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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1904. ir I i - 1 CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Etowi Som Dii;o-itioa to Raliy Aftr iki Oct on Paiic SULLY STILL W.LlOi SOME INflUtNCE Condition Sow Regard Better Than Before the Break, hat the Fit Coatlaee to Uaes a. - OMAHA. March 1. 1904. Wheat wm getuu ivttutr th. morn ing uom ui ,nipi.uUv break out to tn cuttun paiwu. ouu wa known to 09 mora or 1cm Intereeteu lu grain, and Chicago opened inn inuruirig ramer wildly, a broker aia not k:ow Jutt what to expect. May bad an opening spread of point and new July T. iltc eifoct, however,, waa not aa mucn aa had oern leered, and th talent now consider that wheat la in a mors healthy condition tow than before tha break. Omaha long refuae to part witn their II nee In May and July. July waa bid up from 820 to Uu, and botn May and July have advanced (or trine daya In tha face of tha Chicago weakneee. Corn draw anme strength from tha dis approval of tha proposed change making No. I corn contract. Omaha May opened at 4c, c under tha close of Friday, and after reaching 46c waa bid ud to toe. Chi UD to ttc. cago opened with a spread of o and ranged from 61 So to Uc. Gate opened with mora atrengtn man ror aeveral daya. Tha range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and tha cloia Friday and today ware aa followa: Clnaed Open. High. Low. Today. Frt'y Wheat May July Corn Jul? :::::: Cuts Mkf Lecal ft MA 83B 46 44 S3 13 4 43H 44 46 44 Caah Grata Market. Tha pot wheat situation was not par ticularly good, although some changed bands by sample. Corn In one or two In stances sold at an advance over Friday of H cent, and oats wre rather weak at Fri day', figures. Receipts of wheat were 4 car in and 11 oire out; one week ago 8 and 12 car. Corn receipts were 25 cars In and 1J ear out; one week ago, 6 cara out. Oats were I cars In and 6 cara out; one weak go, I and t cara. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $3VMiWe: No. t hard, 80wrrt7c; No. 4 hard. 7llV7c: No. I prlng. No. ( spring, 80ViSc: No. 4 snrfneT, TlH?7c. Corn-No. t. 44o: No. I, fr4SHc: No. 4. $ltfoj No, f yellow. 44e; No. yellow, 43 Vfcc; No. I white, 44c; No. t white, 41' A TO Ma "aDM . XT a vrto. 4. 3wro NO. 1 white, 42i41o: No. whit. fUf?fHe! No. 4 white, S745J.18C; standard, Note from Bicbssks O faces. Omaha. Insnectlons of s rin wore ?2 cms Of wheat, 2 oars (traded No. I hard winter ana i car rxo. 4. or corn, z cara graded No i. 6 cars No. 8, 1 cars No. 4, 1 car No. 8 yellow, 2 cara No. t white and 1 oar No. 4 white. Of osts, 1 car graded No. 4 and .1 cara No. 4 white, and 1 car of rye grided no, i Grain Markets Klsewttere, Cloning prices of grain today and Friday at tno markets named were as follows; CHICAGO. Closed Wheat May .... July .... Corn Mar .... Jul .... Wheat May ... July Corn May ... July .... Wheat May ... July ... Corn Today. Friday. ea V s7 B .. C2T 4S KANSAS C1TT. 82 77 82S 77 S3 ST. LOUIS. 91 A USA sir 3 May 4 B 47HB MINNEAPOLIS. Ju uly ... Wheat May .. July ... .Wheat- VVLVTH. . May 4 uiy , KSB bB NSW TORK. Wheat- .. 82SA MSB CHICAGO GRAIN AMD raoVISIONI. Iaattauraa of t Tro4tatgt aat4 Cloalag Prtooa oa Board of Travdo, CIIICAOO, March It. Expectations 1 that tha atmosphere of speculative market gen erally would b cleared In consequence of tha Sully Incident caused a feellna of strength today In -tha wheat pit. Other Influences that aided wars an excellent oaah demand and bullish crop advloea. At the close May wheat was up lo and 1 ill u fc. i V. I , I . V. 1 V. n . W J Tl'UnU. V" I 11 A .11 1 1 1 , , up lHiuvlSic Provisions are unchanged to it0 ntgner. Tha closa was strong, with May at 93a. Final figure on July wera at I7!a;.o. Clearanoea of wheat and flour were equal 10 e,iw ou. rrimary receipts were mm ou.. aarainst Lai.tAJO bu. a vaar aaro. lln. i ou. a naapolls, luluth and Chicago reported 3i oar, compared with 33 last week and 19 a year ago. a luairnai luiarait waa roaniieaueu in 1 corn. May opened unchanged to So I Higher, at 61H4Mo, aold between (ISo and 63q, and closed at taito. July ranged ltWAmn arf, htlMi a I .... ,M t Lpwot 1S1So, at 6'JHOSo. Looal receipt r were ui cars, who i or oontraoi graae. Oal mad a subatantlal raoovary from th uloalng weakness of th previous ses sion. A strong ton developed during the lest hour and th close waa wall toward th top. May opened So lower , to a higher, at We.Quv'eo. After selling be tween Khi and 4oHo, the close was at 4oH-K40, July ranged between 38o and kVo, closing with a gain of o at Sbo. Lo oal reoeipt war 146 car. Th feature In trading? in provisions were selling of pork by oomrolsslon house And buying of lard and rib by packers. Pront-uklug In pork, cam to an end about half an hour before the close. The price on that product rallied lata in the day, th elo being unchanged at $12.86. May lard cloaed with a gain of 15c at $6.87S. Rib were up 10c at $486. Estimated re ceipt for Monday: Wheat, li car: corn. v van, mn, iuo cars; nogs, IV.UUU had. Th leading future ranged a follow: Article. Open. High., Low. Clo. Ye'y. Wheat I May m 93S 8V 7S 81.! atvil ou 87 S'mh ' wit f,a S.id7S tJuly July July Sept July Sept. July La rd May Rlhe May July MS-7S 61H-H 4!':Mt" 4i-9S 62'i,! 0 40S! 61 S S2V Km 43 Hi? 4 50S&S eu 40SQS .-u tsii 3j 3 uses.Ksosi 3S I 13 IB 11 40 13 S?S 13 07S' 13 u rsj $ rsl 8 82t,j T 16 I T WO 12 rs 1$ 26 13 45 8 F2i. 13 4TS 8 97H 8 trs1 I uu 8 70 6 80 7 12S1 7 o: 6 88 T 00 TO 8 60 $ 85 7 00 73 No. t a Old. b NW. Cash nuoiatton were a follows R J ilet and easy: winter patent straights. M 50ilf4.70: soring pat- i. .rvrH,, 'w' eniaignt, tt wifi w; l:iker. S3 llT3 SO. WflEAT-No. 8, $57c! No. I red. 319 CORN No. 8. flue: No. J vellow EUi., OATS-JJo. i, S8V1r39Ve; No.'$ white. 0S R IB No. TOtTila BARLHY-Oood feeding. s40e: fair to choice malting. tWitoo. 8E!:.riSa- ,l '' N- northweot- rn. 81 IJU: )wee rontreot grade, f 10 TJ PROV1SIONS-M. fork rr "hi." $'8 28H 18 JTS- lard, per 100 h M aw wvt. athort rlh Mes (loiwl MPHWB; short clear Th following ware th receipts and shl nts yesterday I men Rene'nta Shipments Flour. Ml. Wheat. b.. Com, bu...,, oata, bu Rve. bu ... Xl.TI ... M ...Ml HO ...rtT'O iilS 141 MT.ftiO ... 14 3 o ... 88.108 28 08 Barley, bu. On th Produe exchange todsy the but- w minm was ai4y; nraameHee ltd ssrste; oalrtea. 17Vrno. Kgw. ataadv; at , anera. rmmmm inoiuaeo. 16lVse. Chea, ntai,ia Kaaaaa Oty Orata as ro-tsloaa. KANSAS CTTT Msreh If. WHEAT May, 8Teo; Ju'r TTlrT8e; eash. No. f hsrd. r'e: No. a, SVjjSdc; No. $ rod. t3c; No. $. Itvraev, CoaX-May. 4o July, 44Sc aath. . 1 mixed, 44c; No. t, 4IM!tt; No. t while, Hc: No. I, OAT8-.No. I white, 41042o; Wo. I mixed. c. KYEJ-No. 8, SV5440. HAT Firm; choic timothy, 110.00; cholo prairie, $7.7Mi')0. BlJTTfcR-Creamery, t&322c; dairy, fancy. BOdS teady; Mlsaourl and Kanana. case returned, 13c; new No. t white wood caaea Included, ltecelpt. Shlpmenta. Wheat, bu M0 8S.6U0 Corn, bu 17,w1 84. on Oata. bu U.U00 6.000 NEW YORK 6EXGM li MARKJET. ftaotatlooe of too Day oa Varlaos Commodities. NEW YORK, Msrch 19 -FIOUR Re ceipts, 28.074 bills ; export. 19.919 bbls.; market unsettled and nominally lower; Minnesota patents, IUC0V45; Mlnnreote bakers, M 2,SJ4.0; winter patents, 6r2oa.8o; winter straights, I5.0U&6.1&; winter extras, 13 6.ti4.0i: winter low arades. W la'fl3.J.J. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, S4& ?!; choic to rancy, HWuVlW- uucawneat nour, nom inal. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow weetern. I1.12H- city, ll.U: klln-drled. 83.1(Vf?3.20. Kl JS uulet: no. 3 western, tuc, to ar rive. B ARI.ET Dull : feeding. 49c. c. I. f l Kew York: malting. 66066c. c. I. f Buffalo. WHEAT-UMC Dtl. DU. (XDOrtS. M.- 116 bu. Spot, easy: No. 2 red. tl.ud eievator and ll.OZd f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Uuluth, I tn. f. o. D., anoat; no. I norm- em Manitoba, nominal. I. o. o.. anoat. Wheat opened Irregular and cloaed Ha'lc net higher. May. K'toWic, closed at 96v,c; July, 91 1.i-16jvjc. closed at 92S4c; Septem- per, twfe71", ciosea at tuc. CORN Receipts, 32,260 bu.; exports, 29,269 bu. Hpot, steady; No. 1. nominal elevator and 6oc f. o. b , afloat; No. 3 yellow, boc; No. 3 white, Uc. option market waa fairly active and stronger, but eventually eased oft With wheat. May, &6&6;o, closed at 67c; July closed at MSo. OATS Receipts, l'J6,(J60 bu.: exports, 2,862 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 47Sc; standard whit. 48c: Nix 2 white, 48toc; No, 3 wnlte, Uc. HAY Dull! ah DDlne. 7tKS76c: good to choice, 97eti$ HOPS Kaay ; state, common to choice, 19uJ, &36o; i U'a27c; old, 9uHc; Paclflo coast, iixti, 2631c; 23';7c; old, 9ulo. HlDbH- irm; Ualvefton, w to m ios., INc; California, HI to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 14 to iW lbs, 14o. LEATHER Steady; acid, Z3S?c. WOKb-Urm; lleeoe, axc. PROVISIONS Beef, dun; family. $11,503 12.60; mesa, $9MuV.m; beef hanin, iM.M-it ; packet,; city, extra inoia mess, 416.utiul8.u0. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 7.fci.UU; pickled shoulders, Itf.bO; pickled hams, llO.CMtf U.uO. Lard, Hteuly; western steamed, i.a; renneu, sieaay; con tinent, 17.40; compound, je.Siiai.U). Pork, easy; family, 316.UI; short clear, H..&; mens, lut.uoQib.bO. tallow ouu ; city (-' per pkg.i, tvto; country (pkgs, free), 274(85So. RICE Steady; lair to extra, tWSVAci Japun, nominal. BUlTKK-firrai extra iresn creamery. J Hi ; creamery, common to choloe, 15ij 2.1o; Imitation creamery, HWlKc; state dairy, 144 lc: renovated, i:uiio; neid creamery, 14t40c: factory, 12S4i!Sc. Cilhli-ati titeaoy : mate run cream, rancy. small, colored, Mo; September late made. ldiic; small, white, 12c; large, colored, 12c; white, 12c. KUUH Lower, weak: state and Pennsyl vania nearby, 17 So; firsts, 16Sc; western firsts, lAc. OMAHA WROLE9ALD MARKET. Coadlttoa of Trade and 2aotatlOBS oa taplo and Fancy Prodaoe. E009 RecelDts. liberal: market steady: fresh stock, 14Sc; Including caaea, 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, Hc; young roosters. t9c; old roosters, 6fS7c: turkeys, 13c; u k, S'-lrc; geese, 8c. BUTTER Pack na- stock. LHITIZo: choice to fancy dairy rolls, 13314c; separator, 22c. FRESH i'iSH Trout. KHAluc: pickerel. HiSc: pike, to; perch, 6Hc; bluehsh. Uo; whTteflsh, titjSc; salmon, 11c: haddock, 10o; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, boiled. per lb., Sic; toueiers, green, per id, to; bullheads. 11c; cattish, 13l4c; black fcaaa, too; halibut, loo; crapples, 12c; herring, 4Hc: white bass, 13c; bluertna, 8c; smelts, lOSllo. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 41c; per gal., 82; 'extra se'ect, per can, iic; per gai., i. n; stanaara, per can, iic; per gal., 1 30(3140. SHAN-W ton. tin. DO. AY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. M OO; No. 2, $6.80: medium. $S M; coarse, 84.60: rye straw, (u. inese prices are ior nay oi good color and Quality. Demand fair and receipt light POTATOES-Colorado. $1.20: Dakota, par bu., $1.10; natlvea, $1.00. MA VI Bi,AJS-r DU.. X.2bJX.Sa. CELERY Large California, 80o. 76o and 90c. ONIONB-Spanlah. per rrate. $1.80: Colo rado yellow and red. per lb., 3c. cakbauiu Wisconsin Holland, to. TURNIPS White, per bu.. too. cakkotb per DU., 31. PARSNIPS Per bu., 760. BEETS Per bu.. 75o. CAULIFLOWER California. Dr eraa $2,76. i'ucumi kk-per oox., xi.8txgi.7B. TOMATOES Florida, per e-basket orata M. . . radishes Far oox. ounones. ibtoooo. LETTUCE HEADS Per doa. bunches. 90a 011 j top lettuce, per dos.. 46c. Tt-'Knin ooutnern, per oo., too. , BEETS Southern, per dot . lie. CARROTS Southern, per dos.. 760. PARSLEY Southern, per doa, $L SHALLOTS Per dox.. 76o. ONION BETS Per bu. of $2 Iba. yellow. $226: red, $2.28; white. $2.60. DPi-NACii rn ou., Eoctiam FRUITS APPLIES California Bellflowers. per box. i ei -k. rAM fBn.v r.m k. ai oa Kew' York export Greenings. Russet ami Baldwins. 14.26. CRAMJLHxUli.B Jersey, per bbl., it: p box. $2.bu. 8TRA WBERKIK8 Texaa. per 34-ot. case. 84.00fi6.00. inurjv.Ab muiio. ORANOE8 Navals, choice, all stxea. $2.40 C2.60; faney navala, all sizes, $2.76. LEMONS California, fancy. 300 to 880, $3.60; choice, 240 to 270 sixee, U KUI K. siust caitrornia, per iu-:o. cartons, boo; Imported Smyrna. 8-crown, 14c; 8-crown. 18c; T-crown, 18o. BANANA Per medium slied bunch, $2,004260: Jumbo, $2.76a3.26. UATtts fereian, per dox or so pxgs., -: Ser lb. In 60-lb. boxes, 6c; Orlebtal stuffed a tea, per box. $2.40. COCOANUTB Per sack. 84: per dox., 60c, MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, ISc; block Bwias, 16c; Wisconsin orick, uc; Wisconsin Umhurger, 12a. cil'kk per noi., to.oo; per H-nbl., 13.38. HONEY Nebraska, per M frames. $3: Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames. $3. HOKBH. KADloil Pf CAS Of 3 COS.. parKea. njc. niAri.c per id., ioc. uioLi ro. i green, eo: no. x green, bc: No. 1 salted. Te; No. 2 aalted, ie; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 13 Iba., 8Sc; No. t veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs., Hc; dry salted hides. &12c; Sheep pelts. horse hides. H.bOQi.bO. I nui-niu, no. i eon ens ,5c: hard h,11t Per lb- 14c! No- 1 t ir-illa. Per lb.. 11c: filberts, n. M u i v ainuis, iso. l sort shsll, per lb., I sort aneu. per lb. 12c; per :b., llcj slmonds, sort sne i. per lb., 15c; hard shell, JT lb- 13ci Pe("n- large, per lb., 12c; rsmalL per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 8c; roasted peanut, per lb.. 8c: Chili walnuts. l2013Vc; large hickory nuta per b i.. $l.oO; siielll'srks, per bu., $2; black walnut, per bu., $121. t. Loal Grata aad PtotIbIobs. BT. LOUIS. March 19. WHEAT-IIIaher No. 2. oaah, elevator, 9"Sc; track. 11.00; May. 914c: July, toSc; No. 2 hard. 90rtiv-Ji!. corn Higner iso. i caan. 46c: track. 4iic; May. 40c: July, 47Sc. OATS Steady: No. 1 caah. 41Uc: track. 4:A4.'4c: My. JVe; No. 2 white, 45Ur. r Ijulh iiuii ana uncnangei; red winter patents. $4 00, and special brands as high aa $6 80; extra fancy and atraight, B4 0014 SV; clear. r.'4.iiii St.Kl Timothy, steady; .wjp.7. rnRNMrit-iiuiiv! t? an BRAN Dull: sacked, east track. va3o HAY-Steadx: timothy. 86.0013.00: nral na, ao uuuv w. IRON CtlTTON TIES-82C. HAOOINO 6Hc, HEMP TWINE Ce. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing. $13.26. Lard, higher; prime e tea in. $4 so. Paeon, lower: boxed extra snort. ct.SiH clear ribs. $7.3714: short clear. $3.00. POULTHT-Chickens, higher; chickens. lOHrile: eprlnge. 83 OtXifS 60 per doeen: tur keys. liTiiVx': oueks. l.e; geeae, Sfr;e. BITTER-Steady; creamery, 20t326S: dairy. 16t?l9o. LOGS Steady at 14c, ease count Keoelpts.Shlptr.Mila. Flour, bbl 11. a IJOiKI Corn, bu M.0"0 91 Oat, bu 44.000 60,000 Mlaaasoll Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 19 WHEAT May. 8Ne; July. 8TSe: September, Kr; on track. No. I hard. 9TVc; No. 1 northern. 8674e; No. $ northern, 8So. FLOl'R Plret ra tents, 88$ifleiS; ecor.a patent. 83 1njJlS; first clears. $3$2$.7I; ewnd cleara tHOinm. R RAN In bulk, aJieo. ToloAo Be4t Market. TOT FJTV. Msreh 18 EFTS nvvr. eeh nd March. $4 ; April. Ha PrUa aUika, lata Prim Uiootuy, Ua, NEW YORK. STOCKS AND BONDS Lively EeTiTal of Bpcu'atioa and ta Aoinataj 0!on. REACTION OF SULLY FA LURE OVERCOME Broat la Cotton Market Viewed a PTmlala a Retara to a Prlco Level Fairly Reyreeeata tlro of Ooadlttoaa. NEW YORK, March 19.-Today' market disclosed a lively revival of speculation and Closed animated and buoyant at the top level of the day. .Not only waa yesterday reaction caused by the bully failure more than wiped out, but net gains were estab lished tor the principal active stocks run ning from over 1 point to 3 points. St. Paul, Heading and sugar were the largest gainers, but mere was a very large absorp tion of Pennsylvania and PaclMca on a ris ing scale. The equanimity with which th market accepted the Sully lallure waa the motive for tn spurt of bullish enthusiasm. The events in the cottun market were viewed. In faot. with some complacency lu the slock market as promising a return to a price level fairly representative of condi tions of that staple and likely to renew de mand irom foreign and domestlo spinners. The decrease in cash reserves of the banks and th decline In th surplus which ordl nuriiy cause a emu to speculative enlhusl asm. were also taken in aood Dart. Th continued ease in the money market leaves unopposed th advance In the for eign exchange reatoa, which continued to day and approached near to the point at which gold would go out to Paris. Total sales of bonds, par value, $l,106,nX. The long-expected Northern Securities a clslon on Monday of this week unlocked the rigid bonds which have held the atock market In a state of stagnation many weeks past. The volume of dealings has risen to more than double that of lust week and prices for the principal active stocks rose from I to 8 points over last week. The fact of rising prices has had the effect In Itself of producing more hopeful sentiment over the outlook for values. The advance In the price of various lines of iron and steel products Is substantial ev idence of the revival in that Industry and of its turn from a descending course. The breaking of the drouth In the southwest re noves a cause for anxiety which waa gaining cumulative force In speculutlve ctr cles and the sharp reaction In the grain and cotton markets gives hopes of a renewal or foreign purchases. The February mi elgn trade statement revealed how far the decline In the demand had rone and ho Important a bearing it waa having on the balance of trade. The approach of the pe riod for the canal payment increases the Importance of this factor In the exchange market. The expected decision by soft coal miners to accept the offered wage scale Is regarded with satisfaction. The shutting down of some of tho anthracite mines ow ing to ihe slackened demand 1 of counter effort. The bond market has Improved with stocks and advancing bids have been re corded for Borne of the high grade Invest ment bonds. United States new 4s coupon have advanced S per cent, the registered and 3s, old, S per cent on call sine last week. Following were th quotation on th Stock exchange today: Balea.Hlirh.Low Close. Atchleon 18,000 68S 67i S do pfd 100 89S 89S Baltimore A Ohio 11,400 784j 7?S do pfJ 88 Canadian laciflo 1.900 114V 1134 11S Central of N. J 1W Chesapeake & Ohio... 800 81S $1S 31S Chicago A- Alton 300 89S 3S 8SS do pfd 81 Chicago Ot. Western. Chicago ft N. W 600 16 100 lo6I IMS lhtt C, M. & St. P. 30.UJO 144S 143 do pfd Chicago Term. & T do pfd 100 80S 20 C, C, C. St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 8.400 26 Delaware & Hudson.. 1,900 Del., Lack. & West... Denver & Rio Orand do pfd Erie do L4t pfd do 2d pfd Hooking Valley do nfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ., do pfd K. C. Southern do tfd 1.000 TOO Louisville A Nashville 3.T"0 104 Aiannattan 1-, i.iw 14a. Met. Securities Bno 79 Met. St. Ry 8,609 119S Minn. A St. Louis M., St. P. & B. Bte. M. 4.700 63 do pfd 81S Missouri Paclflo Mo., Kan. A Tex do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd, N. Y. Central , Norfolk A Western.., do nfd 8.600 91 1,400 IRS 400 89 800 38S BOO lldS 600 67S Ontario A Western.... 8.ono Pennsylvania 46,100 P., C, C. A Bt. L 100 Reading 84,600 do 1st pra do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 4, ion do pfd i,4iio St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd.. 1,300 St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacific . Southern Railway ..12.WI0 .. 1.200 .. 1,110 .. 600 IOS 84S do cfd Texaa A Pacific T.. St. L. & W. do Pfd i 3fiU Union Pacific do pfd , 87H 19 19 19 86S 35S 84S 'iiS '42S 42S .: f2$ 189 108 206 "ivi 4t 19S 1S 19S n 7i 70s 29 88 TS ''' 'fflS 28U '.'.V.) rs Wabash mo 2,300 do nfd Wheeling A I.. E. ... Wlsoonsln Central . do pfd 200 Adams Ex American Ex I'nltnd States Ex.... Wells-Fsrgo Ex Amal. copper Am. Car A Foundry ..36.810 700 ao pra , Am. Cotton Oil 100 do pra Am. Ice do Pfd 400 Am. Linseed Oil do Dfd Am. locomotive Ano HO 6no f?S 82 44 22S 83 48S 92 12S do pfd 82S 127S 87 2i Am. Smelt, A Refng ao pra ino ez Am. Sugar Refng 8.400 127S Anaconda M. Co !W 74 674 43-V Prooklvn R. T 11,900 43S Colo. Fuel A Iron Consolidated Qaa 1.000 194V; lr 194S if 1M 11 So 4 J4T4 84 mi mi 70 109 TU 4S !-. Ttt4i 7S !!S corn r-roauot 600 18S 13S do Dfd Oeneral Electrlo International Paper.. do pfd International Pump. 'ini ifiii' 600 13 im 12 ao pra , National Lead , North American , Pacific Mill Peonle Has 1.800 $00 T 29 PresFed Steel Car... 80S no cfd Pullman Palace Car Reouhllfl Steel d pfd Rubber Good , do pM Tenn. Coal A Iron.. IT. B. l eather do pM V. 8. Realty do pfd U. S. Rubber do pM U. 8 fteel do nfd Ino 44V .. I) .. KOO .. WO ,. I f"! .. urn Wei ..10 900 88 HIS 1S 11H 38 JS T8 K 4S 11t km 1'S firt, 162 tm 14 Wrstlnghouss Elec... 40 163 Western T nlon Total sales for th dsy. $43,800 share. $7S Lssles Itork Market LONDON. March 19 Closing Coaeote. xaeney..; Norfolk A W.. M. T. Central.. . MS .lie . e ,. rs . MS .. ,. us ,. 4 ,. rS .. i .. MS .. 4as .. TTS ... MS .. iS 4e arount MK IS Anaenda Athlaon , e pfd nattlmnre A Ohio.., Canadian Paclflo .... rhea. A Ohln rhlraeo Ot. w , 4o ef d Ontario A W... , IIS . T . 11 raenarivaela Meet allnae ... Readies de W pM.. do td pfd.. r . m a bi. r , reBara , t. A " O .144 H ao. Riiiir ... . 1 . . TO so pre. So. PaiMSe t'nlea Partflo .. So 114 Erie . S . ew . 41U dA Md so let Pfd 4e Id fit r a. ai do Pfd W.baah 4a pfd nunele Central .... .ltIS .IMI . 1T14 IxMta. A Haak M. . K. a T B1LVER Bar. quiet, MSd per ouneo. MONEY !'JS per cent. Th rat of dlecount I th opea mark! for elioit bill la 3 per sent; for tlire montu bills, l-iQ3 per oent. CtoeurlaaT Hoaoo Avenges, KEW TORE, March 19 The statement of average of th clearing house banks of tnls city lor la week atiowa: loans. f.el.' 9i.;. ImreaM, $1 til .sua, IV poena, $1,0S(7. Oil.Tu; trauM, ti.lM Circulation. t.ul $.2 fto; decreae. $1,04 iA Iegul Undra t T4 400; decrease. 8 4 SUA bpeel. . 17,. ttt'j; decrvaee, 81 8 euo. Reserve, I a ir; dc;jeaae, 83 6J0.) fteerv rviulrfd. Lwi'.kA- tVewrea, tVAA Aurplua, ,&uV- 67; decrenxe, $ Ex-Vnlted States deposit. $17, $41, 750; decrease, 81.3D8.976. . Sow York Moaay Market. NEW YORK. March 18. MONEY On eall, nominal: no loans. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4"j4j5 per rent. 8TERLINO EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In banker hills at M-7U21 $4 87X for demand and at $4 84X4 U40 for sixty-day bill; posted rate. $4J&64.88; com mercial bills, I4.8.1VHJ4 M. silver war. !7c; Mexican nousrs. 4414c. BONDS OovernnoenL steady: railroad. firm. Th closing quotation on bond ar a follow: C. s. ret te. rag.. ..IK ilfanhatUa a g. it U, eeupoa. 1 a.m. Central 4a ... w ... 11 ... N ... ... n 4a Ti ... H . ..ii' .. loH ... n ... ... 4s la rrs. lueik' 4s lit Inc.. 4e eovvos 4o w 4s, rc 4e eouson e l 4e. ,...10 Ulna. A St. L. 4e ....ins, M , K. A T. 4a.. ....:! 4 te .10H'N. R. It. ef M. . .101 a N. T. C. . IHs. do eoupoo Atrhlaon go. 4l 100; N. 1 C. . It e aai No. Paclta 4a Atlaatlo C. L 4a. do la N. A W. e. 4a O. 8. L 4a A per Pann. coot. 11.. B. O. 4a do l'41 .101 X . lv, Central of Oa Is. N M do lit lnr Reading gas. 4s... rtiea. A Ohio 414,4. Cklceto A A. It4a. C, B. A Q. n. 4a. lot .St. L A I. M. e. ta-.USH int. I St. U S r. fg. 4a. I1H j,St. L 8. W. la tsi C. M. S T. g. 4a. 107 n a. aa... So. Parlflo 4a U Bo. Railway 6a. 1114 Taiaa A P. la lit T , Bt. LAW. 4a.. to Union PaclSo aa 101 14 C. A N. w. e. 7e.'...l!t4 C . R. I. p. 4a.... (1 do sol. 6a. 71 C.C.O. A St. L f. 4a M Chlcaao Tar. 4a to Con. Tobacco Bl Colo. A Bo. 4a St do eonv. 4a V. g. Steal U la 1 D. A R. O. aa. tt Brie prior Has 4a.... do iaa. 4a M rt WT. D. C. Is..l04 Hocking Val. 4Ha....l0o LAN. unL aa M Offered. Wabaah la 111 do dan. B ai W. a L. B. 4a K Wla. Central 4a Colo. r. A 1. con. ta to Boston Stock Hootatlona. BOSTON, March 19 Call loans. 2W per cent; time loans, tHS per cent. omoiai closing of stock and bonds Atchlaoa adj. as II Waiting. do 4a 44 4t to Adventure ..... ... t Max. Central Atchleon do pfd . . . . A11oua Amaliamate ., Auier. Sine.... Atlantlo Blaaham ... 14 ... 4ISt ... TV, Boiton A Albany, .Ui ... T ... M ...441 Boaton A Maine Poaton Elerated ... ritchburg p(4 Mex. Cantral N. T., N. H. A H. Para Marquette ... I'nton Pacific Amer. Arge. Chats.. do pro Amor. Pneu. Tube.. Amcr. sugar do pfd Amor. T A T Amer. Woolen do Pfd Dominion I. A 8... Edition Elac. lllu..'. General Electrlo ... Man. Etactrlo do pfd .131 Iral. a Heels.. .147 iCentennlal . HVtllopper Ranie . .lriH4 rl Waat ...:. . 71 Pnmlnton Coal . evt Franklla . V Orancy ... lit, ... 41 :::S ::: Kt ::: ... IBS ... IH ... IVt ... 614 It Irlr Knrala ... 4 Mae. Mining . Mlrhlsan Mohawk Mont. C. ft C. Old Dominion Ofcaola .117 .114 .111 . 11 . 71 . Parrot .ISO Oulnry .165 shannon . It Tamarack . Tt ,1 nitiiy ... Illi ... U . T 11-11 4V Maaa. Oaa . I V H Mining liS bintd Krolt . m tr. 8. oil.... . 444 t'tah . I Victoria .... . lti Winnna .... . tlVt Wolrerlne .. United Shoe Mach.. .... .... M do pfd C. 8. 8tM .... .... 8"4 .... ttva do pfd Bid. New York Mlnlan toclca NEW YORK. March 19-The following are tn closing prices on mining stock: Adama Con Ontario .400 ' Alloa Breece ophtr ,.. Phoenix Pot oal Sarace ttitrr Narada . Small Hopes standard ..478 .. t .. U .. 9 .. u .. 21 ,.IU . 1 . I .10 .lto .110 . 3 . 4 Comatock Tunnel.. Con. Oal. A Va.... Horn Silver Iron Sliver Lcadrllle Cos Utile Chief Foreign Financial. LONDON, March 19. Despite th Incret Of supplies of money In the market today discount were steady. Prices on the stock exchange were quiet and steady. Consols were easier on th approaching Issue of the Irish land atock. The feature wa the weakness of Americans at the opening, owing to the Bully failure. Price recor ered afterward and gradually closed quiet. Foreigner were sustained on th conti nent. Russians were firmer. BERLIN, March 19 Exchange on Lon don, 20m 43S Pfga for checks. Discount rates. hort bills, 2S per cent; thres months' bills, 8S Pr cent. Price on the bourse were Arm; Iron shares lower. PARIS. March 19. Price on -the bourse today were steady and had an upward ten dency. They closed firm. Russian l-.n- Eerlal 4 closed 94.76c. Rio Tlntos gained if. Th private rate of discount waa IS per cent. Three per cent rentes, 9Cf 70c for th siccount. Exchange on London, L6f 19o for check. Bank Clearing. OMAHA, March 18 Comparative state ment of bank clearing for th wek: IVH. 1803. Monday Tuesday .81.318.978.0S 81.602 807.8) . 1.336X M 1.372 712.39 . 1.466.215.46 1.1S9 482 02 Wednesday Thursday , Friday , 1346.947 87 1.81( 683 6) . t24-..272.08 1.186.6 $7" l.lr7,9114 l.S62,$80.Bl Saturday An Increase of $309,897.62 over th corre sponding week last year. Now York Imports and Export. NEW YORK, March 19. -Total Import of dry gooda and general merchandise at this port for the week ending today war valued at $13,086,626. Export of specie from this port for th week were $618,620 sliver and $561,000 gold; Imports of specie at this port during th week wr $62,784 arold and $1.632 silver. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 19. WOOL Territory ana puiiea, steaay, witn moderate offerings In the latter and a quiet demand. Ther 1 firm tone In foreign wool. Quotation! Territory, Idaho, fine, 1&31c; fine. 13014c; fins medium, 1&316c; medium, 1417c; low nHlnm 17f1xn W vnmlnv Ana n,,,m ltt17c; medium, UVtV18o; Tow medium, 1$ iuc. nun ana isevaaa, nne, lioc; heavy fine, 13&14c: fin medium, liiiilic; low medium, 19i20c. Dakota, fine, Lwrflc; fin medium, 16wl7o; medium, li4J19c; low me dium, lVd-te. Montana, fine choloe, 199 20c; medium choice, 19320c average, lsj 19c: made. 19-iaJc: medium oholce. IflUijc ST. LOCI8, March 19. WOOL Steady ana uncnangea: medium graaes, combing nu ciuwuiiB, ii'uim". ngnt nne, iwimo; heavy fine, l&14Ho; tub washed,. 22a31c. LONDON. March 19 WOOL Th offer. Ings at th wool auction sales today emuuijieu io i2,ut Dnies in gooa conaitlon. The demand wa spirited and full price were paid for crosebreds. French huvera took scoured lot and second lambs. Amer icans purchased a fair quantity of medium crotiBoreae snn nne merinos at full rates. Mxt week 8Z.O00 bale will be offered. Fol lowing are the sale In detail: New South waie. l.r-uo bale; aooured, tdOTs 7d; greaav, SVdWls td. Queensland, f OnO halea: mtnnrA lld'ls9Sd: greasy. 6l(rtl1d. Victoria. 1.40t) bales; scoured, 9dSlSd; greaay, tiid"' ii ou. ruuiq Auiiraua, oaies; greasv, tlM t710d. West Australia, 9u0 bales: gressv, W (Aid. New Zealand. 4mo bales: scoured TSdTl6d; greasy. 8"di1s. Cap of Ootid nope ana ixaiai, wo onies; greasv, Gyjyv.a. The arrivals of wool for the series of sales amounted to 70,81$ bale, Including 37,600 iu-wi.ruea uirrui. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Frnlts. NEW TORK, March 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Market firm. Common ar quoted at 4ii64C; prime at 6SCSo; choice at 8430VC: fancy at 707Hc. CALIFORNIA DRIEU FRUITS Prunes continue to snow an easy undertone, though the lobblnsr demand la steady In a email way. Quotations range from SSbSc. Apri cots continue firm; choice are quoted at sHfrlrtc: extra choice at 104t(lOHc; fancy at 114iil3c. Peaches are in light suddIv and firm; choice ar quoted at H17Sc: extra cnoic at wtta, ana rancy at ttfl0c. Liverpool Crala Market. LIVERPOOL. March 19 WHEAT Spot dull: No. 1 California. Ts lUd. Futurei stesdy; March, nominal; May, 8 7d; July db ea CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, n 4 24d: American mixed, old. 4a 7d. Fu tures quiet; March, nominal; May, 4t 3a 1LER Mr. P E.. Saturdav mnrnlrar al 10 o'clock, at her home, 1240 South Tenth atreet. Funeral notice will be given latr. i Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 19 BUTTER Steady: and Arm: extra western creamery. 2414e; extra nearby creamery, 24Sc; nearby prints, sr. EGOS Market So lower; fresh netrby, 17o at mark; rrean weatern and fresh south western, lTac at mark; fresh southern, it'c st mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full cream choice to fancy. 10illc: Nw York full creams, fslr to good, lOftlOUc. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE March It WHEAT Ir. regular; No. 1 northern, 9ct4i CO; No, northern. Bfltfrnan; ol July ikiu RYE Stead v: No. 1, T2c. PARLEY Steady ; No. 8, 8293ct sample. CORN-nrm; No. 1 0S48c; July. (OSO BVSO. - Darath Orala Market. DrUTTH. Match 18 WHEAT Tn stor No. l bard, e c; No. 1 northern, aic: No. northern, 3Hc. To arrive: No. 1 hard. KHc; No. 1 northern. 86c; No. northern, tte: May. 96o; July. 8ASc; September. t2!4o. uitb-vo track, fw, to arrive, i9Tc. Peoria Grata Market. PEOHIA, March 1! -COHN-Leweri . 8, A0 No. 4. 42SO, OMAHA LIVE SlOtli MARKET 8t$:n and Oowa Tin to riftetn Lower for Wk, reedert a Quarter Oil HOGS ALSO LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Ewee, Wetbers aad Vearllog a ttaar. ter Higher, bat Lighter Year Hag aad Laanbs K Mor Than Steady, SOUTH OMAHA, March 19, 1904. Receipt wen: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8fficiai Monday 4.200 4, obi 1,11 tdclal Tuesday 6.tiO . lu.b4U Ornclal Wednesday 6.6sl U.IM lO.Ool Ottlnlal Thursday 4.70 8.871 4,048 OfTlclal Friday 1,215 7,1 1.6S3 Otilclal Saturday 216 $,998 24 Total for th week.. .38.331 48.870 M.424 Sam days last week....lo.4, 85.o78 SV822 Hsme week before I6.021 m.iwo ,i.we Same three weeks ago...22.tK7 (W.4M 86,445 Same four weeks ao....lK.2,' CO.&.'o 40.286 Same days last year... .18 .689 27.871 33.711 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following lint ihnvi the recelota of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for in year to date, witn comparison wiui last year: 1914. 1908. Inc. Deo. Pattls 1M.JK0 209,382 13,992 Hogs 623.i3 6-.ei6 18.083 EhD IM1.222 SH1.K2S 8S.994 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for th last several day with com parisons: Data. 1904. 11908. 11903. 11901. 11900. 11899. 11898 Ur. Mar. Mr. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 134 8 Oil 6 221 4 HI I 611 $ 78 a K !TI 4 fil 1 fiJl M ( 09 $ US S 04 (07 91 111 e 4 60l I 8 M 3 071 I 3$ I I 621 3 $T 6 971 6 34 4 741 I $ U 4... :;: 8... 01 11 Of, 6 Ml! 6 i)4i 4 7tl' 3 mi 8 S7I 4 71' 3 811 S 13S1 7 16 8 I 76 9 73 $ 061 ( 89 4 721 t Ml 6 18X1 7 14 6 411 4 71 3 W Mar. 10. ( 10W 7 26 5 m 4 73 8 63 $ ( Mar. 31. XIar. 12. Mar. 13. Mar. 14. Mar. :r, 5 !"S 7 2 6 l 6 39 3 691 B 10 e 5 ir, 6 26 7 121 6 18 6 40 4 78' e 3 74 7 W 6 20 5 46 4 79 3 8? e $ R9 7 281 8 13l 6 M 4 7Sl 3 63 8 61 3 10 6 66 6 66 4 79 4 851 $ 6$ ( 70 Mar. 6 16S 7 19 7 10 7 os! 7 13 $ 65 Mar. 17.. Mar. 18.. 14 x 6 04 8 IS 4 94 8 i 3 68 3 71 8 73 8 73 6 21 6 65 6 22 6 61 Mar. 18 97Si 'Indicates Sunday. The offlolal number of cars of stock brought in today by each road wa: Railroads. cattle, nogs, nor s. C. M. & St. P... 25 26 Union pacific system.... C. A N. W F., E. & M. V C, St. P., M. A O B. A M T. Chicago Great Western. 10 1 27 10 11 Total recelDts 11 101 . The disposition of the dny"s receipt was s follows, each buyer purchasing- the num ber of head indicated: . Buyers. Cattle. Hogs, tsnecp. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company 21 Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Armour, Sioux City Pnrker 1.238 1,440 1,492 1,479 400 Other buyer 80 Total 101 7,417 CATTLE There were only a few cars of cattle In the yards this morning and not many of those were on sale, ine tnarKet could not be quoted any more than steady. For the week receipts have been quite liberal, as there Is an Increase over iast eek of about 7.000 head and as compared 1th the same week of iast year tne gain mounts to about 6.000 head. The market on cornfed steers has ocen rather uneven all the week, prices f.uctui- tlng up ana aown quite, rapiaiy. At ;no clone of the week, however, the general market Is not over ;oai&c lower man a week ago. One thing that has helped out tho market this week to quite an extent as been the liberal snipping aemami, hlch went a long way toward off setting the liberal receipts. The most of the cattle coming forward are only of fair utility, though occasionally a well nnisnea bunch arrives. Good to choice cattle are quotable from $4 65 to $5.00 and a strictly frtma bunch would bring a little more than hat. Fair to good cattle sell largely from $4 25 to M.60 and common to fair from $3.60 to $4.00. Th cow market ha followed rery much th same course as the trade on steers. There ha, howaver, been an exceptionally good demand for oholce lightweight hellere H tn week ana suan ktna can safely oe quoted steady for the week. Canners have also shown very little change. Good heavy cow and medium grades of all weight are generally UKS15c lower than at tha closa of last week. Canners and cut ter are selling largely from $2.00 to 32.40. fair to good from 12. oO to 83.16 and good to oholce from $3.28 to $3.75, with some thing fancy In the cow or heifer lln a little higher than that. The bull market ha been dull all the week. Bologna bulls hav not been hard to dlaposa of at prices ranging from $2.60 to $2.76. Big fat bulls have been very glow sal st from $2 85 to $3.26, or, in other words, packers do not want to pay mucn more for good to choice fat bull than they do for the bologna grades. Xt takes some thing rancy to bring 13 a. occasionally a sale will be quoted as high a $3.50, or even $3.80, but that is usually a- bull that was aold In with a load of steers snd weighed separately. Veal calves hav been In good emand all the week at unchanged prices. Tbey sell largely from $1.60 to $5.60, with an occasional ssie at The stocker and feeder market wa active nd higher the first of th week, but closed dull anl lower, as ths country failed to buy the cattle at the higher prices asked, he decline amounts to fuuy a Quarter and In a great many cases the loss I even sreater than that. Good to choice cattle are selling largely from $3.60 to $4.00, fair to gooa trom m eu to u.ou ana common stuff from 13.40 down. hoos mere waa a rair run or nogs here this morning, which make the supply for th week a little In excess of both last week and the same week of last year. As a result of these liberal runs the tendenc of the market ha been downward most a! th week, and with today's decline the avernge cost goes below $5.00 for the first lime in several weean. in net loss ior tne week amount to :6u30c Unfavorable imports were received this morning from other points, and as a result packers continued tneir bearish ctlc at tnis market aiao. in maraei opened ex tremely slow and 6il0c lower than vester. day's general market. Trading, though. was sn slow mat ino morning was wen advanced before many hogs crossed the scales. It is to De noticed that nogs welarli Ing from 200 to iZ pounds are selling to much better advantage than they were a short time ago, the tendency being for them to come closer to the Jjravy weights than was the case a short time ago. A spread of 15c now catches the bulk of the nogs, only tnose weigning less tnnn J pounds telling below and the very choicest heavv hogs e-olng above those figures. The big of the hogs today sold from $4.90fi? 5.00. with choice heaves mostly at 35.06 with a top nt The light, stuff sold from 14. so down. The close or tr. market wa very slow snd weak, though most of the hogs ware disposed of by noon. Representative sa: Na. A. ,11S ..lit ..IK) ..174 ..lit ..111 ..I0T ..100 ..IN ..till .. ..Ill ..111 ..Ill ,.1M ..! ..Ill ..UI ..lit ..tit ... . ni ..lit ,.! ,..rt ...IIT ...141 ..114 .. I ...tie ..141 ...I4f ...irr ...nt 8h. Pr. Na At. ah. Pr. ... 4 04 M 240 ... 04 ... 4H 11 231 ... 100 ... 4 75 71 241 140 t 00 ... 4 11 M Ml IW I 00 ... 4 N Tl UI 140 i 00 10 4 tO M ISt ... f 00 10 4 10 tl IW 1!0 I 00 M 4 Id at S4I 124 I 00 to 4 t:s rst ... t oo ... 4 tZS 44 240 110 I 00 N 4 IS TO XGI 161 '8 M M 4 to tt 141 40 i 00 44 4 M 10 lot a) I 00 ... 4 tt tl :rt ... too IN IN IC 214 ... I 00 M. et M 4 M It M e U it W 41 M il::::: M It 17 44 It TO Tl M II T4 M Hi 44 4 M M tft It t Ot M JI4 40 I 00 tt H i 40 t 00 10 141 ... I 04 T 114 ... f 00 TO IM ... ttt ... 4H .rt is eo 4 M ... t M ... t M M t tt ... t M ::: 2 IN IK el trt I 00 Tt !4t 40 I 00 TT tst tt t 00 tt If4 40 I 00 tt IM IM t t tt IM IM IN 44 Ml at I M 0 4t st t PS Tl rM ... I Ot t T Tt 120 40 I Ot tt 4 IT? ... 4 ns .114 t Of t M ... tITV. ... r,'i 44 t ITU IM IK IK ..IM ..Ml ..IM . .Ii0 WIN .. I 0?' . I II at 1 it .. t it ..111 tt Ml at tne ti. tt U ... 4tT( at. M fit ... 4 IT' tt. M Kt 44 t 10 611 CEP There were no free a arrival thl morning, but for th week receipt snow a slight Increase, both over lust week and th corresponding week of lest year. Th demand for aherp. though, ha been fullv quo! to th supply snd an aetiv and Strong market has been, experienced mol Of th time. Kwea and wethers still seem to be th moat popular and th better frd oao be quoted right around a q"tr er higher, with commoner kinds l"0'te higher. Heavy yearlings ar s!ko about IXc hiK'-er, and in extreme cases perhaps a ?uartrr 1. littier. I.U'I. t wefitht ynArlings snd it 1Mb, b'.eever. have btu r.oua too brisk S'1 1 reiinf-t ntn,tet mor tina Ii-o QUJiUlty ut the iaiub eouuug to this market, though, has not been very food, which In a laige measure accounts or the limited demand, but still the prices paid here considering quslitv. ar In lln with those paid at other point. Ther hav been wry lew feeder coming forward, though occasionally a thin bunch or lamoa is onerr-u timt bu to feeders lor more money than the k Micro will give Quotatlor tor corn-led stock: Choice western lamb, $5 6odj5 ; fair to good lambs. $o.0o4i.50; good to choice Mexican yearlings, t4.7r-1r.i good to cholc west ern yearlings. Kar at Jo; fair to good venr lings, 34 26u4.5o; gooil lo choice wethers, $4 2f,4 60; fair to good wethers. $3 26: good to choice ewe. M90Q4.10, fair to good ewes, $3.263.76. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Receipt Betray Isnal Eaa of Week .(inlet, with Price Steady. CHICAGO. March 19 -CATTLE Re ceipts, ano head: market nominal; good to prime steers, $5 26'a5.5; poor to medium, I3 6tvu5.00; stockers and feeder. $;5!T4.?0; cows, $1.60(84.00; helfera, $2K4 60; cannei. $1602.50; bulla, $2.004 00: calvs, $3 00trE: Texas fed steers, $4,0035.00. HOOS Receipts, 10.0UO head; estimated Monday, 40.000 head; market tedv; mixed and butchers, ao.2iXi5.ii0; good to choice heavy, $5..T.iji5.47S: rough heavy. $5rrb5.S5; light, $4 fc.Vu6.8n: bulk of sales. $6 JMfS 30. SHEEP AND I.AMHS-Recelpts. J.v) head: market steady; good to choice weth ers, $4 2aK5 25; fair tn choice mWed. t8 .'Oti 4 50; wetern sheep, $s rr.Ji6 ?6; relive lambs, ea.DUU9.ou: western lambs, M.0P6.7j. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 19. CATTLE Receipts. 1"0 bend; market unchanged; ex port and dressed beef steer It.pnitj 16; fair to good, $3 M54.40; western fed strers, :$4) ft4.; stocker snd feeder. $".0?J4.2S; Southern steers. $3.!6J4!0; southern cows, t2 4'.6ll6: native cows, 2cOp3.",6; native heifer. $3 60flB.r5: bulls, $2.603 30. Receipt for the week, $5,400. HOGS Receipt, BOO head; market So lower: top. $vn; bulk of sales. ftOoig'B.lB: heavy, $5.105. 20; packers, $6.0175.15; pig and lights. $4 10j5.t0. Receipts for the weok, 84.000 head. SHEEP AND LAMR8-RcelptB. 'fl head; market steady; ratlve "nmlis, f5.0o 6 65: western lambs. $455.80: fed ewes fS.fOW4.35: yearlings, f4.'iMfn.l0; stocVers and feeders. : 7624.00 Receipts for the week, 12,700 head. St Lonls Lire Stock Market. ST. IH'IS. Msrch 18.-CATT1.E-Re-celpts. 600 head; no Texan; market steady: native shlnDlng and exDort steer. 84.1 M 5 ?5 : dresRed beef and hutcher steers. 3 fO frR.10; steers under 1.0(10 pounds, 3 7:04 10: stocker nnd feeders 3I5Jf4 0o: cows and heifers. $2.5v?I4.00; canners. $2.2.' bulls. IS.JitVTra.TO: calves. tfn-yfNOO: Texnns nd Tnrllan steers, $3.204.25; cow and heifer. $21ofTS 40. HOOS Receipts. 1.000 hend: market teadv: pigs and lights, 14 OOfifi 00;" packers 941075.30; butchers snd boat heavy, $5.27f SHEEP AND LAMPS-Recelrts. V) head: rrsrket steedv; nntlve muttons. I'.On ff4 7- iambs. 4.Trt7R fiiV "'Hb and buck. 3.00'.00; tcekr, f2Cii8 00. fc"w York Mve Stock Market. NEW YORK, March 19.-REEVE8 Re celDts. 85 head; consigned direct: 8 cars of native steers sold nt $4.706.00: dressed heef. Reported exports for todav. 1.700 head beeves. 723 head sheep and 3.100 quarter of beef. CALVES No receints. none on iale: city drepscd veals. StHTle ner lb. j lO(5S Receipts. 2.67S nena SHEKP AND LAMBS Receints, 1.174 head; market for pheep. noml'ial; Iambs, low nnd easier: 3'A cars of stock unxoirr the nnlv rnles. It, car of lambs at fl 40: dressed' mutton, 6ig8c; dressed lambs, 8Sfl iocs Ions City Live Atock Market. CIOUX CITY, March 19 (Pneelal Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipts. TOO head; mar ket unchanged: neoves. js tin4.i; cows ana hclfprs. 82.3flj3.75: stockers ond ferd-M. $3; calves and yearlings. 3 ncr,, 3 Wl. HOUS Receipts, z.f'ni neaa: mnrKei troiT lower, selling at $4.758'5.10: bulk. $4.:ih65.05. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, March 19.-CATTLE Ra- ceipts. 172 head: market, steady. HOUS Heeelpt. u: neaa: mnrnoi rc ower: light. S4.902i5.izi4; medium ana hesvv. $5 05gfi?8. I SHEEP AND L,AMi5tS Receipt. IJU head; market steady. tock In lxht. Following ore the reeelnt of live stock for the ix principal western cltle yester day: Cattle. Hors. Sheen. South Omaha 24 Chicago S.OOO f0) Kansas city St. Louis .... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Total .1.687 (3,877 4,080 Saarar and Molasses. NTr.W YORK. March 19. SUGAR-Raw firm; fair refining, 8 13-$2c; centrifugal, H1 test, 8 17-32e: molasses sugar. 2 ?fi-32e: re fined firm: No. 8, 4.25c; No. T, 4.20c; No. 8, 415c; No. 9, 4.10c; No. 10, 4.06c; No. 11, 4.00c: No. 12, 3.95c; No. 13. 8.90c; ino. 14, j.fDc; con fectioners , 4.60c; mouia, oc: cut toar, osac; crushed, 6.35c: nowdered, 4.75c; granulated, 4.85c: cubes, 4.90c. MOLAB8K8 rlrm : New urieans open kttl ir nnd to choice. Slfi37o. NEW ORLEANS. March 19 SUGAR Steady; open kettle, 283 8-IRc; open ket tle centrifugal. 84?Sc: centrifugal whites, av.c- vrllnvn. Iiific:. seconds. 21A'08 3-lf!c. MOLABHEH Nominal; open keiue, -jum 25c; centrifugal, logijc. byrup, aosj-jco. Oils and Roala. SAVANNAH. March 19.-OILS TUrnen. tine. Arm: A. B. C. D. $2.60: E. $2 65: F. $2 00 O, 82.05; II. $2 70: I, 2.9B; K, $3.80; M, $3.35; N. $3.60: WG, $3.70; WW. $4. OIL CITY. March 19.-OILS Credit bal ances. $1.71; certificates, no bid; shipments, 53.392 Mils.; average. 940 hhls.; runs, 90,805 bbls ; average, 75.397 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 71.396 bbls.; average. 68,175 bbls. Runs, Lima ( bbls.; average. 63,429 bbls. NEW YORK. March 18. 4)1 LJ cotton seed. asv; prime crude, nomlnnl; prime vellow, 8o. Petroleum, quiet; refined New, York, 85: Philadelphia ana tioinmore, 88. o; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $5.70. Turpentine, quiet, flOS'He. Rosin, quiet; strained, common to good, $2.75;2.S0. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Maroh 19. METALS Ther continued a good demand for leading min eral today, following yesterday's activity and advances. Cooper wss firm, with lake at 8lf Zf.Tlij 7S; electrolytic ana essttng. 812 87Htjl2.2H. Tin. firm: spot. 358.20irWS.50. Spelter. oulet, $5.005.10. Lead. steady : spot. $4.Oifi4.fi5. Although th Iron market continues temporarily quiet, there is fair Innulrv from large consumers, and price are steady and 'unchanged. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 19.-COFFEE Th market for future opened steady st un changed prices to a decline of 6 point and closed steady, generally unchanged to 6 point lower. Sales were reported of 123 000 bags, Including: March, 4.96c; May, 6.70?$ 8 80c; July. 6.4MT5 50c; August. J60c: Septem ber, 6.70 6.80c; December. f.Ooc. Spot Rio, stesdv; No. 7 Invoice, 6Sc Mild, steady; Cordov. 10TJ13C. Dry Goods Mnrket. NEW YORK. March 19 DRY GOODS The market today was quiet. Both buyer and sellers are awaiting th result of Sul ly' failure and until the action of the raw material market Is seen next week little Is expected In the way of development. In- 215 sew 400 40 000 inn 500 600 1.000 172 .T7 200 2,600 FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH the nnr gomission nn Capital and Surplus, $600,000-00. General Offices: N. Y. Life Bide. Minticapolis. ICCCT CrSlfIfE Moat reliable market Information. Lara-vet 8 Dbtll OLltlluC private wire ayatem In America. 2 1VC ftlfUnifjTCC t yor order If the market a lit UU&leAll I EC reach tha prle whle.i you act. Wa Hmrmm TiO INTEREST for carrying- longr atock. 3. mmWl REQUIRED &h&rA?lVfr a: references WrS:?.01 mma "-v- Branh CUAHA ERA.CH -IEII Firus St., Til. 3467. THOS. If. WA03ICK, Cor. N. B. w Uu trh wk an moei acourtis lortcAit or future qulrtes were received today for prices on piece goods, but sellers were not willing to express any opinion as to future prices. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. March 19 COTTON Future, steady: March, 13 SfllSic; April, 13Mal3.88c; tfeptembcr, 12 4m 1.' is'ic; October, 11. 7Su 11.79c; November, 11. nil.iOc. Spot, Irregular; sales. 1.4U0 bales; ordinary, 121-16c; good ordinary, 13Sc; low mlihlilug. 14c; mldullng. 14c; goid middling. 14 11-1U-; mlildllng fnir. 15 l-16c; receipts, i,13rt bles; Stock, 13.1,S27 hales. LlVER't)OL, March 19. COTTON Spot In fair demand; price 60 points lower; American middling fair. 8d; good middling, 8 74d: middling, 774d; low middling 7 64d; good ordinary. 7.54d, ordinary, T.34d. Th ale of the day were 6.W0 bales, of which 6tm wore for speeulBtlun nnd export nd In cluded 4, Ml American. Receipt a, 7,000 balea, none American. NORTHERN PACIFIC BUYS ROAD Western I.lne Will Probably De Transferred to Hill' Com pany Bona, SAN FRANCISCO, March 19. J. IC. Don tvnn of Whatcom, general superintendent, l.nd William Howard, aftorney cf the Bel 7;ngham Bay A British Columbia Railroad company, are In thi city conferring with D. O. Mill of Nw York, P. B. Cornwall and other tockholders of the company. In regard to the sole of the road to th Northern Faclflo Ballway company. P. B. Cornwall, president of the company, and D. C. Mill own a conttc'llng Interest In th corporation. They were about to extend thslr line ever the Cascado moun tains to Spokane to connect Hth the Ore gon Railroad and Navigation company'a road, but, while this was In abeyance, lh Northern Psctflo secured an option on th road. Representative of the Northern Pa cific are now here for th purpose of clos ing the deal, the terms of which are being arranged. WILL TEST AN AMENQMENT Montana Lawyer Think Ponrteeath Amendment to Constltntloa I Not Legal. HELENA. Mont., Mnrch 19-Federft. Judge Jacob Trleber today passed a peni tentiary sentence upon thrc whlte-eap-rers, convicted In the federal court of con spiracy to Intimidate negro workmen at a sawmill In Poinsett county. Defend ants' attorney took nn appeal to th u prem court of th I'nlted State, propos ing to test the constitutionality of tho fed eral statute enacting Into law the four teenth amendment, claiming that tinder thl statute tho negro cltlren Is granted a protection In the federal court that Is not Klven to white men. HEAL E8TATU TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for tccord March 19, as fur nished by tin Midland Gum :uit c .V Truxt company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fuxnam street, for The Bee: John C. Stowcll to Kdwnrd E. Stowell 80 acres in se. cor. sU so1 t-l'-i3..$ 1 Edward K. Stowell to Roscoe Conk- UnB, 30 acres in se. cor. hwU uvU - lft-13 1,0 Clair 1. Balrd to Clcvlns C. Kendall, lot 1, block 22, cltv 8,000 Rumsey Haling to Wm. Schmidt, lots S and 4, block 5, Snllnps' add RS Fran Use Imnnke to John Swansnn. lot 12, block 6, Boggs Ac Hills' lnt udd.. 1,1'JO Joseph C. Corer to Kenl Mi I, lot 10 and 11, block 17, Scully' add 4.S00 Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS. BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam Si. Tel. 1064 TEN TO FORTY SHARES UNION STOCK YARDS. SO. OMAHA AT 98-SUBJECT TO SALE. EARN T'22ZJ? ANNUALLY Ministers, hankers, teachers, pottmaster and those of Influence within their sphere, oan make $500 to $6,000 per year. Ho can vassing. Honest, energetic work. Bend for FREE! handsomely Illustrated booklet and learn how you can earn the money. LOUIS A. THOMPSON, Bnlte 180, 42 Broadway, iw York. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. U. S. Papain, ry Capital and Surplus, $600,000 nUNI MUtraY. Pres. 8ft t. WOOD, V. free. LUT8E8 DIAKt. CaiMer. HANK T. HAMILTON, Aut. Cstsler. Iteaelre seoeunta el benka. bankers, career sttone, arms as, Istlrtauale en lavurable Verise. ' Vorelcn Bxehajage bouffht aBj eolt. Itten et OrMIt lama4. available I all sen. of tse verlt. Isteeeet eU eo Time Certiaeatea ef f.elleettona mate prvmptly sot eooDemleally. We request eerfeevensesee. . Updike Commission Co. ', ORAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly ;n all market. CCTce, tlZ Bee Building. ' Telephone ?458. Q. W. UPDIKE. MANAQTJP. 15 Per Cent to JO Per Cent WoVZ" can be aafely tarnod (-.ich year. This In vestment Is Indorsed by men of national, reputation. A superbly Illustrated book, giving full details will be sent free upon application. Investigate these OOI.D MUSES. NOUTlt MEXICAN MISINU A rEVLLOPMKXT CO., 42 llroadnar, M.Y, GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Members ouisha otaln ifxclik,ne. C. Icago Board or Trade and ckrhHiigcs. Correspondant Bartlett, Ttazler it Cariiraton. 2 IS Board ef Trade HI iff, Onahi. sbtvuvUv review $f the marksle srd th movemenU. JT r ftt any m our omoea. fcwww-t." -mtwx vrwitmym.