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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, MARCII 20, 1904. TVK CIOBZ fiATUH "It I generally more rgtaale t rerkoa ay ar grferta, thaa hnaat of oar attainments. Not every kind of Bilk ia adapted for the skirt waist suit Our first shipments sold out in a week's time the reason waa they were the correct style and the price was within the reach of all In the past two days we have received several large shipments of new silks in the much wanted coloring?. The manufacturers can not keep up with the demand on this class of goods, but we were fortunate in having our silk buy er In the market at the opportune time, consequently, we are showing styles that will be seen nowhere else in the city. . Taffeta Bongant silk in the latest for shirt waist amlta a rretty checked ground With extracted figures, tn blue and brown shades 11.00 and 1125 per yard. Checked Iultenne, U inches wide. In pretty blue shade with white checks Bo per yard. Fancy novelty silks, special value, 75c pe' yard. Kvery one that had seen the first lot wondered how we could sell them so cheap. The new ones that arrived are even prettier and we predict will sell rapidly all colors-special value, 76c per yard. " MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Special Sale of Monday we will place on special sale nine beautiful hard-embroidered linen and white pique shirt waist patterns, at about pne-half regular price. Two $26.00 embroidered llnon waist patterns Monday, 110-08 each. .... Two $16.00 embroidered linen waist pat terns Monday, $7 60 each. ,1 i ..( One $1100 embroidered pique waist patterns Monday, $0.00 each. I , One $10.00 embroidered pique waist patt crn Monday, $5.00 each. ,' i 'I. Three $10.00 embroidered linen waist patterns Monday, $5.00 each. 1 tP- O m PS O K . , y. M. C. A. Building. Corner re menacing Russia's lines of communica tion. Russia, with the support of Germany, will protest against this concentration of Chinese troops. According to the Tokto correspondent of the Petit Tarlslenne official confirmation ho been received of the destruction of the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Bkeri at Part Arthur by the explosion of a sub marine mine. The correspondent says that the mikado yesterday bade adieu to 496 officer who were leaving for the front. . A special dispatch from St. Petersburg say the project Is favored of conveying heavy war material by transport from Cronstadt to the mouth of the Yenisei river and thence by barge tn the Irkutsk depot and Lake Baikal, leaving the rail way free for the conveyance of troops. MIST REiPKCT PIUVATB PROPERTY Rasslaa Viceroy lasaes Orders to Soldiers with Penal. lea. BT. PETERSBURG!, March 19. 1:83 p. m. The army 6rgan publishes an order of the day, Issued by Viceroy Alextoff, threaten-) Ing the most severe penalties against sol diers Injuring private property or officers permitting the same. The order says: "Such offenses not only beslur Russian honor, but are subversive to discipline. Every officer permitting excesses wt:i thus be guilty of a grievous offence against the emperor and the country. 1 A special flag has bees ordered by the emperor for Viceroy Alexleff white, with a blue St Andrews' cross, and In, the cen ter a black double Rusafan, eagle,' It will Benson , Thornc .. : Spring , Catalogue Now Ready. flailed Free. Fflf Rika New Presses, Skirts, Bon rlfl DallJ nets, Coats, Sacuues, Klm ona. Veils. Afghani, Bootees, How, Shoes, I taper Goods, Rubber Diapers, Block Pants, Stockinet Diapers, nibs. Creepers, Plain and Embroidered Flan nels, Crib Linen, Waterproof Sheets, Bath Aprons, Shirts, Bands, etc Far Dave New Suits, Top Coats, Reef rW OUJi ers, Cravcnette Coata, Mack intoshes, Hats, Caps, Belts, Hone, Neckwear, Uiovei, Umbrellas, Bus- S sliders. Pants, Waists, Blouses, lilrta, iTnderwear, Overalls, Cow-boy Suits, Kalikl Bulls. Engineer Bulta, etc Car filrlt Woolen and Wash Dreases, TVI III Jackets, Mackintoshes, -Cra-. venetto. Coats, Hats, Caps, Gloves, . Parasols. Umbrellas, Hose, Under wear, Waists, . Skirt. , Fnr llittat Suits, Jacket. Rain Coata, , rul niSIEl lUvt, Gloves. Hose, Under wear, Skirts, etc . t ,v . For Young Men 5 VuV nlshlnga. Our store and each department ha recently been enlarged to accommo date the larger assortments and heavier stocks neceeaary to care for the increasing demand for good clothes Telephone 1701. BENSON &TH0RNE5 .urn CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Be Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash ONE VOTE Om VU fr. Address. Tow a. CUT THIS OUT Depoett at Bee Office or mail to "Xipoaltlon Department," Omaha Bee, Omaha, Nebraska. ' ' massissstststsianssssst TTlfttlUDtli" CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee - Exposition Coupn A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash ' PREPAYMENT COUPON .Vste fr. Aedms, Town, Scad Be t (name). Address. This exrapoa, vtwa accompanied by a cash prepaid subaorlptjon to THH BBs Count M votas to each tue paid, 10 votes for each dollar paid. eta. - A subaunpUoa oaanot be prepaid until the amount due to date bo been paid. Deposit at ie Cfflo or xnoll to "KipoeiUoa Department,' Omaha Bee, OamLA, Mob, - - r twtmtMg3tltlUMttt.tfttttfHH PATS AT I T. U. Po, Maxell 3 1H. Mofe New Silks.. French Hn nd - Embroidered Shirt Waist Patterns. D) L 0 m JSVUBH Sixteenth and Douglas St& be saluted by nineteen guns. The daugh ter of Admiral Taube, who commanded the wooden Retvlsnn, predecessor of the pres ent ' battleship, has written to Admiral Nakaroff. snylng that nearly fifty year ago, while the old Retvlxan was moored In the Neva, her father noticed an object floating towards him nnd found It to be an Image of the Bavlor, which had re mained In the Taube . family slnoe the dismantling of the old ship. The daughter of Admiral Taube now sends the Image to Admiral Makaroft, convinced that It will keep the battleship from' harm In the fu ture. HEWS CORRESPONDENT 19 BARRED British Minister Get Eves for Re ports from Transvaal. TOKIO, March 19. The British minister refuse to endorse the application of Hales, the correspondent of the Dally News, to accompany the Japanese army, giving a his reason that Hairs' reports from tbe Transvaal during' the Boer war were slan derous of the British army. The Japanese government - require that all correspond ents should have the endorsement of the resident minister of the countries they rep resent. Hale wtll therefore be excluded from all connection with the army movement. The government ha not yet fully dis closed the proposal concerning the war taxes to be submitted to the special Diet about to meet next week, but it now ap pear a though it will not propose any change In, the. tariff on sugar, but will htste'ad recommend a domestic tax on the basis previously stated. It now seems probable that the only change effected In tbe customs tariff will be an Increased duty on kerosene and Spirits. No discrimination will be made against Russian kerosene, because that trade I chiefly In the hand of the British merchant. It la anticipated that there will be a serious contention in the Diet over the taxes on sugar and silks, and dealer In the former commodity are strongly agitat ing for a reduction In the rate, which It Is thought the government will propose. Party committees are meeting dally, dis cussing these tax proposals, and the be lief Is expressed that the government will be forced to modify several feature of their plan and that It will fall to realise the total amount originally estimated. If the tobacco monopoly I enacted. It I estimated that It will be ten year be fore It I finally completed, although the government count one year' earning from It In 1904, amounting to 14,000,000 yen, gradually Increasing until 1914, when It I estimated they will amount to ' 40,000,000 yen.- . It Is estimated that It wilt oat the government (,000,000 yen to purchase the plant and stock required to consummate the combine, and. fully 9,000,000 yen to com pensate the owner. Russian Government Bays Cars. BERLIN, March 19. The Frankfurter Zeltung today say "the Russian govern, ment haa Just ordered 1,000 railway car In Russian Poland for delivery within the next six months; . . Rasalaa Troop Arrive. LIAO YANG, Manchuria, March 19.-1 Troops continue to arrive here In Increas ing number. The health of the soldier is good. Name, State, Nam. Btata. Vy w INVITATION JO CLEVELAND Ex-FrlJtDt May Participate In NebrMk CemUCentenoial Celebration. SUPPLY DEPOT ITEM STAYS IN BILL Andrews Entry lato the Senatorial Contest Cnaae gome Rarprls Among Ills Friends la Washington. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) - WASHINGTON. March 19 (Special Tele gram.) E. Rosewater left todny for New York. It Is possible that he will call upon Mr. Cleveland while In the east and In the name of the people of Nebraska Invite tho ex-presldent to participate with them In the celebration of the semi-centennial of the admission of Nebrsska to the union. Supply Depot Btay In Rill. The senate committee on Indian affair at Its meeting today decided to report fnvornbly the Item providing for the con tinuance of the warehouse at Omaha for the distribution of Indian supplies. The committee appointed to investigate the charges ngalnnt Senator Dietrich met this morning to hear the testimony of U. 8. Rohrer, but aa the witness will not reach Washington until Monday, an ad journment was taken until the afternoon of that day. John 1.. Webster left today for the west. Jurtite McHugh, who hn been In Wash ington for several days, left this afternoon for New York. i Andrews Causes Surprise. Tho announcement of the candidacy of W. R. Andrews, auditor for the Treasury department, for senator to succeed Charles H. Dietrich waa a great surprise to the Nebraska colony In this city. It was thought Mr. Andrews was happily situated in his present situation and that upon the conclusion of hi term he would return to Nebraska to take up the active practice of law. His entry Into the senatorial field adds considerable Interest to the situ ation. New Rank for Vrrdon, The application of Lyman R Cornell, Behle T. Webster, Grant Cornell. I. C. Tucker and Edwin E. Owing to organlxo the First National bank of Verdon. Neb., with $26,000 capital has been approved by the comptroller of the currency. Postal Matters. Rural routes ordered established April 16: Nebraska Silver Creek, Merrick county, one additional; area, thirty-six square miles; population, 41S. Iowa Larchwood, Lyon county, one route; area forty-three square miles; population, 610. Palmer, Pocahontas county, one route; area, forty three square miles; population, 626. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Mllford, regular, William C. Smiley; sub stitute, Charles P. Moorefleld. Iowa Far ragut, regular, Alvln P. Deland; substi tute. E. F. Deland; Melvln, regular, Weils B. Daggett, substitute, A. M. Caroy. South Dakota Oayvllle, regular, Louise Jensen; substitute, John Olnen. J. H. Baxter haa been appointed post master at Felix, Crook county,, Wyo., vice Roy Montgomery, resigned. . . TRADESMEN IN DUMPS (Continued from First Page.) concerting to those round him. A peer was once severely criticising the- army. The duke grew purple Of rage a be moved about In hi seat welng audibly.' Finally he arose and exclaimed aloud) v c a v.f.. " me; t can't stand. such V ' foul rot," repeating which, bs strode from the house amid half-suppressed laughter. He waa a typ of the old school, now ex tinct , : ' In marrying tbe beautiful' Mi Fare brother, a burlesque actress, be showed great pluck and alf iscrlflce, and their three son teem to have been particularly unfortunate In all their undertakings. Their status was a dubious one, as the duke' marriage waa never recognised by Queen Victoria. But the present king ha always been friendly disposed toward them. DEATH REC0RLV , Henry Flcldgrove. BHELTON, Neb., March 19. (Special.) Henry Fleldgrove, one of the pioneer resi dent of Buffalo county, passed away at the family home near Shelton yesterday, from a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Fleldgrove waa a member of the state legislature in 1887 and county commissioner for some years. He ha always been an active republican. He waa a Mason and prominent Grand Army , member, . having served In the One Hundredth Pennsylvania, and was wounded. He was 73 year old. The funeral will be held Sunday, In charge of the Mason. Boron Ton Hammersteta. ' NEW YORK. March W.-Baron Wllhelm von Hommersteln I dead, at tbe age of 66 years, says a Berlin dispatch to the Stoats Zeltung. While editor of the Krtus Zeltung, the foremost conservative paper of Prussia, and member of the Reichstag, he domi nated the conservative party as a dictator Until .he was. In 1895, publicly accused of a number of crimes. He fled to Italy, but waa brought back and tried for forgery and fraud. The court sentenced him to three year' penal servitude, which be erved Casa County's First Sheriff. MURRAY. Neb., March 19. (Special.) W. R. Ellington died at his borne here on Monday, March 14, 1901 Noxt October Mr. Ellington would have been tl year of age, and bore the distinction of being the first sheriff of Caas county. With the excep tion of about one year he ha been a resi dent of this county since 1868, and I con sidered one of Its very earliest settlers. The funeral ocourred yesterday, the ser vice being conducted by Rev. Balrd of Plattamouth. Jena C. Ptak. FLATT8MOU TH, Neb., March 11 (Spe cial.) John C. Ptak. M years of age, died at hla home In this city yesterday, after ufferlng several weeks with Bright' dis ease. He bad conducted a tailoring estab lishment In this city for ten year. Besides a widow he leaves six children, the oldest being t year. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon and the Modern Woud men of America will have charge. Sheriff at Mitchell, S. D. MITCHELL, S. D., March It (Special Telegram.) Sheriff Klntlgh, who has been very sick with heart trouble for the past fourteen week, died at 13 0 this after noon. He was appointed to the position a year ago to All the vacancy caused by tbe death of Sheriff Brooks. Coroner Dr. Dunda assumed the. duties of the offloe of sheriff and wtll hold It until a successor la appointed by the county commlaslonera. ' Mrs. S. G. Wright. TABLE ROCK. Neb., March !. (Spe cial.) Mr. Sue A. Wright, wife of 8. U. Wright of Lincoln, died at her borne, 1686 Q street, Lincoln, a little after o'clock Wednedty evening. Her remain were brought here yesterday on the afternoon train and funeral service were held at the Methodist Episcopal church, of which she bad been a member for many years, Crist Daherkow. rWE8T FOINT, Nob., March l.-(Speclal.) Crist Daberkow. aa aged farmer maiding In Bismarck township. In this county, died ea'TtouxsUai at U. ega gf 4 li was one of the earliest pioneer of the county and .universally-, respected. Tb funeral will be held from the German Lutheran church near his home, .Rev. Otto von Oem mungen officiating. . Charles Knsor. WHITE OWL, 8. D., March 19. -(Special.) Charles Ensor of this place, aged 63 year, died at hi home of rheumatism of the heart. Ills remain were taken to Rapid City for Interment. Deceased was an Odd Fellow and also a Workman. Jamler, Aged Eighty-Two. OSCEOLA, Neb., March lt.-Jaoob M. Jones, jr., another of Polk county' pio neers, paasnd sway this morning. He waa 83 year of ag and served In Company a. One Hundred and Sixty-first Ohio, during the civil war. Miss Lena Mock. WEST POINT,- Neb., March 19.-(Spe-clnl.) Miss Lena Mock, daughter of George Mock, a former resident of this place, died at her home In Plalnvlew, Neb.,' of consumption. The deceased wa 23 year of age. R. Drandhaver. PIERRE, S. D., March 19.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) R. Brandhuver, one of the pioneer residents of Pierre, died at hi home last night from heart trouble. He will be buried Sunday.- TONE IS CONFIDENT (Continued from First Page.) Ing of the market, a a result of the Sully failure, and when the bell rang there waa a large crowd of brokers about the ring. Soon after the opening s decided upward tendency was prevalent and price ad vanced until May was 18 point higher than yesterday and July was 40 point higher at 14.19 cents. The advance was mainly due to a surprisingly good Liverpool market. After the first half hour of trading New York displayed weakness and the local market was Quick to follow the decline, which brought May down to 1S.86 and July to U.80 cents. The rlr.g was too busy to allow much dis cussion of Sully's failure. The belief grows, however, that ho will meet his obligations, dollar for dollar. There are no new de velopments locally In this direction. .. The whole short cession waa marked by nervous and wide uctuatlon. but the closo was steady. May waa 68 nolnta hlrher than ,tho close of yesterday at. 14.01c, July was at . . ..... i iv.inB nigner at ii.uc ana October was 16 higher at U.78& Cotton "lamps In Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. March 19.-The cotton mar ket here this morning presented a lively appearance In view of the Sully crash In New York yesterday, which was not an nounced until after this market had closed. The galleries and balcony of the exohange were filled with pn-looker and in the rir.g tne broker were waiting until the opening bell rang. They then gave vent to the pent-up excitement which had existed be fore) the cpening. , The market opened 88 to 44 point lower. The low point wa reached In the first fifteen minute of trading. The excite ment continued, but supporting orders In the active position, May. June, July, Au gust and October-November, were executed and a rally of about 10 points followed. Trading was unusually heavy, the recorded transactions In .tulv-Ausust un n o'clock numbering 68. or more than three times the business during the same time on an ordinary day. . . , In the last half hour of the hort session, the market wa quieter and price fell away slightly, but finally closed . steady at a net loss of 83 to 4l point. ... The ofTtclal spot quotations were re duced 60 points, American middling being quoted at' 7. ?4-pence; . - . ... .. The effect of the suspension, of Sully Co. wa not so . great as expected. Al though there wa great excitement during the first few minute, there waa absolutely no panic, tbe market being a good one, considering everything. - ' REDUCTION IN GRAIN RATES Another Cot Which Will Affect All Iowa Polnta on Shipment to the East. CHICAGO. March 19. The Chlcaro A Northwestern railway ha announced an- otner reduction In grain ratea. The chruiraa affect all Iowa point on shipment destined east of the Illinois and Indiana state line. The new tariff will become effective Mon day and under it there will be a general reduction of 1 to z cent on the 100 pouhd. FTOn BtRJtS OYER TWKJTTY MILES. Many Cattle and Horses Are Dead and Range Seriously Damaged. ' HEM3NGFORD, Nob.. Mardh 19-The prairie fire south of her 1 still burning fiercely and can be een for twenty mile, moving northeast of Alljanoe toward Lake side. The Burlington haa lost considerable property. The wind I dying down. The fir north of this place I under control. Many cattle and hbrses are dead or will have to be killed. The range that ha been burned will not reoover for three year. Fourth Ticket at Logan. LOGAN, la., March 19. (Special.) A fourth ticket, known as the people's, has entered the field to participate In the com ing municipal election. The , candidates are: For mayor, J, C. Mllllman; for re corder. A. W. Blackburn; for assessor, Fred Laropher; for treasurer, W. H. John son; for councllmen, Oscar Coffey and J. A. Barr. FOOD'S WORK How It Cared Paralysis. Paralysis comes from weak nerve and bad blood and 1 often cured nowaday by proper feeding. "For fifteen year I wa an Invalid, haven't walked a step for over twelve years, not able to move my feat or even my toea "But recently a wonderful thing haa hap pened, for I had never expected to have the use of my limb again; a four month' diet of Grape-Nut Food for breakfast and upper made the change, and now, )ust think of It, I can move my toe freely on my left foot and a little on the right foot, and can let the footplece of my chair down and awing my feet vigorously, which 1 think 1 a wonderful Improvement for the time I have used the food. "And that Is not all! My blood and my stomach or so much better I am confident my trouble came from too much rich food and an overstrain of the nerve, but my Bar-res are much better, my mind I clearer and I don't forget think like I did. It must be the food, for I stopped taking medicine years ago for the paralysis "Of course, I bar the sympathy and prayer of many Christians, but It I won derful what good, pure food will do. for one out of health, and why would It not be as good to keep one' health up? I have heard lots of other praise Grape Nut, but I for on cannot praise It enough." Name given by Poetura Company, Battle Creek. Mich. Here we a well defined case of p'aralysl which come from weakened nerve and blood trouble, and which began yielding almost ' Immediately when proper food, Oropo-Nut. waa aubstltuted for Improper food. There' a reason. Look In each package for the famous little book, "The Rood to WellvUle." DO YOU GET WITH " ' ill jffSfP 6 -? ' : V' :' " 'iH"i 7$5 4;$ 4v ' b ?3 Q ?- 'ps nE .sari w$r- 7, Havo You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder Trouble? To Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, will do for YOU, all our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Tree by Mail. Pain or dull ache In the back Is unmis takable evidence of kidney trouble. It I Nature's timely warning to enow you that the track of health 1 not clear. It these danger signal are unheeded, more eeilous results ar sure to follow; Bright' .disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect cf the world-famous kidney and bladder remedy, Dr.. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, Is soon realised.. It stand the highest for It won derful cure of the most distressing cases. A trial will convince any . one and you may have a sample bottle free, by mall. Gentlemen I attribute my present good health to S Tramp-Hoot. I suf fered many years with kidney trouble and had an almost constant pain In my back. Yonr great rem. dy, gvrajnp-lloot, eared my trouble, and I have sine been perfectly well. Yours truly, B. H. CHALKER, Chief of Police, , Osark, Ala. -. Lome back ta only on i.ymptom cf kid ney trouble ono of nw. Other, symp toms, showing that you nfced Swamp-Root are, being obliged to pas water cftea. dur ing .the day and. to get up many time dur ing the night, inability to bold your urine, smarting or Irritation n passing, brick-dust or sediment in the urine, catarrh of the bladder, urlo aold, constant headache, dlaal ness, sleeplessness, , zsrvousness, Irregular heart beating, rheumatism, bloating. Irrita bility, wornout feeling, Jack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion. .If your water when allowed to remain undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty four hours, forms a sediment or settling, MAY END DOMINICAN FIGHT Alleged that President Moralei Hat Power to Ifaintaia Btab'e Oorarnaicnt. WILL STOP SUPPLIES OF INSURGENTS If This Is Done It Is Believed that the Internal Troubles on the Island Will Soon Come to an End. WASHINGTON, March 19. It Is probable that an end may be made of the Dominican difficulties by the extension on the part ot the United State government ot full recognition to General Morales as presi dent of San Domingo. ' On result of tha Mayflower trip wa to confirm the offi cial opinion that Morale has sufficient strength of character and resources to maintain a stable government if the United States and other natlona will prevent the Illicit supply of arm and ammunition. The Btata department already ha given some Information on this subject ta the shipping Interest doing business with San Domingo, having satisfied Itself that nearly all ot the arm and ammunition Imported Into San Domfhgo came from the United States and there may be further aotlcn In that direction before long, all with the view to terminate the present .deplorable condition In Ban Domingo without direct Interven tion by the United States. tAngley Hopes for Airship. Although success I In sight, according to his statsment to the Formications board, Prof. Lsngley has declined to make any request for a further allotment of money to carry on bis experiments with his aero drome. The board also has decided that it I not advisable at thl time to make fur ther expenditure In that direction. Bo far the board ha alloted ttO.OOO for the flying machine. At the last meeting Prof, jang le y, in answer to a requeat, produced a financial statement showing how he had expended th funds. In reply to a ques tion, he said be thought that with a far ther allotment of 13,000 the machine cculd be made to fly. H did not. however, ask outright for this sum and th board acted aa atated above. It ia probable that, re gardless of the action cf the War depart ment, the experiment will continue with tbe aid of private fund. ft 111 Start Canal Soon. In concluding Ms hearing before the house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce today Admiral Walker, president of the Panama Canal commission, stated that actual work on the canal would t begun after the commission had road a stay of a few week on the isthmus, for which It was to ail March 29. Admiral Walker, In answer to a question, aid that a large number .of Inspector would be employed by th . commission. These Inspectors would be en gin ears and he did not want the law to provide that they should be selected through the Civil Servloe commission. i I i Circuit Court Scat Month. 8TUROI8. B. V., March 1 (Bpeclal.)- Meade county- circuit court will convene In thl city Tuesday, April U. IP A LAME BACK? or has a cloudy appearance, It I evidence thatypur kldyey apd bladder need Imme diate attention. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natu ral help to Nature, for Swamp-Root Is the most jerfect healar and fentle aid to the kidneys that is known to medical science. Swump-Root la the great discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful success In both slight and severe cases. Doctors recommend It to their patlints and use it in their own families, because they recognise In Swamp Root the greatest and moat successful remedy for any derangement of the kid ney, liver and bladder. Do successful is twamp-Root In prompt ly curing even the most distressing oases, that to prove Its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book ot valuable Information, both sent absolutely free by mall. The book contalna many of the thousands upon thousand of testi monial letter received from men and wom en cured. The value and success of Swar.-.p- Boot Is so well known that our readers are Id vised to send for a sampls bottle. In writing to Dr. CUmer A Co., Binghamton, N.. Y., be sure to say that you read this generous offer in The Omaha Sunday Bee. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the n'jl'.eness of this offer. If you a'-e already robvlnced that Bwamp Root Is what you need, you can purchaso the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slie bottle at drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. T., on every bottle. Special Floor Paint This la a superior quality of paint, mad expressly for the purpose Indicated, - tbe object being to produce the most durable and satisfactory coating on a wood floor which caa fee obtained. It will not blleter, poel or tub off, and WILL, DRY WITH A GLOSSY SURFACE! vnder ordinary oiroum stances in ONE NIOHT. It will soon be come very hard, yet sufficiently elaatia to render it remarkably durable. It Is made In nine different Khades. the moot popular being DLBT COLOR, SLATE, JEbU)W, LIGHT TAN AND GREY. Put Up in quarts at 40o; uulf gallons at 7tc; gallons at 11.25. CALL FOR COI-OR CARD. Sherman Sg McConnell DrugCo., ' Cornor 18th and Dodge, Omahl, Neb. The) Only Doubl Track Railway between the Missouri River nd Chloago. AILY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 m THE OVERLAND LIMITED Masalftcnt enlld lid aallftralatoCbloeeo. Cobmi maul aal araatne-roon iiMciue on, uorio, tubar. btU, talouhuu., dining cat asd ebMmuaa ear. ElacUM ll.hiad tHrouaoout. 3.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pullman toariat alMplng Mr aoa ooecheii Dials ran .ax from CUalco. 5.50 pm THE EASTERN EXPRESS Fallmaa dravta room and tourl alMnln eara, fra nolinlas oualr oar, bugat libra!? and aiuakia ear. lUiins aar. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3 n ill PoJlraaBdrwln.wm.WlaM.l"a ftU All amoktus 't Horary '? r'a- ,T v n m om M Cbleaso. liuius eara I 1. 3D AM Sortb-aSaram.uSard d ..v.'ifi I'W""1 uaintiMuwi. Llular. 2 DAILY TRAINS st. paul-"mihheapolis 7 50 am 0t.u '' Mn wrM u4 81 C DU Pullai.f io. tr.. eara. "" libtarr 10 M oar, and ttaa lacllatas t.ail car. BLACK HILLS t u'iro.a ..aacia. car au-ica Q fit. Ill To frawet. I-laaala. Wahne, gettel. O UJ AM Loo. hli,, Varir. Bci,a,lal aad U-m Boaatad Indifta KiNMrv.t'.t'a ajji.trr. CITY TICKET OFFICE, KOI and 1403 Farnam Street Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maawell. M. D. Oraduate qf Belleyy Hoepttal Medical Col- Irxe of N-f York City. I2M Be building, Oman. Nob. Tel. liM. AD aa 2CH 111 lo?risoBi.L'Mla,Waeoo,aiaOitr, ,3U lM So.k. f-.wrd. iinm tv- rii, l(urf"tk. liu. ("aapar. Rot diirlka, aadabod aa l Laa4. Tbrouaa laUiutu 6fiax lam Ten Days' Freo Treatment Offered Hen Grat Parisian Method That Cares Femlnal Weakness, Varicocele Stricture, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Unnat Ural Dlachrte, Irritation and En largement of the Prostate aland, Bladder and Urinary Disorders, Without taking Hedlclne Into tbe 5tomach and tn Their Own Home. It Will Be Sent Every a bolutely Free. j "iy a wonderful rr ethed rccrt)1y bee. ! for year in France, nd new for the first I tln-.a mtrodurd in AmMca, Jt is poaufble J for eny man, no rsa'.ler how bad off. to 1 U - ... . . L . . . THE PANS MEDICaTTD C BATON. gr'!i .mi-juji i i, .1 i. , 3?jria..2a.- :.?'.i-jr'Sri-lv-i1 PLEASANT, SOOTH I NQ AND HIAUNO. arlihuut taking any medicine Into the stony, son, and to prove that it will do this thsjs rffer a full Ten Days' Trial Treatment v solutely free to every man sending rani nd sCdrwss to Dr. Bteven ft Co., Bog J711, Columbus, Ohio. You apply It iooaafy to the at of the trouble, and It quickly find Its way to th daslred spot, emarg-'ng th inusrloa. Increasing the nerve force and gtv Ing th necesaary vim and energy. Th world of science and medicine thoroughly endorse It. It cure In vonderfully quick time, la Your own hnma. tmt vltU,v .m..l.iln. crematurltr. niiniiir. n, Ural lirltntlon and enlargement of the pros tate gland, and oil bladd4 and urfnary disorders of men. It Is the only mtho4 known to science that will electrify th body, rout wosrlng ctlseases, create vigor, warmth and force, and ll this without medicine taken the stomaeti. If ethers tell you nothing can he dore for you, tills will surely our ysw Write to Pr. Stkv.ns A Co., Columbus, Ohio, i;ox rri. They ofler Ten Day' Trial Treatment to ever; man. It Is no "pre eerlption." ' Srposlt" or "C. O. D." scheme, as this Arm a too Urge to resort to sucti petty ways. In addition to the absolutely frse trial treatment th.y send the rnott compute book ever w.t'f.n on the Disease of Men, telling all, and riy illustrated, with lorty engravings fvm life. Every thing 1 torndenCai and sent perf.gtiy plain, and since t&ey merely ark you to li. quire what they have got that will our you. w triet every gentleman reader of this paper wO.I wr'te them at onoe a above and thus get the Ten Days' Trial Treat ueat sad book, toth absolutely free. Tit x' - Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS ANTISEPTIC AND HYGIENIC; A Hair lavlforator.e-Jijst whet ltl tbe element ot gtowtb, whlcli, wbej tDsorDea uj wo nair, trcoiruiens avi beautlAefl It In tbe same war tbgt M trlnrtnas the friHnira of s tree. SSC when tbe follicle are eemi&-ly dead. II tne eceip l massagea uaxiy wil Mme. Yale'i Hair Tonic a vlgorou rrrnwth nil ha produced. It b bOt estly earned lt tltie of "tbe great bal rrower." It uninuiate tne root arum ed growth and make tbe Lair xc tlfloentiy toeaitny ana ocaauini. Mm. Val'a Hair Tonl ia nrlce annaiiv hv man and vomer- cartlculerli when tbe hair begins to weaken or fadai Cures Daionesa, groynes, upi.mug og tbe hair, dandruff and all disease of the hair, acaip and beari. One appllra tlen top Lair falling. A nursery rear nleite; no mother should neglect to til It for her boys nnd girl; when tbe bW la made etrong In chlldbood it remain proof against d!eae and retains Its) vigor and yoatbfulne throughout life Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic ta a oolorle fragrant delightful hair dressing neltber sttcky. gritty nor graey; make! tbe balr aoft, fluffy and gloy. Oooj tain no artificial coloring; would not Ktl tbe wbltet balr; restores ortglnsJ color by Invigorating tbe scalp and rJ ostabUsblng natural circulation . and proper distribution of the live coloring matter. Beautiful balr redeems tb4j plainest countenance, and anyone csji secure it by using Mm. YaU'g Hab4 Tonic. Now In three siies our prices) 2Sc, 40e and 60c. nine. Vale's Hair Tonic I rSotd by Drug Dcpt , Boston Store IT'S TEN CENTS n Wlut To Et 'rdLTS tear tor eupy. U tmavt or tl 00 e resur. b.Uahta Real! Article, Tain Btora Jt. ream. Clever Toasta. A gwti 'jfaad f brighten year lelaars ate Biit. Tvll ef eovsl amgesUon for u:terjJnit;g. Ta. lava BaarU Matlatfli aaa "Oer 1 I I wait a. a.l ar kvUr !f ta loraatas , m Hum m I . mm.r w wiut tv sat vammuuf OVaeacai Wwajagtea M. aa4 has Av, Ci TEXAS STRAWBERRIES Now ready to luore. I wake spe. rialty of filing small orders no car load all shipments C. U. D. . Correepondance sollrlted. 5. P. HOWLAND, Houatoa. Texs, 3 r- -C J - W tJw T I