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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1904)
20 TITE v OMAIIA DAILY PET3T MATTCII 20, 1904. BACK THOUGHT TO BE BROKEN Ultltam Cealso Falls trmtm eaaTeleV aB aa4 UirtilM lejertee ' rara Fatal, William Coulson fell from a scaffolding yesterday and the physician who w called, after'a hurried examination, was of til opinion that the man's back was broken. He was taken to his home on Webster street, near Twenty-first. The Injured man was employed on ' the liouse which Is being built at Twentieth nd Manderson streets by T. C. Rich of Rich at Falconer. Ho was on a scaffolding about ten feet from the ground and at tempted to cross on an unfinished portion where only one 3x( plank had been laid. A fellow workman told him to wait until lie could place another, but Coulson, saying that he could cross all right, started and fell. lie. struck across two planks which were leaning In the kitchen doorway. Ha wss unconscious when taken to his home. A later examination will be necessary to ascertain certainly the extent of his In juries. The Injured man Is about 40 years of ate, of Scotch birth, and unmarried. Card off Taaaka. We wish to express our appreciation and thanks to the members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge No. 15; to Royal Oak lodge No. SOO. Royal Achates; to Mondamln lodg No. Ill, Fraternal Un ion association; to the employes of Hayden Bros., and the many kind neighbors and friends who so greatly assisted as in ths recent Illness and death of our beloved husband and brother, Mr. Albert M. Ring. MRS. LIZZIE RING. MRS. TII-LIB HODGE. ; To the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness nd death cf our darling baby, and for the many beautiful floral offerings, we wish to xtend our heartfelt thanks. XI R. AND MRS. & a DRUMMT AND .CHILDREN. .. . Basiaesa MoTlmar "oat a. Another Omaha concern . has taken tip new quarters In the south part of town. Which goes to prove that Omaha business Is growing rapidly In that direction. The Barton Printing Co., on of the most enterprising printing establishments In the city,, has moved to 707 South Sixteenth street. ' - Ml1,. Barton says: "Our. business has grown to such an extent that we were com pelled to seek larger quarters. W ' are now prepared to handle all kinds of com mercial ob printing and'-book work. It is also our Intention to take up the art calendar business novelty advertising cards, etc." Omaha Lode Ne, 18, A. O. V. W. Attention of the members Is called to the fact that the funeral of Brother Ar thur E. 8hockley will take place from Ma sonlo temple. Sixteenth and Capitol avenue, Sunday, March 20. at 2 o'clock p. m. All members of the otOvr requested to attend. B. J. STREITZ. C. It COLLIER. . M. W. Recorder. Atteatloa Hodera tVoodmea of America. Members of Omaha camp, No. 120, are requested to meet at our hall today at 1 o'clock p. ra. to attend the funeral of our deceased neighbor, A. E. Shockley. Bel Ices at Masonlo temple at 2 o'clock. MerS bers of other camps are Invited. ' . THOS. BROADHURST. C. H. T. RIEPEJ Yen. Consul. Clork. Have Boot print It. v Il-K Wedding Rings. JCdholra., Jeweler. Faaeral Notice.' Tha funeral of our lata brother, Arthur E. Shockley, will be held under the aus pices of St. John's lodge No. IS, Ancient Free and Aocepted Masons, at Masonlo temple, 1608 Capitol avenue, on Sunday, March 20, 1904. at t o'clock p. m. All friends Invited. Interment at Forest Lawn Cemetery . WILLIAM T. BOURKE. Master. , Dentist with well estannsned practice la n excellent location In Bee building de ires gentleman to share office, preferably fuysiclan. Address E tt, Bee offlca, DIED. CARMAN1 J. W. E., evening. March 11 pwod M yeara. Funeral, S p. m. Sunday, the 20th, from residence, 2420 Charles street. Friends In vited.. Burial private. - McCANN Peter,' aged 78 years. Funeral Monday morning. March 21 at :30, from the family residence, 06 Francis street, to St. Phllomena church, Ninth and Howard. Interment, Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. No flowers. SUTTON-John. W.,of Clinton. Mo., at the fS1,dnr..0Lhl" ,oni R"bert M. Button, Jm5 South Nineteenth street The funeral will be held at hla home at Clinton, -Mo., Monday, March XL j MONDAY Is the Day To Order Your Easter i ult We are the tailor that will make tt and make you a 'suit that will not only please you but your friends. alts ISO te 4B. Troasers B4 t BIS. To- Csavte COB tm S4S. Dresher 1515 Farnam St, Telephone 1857. OPEN HVXNINQS. Too busy making clothes to close. - UR. HEARST SAYS The anti-trust laws "need axing." Ld you see it in the papers? (We think we have no right to think, but we'll do so lust this onoe) that we have PLENTY ANlJ GOOD ANT1- JHL'T LAWS IN MCURASKA AND IOWA, but they are not enforced. We have tood reason to balleve some of these same lws which have been up on the shelf so lung, will be looked up a bit, and if we are not mistaken, some of these N. A. K. D. eupportere and drug trust walking delegates will bounce a bit in a few days. Our malt order bualneas for our country patrons, nr.d our free delivery business for Our suburban customers. Is at the service of toth and you all know our prices are right; all we ask Is a chance to Drove this FACT brnd us a list K you live out of town, or Vhon us If In either of the three allies, and ct our prK'es: then compare 'em with ev erybody else's and see who will get your We would Ilka the privilege of pricing your prescriptions before you have them mica inis is rir. cnriAECirrv cut pricb UUilHbl t-ll tJ DRUQ 4T0RB E T. XATL8. Prop. ' lsth end Chicago Sts.. Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 11 tiih and N ft . 8ulh Oiuaha, 'l hone No. 1 tin Ave. aud Main b;.. Council biuffs 'pliona U All hk1 I -A AAHTr no riT W trrrt Eastcr tlovctios and Cards Big Special Sales This Week Bring the children down to see the beautiful display. Chicks 5c, 10c 15c aid 25c Docks 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Happy Hooligan and other. ...10c Eatter Baskets, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Easter Cards. . . .Ic. 2c, 5c and ap 15 SIB 915 FIFTEEN SIB SIB BIS IB BIB is IB uunnam flf Va flB IB BIB IS BIB IB IB IB Bl TAILORS 15 ' It's time you were getting IB ready - for Easter Sunday, sin v- can make you a suit at IB IB 15 IB SIB IB flB 18 $15 f is No More No Less. IB and have It ready for you bib in plenty of time. IB Two things We want to sib Impress upon you First IV that every suit we make la BIB made to your order 'by the IB best Tailors In America SIB Second, that the suitings are ii the season's new pat- flB terns. IB ib ' Trousers. $5 .'t ay IB and a hundred patter to seleot. 18 lB Henry W. Dunham Jr. " ib ' Manager. is 118 South 15th St. IB Between Douglas and Dodge, f IS IB BIB $15 FIFTEEN IB BIS BIB A few good bargains for Monday and Tuesday only: Bait Water Pearl Buttons, ,2ic worth 10C a dozen, at, doz. . Safety Pins, size 2 only, worth 5c dozen, at. doz V 7 Inch Metal Back Combs, 5c worth. 10c, each King's 200 yard , Thread, worth 2c a spool, at, a 1 spool Box Hair Pins, assorted, this is tho 10c kind, at, a, Goods displayed la our windows. Come early. , Jos. F. Bilz 822 South 16th St OMAHA. Mall orders must add postage to these prices. Save Your Checks Our Cash Register Checks are worth Bo on the dollar in any quantity from 11.00 up. $1.00 Howell's SarsaparlUa, the best spring tonlo and blood cure 7So Pint bottle Bed Bug Poison..- 25c Our Bed Bug Poison penetrates readily Into the smallest cracks and la a sure killer. Insect Powder, lb 15c tuo Beechain's Pills..., 20c Howell's Malt Extract the strength giver, 2 bottles 25c 2Gc Mentholatum 20o 1 in. Absorbent Cotton 80c $2.00 Tremain'a Female Pills $1.00 Hot soda and Ice Cream Bod a. Fresh Strawberries with Ice Cream Boda. Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Avenue. SOFT SHIRTS We've just got In our first shipment of Star Soft Shirts acknowledged by all to be ths best shirt made, Prico, $1.50 To get a good assortment of colors, better oall Monday and make your selection. ALBERT CAEin aLrt Maker. SI S. letk at. New Goods New Styles : In New Sprint 5u!tlnga and Overcoats. Uelgren & Gradmann Tailors 309 5. Sixteenth. Deputy ftUt YwtrtMrUsV yOif I Bel pOt Of. I!. L. (UIUCCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VBTBRINAiUAN. fflce aud lnfln&ary( ssUl and Maaoa Bta mm FR.Y SHOE N. E. COR. 16TII Swell Spring Styles We Are Ready for; Your Inspection JP ' Handsom 'nnl ait vlsxai For Men Smart, unique and pretty footwear rash Ions For Women The most extensive lines of fashionable spring footwear ever opened In the city are now to be seen at this tore. All the smart, swell styles of the season, in hlney leather and correct tan shades. $3.50-55.00 These prices have never bought such splendid-quality, fine finish and - correct style as the shoes .wo offer ' our customers i his season. Bankers Reserve Life Company . Has More Than $100,000.00 of approved securities deposited with the State of Nebraska, for the protection of policyholders. . Its Policies Are Not Excelled in the World Ten New States Being Opened Up. Reliable persons can secure liberal con tracts and choice of territory by addressing b. II. ROBISOJN, Presidents OMAHA. NEB. A ; DR. BRADBURY 1506 - Painless Extraction Without das. Fllllncs 80c uo Oold Crowns, $2.50 up Bridge Work $2.50 np Lady Attendant DENTIST. ter we grades G. Retail, Special ' f NEW SPRING NECKWEAR NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Sl.OO IT x4 Size Collars orwc COMPANY AND DOUGLAS Fo Easte r Wear and oris- Anil laktar h. .is. Farnam 8 a me Location TEL. 1756. W positively remove nerves from teeth with out the least particle of psJo. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 10 toll nONARCH GOAL Ibis Mate In coal stands foi PURITY, CLEANLINESS, SATISFACTION. Lump, $6.75. Nut, $6.25. ' We bare never introduced a new coa that has given the general aatlsfactloi that Monarch has furnished. Rem wri also handle all other standard of ooaX B. HAVENS & CO., ma s, iea t. Phones SP1-K7-K5. 3Jftt "GOOD CLOTHES" THE BENNETT COMPANY liidlng Piano Deilen ot ttia Wist Toothing More is Needed. No more convincing argument is necessary concerning the ar tistic qualities of than is furnished by its wonder ful achievements in concert and recital fields. GabrllowltscH Burmeiiter Nordlcnv Ilirsctiman . Shonui Cottlow and very many other artists of ' highest reputation use the Everett exclusively and endorse it unreservedly. . That same artistic standing, that individuality, which char acterizes these great musicians, distinguishes Tjfo Everett as 6fts9 "New Standard of the9 World. Notwithstanding its magnifi cent reputation it is not excess ive in price. Somo Very Striking Piano Bargains for, tbo Week. beautiful high grade finely finished, scien tifically constructed, pure tone oalc piano.. A splendid high grade up-to-date mahogany piano . for , SI85 S200 A lovely walnut, made of best selected wood, tho construction and finish est selected and finish S215 ait mat coma be looked Tor In a perfect piano Slightly Used Pianos MIGHT NOT BB PURCHASABLE FOR LOVE OR MONEY AFTER MONDAY, A REALLY GOOD PIANO ' AT A LOW- PRICB. THE PIANOS IN THIS CLASS ARB GUARANTEED TO BE SOUND, CAREFULLY "AND THOROUGHLY RENOVATED, RK TUNED RE-POLISHED AND GOOD AS NEW. One ebony was a fine piano is a fine piano yet possibly better now than ow man S57 11 ever was because practice makes perfection yours for A lovely rosewood piano entrancing case beautiful polish has a very fine 1 trancing retry line S78 tone is the right piano for beginners it is Just what you want come and see it Organs! Organs! All kinds of organs, every possible style all ideas In fin lab price $70 to $7 GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH yiRST PAYMENT TO FULL PRICE OF THE PIANO. IF YOU BUY A t2TiO PIANO AND YOUR FIRST PAY MENT IS IIO, YOU GET $200 WORTH (TWO FULL BOOKS) OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH THE FIRST PAYMENT. Every Piatio on Easy Payments. Green Trading Stamps With It 16th and Harney, Omh Did It ever dawn npon yon that all buslneaa aults look much alike that there's a sameness about the eternal business sacks? Well, It haa dawned on Dame Fashion. Bo, aho haa en vol red the Business Frock a hybrid of both Cutaway and Frock, toned down for every day use. An ex tremely Impressive gar ment When It's Mac Carthy made," from bual-neaa-bued, soft fabrics. It makes "the boss" look more like a boss and lesa like a clerk. The favorite price la $40. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 104-401 S. I Sts St . Nsxt deor te Wabash Tlokst OAoe. rase i tea. TWENTIETHCENTJJRYJFARMER Monday's Bargains Are Exceptional THI RKMABLB STORK. TRADING STAMPS lUrtSduffncrl V Marx HuU Titans' TOTJ HEED The long loose overcoats, with the rain rwr stylish, can be seen In great variety on our oountors-They sxe porous u exclude the air. yet absolutely . Impervious to water-always good In """'""I rain, proper on any occasion In fill prices $10.00, $12.60, $15.00 MEN'S TOP COATS a handsome line, at $10.00, $12.60 and We have the most complete stook of clothing in Omaha. Don't fall to look It Brussels- Carpets, Lot 1 All the remnants of Stenson's, Roxbury and Banford'a brussel carpets up to 16 yard lengths worth up to $1.00 a yard Monday, sale price, a yard Lot t Short ends of Roxbury, Stenson's wiin or wiinoui ooraer wonn up $1.00 yard Monday's price, yard These carpets will be placed In separate rly. None sold to dealers. New Spring Stylo Hals for Hon and Boys - Swellest line ever shows In the city. Your leader THE IMPERIAL. Ranks head and shoulders above any other $3.00 hat on the market. We also carry a complete line ef Tiger $3.00 hats, Champion $2.60 hats and other exclusive lines, at $1-64. $X06-all styles of the celebrated John B. Stetson hats at $3.60. China Department Fine decorated kold stippled fruit dishes, meat platters, water Jugs, salad dlnhea, cake trayB, berry bowls not an article In the lot worth less than $1.0o qp. and up to $2.00 the whole lot Monday, choice 19 G Portland flow blue each , fl. : Water tumblers six for Semi-Porcelain cups and saucers, as fine as china per set HAYDEN BROS. John Hussie Acorn Steel Ranges We ought to get more for Aoorn ranges than our competitors get for the ordinary kind, but we don't Fact Is, our prices save you from five to ten dollars. As to quality, you know what Aoorn aro. The Improvea not Biasi oinoaa anq Boot consuming nre box is an improvement of great value for this spring. Priqes $30.00, "If you buy It otz Hussie it's ngni.- JOIIM HUSSIE 2407-09 Cuming St. 1'.'" p ? Reliable Dentistry ESTABLISHED FOR YEARS. NO DELAY! By Old, Reliable, Accurate, Painless. Expert Dentists. No Students. Skilled Specialists 1 9 r Until March 25th, low prices number we. have been unable biz and are here to stay. Iligh the people to crowd our place and a halt ex ef Teeth ssa Otfld OWwat, bub Cswsa ,...... Alasalaus Flatee, Cress rtuisg. Veatb, gx revels Flee. Work guaranteed 10 years. State charter. Consult the pro fessors free; We make loose teeth tight, stop bleeding of the gums, and heal all diseases of tho mouth. Try one of our Double-Suction, Non Irritant Plates, that are (Guaranteed to Fit Our gold crowns at $3.50 can't be beat for Yit and Appearanca Union Dental College VUKla8. ppen Daily Until 8; Sundays, 0 to L See Our Spring Line of Women's Suits WITH ALL PURCHASES' Clothes Do Not Make the lan But the man who la well dressed always feels more confidence in himself. Good clothes are usually the mark ef prosperity and It la the prosperous man who la always looked up to and respeoted. YOU CAN ALWAYS BB WELL PRESSED If yon buy the famous Hart, Bchaffner A Marx hand-tailored olothlng. We are Omaha's exoluslve selling agents THESE CLOTHES posses all tha merits of a custom-made garment. INDIVIDUALITY OP STYLE. FAULTLESS WORKMANSHIP, PERFECT FIT, BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS, are hand-tullored throughout elegance and exoluaiveness define this col lection. DO NOT FAIL TO BEE TRI8 LIN a Men's suits In all up-to-date styles, nob blest patterns, choicest fabrics, fully the equal In every respoct to any custom made garment that would cost you one third to one-half more than we' ask our prices, ever garment guaranteed 0.00. $11.60, O6.00, flt.00 ZZ.aU A KAIW COAT. proof quality added, which are now so almost anything you could wish 15.00 men's, boys' and children's ready-made over before buying. Monday, March 21st s u i ' 45c and Banford'a bruseels carpets, up to 2S yards lo r n . lota, all marked. Make your selection ,5c 5c 34c Hardware Co. Who's Your Tfnner? If you're building the tlnwork is one 04 the most Important features and The Furnace furnace is either a great comfort or s coal consuming refrigerating is we believe the most Important. Your plant. We have given the scientific and practical features of warm air heating years of study and each Job receives our personal attention. Dont start wrong. "Get Hussie to do ths work." HARDWARE CO., Tel. 1116. In Each Department. continued bj request of the large to wait upon. We haye got the claaa work and low prices caused 15,000 patients in the last year - fS.OO Fit OaaMtateed.