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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1904)
10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY. MAKCn 18. 1001. MAJOR BEAN KILLS HIMSELF Chief Commissar, Department ef the Hit louri, Fires fatal Ehot. TAKES LIFE WHILE WIFE PLAYS THE PIANO Truffdr Occurs at Ilia Home and Creates Profound Skrk and Sor row Anions; Comrade at Arm? Headqaarters. Major William II. Dean, chief cnmmls SViry of the Department of the Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha, ahot himself In ths right temple at 15 yesterday morning at Ma rrklence. Ll North Twenty aecond atreet, causing lnstan. death. The hot wai fired from a rogulallon military Colt's revolver, the bullet entering the right temple and pnssing through the head, coming out near the left enr. There waa nothing In Major Bean's man ner yeatorday to Indicate to the mem bers of hla family even the slightest sug gestion of the tragedy that took place. He la said to have appeared In his usual spirits at the breakfast table and partook of a generous meal, considering hla recent poor health and Inability to eat other than light food. After breakfast Mnjor Bean asked hla ma.le servant to accompany him to the attic snd remove the trunks downstairs, ths major's Intention being, It la thought to begin to get his baggage In readiness for his Intended departure May 25, he having been ordered to the Philippine service some time ago and waa to sail about June 1. The servant carried the trunks from the attlo to tha first floor of the residence, leaving the major In the attic. Dies While Piano Plays. A minute or so sfter the trunks had been removed Major Bean called down to hla wife snd asked her to play the piano for Mm. This not being an unusual request of the major's, his wife promptly complied without giving It a particular second thought. Mrs. Bean had played a tune or two, when she and the other membere of tha. family were aroused by what sounded to them as the fall of a body In ths attlo. They rushed upstairs snd found the proa trate form of the major lying on the floor. He had shot himself while hla wife was playing the piano. The members of the family, say the ahot was not heard by them, but the fall of the major's body was of such force as to be heard In the rooms below. A physician was Immediately summoned, but life wss extinct, the wound causing almost Instant death. No Information regarding the tragedy could be obtained at the Bean residence, admittance being denied to all callers. But those who have known the major for some time say that his recent Ill-health, that of stomach trouble, may have preyed on his mind and prompted him to do the deed. Major Bean waa a cousin of Jans Addams of ths Hull house, Chicago. Wife Takes Body East. Undertaker Burket has charge of the funeral arrangements. The body will be embalmed and, accompanied by Mrs. Bean, will b shipped to Chester, Pa., his old family home, Saturday night for final Inter ment. Captain Frank A. Cook will accom pany ths widow and remain as far as Chi cago. Ths first news of ths suicide waa received at army headquarters by a telephone mes sage from Mrs. Bean to Captain Frank A. Cook, assistant chief commissary of the department, about 9:20. stating that some thing hsd happened to Major Bean and for him to come Immediately. Ths sad nature of ths tragedy wss af ones surmised and was confirmed a few momenta later. Ths Intelligence, of Major Bean's death was re ceived at department headquarters with very manifestation of ths profoundest sur prise and sorrow. It was at first hoped that the rumor was groundless; that some mistake had been made. The realisation of the tragedy fell like a pall over every department in ths building and several of the officers hastened st once to the late home of the desd officer to tender any and every . assistance possible to tha breaved wife Habttajally Cheerful Man. Major Bean was In a measure the life of department headquarters; always In a cheerful mood, hs was universally beloved by all of his associates, and he wss the last man on earth his associates believed should have resorted to self-destruction Hs was a man of the most sanguine tem perament and genial disposition; though of an extremely nervous nature, end the only cause that posalbly can be attributed to his suicide, was nervous collapse, brought about by overwork. Since his return from the army maneuvers at Fort Riley last fall, where he was In charts of providing sub sistence for the 12,000 troops assembled there, hs has been In llL-health. His chief trouble hss been Insomnia, and those who wers most closely associated with him re alised that ha was on ths verge of nervous collapse for a month or two. . The Impression that his approaching de- 5sturdsy March 19 S9c Sale Children'! 5llppers io am Monday March 21 Oriental Sal TAILORING CLOTH, 69c Y D Remnant SaJe Bantam Friday 52.00 and (2.50 The finest English and Scotch tailoring cloths that are manufactured many of them costing $2.50 a yard to im port also cloths bought from one of America's best ladies' costume manufacturerslengths enough for skirts and dresses, men's and boys' suits and trousers, at, yard IQ Yard lor $1.00 Dress CJoods Seasonable stylet In lengths 7C of3to8 yards every new weave, voiles, crepe da Paris, granite, etc., cream blue, champagne A other colors. TO for New 50c and 60c Dresa Ooods-Up-to-date weaves In JJG all the new oolors, Including cream and black. y r Yard for Remnants of Ooods from Regular Stock- -These fine C g.jods have been sold as high as BOo and 6O0 a yard. r Each for dress goods In 1 1-2 yard lengths, many that 13C match in shorter lengths. lOo each for shorter pieces. 69c Remnants of New Silks at 29c Yd Thousands of yards of fancy shirt waist silks, plain taffetas, foulards, etc. new goods worth 76c a yard, at, yard 29c Embroideries-Headings, insertings, In remnants and short lengths, worth up to twenty-five cents, T 1 f at, per yard... , saC-JC-IUC Laces Vals, Torchons, Sevillas, Clunys, etc., Z f If. worth up to 28o yard, at aJC-JC-IUC Basement SpcciaJ Remnaivt Sale Yard Wide India Black and Colored Assorted Mill Rem- Unen good quality Mercerized Sateen nants of various o-o at, per T 1 worth 40o f srrades of T sj2c ...V:. lac Shirting- Print Light and Dark Per- Damask Patterns Remnants calo Remnants white walstlng- will fro at, T will go at, pm remnants f per yard.... per yard ,,( atr Extra Fine India Chambray Qlngham White Corded Linen the twenty Remnants -the IZm fladra worth 20o fire oent f f kind, will go f yard, goes . m K."'....c tr:. O2C xi&t. 2 10c One table remnants of all kinds of Brussels Carpet up to fifteen yard lengths and worth $1.00 LCl.-, per yard, cro at vard JZJC s - w sj One lot of Carpet Samples one yard square, at, each . "'STdSS . Saturday, Mrch 19 That's the day we place on sale the misses' and children's Strap. Sandals, noman nanuais ana uxrora lies, maae oy sirs. Jiing or Lynn, Mass. These ware made to retail at one dollar, one dollar and a half, two dollars and two dollars and a half a pair. They will be aold at fifty-nine cents a pair. There are more than two thousand pairs of them, but they will go very quickly at a pair 59c J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE parturs for the Philippines bad anything to do with his self-destruction Is pro nounced wholly fallacious. Only Tuesday last he wrote to the chief commissary of ths army. General Weston, that he was glad he had been ordered to the Philip pines, ss he wss snxlous to get sway from the hard grind of the chief commissary's office In this city. He stated In the letter that he was about to ask General Wlnt to grant him a month's leave of absence in order that he might get a little rest, and to his fellow officers about headquarters he expressed the profoundest gratification that he was soon to enjoy a change of scene and experience in the Philippines. Originates Emeraency Ration. Major Bean was regarded as one of the most efficient officers connected with the commissary department of the United States army. He was ths originator of the emergency ration and had solved the prob lem of efficient feeding of troops in garri son and field at the lowest cost consistent with the greatest nourishment. Only a few months . ago the press was teeming with his recent demonstrstlon of ths ques tion of maximum food at a minimum cost and the development of ths possibility that wholesome, substantial food could be pro vtded, not merely for the army, but for Friday Specials For Ladies Now Muslin Underwear, New Belts, New Kid Gloves. Our Ladles Furnishing Dept. full of bright, new ideas for spring. Ladles New Undtrmusllns 200 Cover C00 quality standard oambrto corset covers, plain tight fitting, for I5C style liked by all lad lea regular SBo value (or 16c 50c Co rex a for 23 cent 95c Clown for 45c ll.90-ll.78 G0WN3 for 95c 5t 45d BELTS for 25c Ladles' Corset Covers A large variety of fine muslin and oambrlo, lace and fine em broidery trimmed oo vera, with long dip front, with V shape, square or round nee ks a beautiful assortment of styles reg ular 9o and Ceo values at Ko. Muslin Gowns Oood quality standard raoslln 'gown, full width and long, cat with square V snaps and high necsii etistirotdery or lace trlra- x yoke and (wok regular 7to and too value at 46c 7Sc mad $1 GLQVES, for ftPo Muslin Gowns The moat beautiful assortment of gowns ever shown for such money, daintily trimmed with laces and embroidery, also splen did variety of skirts, drawers sad eovar. at Ho. Bee show win dow display. Ladles' New Belts varied line of novelties tn ladles' baits. In silk, elastle web. crashed leather aod tinsel effects, In plain and fancy metal trimmings, gilt tfo v el sea for Bo. Ladles' Kid Gloves. New etyte ladles kid gloves taaa brown, gray, red, black and whits, with silk embroidered back aod peart buttons 4Co val- any ordinary person, at a minimum cost of 6 cents per day. His whole life waa wrought up In the question of army subsistence, and to no one Is the development of the modern army ration as supplied to the troope of the United States given greater credit than to Major Bean. Major Seaa'e Career. Major William H. Bean was born In Norristown, pa., July 26, 1861. Hs wss appointed to Weet Point Military academy from Pennsylvania July 1, 1882, and grad uated therefrom July 1, 1886. Hs was at once assigned as second lieutenant In the Second United States cavalry aod served with that regiment In Aiisona and else where throughout the west until October 6, 1892, when he was promoted to a first lieutenancy In the Eighth cavalry, and was transferred to ths Second cavalry again In December of the same year. He served with the Second cavalry during the Spanish-American war In the Cuban campaign with distinguished gallantry and was present at the fall of Santiago de Cuba. He was promoted captain for gal lant and meritorious services and was on August' 29, 1900, transferred to ths com missary department of the army. He was assigned to duty with the army under General Chaffee on the invasion, of China, was present at ths siege and capture of Peking and rendered valiant services as an officer of the subsistence department. Re turning to the United States he was as signed to duty In the office of the chief commissary, Department of the Lakes, at Chicago. I-ater hs was transferred as purchasing commissary at St. Louis, and from there tn a like capacity at Kansas City. He became a major July 21, 1903. Comes to Omaha la IMS. Hs waa appointed chief commissary and purchasing commissary of ths Department of the Missouri August 81, 1902, and has served in that capacity continuously since. Two weeks ago he was ordered to the Mili tary Division of the Philippines as ssslstant to the chief commissary pf that division at Manila. Aside from his rare qualities as a eomls sariat snd officer Major Bean was a man of very high Intellectual attainments and a as contemplating the publication of a his tory of the United States army. Few men were better Informed on ths history of ths armies of the United States than he, from the earliest colonial times down to the present. j He was a member of tha Sons of tha I American Revolution, Inheriting that right ' from both his father's and mother's side. His father was formerly the head of ths Valley Forge association In Pennsylvania. Major Bean will be succeeded as chief cominUsary of the Department of the Mis souri by Captain Frank A. Cook, at present ; ahBlstant chief commissary of the depart j ment. Deceased is survived by his wife, i but leaves no children. Dost Fool nllk a. Col. From the New York Sun. We must repest our warning sgslnst l pneumonia, the most dangerous disease that prevails In this city, and which Is ex traordinarily prevalent at this time. Be on the guard at all times against taking cold. Look out for It If you take It. Gladstone used to go to bed and send for a doctor whenever hs had a cold, and consequently he got well In a very short time. The "Sun" Is right and their warning should be heeded. For colds there Is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It prevents any tendency of a cold toward ; pneumonia. It always cures and la pleas ant and safs to take. Wagons io South Omaha Every Day fo) 12) IS rn rn HIT i ta.r 4 ' Oranges! Oranges! One more great senea tional sale of Oranges. This will probably be our last complete car Bale. We pull it off Friday. Large, fancy Highland Navals, lovely fruit, juicy luscious, sweet and fra grant, per dozen Mm And two dollars worth of Green Trading Stamps with each dozen (Limit, three dozen to a customer. Dennett's Money Saving Grocery Beet goods, lowest prices, prompt deliveries. A Friday Special Mustard This Is ths season when everybody uses riustard with cold meats, sandwiches, cheese, etc., etc. 15c To demonstrate te the pablle that we have a superior article ta this line aaaranteed atrletly parewe place on sale Friday one thousand Quarter-pound cans of BE SKIT'S CAPITOL MISTARD, per can A Kin OIVB ONH DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GRKKlf TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH CAM. Coffee Our coffee business Is big. We sell fresh goods at small margins. Mnracnlho Coffee 'JC per pound w Bennett's Breakfast Coffee lAr very fine 2-lh. can Bennett's Capitol Coffee 2Rc pound package uw Butter Received every day from beet dairies. Fresh Country Butter tUc per pound .... , t-'w New Watsh Waists Splendid Assortment for Friday and Saturdav 50c 2.45 White lawn, dark and light assort ment of lawn, batiste and fine cords, all at .. Misses' and Children's Rsln Coats Tan and gray, with plaid lining and velvet collars, value S3.96, Friday and Saturday st Three Great Attractions for Week End Buyers NEW WASH DRESS OOODS-Over 100 designs. In BATISTE3. f i UWNa and OKQAJSDIES, values up to Ko on sale Friday IUC and Saturday at 15c md 1 NEW PURSES AND BAGS Thousands of them that never saw f f daylight befor come and see them In the try Ooods IUC Section Immense values at 60o, 26o and A BARGAIN IN NEW PRESS G INGHAMB FULL, DOUBLE FOLD DRESS GINGHAMS. NEAT CHECKS. STRIPES AND FANCY PAT- Ql TERNS, NOW BEING SOLD IN OMAHA AT 12V4C on sale OxC Friday and Saturday one hundred piecee, at , 1 Children's Wash Dresses Oone to three yards heavy percale oolors, pink, blue, navy, all with 2Sc white dots, pries mjm FINE SILKOLINE, In the Dress goods section, remnants t io 16 yards, fn 2Uo cuaiity. at svw Silk Offering Friday Saturday Black Taffetf 311k Guaranteed Quality, 5 Of 70o quality, at. Bi.ick Peaiibe Sole 511k, guaranteed quality, splendid 7 C . dollar quality, 27 inches, at Green Trading Stamps Every Time as Easy , To Buy MIT Easy To Pay Save your coupons on pegs 1, and help some deserving person get a splendid vaca i Uoa Uia la jlfce Bt 24uia exjpelUos, Our Terms, 50c, 75c and $1 Per Week. Grand Showing LADIES' SPRING SUITINGS. We mention below a few of our on equalled bargains: Ladles' skirts, $1.4S to $18.00. gilk underskirts, all colors, $3.48 to $9.48. Ladles' trimmed bats, $1.13 to $12. Ladles' fine waists, $2.50 to $10. Ladles' fine shoes, $1.60 to $5.00. Ladles' stylish spring jackets, $3.43 to $12.00. Ladles' rravenettes (rain coats), $5.00 to $18.00. MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT. A few of our leaders: Stylish spring top coats, $7.50 to $15. Men's union made bats, all styles, 7fio tc $1.00. Men's fine shoes, $1.50 to $5.50. Youths' end boys' long pants suits, $4.00 to $12.75. Price $5.00 to $35.00. Children's two-piece suits. $2.13 to $8.75. Our Chain of 14 Stores Makes Bargains Possible. Largest Dealers In the iliddle West on the Credit Plan. COME TO OUR NEW STORE TOMORROW. H. B. Ridley Mdse. Co., 316 S. 15th Street 0a 15th Bitween Parnam anl Harney 5ts fl sVl MONARCH GOAL Ibis oame In coal stands foi PURITY, CLEANLINESS, SATISFACTION. Lump, S6.75. Nut, 56.25. We have never Introduced a new coa that has given the general satisfaction that Monarch baa furnished. Ketnetn- ber we also handle all other ataud&rU grsdee of ooei G. B. HAVENS & CO., ai a. iota st. Retail. Pfcoces 101-117-fcS. W3 6ntt Sill on Men's Finishings Siturdif. BfflfDBS THBJ RELtABLB STORK. Buy i Hart, Schiffner L'Algloi Plain Coat' r & Man! IUI. Trading Stamps Froo Vith All Gash Purchases Remnants Remnants Remnants Thousands Upon Thousands of Yards of Thorn In tho Dig Domestic Room. 5Jc One big square S6-lnch percale worth 12Hc at M 5.0U0 yards shirting prints OJn worth 6Vc a yard at One Mb table all kinds of White Cn goods worth up to 15o at Sheer India llnon snd Victoria lawn, 40 Inches wide worth up to filr I6o a ysrd-at OJC Spun glass and nearsllk linings all shndes, worth up to 36c 7aC Extra heavy brown linen crash Rr cheap at SHo, Friday Extra heavy homespun cream damask 60 Inches wide 0&r cheap at 46o a yard at aacW Btandnrd dress ginghams the 10c quality at Zephyr dress ginghams, (full pieces), chesf m i2' r riuay, at, yard 12VkC quality snow white cambric at, yard Standard apron check ginghams, (full pieces), at, yard Benmless read--tn-ue bleached sheets slsn Z4x24 worth 80c AOn FrldHy, at Bleached union table damask, ti Inchoj wide he uo quality O &r Friday, at, yard Remnants of all kinds of table linens and toweling at LESS THAN HALF tRlCK. 5c 'heat ...6Ic .. 6ic 5c Wool Dross Ooods in tho Domestic Room Ko AXXi WOOL SCOTCH SIIXTURE3- oH the new spring colorings AQc Friday, per ysrd - w 9c ENGLISH HENRIETTAS full sssort- ment of colors snd black 0n Friday per yard 78e FRENCH AND GERMAN PLAtns orepe finish, large assortment of styles and colors and all wool French CKQn challis at uyw $1.M ALL OUR SWfVRT LENGTH 8 of wool dress goods, yreat variety, worth up to U-60 Friday- per yard 9o and aSCJfc. Silk Salo Friday 41 Fancy silks, in small neat designs 10 different colors on sale at 100 pieces fine silk. In both plain and figured silks worth 11.00 at only 100 pieces rich novelty silks also fins 37-lnch wiae Diaca taneia on sate Small lot of silks to clear up. in lengths from 1 to 10 yards on sale Friday, at.. 29c 49c 69c .15c Friday's Bargains in the Cloak Department WOMEN'S EPWNQ SUITS sample gar ments, bought to sell for $15.00 Friday at W K WOMEN'S BLACK MERCERIZED UN DERSKIRTS regular 11.K quality. Frlday-at o WOMEN'S PEAU DD SOIB WAISTS In black and colors a fine line, $7.00 quality at $2 M Children's 11.60 coats 494 Women's rainy day skirts 494 Women's percale wrappers, $1 quality.. 4So Reliable Grocery Prices WIl CARRY THE LARGEST MOCK OF ANT HOUSE IN THE WEST. OUR H lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for tt-00 Large sacks Cornmeal 12V40 bars best laundry soap, (any brand). .18o Oood Japan rice, lb r ....... .ijkO Fancy pearl tapioca, sago or barley, lb..o Mb parts fruit Jelly 17ta 1-1 b Jars pure fruit Jam 8o Large bottles Pickles, any kind you want "V4o Large bottles Pure Tomato Catsup.... 8Vo 1-lb pkg macaroni Do Quart cans table syrup or Tennessee sorghum ....9o 1-lb pkg corn starch 4o 1-lb. cans Alaska Salmon... Oil or mustard sardines, can Bulk Laundry Starch, per lb Fancy hand-picked navy beans, lb t-lb can rhubarb 2-lb cans wax or string beans t-lb cans pumpkin or squash 2-lb cans Early June sifted peas... to .4o 84o ,.Ta RELIABLE DRIED FRUIT PRICES Large Cal. prunes, lb , ....SHa Fancy Cal. peaches, lb ...... , ....7Ho English cleaned currants, lb 7to New York evap. apples, lb ...... ..So Fancy Muir Park apricots, lb . ..IZHo Fancy Bartlett pears, lb .....lZtae RELIABLE FRESH FRUIT We will place 4-n sale Friday ths balance of car of those fancy Highland oranges we secured Thursday at, each Io This Is the biggest snap ever offered In fruit. Fancy Colorado White Clover honey, . per rack 12o Fancy large Cat. lemons, each 10 1-lb pkg California figs 7Uo Fancy Hallow'een dates, lb 6o TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERT TfccTHINQ YOU BUY. HAYDEW BROS. flB flS fl5 FIFTEBN-41S 15 flS flB flB w Dunham ib IB fS t 10 flS fl fl fl flS IB IS IB IB fin IB 8 IS IS IB IB IB IB TAILORS Borne of our would-be com petitors have olroulated the re port that we were only a tem porary concern. Oh, these knockers 1 Ths' trouble with them Is we make a suit te your order for $15 thst they have been charging you 126, $30 and even $36 for. We are here to stay have a long-time leaae on our present quarters and tha men of Omaha have been liberal in their pat ronage. Yes. we'll be doing business In Omaha when some people are dead. Henry W. Dunham Jr. Manager. 118 South 15th 5t. Between Douglas and Dodge. flB 1B PIFTEEl flB 10 IB IB ts in IB IS IB IS W IB IB ts IS 18 vlB fUS 1 IB IB IB IB IB 18 Who Would Got Hurt ths worst-lf ths drug trust should ?) suc ceed In boosting up the prlcesY Did you ever take the trouble to read the HON OH ROLL of the National Association of retail druggists? You know the names of ALL tT wholesale druggists who refuse to sell goods to cut-rate druggists sre put on the HONOR ROLL. Great honor. Is it not, to belong to a bunch of law breakers Has those fellows. It makes them mad cause wears after them. BUT they think It Is an HONOR for them to be AFTER US. Leave us alone, boya. and we will not give yoiir secrets away so fast, but keep us on the Sut olf list and we will have still more fun with you! Wi still CUT THE PRICE of everything In the drug store business Just a Uttle deeper than the combination, and will so contlnue-BUT, owing to the fact that we can not quote certain patent medi cines at cut prices, we ssk our friends to end us a list for OUR prices-not the DKUU THUS! B CUT PRICB DRUa ftTORB E. T. YATES. Prop. Mth end Chicago Bts., Omaha. 'Phones T47 snd 77. 4th and N Bts., South Omaha. Phone No. I tih Ave. and Main Hi., Council Bluffs. 'Phone tti. All goods ds livered in either city absolutely free. SCHAEFEirS Piles Cured Br WITHOUT PAIN C. Maxwell. M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col legs of New York City. Bee Building. Omaha. Neb. Tat, 104, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rta rketes'evhle UlaiUaiio, W. O. JERREMS, Pre. ,w 209011 South Fifteenth Street. Which Shall It Be? A READY made 5ult for your Easter wsa1n- r suit cut to your measure? There's little difference In the price but s vast difference of satisfaction In the wearing and fitting. Nlcoll'a methods and Nlcoll's prices are lifting the made to measure gar mentsabove the clothing thunder that . gets borelsh with their "one half." 'three quar ts" or "seven eights" reduc tion. You see through HI We're sure to save you some perhaps a good dealt The biggest value for your dollar la our plan and trade gatherer. , u Trousers $5 to $12, . , Suits $20 to $50.' ' Let us begin today to aavo you money . Take peep at our window today. If your thoughts are . looking tailorward.