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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1904)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES 11 TO 18. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXIXO, MA1ICII 20, 1904. SIN OLE COrY FIVE CENTS. MAIL ORDERS FILLEDIK GOODS NOT SOLD-UP TO WEDNESDAY EVENING. a: MltJ.m n j-t aw raw a I.T'lWn'iT II "lUf sTtJslUIUJfl'ilTl WliIIKgrgBgr.BrBBg ft k t " 'i n n p-ra hf I5UUJ When you trade at Bennett's you have the security of values. You have the assurance of fulr and squiire treatment. You know you can lixnd upon straight goods n full yardstick big weights fcunrnntped poods fresh and clean Bt first lmnd. VK KNOW thnt your expectation nre on a pur with our chilli), mid YOC KNOW that we till the bill. There 1m ft pleasant time for ererylnxly Mr buyers or mnnll buyers trading nt. Hennctt's. It's our winning ways our ability to please our good word that ninko this hupe store the most popular t null uk plaoe for the people! Ixiok through thin nd cnrefully, watrh these double, treble, quadruple, quindieem (that's Ave) Green Trading Stamp events. How many books hove you filled? Those premiums are ready for you. aluliing for homes to adorn and lu-nrts to delight. MAKE 'EM YUUKS! Some novel premiums-just received. Include the Green Trading Stamp Parlor In your Monday's shopping. THE NEW YORK WORLD. SUNDAY EDITION, makes Its third tilt at Increasing Ita circulation with Its Issue of tndny. We will hnve the paper NEW YORK WORLD. SUNDAY'S ED1TION-ON SALE IN STATIONERY DEPT. If you Will TURN TO ITS FUNNY PART YOU WILL FIND A OREEN TRAD ING STAMP COUPON; CUT IT OUT AND BRING IT TO PREMIUM PARLOR ON OUR THIRD FLOOR and wo will Rive you ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GREBN STICKERS FOR IT. Here Is the means of criming several dollars worth of Green Trading Stamps and an opportunity to enjoy one of the great est newspapers of the day. VISIT THE JAPANESE HOUSE 2nd FLOOR 1.00 Silks for Monday IM POUTED PONGEE BILK, natural color, with small embroidered figures In lt!ai pink, thin, red and black. IMPOBTHD WHITH CHINA RiLk, with small figure, embroidered In light blue, green, pink, rtxl and black. The allka are alwaya sold at $1.23, QO on sals Monday . ' -7 O w BILK Foil WAIBTB AND SUITS, a choice lot of $1.25 and $1.38 qualities Monday at Wash Silka iot Monday's Sale as follows White, M Inches wide, Worth 46a, 30c Whfte,"sl Inches' 40c White, 84 Inches wme, worm too, OUC White! ' si' TnetaM 'wide,' ' Worth 'die,' 7Bc 35c 45c Clothing: .Department Monday, ctiild's suit, value up to $0.00, at $ii.4d. Mew goods mid $b.00 in uracil l'rading btuiupi. f..r Cords la all colors, for Mnur .., I'liilns In all pulors. , fur Mondu ........... Black Silk Specials in Ptau de Sole 16 Inches wide, worth 11.60, f In thla ante for I.aSO 17 Inches wide, worth 11.89, f flfl In thla Ml tor ,'uu 19 Inches wide, worth 80c, tSQr In thla nil tor 98c ...1.00 Furniture! Spec Inl bale of juiulury wouwiiea. Black taffeta, very special JU Inches wide, worth 11.35, for 27 Indies wide, worth 11.25, for v Colored Dress Goods 2.1 riE0K8 EUGENIA CRKrn CLOTH In all the new shadings and blnek and ereaml th $1.25 kind Monday at. per yard 20 riKCEB 4.S-IKCH, ALIrWOOI. CRASH SfJITINOS. light, medium and dark bluo mixtures. lljfUt, medium nud dark green, gray and tan to rusens is to bo-incii rEBnLK (jranitk, teon, shark HKIN, U0XIAKA, CANVAS, invisible checks. Melrose, fancy mixtures; suitable for tailor-made forms. Mouduy, only Black Dress Goods 85c 75c 1.00 59c 1.00 XO PIECES 40-WCII EXTRA FINE SRILXJANTINEi ALWAYS BOU) AT 81j per yard; Monday, only IB PIECES FRENCH CRETE, GOOD value at $7.B0; Monday only Rain Coats for Women Splendid ofTer of Renuiao era vend te coata with full shoulder enpe, 13.50 metal buttons, twlor piping, military style, at WOMAN'O lOX COAT, lu fine black taffeta silk, lota of 3.95 stitching, Value 3.00: prloe Mouday -e t liTiivi LMr3.4-o In Extra Sizes mAaaiiPaa fwtm ? 6.75 3.95 98c 10c 25c 1.35 large lirroloe of skirts Just put la stock with waist measures from 27 . to BO Inches; colors, black, and made of fine quality cheviot, strapped seams and tucked, regular $3.50; Monday's price CHILDREN'S DRESSES, a new line of summer dresses Just received. Denutlful dresses made of fine dimity, trimmed In lace and rufflgs, much cheaper than you can make them, In blues, pinks and tans and white, in all egos from 0 years to 14, at $4.75, 14.25.... ............ BIG UNDERSKIRT SPECIAL FOR MONDAY Sateen skirts with ruf fles tuckod; thla skirt Is worth $1.25. and wash skirts in all fancy stripes, ruiQed and pleated, worth at high as $1.35; either style on ale Moo day at 03c, and $2.00 worth of green trading stamps with each sldrt at , Wash Goods Department Wonderfol bargains, will make' Monday a banner day In our wash goods , department We. are offering for Monday morning over 10,000 yards ' of new and stylish lawns. This a material that has sold at 20c yard. On special tables Monday morning at, per yard SPRING "WASH SUITING'S Ramsey tweods. These gooda are all the rage this season, boat colors, including tun, blue and green. Value, 40c; price HEMSTITCHED TABLE CLOTHS lu 2, 2V4 and 8-yard lengths. All linen special for Monday, f 1.03, $1.75 and 200 REMNANTS IN TABLE LINENS and napkins and crash at less than cost to Import Unbleached. 25 dozen Turkish towels, worth 25c; special in for Monday . lOw 800 DOZEN CHILDREN'S COTTON HOSE, heavy and fine ribs, double sole, hlgh-epllced heels, reinforced kneesv vaJue up to 28c. g Monday we make a special sale at, per pair , IOC Ladies' Spring Weight Vests and Drawers. Gray color, fall fashioned, ahtes 4 to 0, worth up to 80c fn garment; Monday, at.. ; ' muC Ono dollar's worth of green trading stamps with every garment 60 PIECES BLACK FACE VEILING, newest spring styles of cr dots and fancy meshes, values up to 48c; Monday, yard JOC I BOO TIECES EMBROIDERY EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, BEADINGS. from lVj Inches to 10 inches wide, worth up to 50c; on sale " Monday morning at 9 o'clock at jjC Double green trading stamps with every yard. TUB NEW ROSENA TAFFETA 8 ILK f fine quality really mlnslit black and all colon, an extror drop .klrta and trim worth MoMonday apaclal 35c xU w iiui-.o ..lui i.uo .mu fabric, helical springs tin anils' aiiu spiral bpiiiig' buppurtiug tenter; can be uiado J either n single or a double oed; .UU value, at . llere's the opportunity you've been l(pkin for 15,000 yds. extra heavy ingrain carpet at, per yard i9C For UUXDAi'ti SELLING ONL.V. The patterns and there's a goodly number, giving wide range of selection are the newest and brightest of this seasons offer. The quality will compare favorably with others selling at t0 and 70 cents per yard. HIUXU liOO.NI MEASUKEMENTS. A BIO LACE CUKTAIX DEAL We bought from a large jobber all his odd pairs in lace curtains of all grades, from their cheaper number to his very best. Makes a " total of 1,700 pairs; among them are curtains worth up to $30.00 pair, sorted and going on sale at $0.75, $4.98, $3.48, $1.98 and 98c 98c pair. You will find Swiss curtains, fish net curtains, Nottinghams, etc., worth as much as $4.50; all at one priue 98c $1.98. All classes of curtains, worth up to $7.50, at one price . 1.98 $3.48. High-class, hand-made and Arabian curtains, Bat- tenburg, Brussels, 1, 2 and 3-pair lots, worth up to $10.00 pair ...: ....3.48 $4.98. Brussels, Battenburg and all high-class goods, some slightly soiled, worth up to $15.00 pair 4.98 $6.75. In-this lot you will find curtains worth at least $18.50 and $20.00 per pair; all go at .6.75 Sale Commence Mouday Morning. March 21st, 8:30 O'clock. ; Furniture Dept.. Third Floor. . Spring Opening in Art Rooms (SECOND FTXJOR). FRAMES. MOULDINGS. PTRO ORAFHY, SHEET riCTURES NEWEST. CUTEST. BWEL.LE3T, lirT "ART WINS.THE HEART." BKR THOSE CHAKMING NOVEL- TIE3;- FRAiMES. lUi11fiPfv Thc Opening Brings Praises lYiiiiinery rom oUP patrons. 12.00 Most exquisite designs, ranging from $25.00 to Our selection of Tailored Hats from some of the famous de signers cannot be equalled in price or design, as well as materials from the prices of $12.50, $10, v O $8, $7, $5 down to . A special hair braid toque effect or medium sized hat, hand sewed, all trimmed ready to put on for iinme- 1 f f diate wear, worth $3, Monday for JJKJ H Special in Foliage for Monday Four bunches of Foliage with col- Oo ored buds, special at ... . And three dollars in Green Trading Stamps. Monday Only in Jewelry Dept. Main Floor. Pearl Waist Sets Pearl Waist Sets Monday Only in Jewelry Dept. Main Floor. All styles, all sizes, all ocean pearl worth up 1 Cp to 75c, at a set 1CJ AND TWO DOLLARS OF LITTLE GREEN STICKERS WITH EACH SET. Bargain Dspt Prices FRAMES (PTRO ORAPHY) FOR PHO TOS, KTC. FHAMKS, SEVERAL STY L K S at..ds:... 19c B1Q MONDAY SNAP, ONLY. DUTCH BOY panels jn. NUT BOWLS- vv . at '"V i, iOc anil BRYSON bullet slrls, In ebony (rame. 39c Etchings, Art Etchings. $3 la Oreea 5tlckers RKMARCIUB ETClirNOS. PROOF 98c A HC8 PICTURE framed In 2-Inch solid oak, elegant landacHpe ubjecta, supply limit ed, no ordera taken Come early for good choice Monday only $3 worth ,of sneen trading stamps with ut:i.i pil: Dru: Side Line Snaps Powdered borax, 20-MuJe Team brand, 1-lb car tons ...13c Household ammonia, extra ,J,strengtli.12-oz bottle. 5c Electro Silicon polishing powder, per box .....8c Barkeepers' friend, in lib packages .... - 20c Moth balls, per lb 8c Lavender camphor, a posi - tivo preventive against moths and other insects, per 1-lb pkg 25c Colgate's silverware soap, per cake 9c Loofah bath mitts, per pair 30c Colgate's floating bath soap, per cake 8c Stationery Paper napkins with assorted colored designed borders, put up In Kf. lot of 1.000 ONLYT speclai t."C 130 sheets extra heavy satin, fine not . paper, usual price 26c, our 1 Special at, per pack t-"- 16 extra, hear wove ' O nvelopea at A pint bottle of extra quality of black Ink; our special prloe for Monday only, at A GREEN STAMP oppeoriti hero and there on this page means that there is some bis Green Sticker extras where certain items are advertised. Look them up. C&2s&2 ) Fancy Baskets And Orsesi Tradlnr Stamps to pretty near till 'em, tool A BIO PITRCHASE OP FANCY BAS KETS EVERT roSSlBUH TRICK IN BASKETRY ON BALE AND TWO DOLLARS OF LITTI.B STICK. EKS WITlf EVERY BASKET UP FKOM... Monday Onlyl Monday Oulyl A high grade, strong-ly made 6 foot SteplHdiler sells every day around town for II 25-Monday at SSc A Baat Onk Shplf. 6x14 Inches, for 2fta A Inrirpr one, 6x20 Inches, tor 89o Woodenwnre Dept., Bennett's. 20c Groceries Best and freshest poods for the least money. MONDAY SPECIALS: fill One dollar's worth of Oreen Trading Stamps free with 5 lbs. Prunes at 25 cents We have Just re ceivd this fine fruit. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs for Everybody And 50c of Green Monday Eggs 17c a Dozen. Stamps With Each dozen. An Immense supply of strictly fresh Egra received direct from our country Shippers, AT SEVENTEEN CENTS A DOZEN, AND FIFTY CENTS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING Btumps with each dozen Monday. To prevent disapointment, we will be unable to promise wagon delivery the demand will be too great for our delivery eyntem. FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER BENNETT S CAPITOL CREAMERY BUTTER , 15c 27c China Dep't Our busy China Department mors active than ever. Our new lines form such variety that all tastes and purses are satis fied. stock replete with good things from every clime and country where fine china Is mads. Express a wish and sny reasonable demand is satlsAed. FACT! Money Saving Values YTSEA WELBBACH OAS ' MANTLES OC JOHNSON BROS. WHITE ENGLISH PORCELAIN 100-PIECE R Utt DINNER BET O.OO WHITF1 AND OOLIV 8IX-PIKCE7 TOILET BETS heavily O treated, nice new ahapos aS.OO Bavlland A Co... 100 piece DINNER SET, pink decorations, OA cold treatment VO HIAWATHA INDIAN BUSTS. -IRIS Inches lush OC SEE OUR NEW LINK IN CHINA SOUVENIRS OF OMAHA VIEWS. THE AUDITORIUM (FIN ISHED, MIND YOU!). THB HIGH SCHOOL BUILDINO. THE FEDER AL BUILDING. THB BEE BUILD ING, THE BENNETT BUILDING; OTlffiR GREAT OMAHA BUIIJV INGS AS WELL. THIS IS A VERY BEAUTIFUL AND INTERESTING LINE OF CHINA, A DIRECT IM PORTATION FROM AUSTRIA. SEE IT. Rich American Cut Glass Translucent, pris matic and very deep cutting. Mon day a dlsoount of SO per cent on these superb pieces of out "lass. r f . A Wonderful Sale of , Peninsular Stoves r: The Peninsular Btove has a reputation not surpassed by any ether popular stove of the American market. It Is a high grade, highly finished affair. It brings a food price and does lu work faithfully. Mon day we offer three specials In Peninsular Stoves: . " (1) A six-hole Steel Range- square with high cloent oven 18x20 Monday only... (2) A six-hole Steel Range- square wun mgn closet oven 14x30 Monday only. PENINSULA (8 A No. 8 Square Cook Stove hns l-lnch oven splendid article Monday only 28.50 26.50 9.75 Monday Snaps in Ilousef urnishings A 50-pound Flour Can price ...58c Small IJreud or'Gake Box ...43c Medium Uread or Cake Box 51c Large Bread or Cake Box 58c Green Trading Stamps Every Time Wall Paper Wall Papers, artistic and durable, that meet the requirements of the highest MODERN TASTE. Wall Papers that do your home credit You need them! Monday and Tuesday, our Bo and 6c grade of White Blanks -ln per rail Our 10c, 12fcc and Uc Gilts, per roll 8c Third Floor. Six different designs in (Oo paper per roll Room Moulding up from 18c ..2c The Little Green Sticker in the Little Green Book is the Only Little Sticker that Sticks! Stick to it!! 3S DAW REYES NOT FOR HEARST eBasesssssjeasa Pemoorata sf Iowa Will Hats Sons of ths KatMnjammtr Candidate. CONSERVATIVES STILL DOMINATE PARTY Bryan lam Was ilettr Rampaat Im the State el lloraee Boles, Despite Eaeeavars ss Aetlvltles ( Charlie Walsh. Hawksye democrats are no more likely thelr support In the national con to the KataenjAraraer candidate -hfcif .ue stats Is likely to cast lu electoral vote for him. If the staff correspondent of the Brooklyn Eagle has sised up the sltua tlon rightly, tier Is what he has sent his paper from Das Moines: "DES MOINES. March li. -Conservative democrats In Iowa assume Uiat the state deWgntlon to St. Louie will be unlnstrueted and that It will be opposed to the nomina tion of Mr. Hearst. Their attitude on the radical question la precisely like the atti tude of the conservative democrats of lilt j noia.. distinguished chiefly - for over-confl-dnce and Ignorance of the true situation. Mr. Hearst Is much stronger In Iowa than they believe, and radicalism la e vigorous organised foros In politics. Mr. Hearst would probably control the state convention if It were held today. "Congressman J. R, Wade, es-Oovemor Horace & tioiee, George A, Hoffman and ry B. SulUvan are the leading conserva tive democrats In Iowa. Upon lssuea which awaken the drmorratlo voter they have demonstrated tnelr ability to coutrol con ventl'jns and to elct democratic congreHs incn, intnibera of the Wglsluture. mayor ar.d county cfflcn In ine of the rpub hiaa htuh .Lave raid frvui a minimum of 19,713 to a maximum of M,aoe since 1871 Conservatism has given them, however, their only opportunities for effec tive work, and It is yet to be demon strated that radicalism Is a minority creed In the state democracy. , Dream ef the Conservatives. "From realising that It ought to be, the Iowa conservatives have passed to dream ing that It is. Iowa was the only truus mlsslsslppl agricultural state, save North Dakota, where conservatism grew during the Bryan ascendancy in the democratic party. Its repudiation of radicalism Is Indicated by lu McKlnley pluralities of ,BU In 1K4 and M.ft in 100. In signal eon trust and proof of the strength of demo cratic conservatism In Iowa axe the figures of the Cleveland campaigns against Blaine In 1884 and Harrison In 1S88 and 1892. "Mr. Cleveland lost the sUte In US by only U.771 That was the closest shave the national republican party ever had in Iowa. Mr. Harrison ran a little better than Mr. - Blaine against Mr. Cleveland, receiving a plurality of tl.711 In IW and another of 13,423 In 1SS2. Republican plurali ties In the three residential elections ore. ceding Mr. Cleveland's first candidacy were ,:, 49,721 and 71,06. Bryanlam played such havoc with the Iowa democraoy that the republican carried the state for gov ernor in 1901 by (3.14, for secretary of state In l0g by 71,214 and for governor In 1303 by 73.0SO. "These were not manipulated results. Party machinery Is leee effective In Iowe than In any ether etate In the union. It has never been possible here for either re publican or democratic leaders to overcome a trend to which Important laeuee have given; direction. Mr; Cleveland's campaigns were not supervised by the national com mittee. The 'decnocratio and Independent voters gave hire their ballots because they approved bis stand en the issues. In the Iowa trysn campaigns the appeal of west ern eectkmallam sgslnst the east, which as successful! made u Nebraika. Bvuth Dakota, Colorado and Kansas, was made In vain, although the national and state committees ezhusted their resources In ths effort te substantiate it Pvospecte foe lteeaevelt. "In the approaching campaign there Is every reason to believe that Mr. Roosevelt will carry the etate by more than 100,000, If the democracy doee not right Itself before the people. The Roosevelt policies In deal ing with corporations are Iowa policies. His opposition to the old order In repub licanism, which implies future changee In the tariff to meet the views of the western agricultural states, Is pleasing here. He Is personally popular, as In the other western states. It Is useless ,for the Iowe democ racy to oppose to such republican strength the Inherent weaknesses of radicalism. "It la upon the sheer hopelessness of the Iowa democ ratio situation that the Hearst manager have built their organization. It Is not so compact In Iowa as It is In Illi nois, because Its elements are dissimilar and cannot so easily be brought Into har monious relations In conventions. The friends of Mr. Hearst claim, however, that they have established? Independent organi sations In every county' end that these or ganisations will co-operate In the congres sional districts to Instruct the district dele gates for Mr. Hearst. On the authority ef C. A. Walsh, secretary of the democratic national committee. It la said that eighteen of the twenty-two district delegates to be elected will be Hearet men, and that the state convention will elect four Hearst delegates-at-large and Instruct the delega tion to vote as a unit for him at the na tional convention. "Mr. Walsh, who reetdea et Ottumwa, and Judge Yen Wagenen of Eioua City ere the recognised Hearst leadera In Iowa. Both have been high prleet of Bryanlam since ISM. It was Bryanlam which mad Mr. Walah eeeretary of the national com mittee, and relied Mr. Van Wasenen te the bench. Neither of them has, however, credentials from Mr. Bryan to advocate the candldecy f Mr, Hearst, although each has journeyed to Nebraska In the hope of getting them. The best that they have dona for Mr. Hearst with Mi. Bryan Is to get Mr. Bryan's sanotlen of a continued radical jtlght for reaffirmation. Charlie Walsh's Activity. "Mr. Walah Is regarded, like Treasurer Dunlap of the national committee, as a very Important authority In the Hearst ranks. For several months he has spent much time In traveling between Washing ton and Iowa, Illinois and Kansas, between the national headquarters of Hearst rad icalism and its western strongholds. What he has actually done te promote the Hearst boom outside of Iowa la problematical, but In Illinois and Kansas his advice U sought and often followed by the Hearst leaders. In Iowa bis influence has been pretty generally felt In democratic county orgunlxatlons, the local leadera believing that In advocating; Mr. Hearst he repre sents and wields the actual authority ef the democratlo national committee. "Judge Van Wagenen la ene of the prominent western advocates of govern ment ownership of railways and other public utilities. He was the originator of the movement to commit the Iowa legis lature and he believes the democratlo na tional convention should declare for it Mr. Hearst's newspapers are Its advocates. Judge Van Wegener's attachment to the Hearst course la based on hla belief tbat If Mr. Hearst la elected president his ad ministration will stake it a special duty to acquire and operate all the buslneas enterprises which are quasl-publio In their nature. '"Speaking of Mr. Hearst's candidacy Sec retary Walah e?ld: . 'In the west we believe that Mr. Hearst more nearly represents the ideas of dem ?f??r,hW,C,, hy Prevailed since kitf than any other man whoae muue has been sua- feeted for the nomination except Mr iryan. Mr liryan to not a candidate !""?, or "oere are in favur of air. Uearrt a nomination beoauae they be- U?V hoi'1 Yrt Its prlncl- l ies and prumul the chance for vli uu v Ihe reporu which 1 hive fceard lnijca'e that Mr. Hearst Is strong unexpectedly so in states which are conservative. His strength in the west will be surprising, If I am not mistaken. - "As to Jowa. It haa been m v observation that the rank and rile of the party Is with him. 1 speak ef the democrats, who, like air. riearei, . were loyal in lf and UuO. Mr. Hearst haa fought the battle of dem ocracy In the face of every discouragement and our loyal democrats appreciate his courage, earnestness and fidelity. He will have, I believe, flve-slxths of the Iowa del egates and ,the convention will Instruct for him. ' N. O. V." ROOT MAY NAME ROOSEVELT Raaavred that Former Secretary el War Is te Deliver osalaatlagr Speech. (Copyright 104, by New Terk Herald Co.) WASHINGTON, March IS. (New Tork Herald Service Special to The Bee.) It is authoritatively stated that Former Secre tary of War Elihu Root haa been selected to place Theodore Roosevelt In nomination at the next republican national convention, and that Mr. Root will be named et the republican primaries to be' held In New Tork City the last of March, as one of the delegates to the national convention, with the understanding that he goes to Chicago to make the nominating speech. The selection of Mr. Root as the man to place President Roosevelt . In nomination for the presidency la received with the greatest satisfaction. It la safe to sny that he will make the effort of his ' life at Chicago. Mr. Root is particularly well fitted for the task that has been as signed to him. He has known the presi dent for many years. They have worked elde by side la ward and district contests In ' New York and have met each other constantly In the big elubs end social or ganisations Jf which they are both mem bers. . Ten free trips to tbe World s Fair each week, bee coupoa vn page two. NAVY AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Chow Ew lfen-of-War Are Arringsd and Operated in Battle. ACTUAL LIFE OF HEN TO BE SHOWN GeversBCst le Preparing Exhibit Which Will Give Visitors Correet l Idea of IlavaJ Affairs ef Katloa. (Copyright. 1S04. by New Tork Herald Co.) WASHINGTON, March l.-(New Tork Herald Service Special to The Bee.) The United States navy will be represented at the Louisiana Purchase exposition in tbe most elaborate way. Indeed, no feature of the government of the United States will have more satisfactory repreaentation. A perfect reflection of the service la new being Installed on a floor space 2M feet long end seventy-seven feet wide In the Government building.- The exhibit will give en Intelligent idea of the internal and external features of American men-of-war, weapons and their use; of the great graving and floating docks In which fighting vessels are placed for re pairs, as well as a repreaentation of the ac tual life and dutlea of the officers snd en listed man of the navy and marine corps afloat and sshora. In war and In peace, to gether with the government's facilities for educating officers and Its methods of enlist ing and training men and boys who com pose the fighting personnel of the United States navy. Tbe central figure of the exhibit will be an exact full sise reproduction of a man-of-war. I On the floor surrounding the vessel will Le a border of csnvas four feet wide, painted In imitation of water. The figure bead on the veasel Is the original figure head of the Olympta, the flagship of Ad miral Dewey In the battle of Manila bay May i, im on the tipper er main deck will be Installed Ue slzteen-tnch guns, mounted In barbette turrets; a six-pounder Hotch klse, a ooe-peunder light automatic, a 30 callber Colt and a Catling gun, together with the ship's anchors, windlass and anchor gear complete; also skylights, hatchways, ventilating cowls snd side lad ders. On the star board side will be swurg from the davits a twenty-four-foot whale boat and on the port side a twenty-foot cutter, and In appropriate, places on the deck will be other equipment and ahlp's fittings. On the berth deck will be Installed a tor pedo firing tube and torpedo, one five-Inch and two three-Inch rapid-fire guna The space on the berth deck will be divided by watertight bulkheads Into compartments, snd the long arm system of watertight donre will be electrically operated. Within the turret support on the berth '. deck will be llfe-slsed wax flgiiree of ofB eers and enlisted men of a flagship, dressed accurately In the various uniforms. Openings of a suitable size have been made In the turret support, from which a view of the figures snd uniforms may be obtained. All compartments will be accessible to visitors, the object being to give them a realistic lmpreeson only to be had other wise by going on board an actual man-of-war. Ths United States Naval academy at Annapolis, Md.', where future officers of the navy pursue their aludlr. Is reproduced In miniature at the scale of 13!d of an Inch to the foot. An exhibit to which visitors, particularly thoee who reside at a distance from the coast, can devote much time with pleasure and Instruction, Is the models of vessels of the United Statee navy, embracing the various types of battleships, armored and protected- cruisers, double-turreted moni tors, gunboats, torpedo boats, submarine boats and old sloops of war.