Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaiia Daily Bee
pally itrti twlthnut Sunday). n YrarllW
Illy He anil Sunday. One Year
IlhiMrnleri He One Year J On
Btwidny Bee. One Year t-W
Twentieth (Vnturv Farmer? Vine' Year. . 1.00
DELI ERED P. CARRIER. VW, , rrt;.,r,i to ,.InHiiiitl'llH ill re
Pally Be (without Sunday), per copy... -c , ,, . .
Ially Bee (without Sunday!, per week. ..12c ptnlnt of trade, while uniformly lios-
PuXyBee'" 11,0 to HUc1' i-omlrfnntlona, litive never
. Kvenlng Be (without Sunday), per week. Cc lo,.n otherwise- than conservative no
Evening Bee (Including Sunday). Pr
week lne fur ns the application of the anti trust
'omn a nts of Irrea-iilHiity in oeuvrrjr
should bfi addressed to City Circulation De
Omaha The Res Building.
Bouth Omaha City Hall Building. Twenty-fifth
and M Streets.
Council RlufTs 10 Pearl Street
Chicago 140 Unity building.
, New tork-23TS Park Row Building.
Washington Sol Fourteenth Street.
rnmmunlr-ntlnna r.lDHn. n nowl and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
uee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft. press or postal order,
Only 2-cent stamna received In oayment of
rnall accounts. Personal cherka, except on ,
Omaha or eastern erhanes. not accented.
THB bee publishing com fan x .
State of Nebraska, Douglas County. .:
t.Tff a Taschuck. ?7tari 'Tl;i1
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
saya that tha actual numlwr of full and
EvinVanTsundSy &'j&tor&&
montn oi jreoruary, ivm. was as loimwi.
. I .
l aivMo
f aujeso
1 ao,33i
ZZ 3I.O40
24 33,990
5 njt
U 8a,io
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II 8O,04(
it aofio
M 81.4WI
"It" I
g 31,030
TouU ,...8TT,iao
Less unsold and returnaj coplea.... O.uts
Net total sales WI7,4Ta
Nat average sales zn.oiil
Subscribed In my presence nnd aworn to
before me this 1st day of March, A. D.
(Seal) Notary Public.
The scavenger law has been held to
be constitutional. Look up your back justice Brewer still held that the de
tax receipts. clslon went too far In asserting that
8o far the Russians have one cargo of
contraband rice to offset the loss of sev
eral warships.
The Chinese commissary department
will be first-class if General Ma lives
up to his name.
The public has a desire, which Is in no
way unnatural, to see that much-talked-
about Exhibit Q, which bo far refuses
to bo exhibited.
And now Billy Thompson declines to
make the race again as the democratic
nominee for governor. But perhaps he
only wants to be urged.
After falling to score a victory in any
meetlag with the enemy the Russians
are willing to admit that the Japanese
are living up to the rules of civilized
It is to be presumed the populists In I
Nebraska will still be permitted to en
dorse democratic nominations and im-1
agine that they are pushing along the
cause of reform. I
Governor Warfleld has nDDroved the
lnw reuulrlmr "Jim Crow" cars in Man--
land. This is carrying the negro sup-
presslon movement clear up to the Ma-
son and Dixon line.
The Civic Improvement league ls
mapplug out much work In a much neg-
lected field. If it will only accomplish
one-half of what it sets out to do it
will be entitled to a big credit mark.
Former Judge Sullivan takes his en
dorsement by the democratic state com
mlttee for the vice presidential nomlna-1
tion as a huge Joke. If he should get kald will be re-elected In November by
(the nomination It would be more of a a substantial majority. The Sixth dls
Joke. ' trlct has become thoroughly republican
; Secretary Taft may qualify as an ex-
pert ou the subject of life In the tropics,
for a man who has successfully carried
800 pouuda of adipose tissue through a
Philippine summer certainly knows how
it should be done. .
The first proposal for a Panama canal
was made in the sixteenth century. In
lew of the length of time the matter
has been under consideration the people
should not become Impatient if the
.waterway Is not completed In a year.
When the pot calls the kettle black
the pot ls generally In a position to
know what it, is talklug about there-
fore the admissions of former Governor
Savage with reference to Summer's ac-
tion In the Hartley case has every evl-
deuce of truth.
If Japan really desires the good will
' of the western world It will place no
obstacles in .the way of the war corre- men to put themselves In that position?
apondent except such as are absolutely Would It not be better for them to ac
necttwiary In the prosecution of the cam- cept ay even lower price for wages than
palgn. Western people look upon one
Interfering with their demand for news
as a natural enemy.
Corea's love for Russia will not be in-
' creased by the Instructions sent i) litis -
slau troops to ref raiu from fighting the
army of the enueror, but to arrest all
Coreaua found fighting for Japan. It
carries with It Russia's real opinion of
the warriors of the hermit kingdom,
which is anything but flattering.
The unexpected strength developed
ty the democratic reorgauliers In Se -
braska has thrown the Bryanltes Into a
conniption fit Mr. Bryan has staked
Ids- prestige on the reaffirmation of the
Kansas City platform without the
changing of a letter, and to find that he
has to meet opposition to his plan ra his talnment of something beyond the or
own IUU to altogether too embarrass, dlnary. Such an ambition ls perfectly
toe, " s.
Ttlt BRtWKlt UP1SIO.
A very profit tlonl of linport.-uii'P, It p-
prnrs, la irlvcn to the opinion of Justice
Browr In the imTgpr ilft'lslon -a i-oro-pllinont
t. Hint eminent Jurist which all
who nro fiuiilllRr with IiIm ability
will duly spprotiatc
It Is to Ik re
market! that Justice Pri'Wpr lins never
M,C), rn (llrll in rvfport to the nppllcn
tion of the flllt l-trust law of III"
law I concerned, so In his opinion
In connection with the merger decision
he is entirely consistent. Tills cannot
be said of some of the other members
of the court. Both Chief Justice Fuller
and Justice Peckhnm have completely
reversed their attitudes in the decisions
of the supreme court in previous enses
where practicully the sumo principle
was involved as In the Northern Se
curities case, 'and although neither of
them Went Oil record 11 S to Ills Views it
nntnrsllv to lie iiKunmml that thev
s naturally 10 uo assumed mat mej
WPro antiiironlstlo to the majority opln-
f.... I 1 1 1 1 a n,lk
l'rui.nmy in ngircu.eui miu
that unuounced by Justice V hite, which
was essentially an argument' In favor
of the right of the States to be protected
In the organization of any corporation.
, I .. I .. ( . .1 I t ..... .
woinuuii ui ine laws reTin'i;iiiig iijlci-
state commerce.
The vitul point in the opinion of Jus-
nrPWPi" 1" tbat the anti trust law
of 1S!H) does not apply to combinations
that are not in unreasonable" restraint
ot trade. He hold that congress d!d
not Intend "to reach arid destroy those
minor ivmtrjicta In niirflnl restmlnt of
L... ...... . .. . ... ' - ......
inuie wihcii tne long course oi upciniouh
at conuhon law had aflirmed vere rea
sonablo and ought to be upheld." He
argued that the purpose rather was to
add a statutory prohibition which pre
scribed penalties and remedies to nul
llfy those contracts which were In di
rect restraint of trade, unreasonable
and against public policy. While agree
ing In the decision that the Securities
company existed in violation of the law.
every combination would be unlawful.
even if not in unreasonable restraint
of trade.
The questions of what Is reasonable
and what is unreasonable restraint of
commerce is thus made a very com
mandlng question, which there Is no
doubt will ultimately receive the serlom
attention of congress. Already there
has Deen introduced a bill to amend
ibe anti-trust law so as to provide that
on,y unreasonable restraints of trade
shall be subject to the operation of that
act and u ls VWT probable that this
measure will sooner or later receive the
attention of congress. It is safe to ay
hat nt present the general opinion is
mat the law is good enough as It Is and
tnat there a Tery general public
opposition to making any modification
of lt- lest the effect be to weaken rather
than to "trengthen the tendency toward
I A V.I-. .... . l .. rm m
uimuiiiauuu uuu luuiiujujiy. iuereiore
the opinion of Justice Brewer is not
likely to receive general public approval.
rH Bla 'TH.
Tbe republicans of the Sixth Nebraska
du,trlet have Just honored Congressman
Kinkald with a unanimous renomlna-
t,,m' a compliment which has not been
P,d to "ny previous candidate In that
district, and which all will agree is fully
deserved and well bestowed In the pres
eut Instance. Although he has partlcl
pated only In the present session of con-
uress. which Is still in progress, Judge
Kinkald has made a creditable record,
without claims to brilliancy, yet as
serviceable representative, constantly
alert In the Interest of his constituents
and the state at large, he has made a
good beginning and his influence and
usefulness are steadily growing. It goes
without saying that Congressman Kin
and completely weaned of its former
fondness for populism and calamity
statesmen. Congressman Kinkald's suo
cess In reducing and finally wiping out
the adverse majorities entitles him to
the continued confidence and support of
the reDubllcans. and his service at
Washington should Ingratiate him with
the voters of the district, Irrespective of
I party.
The conflict between the employers
and the laborers In New York, involv
ing thousands of laborers, cannot h
regarded as otherwise than unfortunate,
whatever may be the facts In regard to
the relations of the conflict Omitting all
details as to the character and merits
of the content, the fact remains that
hundreds of workmen will be thrown
out of employment by the struggle and
that most of these workmen will suffer
as a- consequence. ,
Is It wise on the part of these wort
I to keep up a fight in which there ls
every possibility that In the end they
I will lose? What sort of contingency can
be Imagined in which these men, either
there or anywhere else In the country,
lean hope to have a demand for extraor-
dlnary wages acceded to? It ls simply a
proposition that at this time cannot be
considered seriously by anyone and no
parties should be more ready to accede
I to that view than the men who are
laliorlug for a living.
What everybody ls working for to-
I day ls a subsistence and not anything
1 beyond that. No one la thinking or
1 hoping beyond that and there Is no
reason why they should; though there
is. of course, no reason why every.
one who has the energy and am
bltlon should not reach oat to the at
Iproper and legitimate and U to be ei
peclally commended In a community like
thin, where there In too little public In
terest and patritlsin.
Heciirrinn to the conflict tM-tween the
niployers and employes In New York,
which is very liable to spread through
out the country, there noeum to be no
warrant for the attitude of the men.
The fact wenis to 1 that they have
taken a iosition which Im without Justl-
flcntlon. Kut however that may be
It Is a inalter which is a little remote
for controversy and the lioie will be
that It will not have an iniluence le-
yond the Immediate territory concerned.
Tlw decision of the supreme court up
holding the validity of the so-called
scavenger law" ls of more than usual
Importance, particularly to the owners
of taxable property In this city and
The scavenger law, as its name im
plies, is a measure designed to clean up
the delinquent taxes that are being car
ried as a doubtful asset on the books of
the city and county treasurers. Hith
erto, while the law has provided for
the collection of unpaid taxes by dis
tress and sale, the tax titles have been
subject to (ttack In the courts, with the
result that no one has been willing to
Invest In them, and the delinquent taxes
have In many cases accumulated until
with Interest and penalties they exceed
in amount what the property would
bring at a forced sale. The scavenger
law contemplates the sale of this tax-
burdened property, with its transfer to
the purchaser under valid title, subject
only to redemption 'within a certain
stated time, and the expunging from the
tax books of the deficiency, If any, re
maining after such sale.
The advantage of the law, we believe,
will be found more In Its potentiality
than In Its actual enforcement When
people know their property can be Bold
for taxes they will pay up, whereas up
to this time they have allbwed their
taxes to run on, secure In the knowledge
that no severe measures could be taken
to collect. People who pay their taxes
have no direct concern In the scavenger
lnw. It ls only fair, however, that those
who pay willingly should not have to
bear the burdens of the tax shirkers and
dead beats.
The one thing Impressed upon
the authorities upon whom are bnposed
duties connected with the levying and
collection of faxes Is that once the
cleaning up process is completed, the
condition of city and county finances
must not be allowed to fall back Into
the old unsatisfactory state. If the
scavenger law will accomplish what its
friends have promised it will be popular
with good citizens and odious only with
those who try to evade their public ob
The republican county committee of
Sarpy county, which is one of the three
counties constituting tills congressional
district, has cflled a county convention
with full authority to select not only Its
delegates" to the state convention,' but
also the delegates to which that county
may be entitled to the congressional
convention- without ' waiting for Mr.
Blackburn to convene himself and Issue
a call for the congressional convention.
This act of lese nmjeste calls for con
dign punishment by drum-head court-
martial. That anyone In this district
should venture to monkey with the con
gressional buzz saw without first secur
ing Mr. Blackburn's permission Is an
Infringement of un established precedent
by which the Blackburn committee is
supreme and paramount in everything
connected with the making of a con
gressman. If Sarpy county can proceed
on its own initiative to select delegates
to the congressional convention, so can
Washington county, and possibly Doug
las county, and then what would be left
for Mr. Blackburn to do when he re
solves himself Into a committee, of the
whole? Something will have to be done
to remind those Sarpy county lepub-
llcans that they are getting ahead of the
The rupreme court has sprung some
thing in the nature of a surprise in the
make-up of the supreme court commis
sion for the coining year under the new
law reducing its membership from nine
to three. If pools had been sold on the
combination mighty little money would
have had to be paid out on the winning
gig. The court has dropped out com
missioners whom everyone felt sure
were destined to stay and kept one or
two who had slated themselves to go,
It ls to be hoped the compromise make
shift of a supreme court commission will
not have to be revived when It expires
In Its present form by limitation next
Douglas county has not had its affairs
conducted on a cash basis for so long
that the warrant brokers would suffer
a serious contraction in business If the
floating debt were funded. The taxpay
ers, however, cannot afford to pay twice
as much Interest as ls necessary simply
to accommodate the men who deal In
the county's paper.
A I aefel Discovery.
New York Tribune.
The Sherman anti-trust law seems
have considerable life In It yet.
Warklas Overttaa. Ta.
Washington Post.
Manufacturing enterprises have been
flourishing In Japan and the country has
forty-six spinning mills. We now know
where the war yarns are produced.
Ttas mm Cmlm Works Wtilm,
Chicago News.
That International railway project which
ls to link the United States with the South
American nations Is going to strike a snag
early tn tre proceedings unleaa a lot of
propitiating Is done In Colombia.
lively MyU af SlaUrt.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The Fifth cavalry will march from Fort
Login to Fort Huachuca, 1.100 miles, over
the mountain. After that trip taa sosa
111 know a lot more about soldiering than
barrack soldiers ever know. There aught
to b mors training of the tuns sort
Although It has ren vlrt inlly settled.
fhe Bouth African labor problem continue
as a disturbing Influence In Engltvpd, 'as
well as In the country directly sfTecti-d.
The question Is of Interest to the world nt
Inrg-e. The arguments nsed by the advo
cates of the Importation of Chlnesi- o'y
and exclusively for work In the. mines of
Bouth Africa are exceedingly plausible, and
are, on their fnce, practically unnnswer
able. The whole mntter starts from the
fact of Us being Impwislblc to secure an
adequate supply of Kaffir lubor from local
Hirers and from the additional fact that
white labor from Europe or elsewhere Is
not to be had at the wage rates dcclnred
by mine owners to bn the maximum which
they can afford to pay. The cost of living
In the Transvaal Is very high, and It Is
asserted that no white man can afford to
live there upon wages of less tbn $3 per
day. The Kaffir and coolie are paid from
$10 to $12 a month for a service which In
lubor efficiency Is not far below that of
the white man. The supply of native labor
has never been overabundant. Today n
sufficient Kaffir force ls declared to be Im
possible. Only about 60 per cent of the
number of stamps at work before the war
are in operation, although the gold output
for January, 1904, Is about 80 per cent of
that of January, 18S9. It Is urged that un
less these Idle stamps can be set In opera
tion by the importation of Chinese or East
Indlun laborers, and through the employ
ment of such there lie furnished employ
ment for several thousands of skilled white
laborers at good wages, the commercial
future of the Transvaal Is almost hopeless
und the Industrial future only lss so.
Prime Minister Balfour's, embarrassing
position Is another example of 'fie fute of
statesmen who endeavor to trim between
conflicting principles. He was not willing
to go the length of Mr. Chamberlain's Im
perial policy, but he wus willing to sacrifice
free trade to the extent of threatening re
taliation. As a result he has been forced
out of his position to tho extreme protec
tionist ground of Mr. Chamberlain, whither
most conservatives have preceded him.
While he hus Irretrievably lost the friends
of free trade ip the unionist party, his
ministry precariously exists only by favor
of the champions of protection. The situa
tion is intolerable In Iinglisli politics, and
can be solved only by an appeal to tho
people in a ucw election for the House of
Count von Buelow thought It worth while
to leave a sick room to make a personal ex
planation In the Heichstag of the coodl
tlons in which a Russian police agent was
permitted to operate on German soli. lis
declared that the object of the government
was to co-operate with other civilized na
tlor.s In ttamplng out anarchism. It was
to this end that a Russian agent had been
allowed to live In Burlln to watch Russian
anarchists. During the last decade Prcsl
dents Carnot and McKlnley, the Empress
Elizabeth of Austria, Senor Canovas, M.
Slpiagulne and others have fallen victims
to the revolver or dagger of murderous ruf
flans. Were they to shrink, he asked, from
taking international measures against ruth
less men whose creed was terror and mur
dor? Permission to the agent was In any
case only provisional. He was to restrict
himself to watching Russian subjects, and
to be careful to remain within the limits of
the Prussian law, and he could not exercise
any paramount jurisdiction. His work was
to be carefully supervised by the authori
ties and was a measure of public safety
against tendencies i which constituted a
danger for every organized state. It In no
way conflicted with The rights of hospl
tallty enjoyed ; ln Jffmany by every
stranger pursuing legitimate ends. Nothing
had been done to compromise1 the national
dignity of the Qermanpe,pple, In five ; ears
only three Russian subjects, all admitted
anarchists, had been sent across the fron
tier. It war for the government and not
for foreign nihilists and" their alders and
abettors tn the social deraocratltXparty to
determine what foreigners, could or could
not do In Germany. '
Mexico, taking a leaf from, the Plngley
book, has decided to give Kill further pro
tection to its infant Industries, and on April
will advance the Import duties on ma
chinery, vehicles, Iron, structural Iron and
steel, railway rails, electric apparatus and
on many other articles hitherto drawn
largely from the United States. As more
than half of Mexico's entire foreign trade
ls with this country, amounting In 190J to
$86,000,000, our exporters and manufacturers
will feel the effect of this added tariff bar.
rler for which we have set the example. It
to be remembered, however, that the
Mexican Industries which are thus to be
given tariff protection from the competi
tion of the United States have been estab
lished and are conducted to a very large
extent by capital from this country, so
that while one set of Interests here may
r'jffer by a restricted market another will
profit by tha higher prices which the Mex
lean manufacturers will be enabled to
charge for their products In their own
country. This ls one of tha most curious
developments of the protective tariff system
In connection with the present peculiar
commercial and Industrial relations of Mex
Ico and the United States.
M. ' Kokoviov, "who has been 'designated
head of .the Russian ministry of finance
In plaoe of M. Plea let, served for many
years as the associate of M. Wltte and
acted as president of the commission ap
pointed to Inquire Into the agricultural
needs of the central province. His Intimate
knowledge of agricultural conditions ls re
garded aa a guarantee that the Internal
affairs of the country will receive more at
tentlon from the ministry of finance than
has hitherto been the case. One of the
charges of the presa has been that the min
istry has devoted more attention to Inter
national politics than to constructive
economics at home. M. Kokovzov Is said
to be particularly anxious that the com
mercial treaty with Germany should be
established on a satisfactory basis. He Is
said to have an enormous capacity for
work, and he will have need of ft all In
dealing with the financial problems be
queathed to him by M. Wltte and other
predecessors In office. The possibility of
any extensive reform tn agricultural con
ditions seems more remote than ever since
the outbreak of the war, which itself is re
garded as one of the consequences ot M
Wltte's railroad policy.
Mr. Bryan at Home.
Kansas City Times (dera.).
The turning down of Mr. Bryan In the
Nebraaka democratic committee ls partic
ularly significant. Ever since his Svcen
dancy to national distinction Mr. Bryan
has controlled the party machinery of his
state. He has steadily lost ground wtth the
people of Nebraska since 1896, but be re
tained his influence wun ine teaaers until
he recently declared that tha platform of
1S00 must be reaffirmed by the St. Louis
convention. In his paper, the Commoner,
and In Ms speeches, ha has appealed re
peatedly and earnestly to the machinery
of the organisation to remain regular, and
to watch every attempt to Interfere with
Ita regularity. He has preached the doc
trtna that from the state organisation
down to the precinct workers, only "the
faithful" should be trusted. Therefore, It
must be wtth a great sense of his falling
strength that he contemplates tha proceed
lngs la the recent committee meeting. And
to heap a crowning humiliation on the
former dictator, the name of Mr. Cleveland
was greeted wtth prolonged cheers.
Boosts Promotes Officer by a Vole of Forty-
F.vs to Sixteen.
Kapeeted that Other Army Appoint
ment Made by President 'Will
Kow Be C'onSrnied With
oat Opposition.
WASHINGTON, March 18.-General Ion-
ard Wood today was confirmed major gen
eral by th senste, the vote being 45 to If.
The rank dates from August 8, 190.1, the
day President Roosevelt made the promo
tion. The conlest against his confirmation
began on November 13, 1!13, toon after
congress convened In special session until
today. .
When death removed Senator Hanna
from the opposers of Oerernl Wood only
two republicans remained in the minority.
They were Senator Scott, n member of the
military affairs committee, who opposed
the nomination while it whs pending In
committee, and Senator Klttredg?.
Five democratic senators voted with the.
majority. They were Senators Coekrell
and Pettus, members of the military affairs
committee, end Senators Tntterson, C!srke
of Arkansas and Pubols.
Dependent on the confirmation of Gen
eral Wood were 167 promotions for other
army officers. There have been held up
since Uielr nominations were mndo by the
president, but will be confirmed without
opposition. They include twenty colonels
to be brigadier generals on the retired list
and one brigadier on the active list and
officers ranking from colonels down to sec
ond lieutenants.
President's Abyssinian Menagerie.
Information hns reached the president
that the Hon cub and two elephant tusks
sent to him by King Menellk of Abyssinia
have arrived In New York. Accompany
ing them ls ft, hyena Imported for the na
tional zoological park of this city. Keepers
from the "Zoo" have gone to New York
to bring the animals and the tusks to
Washington. The lion cub, which Is very
tame, and the tusks will be taken to the
White Ho line In order that the president
and his family may see them. The cub
then will be sent to the "Zoo" and the
tusks to the National museum. The tusks
are said to be fine specimens, weighing
175 pounds, and valued. at 2.000. In a per
sonal letter the president will acknowledge
to King Menelik the receipt of the presents.
Secretary of War Telia llnnse Com
mittee Ills Idea of It.
WASHINGTON, March 18. -Secretary
Tuft was heard by the house committee
on Interstate and foreign commerce today
on the subject of construcing the Panama
canal. The secretary favored the pending
Loverlng bill for the government of the
canal zone. , ,
Secretary Taft was also questioned by
members of the committee regarding his
views as 'to the proposed methods of ex
pending the money for the construction of
the canal. He said the president primar
ily was responsible for this large sum ot
money, but that tho gigantic proportions
of the work and the duties of the president
otherwise made It, of course, Impossible
tor him to give his personal attention to
such matters. In the commission the
president undoubtedly had made the proper
delegation of his authority on this subject.
If there was any question as to this, the
secretary said, that contracts In excess of
f2,OCO,000 for Instance, might be referred to
the secretary of .war or some other mem
ber of the president's cabinet or other per
son whom the president might. designate
for review. The engineering features of
the work would make the secretary of war
the most available and beat equipped offi
cial for this work.
In " answer to a question by Chairman
Hepburn as to whether a requirement
should bo made that each member of the
committee should reside on the canal
strip. Secretary Taft smilingly replied that
from his own experience of life In the
tropics, he knew that such life could be
made very pleasant. "With the amount
of money which the canal commission will
have at hand, I should imagine they would
be able to make life quite attractive on
the canal zone," he concluded.
Governor Approves I1I1I Separating
Whiles and Blacks oa
the Cars.
BALTIMORE, Md., March 18. Governor
Warfleld hss approved the two so-called
"Jim Crow" bills relating to railroad and
steamboat travel in the state, and the act
will go Into effect. The railway bill re
quires companies to provide separate
coaches for colored passengers except on
express trains and trains with Pullman
coaches attached. It excludes from Its
operations employes of railroads, nurses,
officers In charge of prisoners. The provi
sions do rot Include electric or street
The . steamboat measure provides for
separate compartments for white and col
ored passengers, but there must be no
discrimination in the quality of aocommo
The Most Healthful Beverage
Known to Science.
Look for this Trade-mark
To the consumer this brand
Insures Perfect Purity, De
licious Flavor, and Ilenetlcial
Effects. It has more than
three times the strength of
cocoa mixed with starch, ar
row root, or sugar, and is,
therefore, far more economi
cal, coating less than one
cent a cup.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 170
a a Highest Awards la
I , Europe end America
Absolutely Puro
One hundred democrats of Boston have
started an Gluey presidential movement.
Cool propositions always find supporters in
Nine members jf the city government of
Milwaukee are called upon to fnce sixteen
Indictments charging them with various
brands of graft.
Richmond Pearson Hnbsou In running for
congress In Alnbuina, and from the way lie
Is "going it" In olseiiHslon with Coiiktcs
man HnnUhead there Is no dung.T that. If
eiccted, he will undertake to obstruct tho
channels ot debate.
A Harlem republican met Senator Plait
nnd suld: "Is It true, senator, hat Oilell
Is to run the state campaign?" "Now,
dont, Jim," responded the old man. "I
caught cold In my chest In Washington and
It hurts mo when I laugh."
It Is said that ex-Secretary Long smiles at
the suggestion that he become a candidate
for tho seat In the fnlted States senate
flom Massachusetts now occupied by Air.
Lodge. Although he says nothing sumo of
his friends say he Is sawing wood Just the.
John W. Springer of Denver, president of
the National I.lvc Stock association, lias
been formally listed as a candidate for vice
president on the republican ticket. A meet
ing of 3,000 of his friends was held at Den
ver the other evening und unanimously ap
proved his candidacy.
The Louisville Courier-Journal tossed at
Governor Beckham the searching question
whether he will permit the stale printers to
charge $28,000 for work that can be done for
$3,000? The dlfferenco between the two sums
In clean velvet, and the Kentucky machine
needs It in Its business.
Senator Piatt, tall and spore, looks rather
out of harmony In the group picture Just
taken of himself. Governor Odell and
former Lieutenant Governor Woodruff, the
two latter being stout. A republican
politician In New York gazed at the photo
graph for a few moments and then said,
remembering that OJell now reigns, vice
Piatt, dethroned: "Humph! Survival of
the fattest."
'It has been suggested," says the New
York Sun, "that William J. 'Bryan, In place
of offering a prize In money for the framor
of the best (In his opinion) democratic na
tional platform, should offer a prise for an
essay as to why the average layman In
business or professional life speaks of poli
ticians and men In public life with some
thing akin to dislike and almost disgust. Is
It the fault of the politicians and men In
public life or the fault of the average lay
man?" Congressmen Mudd of Maryland, though a
republican, has his own trials with the
bluck vote In his district. During a late
campaign be and his secretary got off the
train at a town where the vote .was close,
but the democrats lacked funds. The sec
retary, who carried a grip containing some
wearing apparel, stopped to light a cigar,
dropping the grip on the platform, where a
number of loungers stood. "Good heavens,
Gilchrist,", cried Mudd, "don't be so careless
with that grip. You know there's $10,000 In
It." Congressman Mudd carried the town
The republican pluralities In 1900 for Mc
Klnley were us follows: California, $9,770;
Connecticut, 2S.&70; Delaware, 3,671; Illinois,
M.VM; Indiana, $6,479; Iown, 98,600; Kansas,
1,354; Maine, 28,613; Maryland, 13,941; Massa
chusetts, 81,899; Michigan, KH, 5S4; Minnesota,
77,660; Nebraska, 7,821; New Hampshire, 13.-
$14; New Jersey, 66,899; New York, 143,606
North Dakota, 16,372; Ohio, 69,036; Oregon,
13.141; Pennsylvania, $88,433; Rhode Island,
13.97$; South Dakota, 14.0S6; Utah, 2,133; Ver
mont, 29.719; Washington. 12.123; West Vlr
glnla, 21,022; Wisconsin, 106,681, and Wyo
ming, 4.318.
When you can buy the LATEST
rnionm nuntinnnnnu j
i ii i rn irtrtrn if
We see no reason why you should wait any longer. COME RIGHT IN AND
We make terms to suit .
Molhing Down One Dollar Per .Week
"Easy Payments" to Everybody. They Are a Whole Show
Plays and alng Just llko tho original. We have what you wnnt-iu don't
put It off any lunger. You don't know wluit you are missing. We have sold
thousands of machines already and have hundreds more to sell, at NOTH1NO
Over 4u,0uu records to select from. Our records play oa uny machine.
Nebraska Cycle Company
Omaha's Largest Talking Machine House
QOO. E. niCKEL, rianager.
Corner Uth and Harney sis.
$34 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
NOTE If you eunnot come In to sea us drop us a postal card or telephone
and we will send you an outfit on appioval,
1 think you'd
better take up the collection
preach mysormon.
"Why so?" asked the vestryman.
"I'm going to preach oti 'Economy.' "
Philadelphia Press.
"What is n bore, pop?"
"A bore, my son, Is a person who sue.
ree;s In keeping the mouth of another
person closed' Yonkers Statesman.
She'-l can't Imagine anyone more stupid
than Mr. Itumley. He simply cant talk
ut all. ,. . ,,
HpI don't consider him stupid st all.
tie? Kmart enough not to try to talk.
Washington Star.
"l want some matches,"
cirl who had been tent
said tho little
to the coiner
Ki'orcrv bv lie" mother.
"What klncr.'" anked the clerk.
"Whv, the kind that are made In heaven,
I EiieVs," was the ri'ply. Chicago Post.
"Hey is folks In r"!s worl' " says Brother
Williams, "nit would complain oat .ley
rruf n.i hein' disturbed ef de sweetest!
of de mnckln' "r.trrts wns sliigln' 'em ter
sleep. Atlanta Constitution.
maiuh' wiwn.
P. L. Stanton tn Atlanta Constitution.
Here lie. comes do ole Blow-Hard,
Will his roar en rutnole!
3)ow de palln's 'cross de yard
Make rte chimney tumble! ,
Ttumplln' roses In de dew
Try ter blow de stars out, too!
Here lie comes! he pro.Uck 'roun',
Ptccple-hclls n-rlnging.
Big trees bowin' ter de groun.J
riirds too skeered fer singin'l
Wonder ef he think dnt he
Own dis country, for en free?
Lookey darl My beaver hat
Cost a big. roun' dollar!
Knock it sideways! Mash It flat!
Blow me thoo' my collars
But he'll sooh be out o' breath
Blow en blow yo'se'f ter death!
"Good clothing is like charity -It
covers a multitude of sins."
Beau Brununel to his valet.
$12.50 to $30.
Kiig Co,
R. S. WHco. Mr.
'Phono 13.
N, 34th st, Bouth Omaha, 'Phone 4VO.