Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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That's What a Women Tbicki of tbe lea?
Year Propo .al in Action.
Sreat Tact and Dlarrcllou Seeded in
Load the rrl 8e.tlos from
One Who Think She
The treat and grave problem of exer
cising the prerogative of leap year has
been discussed profusely by masculine
writers. Now listen to what a woman has
to say on tha subject a woman keenly
conversant with the Indi-scrlbitbie J".vs,
likewise the perils enwrspprd In the leap
year proposal. Her voice Is gentle, ln
atructlva, motherly and her voice Is the
roloe of Dorothy Dix In the New York
That woman labors under a great mnt
rlmonlal disadvantage In not being able
to pop tha question no one will deny. It
forces her to take what Is offered Instead
of tha thing- for which she would ask If
aha bad tha privilege, and even when leap
year removes tha bar against her speak
ing out In meeting it does her little good,
for It finds her with no precedent to guide
her, no experience to be a lamp to her
There Is a complete chronicle of how to
lead a man up to the proposing point,
that. Ilka the law of the prophets, ha been
passed down generation after generation
orally from mother to daughter, but no
cod of procedure has been formulated for
the woman who means to propose her
self. Of course people will say that thla '
makes no difference, that a woman'a leap
year prerogative, like most of her liber
ties, Is merely a glittering mockery that
ahe does not dare to put to tha test, but
how docs anyone know this?
The past Is no criterion. Vomen do
many things now that they did pot do forty
or even four years ago. It Is not at all Im
possible that many a discouraged spinster,
worn out with waiting for her steady
beaux to apeak, and many a love-lorn
maiden who - has heretofore let conceal
ment prey upon her damask cheek, will
take matters Into her own handa and pro
pose matrimony to the man they love,
In this year of grace 1904, so a few sug
gestions to tha leap year girl may not be
The first one must necessarily be a warn
ing. No one knows as yet Just how a
woman should propose, but It Is to be hoped
that when she does undertake to be a love
maker that she will do It more romantically
and poetically than man does. It la true
that man's way works, but this Is because
he has a monopoly of it. We all burn
Standard oil because there Is no other kind
of oil. Women have had to take the kind
of proposal offered them or do without,
and those who have suffered from this
who have seen their dreams shattered and
their Ideals smashed who have had lovo
made to them between the Jolts of a street
car, or across beefsteak and onions at a
restaurant table or In any other old place,
ought to know enough to render their pro
posals a, romance that a man will be glad
to remember to tha longest day he Uvea.
Prepare for a Ticklish Job.
But proposing to a man la going to ba a
ticklish job any way you do It, because
men are no mora used to receiving otters
of marriage than women are to making
them. Both parties are Inexperienced, nor
doea a man even know how he will take It.
There are some conservative Individuals
who go ao far aa to contend that men will
be so shocked by a woman popping the
question to them that they will refuse on
the spot, but thlo waits to ba proved. Fast
experience has not ahown that men are
averse to tha admiration of the fair aex,
nor that they turn a deaf ear to woman'a
avowala of her deathless affection for them.
Startling aa the Innovation of a proposal
may be, the -chances are that man will first
endure, then pity and embrace. Ha Is but
human ,and there are none we ao admire
aa those that have the intelligence and
good taste , to admire ua.
Tha leap year girl, however, who pro
poses to propose must use great tact and
discretion, and above all ahe must atudy
the character of the man whoae hand and
heart ahe desires to win, and she must be
wary about choosing tha psychological
place and moment. There are times when
a man Is rushed, or tired, or hungry, when
It is simply courting disaster to ask him
anything, and when he would refuse a free
passport to heaven If It were tendered him
on a silver salver. In thla Important par
' tlcular men differ from women. When a
I Remedy
tent postpaid, abselataty FREE te
any reader ot tbl. paper, writ today
tor trial battle end test It yeurs.ll.
' Those who are snfferlnr the horrible tortures
eiid .irony reuted br Hueuaiailsa), Neuralula
or Kidney Trouble will rind quit-a relief or the
tn of "I-DKUPS." Ills the inky remedy waloa
wtll almost instantly relieve those exoruclaltng
pains and eSsci a permanent cure of these
' terrible diseaeH. Apply "5llf.OIS" externally.
Hub thoroughly uu the afflicted selling wt te
and It will stop the pain Id a very short time. It
is tb.irrentrsi iln Wilier In the world.
Take "S-DkOfS" Internally. Thlk will eleanne
"the biood ol uric oeiu and all other poisonous
matter and put tae.VHiem in a perfectly healthy
condition. W sea this ban been done, you will
be free from li aches and pains.
la a blood di'eute and this treatment In the onlr
retlousl one tor siun ao ailment. "S-OROHS"
will eure rbnumaiikm In any of luloruisoc
Stages of UdveioiiueiiL
VOOTUK -!. u GATES. Rancors, taa.. wrlteat "a
tnti girl b.i. Led mica a warn, b. nu4 ay kltaeai
ttaaa nd Kidney Tivlie Ifc&l .aoowkl noi.uui. ua lir
tot. The aiotiMftt tuey pat her dwa eatae Sor .tie
rold hiwh iMti.4. 1 trt.-t4 ar wlte -S-UHOI'S'
and today the rum ground a. weil and aeppy a. can be.
1 iruiU "SluuJfS" lor tay pultuutui aee II ta mf
Best Remedy to the World for Catarrh,
i Asthma. Colds and Li 6ripp8.
COUPON No. 219
OOt this OOMOOOl
sum ml it with atxir I
oomo ood OattrON u
IWIMN kteaMii'tkUC Curt
l.. itttCeW. and TOU Will
oo ft trtol toottk ol
woman la happy she seldom Inclines to
mstrtmony. It Is when she Is weary and
discoursed, and has hsd a bad lunch, and
wants some man's shoulder to weep upon,
that she yearns for a wedding ring, rnd
will marry sny man that Jinks her. Mrn.
on the contrary, think of acquiring a wife
as an adjunct of properlty, and It Is seldom
Indeed that they think of love making ex
cept In their affluent moois. A worrten,
therefore, should bs proposed to when she
Is down on her luck; a mon when he Is
pushing his luck.
Avoid the Fatal Mistake.
Tha first Impulse of the leap year girl
will be to propose by letter. This Is a fatal
mistake, because In the first plsce hr bil
let doux will reach the man with his busi
ness let tors, and tnus pass over to the cold
consideration of his stenographer. No
American mnn Is sentimental In banking
hours and during that sacred period of
the day no woman mny hope to compete
In heart Interest with the price of stocks
or wheat or lard. Moreover, the lonr
dlatancs proposal, whether It be made by
mnn or woman, seldom hits the bull's-eye.
It lacks the magnetism of personal appeal,
of trembling hands, and anxious eyes, and
quivering lips. Besides It Is always easier
to write "NO" than It Is to say It and the
woman who wants a husband Instead of
somebody to be a brother to her will have
to face ths music and make her proposal
viva voce.
Of course, tha man who will get tha
most proposals during Isap year" will ba
the bashful man. There are Innumerable
desirable men ail over tha country who
have been burning out the coal and run
ning up the gaa bills of girls for years,
and who have exhibited all tha symptoms
of acute attacks of love, but who have
never summoned up their courage to the
proposing point, and nobody could blame
these women If they took advantage of
leap year to assist their helpless suitor
over the fence. How to do thla without
throwing him Into fits Is a delicate and
difficult question. It won't do to lead up
to tha question gently, poetically, romanti
cally, for that would give him a chance
to run. It won't do to gase wistfully Into
his eyes, for that would embarraa him, or
to assume a tender attitude, for that
would make him feel like a fool, and ao
probably as good a way bs any would be
to come right out with the question and
take tha chances on his being too fright
ened to refuse.
Another man who causes woman many
heart achea and who ought to be dealt with
for his good and hers on the leap year
platform la the obtuse man, the dear
blundering bllnd-as-a-bat man who lets a
woman go on loving him, and embroidering
him slippers, and agreeing with him In
everything he says, year after year, with
out once perceiving that there la anything
serious In her attentions. There Is no way
to wake up these Rip Van Winkles except
by firing off a red-hot proposal right under
their noses, and making them see what a
good thing they were about to miss In miss
ing the patient Carrie, or Jane, or Maria,
who asks nothing else In life but the privi
lege of waiting on them hand and foot.
Never having thought of Carrie, or Jane,
or Maria, aa anything but a alster, or a
piece of household furniture, the man will
be astonished at first, and the chances are
that ha will exclaim, "This Is so sudden,"
but let not the ardent sultoress be discour
aged. The more he thinka of the Idea the
mora the attractions grow upon him and
In tha end he will joyfully let her escort
htm to tha altar.
Might Obtain an Option.
In asking a business man to go Into part
nership with her, woman ahould pursue
business tactics. She might begin by ask
ing for a thirty days' option on his heart
and hand. Thin granted, It will then ba up
to her to ahow how aha can strengthen the
firm by tha are that aha would take of
him, and the comforts by which she would
surround hlna In a happy little home. She
can point out. to him the rlska ; he runs
from tha deadly machinations of landladies,
the losses ha austalns from the pilfering of
laundresses and bell boys, and If ahe Is suf
ficiently a jollier to make him believe that
two can live cheaper than one her ault will
be successful. This kind of a courtship
will not appeal to the romantic woman who
wants to quota poetry, and write fool love
letters, but the business man, la ao emi
nently desirable aa a husband that It la a
case of tha result being worth tha means.
It ta difficult to Imagine It ever being
necessary for a woman to propose to a
widower, for tha widower la generally so
loaded and primed with offers of marriage
that ha goes popping at every woman In
aight, but In rare Instances In which he
seems Inclined to cling to single blessed
ness, a little stage play may. be effective.
A bright, cheery fire with a pretty and
sympathetic woman across the hearthstone
from him, a well spread table set just for
two what man could ba Insensible to these
insidious leads toward domesticity, or
could refuse tha woman who suggested
that thla charming scene be encored for a
life run.
In case tha man aaya no; In cage ha tells
a girl that ha will be a brother to her,
and advises her to go off and marry some
nobler and fairer man than ha, her cue will
ba to weep. Many women marry men be
causa they are sorry for them. Millions of
mon marry women because they haven't
the nerve to aea them cry. Generally
speaking, no man can sea a woman weep
for him unmoved. It shows so much good
taste and sense and sensibility In her
that It goes to hla heart. He never blames
her or thinks her silly. Poor little thing.
how could she help It, and ao, no matter
how much a man may be shocked at the
Idea of a wjman proposing to another
man, he will find extenuating clrcum
stances for her popping the question if he
himself Is the object of her devotion.
One thing, however, the leap year wo
man must bear In mind. She must play
fair Under no possible circumstances
should she propose marriage to a man un
less she can tke care of liim In the same
style in which his father has been accus
tomed to support him.
NOTB-trge Sse Rattle "s-DKOPS" 'MO
tMM 11.00. H -OKO!" Utwt MiluDM
as ymuw tow, ereer t.a urn direct aad we Witt
aM at prepaid receipt el artte
The United States bought from Canada In
HK'S .12,26j,53
The United States sells In Prance K6,000,
000 worth a year and buys but W.oOv.ouo.
The exports of flour from the United
Btatqa last year were greater than ever be
fore about IW.uOo.OlO barrels.
About )0 employes of the Manhattan
elevated railroad system have been notltlod
of an increase in wages. Those afTvuted
are tower mon, hand switchmen, porters
and trackmen.
Mexico, as shown by flsenl tables just
IshihhI In that country, sold the United
States last year lU3.ux,000 worth, which In
73 per cent of Its tottd expo-Is, and bought
from the United States Ho.aou.uuo vturtu, or
(4 per cent of Its Imports.
Marvin Shearer, a one-armed man of
Akron, O., has made onu of the titut re
markable clocks in the world. It racords
hours in dlfferont cities, n-gidlera cliaiiKea
In ttsniperature and humidity and ahow
historical pictures.
The American firm of Clarkson Co.; In
Vladivostok, has substituted Kuaslan la
borers for Uhlnumen In tta coal mines. The
Kuiutiuns are working co-operatively by the
job and produce coal for 1! rents a ton.
with Chinese cheap labor the cost was t
cents a ton.
The senate has passed Senator Piatt's bill
providing that after the date of the passua
of the act thirty days' annual leave of ab
sence with pay be given employes of the
tovernment printing offlce, exclusive of
undays and legal holidays.
Ernest H. Crosby tells of a factory he
Inspected In America where the manufac
ture of cheap socks was carried on. The
ianaer showed him 4y0 machines that did
the entire work of making a sock without
the aid of human hand. The machines ran
twenty-four hours In a day, and only nfty
boys are needed for all shifts. Five thou
sand dosens of socks are made daily. Un
der tbe old method thla sVtMk would have
i require. MM tuea,
fpriny Trad in Praotical'y A 1 Lines How
in Full Swing.
Markets la Uuoil tlealtby Condition,
vrltn Tendency of .Tires Inward
on Many of the Mure Im
portant staples.
Uprlng trade lit practically all lines Id
now iu luii swing, roc several Ween a
auciU many tikiuiaaiA nave ueen
til me ciLjr auu ittoL wet was exctfuoit
to Lite i u.d. Aveiiuteis ae evUtililj Mf"li
(tiixiutia tor tue.r ctuiite.e ,iut ana, a
tuey M't no cnauce iv, oayiug their sup
plied ki lower i, aures, Lie cUut'i cuui-
116 lu IluilK'H uieltlaelVi. Of g.Vlug Ulen
otueis i-j uaveuii .iesinen. ttwit., iuui
in tiie cil aiiu Wii.fl trawling men, ad a
esuit lias been vuiy guou aiiU indications
ate mai it will ooiiuiiud so tor Bonis tnae
to come, uiutit as a I uie ore u.ui.e, l.o, ui ineitiiants ale veiy comment Uiai
tney are koiiim. to enjoy uoei'ai pauonukU
UuoUKiioUi. luu comma Bpl'lii and sum
mer, itieie is llliie uoubt in uie minus uf
juoueis out what uiey are aoiug to tell
muie bpiiug stock tms year Uiau last.
jWihougn It la stilt ruiiier early in the
year, mei chants are buying fall gooua loi
luiure u emery, 'a lie upward tendency of
Uie market on many u.iea and the cuiise
tiusnt scai city oi aesirauie lines is auuot
lfcs responsible in a large measure for this
early buying.
i iters itav been about the usual number
of price changes during Uie week under re
view and, as will be seen below, tha great
majority ol them are in the nature of ad
vances. The general market situation may
be said to be unusually healthy, with pr -pects
favorable for present prices being
easily maintained for some time to come,
with several lines commanding more
Collections are said to be Improving,
which Indicates that trade in the country
la showing aigna of Improvement.
Sugar May Advance.
Wholesale, grocera report trade as being
unusually heavy tor this staaon of tbe year
and coaslueiaoly in advance oi a year
ago. The uemand la general for ail sea
sonable and staple line, 'ihe market la In
a good healthy condition and quite a tew
lines are quo tea mgiier than tney were a
week ago. While reilned sugar has shown
no quotable change, the market on raws
has advanced 1-lbc, with the tendency still
upward. Kellners report consluerable more
aotlvliy and an advance In the price of re
ilned grades would cause no surprise.
The coffee market was rather Irregular
last week and fluctuated up and down irom
6 to i)6 points, but closed about where it
was a week ago. The New York market Is
ami nmner in DroDortion than the Ko
market and receipts at the latter point aia
said to be not over 60 per cent of what
they were last year. It seems that the
bears have the situation well in hand at
the present time, but the general Impres
alon Is that as soon as they secure sum
olent supplies the market will react.
I he tea msrket la In a verv mtmnir nnnl
tlon and ruling prices are 2ft6o higher than
those In force a month ago. There Is no
iiumuuii in tne minus ot local jonoers out
what this advance will be maintained, even
it tne new cron Bnouia come un to expecta
tions, as the cost of labor, transportation
and insurance will all be higher on the
now crop, owing to me war in tne east.
The only weak snot in the drlnd fruit mar.
fcet is In the case of prunes. It seems that
Oregon holders have been forcing a con
siderable amount of inferior poods on the
marKct at tower prices, and while the hold
ers Of the better class goods have been
fishtlnir asralnst these cut nrlcea. thev hi
been forced to lower their quotations to
meet the competition of the Inferior goods.
For this reason tha market is somewhat de
moralised, un tne otner hand, jobbers say
It is hard to see how prices can go any
lower, aa they are already so low that thev
are attracting the attention of merchanfs
in an sections or the country, with an anor
xnous iraae reaumnn.
The market on peaches has been grad
ually advancing until they are now selling
about lo higher than they were on Feb
ruary 1. Not only that, but stocks sre so
closely held and so light that still higher
prices are confifentlv exoected. Stocks of
apncois are aiso extremely llgnt and buyers
are oongea 10 pay run prices in oraer to
get desirable goods. It has been a long
time since peaches and apricots have been
so well cleaned up as during the present
Bvaporated apples are In good request at
siigniiy nigner prices, ana evaporated rasp
berries show an advance of lUa durlns? tha
is it sew uays.
in tne line or canned roods the market mi
both spot and future tomatoes, aa well as
on com. has been gradually hardening.
Pink salmon has not only maintained the
aovance reoorted a week aeo. but still fur
ther advances are expected aa a result of
tne unusual aemana tnat has rieen experi
enced of late. The market on Red Alaska
Is also In a'very strong position, and the
feeling Is that the entire suddIv will tro out
at full prices.
The rice market Is reported firm, with an
unusually heavy demand.
The bean market Is also a 1'ttle firmer,
prices ruling 2Vt55c per bushel higher than
a week ago.
Hardware Active, bat Unchanged.
The hardwaro market Is very active and
a large volume of business Is being trans
acted by Omaha houses. All spring and
seasonable goods are moving out very
freely and jobbers report even a better de
mand than they experienced a year ago at
this time. Judging from the orders that
are coming In wholesalers ssv that either
stocks In the country are very light or else
retailers sre expecting an enormous aprlug
and summer trade.
The market has shown no particular
change during the week under review.
Prices are being firmly held and there
seems to De a good healthy tone to the
market on practically all lines. Best posted
jobbers say thev do not anticloate anv Im
portant chanRes for some time to come and
for that reason retailers are safe in laying
in iiDerat supplies at present prices.
Cotton Goods Will Remnla Firm.
Tha auspension of the dim of Daniel J.
Suny at Co. on lOriday. the senior member
of which naa been me leader o( lite nuns
in tne Cotton exenange, naturally caused
a nurry in tne cotton market. Tne cnantn.
however, was cunnned largely to tile upuun
majkel, ana local jooDer are of tne opin
ion inai tne spot niamei win not oe ajn
ously affected, at leant not for the present.
la nils connection n should be remembered
that while spot cotton tuts been soiling
oiounu iot cents, me price oi manmao
tured goous has been oase-d on It to lu
cent coiton, so that the spot maiKet can
still take a big drop wuhoai affecting tne
price of mamuacluied goods, in tact, loeal
joooer are very confluent tnat manUtac-
lured goods are going to remain as turn
as ever.
The failure of Daniel J. Sully & Co. was
not a complete surprise to those best
posted, and as a reeuit the enacts of It
have In a measure been discounted, and
manufacturers were more or lata Dreoared
for It. The opinion of jobbers Is that the
failure will be a beneut to the trade in
general, for the reason that It will restore
conditions to a normal bads and the emlra
situation will be more healthy. Tne sup
ply ox cot ion is so snort ana tne oeiiiai d so
heavy that orlces must of necessity remain
high, at least until the new crop arrives
on the market.
There are no changes to note durlnr the
week under review in the prices quoted on
tapie manuracturea tines, out pi ices tr
firm all along the line. Tha demand 1.4 very
Kood With local houses, both house trmU
and orders through traveling salesmen be
ing iiDerai ana numerous, iietaller report
their trade as Improving and look (or a
very brisk demand so soon as the weather
will permit.
Local jobbers have already done quite a
In: ge fall business and salea have extended
to nil lines. Including duck coats, under
wear, hosiery, dometts, cotton and wool
blankets and other fall specialties. Jobbe-s
say that most every large buyer that comes
to market, while buying goods fiu- current
tdte. insists upon seeing samples for fail.
Fair Demand for Leather Cioods.
The demand for leather goods cannot be
said to be better than fair. The slight
snowfall of last week and the oonsequent
mud helped out the trade with retailers to
some extent, but still jobbers did not feel
the effects to any great extent. With the
coming of spring rains, however, a brisk
demand, both with retailers and whule
aulers, la expected. Thla week traveling
salesmen for local houses nlil begin to
start out with their fall samples, and, while
they do nut expect to break sll previous
records for eariy orders, fctill they antici
pate a very fair advance-ord-r business.
Rubber goods are also in fair demand for
current use and ftiture orders are coming
In as freely ss could be expected under
existing conditions.
; mm r GSMJ
Carnegie, in advising some young men, once said, 44 Buy property near a growing city, all you can afford to carry.
Forget you have it ; buy another as soon as you can, and some day it will make you rich."
This is sound advice. We know, because we have been in the real estate business for thirty-five years, and have
seen ever so many big fortunes made by purchasers of outlying Philadelphia real estate.
A yearly profit of 25 on the money you invest is a fair return; is it not? That's what people who invest in our
suburban real estate offerings are making. Some few are doing much better. One of our investors made 750 within
the past year.
If you want to make good big money be one of the world's rich ones we can show you how to do it. ' Best of all,
you can make handsome profits on your savings without a particle of risk.
Your savings invested in our real estate are as safe as if deposited in the Bank of England.
Give your money a chance to work for you. It will work harder and to better advantage than you yourself can work.
Why Philadelphia Real Estate is
Growing in Value So Very Fast.
Philadelphia la a city of homes. People here are no flat
crary aa in most large cities. Thus, where everyone is living
in individual homes, the city must cover a much larger area and
he adding to that urea much faster than many a larger city, and
no city can grow without having suburbs to grow to. 9000
homes are built each year to satisfy the demand.
It is an actual fact that Philadelphia has 40,000 more houses
than all of Greater New York, and yet New York has nearly three
times the population.
Every few years Philadelphia has a natural increase in
population that would make a small city of 100,000 people, and if
you can conceive the amount of space a city of this size takes
up, you can have some idea of the suburbs that must be added
every year to Philadelphia to furnish homes for this rapidly
increasing population.
Thus Philadelphia grows by extending her suburban area.
Property that to-day is considered in the country will in a very
few years be pulsating with city life.
8uburban real estate is in great demand, particularly property
such as we offer where all improvements are made, and where the
building is carefully restricted to prevent saloons, shanties and
other undesirable buildings from proving a nuisance to residents.
Fully 80 of our property is sold to Philadelphia home
builders, and the balance to investors who want to make good
big money with absolute safety. Will you be one of them ?
Our Property the Greatest Bar
gain Ever Offered the Public.
At GLENSIDE, but 3 miles from the City limits, we have the greatest suburban
property in the world. This property it fully developed', sewers, water, gas, elec
tricity, granolithic sidewalks and wide macadamized roads. Every lot is full sized,
and many are very much larger.
The title and every lot is guaranteed perfect to ua by the Land, Title and Trust
Company, one of the largest and strongest organizations of its kind in the country.
Thete desirable home sites cost $290, $325, $375, $400, $500 and up to $750, but
you can become the owner of one by sending ut $(0.00 foe the first payment, and
the balance you can pay in weekly (or monthly) installments of a dollar or so
each week, aa best suits your convenience, depending on the value of your purchase.
There is no easier way of investing money where it will bring handsome
returns right along.
Act To-day and Save $5.00.
Cut the coupon from this advertisement, and send to u with' your first
payment of $10.00 and state the priced lot you with. TPt will then
select for you the best lot there is left for the money, and send you
the necessary papers. This coupon if sent in right away will re-
due the cost of your lot by $5X0 (one coupon for every lot).
This offer is made solely to secure promptness, and i
no other way can you make $5.00 any easier or se
cure a lot for teat than our published prices.
We refer fo any mercanfie agency, bank, trust
Men and women wttt toclit or buslnts prtstlgt can earn htndsom income by rep.
rtsentlng us. We ban ha best proposition ever offered, and If you want to io
crease four income, better write ui to-day with references tor further particulars,
company or business house In the city of Phila
delphia.. Our long record lor Honesty ana re-
Ihblllty Is well known by all business people.
s s s si
in S II
..V.K II
return, the f.' ins decreased and I vaa able to aieop
I used nineteet bottlea before 1 ni entirely cured, but
I am today as rtrong and well as anyone could desire
to be and most gratalui to yoo tor your good medicine
Sovon Years Five Days.
522 Savier Street, Pobtlakp, Obb., June S, 1903.
I suffered for nearly seven years wi'h female weakness, caused by falling of the womb.
My head ached until I was unable to attend to my duties, had pains in the small of the back
and pelvis organs until at times I went nearly wild. 1 used one kind of a medicine after
another, but none did me tbe least bit of good until I used Wine of Cardui. When I began
using it 1 was so weak that 1 could hardly walk, but within eve days my strength began to
le to sieep.
wostbtt oatlai, tnpsraspssT oansa o aooo Taimaae.
Mrs. Peterson suffered bearing down pains and blinding headaches for seven
long years. Wine of Cardui helped her in five days.
During all these years Wine of Cardui was curing hundreds of thousands of
other women of these same bearing down pains and freeing them from those same
maddening headaches. It was curing the worst menstrual irregularities. It was
giving blessed health to thousands of sufferers all around Mrs. Peterson. But she
continued to try other remedies with no relief. It took seven long years of those
bearing down pains and maddening headaches to bring Mrs. Peterson to try Wine
of Cardui. Then Wine of Cardui cured her. The benefit began in five days.
You are suffering like Mrs. Peterson suffered. You are neglecting Wine of Cardui
like she neglected it ; and just as surely as she was cured vou can be cured by
Wine of Cardui. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.
Mrs.Helen Peterson
522 Savier St.
Portland. Oregon.
Q iw,- JamL-4
Ivery Woman
Is latere tuxl and .noma snow
auoiti in. wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
ivn ai Sucltun- ht-H.t
I To.
Drlifhtful SS a
Healthful as a
For sale at the lead
lng bars, cafes end
drug stores.
Usui City, is.
For Menstrual Suppression .TTr..
SS Sox: I kasa. St S. anisaa. HU1 -Sail.
ktataai Btim C. SUM iHHm as si S
l.k mraifililkrll.
ir n rnnnut .upp y t
SfAllt kL. DO
iilher. b..t unit iuiiid fa nAmoul.r..iid ftiltrtlu'i. Ili-
T.IO..I.1. tn l.trlii;. M tliWltO,,
m r r nws mm m u mwm.
For sale only toy
iMn and Doug ltu,
Ooutbftu Nbr.vjtkav
HKW. iplkinf medlciD. Ifye-tt
wail, mmk urtjama, lot power
or svkenin9 drauiu, ihm Unoii
Vu lit ixrvetopor will raator you.
ho drutfs. Htrtcture Md Vrtroflo
fraratamtaU trurod in I to 4 vt-lui
Iky. OU im UM aWlOIlO faVllur Olfsjct
Itumdlavt4; our yaarantaMtJ. Ho C.
rU D fraud , wrtto rr rreo .MJtuujaUaW
' ' ai .i4i . on oooled Is plain ouvriopo.
mv ur co., uo it6iu cj
at y
taw CHiCiirwreKri kolisu
Uk-U Colo aMieVUk twow awttsa
iiokHtjortasiwa. Tokoaootoois Bra
looaosBjo ss.O4itsjtiso a el loaikaw
. to
fcl msb aw B-it of 1 str Urtuui a4 X. I
M" fc' Portis.r, ToottOBOOsoeO
ooo -avnajsj rssr i-s4lej,w issuer, r.
leas-a MaviL Ib.ttM IssUaMavus. eVaid k
Oil DrM .4. MrfcoMew hea,tJ 4 aw
. Mooloosa Kooro. I'lllLA.. FA,
- 4s.crls Kaw.
ft , alI
U-ira V WmULir
I -l.?.. I BL Sff w - rn
111 H I IF -mmr
6trlctly pure. A good blood purifier. M.ide from the beut se
lected hops. Save doctors' bills, and If tra-U onca w will not
have to ass. for the second order.
Delivered tossy part of Cmshs, Council Bluffs or Sesta Omaha.
Order a easo from JETTEtt BREWING CO. h
ar HICO F. IILZ. 1324 Ueuglas Street, umahs. Telephone 134!
or LEE MICHCLL, Wholesale Dealer. Council Bluffs. Tel.
,tf.r i, rJ r-Tr-V & ' -' ' -4 V
f'llwiiiltojoii g I
I i u ti asasassSBk.. sa l
Why pay 52.00 for
Fountain Pen?
Post Paid.
.jWO SI. 00 TO