THE OMAIIA DAILY TEE: flATUKDAY, MARCH 19. 1U04. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MUR MEVf Davis tells drugs. Leffert's plF'e fit. Btockert sells carpets. The taunt cigar, i cents. Fancy oval, oircle nnd l.long frames. Alexander's. u-3 Kroedway. The eilnn of the Industrial school will he ht-M this fiftcrniinn t i o'clock In the nilerlon. Krfr shments will hp served to Hi children at the close of the Session. Uluft compnny, Triform Kanti. Knlghti of Fythlns, will meet thin evening at the armory In St. Allwne' hell for drill, and Captain Cro ker loiuesls that every mem ber be present. A barn on the premises of W. B. Smith, iVll Avenuo I, was burned, together with a horse and a number of chickens and other contents, nt sn early hour yesterday morn ing. When the funlly wis atouped the barn and contents were entirely destroyed and it wan rioemid uadess to call out the fire department. Tha los was without insurance. 1'hc oili;ln of the lira la un known. Ray Hall, th 12-year-old boy, charged with th theft of four ring from the resl denca of Henry Otto, waa remanded to tha district court vtaterday by Judge Bcott, with tha recommendation that he be ent to the reform achool. In police court tha boy admitted having recently stolen SI from hla achool teacher, Tro boy was released pending the alspoaltlon of his case by th district court. Ora and Uurton Jonee, who appealed from the sentence Imposed on them by a Justice of the peace in Kockford township for th theft of a ton of hay and whoso bondsmen surrendered them, were released from the county . Jail yesterday. Judge Wheeler of the district court ordered that their own recognisances be accepted. It Is said that the Kockford township Justice exceeded his authority In sentencing tha defendants to both a fine and JaJl Imprisonment. William Mowery waa arrested Inst even ing, charred with disturbing the services at th Fifteenth street mission. A gang of hoodlums has recently been making life miserable for the attendants at the mission nd C'hlpf Ttbblts found it necessary to place a special officer there. A few nights ago during the unavoidable absence of Spe cial Officer Miller. 'lie hoodlums fastened the door of the mission building with a large beam and the congregation waa forced to make Ita exit through one of the win dows. ' Plumbing ar.4 heating. Mxby ft Bon, Walt for Trcker. Our atudlo Is being repaired and refitted, th fir having delated ua but a few daya. Our photo can't be beat. Ogden Hotel-Roo.tis. with or without board; steam heat, fre bath: public parlors. Debate Draws Well. The debate between T. E. Qlendennlng of the Advent Christian church and J. F. McDowell of the Latter Day Saints church, now In progress evenings at the Letter Day Saints church on Pierce street. Is at tracting considerable Interest and the de baters have been greeted nightly with good alsed audience. The debate on the proposition "Does the Bible Teach That Man Is Wholly Mortal and Unconscious be tween Death and the Resurrection?" In which Mr. Qlendennlng took the affirma tive, closed Thursday evening. Last even ing began th debate on th proposition, "la th Reorganised Church of Latter Day Snlnta In Harmony with the Bible in Doc trine and Organisation T" In which Elder McDowell assumed the affirmative. The debate will be brought to a close Monday venlng. No old stock. Nw mounts, new work and all up to dat. See Tucker, on th ground, when you want the best photo. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. night. P'SOT. WE RUN A HEATING HOUSE ' and furnish more meat to Council BluffB consumers than any other two meat shops in town. Why shouldn't we at these prices? Mutton Roast, per pound i ...... ; 4c Choice Hams, per pound .' 7 Jc Oood Salt Pork, per pound . . . ..5c THIS WILL BB OUR LAST SALE OJt LARD. TAKE' ADVANTAGE, 10-pouiid prill Lard 68c 5-pound pail Lord . 38c 3-pound pail Lard - 20c The Central Grocery and Meat Market Inunilr m "L PHONC 24. GREATEST INTEREST IN $300 PIANO CONTEST cnlm!I0T..rT.y1S.,.or,l.cue, natlo' r lvlng away Piano. Feople r ! !ff,.nd Vcl?.Uy.f!av aB PI"'-unIty to have a Piano In their home SJlr.c"" WL" "y you to buy yur Groceries at the Vp-to-tnte 2'!Zre:.valll f fter th" cone8t' f larger the order the better i-.,.,, uul. cijr .uii-ijBc, It t nnifllhla trW .,.,. r. . ..... . Free coupons with every purchase. These price will Internet you: White Russian Soan, s bars 35o Diamond C Bnai, 8 bars aio Heat "Km All Soap, g bars ibci Swift's t'rtde Bono, g bar 25o Magic Bonp, 10 bum r arc Cracker Jock Sonp. u bars 2ia Lewis' Lyt ;i cans :sio UP-TO-DATE II. SOKOLOF. 331 So. Main St.' tsssssasatasmKsaomes assmNcaxscifis WE HAVE 5,000 POUNDS SHED MEATS From the rri e we quote below you mlelit think we controlled the world s supply n wurited to fc-et rid of It all at once. Hut that's th reason we do bualnes-imply because we make the rrlees lower than the o-.h. r fulow. After competition gets over the shook und Meets our prices, we clip off u. little more, us the folio win priiea will verity U liing Uoef, 2c 2c per pound.. Lemb tuv, pr pound Armours ! tamo, pr pound I'ork l'.ou.t, p-r pound Porterhouse Sleuk, 3 pounis f'ir ,, Sirloin StcjV:. I IhHIK'. for Round St::- k., t io::un i-.'i' I Should, r it, ale, 4 po i'i I. ii,r , Pot R.M... IT poi'li 1 . llh. Hi me Rendered I.irJ, (baturd ty only B4c 7c 25c 25. c 25w 25c ' 4ic 25C 1W-ORVIS S37 BROADWAY. BLUFFS. COURT HOLDS LAW IS GOOD Jndje McPocnen RnH ct Ftate HabS.tisl Criminal Act. NOT A PUNISHMENT FR EXPIATED CRIME J. A. t.renory Mutt Stay In the l'enl tentlary for Twenty-Five lean nd Is Informed it Should Have lie en for Life. Judge Smith McPhcrson of th United States court, in a decision handed down yesterday In the habeas corpus proceeding Instituted by J. A, Gregory to secure his release from the Fort Madison penltontlary, sustain the constitutionally of the state habitual criminal law, under which Gregory was sentenced to twenty years. On behalf of Gregory, it was' contended that the law unconstitutional. In thnt it in fact provided a second sentence for previous crimes expiated by the perion committing them, by serving the sentence! Imposed for their commission, and, further, that It provided a punishment In excess of the punishment provided by law for the crimes separately. In hi decision Judge McPherson reviews Gregory's criminal career, and after recit ing that the writ of habeas corpus cannot be used as an appellate proceeding by which the Irregularities or errors, real or supposed, of some other court -can be re viewed, such matters being only determin able on appeal or by writ of error, says; From these authorities it will be seen that a prisoner is convicted and sentenced for the one crime charged and la not con victed on account of or ror the prior crime or crimes. But he is convicted of the crime charged and aa belonging to a elans of lncorrlglbles, beyond reformation, for whom punishment does no good; a class Into which the accused has voluntarily brought himself, and aa against whom society hou the right to be protected by placing him for the balance of hla life where he cannot prey upon the people. In this ense it wris fortunate for Gregory that his sentence was for but twenty years, instead of for life, as It could have been. In conclusion, tho court, holding as it does, that the statute of 1S9S Is valid and that It Is not an ex post facto law, even when construed as authorising the plead ing of a conviction of an older date tlmn the statute, to the end of bringing him Into a class of criminals designated as habitual, the writ must be denied. COMPLAINT AGAINST A TEACHER. Effort to Herske Certificate of Cres cent City Man. John F. Wall, teacher in one of the coun try schools north of Crescent City, is de fendant In an action before County Sup erintendent McManus .ooklng towards tha revocation of hla certificate. It Is charged that Wall ha acquired a general reputa tion such as to disqualify him to continue longer In th position of a teacher. It Is alleged among other things' that he has been In th habit of using tobacco In and about the achool house In the presence ot the pupils; that he frequented saloons and other questionable place and that he was In the habit of using improper, language outside the achool. When the charges were brought to the attention of County Superintendent Mc Manus he made an Investigation with the result he deemed It proper to request 600602 BROADWAY. nowever small, gives you a coupon mm,. ...... ,15o .160 ..&u .2fo .tio .26o Comb Jloney, per pound Best Japan Rice, per pound Bulk Oatmeal. 8 pounds Cracked Hominy. I pounds Fluke Hominy, I pounds 1 quart Jar Jam (all kinds) Mui.Im Hvrni. wMr , . j . , ..... v j Boda Crackers. Oyster "rankers nnd Ginger Bnnps, by the box. per lb....1e Parlor Mutches, per doten boxes.... Kic GROCERY, Proprietor. 'Phone 444. OF Choice Hib Roast, 61c per pound Pork Clioyj, per pound Siiare Ribs. per pound Veal Htw. per pound Veal Ro.iat, per pound Lamb P.oust. per pound Rr.akfnat Uaeoit, t r pound C'h'iii e tin It I'ork. per pound I.raf iard, 13 nnnnil. frtm 8c 10c .7c .5c 7c ,5c .7c 8c 1.00 .1. ....... 'ii..'.''""" . , . I per pound IOW MARKET TELEPHONE 46. Wall to surrender his teacher's certificate and thus avcld the stigma of a formal revocation. Thin Vail declined to do and the county euperlntsndeiit then filed an Information and the present action was brought In the name of the state of Iowa by C;ounty Attorney Klllpack. The hearing was begun yesterday before Countv Superintendent McManus, Who thus sppeara In the dual role of prcseout ing witness and Judge, nnd a number of witnesses were examined. The testfmony yesterday was to the effect that Wall had hern seen to drink beer and use tobacco nnd that he was In the habit of flying Into violent rage with his pupils. He was snld to have thrashed two pupils, John Kirk wood, ngd 19, end John Vogy, aged 18, with willow switches until the switches wete worn out. Wall came to this county two years ago from Fort Dodge, bringing with hlra a certificate from the superintendent of Webster county. RepnMlean Primaries Tonight. The republican precinct primaries this evening to select delegates to the county convention to be' held next Tuesday will open at I o'clock and close at o'clock. Since Judge Scott haa withdrawn from the contest for delegate from the Ninth dis trict to the' national convention. It Is not expected there will be any contest at the primaries tonight and the delegates se lected will all be for George S. Wright. With the close of the second day of reg istration for the city election last night, a number of names had been added to the lists. While no definite figures were available last night, it Is estimated that over 200 persons registered Thursday and Friday. The heaviest registration, how ever, is looked for next Saturday, which is the last day. There seems to be an erroneous Impres sion that registration for the recent school " election will suffice for the city election. - It will net and the -fact that a voter may have registered for the achool election does not qualify for the city election. Every person entitled to vote at the city election who did not vote at the general election last November or who has since changed his place of resi dence from the precinct In which he then voted Is required to register In order to enable him to cast a ballot on Monday, March 28. Hafer sella lumber. Catch the IdeaT Select Site- for Fire House. Mayor Morgan, members of the city council and Fire Chief Templeton, In com pany with a number of the interested residents of the southern part of the city, looked over the ground yesterday after noon for the purpose of selecting a site for the fire house to be Installed in that part of the city south of Sixteenth avenue. After viewing a number of proposed sites the city officials selected Eighteenth ave nue and Ninth street, and T. A. Berwirk, president of the South Side Improvement club, waa delegated to secure the neces sary lot. The site selected Is the location favored by a majority of the residents of ihat part of the city.. Chief Temple ton, however, favored locating In the immediate vicinity of Sixteenth avenue and Eighth street, a being more accessible to such portions of the city aa the com pany would be required to cover In case of Are. i- ... JtJ expected that Mr. Brewiok will be prepared to report at the meeting of the city council Monday night the selection of the required ground and that arrange ments will be made for the ereotlon of the house without further delay, and the purchase of the necessary equipment. Newer, , cleaner and better than ever Tucker' atudlo, on the ground. 16 8. I4aln street Real Estate Traasfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee March 18 by the abstract, title and Joan office of Bqulre & Annls, 101 Pearl street: Heirs of William Short to J. M. Crog- han, eM , e4i sw 17-76-88. w. d ", S.6U0 Charles H. Jffelman and wife to Anna v";'c""' "7 ' o. diock io. Alien ,WV.r H- VaB, , and w,f ' ' Ioniei ' j! rW,Rav?.r' nw 10-74-88. w. d....T. iBo-nfawddw!f8..!0."ame' 'w a ruu Avoea. w. a. :,soo 4,960 6,000 CT " " rrana Mor row n20 feet b nH se se and s20 feet nH n se seU 11-74-44? d " . 1 f.?.r?e H' -?.TJeto KJ',h Muyno. lot 1 in sublot 159, original plat, w. d! 1.060 Six transfers, total 114,811 KNOXVILLE GETS HOSPITAL Home for Dipsomaniacs .will Be Located In Old School for Bllad. DES MOINES. March !8.-The Iowa sen. ate today voted an appropriation cf $1516,000 for the location of a dlpsomar.lac hospital nt Knoxvllle. This Is the first open ap proval of the "Clpsy" law which wwt Into effect two years ego, and which haa been eeverely criticised. The abandoned Instltu tlon for the blind at Knoxvllle will be con verted Into a hospital for the cure of habit ual drunkards. Logaa MsailelpaJ Tickets. LOGAN, la., March . (Special.) Three tickets to participate In the city election have been placed In tho field by petition a follows: , Cltlsens: For mayor, O. L. Case; for Reorder, I. M. Adama; for assessor. Theo dore Cronk; for treasurer. O. McKelvIe: for councllraen, John W. Wood and J. C. Mlnshall. Tax reduction: For mayor, I. c. Weod: for recorder I. M. Adams; for assessor, JV C. Ehrhardt: for treasurer. O. Me Kelvle: for councilman, K. E. Webber and J. A. Barr. BTclallBt: For mayor. H. L. Kirk: for recorder. J. 8. Morris; for assessor, 8. A. Atkins; tor treasurer. 1. Ehrhardt: for councilmen, J. B. Hurrell and A. V, Wilson. Komlaatloas at Oniwa, ONAWA. Ia.. March 18 (Special.) The rltlien' cuucub to choose town officers wan largely attended. . Oeorge O. Holbrook was fholimnn and D. L, Battln aecretary. A, W. Burgess, n. B. Fependon nnd Oliver OlNon were appointed tellers. On the formal volo fur mayor M. A. Marly waa declared nominated. L. E. Paine and C. II. Brad bury were nominated for councilmen by acclamation. George I'nderhlll was nom inated for clerk by acclamation. C. C. Honeyman waa nominated for aaaeasor over C. A. Caldwell and B. D. Holbrook was nominated for city treasurer, which completed the Hat. West Polat Prnnle'a Nominees. WEST POINT. Neb., March 18 -(Speclnl Telegrum.) The peoplee party of West Point met In convention here today and nominated this ticket: For niuyor, M. Q. Hughes; for city clerk, J. C. Himsen; for treasurer, R. H. Kerkow; for engineer, Q. A, Heller; for members of the Board of Education, T. M. Moodle and C. W. Acker. m:in; for councilmen, Ir. H. K. Summers, W. L. Smith and Charles Carsten. nomination, nt Little SIusje. LOO AN, la., March 11 (Special.) The rerukiicana of Utile aloux have nominated the following ticket for the city election: For mayor, L, I Reynolds! clerk, T. J. Lanyon; treasurer, F. C. Brown assessor, F, SlUby; councilmen for full larma, O. I. Seymour and L. II. McWilUama; to fill vacanclee. F. M. Ferry, Clark Ule and B. B. Long. REVIVE DEAF SCHOOL FIGHT wnnneanBBBP Hontg Mot for Committee te InTeUlfare tho Presont Location of Sohool PROSPECT THAT SENATE WILL CONCUR Members Say They Are Confnscl by Coafllctlntf Stcirlea of Lnrmicn nU Friends of I're.ent Location at tonnrll Blfl. . (From a Stall Corresionduut.) DES MOINES, March II tSpiM'Inl.) The deaf school location matter Is not yet en tirely out of the woods and Council Bluffs will have to do some more showing of the legislators In regard to the propriety of rebuilding the burned buildings of the state's school on the present location. A senate oommlttee reported adversely to removal and In favor of appropriating 125,000 for the rebuilding of the structures at Council Bluffs. The house has taken no action. Today Mr. Frudden of Dubuque, a democratic member, hut of high standing in the assembly, Introduced in the house the following concurrent Resolution regard ing the matter: Resolved, by the house, the senate con curring, That a Joint committee, consisting of elgnt members from the house, named by the speaker, and four members of the senate, named by the president of tho senate, be appointed to go to Council Bluff to investigate the site owned by the state whereon the buildings for the deaf school are located and report full particulars on their return to this general assembly. The resolution was Immediately passed under a suspension of the rules, and there Is very little doubt the senate twill concur and the committee make the investigation. It was explained tluit the members have before them two very conflicting state ments in regard to the matter and that they are in a quandry which to believe, the statements of the (state officials or thone of the Council Bluffs Commercial club. Place for the Inebriates. By a unanimous vote the. senate adopted the bill creating a state asylum at Knox vllle for the care and treatment of dipso maniacs. The bill carries an appropriation of 1126,000 and appropriates to the atate for the purpose of the measure the state, prop erty already owned at Knoxvllle and known as the Industrial Home for the Adult Blind. The inebriates will be taken from the state Insane hospitals and placed at Knoxvllle The senate also passed a bill permitting the sale by the state of stute house square, a block of land in Des Moines, situated on Eighteenth street about nine blocks from the capltol grounds. The square was given to the atate several years ago by a gentle man named Stewart, who platted that sec tion of the city, but it haa never been used. In order to escape the taxation for paving and curbing, which Is to oome In another year, it was thought best to dispose of the property. The vote was unanimous. A third bill which was passed by the senate today without. opposition on the final vote gives the state power to sell or lease islands located within the banks of meandered streams. The Mississippi and Missouri rivers are excepted from the pro Visions of the bill. " . , .. I : took Shipper Cot Paaaes. The house today decided upon giving the stock shippers of thW eate some of the relief which they have, asked of the general assembly, and paused bill prepared by a subcommittee to require that the railroad companies be required to furnish return passes to stock shippers. Before the bill was pasaed Mr. Hart moved certain ameud ments, which, he stated, were Agreed upon by the legislative committee of the Stock Bnlppers' association and the representa tives of the railroad companies, and put In the form of a written and signed agree ment. With these amendments the bill was passed. An effort to get the bill amended so as to give seventy-two hours, instead of thirty-six, for tho starting back of the shipper was made, but this was opposed because it waa not asked for by the ship pers. The bill requires passes for tho shippers or their agents, and one of the amendments requires " the railroad com panles to equip their cabooses with proper sanitary appliances. ; Paas Garnishee BUI. The bill (or an exemption of wages from garnishment brought out an acrimonious discussion, participated in by Weeks, Tem ple, Jepeun, Hart, Teter, Kendall and others. The bill makes a flat exemption of 140 a month In the wages of the wage earner from garnishment, and all above the 140 shall be subject to garnishment. The bill waa pasaed, U to It Reducing; Consent Petitions. There was introduced in the house today a bill by Mr. Clary which would strike out the provision In regard to 63 per cent of tho freeholders having to sign a statement of consent and Insert in the law a majority, so that It would be possible to establish sa loons on the expression of the desires of a majority of the people. A bill waa Introduced by Mr. English to provide for the auditor of state Issuing licenses to Insurance agents. Mr. Kennedy Introduced a bill to provide that cities and towns may com mence suits to have receivers appointed for water works, etc. A bill by Lumkln would give superintendents a right to appoint teachers' meetings and In caae teachers attend tbetr time shall not be taken out. The house haa made for next Wednesday a special order of a bill to appropriate for a statue of Governor Kirk wood to be placed In Statuary hall In Washington. There waa no opposition to the bill, but a desire to row Fresh milk is good; fresh milk and Mellin's Food Is better. Try it with your baby. Whether vou nurs. your tthy or tite M l- '"i , CHytt w,il " cur boo?, . rnd Fcdrnj f ItW.nt,," very ute'-l a..-.:p.y wrtilj ,c. Jt w,h b, fl'M- -' iin s fd CO.. iwtTcv, MAsn. lock 3 Gunsmith 1. V -ll of rtpalr- cfyNVV' iMT d...... We but broken hearts. " ' L. H. PETERSOM. Phone BK7, CV W. r-oidway. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. marl St, Council Bluifa. 'Pbono R. possibly add another name to the lift. Thosn suggested are 8murl F. Miller, Sen ator Grimes nnd Senntor Hurlnn. Two Reports en tnlverslty. A minority report of the visiting com mittee on the State university was filed today by Representative Weeks in which he took n view differing from that of th majority of the committee nnd recom mended Instead of tho t-n.ono favored by committee an appropriation of I175.0OO, which would Include i.nX) for the restoration of a building Unit was burned. He also takes derided sliind in opposition to the abolition of the engineering di part hiriil .it the State university. He does nctec. however, with the majority In rela tion tr the board of mnraiRirn' plan, which is now generally rrnrded ns essential to the proper management of the educational Institutions of tho state. Railroad Commission to Re Saved. The Railroad commission of Iowa will not be abolished. The house railroads commit tee voted against the bill which Is intended to repeal the lows under which the railroad commissioners operate and the commission will not be disturbed, though It Is promised that If opportunity la afforded there will be debate on the floor of the senate In re lation to the work of the commission. Judge Martin J. Wade, democratic mem wl7hiskey and. Beer E Habit PERMANENTLY CURED BY "ORRINE," ABSOLUTELY SAFE, SURE AND HARMLESS. Physicians pronounce drankennesa a disease of the nervosa ay.tem, creating a morbkt CraTlag for . stimulant. Conti.aed Indulgence In whiskey, beer or win. eat. .w"7th. .omach linlag and atapafle. the dlgeativ. organ., tha. destroying the digestion and . ,0J,RR,NE P""y remove, the craylog for Honor by acting directly on the .HecUdnarres, storing th.atomach and digestive orn. to normal condluoaa, iafprevlna- ! tha appetite and restoring the health. . Can be given secretly U desired. Cure Effected or Money Refunded. Ask your druggist whom yen know what he think of ORRINE; he will Indorse cur statements as truthful In every respect. If ORRINE fails to euro we will refund 70a every penny paid for it as cheerfully aa we took It. No Sanitarium Treatment or Publlcltyl No Abaenoo from homo or loss of timet . ji??0t!j87.' Vrt od ,l,ter' y cannot cure those who are afflicted with this most terrible of all diseases by your ferrent prayers, or eyes red with tears, nor by your hope that they may stop drinking-. It can be done only with ORRINE. You have the remedywill you use it ? If you desire to cure without the knowledge of the patient, nyD?v? ENoV1:. P"nt desires to be cured of his own free will, buy ORRINE No. 2. Full directions found in each package. Price f I per box. fV5? We wi gladly tarnish a treatment tree of estto any physician rV& to demonstrate that Orrine la a positive cpeclflo for drankennesa. SJU All Correspondence Confidential. ...IL book Treatise on Drunkenness and how to Cum It -lu tn THE ORRINE CO.. INC.. WASHINGTON, DC.r call on Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co., Cor f6fh & Dodge, Omaha Qco. S. Davis, Druggist, Council Bluffs, Iowa, I mmn mesne 1 TO IH II Oregon AND Uoshington lr- JL "1 CITY TICKET 1324 Farnan St. MEXICAN Alustang Liniment In us (or over sixty years). MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cure Spavin avnd filngboue. MEXICAN AAustang Liniment Xu-M aUi fortius ttiiMuua.tWi ber of rnngress from the Perotid district of Iowa. Is out In a slsned letter to hl friends In the stite ndvlslng nanlnst instrurth.ns for anybody : the lown democratic con vention. He declare that he would not de sire Iowa to Instruct for nny rundldate whether It Is He irxt. l'nrker or anybody else, but that It Is a time when states like town should refrain from trying to dispose of candidacies In advance. Judge Wade says he has worked Ioiik to secure a har monious party In Iowa and to enter upon a fight at this time In the state convention would be to reopen old controversies. The Chnssel road bill, which would parti ally repe:J the present Iowa road law. was pulsed by the house this afternoon. A hill to appropriate .Vi0 for the marking of graves of Iowa Holdlers In North Dakot i failed of pnssnge. The senate committee on appropriations today Agreed on the sums to bo given the educational Institutions. The sums are: State university, 12i.O0O; normal school, t4,0(K: state agricultural college, J2.12.0u0. The FKiirrs may he amended by the houso. The ways and means committee reported adversely to the nilllage plan of providing for the support of tho educational Institutions. Ten trips a week to tne St. Louis expo sition will be voted to the most deserving by Bee readers. Save your coupons. PARTICULAR COFFEE FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE UD Y-'Hert, my poor fellow, thl will warm yon." TRAMP "T'gnks, lady. May atk you whoig brand la this?" LADY "Why, It'a tha 'BELL' coffsa. Wa oavar uia any othar." YRAP-'Bht ou la, lady. 'Da club I iaii . gad jo Vnit uied that and no othtr, tnd wa wara 'high isaoara,' you bat I" Norii lie bad seen better day ASK FOR THE "BELL" COFFEE OFFICE, 'Pho,i3 315. MI XICAN AAustang Liniment IlinU-ra tip BtlfTJoInta. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment pvoetraU'M to the very bout. MEXICAN AAustang Liniment aiwaym give u4(luaoue. . Ten Days' Frso Treatment Offered Her. Oeat Parisian method That Cures Seminal W(nrs. Varicocele Stricture, (ileet. Oonorrhoea, Unnat ural Discharges, Irritation and I.n tarjtrment of the Prostate Uland Bladder and Urinary Disorders, Without taking iledlclno Into th? stomach and In Their Own Home. It Will Be Sent Every Han Absolutely Free. Pr wonderful method suocessfutly used for years In France, and now for INo first tltr Introduced In America. It la puPflM.. for any Iran, no matter how bad off. t. quickly regain ti e vlnr of young rranhuod HC rAni MEDICATFD OAYON. PLCABANY, eOOTHINQ AND HCAL'NO. wltltuut taking any mcdlrine Into .he atom aoh, and to prove that It will do this tl.ey otter a full Ten Daya' Trial Treatment ab aolutely free to every man sending iiMiie und address to Dr. Stevene A Co., Hox 1771, Columbus, Ohio. Vou apply It locally to the seat of tha trouble, and It quickly flnda Its way to the desired spot, enlaigine the muaclea. Increasing the 4ier'e force wnlgiv. irg the neceHNaiy vim and energy. The World of science and me.ilrln. ? nnrnnvhi w erdoree It. It cures In wonderfully quick time, la your own home, loet vitality, emaciation, prematurity, varicocele, rti.ture. unnat ural 1 1 H t a 1 1 1 in .nd tnlammM, a. V. . , Me gland, and all blndder and urinary A.sordura of men. It Is tha only method Known to science that will eleetrl'y the' oor, rout wasting dlseaaea, create vigor, warmth and feice, and all this without medicine taken Into the atomach. If others tall you nothing can be done for you, thla will surely cure you. Nrite to Pr. Stnveue & Co., Columhua, Ohio, Box 1771. They offer Ten Daya' Trial Treatment to every man. jt is no "pre. scription." "deposit" or "C. O. D." scheme, ss thla Arm is too large to reeort to such petty ways. In addition to the absolutely tree trial treatment they send the most complete book ever written on the Dlseaaea of Men, telling all, and fully Illustrated, with forty engravings from life. Every thing le confidential and sent perfectly fjlaln, and since they merely ask you to nqulre what they have got that will oure you, we trust every gentleman reader of this paper will write them at once aa above and thus get tha Ten Daya' Trial Treat ment and bock, both absolutely free. Charges Less Than All Others DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treats all forms of Diseases of MEN OlfXY. Twenty-eight Years' Experience. Eighteen Years In Omaha. The doctor's remarkable success baa never been equaled. His roaourcea and facilities for treating hla class of aro unlimited and every day trlngs many flattering reports of the good ho is doing or the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT TOR All Blood Poisons. No "BRICA?. WO OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the Alsnaae disappears at once A per manent cure for lire guaranteed. lADimi FIF CURES GUARANTEED in VAKiLULCLLLess than five dath. kJFAD Anfl cases cured of Hydrocele, INCAK JUfUUU Stricture, Gleet, Nervous Debility, Loss of Strength and Vitality and ail forms of chronlo diseases. Treatment by norll. Cull or write. Box TOO. Office 315 Boutb. ltth St., Omaha. Neb. xale Ineui ea Parc,Soft,WbluSkui and a BihmIM ComplsueaV wJ y cue. Kcsena aoi rniar. ap uj v ' foluil ua i-.rm.D.niiy )2i jrli'' ibiiiow. Bla'kLead. y.reo. '1 X- kin.. IMlTIDlr.. HwluMf. ana "I ! and Taa. U4 wHh C lMrma ttaral Boa. a fey DeraaaratoyaJe. (1 fee hwltl. press sinleV aeraaa-Uoyale Slaan, S cants, by naatl. Katll In on nckn. ai.M. eanreaa swinV The Denua-Itoyole Co., Ctnclnnntl, U. SCHAEFER'S CIT PRICE DRL'G STORE, Omaha, Nabr.. aud ISoJth Omaha. Nebr. Dr. Searles & Searles Omaha. Neb. Advlco free. L c w i ; t Charges. Cures 6uarsnle;l ri-'. ull .iio'lal rtMi'die. i.fini'n Unliu'V. liiiuldi-r uud UiniNiHe. of women. Blood Poison cured for lift), soon every hIku. ayiiinioui. on-a on luidy. in moulh, t.iiiKUo. thi-ont, hair nnd -ebruw, falling out) disappear complolnly I'neu-r, Varicose Veins t y ''veins ruredwkliou'. i'UI- tlnfc-. ;.:.l!i r 1-ijm of time,. Never falln. iaii kest euro In the worl.i. Weak, Nervous Men Ini; Mi'nkni-b., nirvoti. OeMiliy, ;i I y ucrllne, lr.t k of vigor :in l Iteiietli. Ti I .it ment by in ; 1 1 . H . : .t OK 8l.,CKiiSl-,UI. 1'ltAi TICK IN OMAHA Corner of lHli und L")iik1 ilr.-ets. e ' J ,.. nf . V:. a mL TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Itearlie. the Lite Mlel-k lrn. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment l;ct for Horse ulluitntH. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment JJent for Cuttle ailments. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Sett fur SUeep itiioiep.U.