Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1904, PART III, Page 21, Image 21
21 BIG LOSSES FROM RATE WAR LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS IN THE UNITED STATES THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi SUNDAY, MAHCTT 20. 1004. Bailroad Eamfnri lrop and Ch'ffi Art Prodding Their (Subordinate). WANT IDEAS WHICH OFFER SOLUTION Ofllrlat IlilraiMl that Effort to (rub Omaha Urala Eirhn la Coillii Masraatrs Orrat Deal of Montr, Th gTaln rata war has bn In pros; ress long enough that executive official of the vacioua lines have begun to sit up and take notice of the decrease In earnings of the properties under their charge. It Is said by thoan who are well posted that the rate war will be the cause of prevent ing some of the lines from declaring a dividend during the next few months. A freight official who Is well posted on the rate situation has taken the trouble to compile some figures to show .the loss In gToes rerelpts to the companies owning the roads engaged In the fight. According to his calculations the tors to the lines operating from Nebraska points to the east as far as Chicago will be $150,000 for the month of March and for the territory Including Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa which Is affected by the cut the estimated loss will be $300,000. The estimated loss In gross receipts of the various lines Interested during the lost two months Is $fl00,000 for the dis trict, and for Nebraska the loss Is esti mated at half that amount or irW.OOfl. Using the past production and shipment of grain as a bssls for computation the loss for the coming year to all the Interested lines, should the war continue until Jan uary 1, will he about f.'i.W.W for the dis trict embracing Nebraska. Iowa and Kan sas, and for the state of Nebraska alone It will be about $2,500,000. Fight on Grain Ehu(, "The Great Western and Northwestern," nld this official, "hold the key to the situ ation. If these two lines could agree, there would be no further trouble and the Im mense losses which the various rends are suffering would be cut off. The organisa tion of the Omaha Oriiln exchange Is at the bottom of the wholo matter. Had thnt association never been started there would have been no declaration of war In grain rates. Every line, with the exception of the two named, baa had enough trouble for this time and Is willing to patch up a truce and again try to make a little money for the beneflt of Its stockholders. , "Some effort constantly Is being made to try to get-these two lines together, but thus far all attempts have met with failure. We still are living In hopes, however, that something soon will be done to stop the trouble. Our chiefs are almost dally send ing us word that earnings are falling off and asking If we have not some suggestions to make whereby they can be Increased. "The figures given only Include the dis trict in which Omaha is Interested. When we stop to consider that this rata war has extended clear to the eastern seaboard and south to the gulf, and that every pound of grain Is now being carried on a money losing basis, some Idea of the far-reaching results of the start made In Omaha can ba seen," Financial Standing of the Companies Engaged and Showing of Their Transactions During the Year 1903. Tln followlnc tabulation shows tlie ajfgrrjrnte of life Instirnnea business transHctod In the United States for am! the flrwnclnl condition of thu companies as of January 1, 104. The flpures are compiled from the sworn reports of the regular life Insurance companies, made to the vnrlous Insurance departments, and are issued In advance of any state department report, by The Spectator, New York, of March 17, l'.KH: NAME AND LOCATION OF COMPANY. TOWN IN BIG HORN BASIN ettlemeat Projected by Promoters Wfeo Will Develop Irrigation Facilities. ' A meeting was held March It at Oraely, Colo., for the purpose of organising a eolony to settle on the Hanover canal In the Big Horn basin and start a town. The town will be named Hanover and will have quit a large population and a diversified Una of business enterprises as soon as the buildings can be erected. Word of the organisation has been re ceived by the passenger officials of the Burlington In this city, and they are very much elated over the prospects of build ing a fine city In the territory which la tributary to their line. The canal on which the town will be located was built by Omaha men, C. F. Robertson and M. D. Reardon. The canal, when completed, will be thirty miles In length and fifteen of It la now ready to receive the water. Herbert Ruasell and D. E. Smith, two practical Irrigation farmers from Greely, went over the ground covered by the canal, and reported at the Oreely meeting that It Is the finest irriga tion prospect they have ever seen, with the possible exception of the Oreely dis trict. There are 84,00 acres of land in the Hanover district, all ef which soon will under water. The district' Is directly tributary to Omaha.V via the Burlington, and It Is thought that when settled It will add greatly to the Jobbing trad of this city. Aetna Life, Hartford, Conn American Central, Indianapolis, Ind., American Life, Des Moines, la Bankers of Nebraska, Lincoln Bankers of New York Bankers Reserve, Omaha, Neb , Berkshire, I'lttsfleld, Mass lloaioti Mutual, Boston, Mass , Central of U. 8. A., Des Moines, la., Columbia Life, Cincinnati Columbian National, Boston, Mass.... Connecticut General, Hsrtford, Conn. Conectlcut Mutual, Hartford, Conn. Conservative Life, Los Angeles, Cal., Des Moines Life, Des Moines, la.... Ia. Ettiltable, New York. N. Y Kqultable of Iowa, Des Moines, federal I.lfe, rhlngo. Ill Fidelity Mutual. Philadelphia. Pa... Franklin Life, SpringllcM, 111 Oermanla, New York, V. Y Germmila Mutual, Si. I.ouIh, Mo.... Ouarsnty Mutual. Davenport, la. Hartford Life, Hartford, Conn T Home of New York, N. Y Illinois Life, Chicago, 111 Interstate of Indiana, Indianapolis... Interstate of Ohio, Cincinnati Kansas City Life, Kaunas City, Mo. Liberal Life, Anderson, Ind I.lfe Association of Amer., N. Y. City Manhattan, New York, N. Y , Miiryla'id. I more. Mil Mass. Mutual. Ppringtleld, Mass Meridian L, & T., Indianapolis, Ind. Mlchls-an Mutual, Detroit, Mich Minnesota Mutual, St. Paul Missouri State. St. Louis Mutual Benefit, Newark, N. J . Mutual of Illinois, Chicago Muttinl of New York, New York, N. Y Mutual Reserve, New York. N. Y National of tT. 8. of A . Chicago. III.. National of Vermont, Mcntpelier, Vt.. isew England, Boston, Mass ,New York Life. New York. N. Y Northwestern Mutual. Milwaukee, Wis Northwestern National. Mlnnennolls. Pacific Mutual, San Francisco. Cal.... i"en Mutual, Philadelphia, Fa P! 03 u c m , It r I CGS.166.I7s, 7.W.SJ0 2f.8M J 2, CM, 704 1 283,0071 119,476 637,37 4.9S7.7W b4.CU.S66 1.644.048 1,03,977 87I.704,790 a.Ci;.(.4u 17-J.J14 1,8'0,13 d6, 611.106 - 191,4. 3,778 1H3.848 li.4il 54.171 844,343 66,911 86,68,1, 118.)7 S18.M6 . 684.731 4.SJ9.813 817,750 181,138, 8.8.463 841,89: 83.0231 81. 3941 77.77 239,4251 2.810.4.18 21.& 15U,48 7.3J0 261,166 801.S14 6,8J6.082i 7:2.383 760.129 11,881.778 8a.37 88.6i7 892. 821 780.8U7 9U 411 i, 898.610 225.824 160.158 86,(29 8S2.CC 0 1,021,147 8.2WU71 8J8.67R 922,606 t s M 7,694.648 17J.298 82.' 111.794 639.863 Z 2.1 a 7S,W.57i 68.637.IW0 78.718.361 I Phnenlx Mutual, Hartford, Conn Pittsburgh L. A T., Pittsburg, P.... Freshyterlan Ministers. Phils., Pa.... Provident Life and Trust, Phlla, Pa.... Trovldent Savings, New York, N. Y.. Register L. and A., Davenport, la Reliance Life, Pittsburg, Pa Reserve Loan, Indiannnolls, Ind Royal Union, Des Moines. Ia Security L. and A., Greensboro, N. C. Security L. A A., Philadelphia. Pa... Security Mutual of Nebraska, Lincoln Security Mutual of N. Y.. Blnghamton Security T. A L.. New York N. Y.... South Atlantic, Richmond, Va Southern L. & T., Oreensboro, N. C. Southwestern Life, Dallas. Tex Ptftti Life, Indlxnapolls, Ind Grate Mutual. Worcester; Mass..' , Texas Life, Waco, Tex Travelers, Hartford. Conn ! Union Central, Cincinnati, O , Union Mutual, Portland, Me... ,, T'nlted States, New York, N. Y , Volunteer S. I... Chattanooga. Tenn. Washington. New York. N. Y Wisconsin Life Madison Industrial Companies. Baltimore Life, Baltimore, Md. Colonial, Jersey City, N. J Koulf. Industrial. Washington. D. C Home of Delaware, Wilmington, Del jonn Hancock, Boston, Mass , Life Ins. Co. of Va., Richmond, Va. Metropolitan, New York, N. Y Mutual of Baltimore, Baltimore, Md Prudential. Newark, N. J Western & Southern, Cincinnati, O.. Aggregates year ending Dec. 31, 1903.. Increase during 1903 Aggregates year ending Dec. si, 190!.. Aggregates year ending Dec. SI, 1901.. Aggregates year ending Dec.Sl, 1900.. Aggregates year ending Dec. 31, 1899.". 82.476.11C 632.1 40! 18,228 3.314,686 15,102,841 8.016.65H1 841.810 iat.r.16 212.61X1, 80,423 377.7S11 17.087.806! 2.343,S) 33,ji"'.9l'9. 163,2561 ..W8.o7S 1,800,347 479,549 87.4r.3,4t7 272,060' 401.821.6P2I 8.707.31 4.694.W !...t..iwl S5.784.0U Sf,; R?.o4K 178 I' 8 '! TUi34 17,011. 1G2 641. 1S4 1.NOI.154 61.151.502 7.011,226 1.018 701 210.6811 l.Of.1.7621 14S.16I 205.72al 73.608' 1.988.8701 J.S2.1.726 284,339 217.426I 179966 13.249.248 148,361 6u4.149 72.W7 8'.n,i;: 207,223 4,506.672 143.6731 8.677! 816,667 1,276.7701 248,121 2(H .91 101.628 114.741 43,411 302,092i 1,759.810' 318,8741 3.647.491 114,902 464.080' 223.344 145,172 6,646.751 233,981 I 61,994,841 606.6S8 1,198,805 S.924.862 3,214,604' 760.21; 96,846 8.14.i!-.2 972,6i(7 4,172,1! 38.764, 16.652J 2,397.398 923.606 IO'J.304 3.4'W.fS6 1,006,136 B,6T.39'lj (8.82il 8U.662 2.633.411 2,747,783 8,436,529 1,11 r. 276 647.74i 66.1611 112.134, 44,689 61. KB 2.4f.9.24 269.4,V)i 6.015.0111 68,61l 2.084.315 675,142 78.4.' 129.281 45.707 210,034 8. 321.607 372,78(1 7.626.024 60,698 8 6,604.729 44.497 11.718 60.849 86t,70j 22,278 1,463.067 60.286 16.769 19,773 856.873 6.846.891 267, 2i0 186,016 34.949, 872 49.493.011 268.397 1 449.903 13.661' 96.66' 1,146,073 3.282, 3. 331,071 778,911 3.670.02-2 3,866,24; 34,2:'8( 61.818 l.oooi 12.164 1,660,026 2,882,976 1,548,348 3,429,653 139.3Wi 1,939.701 119.398 93,246 17,460 152.824, 676.437 1.233.434 660,920 403,906 1.448.7301 l,8f,3.199 6.16.046 618.W4 211.684 463.277 12.672.873 18,"3,484 64,519 79,772 60,161.020 4,293,7l 1. 338.7491 6.224.448 4,932, 0S8I i7,r..13.713 4.711,232 2.319.613 6.480.46.1 6,616.507 763,097 91.625 20,513 18.178 8,673' 1.78S.896I 198.930 3.34". 047 1 8,022j 783,489 861.026) 79.4911 9.297.7S9, 2,79tj 8i. 666.204 8,216.665; 330,(l'.'4 2.067,076 8.633.797 1,266.189' 276.193 59.636 101.9861 32,214 28.422 3.8-'3.527 2M.739 4.821.01 4 4 u, 409 35 1.0 n i 1,280.711 607,845; 210.814: 11.926,788 92,1631 48.807.616' 4.663.637 1.159.873 3.389,017 4.613,803 o47.106.0471 73,32.174 88.269.6311 S4. 604. 247 , 62.RS3.459 p5.014.704l 2O.1K5.05Ol 33,835.274' 15.100.219' 21.036.645 3(i.4i;6l 1.094.305' dS36.901 1,767.0541 e7,067,489 11,848.667; 716.704 840.133 418.947 6.6:-i5.6'J0l 732,0861 r?.41 1,910.8261 43.216 109,501 100,133' I 148.2861 13 947' 691.714 648.212 196,861 216.428 160,667 890.677 3.186.078 120,918 fl40lo 849'd 16.229,316 88 610.328, 10.196.369 ' 8,i3.134' 242.918' 16.963.886 148,888 755,096 878.456 124.963 168.4401 37.133,641 1,5(53,414 105.R,812 8.4441 72.394,7001 1,074,6mI I2.rr 299,337' 176.1S0.864' !2,100.l38.47Sl 6.01 4. 433 1 663.6661 675,163 240.681 639.160 10,690 341, 159. 118 142, 1.012, 829, 10,691, 41. 10,193, 112, 3 969.606' 162,0971 232.638' 6.453.9551 3.646,221 11.B72 128,049' 269,7771 441.7161 83,457 M.092 88.988 1,211.808' 846.9301 97,986' 7.777' 6S.746 1,665.923 8.662.184 15,975 4.804, noo' 6.667.0731 1.978.2891 1,411.4M 12.175! 2,789.089 80,6061 696,472 864,588 98.426 46,3118 !, 389.529; 1.609, 4C3 5,656,961 743' 398' 36 I 2391 1, 2.897.3S3 2.0X8.416 14.840,719; 3.782.876 643.3061 802.781 8.767.107 4.206,082 121.862 167.679 275.465' 496.354 96,780 96.478 91,283 1,831.478' 1.092.264 108,236 8.867! 103,846 1,748.490 4.796.866 89.914 6.321.688' 8.8K4.971 2.386.627 1,906.713 2.17() 1,676.360 87,709 626.844 ri2.843 99,843 61.453 1,672,734 1 ,509.529 9,887.804 8'.m,112 1 6'.(0.142 1. 383. 468 C.415.565: 8,169,589 1,716.470 28.703 87,230; 4,586.152, 1.I6D.UVU, ' 27.057 "61.767 114.933 86,268, 2.0601 6.604 413.759 417.215 10.236, 1R8.158 028.1021 39 I ,113.6991 1,139,327' fot 054! ,026.1281 11, 3.600 878.406 3.192.040 729 S.lfW1 3.701.236 960.683 1.108,981 2,314.049 30,049, 323,074 89.414 24.401 14.954 1.764.262 486,863 178,731 86,440' 14 2.515 811 274.151 124,021 5.980.6371 3.363,668' ! 66.066! 113.844 139.696 303.268 62.001 66.667! 68.0771 1,070.000 866,811 86,171 .624! 43,093 1,093.683 8.103.888 13,009 3,296, 458 4.314.207 1.6O3.8041 1,757.899 22.7! 8. 4.14. 206 69,106 608, 465 86 86, 9,591, 1,334 31,779, ,5661 3 26.486.916 2.3K5.021 1.S87.6O0 4.264.822 2.S18.469 2.472.0O0 6,829.067 3.474.019 1.796.387 211,0001 c7,063,06O B4.813.941 4.216.323 9.622.138 113.198.171 6,662.064 236.862.129 3.829.137 1.369.6S6 122,6:1,904 jl3.962.144 14,3!11 J46S,J)0 cll.081.44S' R2.949.645; 112,335,472 14,668.854 4.W4.S42, 74M.4' 1.220.560! 6S2,6lXi 4.908.000 13,471.674 Ktfi.lM 21,192.890 863,509 7,014.086 8.083.771 8.4(i,116 42.795.613 2.981,1661 J215.102.648, J1 4.501. Sill 27.888,779 17.8-'9.694 19,048,616 1329.875,014 J80.355.422 14.907,262 16.719.704 66.660.887 C10.999 274 6.643.0O7' 1.4:'4.(ffl 18.287. 9!'8 27,961.787 886.663 1,314.660 1. 986.500 8.893.879 896,900 8,207.250 1.646.676 J1 0.676. 21 2 13. 611.801 1,176,812 246.180 1.966,600 16.990.9161 18,087.677 43.700 J17.077.676 28.790.69Ol J8.431.9S9 7,850.694 641.000 16.766.864 1.143,226 8 226,765.843! 7.571.965 2.156.4, 11,594.847 22,246,145 6,911.500! 60.766.778 6.861,650 4,8ti3.786 c6.764.300 E2.630.969 23.526,066 166.604.486 J21.743.690 18,030,654 1,409.918.742 21.148.031 4.611,208 J10O,3tO,547 26,387,1921 J9S. 6.11.468 1.216.0421 J344.61J0, C73.16.547 z2.873.146 J69, 410.582 36, 626.136' 7,700.336 2.033.29 2.155,100 1,769,000 4,698.000 "2.641.987 8.276,294: 169.668,456! 2.068.U66J 42.804,923 16.874.3181 6,9:1, 562 333.674.8761 2.699,679 12,002,866 1,464.688 ' 734,200 2,6:4.5iio 653,186 1.677.0O0 2.318,349 662,138 1,110,232 194,000 C8,r4.460 (2,016.643 8,781,941 646,261 J10.669.143 2,938.648 U7.473.147 2,626,9-8 326.695 J19, 242.975 2,284,398 J6.425.S22 99,373 J344.6O0 el.538.152 S6r5,8t(4 J6. 097,438 6.382. 160 2.459.781 391,197 669.860 133,0(j0 4.698.0OO 6.122.682 K9.181 10,94. H64 460,300 204.674 1,685,113 2.144.141 22.854.814 2, 699,679 J1.445,228.68llj104, 480.023 Jll!l.aW,82i.J 863, 8hl 40.034,684 125.692.778 146,379,872 15.5.S8.669 7.3t.l,080 10,123,2oi Jl.745.212.899 J191 .684.878 J662.8jl.19l! J4!!,169,911 S9.1K.5.;.'. I 2.954.797 48.6"i3. 1 7.8:w,937 308,786,032 S2.676.U77 76,663,067 6,004.267 8,203.953 169.64S.43f. 105,138,035 8,340.630! Jl, 814. 650 6.439.660' 12.7S3.283 2,040,900 4.163.260 2.901.876 142.386.784 J17.164.338! 8.191,162 343.1801 1.773.350 49,713,796 100.902.899 139.400 1182,761.412 197.040.899 J57.8S6.1981 44.143,1144 541.000 65.468.869 2,385,947 168,4201 l.DHSflO.STB1 1T48 700.8691 I I 11,600,704.913' 294,9.14, 707, 395,632, 277,219, 264.873, 232.551, 544,8991 26,619, 296,711' 968, e01,B42 14 969 161 e 11.402.877 t7,122.800 1.694.914 1,400,000 c23.631.293 (67.444. 640 c2.178.778 S11.P06.867! c8i.627.262l z297.9;8.86.1' 1 815 648' ,124'0 J102.822.618! I 1190.8,?94l 608! c 12.944.50Ol 11 4.161.633 626l447.611,910'552,096,868l225 802,567 1360,256 I 7291 40.151.44T1 47,666,707' 26,066,280 ' 89,398, 854'407,360,463'504.430,161'199, I I I ,971,359.910.66l451.S7G,699ll87, ,524l824.698,S9o'401,060.936ll68, ,36s'29!J17,329'866,918.2C5'l60, ,115lcl.739.073.868l I s69rt.634.096l ,0J(9' C141 164.R01I S-13.674.966! ,737,287,320.858,016lcl.696 909.0671 I I r10.3o)(V,2l , 463, 987 1 296,51 8, 896 ' el . S78 . TT7 . 51 K I I I r.9S.692.fr6! ,667,039'267,!!30,S.1ll 1. 275.315. 638! I I l66.037.948l 203, 555 ' 250, 550,760' cl . 1 T . 01 3 . 8-l I I 1520,817,2231 Cl.199, 17,770. C J2.517. S8.028, 2,719, 1.733, Cl 03.298, S216.876. C6.213 -14.601, c2S2.606, 7l.059.875. 3.714. C J31 7.312 1619.935 c 13 491 X22.223 6,798.475 6.004.267 1.091.744 8.399.200 6.978.402 660,267 31.31 4.650 1.358,460 2,031,6X4 563,900 8.207,250 1,066.426 6.049,918 862.637 582,663 243.180 1.773.260 10.172,108 6,985.725 84.200 19,600,691 14.494.694 J3.266.673 1.630.369 641.000 4. 437.98 785,226 2921 4771 7151 .1031 699 363 C81S.268 S636.717 e J502.577 1,878.693 394.216 284.400 426l cl5.236,004 960I sl6.081.264 948 cl. 101. 432 6.10' c46.015.6f 8-r?l r78,l99.6'i1 553I 45.771 9n.1! J66.769.829 9101 r63.471.646 260! c760.760 ,0351 s2.579.555 c9.698.101. Zl.976,404 I- 0R2le878.887.259 515 1171,240,443 cS.719.218. II. 80(1,164. c7. 797.40, Si .641 .099. c7.O93.B70 11.468,056. c6. 497. 21 rl, 293,633, 793lc921, 072 r164, 16Rlc703, 4-TIS169, .690 ! 695, 366i174, 406lc798. 6161x183, 811,675 064.651 831.46ft 811.393 763.494 169. SOS 831. 6"0 560,107 Industrial business. e Ordinary busi ness, d Including accident branch, e In cluding 33,738,661 accumulation on speclat forms of policies, f At 3 per cent. J Paid for business only. I At SH per cent, o In cluding 332,214.'i31 surplus reserved funds for dividends; 60.869.193 reserve above state standards, and 38.031,128 for all other con tingencies, p 326.897.879 surplus accumula tions on tontine and seml-tontlne contracts, Included with liabilities. The minus sign ( ) Indicates a decrease in Insurance In force. 0 FIRE IR3SURAE3CE (FUG 1 TELEPUOUE 1064. 1320 FARNAftl STREET. CEBTinCATB OF PUBLICATION. Btate of Nebraska Office or Auditor of Puhllo Acoounls, Uncoln. Ffbruary I, 101 It la hereby certtfled that the Queen In surance Co, of New York. In ttie state of New York, has compiled with the Insurance law of this state applicable to such com panlea, and Is therefor authorised to con tinue the businesa of fir and lightning in suraac in this state fir the current year nitltig January 81. 196. Witness my head and the seal of the auditor of public accounts, the day and tr first ab.iv written. HARLE8 WE8TON. Auditor of Publle AocouatA. JOHN U. PIERCE. Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska OITlce of Auditor of Fubllj Accounia. Lincoln, February 1. 1904. It ia hereby oertlfled. that th Nlagsxa Fir Insurance 4'o. of Nw York. In th stale of New York, has complied with the Insurant law of this state, aiplicable 10 Such romnjit'Bl anri ia lhartfira n t li..r( vM.i to continue the busitirtui o( die and light- luriH insuranc in tin aute lur the current )ear fiuling January 81. 19. Wltnoas iny hand and the seal of th audiuir of public hccoui is, the day and year first atx ve written, HAItI.i:d WESTON. Auditor of Public Aucouuia. JOHN L. PIERCE, Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. ptato of Nebraska Offlo of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln. February 1, 1904. It Is hereby certified, that the Iondon It Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. of Liver- fool, In England, lm complied with the iisiirrftice lw uf this state, applicable to such companies, and Is therefore author txeil to ciiril In u the business of fire and Hlhtnlng Inaurancu In this state 'fur tl.e year ending January 31. 1906. Witness my hand and the seal of the auUhor of public accounts, tb day and year first above written. year CUA RLKS WESTON. Auditor of Public CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska Office of Auditor of rutnw Accounts, lJucoln. February 1. It is hereby certified, that the New York Underwriters Insurance Co. of New York, in the stste of New York, has complied with the iusuranc law of this state, ap plicable to such companies, and ia there fore authorised to continue the business of tire snd lightning Insurance In this state or ine current year ending January 81, llfii. .Witness Bay band and the aaal nf tha auditor of public accounts, th day a ad year first above written. tHARLKfl WESTON, Auditor of Public For 9l Trip to the St an a I r t r aLaiu if Ii QnD 1K 1 There Are Two Coupons One Coupon is good for. ONE VOTE The other is a Prepaid Subscription Coupon, and counts ten. votes for every 10 cents prepaid on a subscription to The Bee. A prepaid subscription for one year counts 520 votes. The First "Election" Is Now On! Each winner is going to have a trip which will be re membered for a life time. There has never been an exposi tion which will compare with the one at St. Louis that is the boast of St. Louis and from what everybody says, they are in a position to make it good. Can you imagine a more de lightful trip for some one who has been working month in and month out without a vacation and with no prospect for a vacation, except for the fact that through The Bee SIXTY TRIPS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY The Bee has offered to pay the fare from Omaha to St. Louis and return and to let its readers decide who are 'the people who deserve to go. It has selected THE BEST ROAD TO ST. LOUIS as it is the only one which goes direct to the exposition grounds. They have built a union station there, where bag gage can be received and checked, and where tickets can be bought and are sold to all parts of the world, just the same as at the Omaha station. This makes it the most desirable road for an exposition visitor. Besides the road which the most people will take is always the one that can afford to give the public the best equipment. Rules of the "Election 9 The ten persons receiving the largest number of votes at the close of each "election" will be furnished at The Bee's expense as prizes, each a free trip from Omaha to Ht. Louis and return, to be taken any time during the exposition. o restrictions are placed as to where the party lives as a candidate for one of the exposition trips. No votes will be counted for employes or agents of The Omaha Hee. All votes must be made on coupons which will be pulished each day in The Mee. Pre-paynient of subscriptions may be made either direct to The Bee Publishing Company, or to an authorized agent of The Bee. No votes pent in by agents will be counted unless sent in In accordance with instructions given them. The vote from day to day will be published in all editions of The Bee. The "elections" will close each Thursday at 5 T. M. Votes may be deposited at the business oflice of The Bee, or sent by mail. No votes sent by mail will be counted which are not in the Omaha postoftice for delivery at 4:30 p. m. on the day of closing. Address the "EXPOSITION DEP'T" THE OMAHA BEE, OMAHA, NEB. Accounts. . JOHN JU PIERCE, Deputy. Accounts. JOHN U PIERCE. Deputy.