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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1904)
TnB OMAHA DAILY BEEs SATURDAY,' MAIiCII 10. 1904. PNcw Waists Great Values Altogether they're ths tnarteKt conceit :hat hars reached us or anybody else this year. They wfll ba offered to you now at sur prisingly loir ptloes. Greed Sale of $12.50 Ladies9 Suits Continued Very Special is Our Spring Suits at 12.50 flew trlpls cape, Eton effecta, w'.th separata peau de sole il k girdle, back and (Idea are elabor ately trimmed with raloed cord In, coat In satin 11 nod, skirt la full nine-gore flare, trimmed on sldea. made Of fine quality cheviot and all shadea, 18 50 values for , 12.50 a ft only, F. or 'TOUNTIES NAME FAVORITES Eiohardson Puts On-. Fred Miller for Becre tary of Bute. OTOE ENDORSES VHAIT FOR SAME PLACE aaaders Coaaea l with Plekett for Lam 4 Commissioner All Thro -, for ' Barkett for the V eaatorshlp. FALLS CITT. Neb.. March 18.-Speolal.) In the Richardson county convention held yesterday Fred MUler was allowed to select his own delegation to the state convention, he being candidate for secretary of state. Congreasman Burkett was endorsed. The delegation In ths legislature was instructed to vote for him for senator, the members r.f the state delegation were .Instructed to vote for the nomination of Mr. Burkett, and ths' congressional delegates were in structed to rota for blm for congressman. The following ticket was nominated: For senator, Judgo Tucker of Humboldt; for representatives, W. H. Hogref, Stella; Qeorgf. Smith,' Dawson,' and R.IS.' Grin- stead, Salem, , For county. attorney, W. H. Morrow. ', a. 3. Crook was endorsed as dele gate to ths national convention. . Saaaders County for Mckett. WAH60, Neb., March 1. (Speclai Tsle grsm.) The Baunders county republican convention met in Weiioo today to select delegates to the stats, , congressional and senatorial conventions. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the national and state administrations, also Hlnshaw for oongreai and Burkett tat United States senator. The following: lasolutlon was adopted: The candidacy of Hon. T. J. Pickett of thla oouuty fur commissioner of public, lands and buUdlngs meets our full and loyal endorsement and we commend him In the highest aad strongest terms to the favorable consideration of the stats con vention. We express our full appreciation of hla services In the promotion of ths In terests of the republican party In thla county and state fur a period of nearly twsnty-Ove years, and wa trust that his faithful services will be properly rewarded and Saunders county honored by his nomt nation.. . . It Is the further expression of this con vention that the delegates from thla county to the state convention be Instructed to unqualifiedly support the candidacy Of Hon. T 1 Pickett fur aald nomination, by voice iAc rote, and to use every honorable means . to bring about the recognition of this worthy and loyal republican. The following are the delegates to ths . . . -1 - , T T . . r r State convention vr. xiumuu, ii. n. Bhedd, D. P. Turley, P. J. Hall. W. J. Lehr, Claua Peters, John Jeppcon, H. K. Marcy, F. B. Knapp, John Beaumont, J. S. - Walln, F. W. Smith, Thomas Madlgan, Charlea Perky, F. M. Btratton. J. J. John son. Dean Sherman, J. C. Holmea, Ales Laverty. J, C. Wilson and R. C. Brows nell. The following are the delegates to the congressional convention: O. A. Scott. B. Hall. J. B. Uvtsay. Martin Mays, Orant Wagner, H. F. Starrman, George A. Byrne, Herman Hanke, Peter Wolfe. Fred Jack son, R. K. Johnson, Ia E. Carlaon, John .Walla, E. E. Good, B. E. Hendricks, Joseph Erlckson, Walter Fleming, C. A. Lola, Matt Rarmuasen and W. M. Becker. Otee Repaallostna Preaeat Walt. BTRACUSE. Neb.. March lS.-(8pecial Telegram.) Otoe county republicans in con vention here today unanimously endorsed Hon. Addison Walt of thla place for aecre tary of state and Instructed the delegation from this county to the state convention to Use every effort to secure his nomination. If he had so dcelred he could have chosen Ms own delegations ' The convention alo Bright's Disease Cured. Jamas Bryant. Canad so rilller, In Last Stages of Brht's D ss.M, Was Completely Cured la Fouf flonths by "Ssfs Curs." "Two months ago. In my business as miller, I severely strained my back a,nd for months waa confined to the house, most of the time In bed. My kidneys and liver were Just as bad aa could be and live. Urine waa very highly colored, sometimes bloody; soinetl nea with albuminous dl charges, cloudy and with sediment like brlckduHt. ' 1 paid out. llbO fur doctors bills and so-called sure kidney cures, and then left them all and completely cured myiMtlf with a few botllea of Waruer s Safe Cure. There Is not lis eual In medi cine for liver aid kidney troubles. "I am perfectly well now and cannot say enough in pralue of the wonderful effuvls ( Safe Cure." JAMr-d Bit V ANT. King ston. Ont. Thousands of men and women Uks Mr. Bryant sre throwing away their hard-oarnt-d dollars and wasting precious time on worthless ne-i'alld sure cures tor kidney troubles. Prominent dtxtoia will all tell you that Wanior'a Safe Cure Is the only rlaln cure will cure all diabases of Idneys. liver. I ladder and blood and leave I no no bad aiier-ef acta It has cured thousands of eases after everything elae tailed, snd will cure you. Sold by all urueKims, or direct, 6tc and 84 a b-ill. MmhVal booklet free. Warner's Safe furs Co . Hirhwltr, N. Y. Safe llii move ths bevels gently and aia a abily. cuis. ' f& 'yhtmhPt xrort. OMAHA - Walking Skirts at $3.98 New Voile Dress Skirts la many new shapes and styles, trimmed with taffeta strap ping In many of the newest and most pop ular designs, extra ordinary val- 0 lies at I12.M, X HI I 110.00 and MO made especially tor us. In new and popular weaves and colors, a skirt tbat you would consider bargain at 3.98 Saturday at """"fSrigriniin Men's High Clothing Our display of men's clothing 13 now ready for your inspection anda oampariwa or styles and prlcss sv.ll readily demonstrate the superiority of our lines. For tomorrow only we will sell elegant all wool cheviot suits at $6.50. An imported fancy worsted, regular $18 value for $9.70 and any of the latest fancy oheviots for only $12.80. All these suits are strictly hand-tailored throughout. Advance Showing of; New Spring Hats , .in ..i. 1 ii ia tomorrow we will place on sale) m,n. a fine black Stilt hat. Just like cut this makes ahoes to sell only at 5.00. snr , . i . .i j w a " comes In a fine quality of vlcl SaV 4a Is an exclusive hat, "none bet- 1 F A i kid and has genuine oak heels. sW M ter made," for mUM price You Can Charge It. endorsed the administration of Governor Mickey, lieutenant Governor McOllton and Treasurer Mortenaen, and adopted a resolu tion favoring the promotion of Congress man Burkett to the United States senate, but regretting to lose his services as con gressman from the First district. Appro priate resolutions were also adopted con cerning the death of Mark Hanna. Ftank Helvey of Nebraska City waa endorsed as district delegate to the republican national convention. Ths following were chosen delegntes-sU large to the state convention: Judge Paul Jcsscn of Nebraska City, Hon. O. Horns of Syracuse, F. C. Nicholson, W. H. Pltser, R. W. Kelly, Patrick Roddy, Henry Brandt, Omar Paah, Charles Dorman, 8. M. Parker, J. H. Arer.ds, R. W. Jones, M. C Harrison, Job Cassel, Alexander McCune, Herman Arends, Theodore Ferrlck, H. F. Wellenslk, William Heather and Senator Charles Mar shall. Delegates to the First congressional con vention: XI. R. Ervlne, F. E. Helvey, W. U Wilson, Frank McCartney,' C. D. Bt. John. A. D. Paah. William Ehlers, Thomas Rodaway, O. W. Eggleston, J. F. Diener, William Ashton, F. V, McCartney, Job Cassel, E. B. Souders, Henry Winkle peck. Joel Eaton, D. C. Beyette, Michael Bartoler, H. C. Walker and J. R. McKoe. . TTORepresentatlve R. W.. W. Jones bf Dunbar called the convention to order and discussed the questions of the day.1 Representative Job Cassel of Nebraska City waa chairman of ths convention. All the precincts were fully represented. - Creamery Cesipaay at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., March U.-8peclal.V- The Beatrloa creamery OJi.rany of Lin coln has purchased the Jbcr worth plant in this city and will assume control of ths same at once. Mr. W. W. Boiworth will be retained as manager of ths company's interests hers, ha having; been the head of the Bosworth Produce company for years. It Is authentically ' reported that G. & Haskell, president of ths Beatrice Cream ery company, who has been In ths city the past few days fpr the purpose of closing the deal, has Intimated that ths company will soon begin ths erection of a eold storage plant and that an effort wU be made to reach out after business on a much larger scale In ths future than la the past. Calls Attacked ky Hoes. GRAND ISLAND, March 18. (Special. ) Late yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hansen brought their little daughter Opal in from ths oountry for surgical at tendance, the little ons having been severely lacerated by a hog, narrowly es caping a most horrible death. She was playing about her father's farm and watch ing a pen of little pigs and the mother, when she suddenly lost her balance on ths fence and fell within. The Intrusion was Immediately resented and the enrsged mother of the litter fell upon the 4-year- old girl, one tusk penetrating the left eye lid. fortunately sparing the eye, ths other the lower Up. The father, who was nearby, was luckily an observer of the accident and at once rushed to the place, knowing; ths danger, and rescued the child. Trlephoaes Flsare la Election. FREMONT. Neb., March 18.(8peoial.) The republican caucuses for the nomination of candidates were held laat evening and were largely attended, the telephone ques- tlon being the Issue In the campaign. In the Second ward a strong- fight was nuule on John H. Blobb, who was up for re - election ana waa vppueu uy me leiepnone Interests, but he won out. The other candi dates nominated were: First ward, J. C. Le; Third ward, A. Forman; Fourth ward, W. P. Foote. Sarpy Caaaty Asaessors Meat. PAPILLION, Neb.. March 18. (Special.) The deputy assessors of Sarpy c-uunty met yesterday with their chief. County Assessor Oottsch, at the court house, where such matters as related to their duties wsrs discussed and necessary In structions Issued. Real estate and per sonal property will be assessed for one fifth of Its real value, making the assess ment a trifle higher than heretofoie. Oottsch Impressed his deputies with the necessity of following strictly the instruc tions and to allow no taxable property to escape. Lleewae the lseae at Alkloa. ALBION. Neb.. March 18.-(Speclal.)-Two municipal tickets have been nomin ated, of which the present mayor, I. Letson, heads the no-ltcense and F. J. Mack the license ticket. Both factions have agreed to submit tbe question of license or no license, and abide the decision of the voters on that queatlon. The etty for several years has been very closely divided on the ques tion of saloon. Last year the no-llcense element carried by a small majority. New Oaeeala Flraa. OSCEOLA, Neb., March 11 (Special) Mr. W. O. Johnson, former county clerk, after going out of office, went to Lincoln, but returned a&4 entered the mercantile 1 Stunning Styles iiv Net Waists Mada with full Area aleevaa, extra deep bark and front bertha effects, yoke collar and cufM, trlmme.t with rowa or laoe Inarrilon, r i iitii, $5 lined throughout with orgsndy. A great .value for Correct "Cravenettc" Rain Coats An unusuilly select assort ment of theae popular new rln coats the very latest In style and materials. The proper coats for runabout wear, shopping, traveling, etc. all strictly man-tailored great values from Sixty dollars down to 12.50 Swell Sprlnjr Footwear for Men Wa are Just Introducing this new shoe. maue lor us unaer special arrango- by a manuf,Pturer who uxunfiiv only You Can Charge It. business here. Lately O. P. Heald went to Lincoln with his family to go Into busi ness. He has also returned and will go Into business with Mr. Johnson, the firm name to be Johnson & Heald. Mr. Heald returned last night, and the band of which hs was one of the best members, mot him at the train and escorted him up town. Mr. Heald waa formerly the stenographer for Judge Bornberger and when Born berger "got left" the other fellow waa too. Locates Stolea Hare, ALBION, Neb., March 18. (Special.) About three weeks ago F. M. Tully of Cedar Rapids, this oounty, lost a valuable mare by theft, and Immediately sent out postal cards to the r.herlffs of the state, describing the mars and offering a reward for It . Yesterday he received word from the sheriff of Keya Paha eounty that a mare answering the description had been taken charge of by him and the rider arrested. Mr. Tully and Sheriff Clark left yesterday evening to Investigate. Oaoalia Maa Is Speaker. FLATTBMOUTH. Neb., March 18. Spe cial.) At the regular meeting of Ever green camp. No. TO, Woodmen of tbe World, last evening, seventeen new candi dates were initiated. The initiatory cere monies were conducted by , Deputy J. J. Blodget, ssslsted by Rev. Sohleh of Omaha, a lecturer for the order. The local camp la growing rapidly and Is now ons of ths largest lodges In this city. Beatrice to Held Carnival. BEATRICE, Neb., March 18. (Special.) At a moetlng of the carnival committee of the Beatrice Commercial club yester day afternoon It waa decided to hold a trade carnival In this city the first week In May. Aside from ths special bargains being offered by the merchants It la the Intention of the club to furnish ths public with some variety of entertainment during the week. Batertala Omaha Gaeats. PAPILLION, Neb., MarrU 18. (Special.) Ths dancing party given last nJght by ths Papllon Social club waa the most pleasant affair of ths season. Ths ball was beautifully decorated with bunting, evergreens and shamrocks. A wagonload of Omaha young people were present eSBSeMSaSBBBBBSSJSSBBBSBBBBSSBSBBBBBBSSBBBSJgS . PaptlHea Mlasloaajry Starts Home. PAPILLION, Neb., March 18.-(Speclal.) Mrs. Aiken, a former resident of Papll Hon, but for the past few rsars a mis sionary In Slam, left that plaoe February U, sad will arrive here about May 1 for a visit with relatives.. Bsaal Saflrraatsts to Give Dlaaer. GENEVA, Neb., Msrch 18. (Special.) A meeting of the officers of the Equal Suffrage association waa held at William Brayton's this afternoon, to plan for the uausl supper on the evening of the munic ipal election. Will Dedlcats Cksrck. BEATRICE. Neb., March 18.-(Bpeolal. The German Lutheran church will be ded icated here next Sunday. Special services will be held morning, afternoon and even ing-, conducted by Rev. Mr. Reents of Hanover, Neb. I.oalsvllle Itetaiaa Tearbera. LOUISVILLE, Neb., March 18. (Special) 1 The Board of Education met last evening and re-elected all the teachers for nsxt I year, 1 Sortie People and Coffee don't agree. Experiment and see if that is the cause of your trouble. Try leaving it off ten days, use POSTUM FOOD COFFEE and if your physical ails begin to disappear you will know ex actly what to do to get back to I comfort and health again, RECIPROCAL TAX LAW DEAD Enprsms Holds it W: Repeal! b; Implication ia 1897. KNOCKS STATE OUT OF MANY THOUSANDS Also Liable for Abeai flSO.OOO raid by the laanraaee Companies Darin the Past Flrteea Years. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., March U.-(Speilul.) In a supplemental r"80 which Wis not with the opinion filed yesterd.iy. In ths case of llio North American Insurance com pany, the supreme court hoMs that the reciprocal tax low ass repealed by im plication In the! legislature of 18S7. This derision will result In the state bel.ig un able to collect from 130,000 to ITO.txy due tor the past year from companies organ ised In other states and will make the state responsible to the companies for about 8150,000 In taxes collected from these companies during the last fifteen years. The court holds that the section of the statute providing for this tax waa re pealed by the act at the legislature In 1887 amending the revenue laws of thit year, which Impliedly,, wipes out all other taxea than thoc specified In tho revenue law. The legislature of that year passed an amendment to ths revenue law provid ing that insurance companies operating In the state shall pay taxes on the net pre mium, and provided that: ' Insurance companies shall be subject to no other tax, fees or license under the law of this state, except taxes ' on real r.atat s and the fees Imposed by section 82 of an act regulating Insurance companies pnased February 28, 1873." Section 32 of chapter . xllll referrel . in the above section relates to tho fci-i. w!;lch I the insurance deportment may collect for j filing articles of incorporation and npjiti of compunles, but the statute exprcsrly provides that the tax collected on net re ceipt shall be In lieu of all other taxes', license and fees, And ' .hcrefore tho court holds that section 33, of chapter xllll of the ttatutes of 1M3 under which the re ciprocal tax Is levied, was repealed by Implication. Takes Dose of Morphine, Nina Moore, employed In a restaurant here, swallowed a dose, of morphine today because her lover indicated to her that he did not Intend to marry . her. She was pumped out by a physician and is now doing well. The woman was found In her room on O street suffering from the ef fects of tho poison and readily told In quirers what she had done, and made no objections to the calling of a physician. Upon getting back Into the land of the living she announced that she waa much In love with one Herman Mlnlch, who works at the Llndell hotel and that at his request she had quit her Job and begun to make her wedding clothes. Last night, shs said, Mlnlch ssnounced that he had changed his mind.. "; Caaaot Collect Extra Fee. County attorneys who have been prom ised extra compensation by county com missioners for work performed will not be able to collect the money. This was decided by ths supreme court at the sit ting concluded yesterday evening. Ths oase was entitled Wilson against the County of Otoe and was dtcided In favor of the county. Wilson was county attor ney and was granted extra compensation by the oounty ootri.Usloners. Payment was refused him and the suit, was brought In a' former case if the Same nature, Shepherd against EstterUnr. At Neb, 832, ths court held the opposite view. Kelly Champloa at Checkers. W, Kelly.,, pf Omaha is the champion checker player of ths state for ths sec ond time, . winning the medal this after noon, by defeating C. E. Calkins in ths finals. Calls Mats Warraata. State Treasurer Uortensen has Issued a call for warrants cumbered from 87.638 to 88,271 to the amount of $76,000 for March St. Cobbey Delivers etatatea. Mr. Cobbey has delivered his C000 copies of his statutes to the secretary of state and this morning he received bis warrant for J4.6O0. the amount appropriated for the work by the late legislature.. Hold Vw Claims. Auditor Weston today rejected the claim of Adjutant General Culver, former Briga dier General Barry and Colonel Evans for expense Incurred on their recent trip to Florida, where they went to take a courts at the school organlLed for the benefit of the National Guard. .The expenses aaned for were: General Culver, $98.20: General Barry, $100.18. and Colonel Evans, $106.80. Deputy ASidltor Anthes held that there was no money appropriated for the purpose of paying such expenses and therefore they could not be paid. Mrs. Nellie Odell, wife of Glenn Odell of the firm of Odell Bros., contractors, died this morning t the Bt. Elisabeth hospital, after an Illness lasting nearly two months. The funeral will be held tomorrow after noon from the home, 1408 South Twenty- seventh street. : Ball Player la Asylasa. PAPILLION, Neb., March 18. (Special.) Sarpy county officials have received word from the authorities In Iowa with a de mand that this county take charge of and cars for George Clement, a former resident of Springfield, . but now confined In the Mount Pleasant (Ia.) Insane asy lum as Incurable. Ths officials here are at a loss to understand upon what grounds Iowa can expect them to take charge of the man who has moved away- from this oounty and settled permanently In an other state. Clement left 8prtngfleld last summer, going- to lowa, wnere he was employed playing ball snd later making hla residence there. Oaaes-a Otl Bettor Tkaa a Poroas Plas ter for cold in cheat A trial bottls eosta Ma Argue Telepkoao Case. FREMONT, Neb,, March 18. (Special.) The Injunction case of the Fremont Tele. phone company against the city was argued and submitted before Judge Hollenbeck In ths district court. The real question In volved Is the right of the city council to regulate ths rates of the company, the claim of the plaintiff being that the action of the council adopting the franchise reso lution was Irregular and that the council cannot fix the rates. The defendant denies this and also Insists that plaintiff, having accepted tho franchise and constructed their plant, la estopped from questioning the action of the council. Ia a Class All Alaae. No other pills en earth can equal Dr. King's New Life PUls for stomach, liver and kldneya No cure, no pay. 2ic For sale by Kuhn Co. CENTRAL CITT, Neb.. March 18. (Sne- cial.) Leo Cleary of Grand Island dellv ered a patriotlo and scholarly oration here last night on "Ireland and Bt. Patrick." to a large audience. Irish band boys played under the direction of Father Delfosse, the present parish priest Ths play, "Kathleen ijdavouxntSD," .was given by boms talent with great success at the new St. Michael s hall. JAPANESE LINE TO RESUME Tey Kalsha Steamship Company Will Raa Baata Between America and Orient. SAN FRANCISCO, March IS-Wllllam Avery, agent for the Too Kluln Kalsha Steamship company, In this city, snys that the company la preparing to resume busi ness between San Francisco and the Orient, and that It would probably have Its first new steamships here within the next forty days. The company will continue to ope rate Its vesels In conjunction with those of the Tactile Mall under Its old agree ment, which has Ween extended. The company, It H said, has obtained options on a numlier cf good boats on the Atlantic, and one or two In Oriental waters, to take the places of the company's ves sels, America Msru. Nippon M"ru and Hong Kong Mnru, recently appropriated by the Japanese government for service In Its transport fleet. HONORS STANTON'S MEMORY Gift of Cameerle to Keayo" Oolleire ta Establish Chair at Economies. MOUNT VFRNON. O.. March 18 The Fife of tVI.OOO In 5 per cent bonds to Kenyon eollese by Andrew Cnrnegle Is to establish the Edwin M. Stanton chnlr of economics. Carnegie gave the money at the suggestion of (he late M. A. Hanns. who had given a similar . mount for a dormitory. On '.earning thnt Stanton had secured Ms eoileglnte 'raining In Kenyon college, Carnegie determined to 'name his endow ment In honor of the late secretary of Tiar. because when Stanton was secretary of wnr he made Camrrle assistant man Igor of telegraphs snd railroads, which poRlt'on rave Carreuie his start In life. The heirs of the lute Senator Hanna iiae given to Kenyon college $15,000 additional for the purpose of fully completing Hanna hall., Mothers don't wnit until croup becomes dangeroun. They Rlve Piso's Cure at once. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers and folder, Followed San- day by Fair Weather la Ne braska and Iowa. WASHINGTON, March 18.-Forecast : For Nebraska and Kansas Showers and colder Saturday; Sunday, fair. For Iowa Rain Saturday, colder In west and central portions; Sunday, fair. For Colorado and Wyoming Showers and colder Saturday; Sunday, fair. For Montana Fair Saturday and Sunday. For North Dakota Fair Saturday and Sunday. For South Dakota Fair and colder Sat urday; Sunday, fair.' For Missouri Showers Saturday, colder j In northwest portion; Sunday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, March 18. OlHclal record of tem- ferature and precipitation compared with he corresponding day of the past three years; 1904. 1908, 1802. 1901. Maximum temperature ... 68 70 46 fil Minimum temperature ... 83 ' 57 . 15 88 Mtam temperature ........ 50 , 64 90 50 Precipitation 00 T 00 00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for thla day since March 1, 1U01: Normal temperature 38 Excess for the day 15 Total excess since March 1 66 Normal precipitation ..a.... .05 Inch Deficiency for the day .05 inch. Precipitation since March 1 , .40 Inch Deficiency since March I..;..- ,..'.24lnrh Deficiency for cor. period. 1903. r.... .70 Inch Deficiency-for cor. period, 19JC..:... .23 Inch Report of Statlaas at T P. M. ' HI 33 : c ; 3 ; p CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, clear Valentine, cloudy North Platte, partly cloudy.. Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, raining Rapid City, oloudy Huron, cloudy Wllllston, clear Chicago, cloudy St. Louis, dear St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, clear 86 68 .00 44 68 T 68 76 .00 62 62 .00 48 56 .01 88 00 .00 40 44 T 2M 28 .08 86 40 .00 44 48 . 00 86 86 .00 38 42 .00 62 66 .00 26 82 .00 36 8S T 24 28 .08 681 741 .04 Havre, partly oloudy.. V Helena, ciear Bismarck, cloudy Oalveaton, cloudy T Indicates trace of nreclnltatlon. L. A. WELSH, Forecaster. "JYaass aa Jewry Plsce." Chocolate & Bonbons ury Package Warrmntmdt If yon bay Lowner'i Candles In ths origins! sealed packages you will find them in perfect condition, or money refunded. SoeT.ilr" . l Ib.soe.; Ub. Mc. i lb. toe: Ulb.soc. sw.rteia Besallss' - risks." "Pasties" ' 1 1 nxeoc.; Hib.toc or t' "(loiters" . . . I TO. SVC. , ID, sue. slsslel psbms" . I lb. tOc. ; i-lb. toe H keealsle rsssersjiaU" lOc.ssdttc, "Ckeeslsl Slaosss" lee, sac. sas ewe. taeeslale aelasses Brittle" H lb. tic sssaV Packages arm full Weight. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment carta Froatbitesi and Chilblain. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Bs thing for a 1mm Ims-s. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment , drive ut U Inflammations eimsiE,w Urn SiH(Q! a MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY' THADKMAKK. ' A shos your feet will approve of A shoe your friends will compliment A shos you will liks yourself. YOUR dtaUr ro not keep them, unit me. i wtu Lewis A. Crossett, Inc., WORTH ABINGTOIf. MASS, It is an easy matter to buy whiskey for a less price than Old Undcroof Rye sells at. but the buyer is sure of the highest quality when he gets Old Underdof j CHAS. DENNEHY 6 CO., Chicago, sjsJSSjS.iesY! Good Words Portlnnd, Ore., Dec. 10. 1002. "We arrived In tbls city ou schedule tluio nnrt are lu better health than we were when we lft Atlantic." After we got cnto the ItrMngton w were perfectly at tome. We hhd first clasn accoin tnochitlons, kind waiters In fact we felt Just as If we were' In our own parlcr It couldn't be any bet - ter or nicer, and when yon come to boo us be euro to come oxer' the Bcrllnston Hov te." ' . Mil. AND MilS. It. D. DAVIS. They ought to know, , Laving just com pleted a journey of more(lLan 2,000 milts over the Burlington. ' liettei; calj im ine when you go west. : , - tbilliM CTORS for THE STATE MEDICAL SPECIALISTS iti'TCisi Mw " Ii- ?r Wa raske no ntlsleaUlasr statsoseats or uabaslaesalika proposi tions ts the afflicted, aor do sva promise 10 care tUem In a tew days la order to seoora their patroaaae, bat we sjoaraatee a perfect, safe aad lastia rare la the uetckeat possible time, without leaving- lo Jarloas after-eele la tbe system, aad at the lowest possible cost for honest, sklllfal and sneeessfal treatment." ' " CeasaMstiea tUCC It cannot call, write for symptom blank. Offlos ' and basaitnatlaa ' tt hours. I s. in. to p. m.; Sundays. 10 to t only. STATE k MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1 JOS Faro n SL, Bit. 13th sal 14th 5t.. OMAHA, NEBRASKA MEXICAN fAustang Liniment for Msva, Beaat or Poultry. i ' MEXICAN Mustang Liniment keLs Old bores quickly. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment care Csvkcd Udder ia cows. tea you u-no aoet. ve J. Qi REYNOLDS City Passenger Agent 1502 Fsrnam Street Omaha Msaiii Hydrocele Varicocele Stricture Blood Poison Rupture Nervous Debility kidney and uiJnary diseases and a)) diseases and weaknesses of men duo -to evil habits In youth, excesses, or the result of specific or private cMsesnoa. To men wto urs weak msr.iUly. mor ally and physically; whose systems have at some Una been polluted with jiilx inuU-H private dlnearrs, thono wIhjs depleted manhood foroUla any udvunces towitrd mairlm ny iuid (hone who havs made U'e Mistake of marry ing while there larked In their svsismi some frightful T-'mkneas ur pclHonuiis taint of private disease, arid who now And themselves ni the verso of swIhI ruin 'I'd nil Hlirh rnt-n S ConHCien tlOUil and eXDorlenced doctor would advtxe "1 you lo conrult without delay tho bfst vpeclallst, one who ha m.iun , hro- long studv of just such ease, ons who can ciulekly and fully undiistard your troubles, one who will not deceive you with false promises or unbuslness lko jiroposi'iuns; one who can snd will cure you In the shortest posnlhle t m and at the least espeiisn to you. Any mun In need of Much medical advice nr treatment should come nt once to th State Slectro-Medlcal Institute. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cores Cata, liurna, Braieea. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cure) Sprain) and Strain. MEXICAN Mustann Liniment 'j. i a positive curs for rilt