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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1904)
Ml spring and summer fashions have IM JTOf Ml I 1 1 !, 1 M V V, J " WI& 1 K I 1 1 1 1f it i BZ F.W TOflK, March 19. Though spring and summer fashions hare long been In, It In really the pageant of Easter Sunday which will Impress their points Upon the lay mind. In New York this fashionable parade rcma almost as much a part of the holy day as the rtiurch services themselves, all feminine humanity choosing; the oc casion for the first airing of Its new finery. From head to toe fair woman suddenly blooms forth afresh thatched with the daintiest headgear, robed In colors as deli cate as the first flowers and carrying the parasols of June. The Imported costumes which have been brought over for Raster wear clearly demonstrate one thing there Is to be a furore of silks this summer. Endless seem the qualities of sole which realise with and anywhere that plain stitcher? may be used. It Is. In model the Kaster frowns show mainly Improvements on winter styles, for, with the exception oT an occa sional oversklrt effect and a more enpe like shaping of collars, there Is little that Is entirely novel. A costume definitely overoklrtcd l.s made of pale violet voile with light bronze silk fringes, which garnitures In several widths embellish a number of the French frocks. A s!ngle row of the fringe edges the plain skirt, whose short apron drapery, ending set off by magnificent fringe in the same color. Hut the three-piece costume skirt, bodice and Jacket or cape to Judge by its predominance over other styles, la to bo the one ' most favored. Immensely wide bolts alco distinguish these, and they are mado of kid for wool textures and of satin or panne for silk or lace ones. A fitted plainness, which Is held trim by whale bone, succeeds the old crush effects for these details. Indeed, the new belts are, so to speak, half the bodice, and the coats I M X.'yiV W Tra II a T -UM ATI f I t II ! 1 llg a h'.TJUIMV -7i mmmm- jxmwmm m Pmm mm DAINTY EASTKR OOWNS IN THE NEW, SOFT RIUCS. fragile paBsementerles, narrow velvets and delicate laces, the beautiful toilettes which only I'arls can send. A new silk, shown In self-figured weaves and brilliant odors softly shadowed, com- bines exquisitely with chiffons and nets, and shapes gowns of a delightful druil ness. In gunmctul grays shot with pols, diamonds or dots tiftecllvo gowns are seen In this silk for middle-aged women, whose bonnctit for such toilettes may show yellow crocuses. Yellow Is a frequent contrast with spring and summer finery, while violet Is seen with green, and black and white with all odors. Another sejf-llxured Bilk which la in faint mauves and grays, is used by the French makers. One or two of the models seen were lit a much older texture, moire In fact, though chameleon und opal color ings give the ancient fabrics an air of great novelty. A new wrinkle with lotilHines U the. Introduction of hroche figures In a contracting shade, soma of the back grounds of these alo showing a faint watering-like moire. Lastly, among the silk novelties is lace chiffon, a gnuze like fabric with plaid pat terns outlined In drawn threads all In the weaving, of course. All of the Imported things, which con stitute the catechism of fashion, display that carefulness of hand work without which. It would acam. 1)0 good effect Is now ever achieved. A cloth puffed sleeve, which would otherwise hang clumsily. Is softly tucked by hand at the Inride arm. Tho lace and passementerie stock may be Attached to the waist by band embroidery. at the l uck with shaped sashes. Is bordered In tho same way. The cape collur, ulso fringe trimmed, and fastening to the belt back and front, is the main feature of tho bodice, whose stork and cuffs are of white lace. The sleeves are bell shape over under puffs of the voilo and the wide belt 1 of violet panne. To go with this gown a flat hat of violet Panama bus been designed, trltnmod with a wreath of bronze silk roses and a violet plume. Another odd xklrt model has a hip yoke of shirring and two deep wide strips of the same lower down. The front panel of the skirt, which Is otherwise untrimmed, ends in a fJiarp point, and a blocked collar gives the cape touch to the waist. Mate rial of this mushroom-colored voile, with block net. quilled into a sli'.gle narrow niching, edges the cape. The bat is a colonial Fhape of black tulle and straw, garnished with white plumes. Trimniltigs usually associated by the lay man with old-fasliloned Ideas are used upon many of the French gowns with charmingly BlnilJe effect. 'White and black end col ored footings aro quilled together Into headings; buby ribbons are jrun on lice, which is afterwards kilt plotted, and many a quaintly full skirt or flowing sleeve will ' Ultiplay the foolish pulling In the saino material as the lorg :go. The silk walts nre, to a large extent, full, with lace or mou.-sellne blouse effects under the deep collars, the sleeves of these elaborate and accompanying skirts always trimmed. Hero and there a princess effect in seen, one such gown of royal blue cloth being which accompany them hang short enough to leave their charms In full view. A pretty coat used with one wide belt effect hung In kilts from a yoke, whose plain shoulder pieces extended down Into the full pleated sleeves. With these kinks for cut, solid colors are to be the order of the new day for all-wool textures, and the plain veilings long worn will bo more than ever to the fore. For such soft wool tex tures, which appear in great quantities among the liutter materials, silk passe menteries are the latest trimmings sup plied. Shown In all the latest colors, these effective gnrnlshings are in bund borders, odd applications and swinging button shape. A charming gown of silk and wool mix ture displayed by a prominent talseuse for Eotiter Is In oue of the rich iUulng blues for which the winter introduced a taste. Net and louislne In the tame color are em ployed with this, the odd bolero opening over a chemisette of white mull. Though lace can never be out of fashion, it is not nearly so much in demand as a year ago, more nets, chiffons and gauzes being now combined with dressy summer materials. Few all-lace gowns and entire bodices are seen unless these latter are covered with a collar of the gown material and if lace la used as a trimming, the tendency Is to set bizarre colorings oa:d and stick to honest black, white and cream. A white French iaco of a quality that looks by no means expensive Is employed with black ribbon velvet upon the bodice of a dainty little frock In pale gray voile. The skirt of this U In the full falling model which baa succeeded definite goring for a LI ' textures. A deep flounce is headed by two narrower ones, the trio trimmed each with two small biases of the gown texture. A toilette of white Freftwh, barege is com bined with square mesh novelty l-ice, whose rough look Is denied by a delightful softness to the touch. This handsome gown Is shown by the Easier galaxy, but white, it is said. Is to play second fiddle this summer to delicate colors. Nevertheless, radiant wool and linen canvases are shown In white, and since white is more universally becoming than color It will doubtlesa be difficult to helve It. Many of the new parasols, as will be hown by the Easter parade, are In the gown materials; and to take the place of the furs which have been worn up to the last minute, there will be the pelerines and muffs of summery textiles. Dressmakers returning from Parts de clare that the only way to wear the pt"Ies . of these Bets Is mantilla fashion over the arms. The muffs which accompany them are muffs In name, for tulle composes many and others are fabricated entirely of silken flower petals, or of net or lace. When It comes to hats the Eaater dis play points toward a definite closeness, which results In an Increase of comfnrt Brlm hats are seen In plenty, of courre, and very likely they will grow bigger as the season ndvances, but tho trend of the moment la toward medium-sized and com pact headgear. This the turban shapes ac complish more successfully than other styles, though there aro trimmed sailor and gypsy models which are both natty and be coming. However, the torpedo turban, whose trimmings and foundation are one, o to speak, will he the headpiece approved for first wear. This model, made In num berless fancy straws, braided with tulle or taffeta, Is the headpiece ordered for a num ber of the plainer Easter gowns. Some quainter turbans are In mop cap shape that la, with the mop frill, banging stiffly all around and several of these are made enflrely of tiny quillings of net. One such of brown net, with a wreath of white hawthorne accompanied a de lightfully rrlm frock of brown crepe. Bailors are taking on again the round shapes dropped for the boat angle, and clumps of simple flower and scarfs of toft silk trim many of them. BiiAin fruit mingled with blossoms, purple larkpurs, budding twigs and cab bage roses nre some of the ornaments of the now millinery, whose prime Intention, to get at the most important point of all. Is to bend to the requirements of the In dividual head. Merely to own a new head piece at Easier la not sufficient for the lave drivers of fashion. It must look as If It were born for the wearer this coronal as often as destroying as beautifying; It must fit the head at every point, be suave, appealing, and yet not challenge the first glance. MARY DEAN. A SKIN OP BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVEg. vR. T FKCIX fiOI'RAI D'S OEIENTAt CREAM, OK MAGICAL BEAUTIFIEH KanioTM Tan, Pimples .Freckles, kiwu , -nw. juren, ana Mia aueaaee, ana every blemish ya beauty, and innonccuw, 11 as toxt the test t bf, wears, and la to harmless wa taste It to be sure It u property mad a. Accept uo counter feit of similar Bam. lr. L. A. Havre sall to a laIy of the haiit ua (a lubueniji 'As tou lad lea will use them, I recommend ' Geuraud". Cream ' as the least barm hat of all tbe skin preparaUone." Por sale by all Iniiglts soJ fancy floods Jjoaient In the a., CanaOae. and EurOM. (.10. T. DOWNS, Profr. il a rut Joiim St, N. t r v 2 n vj: i r Mtw mm laaarta Port, Soft, White Skis 4 a Btaatifal CempUiteo, j. awi wm wi icuir. an. . .;, aotutaly and Permanently ,' remove Blackheads, s'rao t klea, Plroplee, lUdueea. Ban n4spola aad Tan. t'aed with - ' r- i a - ..i vriuB-ikirie eoap rw i feet skin is insured. SoM by Oraggatto, or tay fdfa rct DenaWlUyaJ. fee!, express BaM. lkerma-ltoysUe Koitp, as cents, by suiall. Koto la packace, al.aS. vaprvea pttM. The Derms-Heyelf Co., rtarlniiat I, o. SCUAEFWS CL'T PRICE DRUG STORE, Omaha, Nbr., and Bojtb Omaha. Nb4