Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1904, PART III, Page 22, Image 22

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AdTTrtalra.t fr theea eolnmna
will a taken aatll It m. far the
"t'tl tHmm mm nll s. aa. (or
laa meraMftaf and ! cltlea.
R(t 1 I- ft ward flrst laaertlea.
la wa4 UtMflcri Netblaaj taken
tnt leas than Hft tor (ha flrst laaer.
tie, ft advartleeraeats taast be
run eoaywewllvelr,
Advertisers ay re nest I a nam
tereal rkrrkd raa have answers ad
dressed a a anmbered latter la eare
f Tke Bee, Aaawara ao addreeaeri
vvtll be delivered aa preeeatatloa at
tha rkmk only.
M J C E I.LA n B O V a.
is on Page 19.
School of
i ' . AND-
716-17-18 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
-A. specialty school, teaching shorthand,
typewriting and offloo practice. Member
ship limited. Graduates of tha achool In
demand for tha beat paying positions in tha
city. Tha equlpmont of the school is un
urposaed in tha west. Students ar al
lowed to select the make of machine to be
A trial week la given free. Money re
funded for unexpired time If students do
Ira for any reason to leave the achool.
" R-
.' The Nebraska Seed Co's
Catalogue free. l&U-isi Howard.
, ' , K M781 Jel
D?tA.?A ? " Ir work sp.
i. - "k? CP. shutters, doors and
tales. O. Anorcea, prop, 1U2 8. 10th at
B MS59 MaytS
. R-634
Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 713 B. ltth. T. 855.
' R-008
GOLD S?L.yKR NICKEL, l-latlns. Om.
vwiwL- i-iaUug Co.. 1608 Harney. Tel.
K 635
CITY SAVINGS BANK paya per cent
6 FECIAL For a limited time we will at
J iurnuro pair or fcpectacies
or $1. Don t miss this chance. U. 8. Op
ticians. 80s N. loth at. R-ar
EAGLE .Loan offlo. Reliable, accommodat
ing; all bualness confidential. 1301 Douglas
EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and
etorsga. 214 N. Uth. Tel. 1196. R-444
r you don't, wa both lose. Good work,
prompt attention 214 N. loth. Tel. 205.
cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead
animals; reduced prices. 621 N. i7Tet. ITO
. r ei
P. MELCHOnt. machinist, Uth 4 Howard.
. Rflil
tha Bee Bldg. R-44S
a. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, 606 B. lith.
1V-8M Al
STRONGEST In tha World." The Equlta
tle Life Aasuranoe society, Its policies
are eight drafts at maturity. 11. D.
ff1J'. , "f, Merchants' NaUonal
Bank Bldg.. Otnaha. Neb. R-648
ION painting, S. IL Cola. Hat Douglas.
ALL kinds carpenter work, repairing
prompthr attended to. J. OcVlltree.
Mlt and Lake. R 370
JPAVl3' "f maver. heavy hauling.
Ilia farnam. TeL t&t. K lil MJ
LOCATION WANTED by expert dreaa
tnaker. one mho thorounhly underatanda
jilt making. Will go in store or start
nop Independent. Prefer weetem Iowa
r terii Nebraeka. Emma Uamlan,
CUdden. Ia. R 2S 20
rpR noon luncheon try the Karnach Rea
taurant; rauiohable price. 8 8 16th St.
. IV-ta Mayl
.VODICKA CO.. fine ealtortYig: all Wlndi
TelTluf' r,pirln- itru T""teJj-
CLOTHES pressed, altered. You en. Paz-
ton hotel tailor. R Ma
TRACIN03; blue prinU and working
drewlnga Bues Co.. Omaha. Phone
...IaL R-t3T AprtJx
PERriELD Piano Co.. Bee BMgno"ln".
uuneai vaiuea, easy terms, n a
IL O. BillTH. plumbing. US K. U; tel. ML
TeL iitOL R-MTW A 15
WITTB Oaa Engines run for 1 rent a horse
. rower hour See them. Wltte Ironworks
Co, 62S W. 8th St.. Kansas ary. lli.
TITR Wltfe Gas Engine has best rlertrie
Imlter, beet rovernor. CVe,peet power.
Wtte Irn Works Co.. f W. Stb St..
Kansas City, Mo. R
BTOVK, stonure and rwarrlng. Hughes
Ptrrre Repair Worka. C17 Oiinlrg St.
FARTIVS dealrlng tn join Arkanses ex-
corvlon April tr ereat ftpoortunlty for tn
' frtnatlnn Mdreaa E M. Be. ' R Obi Ox
Studio 11) K. lh., opp P. O.
RIPYPI PQ Iret and bent aeleo
UltILX, tl,n in tb ctty. l.lhnd
wrieela frora U 00 and up. Leuta P'-erher,
HCJ Capitol ave. R-Mi
IIEaa At B WO BOD A, 1CI rarnaaa. -
L. HENDERSON, darlst, 1504 ramaat Mb
AJ JKKO DOMAQUUki. iB. IM rrnai,
. lei. a. M A4
Omaha Commercial College
17th and Douglas Sts.
Begins Monday morning, April 4.
on band to work for board.
Every sent has been occupied In this dpartm-nt during the winter months, and the
attendance will continue large through the summer. Professors Lampman and Sav
age say they have had the best class of students they have ever had and the work
done was the beet Tha course of study has been enlarged. Business men can now
be supplied with plenty of fine bookkeepers and accountants.
Will continue In operation all summer. This department has a larga attendance and la
doing splendid work. Several have been placed In good positions and other places are
open. Bend for particulars. ,
Several new students have recently entered. Others will begin Auril 4. Students
have mode fine progress. Mosher Shorthand ia a delightful study!. It Is the finest
system ever devised. Easy to learn, easy to write and easy to rend. Tou can learn
It quicker and better than any other system. Write for specimen lessons.
Do not fall to gat tha April number. It Is free to any who send name and address.
Omaha, Neb.
MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad
fare UDon our lailure to convince you of
this lelng the liKST. largest and enly
reliable, most practical barber college In
this section. Write for oatalogue today.
vasteru Barbers' institute. Omaha, Nab.
WANTED For U. B. army, able-bodied.
Unmarried men, between age of U and .
cltlsens of United States, ut good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
rsud and write English. kTor Information
Pply to reorultlug officer, loth and Dodge
Bta.. Omaha, or Lincoln, Iteb, B M1&4
jyo men to work from our wagons; steady
position, and experience unnecessary. C.
y. Adams at Co., 1U Howard St. B T
Colo., oilers advantages in teaohlng
the barber trade that cannot be had else
where. Write today lor our terms.
B Mill AS
sons to distribute circulars, samples, uick
signs, ,etc., good pay, no canvassing.
Write for particulars free. Knarf Adver
tising Exchange, 873-176 Broadway, New
I ork. BM76B &x
WANTED Foreman. Job office; bindery In
vviuicviiuu, niuui De cyimaer prenaiiiiui.
Telefrapri, Atlantic, la B M65 19
WANTED Expert Uundryman. or will
all mt.T-L I 1 J-.i 9 A 1 I
Bwaa aawva ettkU ItLUilUi Y UVJlUft IUUU UU9A-
bess. Willis Cudwell, Broken Bow, Neb.
WANTED First-class commercial finisher;
steady position; $20. Telegraph appllca
tlona and address to Arkansas Democrat
Co., Little Rock. B M363 20
SALESMEN and solicitors: city work; big
money for right parties. 1621 Farnam. See
Flshsr. b M848
PERSON to Interview local trade for com
mercial house; salary 121 and expenses
weekly; previous experience unnecessary.
Colonial, Caxton, Chicago. B M862 21x
A GOOD salary and expenses paid to ener-
aeuo man wuiing to worn; responsible
position; good references and security re
quired; splendid chance for the right
man. Address Box 2S3, Minneapolis, Minn.
B MS60 20x
Salesman Wanted.
I want a man a first-aass cpectalty sales-
.uu niiw uiia a airaiaai ousineea
proposition to merchants and get paying
results. Tha business Is high grade and
tha Job la a permanent one. If you can't
aell goods, don't waste your time and
mine, but if you can get ordera from deal
era and earn a good Income, I would like
to talk with you. F. E. Sanborn, Pres't.,
The F. E. Sanborn Company, Omaha,
"eo. H M810 24
WANTED, men everywhere, rood pay. to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etoj no canvassing. ifatlonal-'Adv.
iluraji.ii filnavA ti m.fttoo
WANTED, experienced, aocurate and rapid
Ington operator required; answer, stating
"Rsrlenoe and salary wanted. Address
F 21, Bea office. B MBV8 SOx
WANTED, experienced, accurate book
keeper, about 21 years of age, by whole-
till nlua. I. a 1. - l . I
" ' w - I -Honil ,U Vnrii 111111 HI IlllIK,
stating age, experience and salary wanted.
Address F 20, Bee office. B MK87 20x
WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, aisinoute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertising
Bureau, Chicago. B M806 lx
WANTED, a responsible salesman, with
-uuinw nun traae in Illinois and
Iowa, for large wholesale liquor house;
state experience; references and bond re
quired; liberal salary. Address P. O. Box
ia. Peoria, III B-M900 21
600 PAINTERS wanted at World's Fair,
mu. , umuu men eoo per nour.
Apply at grounds. B MSOt lx
WANTED I want the name of every man
in njr way mieresiea in inounators or
poultry raising. I have something for
you. Write at onoe to M. M. Johnson.
Tke Incubator Man, day Center, Neb.
B Mai Ux
WANTED Plasterers, steady work, good
n i uuuuiuuii uion wuiy. uurpl f. j.
Box 54, St. Joseph, Mo. B MW1 tlx
LADIES and gentlemen, wa pay SIS a
wiuus,nu caau copying at noma; send
stamp. Puntan ilfg. Co., Worcester.
Mass. a M802 21x
WANTED One first-class salesman In
everv town weet of the Missouri river to
handle our business: fine proposition:
good ry; no capital required. Orand
Union Tea Co., Omaha, Neb. B 811 20
A GOOD POSITION for a competent man.
manager, oooaaeeper, salesman. Address
Business Opportunity Companv, 1 Union
Square. New York. B MS 20x
WORKINO for me doea not Interfere
wnn your regular duties. My men earn
$30 upward weekly. Experience unneces
sary ; no money required; no aoUcltlng.
J. THOMPSON, 177 Huntington Ave..
Boston, Masa B M71 3ex
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
vrruwiua uemana ror our graauates. raw
weeks completes. Busy season now. Tools
and diplomas given. Call or write. Moler
Barber College, 1302 Douglas Bt.
B MS70 25x
WANTED A registered pharmacist with
nuun reierences; one wno epesks Danish.
A. B.. care of Omaha Dally Bee.
B 1S8 a
WAK'I'WTt l-tlnv ahAllt IK t.
i ... ' . vim-w wura.
Address, own handwriting, F 28. Bee.
B 140 SOx
AOENT8 wanted everywhere: exclusive
imniurj. jum I'ouar a year protects
you." We Issue more accident and sick
cess policies than any other similar com
pany In the world, because we Issue the
moet popular ewd cheapest 'Inaurance
written: iu-w plan; $1 a year pays for
W policy; no sasessmenta or dues; other
amounts In proportion; death benefit;
weekly Indemnity; specific Indemnity for
loss of limbs or eyesight: free medical at
tendance; many other original and poo
uler features. Issued to either sex with
out regard to natluoalltv. color or oc
cupation. All claim a promptly and lib
erally aettled: iDeuranoe aaaeta $500 600.
Reliable reiaeeentativce wanted every
where: good territory still open: liberal
contract to capable rents; trev4oua a
jerleeice not nereeaery. International
CotoBABr. m Broadway. New Ye-tr.
B-M4 Hrx
WANTED. relUhle reprraeeitatrveo only tn
ererv community by a large western sup
ply houae. Nassau Mercantile Company.
Roota 2a, MUls BuUdlng. Ban rranciaca.
B-teS 211
WANTED. grod salesman, n hustler. Ap- 1
v-i ItvrT . ""a r-mimim Hoaro af
Trade Bldg. B M17D Ux
WANTETV-Circular dlatrlbutera; rash paid;
od atny Asueriuaa lAaulbuter, 'v.
vex, Cwet B-.
classes In all departments. Plenty of places
WANTED, bookkeepers, male sten
ographer, for general contracting busl
nesa; good posluons for right men. S ate
F 28. Boa.
fpnonca ana salary. Address
B 168 20
MANAGER WANTED Every county, for
renting famous "Skllllard Gnme" to pub
Uo places and make collections; strictly
lawful everywhere; replaces forbidden slot
machines; played with nickels or pennies;
eleclrlo bell rlnrs each time it scores;
sample game furnished agents free; fine
side line to work evenings in small towns;
'Skllllard Game" never sold, always our
froperty; agents make $75 to $300 weekly;
wenty thousand rented first month; no
cure appolntmont quick. Morgan Safe Co.,
Department Hi, Clucago, I1L B 846 20x
WANTED Manager for branch office we
wish to locate here in Omaha. Address,
with references, Morris Wholesnle House,
cure this paper. B M848 20x
QCVERNMJiNT civil service examinations
will soon be held In every state; full In
formation and questions used by the gov
ernment free. Columbian Correspondence
College, Washington, D. C. B 865 30x
WANTED A thoroughly oompetent, ex
perienced man willing to assume manage
ment of branch office. Olve age. ex
periences, successes and failures with ap
plication. Tabard Office Supply Co.,
Iowa City, Ia. B 843 20x
DETECTIVES Every locality, good sal
ary, experience unnecessary. Inter
national Detectlvo Agency, Milwaukee,
Wis. B-047-20X
Omaha Business University
Does not employ student graduates as teachers?
Proprietors do their own teaching? - '
Proprietors are all college and university men with
successful teaching experience?
Is doing more T1IOROUGLI work than any other
school in the west?
Students finish their courses in six (6) months?
Graduates are ALL employed?
Attendance has increased 300 per cent within the
last year? - '
Send for Catalogue and Literature.
v 17th and Farnam Sts.
To fill positions as managers, accountants,
advertising men, salesmen and bookkeep
ers; also technical and executive men,
high grade exclusively. We have offices
In twelve cltlee. write for plan and
booklet. HAPOOODS (Incorporated), 81$
Chemical building, Bt. Louis. B
HIGH class traveling or local salesmen
can earn at least $60 weekly with new
side Una adapted to any class of busi
ness, olty or village; can make $260 dally:
J roof of statement; sample case (weight
0 ounces), free by return mail. Address
A X, Manager, P. O. Box 30, New York.
WANTED, 2 first-class soda fountain men.
Good positions for the right men. Ad
dress V SO, Bee. B M172 22x
WANTED, a competent cook for S3 a day,
hotel; good wages. E. PenneU, OdebolL
Iowa. B M171 26x
TATE managsr for Nebraska; new line
of goods; will have charge of ten travel
ing men; salary and commission will net
$3,000 a year: $li0 cash required. Manager
Arthur, 881 to 8 Wabash Ave., Chicago,
111. B 107 20x
WIN $10 U $li daily-playing slot ma- graduates; write for particulars. - IF YOU wish to earn raonev hv writing
fhr rld'ratructis . " lfflj&?Sffl
8X Charles Crockett Wlnche Ky. !JS!'mJm S&S-
three-dollar article ta notion and aresa t- ill .Ox
Ane,n0;Unno,v.,7y1, UliSSl X'a W
, ' " LADIE8-S8-$U paid weekly doing plain
WANTED Lodge man ta take state of No- PRMTIHsj. i??,JF , 'n experience unnecessary:
braska and mknaga frara Omaha. Have ,. ,. m'eliaJ f5e wnrwhera; send
big money maker for right man. Call for HIGH CLASS printing st lowest price. stamped addressed envelope for particu-
Edwards. Murry Hatal. Wednesday only. TeL 1261 L A. Medlar Co., 423 B. l6th st Sit. v,T. Mf?' 1135 Broadway,
f B 132 2x um a$ YT"- o-sa--ax
WANTED Traveling salesman for Iowa AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment WANTED Typewriter who hss machine
and adjoining territory. Capital City Get our prices. TeL 1621. 101$ Chicago. to do confidential copying st home: about
Hat Co., Dos Moines, la, B 198 20 MI74 A$ $19 per month. Address F 37 Bee.
' . . C 208 28
WE PAY CASH to grow mushrooms for us PRINTING I nl'h 0r5L1 Work. . "
at home; large Income; experience un- i vvi"CTir, f f"?"1.1."" blck3 corner WE furnish positions to high-grade women
necessary: apawn free; addressed envel. LllNoblAU Hath St. and Capitol Ave. ef aU kinds, executive, technical and el-r-
ope for partloulars. National School of 30 leal; write or call for plan. The West-
Agriculture, 184 Broadway, New York. era Reference and Bond association 840-
B-878-20X KRAMER & CHANDIER. Quick PrtnUra, $41 N. Y. Life Bldg. C-1A2 20
. . 11 3 Farnam. To deliver work when prom-
WANTWD Ten men In each state to travel. Ised is our hobby. M766 A14 WANTED, a good cook; pleasant place for
tack signs and distribute circulars and right party; no washing- roodvuf.'
samples of our goods; $& per month; $3.00 WE make calendar, and do all kinds of family of four; references reoulred: apoly
?i"idTiI,BKt.n"f- JtJihlmaV5v.Ii'pt' rrtJll'n"iv.Barton Panting Co., 707 S. 16th. at once. Mrs. J. K. Baum. .46 Harney 1
H-a. Atlas Block, Chicago. B 11$ 30x 'Phone 3268. M7D4 A 14 C 329 2Ux
You 11 find them interesting.
Business & Shorthand Colleee
A. CL Ong, A. M., IX. Prea; A. J. Lowry, Frtn.
Boyd Bldg, Omaha, Neb.
Many of ths students are finishing their course of study this month and are being
assisted to line positions. Wo are having many calls for all kinds of office he'o.
Within the last ten days demand has been made upon us for bookkeepers In four dif
ferent banks. One student was In line for three different positions tha same day.
The bookkeeping and banking course of the commercial department la particularly
strong. All books for ths banking course are made to order and are tha same as used
In the best banks.
If you wuih a thorough business training under a practical bookkeeper of twenty
years' experience, you are sure to obtain It by enrolling with us for a few months.
There Is a vast difference In tha ability of teachers employed In business colleges, tha
thoroughness of the course of study and the method pursued. Every advantage la
offered the students of this InsUtuUon at a nominal expense.
Th spring will be a splendid time for you to enter. New classes win be orgaa
Ixed in every department. Read the following endorsement than which no finer or
more reliable can be offered. You take no chances In entering a school conducted
strictly on bualness principles and enjoying tha full confidence of the business com
Nebraska Business and Shorthand College
. ... Prof. A. C. Org, Prop. Omaha. Neb.
MAR BTRj Wo take pleasure In starting that we can cheerfully recommend 1 you
to anyone wishing to attend a business college. Those of your pupils who have
entered our employ have all proven satisfactory and well prepared for their work
We are glad to aay, further, that aU our dealings with you have been satisfac
tory. Tours truly, C T. KOUNTZB, Aaa't CaalUer.
Tha following endorsement la signed by mora than twenty of tho leading business
firms of tha city:
"We, tha undersigned citizens and business firms of Omaha, tab ninunn tn.
dorslng tha Nebraska Business and Shorthand College as being first-class and thor
ough in every department, and heartily comend this Institution to tke people of Ne
braska and the West." v v
Apply for catalogue and college literature, b
MAN, young, to take charge of our busi
ness in Omaha. Wa are the proprietors
of Liquid Bkln, the Fluid Court
Good salary and advancement. Wa pre
fer energy to experience. Royal Drug
1.0., b-a i, ueexman St., in. x. b
SHOE CLERKS, managers and buyers who
desire positions or wish to make changes
are requested to write the Boot and Shoe
Recorder, 11 Columbia Bt., Boston. All
letters coniidcntlal.
letters confidential. B 985 20
I GUARANTEE to make you good show
euro ana sign writer in rew oays ana get
you good position any part of U. 8. All
can learn Dy my meinoa. restimonms
Price, easy terms on roouost. Miller Col
lege (incorporated), 36 Journal Building,
.Boston; mass. jb
SPARE time of few men at points where
salary loans can be made; liberal pay.
Box 245, Cincinnati. Ohio. B 880 Six
WANTED, everywhere, people to copy let
torS Rt hnmo Hlirlnir inari tlma anH
turn us. Materials sent free. No mailing
or canvasslne-; $9 weekly earned. Enclose
seir-aaaressea envelope for particu'nrs
Guarantee Co., No. 3S9 Ninth St., Phila
delphia, Pa. B 991 20x
WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair edu-
canon to travel ror oll and well estab
lished firm: salary, $1,000 per year and
expenses, paid weekly. Address with
stamp, statin ago and experience. If
any. James K. Houghton, Omaha. Neb,
vrcuciai umivery 21V ZX
WE furnish positions to high-grade men of
all kinds, exeouUve, technical and cleri
cal; write or call for plan. The Western
Reference and Bond association, Mu-Ml
N. Y. Life Bldg. t B 191 2a
CEMENT sidewalks finishers. McWilltams
r.rf"-,pavln sidewalk contractors.
411-3 Faxton Blk., Omaha. Neb.
11186 2Lx
WANTED everywhere, men willing to dis
tribute samples, tack signs, etc., at $3
dally; permanent; no canvassing. Con
tinental Distributing Service, Chicago.
B810 Eux
SALESMAN wanted Live man to hand's
our candles on commission, IS per cent.
Dynes Chocolate Co., 213 E. Randolph st.
Chicago. B 87$ 20x
WANTED -By prominent Chicago whole
sale clothing firm a young, energetlo
traveling man, thoroughly acquainted In
southern Kansas. Clothing man pre
ferred, but not essential. State refer
ence. Address F 32, Bea. B
MEN to learn barber trade at the Ameri
can Barber college, 12th and Douglas sts.;
as this is the only school endorsed by the
ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and
wife call Canadian office, Uith and Dodge.
WANTED First-class house maid. Good
wages paia. ins Bo. S3a Bt. C 784
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1613
oiaaison ave. c M793.
WANTED Experienced girl Tor general
housework; good references required.
Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton, 204 South 37th
if ecu C M814
WANTTCTV nnmulnl A
Mrs Squire, Story and Third sts.. Council
u Msia zox
WANTED, competent girl general house
work; two In family; good wages. 416
- " em lax
WANTED at once, a good cook, experi
enced, no washing; good wages; family of
t iii' '""'" roquirea. Arpiy Mrs.
w. jh. M.aun:f onto xxaruey. MtMO ZUX
WANTED, good girl for general house
work: good wages: small family. 133 S.
v. vuii m line. C, AlttW 20
SPLENDID opportunity for lady; $15 per
ncni iiuiue, expenses aa
VAnPAll' rrfnrrtr.nm an n 1 1
. ... u , .....u.ivn aim ninaii (. n r i sn-
curltv required; fine opening; desirable
SoniLjun, vAiitrnencB out necessary. Ad
ress 306-15 4th st. N Mlnneaoolls, Minn.
U M8S1 20X
OlRl' wanted, general nousework; small
laniuy. Mi do. 2itn. (J MS80 18
LADIES for work at home, stamping china
ouvemrs lor ei, iouis rnir; clean, fasci
nating, good pay. U. D. Art Co., 65 Doug-
iu uiu., cjjp. xiayaen s. M AUYa 26X
WANTED, experienced wnlst trimmers,
kuuu nuanci. Aliorasi Iveitn-U BrlBn CO.,
C M808 19
WANTED A competent cook, also house-
iiiaiu. iwn. f . o. aennara, laZA uoage St.
U 80S 20
GIRL for general housework.- Mrs. Geo. B
-io, mvi i;uufl. w VIS Zl
8808 N. 24th.
C 820
ijauiub-sid per weeK sewing at home:
......... ...... iiu I.BUVM91UB, ueauvirui
"""i'i" "Din ii on receipt or aaaressea
viifuiua, wajoBkig XJUUO VO., IN C W I org.
C 874-20X
" ' " i.. t, iiHiiuirnaitiK,
- o - " " . v. villi.,., Amu IU
four weeks required. Can earn expense
ueiore compieiing. t,-au or write. Molar
wonege, usui uouglaa Bt, C M9S8 26x
TiA Mnnt rmfl t n V.1 & fenm ,..1. . mi
io o weeaiy; materials rree; no canvass
ing-; nwuiy worn. Bona stamped envel
ope. Surety Co., Chicago. C 120 SOx
LADIES To do piecework at thalr homes;
i.uiiiiiih ui maiermis ana pay from
V t? 13. 15'kly- Sn" stamped envelop
to Royal Co.. 34 E. Monroe St, Chicago.
C 117 aox
HOME WORK $8 weekly during spare
uwi.-, iiu wiTuimis, nxuenenoe or money
needed; enclose stamp for outfit. Instruc
tions, etc. Address Universal Co., 82S W
23d St, New York. c
WANTED Two fitters and alx sewing
" viva .., iaucn cms.
C M136 23
A MOST Inviting field for woman who can
xiuui rum, r-in money in b'g
chunks. Address Side Line. Box 663, Cin
cinnati, Ohio. c M tux
WANTED Everywhere, people to copy let-
mtib iiuiua uunng spare time ana re
turn us; materials sent free; no mailing or
canvassing; 89.00 weekly earned; enclose
self-addressed envelope for particulars.
Guarantee Co., No. 627 Ninth St.. Philadel
phia, Pa. C 664 bJX
LADIES to do plain sewing at home;
everywhere free. Eor partloulars aend
addressed envelope. Du Pont Dept.. 627
"" - ..w-t.i.iv, . v vue A-'X
NURSES' College, Pueblo. Colo.: alx weeks'
vvu.n, siiuu, uyeua April L.
C 864 SOx
WANTED Energetic lady to travel In No-
B.wa i j w wcoaiir ana ait ex
penses; steady position to satisfactory
party; references required. Address
Manager Dept. C, 211 Pontlac bldg., Chi
cago. o-JU 20x
LADIES, write short letters: 83 to 88 par
week. No canvassing. Stamped envelop
particulars. Dept. 60, Ladles Bpeolalty
Co., Chicago. O 108 20x
CENTER hotel, BO H. Uth; nice transient
rooms. E ItV kill
ROYAL HOTEL. European, llta Chicago
DEWEY, Eurapaan hotel, Uth and Frnam
B M0
NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha
Steam Laundry. 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone
A-17SS. EMl
O. M. E. haula trunks. Telephone git.
$1.2e PER WEEK. Doran House. 421 B. lth.
E 3
Vienna Hotel, 1011 Farnan; fine roms; la
dles' eafe. private dining r.; open nlgkta
E t4
LARGE, warm room, steam bent. 1008
Capitol ave. E M7
LARGE elegantly furnished alcove room,
steam heat, hot water, gas, bath, tele
phone, large lawn, fine location, res son
able. 1621 Doug! a e. E M804
NICE furnished rooms. 824 N. Uth
ELEGANT apartment house for men;
roome single or ensulte, luxuriously fur
nished, now ready for occupancy. Apply
at the Chatham, lith St.. opposite Millard
hotel. E Mint
FURNISHED Rooms, reasonable. ItlJ
Burt. E-M414 M
NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1411
Dodge Bt. sj Man
THE FARNAM. 18th and Farnam sta.
Referenca required. HV-MBH
AN elegant south front room snd alcove,
with board. 2418 Cass at E $72 Kx
THREE nicely furnished rooms; modern
2116 Chicago, B M883 21
NICELY furnished, front room suitable for
two. 1614 Cass. E M&94 Six
LARGE or small room; reasonable! mod
ern; walking dletanoo. 1921 Dodge.
E M886 21x
FURNISHED rooms. 118 N. 2th st.
E MhS6 22x
MODERN furnished rooms. 131 8. Joth st.
E MS84 21 X
FURNISHED rooms. 1806 Chicago.
E M88S 23
THREE or four nice rooms, light house
keeping, In private family; chenp. 708 N,
80th st E 927 20x
ELEGANT si) modern front room; gss,
hot wster, furnace bent; no other room
ers; 'phone L-2568. 2G30 Dodge.
E-194 W
FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping,
1614 California. E M212 22x
MODERN furnished rooms, 51 No. 19th.
, E M213 23x
FURNISHED room, 60S No. 2mh.
E-M214 23
FURNISHED rooms, 1717 Burt.
E M215 24X
FTTRNISHED. rooms, 1 or 2 persons. !O03
Burt E M216 2-'i
FURNISHED rooms, 1806 Lake
E M217 24
FTTRNISHED rooms, light housekeeping,
Durueiie. U M-1H Z2X
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 1411
jones st E 231 Zzx
THREE desirable rooms, suitable for light
oouaeaeeping, partly lumisnea. xzin Cass.
: B-ZTS 22
THE R08E, 2020 Harney, rooms, good
board; reasonable rates. F M818 M27x
UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport
- F-4W8
ROC KA WAY, 1318 Douglas. Meala. 16c
Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with-
nut Doara. juioiana notei, lBtn & Chicago.
HOME Dining Hall; first-class meals, 30a
uu wv nuiui vuuailis. llt UO0K9.
F M463-A-10
TiATIOn anlitK mam - 1 M .
two; all modern, with 'phone A-2683; $5 00
a, week each; gentlemen preferred. 2408
"TTRNI8HTCn rnnnil with mruiA kn. wjt
gentlemen only; fine location; reasonable.'
r ariittm. r &yj 20X
FURNISHED rooms and board, 811 So. 2a
F MS42 20
BOARD and room for two, 2578 Harney
F MS41 20
FURNISHED rooms and board, 18)8 Dodg. amui. JT Mud ZOx
FURNISHED room snd board, prlvala
family; walking distance: modern. Ad-
dni, II 11 rrtA-. Tn war.
- - ffmow Aa
Turkey dinner Sunday at 1708 Dodge.
mso zox
FURNISHED rooms and board. 1812 Chi
cago. F Ms&S Six
FURNISHED rooms and board. 118 N. 18th.
F-M887 21
FURNISHED rooms and board. 1811 Cap-
tiMi ava. 1 Mt zix
LARGE nlo room. 601 6, 28th St. Tel. 269C.
F-10 24X
NICELY furnished room; good board; prt
vaie lamuy; reierencea. ua a. I8tn at.
F-205 20X
THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnished!
uiuuern. avui xiamey. u auos vx
FURNISHED or urifurnlshed rooms. 813
n. ii tn. a 74 ax
THREE MODERN unfurnished roams for
ugni Housekeeping, el e). ua. u M84S
THRBB vnfurnlshed rooms; ground floor;
yrivin nirtnnj aieaoi naac; gaa; Datn.
lut xjavenpon. O MS88 80
THREE unfurnished rooms, first floor;
water iu aii-vuvu. ooe an. nary I ava.
G 193 itx
4 MODERN rooms, parlor floor, near park.
uwu o. zstn. u 230
WANTED To rent a small a or patch of
arouuu near urawu, vuiiaoie tor garaen
lug. Address F 72. Be. K Sffl 20x
TWO young peopl want room and board
in pnvat lamiiy. AQUress F I, Bee.
K-640 20x
WANTED To rant pert of a atore room.
uiiaois i or i run ana cigar stana; must
be tn good location. Address F 8. Bea
K 681 2ox
VANTED 6-room house with room enough
for garden; prefer southern part. Address
F 2. Be. K-a zox
WANTED Two or three furnished rooms
fr. 1 1 K f kAliallfnln. .TI,Ih. Jt I
from post office; references. Address F 28.
Be office. K-M141 21x
WANTED By reliable young man and
wire, a do in rour lurnisnea or unrurnlshed
rooms or house: state lowest price and
partloulars. Address F 27, Bee.
K-168 SOx
WANTED Board and room In private
lajuuy wj young laay. aaortw r S4, He.
K 2u2 SOx
SINGLE man desire room and board In
private ramiiy. inrarea tn Kountie Place;
rive full particulars and terms. Address
F 88, Bee. K M198 22x
LAW AID coLLKcrrions.
TILLMAN 4k PRICE. 410 1st Nat ba. bldg.
THE liw Snow-Church Co.. law eollec-
tlons, real aatate. attorneys, collector,
brokers everywhere. 1st toar N, T. LI fa
J ai. a.
aaUlcmact aetata specialty. TeL V&A.
THOS X KELLY, colli, Barid block.
DAISY BTOOINa. wole, piano. SBIS Lea.
a m. av-Aiiu aia.s
CHAS. H, KXEFBR. mane,. H Barker Bik.
Fancy Case
Largest size imrlght rnaaVe, for Saturday
and Monday only
Used two years, latest style, mahogany
casn. celluloid keys, only
57.00 Cash and $5.00 a Month
First comer gets one of these snaps.
Schmoller & Mueller,
Open till 10 p. m. Saturday.
131$ Farnam Btreet
DR. ROY, Chiropody, r. 2. 1A16 Farnam.
Paper Hangings. p:uo,
U. P. McCLAi.v teed at raaaonabl
prices, ui) a. l.ui St Tel. B-4te47.
U M301
Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best quickest.
Mrs. A. C. Mark. ULh and Douglas.
BOOK, ladlaa' tallrrln MS Kirhirh
Ik. U 731
ANY poor girl in need of a friend can oall
or write to the aiatron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women, 824 N, 24th st,
Omaha, Neb. U-M52 Maylx
Summering cured. J. Vaughn. Ramge, Bid.
ELITE parlors, 616 S. 16th. 2d fioor.
"VIAVI," way to health. 360 Bee building.
MAfiM FTIPtrstrnnt batbs. Mm,
iiinvjil C I IV amltli, 118 N. 16. fir., H. 3.
U M3a8-A-X
WJ?AT'S nicer than accordion pIoatlngT
vve do nothing but the finest. Goldman
1 leatlng Co., XjQ Douglss block. U 735
bN. BOLT-Why didn't you meet me at
ipiumbla Phonnngruph company last
Jilg htT I waited till half past 9. Bay.
Jhelr fre concerts are fcrnnd, and I
bought a dosen X. r. E0o rtcords for 20a
each. Peggy from Paris. U M137
. . -MAN merchant, 38 years o?d, good
Lusiness In Hnest tropical loo'.lon in
Juexico, wishes to marry yo.jr.g, weultliy
American girl, sympathctio apposition.
Address Anuro Andres, Atai.ado 10,
Guadalajara, Mexico. U 7 20x
BIVL,oiAm n"xt ,J od tiling; met me
' .Blcecker s cigar store this evening
S.i 1 "mke a 6o Monogram ai;U 1 11
P it off to you. Frank. U
containing forty-tight pages of valuable
i5l?5ma.tlonV OFFICIAL MAP and full
wiaiSTi VI' ,now to et s, claim on the
iiV.faLe.lJD RESERVATION. Forbes Lo
eating Agency, Bonesteel, S. D. U-S8J
?AL2UAS for, rent: months' rent al
iSiT on Purdiae. Schmoller & Mueller.
M13 tarnam. Tel. 165. U 833
R EN.Cfc Sick and almost craxy; writ
ii?.-wliU come 10 Vu $ no- ou'
rather Is very low. Alio. U 647 19x
TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. ISth at
U 305
FAMILY hand laundry; rough drying a
peclalty. 816 Jackson atreet
. U-M379 M23X
GAS fixtures at cost Sam'l Bums.
. U-M914 Al
8?5B..c.aPt Freer'a Greenlander cigar.
410 B. Uth. U-M917 Mayl
TfiSAJRICAIj rasaq. costumes. Llehen,
1018 Farnam. U-M9U
SOLID Gold Rimless Eyeglasses, only $2.Wj
with our patent "Slip Not" guards, $1.66
xtra. Eyes examined by our specialists
e . a .k.. ..... . . r .
1 . -iY nuieson upucai tjo., iu
'ft l$th, near Farnam. U-343 21
LOpCTES, dancing club or meetings of any
r , L a nan in ine nee duiiu-
ing, with splendid accommodations: ele-
Tuior service all night, electrio light
piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters & Co..
ground floor. Be Bldg. U 841
CRYSTAL Ice Co.. 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028.
U M460 JelO
LADIES: Fluo Elixir develops breasts 4
inches In t weeks. Will convince you by
ending one week's treatment free. Fluo
Chem. Co., Box 988, Milwaukee, Wis.
U-M768 22x
ANYONE knowing whereabouts of Robert
Kerr, Haines Falls, N. Y. V 863 20x
DR. FICKBB. O. C. B. 6.. dentist. 8M Be
D,u- TJ M800 A16x
ttor of the Spender. Investigate. Roach's
Circulating Library. 1616 Farnam.
U-8T4 19
lr EVER In the park you eat and heard
Ul h. rt A n a. , i . .
rtarches and two-steps, too. t th'nk It
would astonish you, den't you? But say."
JSS P.1 fupPrlBlng thing Is how Stoecker.
1404 Douglas, can sell his Monogram cigar
for 6c Just aa good as most loV cigars.
MIDDLE-sged business man, very wealthy!
wnni K-noa, inaus
trious wlfs. Address Mr. Andre, 85 Hud
son ave., Chicago. rj- J19 20x
A PRIVATE soldier (cannoneer of a emit
desires lady correspondent P. O. Box
No. 444. Key West, Fla. U M178 tlx
HANpSOME American lady, without kith
mn ann worm K1.1W, want Sincere
honest husband. Address Lowe, K1 Clin
ton St., Chicago. U 138 20x
MARRY Wealth and Beauty Marriage rll-
,, ..r. , or wimn maTiea. Kn
i Ly ?,",.r,',,i; """l."" money. Address
H. A Horton, Dept. F 97, Tekonshs. Mich.
V U 128 2Dx
M,AJlRY-?00.wor, 91006 (': paper
i ri . . . nana reierences: estab.
Ilsbed elgnt years. R. L. Love. Denver.
Colo. u-sti jo.
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warta and moles per-
.. n.,rv,j. leiiiuvca py oonsul
tat I on free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 422 N. Y. Life,
U-9G2 20x
- ' ' . ' u . ' ' 1 . l 1 1 1 . V Un
way's Bust Tabloids Is the only remedv
r.n .ptk aiklnh nlu '.. .... J .
Inches; no li.Jury. no appliances, no pol-
wiiii ll"m. irruilni; sivhi it we CRtl t
Beflled facts 4c stsmps CONWAY flPE
CIFIC CO., II Tempi Place, Boston. Maas.
I REEK huahand fnr lady, as 24. worth
iJO.iA": wioow 50. iwi.ikpi; winriw W. IJi 00
and stock farm: lady 22. $10,000 snd bem
tlful farm. Address .Tesela, 19 Bnuth
Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. U 883 20x
TOUR fortune tnld by the stsrs. Rend
-. .4 .
,'nn.iw hiiu .-I..,, .up i,r nrnsnectus
of matrarlne of Atrolor1el Fornoaats"
and receive free life reading- with de
scrlotlon rit "whom you should msrr "
Prof. A. H. Postal, Box 1S80 W Phila
delphia. Pa. U-1S1 20x
A KINO'S Pawn by Hamilton Drummond.
inves'isaie noacn s circulating llrarv.
1516 Farnam. TT v4 n
FOR SALxC-llOllktS, WAGOIHI, lilt.
HORBEB for sale; second-hand hsrness,
venicies cneap. aicicneor 1 Ktabiea, 601 8.
18th. P-MiWi
SAM'L BURNS, phaatoa and Surrey cheap.
HAVE your wgnn painted or repaired by
VI ,it Uth ami I.m,.Aril. u .rv'
BORBEB clipped and trimmed. Frank Da-
1. WH, xu -.pB0l Sva. Jtl,
1HA P M37I Al
FOR BALE, pair vary closely matched
faiauiga, aa t year; weign X.tu0; uo
attar parr warkara oa eaxtii; two good V
faint ry aiaraa: rrtra canopy tap swrrey and
slagls baraeaav Braaai's Sin. Boutb
F USU 18
BOUSES clipped- Cotfoa Lfvary itahlaav
r suae jlm
HORSES cMnpad. Called for and dallreV
aiua w aiiaier. aa Aviaoaii a