Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Our New
Models from renowned milliner' a of Paris
and New York:
Caroline Ribcau Berlhe Roger
Virot Susanne Blum Allies
Mme. Georgette
Joseph Francois Florettey Etc.
mi ' - r " i f fiTimmi tim ii m m ) w i i in wmiii Mil mi ai nwiwiiiwi f'-dZSL. '
' ' 1 Mtimmt lamtt rif furrr -- nrrrifrtlririi -rTf rTiii wiiim mm wmhimhw-w kmmmm in u,iii.j iiiiiuiw Jr
Occupies bur
Entire Third Floor
Greatest and Largest Millinery
Department West of Chicago'
Today will witness the crowning event in the millinery annals of the West.. The
most elaborate display of millinery art, presented in the largest and most complete, millinery
store from Chicago to the Pacific coast. Conceptions of master milliners of Paris, models .of.
renowned designers of New York and the unexcelled output of our own workrooms all to
mirror the authentic trend of millinery fashion. You incur, no risk in selecting your spring hat
herethe Brandeis name is the guarantee of style perfection.
Exclusive models, every one a gem, will be especially priced for Saturday at $25, $29, $39 and $50.
High Grade Street Hats
Our dlnplav of street hats Is beyond question the
moHt complete ever shown In Omaha. Beautiful
' hats ma Is of horse hair braids, fancy
straw and chiffons, daintily trimmed
with flowers and feathers td match..
An unusually charming array of street hats at $5.09
made from the new straws In bluok
and colors and trimmed with ribbon
and feathers, at
Flowers and Foliage
Flowers and foliage for this season ezcell In beauty
the showing of any previous year In our special
flower section will be found all leading shades
and varieties.
Charming Spring Millinery, at $5.00
All the new effects in early
reason hats for immediate use
The newest, nobbiest shapes in fancy straw, combination chiffon, mallnes audi braids in toques,
turbans and large hats, beautifully trimmed with the finest flowers, fancy feathers, ostrich tips and or
naments, worth easily from $7.50 to 116. 50 thousands to select from your choice
modes of
r Jin laes,
Exquisite Models from European and American Designers--A most artistic assemblage of the finest
renowned Parisian and Nw Yoric m ter milliners hund fad oroj luUOH and excRislv ldsa. Tnsjs iau -r j m 1 1
chiffon, malina, horse hair braid and stravv-are worth regularly
$10 and $12.00 special for opening ...
Prettily Trimmed Hats at $2.98
Very attractive hats in the latest and
handsomest styles elaborately trim
med with laces, ribbons and QQ
flowers, at afceeO
Fancy Straw Hats at $1.69
Ladies' and misses' fancy
straw hats, late spring effect?,
ribbon and flower trim- J Q
med-at 'IU
Trimmed Straw Hats
The newest ideas In straw hats
with fancy straw binding,.' pret.
tiiy trlmmeland worth y C
$4.O0, at
Children's School Hats
We lmvo pHld particular attention to
the wants of the children In planning our
opening we offer two special values In
children's school hats
BoLsenVt Millinery Section
On Saturday our bain?nt mililnery de
partment will show most astonishing
bargains. As a special we mention a
ready trimmed hat never sold vf.O
for less than $1.00, at . fJC
Large bunches of foliage, bunch.. 9C
American beauty roses, bunch . ... 9c
Violets, per bunch Tc
peiving Display and Sale Ladies9 Spring Suits and Coats
We announce a brilliant display of ladies' apparel for spring. Hundreds of distinctive styles, designed by the great style makers and executed by skilled artists. Ifvery
high class suit or demi-costurne is a model of latest and most approved spring style. In our showing are many garments that are exclusive in design and without duplicate.
The Swellest Spring Modes in Ladies Apparel
Here are the very swellest modes of spring in all the highly fashionable cloths and colors
includes many exclusive creations nothing more elaborate carl be found outside the
Rreat style shops In the east- &tQ OOft (PTP T A IT T E? (Plyf CA
we announce very special T7fl- wTfl . all f -ilWZV. alVJ:J. t.TMI
r - j t - - 7 r " r "
values at.
Two Special Ladies Suit Bargains
A special for opening day nobby
Eton, military and jacket styles
Choice of a fine array of new and very
stylish spring suits all the newest
creations cloths and col-fl CA
ors of the latest fashion..
of plain and novelty mixed cloths)
these suits were made to sell
at $12.50, Saturday at
Ladies Spring Coats
In Cravenette, Covert, Silk, Etc.
Cravenette Coat With all the new and swell
, style features, new capes, sleeve, etc., entirely
rain-proof, at ii.' ,.-,., - .
$9.98, $12.50, $14.85
Ladies' Covert and Silk Coats All the new
short and long effects that will be so popular
this spring some special numbers for Saturday,
at, from
$4.98 to $29.00
Special Showing of Costumes
A very elaborate showing of new evening and
street costumes the widest variety in corrict and
exclusive style as well as in colors, aacl' fabric J They
will be displayed today for the first timtfj It Is
an assemblage of great artistic merit; I
Ladies Voile Skirt at $4.98 Special
Made in the swellest styles for dress skirts, hand-
somely trimmed, etc, a special
for opening , ,
ress BKiris, iianu-
New Dept. for Children
A brand new department for children's. and misses'
cloaks and suits filled with the most charming stylos
for children. ' '
8";::.:;,98e() $17.50
Children's and misses' OR A QL''
': spring suits at pJ0 (J pifD3
Ladies Walking Skirts at $3,98
A very special value in ladiea' smart walking 'L Q O
skirts, new cloth and colors, at pJZJJ
New Spring Styles
Ladies custom made, welt and
turn sole shoes, with military
heels and full Louis XIV heels,
at $4, $5, $6 and $8
These are the swellest of
thenew lasts, and the finest
leathers and shoemaking
Today, Saturday, is the Daty of the Sale of
Slippers You've Been Waiting For.
Spread out on immense bargain counters-on second floor.
More than two thousand pairs Child's and Missed hand-sewed, strap
sandals, Roman sandals, slippers and oxford ties
Made by the best manufacturer and de
designer, Mrs. A. R. KingThese were made to retail
at one dollar, dollar and a half, two dollars and
two dollars and a half a pair They go on sale Saturday,
morning at 8 o'clock, sharp at
The New Street Shoe for Ladies
A smart shape, giving perfect curve lines io the
arch of the foot and ankle,
a medium weight welt sole,
flexible and very comforta
ble, made of surpass kid
with patent tips.
Per pair,
Qteition Tattn Up by the Hoae of
Mr. Ovrratrret Objects Beraaa It
Mould lilvr (Ivtr 5n tlrrk
Allowance to Kvmwj Thlrd
!'! Pontmostrr.
WASHINGTON, Siarch U -Tho bouse
today sent (he army appropriation bill to
Mr. Uttautr (N. Y.) suked thst tlis bous.
dlwagrw to the senate amendments to the
fortifications bill und ask for a confer
ence. A separate vots of the house on
the senate amendment providing for a sub
marine bout was demanded by Mr. Mudd
(MJ.) The bill was sent to the ap
propriations commute under the rule.
A bill was punned ratifying gn act of the
legi.latlve atieinMy of the territory lit
Oklahoms, legalizing- the water works bond
People Don't
Feel Bad
when fed right
Ir-4lg..teo rood.
Oot little took Tb Road o Well
Ule" la each oka.
lection held by the city of Geary In said
The house agreed to the report of the
committee on eleotlons No. I. declaring- that
Alexander D. Dantslar, contestant, was
not elected to congress from the Seventh
district of South Carolina; also that Julius
Kahn, contestant, was not elected from the
Fourth California district; also that James
M. Moody, contestant, was not elected from
the Tenth district of North Carolina. This
confirms the title of Representatives
Lever, I.lvernash and Quilger In their
Consideration of the postoflioe appropria
tion bill for amendment then was resumed.
Mr. Overetreet offered a new paragraph
appropriating fii'O.OM) for unusual business
accruing at third and fourth-class ofilces.
To thU, Mr. Hurloson (Tex.) offered an
amendment providing thit no part of the
sum shall be used unpl the postmaster
general shall publish the regulations gov.
ernlng the department under which the
allotments are mad.
Mr. Cowherd (Mo.), a member of the
executive committee, characterised as a
distinct evil "the too grent steps from the
thlid-claas office on a salary of l,u0 and
no allownnce to the second-class, where
an assl.tant and clerk hire are allowed."
Mr. Hepburn Ia.) took Issue with Mr.
Cowherd regarding a statement that third
rUss postmasters were well pold, saying
that a great majority of them received less
than letter carriers. lie declared that
members In large cities were content St
rresent because they have the high priced
' grtlces. He moved that the proposed ameud
' nu nt be increased to t1.SO0.b00.
i Mr. Ovrtret Insisted that Mr. Hep-
burn's amendment was going a little too
: far, beoauve It would give more than
, clerk allowance to every third-class post.
I master, wl'hout regard to the merits of
J the case.' "Jlow can wo consistently Jus
tify our position with the country and our
constituents when we make a lump sum
appropriation of Sl.6oo.90Q for this purpose?"
he asked. , r
The Hepburn amendment was voted
down. The Overstreet paragraph, together
with the Buriaeoq amendment, tbea was
agreed to, with an additional proviso that
the postmaster general ohall report to
congress prior to February 1, ;805, the
method of application of this sum of $500,.
COO, and the circumstances under which
the appropriation had been disbursed.
Mr. Ortrn.s Iatrodaces Resolatlon
' ' In Senate Which Is Adopted.
WASHINGTON, March 18.-Tbe senate
today adopted the following resolution, of
fered by Mr. Overman:
That the secretary of the Interior be. and
he Ik hereliy directed to Inform the senate:
1. Whether an order htt recently hewi
Issued enlitruintf the pension act of June
IT, 1M), and amendment, as to disabilities
of application for pension, ar.d if so to
se-id to the senate a copy of aaid order.
2. By what amount. If any, will said
order IncreitHe pensions annually, partlcu
lurly when the same shall become fully op
erative. The senate passed the house bill approv
ing the act of the territorial legislature of
Arlsona, authorising a, bond lasue of tlOO.Ono
for the, enlargement of the insane asylum
of the territory.
Wltbnell and Lobsck Eeso'od Amendment!
to Engineer's Ep.'o ficatioDa,
Don't Fool with a Cold,
From the New Tork Sun.
We must repeat our warning against
pneumonia, the most dangerous d;.iesj,e
that prevails In this city, and which la ex
traordinarily prevalent at this tim. Be on
the guard ut all times against taking cold.
Ixvtk out fur it If you take It. Gladstone
uaed to go to ted and send for a d iet ir
whenever he had a cold, and consequently
he got wall In a very short time. The
'Sun'', ls rlght and their warning should be
hetdml. For colds there Is nothing better
than. Chamberlain's Cough Kom dy. It
prevents SJ.y tendency of a cold toward
pneumonia It always cures and la pleas
ant and safe to take.
Stomach DIttritt
Stopped la ose day and eared to stay eared
wu Oreke's Palmetto Wlae. Any rtwd.r (
Mis paper will receive a trial boule (re. by
seodius letter or postal card M Drake Formula
Cvuipeaj , Chicago,
Building; Inspector and Comptroller,
as Well as John Grant, Still
llent Inder ( hargti of
At a meeting of the Board of Publlo
Works yesterday afternoon Members I-o-beck
and Wlthnell withdrew and rescinded
the amendment to the city engineer's
.peculations, which they had tacked on
early in the week before the report of the
Investigating committee was made publlo.
The englnetr's Hiwcitlcatlons were not
adopted, however, but were merely "left
belore the board for consideration." This
loaves the problem unsolved and the situa
tion chaotic.
Comptroller Lobeik, after the meeting,
was avked to outline the program of the
majority and he replied, "There Is no pro
gram." Whether or not the majority members
will show a disposition to compromise and
make certain concessions, Id view of the
council report finding them to be In error,
cannot he ascertained.
Wlthnell and Lobeck both maintain silence
regarding the report. Wlthnell said Thurs
day he would have a statement ready on
that day, but up to last night had failed to
produce It. Lobeck has Intimated that he
"might" have something to say later on,
while John Grant, one of the contractors
named as exerting undue Influence with the
majority members of the board, says he
will make his statement when the time
comes before the grand Jury. He seems to
be confident that the matter Is to be con
sidered by this body.
The board named C. X Canaaa and Bam
Spratien as Inspectors to exsmlne dangerous
wooden sidewalks and report on them as
rapidly as possible In order that permanent
sidewalks may be ordered as quickly as
possible. For some time the council has
been desirous of getting sidewalk resolu
tions under way, as Improvement clubs
are demanding them in every part of the
city, and the Civic league has Joined In the
agitation. With the new sidewalk ordinance
personal notice to property owners Is un
necessary and the work may be expedited
without frt-at expense. The season prom
ises to be a heavy on In sidewalk building.
Two Men Fined Fifty Dollars and
Costs Earn for Thirteen
Fish. ,
Jack McKenney and Tom Pollard, the
two men arrested at Cut-Off lake by
Deputy Game Warden H. V. Pearson for
Illegal fishing, were taken to Council
Bluffs yesterday and fined 80 and costs
each In Judge Ouren's court. McKen
ney, who had caught thirteen fish, was
fined simply on the first count, ss It were,
that of catching "a" fish, so that he may
be fined the same for each of the remain
ing twelve, says the deputy game warden.
In which case he would pay out enough
to probably buy the lake. Pollard was
fined for selling fish.
Earnest Ifunger of Lincoln, traveling
deputy, was here yesterday with Mr. Pear,
son. Mr. Pearson confiscated ninety
pounds of fish from one of the meat mar
kets In Omaha, which could not glvs an
Invoice of Its flab, stock, as the. law re
quires. Mr. Pearson calls attention of
meat dealers that the law explicitly pro
vides that meat sellers who keep fish shall
have a correct Invoice and be able to
show It or suffer the consequences.
Neflect el a Coo ft er Sort
Throat aiay result la aa later
able Throat er Laet Trouble.
For relief ate BROWN'S
oWtoBojrMeWs. it f t yf
Kopp-Wood ward Coiapaajr Continues
Caady Business of the Pioneer
Omaha Concern.
The transfer of the Kopp-Woodard com
pany's Omaha candy factory at 1S18-U
Jones street to a new management, which
was foretold In The Bee several days ago,
was consummated yesterday. The new
firm's name Is .he Kopp-Wood ward com
pany and It will continue the business of
the old firm at the same place. The new
company was Incorporated yesterday, with
H. A. Cartan, John G. Woodward of Coun
cil Bluffs and D. M. Woodward, score
Wry and treasurer of the old oompany, as
stockholders. D. M. Woodward will man
age the business' In the same capacity as
he did the old. The former company was
one of the oldest and most successful of
Its kind In the west, being established
twenty years ago by Jacob Kopp and
others. Jacob Kopp was president of the
old company and retires under the transfer
of Interests.
l e
General Passenger Agents ( it Ioals
Terminal Lines Agree aa les
Hon of Privileges.
ST. LOUIS, March 18-At a meeting of
the Association of General Passenger
Agents of St. Louis terminal lines today It
was decided to allow a ten-day stop-over
privilege on all through tickets reading
through St. I-o i! Is during the World's air
period. This ruling will apply to all ticket
except colonists.
' Vtkit Follows OrlBt
Pneumonia often, but never when Dr.
King's New Dlscov.ry for Consumption la
used. It cures colds and grip. Wo, fl.OQ.
For sale by Kuhn Co.
Can Grow Seedless Apples.
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., March 11
After experimenting many years, a local
grower claims to have developed a method
Of growing seedless apples, which Is des
tined to revolutionise the apple Industry,
just as seedless oranges revolutionised
orange growing.
or Aid to Long Life.
Electric Bitters give an active liver, per
fect digestion, heaMhy kidneys, regular
bowsls. One appetite, or no pay. SOo. For
sale by Kuhn eV Co.
A. O. I'. W., Rolled
Nottoe Is hereby given to the members
of North Omaha lodgs No. Us to attend
the funeral of Brother John F. Klerulff
Sunday afternoon at t o'clock from resi
dence, 2723 South Twentieth street. In
terment Prosiect Hill cemetery. Sister
lodge and uniform teams Invited.
P. U. M'CULIrnH, Master Workman.
Medical authorities now concede that under
to. (r.tem of tnaiui.ut introaucea pf .
Frank WUUel 01 Chicago,
Dr. Li D. Knott. Lebanon, Ky.t Dr. W. 'X.
Brown. Primstiar. Iowa: Dr. J. C. Curryer,
St. fsul, Minn : Dr. M. L. CraSey, St. Louis,
no.: ur. c. r. Beara. no. imswiuia, mmm..
bear wILdm. to tba efttraor of bis treatneut
and the permanency of the cure la
own am Dr. Vthetiel s new method is a
ndtral itatn.rture fro in me Old iMblo&ea
moke powders, spiaji, etc, watch relieve
but do not cur.
prepared tor any one giving a short descrip
tion of the ckH. and sanding names ol two
other Mthmatto sufferers. Asa tut pooai
of experiencee of (bone cured.
Pert I Aoerteea liarf pie CtUeee.