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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. MARCIT IP. 1904. N ASD PRODUCE MARKET Cnh Uuat Very Dull and Littls Ctsooe for Er'y Cbaag-. LACK OF GRAIN GIViN AS THE CAUSE Light Market I'redleted Till bad f season Dae to This, Ike Scarcity ( Ura Bad Road. OMAHA, March 17. ISM. The cash market for grain i becoming Very dull In Omaha and ther 1 llttm urosDeci fur much chance. ' "Tne grain la not there," aid a member of a prominent elevator nrin. 'Noilung 18 coming In. The government report, com piled on the rlrst of the month and issued on tha kth, credited the farmeis with Hav ing ji wr rail of their grain el on hand. This ' Is Wrong for N ecru ska. Ve compiled a report on the Vth troin our stations and we find that tbe farmer have nly about 16 per cent of the wheat, lhV, ot oats and i!7 per cent of tne corn crop. Thin, without tne addition of bad spring roads and the scarcity of cars, means thai the Omnha market will oontlue to D light until a I mod the end of the season." , The great Armour bull" operation are ended. The manipulator are reported to Lave aold the last of their loog line of Atay 1 ues.lay. For Some weeks the hold ing has not tieeh Very large, but Tues day saw the end. Thla operation began In November, with May and July In the ?os. and at the highest point May reached nnd July. We. This U said to bo the Ingest buying operation In wheat ever known ami the reault was most pleasing to the speculators, for with a string es'l mated at 20.000,00 bushels nnd an advance of from 25 to 30 cents, the profit can be seen. The war and other Influences at least a llo-cerit -ad vam-e over what wou.d have been- possible. The hard pa't of the movement came when May was In the and the bear sentiment was so unlveisal ami the forelc-n support too weiR. that It Whs thought impossible to bull the market. The force of etiecolatlve buying has about e haunted Itself and the market Is wlthont much short Interest. Mnrch Is a month of ciop uncertainties, but It Is to be homo In Blind that the market Is still high. The gen eral rains oyer the whrat country eonth and west tended toward- weakness In the market, while th lack of Argentine ship ments III part offset this. Chicago wheat whs without Interest, but the Omaha mar ket was bid up from 7c to 9e for the May and from S?Ho to Mc for July. The range of prices In Omaha grain for future delivery and the close for Wednes day and fur today were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. W'd'y. 'Wheat May July R7 46 90 S7 8SB 84 82H 83A 83 4fl 45i 4fl 44 4&S ;48Vl 45V4 45 88 88 38 38 Grain Market. fori)-. - May July Oats May March Local Cah One of the dullest cash markets today for weeks. Few samples were on the tables and the Inspections were the smallest in the history of the Oraln exchange. Omaha wheat, which has oeea a Utile nut of Una with other markets, advanced a full cent. Wednesday in Chicugo. 105.UU0 bu. No. 1 not thera sold at only under the May nnd 6.000 bu. No. 3 red sold t . b. for 31. This strengthened Omaha. Corn and oats were u up fruoi Wednesday prioes. Receipts ul wheat were a oara -In and 15 cars out; one week ago, 11 and 13 cars. Corn, tf cars in and 10 cara out; one week ago. It and 15 care. Oats receipts, 4 cars In and 1 car out; ouo. week ago, i and 4 .cars. WHEAT No. 3 hard, ,3i6c: No. I hard. tm'o(7c: No. 4 hard. 7lva7lfc; No. 1 spring, IUifHt!c; Nqv t aBrtroj. SUiodc-; No aprlng, aaittc. 4lfj42c; No, 2 yellow. 44c: No. 3 yellow, 0 e-43c; No. X whites 44c No. I white, 4(43o. OA i n o.. a, ujo; nix a, b,(jc; rno. s, wmujic: o, wiiiif. nu. wnivv. 40641c; No. 4 white, 8940c; sUndard, 41 Z0. Itotes from Exehssgs Oflleea. Omaha Inspections of grain were 14 cars 1 car graded ro. '3 northern aprlng wheat. 10 cars graded No. 8 corn, 1 car No, 4 corn and 3 cara No. 4 white oats. Grata Markets Elsewtiere. "' Closing prices of grain Wedneeday. and today at toe tnaraeta namea were a . fol lows: CHICAGO. Closed Wheat ' Today, Wd'a'r. May Julv 91 r 9fi 0' 63R Corn-. May July 63 6CA 60 li KANSAS CITT. .Wheat May t..... v.. July Corn . May i. July 8T. LOUIS. Wheat- . 85 79 IS. 85 80 46 44 May July Corn- 93B 84 45 47 94B 88A May July Mt MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat . May . July , BUWJTH. " .Wheat May July . - NEW TURK. Wheat 48 47A tfA 8A 96B 7a SB 8B 98B a 1.00B wu juiy Mk a e lilCVT YORK GEMKBAL, MAHKJ3T. tlaetatloas ot Co the Day oa Varlons ed files NEW. TORK, . Karen. 17.-JB-LOUR Re eel pis, 21.413 bbls exports, 30,343 bbls.; quiet; winter patents, tu.0iKflM.15; Minnesota patents,; MinneJioia bakers, ti.20 U.iu; winter patents,; winter ex tras. 83.sOtiij4.0u: winter low grades. 13 Ifrd .ow. rvye nour, quiet; jiur 10 goou, X wtf 4 56; choice to fancyr 4.ft 9- Buckwheat nour, nominal. CORNMEAL Quiet;.. , yellow - western. M isa; cuy, 41 u; klUV dried, H.10"U3,Ai. RYE Dull; No. I western, 830 to arrive. BARLE T Quiet; feeding. 89c, c. 1. f. New York; malting, 6Mic. c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHKAT-Reoelpis, SS sH-bu. Spot, easy; rtv. 1 reu, elevator, 11.U3V411 i.tiS4 r. o. D. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth. tl.Off f. L ; KS'MBA ar .CO ,.N.E..,1 ETAOINN o. D. anuat; No. 1 northern. Maultuba. noml rial, f, o. b. afloat. The el one was unsettled at l(rlc decline; July, H -16iMc; closed at 96c; September, Mti,i7c: closed at MVi. CORN Receipts, 38.700 bu.; exports. 106.605 Bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 'nominal, elevator, and 55o f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, Vc. Option market closed with May at 67 a 5Se; closed at tic; July, 5fc; closed at 65Hc: Benteniber closed, at 54 Uc. OATB Receipts. l,5irt bu.; exorts. 13,324 du. tpot, dull: MO. 3. 4c; stamuird wlilte, 49c: Nil 1 white. 49C) No. t white. 49. HAY DUll: good to choice. 97Wil On. RICE Utaady; domestic, fair to extra, t ajo-c; japan, nonnuai. .. HOPS Easv; olate, cwmmon to choice, ls3. 3Mii36c: Pacitlc coaet. laoS. 2C,iXlc. HIDEii Firm) Oalveston: m to 15 lba.. ISo: California, H to K lbs.. lc; Texas dry, 34 to st lbs.. t4e. TALLOW Easy; city 72 per kefl, 60; TOuniry tpacaages rre), vi "e. I. EATHKR Steady; acid. Kn. PROVIBIONS-Heef. steady; family, ri 60 ff 12 54); mess. t0iH9; beef hsms. t-D .Mi 12.10; packet. S10 5tdll.6O city extra India mess. 118 IKVU18 fO. Cut meats. c,olet; pickled bellies, 37 158-00; clckled hoiller.. a. ou; picxiea nams. fia uorrri so. l.ard. weak; western steamed, - 27.46; reni'1 weak; continent. 37 50; South America. 8 compound. t87U7 0O. Pork, easy; Fehru ary. 15 5-frlA5o; short clear, tlt.Ttdi mess. fl5 2f4j 15.76. Bl'TTER Cnsettled: fresh creamery, IS gf24We: state (fairy. 14f21c- CHEKSE Firm, state full eresm. fsnrv. mall and large, colored and white, ttep- temoer. lie: taie maae, 10 c. EUUS Weak and lower; western firsts, ISo POri.TRY Alive. Irregular; western chickens, !; fowls. 14c: turkeys. 1r.e. Dressed, firm: western chickens, 12613c; iowis, uwuv; luraeys, idqhc. Milwaukee Grain Market. MII.WAl'Ktn March IT.-WIIKAT-Mnr- ket 5c lower: No. I northern, tl.02; No. t northern, wtivm; old Julv. io, RYF-Steadv; No. 1. TiiiTSc. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, ⁣ aample. 80 lie. CORN-Market 0 lower;. No. t. 44847c; aiuiy, avnsiawo. . , n . rtalatk Grain Market. DULT'Tl I. March 17'-WHKAT-In store: I 1 hard. te.4c; ro. i northern, fwc No. I northern. 94e. To arrive? ' No. 1 I hard. vc; No. 1 northern. tof?r: No. 1 I northern. 4c; May, 8c; July, 7e; Sep- 1 lemwr. eoe. I OATSOn tract and to arrive, I8e, 1 . - Lives-pool Cretin Market. I I'viatPOOL, Maroa 17. WUHAT erpot. quiet; No. 1 California, 7s M; futures, sternly; March, 6a Tfcd; May, 6e iHd. luwi-etput, sleaoy; American mixed, i.w, 4s 1V1 , American mixed, old, 4 tod; futures, u.met; March, nominal, May,. 4a d- CHICAGO GflAt AID PROYISIOSS. Featares of Ike Tradlsg and Claslagj I'rlees a Board ef Trade. CUICAUO, March i;.-Oenerel selling of Wheat today, uue to rain In Kansas snu okianoma, caused a net loss of .',jl'o in the Juiy option and lo lu May. . 1 1 o is tiowti a shaUe, otiu) V'.o and provisions Wm?iK. Liberal rain in Kansas and Okla homa gave the wheat market a weak start, AlMy opening lSUl'c oit l (MtvY!:. JUIV was aown at 9 lajitl n'. During the last hour a oelier demand ueveloped and a firmer feeling prevailed. July recovered luitrly a cent ot tne lues, closing at &Sty slnal figures on May were at 91"e. Clear ance ot wheat and flour were equal to MAJuv bushels. Primary receipts were (12, !xl buaheis, sgainm 4i.).4-4) bushels a year urn. .Minneapolis, lm.uth and Chicago re ported receipts of i i ts. compareu with 4.1 cars Inst week nnd 371 a year ago. There was n steady tone In corn notwlth. standing the weakness In wheat. The does was steady and practically at Inst Might's final llgures. May opened Hjic to "iHc lower at iZVadrfo. After selling between UVi and ai'o the close waa at 64Hc. July r.inged between ooo and BUve and closed at f.i'ne. a shade higher than yesterday. Loral receipts were 144 cars, three of contract grade. Weakness In wheat brought out consid erable profit taking In May pats. May opened SfrHo lower at Xrfj Wc, s-ild be tween JK-S.C and 40Ho and closed at .W.1T40O. July closed with a gain of c at 38Hc. Locnl receipts were los cars. Liberal receipts of hoars, with lower prices at the yards, were bear factors In the pro vision market. The close was near the bottom, with May pork down ?nc at .i?A. M.iy lard closed l?'44i'loc lower at $7.63, and-rlha were oft Tnr at 16 ?H. Efrtlmated recelnls for tomorrow: Wheat. 15 cars; corn, 190 cars; oats, 1J0 cars; hogs. ayioo bead. The leading filtsres ranged as follows: Artlclea.l Open. Illgh.l Low. I Close.l Tesy, Wheat May Wf 91 I 9 r 90 Jonr-gvl 9fi4 V""s m a July b July a Bept. b Bept. Corn- VHll, V'll 81 B.1V, S"ts IS3H-41, 8SI May July Sent. 15253; J-J Hi D2 60 53!W4V9i4 6oi6o.-a-:i 49-H'lf!! Oats- 39' May July Bout. 9H 404 !W XWI1 ,3341 l 88H 3SVfl 3Rfi 33 33 18 82 14 06 718 7 30 7 10 7 22 fork May July 13 70 13 90 7 OR 13 7S 14 00 13 60 13 82 7 PO IS 2 13 82 Lard Mav July 7W 7 20 7 05 7 It 700 7 22 7 12 7 12! Ribs Mnv July 7 00 7 10 6 90 7 07 92 T07 No, t a Old. bJJew. Cn.h qtiotatlnns were as f Allows: FI.OL'K fiteady. onlet; winter patents, t4.8fr3r1.OO; straights, I!"vg4. 70; spring pat ents, (4 504.80; straights, (4.10(34.25; bakers, 83 fi .1 80. WHEAT No. S, 8897c; No. 2 red, 94 . CORN No. , 62c; No. 1 yellow, 63c, OAT3-No. 2. syiW.WXc: No. I white. 43o; No. 3 white, 40S'43c. NO, 2. 7"c. BARLKY Good feeding. S8ir4le: fair-to choice malting, 4r.fific. bkeijb No. 1 nax, i. m; mo. 1 norm- western,; prime timothy, 33.00; clover, contract grade, $11.26. PROVISIONS-Mfese txirk. per bbl.. 1S. 621713.75; lard, per loft lbs., t S2S.85: short rlhs sides (looseV tH.WH'SCoT; short clear sides (boxed), $7.2f.&7.$7. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. .... 61.700 44.800 Flour, bbll Wheat, bu .... K4f 88.400 Corn, bu.. Oats, bu.. ... .178.600 -184.600 .... 235.000 . 175. 100 .... ."TO 6.600 Rye. bu... Barley, bu 69.000 6O.4O0 On the Produce exchange today thg but ter market was steady; creameries, lift 28r; dairies, 13i21c. F,r. steady; at mark. - cases Included, 15166. Cheese, steady, 10gllo. St. I-ools Grain and Provisions. Dl. lAItlD, miUI.ll II. oun. uvnv.. No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 98c; track. tl.uS 1.08 ; May, 93c; July, 84c; No. 2 hard. 9093c. CORN Firm: NO- cari, 45c; track., 43 46c; May, 45c; July, -4ic, OATB Dull; No. 1 cash, 41c; track. 42a 42c; May, 89; No. $ white, 46c. FLOl'R Dull and unchanged; red win fer natoiits. t4 8S4i5 00. and 60 per cent Det ents as high as 85.20; extra fancy and straight. $4.56itf4.oV; clear, 13.85p4.10. tl!.ri;i 1 imotny, steaay, .w(r.iB. CORNMEAL Steady. 32.50. BKAN tower ana . auu saoxea. eagi track, 782e. . . HAT Steady: urnotny. w&.wyau.w: prairie. ".TO ... ikdin ivnon x ir-o uc, BAOOINO c. HEMP TWINE C. PROVISIONS Pork. steady: lobbing. 113.72. Lard, lower: prime ateam, td.62. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, 37.87; clear rlns, snort ciear, ii.u. POITI, TRY steady : chickens, lowiouc shippings, 330113.50 per do.; turkeys, 129 13c; oucks, ix; gnese oowo. BUTTER uuiet; creamery, zoa5c: dairy, io'ic. jbUUS lower, 10, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu.. 7, UUO 11.000 67,0u0 77,000 . 67,000 124 000 Corn, bu.... Oats, bu...., 123.000 tS.OjO Kkasas City Grain and Provisions, KANSAS CITY, March 17. WHEAT May, 86c; July, 79H7rc: cash, No. 3 hard, 89t-Mr; No. 3, 9S4tkc; No. 4, Pscflll.OO. CORN May. 46ij-4fc: July, 43o; cash Ho. 1 mixed. 44c; no. a, viomc; iso. white -44n; NO- I. 43C. ' OATH No. 3 wnite. 2zroo; no. j mixed. 411f4?c. RVI nirt. X. B447tK0. HAY Steady: choice timothy, tlO.OO WIUHrjiiniuo, , MUTTER creamery, mioci aarry, lancy. 17o. KQOS Steady; Missouri - ana Kansas, cases returned. 13c; new No. t whiiewood eases Included. 14Hc. . ..' W V ? . ItatriDll. DruDZZiem ........... 61,!i0 8l.H0 Corn, bu 14.400 19.200 Oats, bu 3,00a 8,004 Philadelphia Prodoce Market. BHIl niTT PUTi U.mti 17 TITTTTtrn Steady, fair demand; extra western cream crv. Mc: extra nearby prints. Vic. kuub-w lower; rrean western, no; fresh southwestern, 170 at mark; fresh southern. 17c at mark. CHEESE Dull and easier: New York full creams, choice to-fancy. 106 lie; New York full creams, fair to good, 10ialov Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 17 WHEAT May, 97c; July. t797c; September, Kic: on irarg. ino. 1 nam. vh'c: rs 1 northern, 9'a9!c; No. 2 northern. S64.rMo. FLOCK ITirsr patents, .v;ui3-3.3B: secona patents, tviofjs i: first clears, ts 6 til 75; second Clears. j.o"viiou. BRAN In bulk. 814.50. Toledo Reed Market. - TOI.F.DO. March 17 SEED Clover, cash and lsrch. tu.72: April, (0 62; prima al alka. 86.40; prime timothy, 31.45. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. March 17-COTTON-Spot market, moderate business done; prices 10 points lower: American middling, 8 68c; good middling s.&za; mionnng. 4rn: low mid dling, 8.32J; good ordinary, 8 22d; ordinary, .M. NEW YORK. March 17.-COTTON-Mar ket opened steady at an advance of ls-fia points on the old crop monins. wnne tne new crop positions were 10 point higher to t points lower. NEW ORLEANS. March it. COTTON Future barelv steady: March 14 80c bid; Abrll. 14 9ivff14 95c: Ms v. 15.1116 12c: June. 15 9''i15 T.c: Julv. 15 47i15 48c; August. H.7319 14 Te; Seotomber. 13 (W'MS fev; October, 1121 "iirac: November. I'OMnriVs Snot, ordl rsrv l!15-1'!e; good ordinary. 14e; low middling. HV: mlddllna. 15c: good mid dling. 15 9-VV; mlrtd tng fslr 15 15-H5c. ST. inns. March 17 con ON Bteaay. He lower; middling. 15c: sales, none: re- reints. cone; shipments, 100 bales; stock. 2 Tia bale. NF.W YORK. March 17. COTTON Soot mnrket clood dull and easv at 85 ro'nts owr: rrlddltng tiolands. 15 (73c ; middling gulf. 15.90c; salea. 710 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 17. COFFEE Mar ket opened steady at unchanged prioes to a decline of 6 points. Sales were reported of 36.000 bags. Including May st 5.3KB July at .ac. August at l.7oti6.'e, Septem ber at I bo4i6 95c. October at to and De cember at 41542nc; snmt Rio, quiet; No. T Invoice,- 4ei mlUl, steady.- Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. March 17.-DRT GOODS The market Is little changed t com the sit uation of the pant (ew days, but practically no change. It ta Imposadble to cloee dee is at the sellers' (taking prices. Jobbers are doing- a, smaller kuslaeag than (ug mtmt time. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Decided RsviTil u Demand for Securities L-xU In tU Dfj. WAGE QUESTION HAS IMPORTANT BEARING 47htls Dlscearasemeata Are Set All Eliminated froaa Market, Ssees latara Believe Clouds Are tlearlaa- Away. NEW TORK. March 17. The atock mar ket gave Indications today that tbe first phase of adjustment to tne Northern Se curities decision had been mostly com pleted. There was a crystallisation of the' leeling that a very Important clearing away had been effected by the supreme court s action of Monday. Kellef Is alno felt over the news that the soft coal miners will ac cept the reduction In wages. The breaking of the drouth In the southwest Is encourag ing to holders of railroad stocks In that region, and the break In wheat and cotton today waa tnken as promising better pros pects for both crops. w hue the discouragements overnnnging the market are not all eliminated by this list of Improved factors the professional element In Wall street seemed to arrive at a common agreement today that some ad vance In prioes was warranted by what has already been effected in clearing away the clouds on the situation. The net re sults are gains running from one to 3 points for all the prominent active stocks. 8t. Paul and Pennsylvania were notably active and strong. The bond market showed a broadening tendency end was firm. Total shares, par value, fl.935,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Krlowing were the quotations on the Stock exchange today: BRle.HlB;h.Low.Close. Atchison , 23.1110 67 as 7r do Dfd 4" 90 4 28 ) 3.6O0 89 7ft 111 157 30 89 H 14 161 141 177 J 2 75 18 64 25 161 89 B. dt 0 28.800 7H do pfd- i0 89 Can. Parlflc S.500 113 Central of N. J 100 157 Ches. dc Ohio 3.700 i Chicago at A l.ino S9 do pfd 800 83 Chicago Ot. Western 1000 15 C. & N. W Soil 1ST C. M. St P S.5N0 148 do pfd 3i0 178 78 e8 112 156 39 83 15 1H 143 177 Z to 70 64 26 152 2n 19 Chicago T. A T too 10 do pfd i0 20 C. C. C. St. L... 1.0110 7H4 Colo. Southern 8.0"0 1SV do 1st Pfd 3K) 54 do 2d cfd 1.300 K tel. & Hudson 1,800 163 Iel., Ll. A Western D. A R. (J 400 19 19 do Dfd 100 67 ?, 24 63 .74 79 127 19 Erie 84.500 2&H ar. 64 41 74 79 128 19 36 do 1st pfd , 2.400 64 do 2d pfd I.ftiO 41 Hocking Valley HW 74 do Pfd 100 79 111. Central 1,900 12S Iowa Central 800 1V do cfd. K. C. Southern 19 do pfd , A N..' 800 1.800 . 900, 800 8,800 "im 200 18.9fO S.flOO 34 104 112 78 109 63 121 91 IS 89 38 H 67 H 116 83 81 Jirji -1041 Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. -Bt. Ry 142 142 77 78 1U7. iyr Minn. A St. IXHits . .. bt M , St. P. A S. Ste. M en ' 120 89 17 SS 87 115 66 ao 114 63 do rfd . 120 Mo. Pactfio M., K. A T Hi 18 do pfd 1.2O0 8S 37 116 67 Nat l R. R. of M N. Y. Central..., pfd l.o0 Nor. A AVeetern.. 3,100 ' 8.006 80,100 do pfd K5 21 Ont. A Western... Pennsylvania 115 f.. c. c. a et. u..... Reading ',4o6 .100 "t,S(, 60 4? 78 54 42 4 78 . 71 41 do 1st pfd do 2d cfd. 78 Rock Island Co....... 21 3 14 . 34 44 20 84 2T4 26 3b 76 20 61 43 14 33 44 20 83 23 24 35 71 21 do Dfd l,it"J 800 100 61 St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd St. U 8. W 14 do Pfd 1.100 si. 300 1,800 . 700 2,9ii0 700 S3 45 20 83 23 26 So. Paclflo 80. Railway do Dfd Texas A Pacific. Tol., St. L. A W do pfd.. Union Pacific... 400 62,500 !!?!!!! '"iio 35 Yb'ti do pfd. 66 19 wanasn 19 IS 86 " 86 18 1 18 18 42 41 do Dfd............... 1,600 4nf) ' 10 W. A Lake Erie..... 16 Wis. Central.; 100 ,t. 500 1 ao rid Adnxns Ex... American Ex 1X5 103 2-6 47; 20 71 2 88 1 a 1 . l. . O. ilJL . .............. ...... Wells-Fargo Bx Aroal. Copper. 84,600 47 46 20 71 Amer. Car A F 500 20 do pfd..m..-..c..-j... 100- 71 Amer. Cotton OIL.... do Dfd Amer. Ice 400 J 29 7 28 T 28 do pfd. . t X Amer. Linseed Oil do Dfd s 2S 22 82 91" Amer. Locomotive..:. L269 22 U do pfd Amer. Smelt A R... 1,900 do pfd 400 Amer. Sugar Ref.... 4,40 Anaconda M.' Co SoO 49 92 12f 48 124 126 Brooklyn R. T 23,I0 t.010. r uei et iron.... Con. Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. Oen. Electric , Inter. Paper...- do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nafl Lead No. American Paclflo Mall People's Gas.......... Pressed Steel Car..., do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel........ do pfd Rubber Goods......... do- pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron... U. 8. leather do pfd V. 8. Realty do pfd , V. 8. Rubber... do pfd U. 8. Steel..., dO Pfd...,;. Weatfngh. Electric. Western t'nlon lAst sale. Total sales for the day were 567,800 shares. 1 ... 1 Boston Stock annotations. BOSTON. March 17 Call loans. 2H4T4 wer cent; time loans, 4lj$ per cent. Official uioniiiBi ui iiui;aa wiia uunus; AtckiM sol. ta. 7H Adventure ..2 .. I4 .. 47 .. 1 .. .. l'4 ..440 .. 17 .. 41H .. lu .. 04 .. 7 .. 3 .. 1i .. ii 3 ,.. ti ... u .... T4, ,.. n :.. 4H ... it ,.i ... 5 ,.. 60S AUhiaon 4a ....... Atchison do pfd Foatoa A Albany. Boat on A Malaa. Boatoa Blavte4 . . .. H .. r7v .. t ..141 ..144 ..1H ..1J7 .. im ..IK .. Tf .. TT AUouea Araalsamatccl .. Amer. Xido..... Atlantla Bingham Cal. A HacU... Cantannlal Coppar Range . Daly Weat TVrni I n ton Coal Franklin Oraocr ......... Ittchburf pfd Max. Central N. T , U. H. A H. Para karquatta .... fJsloS Pmdflo Aaiar. Arga, Cham. 4s pfd Amar. Pnas. Tubs.. A mar. Sugar do pfd Amar. Woolaa .... do pfd rjomlnlan I. A S.. gdlaoa Elec. Ilia... General glaetiis .. Maaa. glactrtc do pfd Maaa. Oaa Taitrd Pnilt Cnltad Khos Mub. do pfd tl. S. ataal do old Waattng. commas . Bid. Asked. :: lai Roraia .. 41 Mm, Mtnlsa ..121 Mlehlgaa ..1IH4 Mohawk .. I0l( Mont. 0. AO.. ,. Tit Old Dominion , .. t Oacasla .U4 Patrol ..101 Qutacy , 104 Shansoa ....... ..71 Tamarack .. IIS Trinity .. 04 V. . Mining.. .. it v a on .. Ht t'tah ... lltt'Vinorla ... (4 Winona it (Wolverine New York Mlnlnn- Stocks NEW TORX. March 17. The following are tne c.osir.g prices on mining Blocks: Adasis Cos 14 Ontario .400 Alloa ... W ... 1 ... ...lit ...1U ...lot ... ... 4 upalr Pboanlx Patoal savaga Siarra Kavads Small Hapae .. flutaoard 4.4 4 11 47 41 tt ti Brvaca Comatork Taaaal. Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silrar ...... Iron tuvar Lcadvlll Cos ..... UtUa Chief Foreign Financial. LONDON, March 17. Money was plentl ful In the market today and In fair d nan,4 Awlna. . tk. rvnmn nt 1., ClTlO A In treasury bills Discounts were easy. The Seneral impression waa that money will be istlnctly easier after the month turn. Consuls were quietly cheerful and home rails were In fair demand. Americans opened steady, rallied, became Inactive and cloted eteadier. Foreigners were uuieu-r. Japanese were weaker. Kaffirs were flat and nervous, owing to fears of the result of the debate which tskes ulace In the House of Commons en the vote of censure moved by the liberal leader. The weekly statement of the Bsnk -of England shows the following changes: rotel reserve. l'i creaute.1. 41VuDJ: circulation, decreased. aVll3.("l: bulltoB, increased, 281 i ;. other sec i Titles, neoreascd. t'?J9oij; other de posits, decreased. 1 :S.'i; publ o d Ofwits. Icie"e. 41. 4: ..imO: notes in reserve. Increased. 8000: government securities. unchanged. The proposition of tbe 4ank'a reserve to liability thla week la 50.56 wee a BERLIN, March IT -The weekly gtate oent, as compared wllh 43 93 per cent laat DO 00 BO 42 41 42 600 3V 28 29 , 1300 194 192 1i3 14 18 13 ltiO ' v 68 69 100 23' 23 23 2-0 164 164 164 100 11 11 11 1 64 100 36 36 S .. 74 too 14 14 14 2"0 83 . 83 &3K ' 6 2 4.300 97 . 96 , 7"0 80 .30 30 20 70 70 70 . 100 209. JP9 7 7 Vi 200 44 44 43 700 19 19 19 100 76 76 76 2.400 89 87 (Kit 1.6O0 7 " 7 7 1,200 78 77 78 1,000 6 6 6 t00 48 47 47 11 800 49 49 ' .' 48 17.300 11 11. 11 62,600 58 56 58 fi0 161 160 Uift 400 89 88 ; 89 ment of the Imperial Hank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash In hand. Increased, 2&,M. marks; treasury notes Incresaed, Lit',"1" marks; other se curities. Increased. 3, 120. Out) marks; notes In circulation, decreased, lT.Mi.itM marks. Prices on the Bourse today were firm. PARIS, March 17 Prices on the Hourse today opened heavy. At the close stocks were feeble. Bosnian Imperial 4s closed at 9334. KJo Tlntos lost 13 francs; 8 per cent rented, 96f 4oo for the account; exchange on London. 25f 15o for checks. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Circulation, derreaeed, ".925.0110 francs; treasury accounts current. Increased. 39 2f..0"0 francs; gold In hand. In creased. 8.4V.i francs: bills discounted. Increased, .n.'S.OoO franca; silver In hand. Increased. 1,275,000 francs. Hew Tork Moaey Market. NEW TORK. March 17. M ONE T On call, easy at 1$?2 per cent; closed at 1 per cent bid and asked. Time loans, easy; 60 davs. 2Vi3 rr cent; 9 days, 34j3 per cent: months, 3t4 Por cent. BTKRL1NU EXCHANGE Btrong. with actual business In bankers" bills at $4.8S"fr 4 f,5 for demand nnd nt 4 41f.(j4 S420 for dav hills: posted rntes, t.Sol 85 nnd fl 87 64: commercial blUs. 444.M. BI L.VVR Bar, 5Gc; Mexican dollars. 44c. ' BONDS Oovernment, steady; rallrond, firm. The closing quotntlons on bonds are as follows: . 8. nt. Is, reg. do 2a, coupon.... so Is. reg flo eenpon do new 4s, rf.. Tl eetipnn 4o ols 4s ito coupon ...... jog ,MnhstUn e. g. tt..3 iw.u Hri. i ntnil 4t. 6 ..1"4 ..IS!' do lat trie 1J4 M 77S 74 " I'll1 71 7't !4 MH t:, 113 Minn. A St. M , K. A T. L. 4a.. do ta N. R. .R. of M. e. 4 l(sw in.'1' 1" S- a.... Atrhlsoa gn. 4s.. ..101 (No. Pacific 4a I do ta .t..: IK. A W. a. 4a...... do sdl. 44 Atlantic C. L. 4a. . O. 4s do (4 ..101', O. 8. L 4s A par.,. Oatrat of e la. ..P'sn. conT. tUa do lat lac ".5,?7lpt- 1 A I- M- (a 4a. Slit Chli-ago a A. J M lj. s. w. is ' - el. m S. P. g. 4a.. lil7 o0 Parlflc 4a ' . . fl't C. N. W. 0. 7 ;I!9o. Rallwar 5 lltS .. R- I. A P. 4a.... do rol. 6a 70 Taxaa A P, la 1I4S4 T . St. L. A W. 4a.. 70 Union Patiflr 4a...,l'H do conv. 4a W414 f B Slael M ta..... 71 :t WiNl.h la 114 do di-b. n 6 i4 W. A L. K. 4a ...... i 77 K0 e r r. a st. u . 4a. Chlcaro Tar.. 4a roa. Totwoco Colo. A 80. 4a ... M , ....5 ..l 7V, ... I7, A R. O 4a... Erla prior lien 4a ao sen. a.-. . j. . .1 M ' C. la.. 104". Wla. rentnil 4. lk Ft. W. A i). Hoehlns Val. LAN. unl. v'olo. F. A 1. eoa. ta. 70 '... .l(li- a M Offered. London Stork Market. LONDON, March 17. Closing: Conaola, money . Hi 11-14 f Y. Cantral... n.. K'V Norfolk A W.... .... 3V, d. 1,(4 .... 08ii;Ontarlo A W.... .... 92 iPenniiytVAnla ... ...lt4 ... 6K4 ... M ... 2M4, ... ... ' ... 11V. ... 10 ... H ... l ' ... M ... 4;. ... 7V ... to ... ll'i ... 1 ... as so account ... Anaconda ., Atrhlann do pfd Pal. A Ohio 7STt Hand Mlnea .... Canadian Pacific ....Ill Reading he. Ohio .... 11 .... 15V4 ....143 .... 19, .... If .... W .... ti! .... .... 41V, ....1S0H ....MS do lat prd. do 2d ptd go. Railway . do prd .... so. Pa.-IAc ... t'nlon Paelllo do pfd .... V. B. Rtael... do td Wabarh ...... do pfd .... Chleano fit. W.. C, M. A 8t. P. DeBeers D, A K. O ao Dfd ....... Erie do lat I'd ... do 2d DM.... Illinois Central louls. A Naak.. M , K. A T.w.. l SILVER Bnr, quiet, 26d per ounce. MONEY 2if?C per cent, The rate er discount In the oDen market for short bills la 3 per cent; for three months- bills, 2 15-l&g7J jier cent. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and taotatloas on Staple and Fancy Prodoce. EGGS Receipts, liberal: market steady; fresh stock, 14c; Including cases, 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, young roosters, 8jj9c; old roosters, rxftic; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c; geese. 8c. . BUTTER Packing stock, lltte; cnolce to fancy dairy rolls, 13i514c; separator, 22c. FRESH FISH Trout. 9Vitol0c: pickerel. 6U6c: pike. 9c; perch, 6j3;; bluetlah, 15c; whTteflsh, SS9c; r-almon, 11c'; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper. He; lobsters, boiled. rer lb., 32c; lorjetera, green, per 10 , auc; ullheads. 11c: catfish. I3frl4c: black bass. 20c; halibut, loc; crapples, 12c, herring, 4c; write Dass, J.ic; muenns, c; smeiis. ivy no. OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 43c; per gal., 32; extra, select, per . can, 85c; per gaL, 31-75; standard, per can. 3a; per gal,, 1.354)1.4ti. ,a . . . ukai fer ton. , HAY Prices euotei b. Omaha Wbolesnle Dealers' association:, Chuice.No. 1 nnland. 36.00; No. 1, 85.50; mediunZ- to.CO; coarse, 34.50: rye straw, . inese prrees' are ior nay or good color and quallys JUemand fair and receipts light VliUElABLtS. POTATOES Ouloradtf.J (LOudJH.10; Dakota. per bu., tl; natives. 85c.' SAVI niAi ry it-- du., H.jovi.i. CELERY Large California. 6Vc. 75o and toe. ONIONS SnanUh. ter crate. U.80: Colo rado yellow and red. per lb., 3c CABBAGE Wisconsin 'Holland, 3c ; new California, So. turnips white, per bu.-. wo. CARROTS Per bu.. tl. PARSNIPS Pet bu. 764. BEET8 Per bu.. 75c. CAULIFLOWER CaUfornla. per crate, CUCUMBERS Per doi. tl.50l 75. TOMATOES Florida, per S-baaket crate. 14. RADISHES Per do, bunchea. SCfffSOo. LETTUCE HEADS Per dos. bunchea, 90c fjl ; top lettuce, per dos.. 4oc. TURNIPS Southern, per doxj 50c. BEETS Southern, per dog.. 75c. -.CARROTS Southern, por dos., 75c PARSLEY Southern, per dot., tL SHALLOTS Per doa.. 75c. ONION SETS Per bu. of 33 lba, yellow. xz.T); red, .'.; wmte, -' do. SPINACH Per bu.. 85ci1.00. FRUITS ' APPLES California Bellflowers. per box. 11.75; Oregon rancy reos, per box, i.sai New York export Oreenlnga, Russets ant Baidwlna. 34.25. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., 7; per box. 82.50. : - STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qL case. X6.00yo.ou. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navala. choice, all sixes, 22.40 C2.50: fancy navala, all slsea. 32.75. LEMONS California, fancy. 3o0 to 360, 83.50; choice, 240 to 37U sixes.. 1N1.Z. FIGS California, per 10-lb, cartons, 85c imported Smyrna, S-crown, 14c; 5-crown, Is.-: 7-crown. 16o. bananas h"er medium aixea Duncn. 12.noe2.50: Jumbos. 82.75i63.25. dates-Persian. Der box or so Dkgs.. xz per lb. In eo-ib. boxes, 5c; oriental stuffed dstes. per box. 32 40. COCOANUTS Per sack. 34; jer dot., too, Wool Market.' BOSTON. March 17. WOOL Territory and pulled, steady, with moderate offerings in the latter and a quiet demand. There la firm tone In foreign wools. Quotations Territory, Idaho, fine, lorgittc; tine, l3-'al4.- lino medium, imilevsc; medium. lwi!7t ; l medium, 17ilSo. Wyoming, tine medl-jm, lifjl7c: medium, 18ai9e; low medium. 19 li 2"c. Utah and Nevada, fine, 154jl6u; heavy hue, is u itc: nne meainm, lo'-jyi.c; low metllum, 19u20c. Dakota, nne. 1516c; fine medium. 16ail7c; medium, lKiil9c; low me dium, 19u2oc Montana, flue choice, 2oc; medium choice, 19200; average, ixcjv lo staple, iwuoo; meuiura cnoice, i)iir!c. ST. LOUIS, March 17. WOOL Bteady and unchanged; medium grades combing and clothing. 17f!21c: light fine, 15'jil7c; heavy fine. 120!4c; tub washed. 22'ijJlc. LONDON. March 17. WOOL The offer ings at the wool sales today numbered 14.- 195 bales. Following are the sale In detail: New South Wales, 1.50) bales: scoured. 9s 8d; greasy, 61-id'ijls ld. Queensland. 2.2n0 bales: sooured, lldjile 10d; greasy, Spirals. Victoria, 1.600 bales; scoured, 91VJ2S 1'2I; greasy, (duls Id. South Australia, 1.2o0 bales; scoured, 10d'(jla 6d; greasy, 641 7Vd West Australia, 1.50 bales: greasy. 7'o8d. New Zealand, T.OfiO bales; soured. 10dtfls ha; greasy, tvruiis in. cape of Qood Hope and Natal, 1.M0 bales; acoured, SHdiJla ld; greaa" 61i'rJ9d. Punta Arenas, l,.uo Daies; greasy, in., agar NEW YORK. and Molasses. March 17. 8UQAR Raw, firm: fair refining. Sc: centrifugal. 96 test. 3e; molasses sugar, fe: refined, firm. Molasses, nominal: open kettle, 2ma25o; cen-irlfi'B-il. ni1?ic. Svrup. 2o&25c. MEW OKLKANH, Mtrctl 17. K If, AH Steadv; open kettle, J4'fi. S-16c; own kettle. centrifugal. .vmSc: centrifugal wbltea, mc yetiowa, S'.'fMc: seconds, zvus s-r". lasses, nominal; open ketlle. 2utf?25c: Mo- cen- trifugal, 20Ci25c. Syrup. 20$ 25c RE1L ESTATH THAWS FER 9. DEEDS filed for record March 16 aa fur nlsi.ed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, tximled abstracter, 1614 1 arnani street, for The Boe: Edward R. Benson to William Everg. part lot 14, Cherry Garden t William O. Morehead to Anna C. Pe terson, lot 2o. block 20l Hanacom ' Place Patrick J. Daily. lr.. to Anton Zjt- dina, lot 36, Sullfvan's add , Lawrence J. FlttgeraliL et si, to Anna Wilson,- lot 4, Pruyn "a Bub,.. , 800 1,035 Edward B. taor to r . ' J . Fltggeraid, part ne sec 20 and w nw sec. 21-15-10 Mary Jane Chystee to C A. Lsopold. lot 4, block 4, Patrick's add... Ernest Sweet to Paul H. Ellis, part lots 1 and 3, block g, SmithAeld per Mary M. Reed to Ira. K Reynolda. lot 4. block X Rsed a (tu add OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Again Hear and pricct Buffered Another Dcoline HOGS GENERALLY. A DIME LOWER Light Ron of Sheep and Desirable Grades Sold Freely at Steady Prices and Lauaiba Skewed .o Quotable Change. SOUTH OMAHA. March 17, 19"4. ReceiDta were: Cattle. Hogs, bheep. Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. 4.2u0 4.W.1 .'.Hi 8.849 12.1-.2 7,800 5T472 24.9t i9.758 47.433 87.3N4 1.46 M.oi.l 32,199 2.V9J it. .33 Lk.9uo . 6.31 , 4.'io0 Four days fhls week. .22.211 Same days lust week....l4.1N9 Same days week before. .13,749 8a we three weeks ago.. 21, 241 Same four weeks ago....lo.78i Same days last year.. ..16.346 RJvCElPlS t OR THii V EAR iO DATE The tollowlna table shows the recett is of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to uale,. with comparison with laat year: 1904. 19W. Inc. Dec. Cattle 195.2H0 195.901 5E.1 Hogs . 509.113 4X0,716 18.407 Kheop 397,9S7 io9.5MJ 108,458 Average prices paid for bogs at South Omaha (or the laat several days with coin pailsons; Pate, r 1904. 1908.l01.1901.l00.rl89 l;'- Mar. v... Mar. t...i Mar. 3... Mar. 4... Mar. 5... Mar. t... Mar. 7... Mar. 8... Mar. ... Mar. 10... Mar. 11... Mar. 12... Mar. 13... Mar. 14... Mar. It.. Mar. . Mar. 17.. I 01, f 221 4 8 t El t 78 6 9S I 6 t 1Jl 7 02)- 6 111 4 W 4 ti 3 4 4 9I 8 67' 3 98 t 521 3 17 4 74 I 3 8J 4 iU, 3 15 4 711 3 6t! 3 8 6 04 I 7 01. 4 07 16 32 t 07 I 7 11 5 97 6 3b I 7 uri t ki 6 J4 6 13 7 161 6 Mi 5 37 I 06, 6 33, 6 41, 4 73 t 63 I 74 4 7 1 1 3 5s, a 7'i 4 7 J I 3 as. 3 .'0 6 i,( 6 loj 5 '07 7 14 7 251 5 0; 7 29 6 09 6 39 8 59 3 79 0 15 7 131 6 IS 5 40 14 70i 3 74 7 2.1 7 2k 6 20 6 46 4 7 t t- 131 6 56, 4 75 3 63 5 15 5 25 t ( 10! 6 6ti 4 79; 3 61 t 68 6 161 7 19 P Mil 1 N I Wl I IV 1 1 7 101 C 15 I 4 9i 3 65i t 71 'Indicates aundsv. The ofllclnl number of ears of stock brought lu today by each road waa: Cattln Hoira. fih'n v ., m. m. . Ay... Mo. Pac, Hy 4 2 1 25 t 3 60 3 13 4 21 4 i 1 4 1 l .. 2 2 131 16 Union Pnclilc System. at ix. w. y . H M. V. R. R. C, St. P., M. & O. Ry. n. ec ai. ny B. ok u. Rv K. C. & St. J C, R. I. & P., east C, It. 1. A P. Ry., weat. Illinois CentraJ Chicago Ureal Western Total receipts 185 The disposition of the day's reCelnts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing tbe num ber ot.neaa inaicaiea: Cattle, lloss. Sheen Omnha Packing Company 6;4 1.2u2 6.1 (twin ana company 1,011 z.ubj j,5ti Cudahy Packing Co 632 2,789 098 632 923 li 21 69 44 118 56 116 18 24 61 162' "87 48 147 396 Armour & Co: 923 2.4S9 921 Armour ot Co., 000 City carey tn Benton MoCreary & Clark w. l. mephen 11111 & Huntxlnger Huston & Co b .' Husa Hobhtck A B Sol Degan Nelson A Morris S. & S Parker & Webb 294 J. B. Root aCo Hamilton & Rothschild.. M. Hagerty & Co......... Other buyers ' 275 4.W94 Total 4.695- 8,831 CATTLE There waa acu-lier big run of cattle, here thla morning, although receipts were not quite aa heavy as they were yes terday. Packers evidently were not at nil anxious for more cattle, and. In fact, made It very plain that their requirements were extremely limited, nn.l unless they could get tne cattle ior consiueraoiy less money they did not want them at all. The morning was well advanced before many cornfed steers changed hands. Chi cago was quoted a dime lower and at this point; Duyers were slow in eiuriing oui, unu when, they did go to the yards they took their time about bidding on the cattle. The market could probably best be described by calling It very dull and safely a, dime lower than yesterday, or fully 151i'J5c lower than Tuesday. As compared with Monday the decline In many cases Is even more than a quarter. At a late hour today there were still a good many cattle left in first hands and tne situation certainly did not show any Improvement aa the day ad vanced. The cow market was also dull and fully a dime lower than yesterday, or lrV225e lower than for the last two days. Packers were willing to buy a few choice light weight heifers, but when It came to the enerai run of orreringa they were very In Ifferent. nnd It was hard for salesmen to dispose of their holdings at any figure. The greatest decline has been on heavy cows and the general run of cattle of all weights. Choice lightweight heifers and the com moner kinds of cows have shown the least decline. The market on bulla today was nearly at a standstill. None seemed to want any. and besides being dull the market waa fully a quarter lower than Tuesday. Veal calves, though, gold without much trouble at steady rrloeg. The demand for stookers and feeders wns also limited and prices right around a quarter lower than tbe first part of the week. The demand from the country the last few days has hardly been up to ex pectation and ns a result prices have had to suffer. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 1 II...., 4 4.... 4.... II.... 11.... 8.... IS.... 1 ... 4.... to.... ,.::: i.... 4.... 7.... 10.... 14.,.. I.... It.... 16.... 10.... I.... 10.... 21.... At. Pr. No. At. Pr. .mo 1 40 i mi 4 oo . 801 3 40 4 1144 4 00 . Ill I 80 II 1147 4 00. .. 076 I 60 6 1244 4 00 .. 410 3 40 11 1180 4 00 .. 070 I 48 16 1118 4 00 .. 131 I 70 17 1161 4 04 111 I 70 It 1120 4 06 .. tJ 4 16 ..loll I T8 ..1048 I T5 18 1164 4 08 1 1101 4 10 ' M 1104 4 10 ....1110 8 78 II ...1187 4 10 .... 017 I 76 11 , U17 4 IS .. .HBl I 00 6 11H0 4 18 ,,..1100 4 80 11 1ST. 7 4 10 ....1130 I 80 . 3 12(4 4 BO ... .lliil I 88 41 .'.1184 4 20 ....1046 4 86- 14 1141 4 20 ....1147 I 86 II 1041 4 80 ....11.10 I 88 17 1260 4 an ....1101 I 18 17 1164 4 10 .... 064 I 85 II 12M 4 16 ....10?l I 85 tl 8T 4 15 .... ISO I 88 lu ,.1HI 4 25 ... .K'BO I M K 11H 4 8 ....1041 I 00 14 1410 4 18 ...1H6 I 00 " 14 in 4 18 1"0 I 00 IS , .... 1611 4 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... m I 88 11..., 1M1 Tl .... 000 I 16 10 1044 I 44 STEERS AND COWS. to..., to.... IS. ... 10.... ..1204 I 14 1 ... .1114 4 U COWS. 14.... I.... 8.... I.... 14..,, 710 1148 I4 148 1172 1160 070 070 004 1160 1140 1014 040 1200 ....... 074 1000 1001 li:.o lucO , liso 7t 1120 , looo 014 I 14 1.. uon 1070 1100 1140 VM 1111 1171 171 121 1048 841 1144 00 1177 1084 814 1064 1244 1141 , 1240 , 1160 , 10IO 1264 1224) I 04 I 00 I 00 I 10 I 10 . I 18 I II I 16 I 10 I M I 10 I 14 t 10 1 to I M I 10 I to 10 l to 8 10 I 40 t 61 I 70 I 28 t 18 I 88 I 60 I 60 t 60 t 80 I 10 I 86 I 75 I 78 i 78 I 75 1 78 t 78 I 80 1 88 3 86 t 00 I 44 t 08 t 00 I 00 too I. .. ... 4... 10... I. .. II. .. II... 10... 4... I.., II. . 1.. It.., I.., 11.. 11... 4... II.. I . 4.. 14.. I.. 14.. 1.... I.... 1.... 18.... 1. 11..., I..., 1... 4... II... 10... 1 .. T... II... 001 COW8 AND HEIFERS, it 884 I is HEIFERS. 1 800 1 76 16 141 74 1 410 I 60 17 464 I 10 1 840 I 80 4 070 4 II I U IH 14 Ill I 10 1 166 I 60 II 81 t IS I IM 18) 16 , 101 I 15 1 840 I 88 M 01 I 16 8 4, -4 t 48 1 448 I 45 I IIO t 16 K Ill I 48 1 401 I 18 14 Ill I 71 CALVES. 1.... ISO I Tl 1 404 4 10 I ISO 4 80 BULI. 1.. IM IH 1 100 I 00 I HJO I IS 1 1140 1 uO 1 M I 40 1 114 I to 1 11B6 I 44 1 1700 I 10 1630 t SO 1 1430 I 10 14iO t 01 1 17 I 18 1 ...1460 I 04 1 tlJO 3 14 STOCKERS AND FEEDEKS. 4 4 I It 4 848 I 88 4 4.1 I 00 9 164 I 08 1 440 i 71 1 144 I N I..- 160 I 00 1 044 I 00 1 80 4 00 II Ill It) 1 44 I 00 II 440 I 40 1 04 10 '. 4 Out I 48 I 114 4 0 14 47 I U 1 444 I 28 t 146 I 45 II 424 I 28 . t KS l 1 84) I 08 14 838 I 88 4..... 841 I 88 11 IU I 76 IT..... 4.1 I 49 II 67 I Tl 6...... 460 I 44 ' 41. n. n l I 76 IS 6M I 44 1 771 I 08 8 lat 4 44 1 W IN 350 125 1.400 00 10.. . "4 . tot 4 i 4 t'i . t'W . 4o HOG 8 There was a f.tlrly liberal run of hogs here this morning and, aa Chicago and other markets were quoted lower, prices here also suffered a decline. The market could safely be quoted generally a dime lower and the close wss weak. Buyers old not tnke hold with any life and trading was alow. At noou there were tllll a g 'oil many bogs left In flrat hands and the ricce offered were wenk as compare.i wnn hose tviid earlier in Ihe day. The bulk of the medium to good-wrlght hogs sold from tVOO to to.15, with prime heavies fnm 37 15 to to. 36. The light stufT sold from ti00 down. Representative sales: t 00 I M to Ns. At. is. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 11 70 ... I 7S IS 2S1 lf W 44 l'l ... Ill 0C I 4l 5 "5 7S 1J ... 4 40 4! 114 ... b o.' 4 144 ... I 70 140 40 M 40 14 ... 4 tl TS 224 0 4 01 u lt 120 4 M fl 237 40 t 1 0t. 171 ... 4 SO II 2S ... 6 00 to HI ... 4 M 2.'- 2M ... o 41 107 ... 4 00 M 1'0 ... I ( 4 .'..let 40 4 to Tl 2'2 i?n t o l ISO ... 4 1 70 !I7 00 I 074 M........1I0 ... 40 4 IM ... 6 07 V, 70 14 40 4 C5 H 2'S ... I C7' t ... 4 00 4 t:t 0 I 0i 20 117 ... I 00 to 2H ... t 07V4, I'.' Ill SO 8 00 41 141 ... I ......!' M IM 70.. 1 tl 140 I C74j 44 221 00 4 W 11 2.M 40 t 074 7 240 IM I OA 44 241 to I 0714, lit .UI ao I 00 44 114 ... I 074 II 214 40 I 02'4 7 2M ... I 07Va 72 134 ... Mi'l M 247 120 I li7 '4 74 114 40 INt 27. ... 4 10 14 VI 110 4 l'V 42 241 ... I 10 80 t'U ... 4 OS's 271 ... 4 10 41 221 40 I 06 4 2:4 ... 8 10 T 2f0 ... B m 40 2U 40 I 10 T...-.....fO 40 t 0(1 73 t4 ... I II 40 til ... I OS 7'. 234 ... I 10 is f4 ... 8 OS 6 274 ISO 4 10 78 ...Ill 40 6 05 (4 ::,l ... 4 10 B0 , l 00 4 06 ,0.1 271 44 I IS til I I 80 8 OS 77 9C4 40 8 10 U 7C4 40 t 05 70 n ... 8 124 47 2t4 00 8 1 44 270 ... 3 K't '..tia 80 8 04 04 272 40 t TS 21' M I 45 4 144 ... I 12Uj 78 ISl ... 6 08 41 ..22 40 6 11'tj Tt 2U 40 I OS 84 .244 So til's 01 Kit ... 6 06 81 S?o an 4 IS 60.. 240 ... 6 06 M .410 44 4 IB 7S 214 10 8 08 40 277 ... 6 16 41 160 10 4 06 44 27 ... 4 15 84 t4 12) 8 0S 4 ...240 40 4 16 41 241 40 8 06 II 274 ... 6 13 86 160 ... 6 05 fe Jf ... - 6 16 47 IJO ... 8 08 f. 244 ... 4 II 04 37S ... J 06 '4 247 6 IS 0! I'4 M 4 06 Tt J 44 ... 4 16 4.1 116 ... 6 06 81 28 ... 8 17U, 26....-....H1 ... 4 08 1-4 2 00 8 17V, 73 166 120 I 08 44 244 40 6 17' 40 244 40 3 08 62 372 10 6 Je 71 241 ... 4 08 42 .174 100 I 2 66.. ' 241 170 4 04 40 !U0 ... 6 IS SHEEP There was a llKht run here thla morning and as all the packers seemed to want some fresh supplies, they were out early nnd paid good, steady to strong prl.-es for the , desirable grades of ewes and wethers. Some kinds that did not Just suit them, or some that they knew were not killing out up to the proper standard, were somewhat neglected, but tho general mar ket was active and fully steady with yes terday, limits could not be quoted nny more than steady, and none too active at that, although the most of the better grades were sold In fairly good season. There was nothing new In tho feeder situation, as the demand Is sufficient to hold prices steady on the number that have been coming forward. Quotations for corn-fed stock: Choice western lambs, t6.506.65; fair to good lambs, t5.0Otgi5.50; good to choice Mexican yearlings, 34.7u4in.Oii; good to choice west ern yearling, Jrl.6uu4.90; fair to good year lings, . I4.26ki4.50; ko.1 to choice wethers, tl '. ; , in. A . . . . .1 , w .. - at WV.?i4 OR. good to choice ewes, t3.9O4i4.10; fair to good ewes, 33.25213. .5. Representative sales No Av. Pr. H6 western bucks .. 23) western ... 246 western ewes ... 203 weHtern ewes ... 95 western ewes ... 112 western wethers 2J0 wostern ewes ... 2.15 western ewes .... Ml western lambs .. 275 western lambs .. 274 w estern In nibs .. 206 western lambs . . 144 . 1"2 . 1"2 . 97 . 75 . SI . 1-J6 . 1C . 68 . 72 . 73 . 68 2 50 3 25 3 6 4 00 4 06 4 OS. 4 15 4 15 4 25 4 SO 4 90 4 65 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and I.nmbs Steady and Market for Hogs Ten Cents Lower. CHICAOO. March 17. CATTLE Receipts 6.500 head; market steady: good to prime , r. ,r.. . j: r. . , mai,,m fi cu.r Blockers nnd feeders, t2.50'p4.25; cows, tl.tVWr 4.00; heirers, t2.25W4.50; canners, 31.501 2.MI: bulls. I! I'.'.il m; calves, t3.0o4i4.5o; Texas fed steers. H.OWS.nn. HfXiM Receipts. 30,000 head; estimated to morrow, 26.000 head; left over, S.23H head; market 10c lower. Closed, firm; mixed and btitohfrs. f5.20ff5 46; good to choice heavy. t5.4Ofc6.60; rough heavy, tS.Z5fJ5.40; light, 8480 46 35: bulk.. of sales, f5.3r66.46. BHF.KP AND LAM US Reeelnts. 15.000 hoad; market steady; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, lvl.2of"5.25; ralr to choice mixed, 83.5014 50; western sheep tS rScfto .25; native Iambs, t4.50Q5.50; western lambs, 34.00 6J4L75.I f..:." . ' . . - ; Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANS4.S CITY, March 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.000 head. Including 150 head south erns; market Blow to steady: export and dressed beef steers, steady. tl.60'n5.20; fair to good, steady, t3.75414.45; western fed steers, steady, fl. 403.50: stockers and feed ers, slow, t8.0(VfT4.28; southern steers, slow, t3.25W4.2R; southern cows, steady, t2.4Mi3.26: native cows, weak, t2.753.75: native heifers, Bteftdy, t3.607T4.2rt: bulls, uteady, t2.50'i3.60; calves, steady. t3.0O4i6.5O. HOOS Receipts, 6,W head: market 10c lower' top. 85.80;' bulk of sales. 35OOQ6.20; heavy, tfaows 80 : packers, t5.055.20; pigs and llirhts, tt .mfjg.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.500 head; market steady; native lambs, t50ofrf 5.i6; western lambs, t4. 75475.56: fed ewes. 18 MVftM.80: vearllnga, t4.6t35.10; stock era and feeders, 32.754.00. ' . St. Lonls Live Stsek Market. ST. LOTTI8. March 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 25.000 head. Including 700 head Tex ana; market for natives slow; Texans, steadv; native shipping and export steers, t4 15f5 26; dressed beef and butcher steers, t4.0O4i6.10; steers under 1.000 lbs., t3.60r(4.30: tnckers and fenders. t3.30fT4 00; cows and heifers, t3.154T4.35; canners, t2.25(g2.&0; btillB t3.00BS.75; calves. o.7Wiy.zo: rexans ana In dian steers, .8&4.36; cows and heifers, 32.20 63 45. HOGS Receipt. 6.000 head; market 6fT10c lower- nlirs and llirhts. 4.(WfJ5.10: packers. t5.oo6.40; butchers and beat heavy, 35-80 KN1 , ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 1 ono head; market steady: native muttona, $4 00 474 75: lambs, J4.7V.i5 M; culls and bucks, 33 00 63.75; stockers, iu.owub.uo. St. Joseph Live Stock Market ST. JOSEPH. March 17. CATTLE Tte- Minii 1 head: market steanv: natives. t3.6r4V5.lS; cows and heifers, $1.764.25; stock- r no reeoers. sv.BMa4.1aD. HOJ Receipts. 4 (H4 nean: mnrser irno . . : I . . - .y . r nr. . I . . m n .. . . . n .... lower; ngui, eu.wv.w, uu.uu. IK 104,5 35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5.500 head: market mostly loo higher; lambs, steady. Stock In Sight.' Vnllowlna. are the recelnts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: South Omaha ..... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . 4 600 71 8,500 . 6.50O SO.oriO 15.000 . 4.000 6.300 2.000 . 2.&O0 6 000 1.(0 4) ,. 1.4..) . 4.S3I IJM) . 500 8.500 .19.500 68.434 2S.500 Stork Market. Chicago Kansas city St. Louis , St. Joseph Sioux City Total SIOUX CITT. la.. March IT. ("Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH iCOE Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00. General Offices: N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. IDCCT CCDVIPC Most rsllabl market Information. L4trrt DCdl wLlll IwC prlvat wlr aysisiu In America. 2 1VC ftlllDIUTCC o ut your orders) if tha marltot s lib UUAllAil I CC rsachs th prio vrtiluti you set. W harr NO INTEREST tor carrying; long ilotki,' 1 3. UaRGIKS REQUIRED ffiltefCWtfr'W"' 4. REFERENCES MAS:?"" mmatmtm.TkVB-m: OUAUA BRAKCH-I6I8 Firso St., Tel. 3467. TKOS. II. "WADDICK Cor. N. B- W lasu each week an exhaustive review of the snarfcet and the moat aocurata foraoast of future, muveiasnts. Free at any oaf fur panose. -.. market, steady; beeves, t3 50tu4t; co -fro and h.ilcie, 4-.'.'u3 atockers and feeders, 90; calves and yearluigo. t3 t'o-uliu. lH4iS- Receipts, t.iM head; market, 1"0 lower; selling at t.75o5.2o; bulk of sales, tt.95u6.u5. - flank Clearings. OMAHA, March 17. Bank clearings tor t.Mlay, tl.il45.94i 37, a dm-rrase of t.u,734 3J tioui the vorreypoiidinK day laat year. POSTOKFH U ftUTItVK. (Should be read daily by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending March 12. 1W4. will close (PKOMPTLf In all caoesi at the General -Poetofnce as fol U ws. 1 ARC ELS l'OSr MAIL ck)S one hour earlier than closing lime shown be low. Regularand Supplementary mafia close at Foreign Station halt hour later than closing time shown below (except that Supplementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Staiiobl. Transatlantic Stalls. SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. for IRELAND, per s. s. I mhrla. via Queenatown (mall for other parts of Europe must be- dl-; rected "per s. s. Umbria"; at 6 a. m. for EI'HorK, per s. s. St. Paul, via Ply mouth and Cherbourg; at 8:30 a. m. for, BEI.till'M direct, per s. s. Kroonland (mall must be directed "per B. Kroon land "); at 8 30 a. m. for ITALT direct, per s. s. Hohenaollern (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Hohenaollern"). After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are Opened on the piers of the American, English. French and German steamer and remain open until within Ten Minutes ot the hour cf sailing of steamer. rtalls for Sooth nnd Central America, . West Indies, Etc. 1 SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for Bermuds, per a. a. Pretoria; st 8:80 a. m. (supplement ary 9:30 a. m. for POUTO MICO. CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Phila delphia (mall for Savanllla and Carta gena most be directed "per a. a. Philadel phia"!: at 9 .11 a. m. supplementary 10 80' . m. for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. PA VANILLA, CARTAGENA and OREY TOWN. per a. a. Alleghany (mall for' Costa Rica must he directed "per s. a. Alleghanv"); at 9'S0 a. to. (supplementarr 10 90 a. ml for INAOt'A. C A PE HAITI, PORT DU PAIX and SANTA MARTA. fer s. s. Athos (mall for other parts of laltl must be directed "per a. a. Athos"); at in a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Morro ChBtle. via Havana: at 10 a. m. for Haiti, per s. s. Prlns Wlllem IV. maf1 for Cu racao, Venertiela. Trinidad. British and Dutch Oulana must be directed "per s. a. Prlns Wlllem IV. "1: at 12:30 p m. for CUBA, per s. a. Curltvba. via Matantas Cms II must be directed "per s. a. Curl tvba"). Malta Forwarded Overland, Etc., Bi. eert Tra.11 sna el fls. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, close at this office dally, except Thursday, at 6 30 a. m. (the connecting mails cose here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). ' MEXICO CITY Overland, unleas specially addressed for dispatch b steamer, closes at this office dally, except Hunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 10:80 p. m. Sunday at-1 p. m. and 10:3it p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North iyd-, nev and thence by ateamer closes at thla office dally at 6:30 p m. (connecting mall close here every Monday, Wednesday, and baturrtay). - JAMAICA By rail te Philadelphia and thence by steamer closes at this office at 10:30 p. m. evry -Sunday. By rail to Boston and thence by steamer closes at this office at 6:30 p. m. every Friday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston and thonc by steamer closes at thla office dally at 6:30 p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTE3 and GUATE MALA By rail to New - Orleana and thence by ateamer closes at thla office dally, except Sunday, at'l:3S p. m. and 10:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. m. and 110:30 8. m. (connecting mail closes here ilon avs at J10:30 p. m ) COSTA RICA By rail to New. Orleana and thence by ateamer closes at thla office daily, except Sunday, at 1:S0 p. m. and 110:30 p. m.. Sundays at fl p. m. and J10.S0 p. m. (connecting man closes care Tues days at ,10:30 p. m.. BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Malls By rail to Miami. Fla., and thence by steamer closes at (5:30 a. m. every Mon duy, Wednesday and Saturday. . Registered' mall closes at 4 p. m. previous day. - - Transaiatrltlo Mails. ' TATTITT and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, Via San Francisco, close here dally , at 6 t 8. m up .to March (18th, ncUiaiva,r-fr cspatch pur a. a. Mariposa. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, climes here dally at 6 JtO p. m. up to March filth; Inclusive, for despatch per s. .olympla. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle (specially, addressed only), close here dally at n:30 p. m. up to March- (14th, inclusive for despatch per s. s. Pleiades. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver, and Victoria, is. c. close rer dally at : p. m. up to March llDth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. . Etnpreaa of India. (Merchandise for U. 6. Postal Agerlcy at Shanghai cannot ho forwarded via Canada.) HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Btin Francisco, clos here dally at 6:30 p. in. Up to March fl8th, inclusive, for dispatch per s. . Siberia. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA .except west), it;vv .:aikloiv!1A. FIJI. ' SAMOA and HAWAII via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m -id to March 119th, inclusive, for Alsuarrh per a. s. 1 Sonoma. (If the Ctinc.-d steamer carry. Ing the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra malls closing at 6 30 a. m.. 9:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until (h ar rival of the Cunard steamer) - AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via-Tan couver and Victoria, B. C., - olose her dally at :S0 p.. m. up to March f26th. tn elusive, for dispatch per s. s. Moana. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and specially addressed mall tor the PHILIPPINE) ISLANDS, via San Franclsoo. close her dally at 6:30 p. in. up to Marph 26th. in clusive, for dispatch per . a. Coptic. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, cloee her dally at 6:80 p. m. up -te March 27th, inclusive, for dispatch per U. 8. Transport. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close her daily at 6:20 p. m. up to March f28th, in clusive, for dlspstch per. . Alameda. NOTE Unless otherwise sddressed, West Australia Is forwarded ' via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines, via San Francisco the quickest route. Philippine ' specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prermld at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Franclaco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded ta port of (ailing (Tally and the schedule of clos ing Is ar-snged on the presumption ef their vnlnterrttnted overland transit. Registered maU closes at 6 t m. Previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Post ma at er. Postofflca, New York, N. T. March 11, 1904. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions V Stocks. Member Omaha Grain Exchange,' Chicago Board of Trad and t exchange. Correspondent Bartlett. Fraxlar 4k Carrlrgton. 3IS Beards! TrassRIifg. Ooasha. COMMISSION nil (INCORPORATED. s "ir