Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Mew Spring gy
Captivating Display
oi Women s Clever
:rii win iii(f ii
for Men
Tho clothing that we sill is the product of
the worM'H bent, and most advauml makers.
Our assortment embraces every variation of
ipring Garments....
shape, covering every phase of human
The range of fabrics shown is
such as will not be surpassed
by any other retail clothing
store anywhere.
Our Suits at $10.00
At this price we are showing a wonderfully
strong assortment. This line embraces, as many
iifferent suits as other big stores offer at $10.00
$12.00, $15.00. We urgently request those men
who desire to limit their expenditure for a suit to
that sum to see this line. The materials are
strictly all wool. The collars and lapels of the
coats are hand padded. They are readily worth
$13.50, while other stores are asting $15 for
Men's Spring Suits $7.50 to $25.
Men's Spring Top Coats $7.50 to $20.
Men,s New Rain Coats $7.50 to $21.
Hew Spring Siits for Boys
For years the majority of mothers of boys have been buying their boya' clothes
from tills immense boys' store, the biggest and best by far in town. And to fur
ther emphssizs its graatnoss we migrtt add as big as anywhere. Think what se
lections are offered to the mothers of Greater Omaha. If you seek, the best cloth
ing different clothing from that usually shown at most stores at minimum
prioes, you must come to this store.
We are showing at this price a great assortment of strictly all
wool cheviots and cassimere -uit8, made in sailor blouses, Nor
folks and double-breasted styles better bring the boy in while
the siren are complete $2.00. , '- -.
The handsomest line of boys' suits ever produced at this price are
to be seen in our boys' department. They are made of cheviots, silk
mixed cheviots, fine cassimeres and extra fine quality of blue serge
-the styles are sailor blouse, Norfolk and double breasted $3.00.
This assortment is absolutely the finest offered in this city. It
entitles you to a range of colorings and styles that are shown ex
clusively by us and is the finest the market produces. Styles are
Buster Browns, sailor blouses, Norfolks, double-breasted $4.00.
New Spring Hais
The "Nebraska" Is unquestionably the largest distributors of men's hats In
this city. No other store hereabouts carries as large a stock, shows ss many
new spring styles or devotes as much spsce.
OUR "NEBRASKA SPECIAL" hats have no equal at the
price, as thousands of well satisfied customers 1 EI"t
frequently testify newest styles, soft and stiff lst-V
OUR "NEWMARKET" style hat, the very best CA
medium priced hats made, all 6tyles, stiff and soft -JVJ
We are Omaha's agents for the Celebrated John B. Stetson hats
none better made. - The greatest variety of styles O
to make your selection from, at...i JJJ
New Spring
Styles in Shoes
Men's Shoes,
worth $3.50 and $3.00, at .... .
Men's box velour and vici kid Goodyear welt lace shoes, made
on the New Turk, Manhattan and Prince Henry'lasts; soles are
made of oak tannage, tippers are, all sewed and stitched with silk,
style and character of these shoe are equal to those sold by other
stores at $3.50 and $3.00. We guarantee every pair to give good
wear and service.
Shoes for Boys and Youths
Boys', youths' and little men's box calf and vici kid shoes
good plump soles with extension edges upiwfs sewed and
stitched with silk, all English backstays. Sizes 10 to 13 for 1.45.
Sizes 13J to 2 for $1.75. Sizes 2J to 5J for $1.5)0.
Special boys', youths' and little men's shoes, made of Casco
Calf, lace, good plump soles and first quality drill lining in shoes
uppers sewed and stitched with silk, made on the new London
foot form last. Sizes 10 to 13 for $J.25. Sizes 13 J to 2 for $1.35.
Sizes 2J to 5i for $1.50.
Ladies9 Shoes,
worth 2.50, for 1.90
Ladies' shoes, made of Paris and Koyal Kid with flexi
ble soles and dull or bright tops. New up-to-date lasts with pat
ent tips, also made with extension soles and military heels. We
have all sizes and widths, , , ' ; 1 Ql
WORTH $2.50, FOll ........ .tv. 1 . 3 V
Ladies' Dress Shoes for Easter
Made of Patent Corona Colt; JpGootfyear welt and hand turn,
military and Cuban heels WORTH $3.50 0 00
a vn i.nn. van . : J""". ... -W V VJ
The entire third floor of our Immense estab
v . m i ti v
U A t Silk
" mm II
Iishrnent is d: voted exclusively to the finest o!
women's outer garments, offered at the lowest
existing prices. There is no disputing the fact
that this is the most complete style show ever
held in this city. Now, listen to what we've
got to say below:
New Spring Suits
An extraordinary suit offering for Saturday. corwdHtinpr of
nhuut tn different qtyles of the latest miring moi1el made
of rlievlots, bi oaiic-loilm and mixtures, In blues, browns nml
blui'ks eoals In military or etmi iityleu, neatly ti'lmnuil with
fancy iihuulder capes eoai silk lined tikli ta In w ilklnir or
ilress leiiKlliB pleated or trimmed with ilk
traids these garmenta are perfectly tailored
btid correct 111 nl and flnUh J2.M value, at...
Clever Spring Suits
Made of mixtures or plain material in light or dark shades
coals in military, eton or blouse . Mtyloa trimmed with ehmil
der capes, straps and braids out with fancy sleeves and tln
tahed with slg-xag collars and lelts or girdles, Hilk lined-
skirts walking or dress lengths If Interested
in a new spring suit It will pay you to
investigate theso at
mm iitit-w
Lined Suits $24.75
Beautiful vollo stilts in blue, brown and hlacks--ooHts In new
est t'ollurless blouse effects, trimmed with silk braids skirts
In dress lengths we would also onll your attention t many
other new spring styles in tailor-madu garments. Made of
mixtures, voiles, broadcloths, cheviots and striped materials
- 'ii an t lie prcd'Hninating shades tailored by tno most sKMirol
f un matters in styles o please
(' i rybody extrao: dlnary olTering
Exclusive Suits at
$32 50.
'.ado for us bv the best skilled tr.llors
chulce of broadcloths, volloe, el onlnes
ami mixtures, also novelty materials
cuts in coll.'.rless, military and eton
.lyies fanclly trimmed with contrgsting
laids, flints and straps best of linings
Ml wo-.tniansmi corei
i stylo and lit the largest
arsortment ever shown at..,
New Style Jackets for Spring
One of the grandest and broadest assortment
of the new style jackets to be worn thi s
spring is to be seen here, coverts, silk coats, in peau
de sole, taffetas, Shantung and cloth of gold, in
eton, blouse and three-quarter lengths, at
$7.50, $9.75, $12.75 ;.' $45.00
General Manager of Union Faoifio Expected
to Ketide in Bah Lake Oily.
uperlatemdeat Omber Will Be In
Omaha and Look Oat for Mat
tors at This Ead of
tho Id ao.
It ts now s&ld W. II. Bancroft, general
manager of the Union Pacific, hug changed
his plan of making Omaha his home. Mr.
Bancroft has Just completed a new and
very fine residence In Salt Lake City and
will occupy It, so railroad gossip has It.
This action on the part of the general
manager raises the question as to . how
, much of his time ha will spend In Omaha.
posed' to know, that J. M. Oruber will
administer tho affairs of the Union Paclflo
and that his authority will be complete
except In most Important matters, and In
these, of course, he will be obliged to
consult with the general manager. It Is
not thought Mr. Bancroft will spend much
of his time In Omaha after Mr. Oruber be
comes thoroughly familiar with the affairs
of the com puny. In order to familiarise
himself with the details of the line Mr.
Oruber ts spending most of his time in
g.ilng over the system, lie, together with
E. Buckingham, superintendent of trans
portation, la looking over the terminal
properties of the company In Omaha.
cheerfully submit to a sentence - of six
months. The police magistrate looked at
the 10 cents and then at the shamrock, and
told Collins he might go hjs way.
Abe Branlff, 618 South' Tenth street, has
been fined $5 and costs In police court for
an assault said to have been committed on
Illnuin Haspell, proprietor of a Douglas
street lunch wagon. According to the evi
dence, Branlff and a companion were
patrons at the lunch vehicle a few nights
ago and a dispute arose over the payment
of one frankfurt sandwich. Angry words
are said to have been exchanged between
the merchant and customer; the electrlo
light sputtered and Branlff picked up a
brick and passed It to Haspell, striking the
lunch nian on ono eye and most of his
teeth. Branlff then ran away, so that he
might live to fight another day, Haspell
Rossla-Jspan Atlas.
A Russo-Japanese war atlas has been
Issued by the Chicago & Northwestern rail,
toad. Three fine colored maps, each 14x30,
bound In convenient term for reference.
The eastern situation shown In detail, with
tables showing relative military and naval
strength and financial resources of Russia
and Japan
Copy mailed to any address on receipt of
ten (10) cents In postags. Apply at City
Offices, MOl-Uul Far nam Street, Omaha,
Dentist with well establisned practice la
an excellent location In Bee .building de
sires gentlemen to share office, preferably
physician. Address E 38. Bee office.
Moves from )ti Tews Residence
ad Graf era Will tiooa ileal a
Their Work.
George A. Houglund nas Just finished
moving from his home on Sixteenth street
to the MacKensie house on Thirty-eighth
avenue. Work hus been begun in cutting
down trees on the Sixteenth street property
and a contract fur grading dowu the lots
Was let Friday afternoon by tho movers!
llollcnbeck Bros, company. The house
cannot be moved until the ground under It
U cut duwn. The houau Is to be divided
and moved to jY.rty-elghl h stieet, Dund-H-,
between Caliidrnia and Cass streets. The
Hoaglunds will occupy It when It Is re
located. Several firms are negotiating with Mr.
Ho.igiund for the erection of a building on
the end of the lots next the alley. He
will, however, do nothing unless he can
get a single tenant to tal.e the four stories
of this proposed extension for a long term
Order Issued Compelling Owners or
Architect to Take Oat the
Notice has been issued by the building
department that In future architects or
owners must take out permits for con
struction and repairs Instead of leaving
this duty to the contractors.
Chief Clerk Orotte estimates that thou
sands of dollars in fees have been lost
to' the city In the past because the con
tractors obtained the permits and charged
the ousts up to the persons owning ths
buildings. This has occurred because the
contracts are usually apportioned among
several firms, one' having the brick work,
another the carpentering, another the
painting or roofing, and so on. It always
haa been the custom of the contractor hav
ing the most of the work to do, to handle
the permit feature. He has gone to the
city hall and secured permits for the
amount of his contract, this being offered
ss the estimated cost of the structure.
Letters recently were sent out from the
building department to all architects ad
vising them of the Innovation and some
have replied, saying this course meets
with their approval and they will endeavor
to follow It out.
Bolt, gores and Felons
Find prompt, sure cure in Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, also ecscma. salt rheum,
burns, bruise snd plies, or no pay. tuo.
For sule by Kutin & Co.
Ten trips a week to the St. Louis expo
sition will be voted to the moet deserving
by Bee readers. Save your coupons.
Tou can have any kind of jewelry made
at Hubermann'a, 13th and Douglas Sts., by
paying for the gold and the time.
Save your coupons on page I, and help
some deserving person get a splendid vaca
tlon trip to the St. Louts exposition.
dg fo) an
uvuifg. m Lai
All trie Latest Importations on Exhibition
No Cards. 1511
Commencing today we place on sale 600
Men's Suits, consisting of all woo) Worsteds
and fine cassimeres, made by Kuhn, Na
than c Fisher, Chicago's foremost whole,
sale tailoring firm. These suits are made
and trimmed as only high grade tailors
make them. Serge linings, hand-padded
collars, hair cloth fronts that will retain
their shape. There are suits among them
worth up to $16.00; you can take your un
restricted choice for W 90. Amongst them
you will find good weight, double breasted
blue serge suits. These suits are as good
as you pay $12.60 for around town. In the
Pants department we offer new special
values at $1.39 and $1.90. Heavy Corduroy
Pants at $1 S9. Corduroy Coats (Just the
thing for hunters) $1.98, actual value $4.00.
In the Gents' Furnishing department we
offer the best bargains In Underwear ever
offered In Omaha. Heavy weight cotton, a
color that will fascinate your eye,' It's so
pretty, 'finished with silk, better made than
garments you usually see gents' furnisher
get $3.00 a suit for. Underwear like this,
sale price 46c a garment or 90c a suit.
Drawers are not sold separate. If you In
tend buying a Cravenette Rain Coat or a
Spring Top Coat, bear In mind that we
carry a good assortment of these goods;
the only difference, we sell them chesper.
The Guarantee Clothing Co.. Douglas Street.
Seventeen Arresle la All, Home Vle
tlms Appearing with Sham
rock. Mementoes.
" The police station records show that on
St. Tutrlck's day seventeen arrests were
made, six being of the plain drunk variety,
several being drunk and hostile and tho
remainder miscellaneous.
John Collins, with a shamrock pinned to
his coat lapel and a a srnlng-after-ex-premion
on his face, told Judie Beika,
"when arraigned, that he was from Pitts
burg and was merely sojourning here and
wished to proceed, showing he had 1 cents !
to take him across ths bridge. John as
sured the Judge that If released and found
lu Omahs nvs minutes afterward tie would
The poet sings of balmy spring.
The milliners of their bonnets.
But to my mind ths best of all
Are our good meats for ) our stomach.
Prime Native nib Koast, 10c & Sc
Pot HcHst. 7c, tic and &e
I. eg of Vjinib 0c
Mutton Ronst tic
Sirloin Steaks 1U-
Boiling Vevt SVe
Pork Loins 80
Porlt Roast 8c
Best Hams. 12
Leun Bacon HVc
Leg of Veal Utc
Klnnan Haddl .. , He
3 rounds Premium Lard for 25c
20 Pound Premium Lard for 1.80
Onr Prices Are Right.
2408 Cuming Street.
111 V " J I I lS!xm W U a
Saturday. lil ill
Don't i-an to Miena. jg iCtt m l 1
. . lj : jB - . .1 t Ml H
f? ..... ... l: Kr'
fibster Novelties ii B 1 1
si . . ..... . . . ... .1 rf-t.i..i, iM .. . ' ll H hi
Cute little rea ana wmie uunmes, uucas uu vuum m uoim H HI
candy handsomely decorated Easter Bon Bon Boxes In eug un.' THc Doys' II
l,y design.. I School SllOCS 1 I
tl-f ll B -'!H (I N Af 016 hanUBt sh(W ia the-whole U Vlb
11 fli i Ml 11 111 I IB20TARNAM If 9 mudo right from the right kind of H I I fj
11 M 1 R . fl. R-M JLB- A A PHQNP 711 II If materia 1 e have always given B (
1 ' rilMnt. t E satisfaction to our customers with I Vt
IT Sinr ..... i i ""I ''KlfiiaJ.mtmmammmm ummmJi 9 our Boys' 11.50 School Shoe. The same 9 jJ
mmmimm'm'm"mmm " H .ile have been buying them for H X!1-
ans sa, snisni I nssnnsrnnnnnr:rnnr.-inK.-nnnnnnnn , H ve iHh our friends to know that B mjii
SB HH gl ' V( IO CT fCT I A -i.ji I i H we now have "l1 8lze n those $1.50 B I I
H HH NH tJ& 13 l?' I fix? "t-i i4 A 1 J."srJ I i N shoes, having Jilst received ou new B 1 I
LOU IBBlSG f ftiSjJ & .. 511
We hhve just received
2 Carloads of EMERSON
and among the lot were two with damuged
canes which we offer at $1!38.
Regular price $425. Fully
Warranted-one year's trial.
Schmoller & Mueller PianoCo.
1313 FArtNAM 8THK1CT.
I aA 'THr no exiT w atad
tub wtf vhiiir iivn
I ISldDodgeSsT-t
Eastor KovoHics
and Cards
In Grosn Trading
Cut Out Coupon Below.
to please our many customers and to add
new ones, we hsve Jeclded to give 8. H.
Oreen Trsding Stamps on ell sales In the
future If you have not already done so,
It is well worth your while to visit the
Green TredTng Stamps Store where you
can see a beautiful array of fine presents.
You Tin obtain them by collecting these
IS pounds Leaf Lard 1,00
Roast Beef QC
4o to
Threo-pound pall Lard .2C
Five-pound pail Lard 43C
No. 1 Fency Pfcnlc OlC
Morrell's lows I'rlde Bacon C
i Saturday only I
Bet cut Porterhouse Steak IOC
(Saturday otily)
Mutton Koust 4JC
Mutton Stew 2jC
SI W ....
Cut this out and upon making a pur-,
cluise of fcc or more we will give you
tl 10 worth -t Oreen Stamiw Iten
stamps) la advlltion to your purchase.
For Men For Spring
190 New Spring Styles
All Leather.
3i50 Tf 250
Taker to Wearer.
Regent Shoe Co.,
205 So. IStti St.
5en4 for Catalogue B.
Bee t-18-04
First Special Sals Saturdiy
liring tht chlldi'ea down tu
tee tho beautiful display
Ch tki Sc, 10c, c and 25c
Suefct Sc. 10c, iSttnJ 25c
Happy Hooliranand othert 10c
I aler B.kets, 5c iOc. 15c and 23c
taster Cards . . Ic. 2., 5c and up
That's what our Candy Department I
since we moved to the main floor got more
room and we now curry a finer stock than
! ever. Here are some Saturday specials:
2o sticks candy 5c
I I'evrless mixed, lb in,
Decorated Kustcr esKS, doz 10c
j I'.roken mixed. II) Kic
Kle lb lc
! Raspberry tig lump, lb 0(
I Asiiorte.l butlcrciilis, lb 1J
fream K;ihter t'-Kli. 11 '. lie
' I'oi ounut Krlcul i!ati, lb 2k-
' Jcll Kiisler KgKM, II) 20c
J Kalted Peanuts, lb
, Bitter Sweet Chocolate Drops, lb 25c j
j Chocolate Chips, lb jik..
Uolf Sti ka. lb vie
S Packages Guru for loc
j We are showing a grand Easier display
I of Chick", inicka, lUil.bits, I'igs and Dec
orated F.Kgs in our Canily Ic.urtment on
main floor.
Buggtcs, Carriages
and Wagons
Fifteenth sod CgpUol Ave.
Head our special "ad" every Bundu;
Htlllllll III 'WFWmaUKKaKZBMWLI.MMilg&'
Hamilton Market
(fSUr Vulk Market Heosr.
Tel LW7. Look for Tiadiug buuy tilgn.
Now ready to move. I muke spe
cialty of tilling small orders uo
tar' loads nil shipments C. O. D.
Correpondeiife solicited.
S. P. HOWLAND, Houston. Texas
Deputy State Veterinarian,
tood Inspector,
H.L. RfiUiCClOTTI, D. V. S
fifllce snd Inflrmary, Zulu snd Mason Sts.
OMA11A. M-U, 'i.'ckpUuus kit.
These Drug Prices
Cannot Be Duplicaiod
The prices quoted below cunnot he du
plicated In Omaha. Kach and every aril-
l guarantied (iENI'lNH.
l Munyon I'sw-l'aw for !ij
HM Crystal Tonic for (.
11.00 KUilib's SarHapHiills for 'ha
1 1 ou Canaillan malt for K4 :
I 'iuo Putzine (elealis wall paper) lie
Apeiila Water, small Jicj
fiurlield tea, small fto
Sl.'ai Orave'a Tooth powder for Uo
Ltm Colgate's Pansy lilosHi.m Per
fume .One pound sassafras bark for 15?
2So Porus Pbister for ,. ..l. u
Corner 1Mb. aud Lodse Hi reels.