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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1904)
THE OMAIIA DAILY IlEEi SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1904. 20 ! 5 i! SPORTING GOSSIP OF THE WEEK rRAITLB Or THB lOlROBTER. : It's a Hula tit early to win the. psonant, but It Isn't a bit too early to call -public attention to the fart that Omaha la going to be a fax-tor In the race from post to wire thle season. Several reasons exist for this condition, and one of i hem Is the fact that Rourke will put Into the Held more of laat season's team ihan any other of the Western magnates. It isn't the and ones f the bunch that Papa Bill w 11 trot forth, either, but the real lively boys, who will play the came from Uie tap of the drum. And, aa the team looked pretty rood In pote laat etaion when It was pitted hgalnst the strong aggregations, which It "Will not have to face thle season. It ought to be In a class by Itself again, just as Omaha was In 1908. This doesn't mean the league Isn't going to play fast ball, for it Is, but It Isn't going to have any uch team as Milwaukee put on the field last season. There was a little bit the fastest minor league team . that ever jumped, and It had the Western league so thoroughly outclassed that the others looked like pikers when they got up against the Creams. Dulty Is gone, and the tars lie bad under his management are scattered, more's the pity, for It was ever a pleasure to watch that outfit In action, and whan some other team ptruck a streak and forced the Milwaukees to extend them selves the contest was a delight to the fans. Omaha will be even stronger In very way than last season, and that means much. . Jack Thomas and Paul Companion are t! only ones of Pa's boys who haven't put thelf John Hancocks on the paper for the current season. Dusty Miller was In from his Iowa home one day during the werk, and he and Papa Bill did business In about thirteen seconds after they met. It was en couraging to see the bright smile on Dusty'a honest Vace as he looked over the Sun-lit city streets and thought of how soon he would be racing among the sweet clover In the loft garden down at Vinton park. With Dusty In left and "Nlok" Carter In right. It s a cinch that there'll be something doing. The shoes left vacant by Frank Oenlns are not to be easily filled, and Bill has locked long anl earnestly for a man who Is good enough to do the trick In middle. He has a line on a youngster by the name of Howard, who Is now on the Pacific coast with S-lee, and Is promised ttiat If Chlcigo rannot me him Omaha may have htm. This w 11 make the team look all right. Another line ts out, and Bill feels sure that he won't be all summer getting a man to fill the place. He may have to call on Harry Welsh to play the garden at the beginning, but not for long. Harry Is to be the Utility man for the team again and will be Worked just as ho was last year, all around the field. Bam Leatherby, the University of Ne braska whirlwind of 1IW2. put his name to an Omaha contract during the week, and will surely look good In the box here. Leatherby Is a long, rangy fellow, with an arm like a walking beam, and speed that never tires. His work with the collegians was of the wonderful order, and he was In demand among the professionals last sea son. Rourke considers him a And. Bchaf staJt has signed, and this puts the pitch . tac Ust In pretty good shape, even If Com panion doesn't soma back. For shortstop Flake, who finished with the St. Joes last season, after Matter Jumped, has signed .and will very, likely make good. He li i. fast and ambitious youngster, a hard worker, a good hitter ', and was a fair fielder last fall. Rourke says he Is a comer. With Jack Thomas In, the Infield will be as good as they send, and the team and all the way around will be strong. If Omaha doesn't figure pretty close o the front all the way. It will be something remarkable. The last call has been sent to Thomas and Companion, and they have been warned of the penalty that attaches to failure to report promptly. It has also been explained to them that they will not benefit themselves by laying . off for a season, for when 1908 comes around they will find themselves still sub ject to the Omaha reservation of the cur rent year. Thomas asks that the reserve clause be stricken out of his contract What Companion wants Is known only to himself. Both have been offered mors money than they got last season. In fact, only two of the players carried over from - last year have been cut, and they both took the slice with a smile. Rourke hopes to hear from Thomas during the week. i Jos Dolan is still in Omaha, bucking on going to Atlanta, to which town the Omaha Claim has been assigned. Ho is clamoring games to bo playvd each Sarurcsy after noon will prove to be the stellar attrac tions of that organisation this season. A I "Tommy," said the teacher, "can you re- few Blight Improvements on the diamond I neat the golden rule?1 which are to be made will give the club I -Yes. ma m." replied Tommy. "Do unto by far ths best grounds In the city, which, the other fellers what they would like to with the attractive grandstand built last I Jo unto you." vear. will afford both rlayers and speo- Mamma Why don't you sat your oreaa for his release, which he will not get. Rourke had a long heart-to-heart with tators every comfort and pleasure desired, Joe during the week, and told htm that I Last Sunday the members, of the teams I and batter, Harry T tt'a Atlanta or nnthlna- for him. He says held an enthusiastic meeting at which W. Small Harry I don't want it ha will not mn smith, and that makes It I H. Chambers was elected captain of the Mamma Have you lost your appetite? look as If he didn't Intend to play league First team and Felix McShane manager Small Harry I don't know; but If you'll ball this rummer. With most of the mag- of both teams. The captain of the Second gimme a piece of pie I'll find out for you. urn a nlarer srulltr of the conduct of I team will be elected later on. All of laat Dolan would not get the chance to play year's players will return, including those Little Elmer Is fond of Bible stories, and ball for at least one season. Joe evidently who were on the Second team, many of often refers , to them In unexpected ways doesn't know when he la getting off easily, whom are fast enough and undoubtedly One day after absorbing a potash losenge , ." " will push the regulars for a position. Sev- that had been given him for his sore Hatless, contless. shirtless and pretty eral hew players have Joined the club, throat, he said: "Mamma, that fellow nearly pantless, that Is, not breathless, the among the most promising of the latter Esau was a chump to trade his birthmark Crelghton university track team that Is being Outfielder Jack Kelly of the C. N. tor meBS ot th stuff'." to participate in the big Indoor meet at Diets team. Several new pitchers are also St. Louis, Saturday, March 26, Is putting under consideration. Last year the club Little Luclle was very fond of deviled In some great licks these days, out In the flplshed the season with an average .785 ne the oook ot to ucn open, on the road and across country, add- on games played and with such old stand- mustard In them for Luclle's palate and I rut the finishing touches to a course of bys as Abbott, Hoagland and Malone as BM meae a ""V Iac a Bna aI ,nem' training that has lasted for weeks and that a nucleus to build from Captain Chambers "Why, Luclle, what Is the matter? they believe win bring; some of the records expects ths team to finish the season with """" nrr . -.,. ., h. untv.r.itT This la the even more gratlfvina- success. All of the "n- rnamma. exclaimed the child, first year that Institution has ever framed boys sincerely regret the loss of Bill Tip- ,cam 10 nr "theM' to much up an out-and-out track team, though they I pery, wno nas so ably managed the teams i - -- i.... ut. nt m.tArtal In vMtr, I during the Dust three voAra. I . ' '" ' . ' The world of little Elisabeth was en- agone and the matter has been talked and wotM Qf g wer planned upon many times. But now that Andrew Christie has arrived In town to Kpent ln the ,and of Nod. so that her small u.ry navo "r" "w navigaio me loriunes ot tne golf playing soul was In ecstasy when she was given to let the other muscle men know they are I members of the Field club and from this n.rrni..inn t .. ., , ... h. there. Among the boys that are making time out the game will stop only at night But It was not their twinkling that allured the best showing ln the daily stunts are on these popular links. Christie has" a htr. A new sickle moon was in the sky, Callahan, Smyth. Kehoe, Rooney, Der- brother, now In California, who Is an ex- and her eyes traveled straight to it and moay. Morion, mnpnicr, rvoacn, uwu- peri stick maker and wUI come to Omaha fastened In baby amstement upon It. gan, L,unagren ana v. .uanpmer. ana, unu-r mier on to make clubs for ths Omaha "Oh, papa, see!" she cried, with a little the direction and management of Frank putters. gasp; "God's eyebrow shows!" McCaffrey, they may be seen any day, re gardless of the weather, jogging over tne rm mlnute, of mn.hln. I She may have deliberately planned It or Benson or Florence road. The meet """ weather. more or ,.. durn th. ,.. he may not; that has no bearing on the they have their eye on Just at present is to Wftek nBtrumental ln ,fIn, . . result. be held under the auspices of the .Athletic bicycle sulky wheels to ln-lmr anri .1. "Buv m me gum," she urged when she club of St. Louis university, and will be ready Bome BUrprlBngly fagt quarteriI and was out for a stroll with her father. puruuimwu in uy ' " - halves have been ripped off at Tu'hlll and Fio' ,nnoa ne repiiea. teams from the following universities: Dennlson's half-mii trrk Th.,. ..m. "Why not?" she demanded Crelghton, Georgetown, Indiana, Illinois, t0 b, but mtIft aoubt , the mlnaS ot "T you want to get the chewing gum juiasuun uuu oi. im. more man tne local hunch of horse train-I i'j, will be the big event, and It Is this that Is ers and drivers that this trrk la r. "What's that?" she Inquired. the cause of all this road work on the part talnly one of the ht and nn nf th "Why, girls who chew gum screw their of the Crelghton men, for they propose to fastest, regardless of the weather. Its face" up ,nt0 a" ort" of sr'maces and be, the ones to soil the tape. John A. I principle virtue lies in the fact that the mnKe aisagreeaoie wnnmes. Crelghton has gone down Into his pocket I turns nre built so strona- and well braced. "They don't look pretty," she admitted. and will furnish the wherewithal to de- while the back stretch offers on of the "of not." he returned, pleased frav the expenses of the trip of the team, prettiest snrlr.tins- courses In the rnuntrv wltn h,s enBV victory, while ouite a bunch of rooters will go down One local fiver ellDned the Quarter In a "l8 that the onlv reason you don't want at their own expense. hort 32 seconds the other day. which t0 bujr me Kura?" ahe insisted Is pretty near, a two-minute mar and la .. . ,. a ...I tolerab'v smooth for a horae that hmn't ine ooys ana gins ot me nign scuou. . - --------- - chrrulnMP, r,n. w. r,n,1v . in a tremor of two or three different kinds lne Pu" a J ana w. v " .. a . i was rrrrorminsr on an nnriv frnnir Tint 01 excuemeni inese nays. in me - - -- --- - plsce they are all puffed up with Import- thrn thpeo accidents will happen with the over the showing that the school b8t "Kulated horses and the quarter post basket ball teams are making. Never be- "' wr ' tne wire, aner an, fore ln the history of the school have the teams of both poys ana gins cut sucn a Bide, having the best half-mile track tremendous figure In this game as tney are hereabouts. Omaha has a boulevard and h.. ,,.,1 .,. . .v,. v, ., I .. . V. I. tkBt Dlnhar 1 . ... ... I ' ' U " uuiiig aim .us . . v.. '-"- rpeeaway leading up to and beyond it somewhere." Patterson, as manager, nas aireaay ar- tnat a mucn IarBer ,n(J more pretentious r.ngeu iur uvb oumriuwii boh.o town mlaht look on wt h envious evee. and T.n,rr. i. .u- j.a... . . . t V. 1 - i . v ... 1,, i a ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 j , niini in 1110 uiiicicuw icm """'' even that isn't all that there Is to It, for between victuals and viands? ing arouna nome nas proven imi " fh, track and sneedwav. rood as thev Tnmmv.v .i. i. ,v,, . for the boys and they are longing for other are ar none to0 rich fof th, fancy one, and v,an , wht we B.A14a An MAnmiako hsiw hairs ISAskn finannifl I . . . I w Z ,v " 7 " "- lnal ar P"t over tnem. Kvery aay sees we have company to dinner. u iiiiiim i a Duncn or tnem getting a sweat out, ana inr Pr,w... n,u . ,he, are a ,weU Election and no mis- A t-year-old going to church for the first Cooper at center and Potter and Clark for- tak. Tak. for ,..m,B. l. k. Crofoot. . u v. ward are almost Invincible and with Cher- predent of the Driving club, with his nI.ed one of his father's friends taking up . ...w... - i (jovernor jayior, tnat nas pacea a miie I the collection. ... ror a mara in i:u. ana goes aown tne -Look, look, motherl" ho said. "There's so thus tar. Next Thursday the Llnco n ,ln9 every day at bett.p than a -30 clip. Mr. Brown. I didn't know he was the con- "'" "'" "'" "" Tiiis norse, the wise ones say, has not ductor, ins umana ooys ana ine local ie is raj bee(l 1et go nl iimiti ltherj but wln rrob. m MMnrhauiA that anArhav lr will Vsk B AAA I . . . . . ... : :r.": " a.p'7. 1 ,,,. M De ,n.ere .n a. question of wisdom of too ..ny bim. . ".I V,..,;; ' ....r.;.n r. lnlT ,um.ran' 11B. w a an" " teaching was brought forcibly to a moth " . Irn ' .i. . m7 i anl a 'n0Wy De"ormer tnat ao,n l er's mind. She arrived home one aftarnoon "nnalum, as will also gam. between Mmg t0 the matlne, cIa. Another thal t0 fln tne A1, of nw ? 1 ? !vi?nJ ? whaf-XiSln. mk" th' boulevarJfir kP k,n n palm, and potted plants, of which she had vu. the same evening What nthuslasm of tn.m , Tom Dennl.on's All Done. mBny. haa wn removed to the nursery . . .JT V v , V , , . , ." . " V ' " . w"n n omclaI ncoT(1 or But tlla and arranged in a seml-clrcle on the flror, 1! v, . . . " ... """one a trial stunt twelve and a quarter t the mtdat of this Improvised grove sat ? .m ."k'? - 1 a AJl 7 h! "5na" better- Ht U a hnaom bro'wn her son and daughter clad in airy tothlng. for position, on ths team and from the p,alllon and belnr put , ,bape for th, w- Adam nd Garden way the practice Is panning out It Is hard M. and m. bv Trainer Al Thomaa who rr- .. i.t . to tell why they will not all get on. Annf promises for him the front line. Thomas ..And I," added the youngest hopeful, ap them are Lowell. Singleton an4 Barrett for also hR the training of a new one recently pearing around the corner, his sole raiment ths box, Troup. Flemm ng. and Burnetts. adaed to Mr. Dennlson's stable, that Is hu father's silk hat. "I am God. -walking wnu w,.i. iv. . " ald to have a mark of Z:06 In the pacing i the garden ln the cool of the evening p.n. U. on.u .ur ..,u.m Thomas' own Alta Axworthy. -Helen Sherman Griffith ln Llpplncotfs. """" - " ::15V4, is also being Jogged In prepara- Brown for positions in the outfield. It is a tlon for don ut.r on and wlth the(lf, foregone conclusion that Cherrlngton or three ,ook out for the ,ra)ner haa all Rogers will cover first bag and that Bronce he need, to kl.ep hlm out ot mlach,.f. Dn. will play second and Voder third. Fair- of th, prettie.t actors on the pike Is brother. Kennard and Robertson, three of o. Rsndolnh's Smnkane. flhe la a rnv the best men of last year, are off the team qunre trottor. and has a style and - ana leave a Dig noie in u. dui me ooys are flourllm that bespeak her blue blood every in no wise cast down and believe that with tep he tftkM gmokane Is a lineal de- tne maieriai Bi nana mey win oe aoie xo ,0?ndant of Goldsmith Maid, who held the So, (he got her candy. One day Eva, who had never seen an au tomobile, was playing on the roadside when one rushed by. "Mamma, mammal" she shouted, "the mm 3 F 1AB B1L WATCH THE 'SKIN FOR SIGNS OF DAD BLOOD. Boils and pimples, sores, ulcers and pustular or dry scaly skin eruptions, are signs of bad blood. When the bodily organs that nature has designed for the cleansing and purification of the system break down or become torpid and inactive, the blood takes up the impurities and casts them out through the pores Jof the skin, and a carbuncle or boil, sore or itching erup tion of some kind is the result. The warm days of spring arouse the sluggish blood, the skin reacts, and the humors and poisons that have been collecting in the system all winter are sud denly thrown off by the blood and the pores are clogged and inflamed by the acrid matter passing off, and the skin has a dry or oily ap- strong and vigorous now. pearance, and red, disfiguring blotches, pimples. Buoyrus, Ohio, August 17. loos. blackheads, and all manner Cf tormenting, Sting- M7 gnral health was greatly rua down and am satis- in tr And itrhincr mirtinn; hrpalr trirnncrri nnrl tnat myblood was weak and impure. I felt extremely ing ana ucning eruptions DreaK tnrougn ana bad ln mor. way8 tnan one ( aad not Rettlng any b.ttards- COntlUUe until the riotous, feverish blood has oidsd that I had best take something to oleanse and nrloh been restored to its normal state my blood nd bttlM nP m KnrJ naalth. Seeing 8, S. S. Deen resiorea to US normal Slate. hghly reoommsnded I began Its use. and oan truthfully At this season the System Should have a y that It did me a great deal of good. My appetite 1m- thoroutrh cleansintr the blood nurified and all P'ojond"""0". Rlnnht, and the medioine , , ?-i t-iciu&iug, iuc uiuou punneu ana ail madfJ m9 stronger and more vigorous ln every way. be the bodily organs toned Up aud Strengthened, or purifying and enrlohing my blood. It was of great you may look out for a return of your old skin 3"sftiBdI dnt hMlt'u 10 trouble later on, for as long as a remnant of the mrs. a. morrow. disease remains in the blood it is liable to re- the best or health. ferment and come back. The USe of lotions, Tour S. S. 8., In my opinion. Is as good a medioine aa powders, soaps and salves in diseases of the skin 2n.b6 had.; lt "i1 J0 Va Ped upon as a reme- 5 v 1L1 r j r .1 11 , j r , dy o purify and earloh the blood and to invigorate and do DUt little good, for .the blood and not the Skin tone up the system. Thl spring my blood was bad and I is the real seat ot the trouble. It is internal, Zirxn?r?,iia:ith' adJh,rln8 your medioine 1 TH. 1 . . , ,i 1 highly advertised I oommenoed ltg use. To-day my blood not external. 1 ne numor or poison in the blood Is in fine oondltlon and my general health is of the best. is the cause of the eruption, and a blood purifier ?3Tns p.0""1?11 r" Ior!:maa f?r aJ,'g,,.oono,ravh. , . . .. ' ... ,r and If I was not In good physloal oondltlon it would be lm- and not lotion Or salves IS required in the treat- possible for me to nil the plaoe. Your S. S. S. has been of ment of these skin diseases. Face powders and !?f!;v.Jf' tf.m 1 do L'VJ1 . 1 1 r. . , orecut it deserves. WM. F. VAN DYLL. COSmetlCS OI Various kllldS COVer Up for the time 81S Fifth St., Beaver Falls, Penn. being the ugly blemishes, blackheads and pim- skin eruptions and other signs. pies and glaze over the rough red skin, but the AUianoe, Ohio, August 8, looa. 1 impurities ill the blood will continue to break OUt Years ago my blood was bad, asevldenoed by skin erup- until the evil, is corrected at its fountain head. ?no Purify the blood and the skin will take Care of of- After using a number of bottles do not remember Just ircplf Pntati ArcpniV anrl mitira1 bow muoh my blood was thoroughly purified and enrlohed Itseil. rotasn, Arsenic and Strong mineral ,ndI wag eueved of all eruptions and manifestations of rompounds SO often Used in skin diseases fre- Impnre blood. I believe your 8. S. S. to be an exoellent " ,..1 1 1 1 blood medioine, and to any one ln need of such medioine quently do more harm than good. They may they would do wen to use it. dry up the eruption, but the effect upon the mrs. o. e. shoemaker. stomach and general system is far from good. "6 e. Patterson street. A better and safer remedy for diseases of this character and an antidote for the humors and poisons that produce the different: skin eruptions is found in S. S. S., a purely vegetable medicine containing no mineral or dangerous drug of any description. S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier and rystem builder, but a tonic and appetizer without a superior. It not only eradicates the impurities and humors that may be lingering in the blood, but the general health improves under its tonic effect, and nothing excels it in rases of general debility; .weakness, loss of appetite, and other complaints common to spring and summer months. Write us if troubled with sores, boils or eruptions of any description, end we will have our physician advise you without charge. Book on the skin and its diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Uric Cures rtieumatism make as good a showing as ever. The nrl,., T.OOPd fo. . inri, .m. -,,, schedule la not as yet complete, but among m, , ,.14 M(, Bjln.i.,inh nrnnosea tn nut me games mai nave neen arranged are hls m,r9 up ,g.,nBt the purses this eum thoiw with Springfield. Council Bluffs. Un. L h.r ,rtmir.r. look for r.forltw coin, Blair. Bellevus and the Field Club. ,..ults. It. A. Thompson, behind his Darin Black Hawk. !:20. and Henrv Dunn More Interest is already shown in base ,th n)B B)(je .trDn brown one that he ball circles at the Field ciuo this year calB The Kld. with a mark of i:lS In a than any previously and undoubtedly the tryout. have frequent good-natured brushes and divide honors about equally. Both horses sre the real thing and make the best of the matinee performers stand aside. T. C. Byrne's Myrtle Boy, with !:Vni In sight and something less up his sleeve, Is another one of the dandy step pers that everybody stops to look at when he comes on. Coal black, with a white- rimmed eye and sharp ear, he makes up for I one of. (he finest and knows his lines from the very first gong. Northoott's Baron Election, with a record mark away down In the 'teens, and whose purchase wss recently mentioned In this column, Is showing out In a way to bring anything but disappointment to his owner, and there "Bottled Ooodnejj? "In Faith 'tit oa honttt jtwMiy. QiuUty Ulk thouIJ be backed by "the goatit." BlaU Brewary was founded ia the oariv forties. Blat quality it almoft traditional. Every bottle i i f u 1 1 of quality argument. The "Dlatt" chsrscterntict are all rounded up in the "Wiener." Aik lor it down town. Send a cats home. fjliGRp Settlers Hflitcs To MINNESOTA, NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA, WYOMING AND CANADIAN POINTS March 1, 3,15,22 and April 5, 12, 19 and 26 Via LLINOiS CENTRAL R. R. Read her the record of a remarkable cure satisfy yourself are at least a dosen other good ones that I in a Inna wava frnm t Vi . .in.rin I a ... .... i at tr.t . . ...... . . .i, -1 lit All I "' " 1 "" - I um.MA. D..I,tU mi wuB - U you are in aOUOC Uj Writing am. uaBieil sue wm ten vuu juov that will be heard from as the season ad- . as gladly as she tells us, that Uricsol is the greatest of all ,"BJ up ,nd get ciassined thus eany in f. remedies for the cure of rheumatism. She will gladly tell you ,h ame- how for thirty years $he suffered and how discouraged she was The local trainers are an getting into . .i i i j ne and Invsrisbly good strings are found when Uricsol was suggested, but she gave it a fair trial ana six ln an their .tables, waiter Gaiioway has .... , fourteen flyers ana drivers, including a DOttleS CUred tier. few youngsters that do not as yet know a v .1 9r HrrrtT,cll rtnirr "trap from a hobble, but that. Judging H you ouiltr rutuiutw-iaiu uk ounuieu - I from Galloway's reputation for educating Oo., Corner 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha for a booklet ob j Uricsol. Head a treatise on this terrible disease, written by a i ewis Hyie has nearly a dosen more of the afternoon performers that he espects chemist of forty-two years' experience. let Ckroale taSerers Itea4 This. A lady T years old a sufferer lor thirty rears, wholly and completely relieved by be use of only six bottles. Mrs. alary Castell. living at the corner ot I'lne and Pierce strreu. San Fraucls.o, x la 71 yesrs of age, and has resiled In San tranclnco for many years. On June 1. 14, Mrs. I'astell was suffer ing considerably from rheumatism In her Shoulders and arms. She began regular and aystematlo treatment with Uricsol and here la a record of her cure. June 19. I have finished the second bot tle of Uricsol and the Duln has gone from my shoulders and arms, but I am still very sore and stiff. 'It Is duncult for me Io raise my right arm and comb my hair, think another bottle will cause that stiff aeaa to leave me. MRS. MART CASTEIaU June ja 1 have taken three hottlaa of Trlcsol and 1 feel considerable better. However, on account of my I suppose tny system does aot respond to the medi cine as quickly as would that of a younger borson. I am (ulte sure that Uricsol lias done me much good, but I am not yet free from the effects of the rheumatism. I will continue to take It. MRS. MART CA8TEUL July 10. I have just completed the fourth bottle of Uricsol. I must admit that 1 was very much discouraged the laat tlsae I wrote mn. but f am feeling better now and I believe 1 am getting well. 1 will coutlnue to take uneeoi MARY CAPTELU July 16. I have now taken Ave bottles of to ring Into goers "during the next few months, while Poffenbsrger has another high bred bunch under manipulation. So, In conclusion, while there may not be much outward enthusiasm over the horse racing gme In Omaha as yet.' It will be observed Uricsol and 1 don't believe I will need to that the city has the goods In her midst take more. I do not reel the rheumatism Mn silver them at the convenience ;V.,n.."hUPytnotKey.b. imrCSE nr on. who ha. horse money to lose. r Approved Style Anecdote. Educational circles have been highly but that goes away bofore noon. Tou oan use mv name If vou like: 1 am 7 years old, and I think L'rluesol baa done wonders tor me. Ur. ruV,.n . .dvued to take another amused a an exceedingly clever story told bottle to lid her system entirely of the of Prof. Strlgg. a popular and well known. rheumatism. This she did and here Is the I Dut eccentric. Instructor In a certain unl- " "r ""'" " "". . ... 1 .hn rr,hblv will accect a altua- Aitmiai i aui;a iinar nnianan siv nai sr ties of Uricsol and can say that I am lion In some other Institution of learning cured. I shall Keen a bottle on nana in I in the near future. eese I again feel the return of rlieumai ism. .. ih.t on, or lh other Drofe,. ft I. .tea umi iini. in immu vaata I n.v. I lin nllrelv free from rheumatism. 1 sura iriuaiKcu iu mm uu have never taken a medicine that his I "Frofeeaor. If you are not careful you done me so much gooa as I rlcsol. lie- I , inta trouble." iurs lurui. u., rutunmu, ............ ... . .,,,,.. h. .-h.l "On whl sc. whole system. I shall always teel grateful I countr' to Uricsol for Its cure. 1 .-on account of your extreme views." MKS. MAKI LAI I tLU. I ...... ... ,., ....... .k. . I K.h. Ik. I'rl,,l I'h.,,, I 7 BXirenie VICW.i rA,A..uu .... Co. to use my same ln connection with the I feasor. "Why. I thought my views were above record of my cure. I notoriously midway!' (Signed M KB. MART I ASTCLL. R-frrln. of course, to the location of Ask Sherman & McConnoll Drug Go, rOR A BOOKLET ABOUT RHEWMATltM. ... r .. the university. Chicago Tribune. Don't be guided by sham prejudices. Order Champagne according to your own good taste tbeo It'll be Cook's Imperial. &fie Best of 5 Everything The Only Double Track R-ailway to Chicago The Omaha Chtcago Train Per Jixeellencs Jr Xo. $ ioM trtn mt'l i.jj in Omaii daily UN 'UMK t 6:i0 p. m , atria ing Cntcso 1:$0 next tuorn my. i-ierry, Jinfftt Car, Jitrhtr, tine Mamfaril SUtp it, CAsti C'ars Jb'verv(Aiaf. i T-Clty OfflCe!-1401-1403 FARNAM ST, OMAHA TEL. 624-fdl Particulars at City Ticket Ofrloo. 1402 Farnam St.. or write W. H. BRILL, Diet. Pass. Agt.. Omaha, Nob. 11 1 ' 111 1 1 ' v , J"iir '4' S25.00 to California TODAY. Today and every day until April 30, the Rock Island System will sell "Colonist" tickets to Cali ornia at rate of f23.00 from Omaha. Tickets are good for stop-over at certain points enroute and will be accepted for passage in Tourist Bleeping Cars, which the Kock Island runs daily via both El Taso (Southern Houte) and Colorado Springs (Scenic Route). Corresponding reductions to Montana, Wash ington and Oregon points. Berths, tickets and California literature at this office. City Ticket Offlcs 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. F. P, Rutherford, D. P. A. mm teamshi TiGuets From Scandinavian point to Omaha. Now is the time to bring your relatives and friends from the old country. These greatly re duced rates nill only last a short time. All information at Wabash City Office, 1601 Faroatn St., or Address Harr E. Mooret, Omiha.jleb blood poison tit bar primary . fvrnlrT or tartiAry. prodncinf Co i it colored Mixt, Ytniptas. bor 1 iirouu tswollm ortMoa, Acbca. Jld fVotr. tiorrt. Jsfneoaa raichM tn mooih, looafrOiaf of U Titi, tiair c Kyiowt failio out, aixl ail Uie ottiar of tins tarn liia dict of tha Ulood, gu.rklr. pvt tlrely and fortver cured, witboul ilia um or Slervury or loVlida vt Fetaah, t lha rruiartab.e rirw tHejowiy, llrrtm.i'.t Comp"M!i4 riuirrlf diiTrnt fiom any'Minj baTHtofora ktKiwiL a&d a, fvw duy' mi cf wbiei. ta tuove every bieiuleh. and rurrf i. . rnllf In a few war Is , snakliur ft rtrn, Iwalttiy V. Miax ftonplrte faiiuf wuk lb Hot Hciime iu t.tii irralntexil, iiiui ovri-in4( the uU-e i.f untrtj. ruamaw nd pajrrithood to tb aflUtiad eufTerrr. Full Inform Xiao, aad ft bottle for trial. -t4 taealad mini f ie from ftll oierkD fr- of harir to ill nffrrerm. I for no bdoisct. aim ply irw pririinu cf ounTiiscinc yoti I'xof. C. Ti W tXtt, Maw Unduo, ( unu - IAII0M '".AM y,u 14 ftbll. . .1. MAlt,lr ' MM Mam) .1 ab CAW liit.ll . TrAklltf Ai .1 A,t f(M. IkfUlHi ami 'Jul toAi rkliaS, ra.