik ;ood la
Air city.
Well, the agony la over at last. The
Omaha Bowling league sesson ended In a
Has of glory on Hellerk's alley Friday
night and the Waverlry's take the big end
of the tournament In a gait somewhat
slower than a walk, having won thirty
seven out of the sixty-three games they
played. At the atari the Omaha club waa
very much a favorite, particularly with
Itself, and atarted the thing going wl'h
all klnda of fireworks, but at the finish
the beat they ran lay claim to la a apllt
of third money with the Armours. The
tallendera are the Colts, who loat out to
the tune of 3 to 25, loat and won, roepcct
Ively. The Individual work of the membera
of the teama haa. In many Instance, been
little abort of wonderful. Seven men have
bowled an average game of from 158 to
189, counting all the gnmea In which they
have bowled In the tournament. It la
doubtful If aa good a record an thia haa
been made In any other city the slse of
Omaha In the entire country. Bartach
had an average of 198 for eighteen gamea,
but thia waa not gamea enough to en Ills
him to the prise money. Following are
the wlnnera and a summary of all the
gamea played, aa well aa the Individual av
erages: Standing; of (tie Clnha.
Clubs. Played. Won. IoM
P. C.
Wh verleya 3
Clarksons (VI
Omiitms M
Armoura fit
fit. Charles Kt
Krug Parka W
Natlonuls !
Colts 63
37 21
Hi iW
S3 30
3.1 30
33 31
29 34
28 3
25 38
Rank and Name.
1- Heed, H. D...
2 Frltacher
4 Welty
s Kmcry
6 Francisco
7 Chandler
Gnmes. Plna. Average.
h h.mi
S3 12.3A4
33 6.3M
S3 11,97
63 H.9M
SO 11.379
196 16-63
192 18-33
190 12-1.1
189 47-63
1S9 39-60
189 14-63
1K9 5-54
188 46-63
187 2K-.'
186 47-63
...63 11,921
S Brunka 64
-Hodzes 63 11. WW
V lo-Mockett S9 7,K!1
, 11 Dennmn 68 11.7H6
.13-Huntlngton 11."
13 Zarp 63 11,733
186 41-60
186 35-36
185 58-0)
185 44-63
18 27-45
182 10-15
182 26-60
181 16-18
181 24-33
181 14-30
180 24-48
179 51-47
179 49-63
178 22-67
178 4-42
177 26-54
176 -!
175 30-67
175 12-46
173 13-27
172 37-54
172 33-51
172 24-42
172 18-36
172 4-63
171 11-51
170 89-42
170 27-42
170 20-36
170 8-12
170 4-64
169 95-60
168 6-18
167 13-21
167 10-21
166 6-18
164 8-18
? 6-45
160 6-9
157 4-24
156 6-6
150 1-8
14 Zimmerman sa 11,71
36 6.695
16 Potter
17 Marble
1 16 Conrad . .
19 Cochran .,
20 Neale
' 21 Norton ...
22 Baldwin .
23 Foracutt .
24 Hunter ..,
25 Schneider
' ?6 Wlamnn .
27 Hughea ...
' 2ft Olrrde
2 Bengele ..
- RO Tracy ....
81 Fowler ...
R2 Clarkaon
S3 Banka , ...
. 34 Jonea ....
! 36 Bonnell ..
. 37 Oriftlth ..
' l French ...
, 39 Lehman .
. 40 Schneider,
41 Beaelln ..
42 Weber ...
43 Reynolda
44 Oreenleaf
45 Chrlatla .
46 Clay
I 47 Ollchreat
4N Ca rter . . .
60 11.158
63 11.699
60 10.946
18 ' 3,274
33 5.9P7
30 5.444
48 8.664
67 10,254
63 11,326
67 10.168
42 7.5W
54 9.584
S8 4.958
61 R.5
87 10.005
45 7.887
8. SOS
63 10.840
61 8.732
.. 42
.. 42
..' 36
.. 12
.. 54
60 10,175
18 3.030
49 Norene 27
t' 50 Sheldon 27
51 Sherwood in
' 52 Mead 16
53 Belleck 16
54 Ahmanaon 45
' 55 Toder
56 Reed, A. C 24
57- Klng 6
r 68 Murphy 6
Two of Star Players Oat of Nlao, bat
Chaaeri Still Good.
BELLEVl'B. March 19 Notwlthatand
Ing the fact that Bellevue la to
loaa Ita beat two all around playera.
Stewart and Btouffer, there are prospects
of a fine ahnwtna- In baae ball here thia
' aeaaon. Baae ball la a popular gam
among tha atudenta and even more popu
lar anion the collese authorities. Kvery
' afternoon the twenty or more Candida tea
i for the varloua teama gather on the ath.
i letlc field Immediately behind the college
building and attended by a email nut aa-
mlrlns rrouD of onlookeri. go through
? their daily round of practice. Moat of tha
playera have been membera of different
town teama about the country. They wear
, their own auita In moat caaea and tha
i many lively colore dlaplayed add agree-
The playera of the flrat team will prob
ably bo aa follows: Captain Shellldy.
alneea Manager Klce, c.artner, mcp ay-
den, Hart, Benson, Ollren, Croasman, Thur-
ber, Zellera. Woodward, Votew and Miller.
or theae uartner and Mcravden will al
ternate In catching, with Hart probably
on flrat baae. No other Dlacea are In anv
way aura and even theae are subject to
change In caae better men are found or
the proapectlve aucceaaful candidate falla
to keep up to tna required standard. Much
regret la expressed by all baae nail en.
thualaata here that Btouffer has been re
called home on buatneaa. Hie absence may
make a bad gap in tha team, but It la
hoped that arrangement can be made by
htm to rejoin the team before tha aeaaon
la out. If he doea. Bellevtie will have the
atrongeat team It haa had In years. The
weakneaa heretofore haa been on baaea
and In batting. Thia year a marked Im
provement la obaerved, especially In hat
ting. Time after time the leather ephere
haa been caught In a awlft curve on the
hat and aent flying over tha head of the
outermost fielder. Benaon, Stouffer and
DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 Comes from ths kidney secretions. Tha experi
enced physician knows at once the kidneys sre sick when be examines the
urine. You can tell for yourself. Urine that is pale and foamy that is high
ly colored, reddish, blood like that contains sediment or "brick-dust like" de
posit on standing, points to sick kidneys. Infrequent or too frequent urina
tion and all urinary difficulties are danger signals which call for prompt use
of Doan's Kidney Pills.
DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2-Comes from the bsck. Backache pains In
many forms algnal sick kidneys tell of overworked, congested kidneys warn
you of Impending danger. A "bad back" is misery enough of itself, but fsr
worse Is In store, for those who neglect its warning nerrous conditions sleep
less nights -despondency failing eyesight muscular soreness Rheumatic pains
nd many exhauktivs aches. Doan's
bladder, snd are endorsed by people
A Trial Free
To Omaha Bss Readers.
hi tra fetal kaa. bmS at aaaaaa to
ra (.!., aaa.ia. pi. u
, nta aaoMsi ei
V ratii ft tarte. W ' J
Vnnw f mam wwuLzf
Shellldy are among the beat battera of
the team. On the field. Zellera, Thurher,
CrnMmnn, Benaon and Votaw rank beet.
The echedule for the year la not com
pletely filled yet. but a game with the
t'nlverslty of Nebraska and with moat of
the adjacent collegia la expected.
Veteraao, Heavily Played Fsvnrlts,
Wine the Thnratoa Stakes at
SAN FRANCISCO; Maxch J9.-Veterano,
the heavily played favorite, won the Thorn
ton atakea at four mllea at Oakland today
in the preeience of about 6.000 people. Rio
Shannon waa a dlatanoe aecond. with Sailor
Knot third. The track waa very muddy.
The Thornton had a value of 2.23o. Re
aulta: Firae race, five furlonga. welling: Billy
Moore won, Batldor aecond, Decoy third.
Time: 1:32.
Second race Futurity course, selling:
Matt Hngnn won. Flaneur second. Bard
Burna third. Time: 1:J8.
Third race, mile and an eighth, selling:
Mr. Famum won. The Fretter second. Fill
D Or third. Time: 2:01.
Fourth race. Thornton ataken, four mllea:
Veterano won, Rio Shannon aecond. Sailor
Knot third. Time: 7:37.
Fifth race, alx furlong, aelllng: Mlety'a
Pride won. Ocyroha aecond. The Hawaiian
third. Time: 1:17.
Sixth race, mile and seventy yarda. handl
enp: Arabo won. Warts Nlcht eeoor.d, O.
W. Trahern third. Time: 1:49V
I-OS ANGELES. March 19. Ascot resulta:
Flrat race, one mile, aelllng: Erne won.
Sherry aecond. The Covsnanter third. Time:
Second race, Blauson course, selling: Jim
Core won, Wager aecond, MacFlecknoe
third. Time: 1:12.
Third race, mile and an eighth, hurdle,
handicap: MUaa won, May second, Walter
third. Time: 2:07.
Fourth race, five furlongs. Sji Monica
stake, 2-vear-olda: Plnkerton won, Peggy
Mine aecond, Alrahtp third. Time: i:ta.
Fifth race, mile and seventy yarda. handi
cap: McOrathlana Prince won, Formaster
aeoond, Fonoaata third. Time: 1:46H.
Sixth race, one mile, selling: Invletna
won. Jinarler aecond. Merwan third. Time:
NEW ORLF-AN8. March 19. -Results:
Flrat race, alx furlonga: Marltana won.
Alllata second,- Lurallghter third. Time:
Second race, mile and seventy yarda:
Santa Teresa won, Potente second. Dr.
Carrlck third. Time: 1:50.
Third raoe, five and a half furloriga:
Ladv Radnor won, Sharpblrd second. Ex
tralaw third. Time: 1:09.
Fourth race, mile and a quarter. New
Louisiana stake: Mauser won, Ralnland
aecond, Oravlna yilrd. Time: 2:13.
Fifth race, alx furlongs: Foxy Kane won,
Katie Powers aecond, St. Tammany third.
Time: 1:16. .....
Sixth race, aelllng. mile and a sixteenth:
Tancred won. Moderator second, Mldehlp
man third. Time: 1:53.
HOT SPRINGS. March M. Results:
Flrat race, mile and a quarter, selling:
Mlaa Eeon won, John E. Owene aeoond,
D.nn m third Time: 2:15.
Rn.nrt race otiA mile, aelllns: Satin
Coat won. Bandlllo aecond, Ralph Young
third. Time: 141H. ,
Third race, alx furlonga, selling: Marl
boro won, Apnle Sweet second, Laura
Hunter third. Time: t:i.
Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth, handi
cap: Kenova won, Olenwood second. Flora
Bright third. Time: i:4&.
virth nr. air furlonm. handlcan: Paul
Whalev won. Joe Goes second, Irby Ben
nett third. Time: 1:14H. t
Sixth race, six rurionss: neue mum
won. Marco aecond, Mike Strauas third.
Time: 1:1.
Seventh race, alx furlonga, aelllng: An
selger won. Febv Blue aecond, Cohasaett
third. Times 1 :15H-
stake: nommatiohs arr i.arg.
Harlem Jockey Clik Hn l.noa Horses
JCaaief In leaioa'i Kvesta.
CHICAOO. March II. With 1.601 nomina
ting for the twelve stakes of the 1904 aea
aon the Harlem Jockey club clalme to have
eatabllahed a new record for high totala
In the number of entries to racing nxiures
of this olase. The chief Increase la In the
cventa for the S-year-olda and l-year-oda
and la aald to carry a corresponding better
ment or class. .
Of the big atakea. the 315.099 Harlem Na
tional handicap haa 112 entries the Twen
tieth Centurv HI and the M. I.ewla Clark
atakea. resarded as a tryout for ths Amer
ican Derby, haa 97 entries.
Tennis Tournament for Soath Dakota.
ottittv ciT.T.n March 19. tSneelal.t At
nuiitt nf tha Atmi Falla Tennis c'ub
new omcera were eieciea tor m i ui i
year and definite action vsa taken on the
matter of arranging for the firat annual
aate tennis tournament, which will be
held on the grounda or tne local isnnia ci"n
v. iai.. nap. na.r .iiiiv i ,i fihw ijiii-
r. h tncal ctnh are: President. B. C.
Dow; vice president. Ror Sherwood: peo-
A.ttv-raaiirr A. J. Keim. Al sno'ner
meeting of the club, to be held In the near
future, the various committees to arrange
for the state tournament will be named.
The grounds of the local club will be re
aurveyed and aeveral courta will bs added
before the Hate tournament.
Close Basket Ball Coateat.
A. . vrmr v. r . .nk . a QmI.I 'Hal-
JUWA till, -
egram.) In one of the moat aensatlonal
games ever played In Iowa City the atate
universuy won win j .
championship from Orlnnell by the acore
or 23 to i. unmxn an nwimi "
M T - n.ntaln mllntA,. tn.
atar game ior wwa. v -Grlnnell.
In the curtain ralaer the fresh
men gins aeieaiea m auy num v, o n -
to 2.
Two at West Point. ,
WEST POINT. Neb., March II. (Special.)
William II. Bhaber and Mlaa Mary D.
Moaemgn were united In marriage In thia
city today by County Judge Dewald. Ths
parties live In ths eastern portion of Cum
ing county and will reside near Oakland.
Carl Buach of Thurston county and Mlaa
Anna Glister were married In thia city
by County Judge Dewald. Ths groom la
a proaperoua farmer living near Pender
and the bride a daughter of one of the
oldest settlers and most prominent families
ln( Cleveland precinct.
BEATRICE. Neb., March 19 (Special. -Mr.
Samuel D. Ruth, a prominent young
business man of this city, and Miss Marls
Catherine Dueck were married Thursday
at the home of the bride's parents at St.
Louis. The young couple will be at home
to their friends In Beatrice after April 1.
Kidney Pills cure all ills of kidneys
you know.
Fred Miller, employed at Edqulsfs meat market, 17th and Clark streets.'
living st No. loll Isard street, says: "I have been so bad with my back that
I could scarcely atoop. After stooping I could scsrtly straighten and trou
ble with the kidney secretions existed. I tried every kind of remedy guaran
teed to bo a surs curs for kidney complaint, snd slthough I was never com
pelled to stop working I havs score of times felt Inclined tbst way. Two
boxes of Doaa'a Kidney Pills, procured at Kchn A Co.'s drug store, corner
15th snd Douglas streets, cored ms. If I bars a recurrence, of kidney com
plaint I know what to use.'
Omaha DriTing Club Holds Eothniieitio
Aaonil Meeting.
flew Officers F.lected and roaamllteea
Kaaaea to Have Charge of tho Clafc
sag Track Affairs Darlag
tke Seasoa.
That there will be something doing In the
horse racing line In Omaha th!a summer
waa settled beyond peradventura at a meet
ing of ths Omaha Driving club, held at the
Her Grand hotel last night. It took consid
erable scoring on ths part of the membera
before they got the word, but when they
did atrlks their gait they went down to the
wire In a bunch, with Floyd J. Campbell
hugging the pole. Myron L. Iearned was
In ths Judges' stand and held the stop
watch on the members to the eminent aatla
factlon of all, and they went the quarter
and then the half with never a aklp. Hob
bles were barred for the time being, for It
was a square trot from the word to the
wire without a flag being shown.
In other words, ths meeting waa entirely
harmonloua and enthusiasm for the racing
gamo was most plentiful. The meeting; was
for the purpose of a thorough reorganiza
tion of the club and to get Its affairs Into
shape for the coming season. All this waa
accomplished and even more. The attend
ance was thoroughly representative of not
only the amateur racing Interests, but of
the substantial business Interests of the
city, and aa such aaaurea that ths coming
eason will witness some rare sport In the
fast horse line In this city.
The business of the meeting waa atarted
with the election of ths following adminis
trative board for the ensuing year: Presi
dent, Fred Nash; vice prealdent, T. C.
Byrne; treasurer, Thomas B. McPherson;
secretary, J.. W. Carr. Committees were
appointed to administer the affairs of the
varloua meets that It Is proposed to hold:
Track, C. C. Kendall, Clinton Brlggs and F.
J. Campbell; membership, L. F. Crofoot, J.
L. Baker and C. C. Kendall; to have charge
of the first matinee, Messrs. Kendall and
Crofoot; second, McKey and Learned;
third, Brlgga and Campbell; fourth, Thomp
son and Northcott.
It was decided that the first meeting
hall be held on May 30, ths next June II
and one every two weeka thereafter until
eight ahall have been held.
J. Northcott. Clinton Brlgga, R. A, Thomp
son, Henry Dunn and W. A. McKey were
chosen a board of directors. It was then
voted, after some discussion, to raise the
membership fee from $6 to $10. and a aet of
rules, previously prepared, to govern tha
conduct of the meets and races was unant
moualy adopted.
Tho grounds at the track are to be hn
proved, unelghtly objecta removed, fences
and barns painted and ths whole area ma
terially allcked up and put In attractive
condition. Bands of music will be a fea
ture of the matinees this summer, and
various other attractions Will be arranged
as ths aeaaon progresses. One of these
will be the exhibition here late In the sum
mer of Dan Patch,, one of the country's
most wonderful equine performers. Alto
gether the meeting left. nothing to be de
sired In the minds of all 'lovers of horse
racing for horse racings sake, and gives
promise that Omaha will fare better In this
line throughout the summer, than ever be
fore. The meeting was closed with a. vote
of thanks to Landlord, Rome. Miller for the
use of his green room liii which 4&e meet
Ing was held.
ratine Sapsoaea to Ha vs Left 'Wife
Child and Come to Onibi.
LEIGH. Neb., March 19. - Special. )-Two
weeka ago William O'Dell. a farmer who
Uvea three miles weat of this place, shipped
a carload of cattle and a team of horsea
to Bouth Omaha. Ha has not returned to
hla family Up to thia time, and It la re-
poriea nere tnat lie does not Intend to.
He Waa indehted to his father-In. In
the sum of $8uJ. e-nd before leaving he
made a bill of sale conveying what ner.
sonal property he owned to him, which
amounted to about S00. As aoon as Mrs
O'Dell became suspicious that somethlna.
was wrong ahe telesranhed hep fnth.r a
J. Wheeler, who Uvea at Dunlop, Mo., and
he came at once and took charge of the
property. He la disposing of It as fast as
he can and when the business Is settled
up here he will take his daughter and her
child home with him. O'Dell is evidently
In Omaha at present, aa he haa been heard
from there a couple of tlmea during the
paei wee.
Lectares at Former Pastorate.
BLAIR, Neb., March II (Special.) Rov
S. C. Green, for several .years paator of
ths Baptist church at York, Neb., and
formerly in ccarge here, gave hla lecture,
"The World Do Move," at the Baptist
church on Thursday evening for ths benefit
of one of the Junior societies of the church.
Mr. Green combined the giving of his lec
ture wtth a general visit and farewell to
hla many friends In Blair, as he will soon
move from York to Rocky Ford, Colo.
W. D. Haller for State Senate.
BLAIR, Neb., March . (Special.) The
name of W. D. Haller la being prominently
mentioned as a candidate for atate aenator
from Washington and Dodge counties. In-
Ths new waists show the Istest
Ideas la style ths new sleeves
ths fancy stock and all the little
touches that display artistic skill.
X CI C for white Japanese
silk waists.
2.95 :
for dotted musll n
hlrt waists.
Inn for sheer lawn shirt
UU waists.
Suits, Skirts, Millinery
You cannot recall an Easter season event where buying
will appeal more forcibly than the values here offered.
We've planned this sale to meet your immediate demands
for correct attire. The latest fashions are extensively
represented garments of best materials and tailoring.
Extra. Offering Women's
Suits and Voile Skirts
fHO.OO for a very styllah new spring suit a suit
that cannot bo duplicated anywhere now or
Inter at this price. It Is made of fine all wool
cheviot in collarless Eton style, neatly trimmed
with braid and buttons. We
offer this suit to you at
the exceptionally low price of
Oreat variety of women's new spring suits,
at $25, $35, $45 and $55.
Ladies' Hih-Grade Skirts
Ladles.' high-grade voile, canvas cloth. Imported
cheviot snd hrondcloth akirta, all beautifully trim
med with Ince and brsld, habit or Inverted plait
back; colo rs black, bine and brown, some with
drop linings, all strictly tailor- m fQ
made, many worth $15 fi mVk
choice of the lot "'v
Men's Clothing
Top coats,
covart mlK-ht
J If you had
men'a suit,
felled collars, also hair cloth
self retaining front. Thia par
ticular ault la ruaranteed hand
tailored throughout. Price for
Monday, only
fluentlal republicans of svery precinct in
tha county conoeda that he would be a
strong candidate. Mr. Ilaller s previous
record as senator and his well known re
publican principles almost Insure his se
lection by the coming convention.
Wrmore City Ticket.
BEATRICE, Neb., March 19. (Special.)
A cltlaens caucus was held at Wymors
Thursday evening and the following city
ticket placed in nomination: For mayor,
J. R. Dobbs; city clerk, James McQulre;
treasurer, C, B. Hensley; engineer, John
Mnpiric members of the school board, E.
N. Kauftman, Martin Hansen; councilman.
First ward, T. J. Mallowney; Second wara,
Arthur Fisher.
Morta-sges Show aa Iaeresae.
BLAIR, Neb., March 19.-(Speclal.) Ths
Washington county mortgage record for
the month of February waa aa followa, as
furnished by County Clerk George H.
Faber: Farm mortgages filed, a, $40,800;
released, 11, 126,826.. Town and city mort
gages filed, 6, 12,725; released, 13,
Chattel mortgages filed, GO, tll.lKM, released,
A. O. I". W. Membsrshls Contest.
SHELBY, Neb., March 19. (Special.)
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
lodge of this place has Just completed a
membership contest, as the result of which
twenty-seven new membera wars added to
the Hat. Thursday evening the losing aide
In ths contest presented a banquet to 850
members of ths order snd friends. A pro
gram of music, speeches, etc., was ren
dered. Plattsmoatai Women Read Payers.
PLATTSMOUTII. Neb., March 19. (Sps
olal.) The Flaitsmouth Woman's olub held
a pleasant meeting at ths horns of Mrs. A.
W. Atwood. Mra. Sauter spoke of "Social
Problems of Early Prealdents," Mrs. J. N.
Wise of "Uncle Sam's Presidents," and
Mrs. A. W. Atwqod read an Interesting
paper on "The Discovery of Gold la Cali
fornia." Celebrate Golden Weddla. .
PLATTSMOUTII. Neb.. March 19 (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mra. William Housewortb
celebrated their golden wedding annlver
aary at tha home of their daughter, Mra.
C. B. Murphy, In thia city today. They
have resided In Nebraaka for nineteen years
and In Plattemouth eight yeara.
Week of Aatl-Sslooa Oratory.
TECUMSEH. Nbb., March 19. (Special.)
Temperance meetings have been held In
this city throughout the week. Thomas
Darnell of Lincoln, attorney for ths Stats
Anti-Saloon league. Is ths apeaJcer.
Two Weddings at Tsenaasek.
TECUMSEH. Neb., March 19. (Special.)
Samuel B. Cummlnga, sou of Sheriff and
Mra. W. H. Cummlnga of this city, and
Mlaa L. May Bowman, daughter of Major
and Mra. T. II. Bowman, were married at
the bride's home in this city Wednesday.
The service waS by Presiding Elder J. F.
Kemper of Lincoln. Ths young couple are
spending their honeymoon In Lincoln, and
when they return they will make their
home on a farm east of the city.
John Hasenyager, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hasenyaaer' of this city, and Miss
Nellie AHtson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Allison of Murray, were married
at ths bride's home Tuesday. Tha cere
mony wss performed by Rev. p. C. John
son of tbla city. Mr. and Mrs. Haaenyager
will live on a fitrm neat of thia city.
Horaes Barn In the Barn.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Masea -(Special
Telrgraja.) FUs this morning near FlUey
, neatly trimmed
Correct Clothes for Men
ilke cut, made of fine quality of tan
cost anourh to talcs vour breath awav
one of our kind rr.ade to order. Easy
y ' money here, though. Prlcea wont scare you a hit.
' Uooda and style will please you TS (TIC
mijrhtlly. Yea, you can charrs J" ffCC,
for tomorrow (Monday) In our men'a
department la a
plain or fancy woratea
haa hand padded shoulders and hand-
Our Hat and Shoe Dept.
Is aclow with new aprlns atyles. The black stiff hat
which ws ars selling for 12.50 Is a wonder. Come
and look at It anyhow.
All tha lateat atylea can be seen In our shoe de
partment. Many different shapea and leathers, prices
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00,
$3.50 and $4.00
deatroyed the large barn of i. W. Wright
with all Ita contents. Including thirty tona
of hay and grain. Nine head of horses
and mules perished in the flames. Loss,
$3,000, partially covered by Insurance.
SHELBY, Neb.. March 19. (Special. ) A
barn belonging to Clyde Hayhurat, who
Uvea three miles southeast of here, was
burned laat night. A fine Kentucky jack
loat its life in the flames. Mr. Hayhurat
had left a lamp In the barn for a few
minutes and it fell over before his return.
He carried a small Insurance on the jack,
but none on the building.
Two Hart in New York.
NEW YORK. March 19. During a fire
which broke out In ths furniture store
house of R. J. Horner 4 Co. today, one
man was badly burned and another was
seriously injured by jumping from a win
dow. The latter was one of. ten men who
jumped from the second atory to the roof
below. He had both legs broken.
Annie Helwlg, who waa working alone In
the rear on the fourth floor of the build
ing, was cut off from the stairway. Two
employes carried her to a window and. by
forming a living bridge, helped her to a
nearby building. The Interior of the
building,' a seven-story brick structure,
was damaged $30,000.
Cotton Shin at Kew Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, March 19.-The -Weir
Leland liner Atlanta Is a tire at its dock
here. It has on board 12,000 bales of cotton
and large consignments of grain and mis
cellaneous cargo. The loss will be heavy.
Cures Colds and
Prevents Pneumonia.
"Whn Grip prevails, every
thing is Crip." It ia not neces.
sary for you to distinguish tho
difference between a hard Cold
and the Crip; if you have Influ
enza, Catarro, Pains and Sore
neaa in the Head or Chent, Cough,
Bore Throat, General Prostration
and Fever or any of these, then
Dr. Humphreys' "77" will cure
you quicker and better than any
known remedy.
Jubilee Book. Mailed Free.
At Druggists, 25 cents, or mailed.
Humphrey.' Med. Co., Corner William A
John ti tree is. New York.
Salt X 91 and 97 Wasblsgtsaftt., Cnlcage, III
Single Copies 50 lest.. J Weekly,
' W. b.v. our ifprfMnUtlrn .t all the track..
sr. ceu.lst4 vita .U lb. eorwrnca. .o4 .it-;...
at IM .tOI, s. . u iunl lu
forsMtloa v. ksowtug whn I una Is
a.d ft.a irt. risbt oioa.y 1. 4cr..
W. tk. bnt b1 iuI t .kKkara tna ts.14.
lsffrmOoa lUri i. ib iHrw. It you giv. ua
a ..4 boDM trta' r elU bar ao othr.
W. do not iw uat (ifur. sci.otiac.llr. Tkl.
.roT. kr TKit Mr oBte. bwi our morn
ktAatr.pMr. .r. .t sork. W. luraua y.u to. kw
lalannatloa Ina all tracks.
U w ion't ai.k. rou via v. rofuos jour moaor.
T. out of t. oubKfikOT. . will g'. thro, e-.rt'
tro. So.4 w II la uwir u ;o will noun
Mr Utosroai. K'. .ttMtlM p.! te ceamustuliM.
wiikeoi noo.r .acleo.4. aua.
The Kupmiie opitortunity of the month for thoRP who tie
nire a high grade article at the price usually asked for a much
inferior one.
China Closets Solid quarter.sawed oak, 48 Inches
wide. 74 Inches hlah, full bent R-lnss. lias mirror In back, with or M SSj "v
without mirror ti-i, solid hand carved claw fent no dining; H. M Kl I
room complete without a china closet sella usually for al9JF
$5.00 Monday special
Princess DresserMonday we
offer a solid quarter-sawed oak Princess
Pressor, has an 18x40 French pattern plato
bevel mirror, combines all the advantages of
both a dresser and a dress
ing table, usually sells for
$40 special
Our special 3 -room offer
continued this week. Those
who were unable to take advantage
of this great money saving
sal last week can do so now. Re
member, 3 rooms completely
furnished for $99.00. Cash or
Special inducements to young folks just starting housekeeping
Go-Carts We are agents for the famous Heywood line.
Monday only, a handsome Oo-Cnrt. with the Istest bujriry a a a as
pear, automobile wheela, fancy silk lined psrasol, worth I A
$23.50 special for Monday , ! I U
Carpets, Rugs and Draperies We carry the largest
line in the city. Be sure and get our prices before pur
chasing elsewhere. We can save you money.
Axminster Rugs 9x12 size,
Monday special
Lace Curtains Monday we
pair of Brussels Net Curtains,
The State
Electro- . Rf
Doctors illlP
il7 vLJJ ITXI la
Kidney and Urinary Dlaeasea and all dlseas. and weakneseee of men due to
evil habits In youth, exceseea or the reault of neglected or unskillful treatment
of private dlwsasrs, which cause night loeaea and day drains, and Impair, the
mind destroya the muscular power and reduces tho sufferer lit that deplorable,
atate' known aa Nervo-Bexua.1 Dlbllity.
You will And thia tnstltuts thoroughly reliable, different from other so
called iruitliules, medical concerns or companies. You are a safe In dealing
with the Stale Kleclro-Medlcai Institute ua with any State or Matlonul
Hank. Thia lnatitule haa been established In Omaha for the purposn of curing
the destroying diseases and blighting weaknesses of men, which other doctors
or specialists fall to cure, duch diseases destroy men'a vitality and weaken
the menial, pnyeicai iiia .r.uai ymwm.
Our apeclai purpose la to save the thousands of young and middle-aged
M whose systems are, or have been ui some time, contaminated with tha
poisonous taint of special diseases, blood poison, etc., or wh'me nervous,
lihyrtcal and sexual systems ars on the verge of ruin from the destroying
effects of aelf-abuse, excesses, and kexual, bladder and kidney dlHeaH, which
undermine and bring to ruin the strongest constitutions and completely IX
MAN reducing them to a atate of abject misery, with mind impaired,
physical strength gone; MANHOOD NO l-ONt.EH finds an abiding place there.
J'O AI.l. Stt'll MKN tha Stats Klectro-Mediral Kpecialiats are able, ready and
willing to extend that skillful, scientific assistsnce that has wived thousands
of men who were at one time the sufferers that you are now, who had become
discouraged and despondent after having failed to secure the relief and rure
thev needed at the hands of incompetent specialists atxt cure-all emedles.
sulted the honorable and skillful specialist, of the Htate Klectro-Medlcal In
stitute, where thev were properly examined and their true condition disclosed
and proper treatment applied, with Improvement at once and a complete cute
In a remarkable ahort time.
Many are silently suffering from physical weaknesa and losa of vigor, your
nervous syatem being crpluted and your mind weukenel and impaired. Lite
ia not what it should b.v Ijlspondsncy and gloomy forebi ding have laken the
piuce of bright prospects and happy ambition. You no longer enjoy your dally
labors or social duties; your nights are reetless and unrrfreMhiiig. and such
morning yuu awaken again to ins cheerless realisation of your pliyeli al Im
pediments and weakneouas, and you have neither the am ltlon nor the power
to maintain your position among your fellow-men. and diag through a inl.i r
kblft existence, often wialilng for death to end your troubles. In many cases
Indiscretions. sell-auUke, excviMea, etc.,
In others It I some secret aiaoase,
of neglected or Improperly treated
nf midair ,1 nr ImnrnnArlv treated
Kidney snl Bladder skv imi"s' ie.i,i. uni rive up ir outers
.ii.h vn.i rvm todav to the MEVI THIK A I.I SIS and learn
your true condition. Get the right treatment and be c-ired uulckly, safely and
CONSULTATION AND f DFF If 'ou "nnot call wrIU for symptom blank. Office
EXAVUNATtO ' hours, I a. m. to V. Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
1308 Farnam St.. Bet 13th and 14th St.. Omaha, !St4
We sell goods out of
town on our EASY PAY
MENT PLAN. Write us for
Pedestal Extension Table
A handsome quarter-sawed oak
Tedeatal Table, has a E2-lneh
round hand polished top, round
column pedestal, hand carved
claw feet, extends eight feet
always sells for $o0.00 tomorrow
choice patterns,
, 23.50
offer a beautiful i no
worth $9, special ... .4s 70
are in cau.o ui .rvui wiiuiiitpii, .mi.
Dlooa poison, etc., or ' requermy in
special dlsesses whicn
sneclal dtsenses