Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1904, Image 1

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If The Bee Say It Happened It Did.
Rumors Are Labeled If Printed.
:staiu,ishi;i JUN
Eeca or M l arl 8ays H Wi'.I Tight Go;.
firmi ion o Pawnee Man.
Willing to 0 im roraie oa Gnrley, 'but
Dietrich it Unwill nj;.
Likely to Appoin. foneo-e Regarsleu of
Eeca.or ai Endorsement-
Withdrawal of Fairbanks from Vice
Presidential llnce Turn Atten
tion, to ne Xcbraska
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Mrtrch 18.-3perlal Tele
irram. A sicp order was put in today by
Senator Vlllurd on the removal of Sum
mers and tho nomination of H. C. Lindsay
for I'nited States district attorney. The
puollcallon lust night of the visit of Sen
ator Dietrich and Mr. Rosewater to tho
pr-sld -nt yc'crduy In regard to the re
moval of Summers, brought Senator Mil
lard to tho White House bright and
tarly thla morning nd he ir.artc no boms
about telling the president that tho con
templated action of Mr. Roosevelt In turn
marlly removing Summers hud nominat
ing Lindsay for the place did not meet with
his approval.. He told the prealdent that
Omaha deserved the place and he would
fight up to tho last ditch to secure It for
Omaha. He gave the prealdent to under
stand that If Llndssy's nomination wna sent
to the aenale ho yould right his connrma
tlon on tho floor, The senator frankly ad
mitted that 6ummers had to go, but he
would not stand for Lindsay's appointment.
The fact la tho gap between Dietrich and
Millard over the district attorneyship la
growing wider every day. Dietrich Instat
ing upon Lindsay mid MUUrd aa Insistent
against Lindsay. Senator Millard Would
be. glad to compromise on Mr. Gurley, but
that seems to be wholly out of the ques
tlon. There are several other candidates
for the place, but the. spirit of compromise
la not tn the air and aa outlined In tfceat
dispatches heretofore, (uo president Is
very likely to send !n the nnme of someone
of hla own choice, as Summers has now
served a year over hla time.
Impetus to Webster Boom.
The announcement that Senator Fair
banks la not a candidate for the vice pres
idency gave considerable of an Impetus
to the candidacy of John L. Webster to
day. This morning Senator Millard and
Mr. Webster had a peasant chat with
the president and later Mr. Webster re
peated hla handshaking of the day be
fore In the' senate marble room. He also
called upon members of the Nebraska dele
gation and was most eardlslly received.
Me. ''Webster, .will .dall vex the annual ad
dress before-the Minnesota Bar associa
tion a Minneapolis on April 8. his subject
WarThe lawyers of the Constlullonal
Convention of 1787." On April 11. wltU
Secretary Tafl. he will speak at the Klek
apoo olub. Peoria, 111. Mr. Webster leaves
for Omaha tomorrow afternoon.
Klnkald Bark la Washing an.
Judge Klnkald, Instead of going to his
home, aa he had contemplated, to attend
the Sixth district convention at Alliance.
turned back, arriving In Washington last
night. Judge Klnkald burned hla hand
rather severely and, being afraid of blood
poisoning, decided to take the advice of
his physicians and return to Waahington.
Hlnshuw Labors for Carriers. '.
Representative Hlnsha.v in a warm sup
porter of the proposition to Increase the
salaries of rural letter carriers. The com
mittee on pontoflkes and postroads haa
Inserted a paragraph. In the general post
office appropriation bill which provides
a flat salary of I7H0 per annum for rural
letter carriers. This proposition will un
doubtedly be stricken from the bill on
point of order, It being new legislation.
. Mr. Hlnshaw thla morning called upon the
president to ascertain executive feeling
on the matter of raising the salaries of
the rural carriers. Mr. Roosevelt expressed
himself as heartily In favor of tho pro
poned legislation, and added that he
would aid It so far aa lay within hie
power. Mr. Hlnshaw gave u copy of his
bill to Mr. Roosevelt, who promised to
look' It over. Representative Hlnshaw's
bill provides that all rural free delivery
carriers shall be paid during the first year
of their employment 1720 per annum, sec
ond year $840 per annum, and the third
and each successive year 1900 per annum.
Senator Millard thla afternoon left for
Jamestown, Va., to attend the triennial
celebration of the SVst settlement of Jamas
town. Postal Matters.
Samuel Sullivan haa been appointed post
master at Dolllver, Emmet county, la.,
vice Roy Werta, 'resigned.
Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes:
Farnhamvllle, regular, James W. Smith;
substitute, Martha Smith. Spirit Lake,
regulur, .Ray Wortblngton; substitute,
Minnie Worthlngton. Tripoli. regular,
Charles F. Msrsbach; substitute, William
Additional rural free delivery service has
been ordered established April 15, at Coin,
Page county, la,, with one carrier; route
embraces an urea of eighteen square miles,
containing a population of 625.
Cattleman Writes Cheek aa Iceri.
Be Worthless.
8T. I .oris, March It-Secretary of the
Treasury Shaw figured Indirectly In a de
cision rendrreJ by the United States court
of uppeals today In the rase of Schrlver
Bros, of BrltL.Ia.. against the Western
I nion Telegraph Company. The case dealt
with a check for I8.J7S, which L. F. Barnes,
a rattle buyer of Denlson, Ia. paid to
Srhrtver Flros. for eight carloads cf cattle.
It was 6Velopj In the testimony that
Barnea sent a telegram from Denlson to
Bchrtver Broa. at Brltt to the effect that he
had that amount of money on tlepoalt at the
Bank of Denlson and slgced the link's
name. Secretary Shaw Is vice president of
the Bank if Denlson. Subsequently It was
learned, so the testimony developed, that
T.arnee hi! fio account ot thli bank.
Sohrtver Bre. Instituted suit against the
telfgrdj.h mioiwpy and secured a verdltt.
The ri was tppealbd and the rn'wl'nte
court ifrd-, a de. il..n tod-y nrlrlor a
rv lrl.,1 i (..-. K round that the Ulgraph
c-v r : - '.h g to do with the deal la
Ok Vd and Poltcemnn !erlonly
hy Explosion Whlcfc
v-' Wrecks Property.
LIEGE, Petglum. March IS -An Inrernal
machine exploded today outride the resi
dence or Commissioner of Police Laurent,
wrecking the house, fatally Injuring an
artillery officer. Major Papln. and seri
ously wounding half a doxen other perrons.
When the machine was discovered Major
I'upln was summoned and was examining
the trackage In which the machine wus
corceiiled when the explosion occurred.
I'apin's logs were blown off and he shortly
afterwards succumbed. A polloeman, who
abo lost his l"gs hy the explosion. Is In a
prpon. Ions condition. Thousands or win
dows were shattered. There Is no clue to
the perpetrators of the outrage.
Question Rxcltea Keen Interest
AmnnK l.avers and Legislator.
HKRL1N, March 18. In the lower house
of the Prussian Diet today Chancellor von
liuelow r.-pll'd to the criticisms cf those
objecting to the repeal of the antl-Jesult
law and to the charges that his action was
taken In t.rrtcr to secure the support of the
center party. The chunrellor warmly re
pudiated the assertion that his policy hnd
been Influenced by the center party. He
believed he had plenty of fuppotters, but
even If he stood clone he would not allow
himself to be turned away from a eourso
which he considered correct. The past
votes of the Reichstag on this subject bel
ter reflected the opinion of the Herman
people than the present attitude of the na
tlonul liberals. There was no question of
dependence upon the center party, but why
not be accommodating to their Catholic
fellow citizens when It was possible to do
so without Injury to tho Interests of the
state or the 1'rotestant church? He had no
Intention of exceeding that limit.
The n peal of the antl-Jesult law has
been a widely discussed question ever since
It was voted In the Hundesrath March J.
Doubts nppnrently prevailed In the Bundea
rath Itself as to whether that body was
competent to act, slrice the delegates of
four states refrained from voting. Today
Prof. Karl Blmllnr. professor of Interna
tional law at Lei- university, discussed
the 'matter, nrgulr 'int where the Reichs
tag passes a bill on Its own Initiative tho
Bundearath can only act thereupon during
the existence of that Reichstag and not
after a new house Is elected. The nro'es
snr cites confirmatory opinions trom ether
professors of constitutional law. r.amely.
Profs, von Bocnne, Hermanne Schaltxeanfl
I-ahanrt. Their argument Is that the Reichs
tag and the Bundesrath together constitute
the law-making )ower. but It must be the
existing Reichstag. The recent abolition
cf the antl-Jesult law was voted by the old
Reichstag In IS.
Relehntna; Takes I'D btirmwlos of
Krapn Plates for Warships. '
BERLIN, March 18.-In the Reichstag
today Herr Hue (socialist) reiterated an
assertion which has been much discussed
In the press for several years, namely that
Germany pays the Krupp company foo
high for armor plate, compared with what
the I'ulted States pajra. . - , . ; ' y
Herr Benmer, for the admbsalry, repIlH
that the German prices vary, according to
the else and quality of the plates, but, ha
added, the prices . of the plates for the
new battleships are lower than the Amer
ican. Moreover, the American makers
were ready to lower their prices upon
orders for s7,O0O tons or more, whereas
Germany only placed rmall orders and only
after the passage of the new fleet law was
the Krupp company In a position to de
liver large quantities.
Herr Beumer further explained that
plates are differently mad. The Amer
ican plates are Bimpler and heavier,
whereas the German plates are compli
cated, It la more difficult to make joinings
and they require more costly work. The
American plates average 23 per rent
thicker than the Krupp plates, which, upon
the basis of the American price, makes a
difference of 1103.75 per ton In favor of
the German plates.
British Hlgrh Commissioner Says
Stead's Permit la Not Cancelled.
JOHANNESBURG, March 18. The report
that Ixrd Mllner, British high commissioner
In South Africa, had cancelled the permit
issued to William T. Stead to travel tn
South Africa, owing- to tlx? character of
the speeches recently delivered by Mr.
Stead, la officially denied.
British Babmarlae Boat Ran Down
. br aa Or en a Liner.
PORTSMOUTH. March 18. The Brltlah
submarine boat No. A 1 was run down by
a liner at S o'clock this afternoon. All
handa were drowned.
Kmperor William at Gibraltar.
GIBRALTAR. March 18. The North
German Lloyd steamer Koenlg Albert, with
Emperor William on board, and under con
voy of the armored cruiser Prlna Fried
rich Karl, arrived here today. All on
board are well. The British squadron
stationed here saluted the German ship
and General Sir George Stewart White,
the governor of Gibraltar, boarded the
Koenlg Albert and welcomed the emperor.
Emperor William subsequently landed
and lunched with Sir George White. The
street traversed by the emperor were
lined with troops and bluejackets. He was
acoorded a most hearty reception.
Mrs. Blair of St. Loals Brings Aetloa
Against T I.lfa Insaraar Com
panies at Hew York.
ST. LOUIS, March 18-Mrs. Appolllne
M. Hlalr. widow of Jamea L. Blair, former
general counsel for the World'a fair,
through her attorneys today entered suit
in the circuit court against two insurance
companies in New York to secure 35,0n0
insurance. The suit against one company
Is for S10.O0O, named as the first Install
ment of a life Insurance policy of tJ00M0.
The other suit Is for fcS.CuO fur an unpaid
life Insurance policy.
Ileeent Sturm Ovens I n Ona af tbe
Lamest Veins In the Cas
cade! Mountains.
SEATTLE. March 18. An avaUnch In
the Cascade mountains In the recent
storm rptned one of the Inrgest veins of
bituminous coal ever found in Washing
t n. The big uow'lde oc?utrci in a
l.iaciy part of the mountains. It covered
A i iounmin road (or a. quarter of a mile
to a great depth and llmbtir cruisers siy
that it carried down t.OOU.OOO feet of Umber
from the luoualala slda,
Co tan MarVet Speculator Etupendi Bu-in-j-i
After Trjing to Bin Comer.
Prom Mew Orleans to Textile Mills uf
ew Rnaland Failure of the
Ball Lender Produtes
NEW YORK, March 18. Daniel J. Sully,
mho has for fifteen months been the largest
figure In the cotton markets of the world,
and who has "bulled ' cotton from 7 cent
a pound to more than 17 cents, today an
nounced his Inability to make good h! en
gagements on the New York Cotton ex
change. Within a few moments cotton fell
nearly J13 u bale from tl C highest figures
of the day. Many crashes have bevn re
forded, bilt probably none have been ac
companied by su'.h fnnxy und confusion.
Vlille there liud been no premonition of
the Impending crush, no morning of the
season hn.l witnessed u more demoralised
crash,' no morning of the s ttfon had wit
nessed a more demoralised mnvkct. In less
than ten minutes after the opening half a
cent had been taken off the price of cotton.
Trices went up and down 10, 2 and 3a points
within two mid three minutes.
Shortly after the afternoon session there
was a lull In the pit, und shortly ufter 2
o'clock the announcement of the suspen
sion was mudc by Sup. rhitendent KltiK,
who read from the rostrum this notice:
We regret t'uit we ore unable to meet
our engagements and will therefore have
to suspend. DANIEL J. SI LLY & CO.
Loss Reaches One Million.
For a few seconds there was quiet over
the floor. Then with one Impulse h mighty
shout went 'up from the bears, they who
had been fighting Sully ond the bull clique
for months. Hats were thrown into the
nlr, -to bo trampled upon In the stampede
for the pit. Coiits were torn by frantic
brokers and chairs and camp stools were
dashed Into the pit. Messengers soon were
rushing In and out of the building with
orders to soil or to buy. Telephone booths
were besieged and telegraph ofhVeM were
flooded with dlnpntchca.
It was estimated tlmt something like
750,000 bales of cotton were traded In during
the twenty minutes of panic thut followed
the announcement und that on this upward
of 6O0.000 bales represented "forced liquida
tion," or tho selling out of men whose
margins have been nearly or quite wiped
out. As the market slumped 250 points
during this period, the loss fulling on this
element amounted to something more than
'The market steadied after about twenty
minutes and there was a sudden upward
hoot of about 100 points. This sharp up
ward rise was brought about by the buying
of brokers and speculators who saw that
the market had slumped ton far and would
reaot. A part of the excitement on the
floor of the exchange was caused by the
scramble of brokers who wanted Just such
bargains and had to fight to get In the ring
to get them. The buying rush was almost
eaHtrng and jwst aa nnisy as, the selling
panic. : '
Overwhelmed) by Bears. - 1 .
Mr. Sully shut himself In his office and
refused to publish a statement. Shortly
after 8 o'clock SulVy went Into conference
with his counsel and later Edwin Hartley,
jr., of Providence, R. I., a member of the
firm, sent out this message:
"No statement of any kind or descrip
tion, Mr. Sully desires me to say, will be
given out from this office today. Possibly
a statement will be ready early Saturday
Mr. Hadley Inter was quoted as saying
that the firm would pay Ita debts In fu'l.
and the suspension was dun to the Impos
sibility of meeting demands for large sums
of money due the Sully firm from European
sources. Mr. Sully left his office at 4
The following table shows the opening
high, low end closing prices of the prin
cipal cotton options today, as compared
with yesterday, he low prices having been
made In the last hour this afternoon show
ing the extent of the break r
day's Open. High. low. . C'osft.' Close
Mv ....... .ISfS KM . ' 1S.8T M.
Jute ISP 1 ss J' w is7 V "Mi
August U& 1437 1! H,M 14.80
The losses by Sully s failure, In case he
cannot settle, It was said, will be divided
among nearly all the brokers on the ex
change. One estimate was that Sully's
owlngs after a settlement under the rule
of the exchange would not exceed SSOO.GOO.
What Sully haa personally lost or what
his backers have lost In market operations
Is not Included in this figure. '
Daniel J. Sully became a fuxtor In the
cotton market In January, 1903, when he
took up the bull movement that Theodore
H. Price had dropped. He was thought
to Jiave done a great thing when he bulled
May cotton of 19ut to 10 cents.
Sully had been a cotton buyer for New
England firms. He had made a study of
crop conditions and foresaw the short crop
of that 'year as well as the short crop of
this season. It was said that a clique of
New England mill owners backed him In
his first venture. Ills May campaign was
a success and It was estimated that he
personally cleared more than JL 000, 000.
He established a cotton house of his own
last year, under the name of Daniel J.
Sully & Co., but when Tils operations In
cotton became so successful, . the ootton
market having been pushed up above 17
cents a pound early thla year, ha widened
the scope of hla firm's business,
flensatloa at Naw Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, March 18 The an
nouncement of the failure of Broker Sully
created a tremendous sensation on the
floor of the Cotton exchange, sending the
whole ring Into ai panic. There was In
stantly a tremendous drop In cotton and
at the moment It seemed Impossible to
say where the slump .would terminate.
Shortly after the sensational bulletin came
In over the wires the market was reported
to be down about 810 a bale.
The failure caused May cotton to drop
from 15 04 oenta to 13.20 cents. July foil
from 16 4) cents to 13.50 cents.
The scenes around the ring war ex
citing In the extreme. On the reoalpt of
'the first bulletin and In a remarkably
short space of time there waa a drop of
about a cent and a half. Later the effect
of the supenion had been tested and
the market begin slowly to turn upward,
recovering some 30 points.
No locil firms were seriously Involved,
ar.d so far aa could be ascertained, Sully's
Interests In the local market did not ex
ceed 10,ono bales. This amount was
quickly liquidated. Sully's holdings were
chiefly Muy and July.' At the lowest
level of the brck, Mxy thbwcd a net loaj
for the day of 11 point or about 89 a
bule. July showed a ret loss of 197 points,
or about 110 a bale. Ths decline on the
(Continued on Second Page.)
Does Sot .lka Inf ernrerntloa Placed
aa Ilia Remarks at a
CHICAGO. March IS. "Presidi ncy and
president are distinct terms," said Uenernl
Fred D. Grant today when askfd If be
had been correctly understood when It
w,ia reported of him that ho declined to
toast the president of the United States at
the Si Patrick's day banquet of the Irish
Fellowship club. The penernl mail? the
following signed statement to the Dally
'I am extremely, disgurted and annoyed
St the statement made with reference to
my remarks at the 1aniuet last night. s I
had been Invtted io attend and speuk at
the Irish Fellowship club In relebrst'on
of fit. Patrick's day. and had accepted the
Invltntlon, but requested that I would not
he called upon for a epepch. I had tinder
stood that I would he asked to respond to
any stated toast nnd bad therefore gone
to the Iwnquet without any preparation to
lalk on any subject. 4
"After arriving tlwre I found that they
had asFipned me to respond to tho toast
'The Prerldnt of the United Hlntrs." nnd
when I arose I attempted to give nn ex
cuse for not talking on the subject. My
escuss were that I was" not permitted hy
the regulations to discuss the president or
other civil officers end reminded them of
the dlsastt r that hnd befallen some officers
who had come from the Philippines. An
other ws that I did not know anything
about the presidency, mennlng thereby
that I had not studied tip th usual plati
tudes Riven to- the office; end third, that
I was no orator.
"I am particularly chagrined at the vay
the report Is put In he paper, which would
draw the inference that I referred to the
president, for whom I have the warmest
udmtration and with whom I have had a
mot f green ble personal acquaintance. His
kind and thoughtful consideration upon
the occasion nf the death and burial of my
mother has given me a rersonal attach
ment ror Mm which will never grow lees,
and anything' that was said to Indicate
that I am not his warmest and most de
voted admlref would to a wrong to my
personal feelings for the present chief
magistrate of the UnMed States.
Former Resident of Iowa Who Killed
Wife Para Penalty oa
M ISSOPLA. Mont.. March 18. Louis Mott,
the wife murderer, was hnnged here today.
Mott walked unassisted to the gallows.
In a brief speech he said he believed his
conviction had been brouglrt about through
dishonest methods and concluded by saying
that he was willing to give up his life for
The prime for which he was hanged wis
the shooting of Ids wife on Sunday, Janu
ary 4. 10UJ. For months previous to the
murder he hnd been addicted to the use of
liquor and drugs, causing a depressed
mental condition. ...While ut pn a business
trip his wife said his 'laundry business hi
Missoula. He became greatly enraged on
his return, brooding -constantly over his
wife's net. . On tbe .day of the murder he
heeame tnvolrrrt h -V-lengthy quarrel with
his wife, which was" followed by his shoot
ing her- four times with a revolver. His
wlfo lingered for nine hours before death.
Mott went to the supreme court, in an ef
fort to secure a new trial and made two
fruitless r.ppeals to the governor for clem
ency. In the latter efforts he had the in-'
tluence and financial aid of his uncle, Le
rholno ' Mott. a wealthy miller of Dea
Moines', la., who came to Montana and
mode a personal appeal to the governor.
All of the appeals were based on the fact
that he wished to escape the stuln upon his
name for tho sake of his children solely.
Mlnsonrl Pi t gg-lst and Woman Ac
cused by Jory of Causing
' Miller's Death.
SYKE8TON, Uo., March 11 The cor
oner's jury today completed Its investiga
tion Into the recent death of Harry Miller,
the' bridegroom who several days ago sud
denly died under circumstances that led
to the suspicion that he had been poisoned,
and held Dr. Warren Smith guilty ot hav
ing administered morphine to Miller, and
Mrs. Lydla, the bride, aa accessory. The
motive Is unknown to the Jury, concluded
the verdict.
As soon as Miller was found dead tn bed
by his bride Dr. Smith waa arrested on
suspicion on a warrant sworn out by his
cousin, David Smith. He haa since been
held In the jail at Benton. Mrs. Miller
signified her Intention of prosecuting who
ever might have caused her . husband's
death to. the full extent of the law,, and
her .:rest on the coroner's verdict caused a
sensation. '
Both Dr. Smith and Mrs. Miller were
held to the grand Jury, Dr. Smith In the
sum of 110,000 bond, which he furnished,
and Mrs. Miller under I5.0C0 bond, which
was given. Mrs. Miller waived preliminary
hearing when arrested.
ravrmers' Shipping .Association De
clares a Dividend of Eight
Per Ceat.
KANSAS CITY, March 13. -(Special Te'a
jiam. '-'lht h arc ot I'ircctora of the Far
uteri' "o-opeiiitlve Shipping aM. clutVn,
representing nearly 4,000 farmers In Mis
souri, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma,
adjourned Its semi-annual meeting after
having declared a dividend of I per oent.
About twenty-five of the stockholders at
tended the meeting and Joined the directors
at an Informal banquet.
The association la Incorporated under the
laws of Kansas. Its authorised capital Is
tluO.000. Its objects are to buy, sell and
handle grain and otaisr farm products on
consignment only and for thi benefit of the
stockholders, thus wiping out the profits of
the middlemen. It now owns nineteen ele
vators and buys grain directly from far
mers at forty-seven statlona In Missouri,
Kaiutas, Nebraska and Oklahoma.
(lit Oeears la the Fourth Coagras
sloaal District of tho Reaablleaa
Convention la Ohio.
CELINA. O., March 18. The republican
convention of the Fourth congressional dis
trict split today, the Foraker faction re
tiring. Ths Hanna faction nominated R.
D. Kahle of Allen county for congressman
and tho Foraker adherents named Frank
Conklln of Darke county.
Ths Hanna faction elected W. L. Russell
of Lima and Senator O. E. Harrison of
Darks county for delegates to the national
convention, while Foraker's frlenda chose
W. L. Ruasell and Judge H. M. Coles of
Darke as delegates. AU delegates were In
structed to vols for Roosevelt for president
Indicatio n that Miss Keaa Nel on of Piorre
C;miu'ttrd Sn'cide.
Dead tilrl Disappointed In Love nnd
Attempts to tiet Kven with the
Umunn Who Stood In
Her Wa.
PlFRHE. S. D., March lS.- (Speclal Tele
gram.) A thorough Investigation of the if
ralrs cr the poisoning of Miss Rena Nel
son, through a box of candy, has led to a
strongly fixed belief on the part of the of
ficers hero thnt It wns :i ni of suicide.
planned to draw Into seiious trouble the'
womnn who stood In the way of her possible i
martli'.ge with Sherman I've. This ex
clusion has b"tn retched ufter gathering
up shreds and fragments of evidence and
placing them In their logical sequence and
has been rein foi 'Oil by Investigations which
have been eomrlcted by Pierre officers at
Boone. la. While Misa Nelson, In u state
ment made before her death, accused Mrs.
Dye as the guilty pers m and the coroner's
Inquest did not develop anything to the
contrary there were several peculiar cir
cumstances connected with the case from
tho beginning and n chance remark heard
on the street arter the coroner's Jury had
completed Its work stnrted Investigation In
another direction, which brcught out the
peculiarities In the ease to give it a strong
appearance of self-destruction. One- of the
first points to cause comment was tho fact
that while the girl claimed to have taken
the- poison Saturday afternoon. It did not
take effect until about the middle of Sun
day night, while corrosive sublimate Is
supposed to work within a few hours after
taking. This fact pursled the attending
physician and through questioning he at
tempted to learn If the girl bad been In
any place or eaten anything else while
she was in this city on tho day she claimed
to have received and eaten the randy. Rho
positively denied having been In any other
place of business except tho postofflee and
one store while here.
Remark Stops Inquiry,
The chance remark which started further
Investigation was that or a confectioner.
that on the day in auestlon Miss wimn
came Into his store and wanted an empty
candy box. lie had none which mmlil
suit her and she left the place. A further
Investigation allowed that she went to ii ii-
otuer confectionery and (here bought a
box Identical with th one she Is alleged
to have received and hnl It i::ii tin
candles Identical with those left In the box.
Another thing uirvoverod ias thut iuat
November Miss Nelson received a letter
from Sherman Dve. In which ho t.a.i h..r
that he was tired of her und desired to
stop the correspondence. She showed this
letter to several girl frlenda in th Hiv
and was much depressed In regard to h!s
statements. Another feature, which was
puisllng from the start, was that th ,i.
dress on the box was on the face of an
nvHope, torn out and pasted on the
wrapper. This was postmarked at Boone,
la., January iS. and had been run th,,.i.
a cancelling machine wlih wave linos, H
tmnar not likely with a bo and tho- bo
was not received here until February 47
Tho stamp, which was cancelled In Janu
ary, was yet attached td the envelope and
nnarever omer stamps which had been
placed on the box had be.n torn ntr. with
the exception of a fragment of a t-cent
stamp, which had been puitly placed on
the postmarked envelope, and. aa one Ami
of this fragment wts loose, under it could
ne seen me wave lines of the Boono car.
oellatlonv While the. wrapper wus torn in
such a manner as to do this, It was not
damaged In any other way.
Cannot Trace Tablets.
flu far as the poison tablets which
contained In the box are concerned, It has
noi Deen possible to trace them In any
way, but, as MIhs Nelson has nclnrt .
nurse In several cases In ihla city where
such tablets had been ued for antiseptic
purposes, she could easily have had there
In her possession.
While the postofflce employes are certain
that Miss Nelson received aome kind of a
box in the mnll here, they have at all times
been doubtful that the box showed the
address of the one presented, nnd a thor
ough search of tho home has failed to show
the exlsterce of any box other than tho
one she Is known to have purchased. She
clulmed the address was In a handwriting
the same aa that of a letter she received
from Mrs. Dye In January, and Mrs. Dye
admits writing her In January, nnd as the
address pasted Qrt the box was postmarked
in January It undoubtedly wns the same
one. '
After a thorough Investlcation hem ih.
officers from here went to Boone and In
vestigated, falling to find any boxes In
stock or having been kent I
city like the one she bought here and
wnicn sne claimed to have received, neither
could tny find similar candles, the ones
here having made at Mankato, Minn.,
and found no wrapping paper uacd by the
confectioners in that town like that used
here and which was on the box. They ln-
estimated all the sources posslhlo while in
the Iowa city, and have finally reached ths
conclusion that It was a case of .ir-
structlon, with an attempt to drag In, Mrs.
uye as a cause or it.
Pennsylvania Methodist Preacher
Bound for Conference Mysteriously
Disappears on I ho Itoad.
PHILADELPHIA, March lg.-The ab
sence of Rev. Joseph A Bennett of Cone
stoga, Lancaster county, from the Phila
delphia Methodist Episcopal conference has
resulted In a search being made for the
missing member. Mr. Bennett's charge Is
in Presiding Elder A. O. Kynetts dis
trict. Rev. Mr. Kynett says Mr. Bennett
left his home for this city hmt Friday, but
has not appeared In the conference. Elder
Kynett further states that the missing
clergyman's conference collections are safe
with Mr. Bennett's family. Failure to lo
cate Mr. Bennett will result In an execu
tive session of th conferenoe, at which
hla disappearance will be discussed.
In 19u! Rev. Bennett waa stationed at
Lansford. Ua mysteriously disappeared
on his way to the conference at Columbia.
In 180J. The conference learned that he
had been 111, so no action was taker,.
Three Barnes to Death suit Boy H e
eelves Injuries Which May
End In Denlb.
KANSAS CITT. March U.-A special to
ths Times from Purls. Texas, says: The
Eagle hotel at Hugo, I. T., waa burned last
night. John Scott, an employe of the
hotel, Minerva Scott, hla wife, and his
sister-lu-law, name not learned, were
burned to death. Houston Scott, the 12-year-old
son of the couple who perlnhed,
was fatally burned. Financial loss, $3,000.
Shatters and Colder ntnrdni Sun
de I-nlr.
Ti-iuperntnre at Omaha lentcrtlapi
A a. m
U a. in
T . in
N a. in
! a. in
to u. in
11 a. in
lit m.. .
Dea;. Hour, Dew.
. . an l ii. in
. . :t:t x p. ii rui
. . :tJ a i. m
. . :t:t 4 p. n i1
. . :tr. r, i. m it
. . 37 II p. n
. . -iii t p. m tin
..41 si p.
u p. in . . . . . . n
Russians Instructed to Arrest t'oreann
llattllua for Julian.
'ST. PKTKHSIU'RO. .March IS. A publi
cation from the Foreign office Is published
here cAnllrmjng tho statement made to
the corroFpomlcnt of tho Associated Press
that Russia does not regard Corea as bel-!l::etr-nt
ami. will not do so until there Is
evidence that Corea Is actively making
coiun.uti cause with Japan. The communi
cation, after reiterating the assertion that
Rursla consider It Implicitly a neutral
state, ectinjr under pressure by Japan, and
tii privet of the power of free action, and
that Russia, therefore, cannot regard as
valid any treAy to the benefit cf Japan
nor the Abrogation of Rurslan corft esslons,
Should the Russian troops encounter Co
renn forces operating egainst the Russians
under the Influence of Japanese olllcers
who are forcing them to u t aealnst tho
wishes of the Corean government, the
Russians are Instructed not to llpht them
Ss though thoy were troops of a belliger
ent stnio. but to confine themselves to
placing them under arrest.
Admiral Steckellierg. who, on account of
lllniss. turned over the command of the
Vladivostok squadron to f'npitiln Reltxen
steln, has arrived In St. Petersburg, lie
gives an entirely different version of some
of the reports, emannttng from Japanese
sources, regarding the events before he
left. The cruise of hla iiquntlrnn February
9 to 15 In Japanese waters was mndn by
order of Admiral Stark, for Its effect upon
tho population of northern Japan. Admiral
Steckelberg denies that he fired upon Jap
anese merchantmen In Hangerstate. He
says the ships were captured and that
while attempting 1 convoy them to port
a lerrlflc blizzard sprang up and. not
wishing to endanger the Russian cruisers
rfter taking off the crews and passengers
from the merchantmen, ono of the latter,
leaded with contraband rice, wns mink.
The other, which was a worthless trump
steamer, was released to carry to the Jap
snese the r.rosonee of the Russian warships
In those waters, for moral effect. There
never was any bombardment of Hakodate
which Is heavily fortified.
Tho admiral adds that he cannot under
stand how such'a stupid story was cred
ited. Ho expressed the opinion that the
war will be of long duration. Judging from
the extensive Japanese preparations, which
were thoroughly understood at Vladivo
stok, where wur was expected even earlier
than It came.
The war experts here are questioning tha
truth of the Japanese official reports, ask
ing, for Instance, how tho toroedo boats of
Vice Admiral Togo, the oommnnder-ln-chlef
of the landing squndron, couid lay mines,
weighing 400 pounds, In Jhe heavy sea
which Admiral Togo admits was running
even If the boats had room for them
aboard; how fire could break out on the
Rusflan torpedo boats, which 'carry mtV
Ipg Inrtamnble; . and how a Japanese tor
pedo boat preserve its full fighting capa
city If a steam pipe on board hurst, end
the Russian boa's got away.
The ministry of marine has directed the
institution of prlzo courts 'at Sebastnpol,
Llbau, Port Arthur end Vladivostok.
Japnnese Statesman Has Formal Audi
once with the Emperor.
SEOFL, March IS. Mamuls Ito had a
formal audience with the emperor this
afternoon In the council hall. The cere
monies were conducted In the presence of
tho court. The emperor was In 'his most
affable mood.
Tsutsuko, secretary of the Japanese privy
council, who accompanied Marquis Ito to
Core, told the Associated Press corre
spondent that tho visit of the marquis
was made purely In behalf of the Japanese
emperor to express .sympathy with Corea
In the present troublous times, and con
trary to the general Impression that It
had no political object. Marquis Ito had
not como to discuss tho political or war
situations, although his visit may have
consequences which will develop later.
Tsutaukl admitted that Japan expected a
prolonged war, but Japan hnd to meet
Russian aggression and It was better to
do It now than later,
Marquis Ito will have several audiences
with the emperor.
Russian Minister Is Waiting; for
China to Give F.seuse.
'LONDON, Match 19. Again there Is no
news from the far east, with the exception
of vague rumors of unsuccessful attempts
of the Port Arthur and Vladivostok fleeta
to Join forces.
The Standard's Tien Tsln correspondent
says thnt Paul I-essar. Russian minister to
China, has renewed his protest against the
dispatch of Chlncao forces outside the great
wall, and has Intimated that unless they
are withdrawn Russia may be compelled
to act on the assumption that China la
abandoning Its neutrality in-favor or Japan.
The mlnliit. r Is also reiiorted to have re
newed his threat that on the slightest move,
nient on China's part, Russian troops will
march on Peking. It is suid that in reply
to this China rcfuited to recall its troops.
Thirty of Them Make a Break and
Get Past the Guards.
(Copyright. 1904. by New York Herald Co.)
SEOl'L, March 18. New York Herald
Cablegram Special 1-legram to The Bee.)
The night lfore last while' exemitlons
were taking plae In the local Corean
prison, thirty condemned prisoners, em
boldened by seeing three of their number
put to death, attacked the guard, foiiKDt
their way through the gates and esctpod
half naked. The three criminals executed
lu.d been Imprisoned for three years,
charged with assisting Corean political
refugees who eRcaped to Japan In 1S00.
Fearing trouble, the Japanese military
guards buve been distributed throughout
the city, although so far everything Is
Supposed to He the Bearers of Im
. nortsut Disoutrhea.
(Copyright, 1304. by New York Herald Co.)
CHfJ FOO. March 11. (New York Herald
Cablegram SpecUl Telegram to The Bee.)
Two Corean oflicers, Captain Sangklen
and General Yet. arrived yesterday from
Seoul and left abruptly today for Shang
hai. ' '
The reason Is entirely secret. It Is sus
pected that they are carrying Important
dispatches regarding RusHlan afid Corean
affairs to Count Hcclnuff.
Troopi Under Picked Officers Being Scnl
by Russia to tho Yalu.
Confident of Bucous in tbs Fljhtfnj Which
Ss to Come oa Land.
Manchurian Psssants Show Friendly At'i
tuda Toward Russia.
One Report Has It that Russians liars
Withdraw All Artillery to the
Xorth Bank of tho Yalu
(Copyright, WW, by New York Herald Co.)
CHhJ FOO March 18. (New York Herald
Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.)
-The launch Nigger arrived here today
from Port Arthur. Its captain reports that
with Vpeclal permission he left Port Ar
thur on the morning of March 18. Owing
to the heavy weather he took shelter near
Ismal island, midway between Che Foj
nnd Port Arthur. There he met two Jap
anese torpedo boats. The Japanese
searched the launch thoroughly, and all
his papers and letters were closely scrut
inized, Finding nothing to confiscate they
allowed the launch to proceed.
I Interviewed ono of the launch's pas
sengers and learned that during his jour
ney from Harbin to Port Arthur ho no
ticed great activity at the stations of Muk
den. Lnn Yang and Hal Chen. Russian
were sending relnforccmonts under picked
officers to the Yalu. r
He overheard In the train that the Rus
sian forces In Corea are eatlmaied at 9!,00l
men. No further movements are planned
beforo General Kouroptakln's arrival.
Tho Russians are entirely confident of
success oa ln1- The Manchurian vil
lagers are very friendly, and bring dally
a big supply of fresh provisions to the
moving regiments, receiving cash pay
ments In Chinese currency. All the avail
able mules have been bought by the com
missary, and transports of enormous herd,
of cattle are visible, driven from the Inte
rior. Fortifying. Yin Kow.
(Copyright, 1904, by New Tork Herald Co.
YIN KOW, (via Tien Tsln, Mrch M.)
(New York Herald CableTS.m-peclaI Tel
egram to The Ree.) Several hundred eol-
'diers arrive here dally. Ten lght field
guns are now at the Russian railway sta
tion and nineteen mora have been added '
to the batteries of tha forts i.: 1 river
mouth. There are 1,600 soldiers now hero
and 1.000 are expected to arrive today.
The Chinese say that the Russian poet
of Chin Chnu. near Port Arthur, was at
tacked by 500 Chunghouses on March 11
thirty Russians being killed. The Chunff
houses were finally driven oft, having loot
four killed.
I Interviewed Colonel Munthe of Viceroy
Yuan Shin Hal's army, who came to New
Chwang recently on an official mission and
proceeded to Port Arthur to remove the
women nnd children there. He says ths
Russians refused permission, but prom
ised to send away all the Chinese who
desired to leave. Fifteen hundred were
sent to Che Foo by one. steamer and 1.000
more by the steamer Pleiades. Many '
women and children were sent to various)
points in Manchuria by railway.
The Russians say no more Chinese desaO
to leave. Colonel Munthe was satlsfloa
with this arrangement.
'Little Damage hy Shells.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 18. A corre
spondent of the Associated Press, who has
Just visited Port Arthur, telegraphs from
Mukden today as follows:
"Despite tha various bombardments at
Port Arthur, the external aspect of the
city remains unohnnged, although the
enemy fired an enormous number of pro
jectiles. The battleships and cruisers bear
marks of fighting. The black clouds of
smoke from their stacks overhang the
town. The cruiser Pallada stands almost
repaired In the dry dock.
"Near the entrance of the harbor can be
seen ths charred wrecks of ths Japanese
fire ships. Aboard one of the farthest out
was found the body of a Japanese officer
who had shot himself. Beside him lay a
chart showing the course of the fire ships
and the spot where they sank.
'Six hours of firing by the heaviest guns
during the last bombardment did not de
molish a single building, but cost a few
lives. The bunbaad and child of Baroness
Franck, who was decapitated by fragments
of a shell flying In through the window,
were unharmed. The enemy, in endeavor
ing to stand as far as possible outside the
runge of the Russian butteries, rendered
their own lire Ineffective. The people are
becoming used to the bombardments and
the Japanese squadron cruising in the off
ing causes little alarm.
"Occupations are resuming their wonted
course and many stores have reopened.
Not a few women here practically refus
to leave Port Arthur, despite the traglo
death of Baroness Franck. During tho
height of the cannonading one womser, .
with dressings for wounds, wandered the
streets ready to afford Hid to the wounded.
"A branch of the Russo-Chlnese bank Is
doing business and many wives of officers
and soldiers are returning as sisters of
"The defenses are strengthened every day
and the troops are eager to fight. The
gaiety nnd good spirits of tho troops Is
surprising. During the engagement be
tween the Russian and the Japanese tor
pedo boat destroyers they came within a
few fathom lengths of eueh other. A tor
pedo from the Russian destroyer Vlustlnl
tore off the stern f one of the' enemy's
destroyes. Its captain standing on the
bridge as it sank amid wild cries.
"The Japuneae squadron is now reckoned
to consist of the battleships Shlklahlma,
Hatsuse, Yachoniu. Mlkasa, Akuhasla aKd
"Port Arthur Is exceedingly gloomy at
night, all lights are out. Pickets stop all
"Three Chinese bandits a few days ago
attacked a house In the center of the town