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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1904)
Tlin OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MAKCIX 12, 1001. ) NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MItOR MEJTIOV tav1a atlla druea. Laffert's glasses St. Stockert sella carpets. The Faust cigar, 6 cents. Vyroitrsphy outfits and supplies. C. p. tander & Co., :3 Bruadway. Grand Ball BatuMnr 'hu Uth. O A. 11. Hall, given hy HluT City Lodge, No. uli. Hafer sells buildim? material. Tor wrmt you are needing yuu will profit by figuring with Hafer. There will he a sprclal meeting of Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army of the Republic, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. A marrlae-e llcenae was Issued yesterday to E. A. MHlftrom, aged 2), nd Maud Oyler, aged Si. both of tmiaha. They were married by Justice Ouren. We have on sale todny a rarload of nice corn fed native beeves. If ymi want a nice roast or steak at the very lowest possible rices do not fall to give us a call. Hubcr ros., 112 Kast Uroiiaway. Tel. 1 r:t. Frank Harris, a stranger, sneaked a pair f pants from the store of Metcalf Met calf and was detected by a clerk, who gave' chnse. The clerk overhauled Harris and fitter securing the garments wns about to et the thief go, when A. V. Meisner hap pened along and held the fellow until tne arrival of an officer. Levi Smothers, aged 69 years, died yes terday morning at the home of his brother, Adam Smothers, s4 Avenue H, from can cer. His wife, one daughter, Mrs. Jennie M. Blv, and thr- sons. Melvin, William and Henry, all residents of Keya Paha county, Nebraska, survive him. The funeral fll be held Hunday morning at ID o'clock from the refdcnce and Interment will be In Wal nut Hill cemetery. F. M. Cunningham, the tax ferret, who had a contract with the county board for iin.aHhlnir nrnnnrtv wMrh hnd escnned axKexxment lor taxation eitner ny omission or concealment, stopped off yesterday on his way from the west to his homo- In- Sul livan, 1ml., to look up the stulus of revernl sulfa now pending uml to be brought to en force the collection of taxes unearthed through his efforts. ' Talker Lewis, a young man, JS years of Sg, was brought to the city last evening by A. J. Sehnecklolh, a farmer of Mlnden, this county, and turned nvnr to the au thorities. Irf-wls, who Is evidently men tally deranged, was placed In St. Uerniirrt'a hospital until the commissioners can In vestigate his case. He was found yesterday In a held near the town of Mlnden siifTerlng from the effects of nn attempted self-mutl-latlon. , Lewis claims to have a brother living at Garrison, this state, and the lat ter has been notified. WE DYED LAST WEEK Will dye for you this week. We are lead ers In dyeing and cleaning all kinds of gar ments. The quality of our work Is above renroaoh. Let us look after that svrlng llip cum UL yuum. w will iut' lu dtaii that will put It In the very best po- cos " Vrry reK1'nabla top coat of yours. We will look to evet y TUB OGDEN STEAM DYE W'OKS 301 Broadway. Telephone 7IU. - - LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. I'Paarl St. Council Bluffs. Pnona 9L wmmmmwmniMmmwmM!im.mammuM. in an i imaiiin win "'TniUi'in 111 II rt"-R I MARCH! MARCH! MARCH! ! TO THE CENTRAL GROCERY & MEAT MARKET Where they sell the best meats at lowest prices ALL THE TIME. "" " Beef IJoast, per pound. 4c BoilinjT Hoef, per pound ." ; v2ic Kparv'IUbsv per pound. . , .v. :;V r.Clv.V.'" ; . Be Fancy riugarOured Hams, per pound. . i i7c Fore Quarters of Ltunb, per pound 4c Hind Quarters of Lainb, per pound. ............ J..V. 64c All Other Meats in Proportion. 'PHONE 24. 600-602 BROADWAY. SSB2 Not Your Dollars BUT YOUR QUARTERS 25c Is not much money, but it goes a long way at our store. Relow we quote Borne prices at 26c that ought to prompt you to come here for your groceries: SATURDAY SPECIAL FLOUR SALE Tomorrow we are going to mark flour down to prices that will make It profitable for you to buy for future wants. i 3-lb. can Tomatoes, ,26c 25c .25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 23c 25t 25c I lor I cans of Wax Beans, for Queen of the West Peas. 8 fur Price's Hulled Corn, J-lb. cun, 8 for,' Riiked . Deans, J-lb: can, 3 for ; Pumpkin, 3-lb. can, 8 for., Bauer Kraut, 3-lb. can, 1 for Pure Sorghum, t-lb. can, 2 for pineapple, 1 gallon can, for Applo Rutter, 1 gullon Jur, for Pulk Coffee. 2 pounds for Fancy California Feahes, OS5r S pounds for Fancy Cnllforiila Prunes, S pounds fur Raisins, In packages or bulk, 3 poueds for . j. Currants, 3 puckatrej 25c 25c 25s tor. Fancy California Poari, 2 pounds' for Fancy ('Hllfoinlu Apricots. 2 pounds for Quaker and Mother's Outs, I puckugea for 25: 25c 25c C. O. D. 8. ( HKHMiSS, Pro;.. 1 ;U Went VS. WORLD TLat'g the opluion of atHii ptoiil", but we routine our ncorie to Conncll Bluffs, ' Kvcrj-oiio la rutltletl to i!o tome business, hut any one o.tii easily Be why we Uo the liutther IiusIvcmh of I'minrll Muffs. When it comes to good uient uuj flieui) prkvt-, vo :ire the liell oow. VERT CHOICB SALT I'Oi'.K. per pound .8c PtiHK IAUNS. kil, per IHiuiid '...v8V LAMB STBW. . . per pound '. , BKEF ROAST, per pouuJ Armour's regular Sufiv Curd Hair.s, per pound PortrrliiiuFe Sttiiik, per pound Sirloin Steuk, per pound , ,2-ic ,5c .. "Be c ...71c Round Steak, por pouuil Bhoulder cieak, 0"r I pounds tor Boiling Hvrf, - pr pound 3c THE ORVIS MARKET 537 Broadway. BLUFFS. nlTflC i'PTi' l imp Trnil ! (.! KS . . A I L TKKS I aiwuuuw uuaw aiwtiw Motim for a New Trial it Oreraled by Jad; TlornflL TWENTY-hVE YEARS AT FORT MADISON if Prisoner Behaves Himself nd Mm tliat Lena He Can Get Out la a Mule Less Than Four, teen Years, However. W. C. Kogers, convicted of murder In the second degree for the shooting of Saloon Keeper Bert Forney on the night of April S. 10U3. In the latter'a saloon, at KM West O, liVO. lie lliv invti. aw - t,.,.,i.. .fi.r h motion for a new ; i nvr,.ii uni.nofd to twen- i ty-live years' imprisonment In the peni tentiary at Fort Madison by Judge Thor nell In the district court yesterday after noon. By earning his full good time con duct time allowance .Rogers will be able to reduce his term of Imprisonment to thir teen years and nine months. , In overruling the motion for a new trial and In passing sentence Judge Thornell said In suliHtance that the defendant hod re ceived a fair and Impartial trial and a very able defense; that the grounds set up In the motion for a new trial showed nothing In nix minu 10 jimmy mo " o. trial. After reviewing the evidence at length the court said he had seen nothing In the evidence which wouKl point to the guilt of the wltnss for the state, James tne oerense nerore tne arguments were Chanev, ns Indicated by the defense, or begun yesterday morning. James Jensen even anything which would tend to Bhow j and wife, who lived next door 'to the For that Chauey was In any way Implicated in ! ney saloon, made deposition that they the crime. Referring 'to the affidavit of heard a scream Just as the shots wore W. U Trussell, the Northwestern railroad , fired In the saloon and that someone went tower watchman at the Broadway crossing, J to the frotit door and heard the door closed offered by the defense In its motion for a as If someone had left the place that way. new trial. Judge Thornell said he thought j They did not hear anyone go out of the It was strange that Trussell should make back door. such statements at this time, contradictory I H. Jorgensen, In an affidavit, made depo to the testimony on both sides of the case. I sition that he entered the saloon shortly Before passing sentence the court asked after the shooting and saw Forney's body Rogers if there was any reason why sen- lying In the hallway, but did not see any tence should not be pronounced. i revolver near the body. "There Is, as I am Innocent of this ! Counsel for Rogers, In their argument, crime," replied Rogers, rising to his feet, ! essayed to shift the blame for the murder UIIU ? ursuil nil uui i-ran lu kiiv iuiii I wiiilii i InI1,ea over fifteen minutes. "If what I state I la true I surely could not have committed and he began an address to the court which murder,- ne said, and then proceeded ! " describe In detail what he claimed wer0 ; his movements from the time he left Hot FprlnRS on March 3n to the morning of April 4. the day following the murder, , when he said he landed in Conncll Bluffs. He went into actan ana reiatea a number Best Japan Rice, 4 pounds for , Best Broken Rice, tj, pounds for Best I.lma Beans, 6 pounds for Best Navy Beans, i pounds for , Best Ijry Peas, 7 pounds for Family White Fish, 3 pounds for Johnnon Soap, 10 biir for Beat Km All Soap, 8 bars for 1 gallon can Table Syrup, for , ljne Slse Gold Dust, lor ....25c. 25 w .....25c 25c ....25c 25c ,...25c .. 25c 30c ..!20c 15c 15c 15c I ml' large size, 2 cans for Eagle l,ye. liirgs size, 2 Tans for Rex lurfie lze. 2 cans for Iest Silver l.e;if I Hrd, smoll bu k ur bulk, per lb Good T.!t rtutter. !cr poM. d Cheniin High Patent Flour, per suck F.:irly ihlu Potatoes, r"r bimh'-l. , Cheese, clean and brk k, , per po ind 10c 20c 1.25 80c 15c GROCERY Hroadttay Phone 1.4141. IS OURS" lamb Roast, B pe-.' pi nnd Ol Lamb l.cs. , , He per poui.d '. Veiil Stew. ftn pr pound u V..l Beast. rj pvr pound Pork Roas1, Tir p.-r pound...' 4 1 1 pre Rllis, jr p r puuod.... V Freeh Hams, per pound OC 6ulctly Fiisii Country 15c Leaf l.s rd, nn 18 pounds ItUU Putter. lUr, per pound. I5li Telephone 46. of alleged Incidents said to have occurred on his trip, reference to which had been made during the trial. Regarding the re ceipt allp for the cash fare he said he had paid enroute from Chicago to Council Bluffs, an over the disappearance of which ,na set so mum store, nogers imiu that when he was taken to the city jail ... . , .. . the evening or nis arrest, me aem Ffig-i.. asked the arresting officer on what charge he wanted him booked, The officer replied on the charge of carrying Concealed weapons, and then, as an after-thought, added also on the charge of murder. "The I moment the officer said murder It flashed through my mind that I had been arrested In connection with the murder of Forney, fc.i-1. W - Jt , V. Mn.nlnff In h. ruin.r. It was this that made me ask the officers to take care of that cash fare receipt, as I at once realised thnt I might' reed It to show that I was not In Council Bluff at the time the murder was com- mltted." He concluded by reiterating hla Innocence. Judge Thornell had barely finished pro nouncing the sentence of twenty-five yeara, which he remarked could be shortened to thirteen years and nine months by good conduct time allowance, when Rogers Jumped to his feet and said, "Now, your honor, I will ask you to suspend the sen tence." Judge Thornell, who appeared somewhat surprised at the peculiar request, answered, "I have no power." "You have no power!" responded Rogera, as he resumed his seat and commenced an earnest conversation with hla counsel, W. It. Ware. On being taken back to the county Jail the only remark he, made was, "Well, I would Just as soon have got twenty-five years as five yeara." Three Additional Affidavits. Three additional affidavits in support of the motion for a new trial were tiled by from Rogers to James Chaney, the prln- ii.riu iwboi. lu tfainoB vimiiey, ina clpal witness for the prosecution, cont Ing that Chaney's motive In committing tend- Ittlng ths crime was robbery, Chaney believing that ; Forney had a large sum of money on his person. j The arguments were concluded about S:30 p.' m. There was quite a large crowd 1 In the court room when Judge' Thornell pro- nounced sentence. Ogden Hotel Rooms, with or without bourd; steam heat, free bath; public parlors WARD CAI'CISKS MEET . TONIGHT. I Republicans Will Nominate Candl. I dates for Aldermen. I In the Sixth ward of the city thra even , ing the republicans will hold caucuses for ; the purpose of placing In nomination can ' dldates; for- aldermen. These conventions will open at t o'clock and will continue until a candidate is nominated. The can dldate receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared the nominee. As there are aeveral candidates in each ward theconventlons promise to b more or less Interesting. f , , ; 'The pfaoea designated by the precinct committeemen for the holding of the sev eral conventions are as follows: First Ward-Wheeler Hereld building, corner of Broadway and Benton street. Second Ward City building, Bryant street. Third Ward No. 21 South Main street. , Fourth Ward Farmers' hall, county court hojse. Fifth Ward County bulld'ng, Fifth ave nue and Twelfth street. Sixth Ward County building, Avenu B and. Twenty-fourth street. Candidates for the republican ward al dermen nominations are reported to be as follows: First Ward-E. H. Ohlendorf. John F. . ii'iwn, m. r-. Anuerson. I Second Ward Chris Straub, Taylor oolsey. Third Ward-William Arnd, I. ChernUs. J. l. Smith. Fourth Vard-F. H. Hill, J. E. Ford, Robert Flack. Fifth Ward Hans Hansen, Alderman J. , C. Fleming. A. C. Ellsworth, O. Hoch I man. I Sixth Ward Alderman I. Lovett, John M. Harden. j The two candidates for aldermen-at-large i will be named by the city convention to be j held Tuesday. March 15. . A meeting of the democratic county cen ! tral committee will be held this afternoon , at 1 o'clock at the office of Chairman F. W. Miller to determine the place and the ' time for holding the county convention to name delegatea to-the state, congressional and Judicial conventions. Flumbing and heating. Blxby A Bon. Masters In Federal Court. Judge McPherson adjourned United States j court . yesterday until Monday morning, I when he will hold a short nesslon to hear . the Oxydnnor" case from Pes Moines, , Involving the alleged Infringement of a ', patent. Judge McPherson returned to his i home in Red Oak yesterday t fternoon an! the other court officials returned to lies Moines. i A continuance was granted to next term . In the suit of Lon Skelton, admluNtrator, j "e..... 1 i:iuu ;iijnau, on ine I understanding that If not tried then It will I be stricken from the calendar. I When court reconvenes on May 8, the : trial of the suits against the motor com pany arising out of the fatal accident to Mr. John C. Clcmention on July 4 19u2 will be taken up. There are two, each for $10.0PO. one In which the husband sues for himself, and the other In which he sues as administrator of his wife's estate. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 50, night, F667. O'llalre Drops Case. Word has been received that the tem porsry Injunction Issued by the Colorado court retraining John D. O'Huire from prosecuting his $3PO,000 suit against Jame F. Burns, president of the Portland O i l Mining company. In the courts her hus been made permanent. O'Halre, evidently unllka Jm. iwi. fcj : did not care to Ignore the order of the Coll H ; orado court, as he failed to flla hla petl- tlon In the district court here In time for the March term, thus nonsuiting himself. In order to revive the suit In the oourts here OH. ire will be obliged to secure service again on Burns in this state. Hafer sells lumber. Catch the idea? j Doiti. Baya Armory Property. I The deed' transferring the old rink prop- erty on Pearl street and Willow avenue from J. W. Mlnnlck A Son to -General j Orenvllle M. Dodge, was Bled for record vaterday. The consideration named Is I JS.7M. Tills 1 the property which General I Dodge has designed as an armory for the- Dodge Light guards. It la understood that the property will not be deeded to the company but will be leased to it by Oei.. era! Dodge at a merely aomiaal rtataL START ON R01D LAW REPEAL Howe Panel Metmrs Gitin? Oountiei Option to BtTert to Old 8ytem. . .. .. aaip nil I o vv jATt IAM5 Ur INaUHriPlvL. dills Acts Favorably na One rrorlo'lna tor Pablle npetlAn of Frateraals and Also Creates ! , aaee saperlntendeat. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, March M.-(SpeclalwV-The oue of representatives made a fair start today toward repealing- the present road law, by expressing approval of the Chas- sell bill to permit a return to the old sys tem In certain cases, sd that in a large pnrt of the state the law would be aban doned. The only Interesting feature was that Mr. Jacobsori, who spoke against the bill had signed the minority report favoring It; but he afterwards explained that he signed the feport under & misapprehension of the facts and on the assurance of per sons that the bill did not tneah any repeal of the present law. The vote to substitute the minority for majority report was car ried by 43 to 41, but adjournment was taken until Baturday before a vote could, be reached. , t . Insnrnnoc Bills Passed. The laws regulating the business of ln aurance companies In Iowa was given an extra twist In the senate this morning by the passage of two bills. One provides for the examination of fraternal Insurance companies by the state auditor at such times as he may see fit to conduct the same and also provides penalties for Its evasion. The second bill adopted creates the posi tion of superintendent of insurance, fin offl clal connected With the office of the atate auditor, who shall also be an actuary and provides measures by which an examina tion of all Insurance companies may be conducted, The committee on agriculture In the sen ate this forenoon reported favorably for passage the bill appropriating $47,000 for the creation of a fireproof building on the atate fair grounds for the use of the agricultural and horticultural departments. Catches a. Forger, 8. M. King Is under arrest on a charge of forgery and the ense against him Is clear. King appeared several days ago before Mat Kane, proprietor of the Kirkwood saloon, and with clever blnndlshment Influenced Mr. Kane to cash a oheck on the Belle ville Savings bank, Dellevlllo, 111., signed B. A. Qundlach, for the sum of $300. Mat Kane Is a customer of the German Savings bank and turned the check in to them with other accounts. James O'Donnell, cashier, wired the Belleville bank to know If the check on Qundlach was good. The bank wired Gundlach was good for the amount and the check was cashed and forwarded to them. Thursday Mr. O'Donnell received a wire from the Belleville bank that the check wu a forger ant valueless. O'Don nell communicated at one with Detective Hardin and King was placed under arrest. He registered at the Kirkwood hotel about o'clock Thursday eveqlng from Newton, la. The Kirkwood hotel holds a check from King for $10. " Real Estate .Transfers. These transfers were roported to The Bee March 11, by the abstract, title ana loan office of Bauire ft Annls.101 Parl street: George W. BrotChes ami wife to John W. Peterton,. part iwt nw'i, nw nw14, V7T-41. w. d.....V.? v..$,00 C. R. M. isranat to . ti. tiannon, io 4, block 27, Keoln. w. d F. J. Day and wife to Frank West cott, lot 14, block 89, Ferry's add., w. d W. T). Cooper and wife to Mattle K. . Smith, part lot 4 block 11, Everett'a add, w. d J. W. Mlnnlck & Son to N. I Dodge, lots 1 nnd 2. block 7, Jef feries' sub., w. d H. O. McOee and . wife to Felix Swift, lots 8 and 4, block 20, Mullln's sub., w. d National I.lfe Insurance company to J. W. Mlnnlck & Son, lots i and 2, block 7, Jefferlee' sub , w. d Iowa Townslte company to Bertha, Kempkes. nwlyH lot, block 1, Mo Clelland's add, w. d Frank U. Schofleld and wife to Mrytle C. Fonn, lot 1 and sub. ne1, sw4. 2-77-40, w. d Emily Fodtsh to Lene Snyder one ninth Interest lotlO, block 8, Evans' Bridge add, w. d J. W. Peterson and wife to George W. Brotches, part outlot 4, Neola, w. d.. T. A. Kirkwood and wife to H. W. Miller, pnrt nwV seW rrai eW, 14-78-44, w. d T. A. Kirkwood and wife to Elisabeth MUlcr, n'4 neVt. section 23 and nVi nwi 24-78-44, w. d. F. Ci. choflelil nml wife ,to Myrtle O. Fenn, ntt w4, t-74-40, w. d 635 100 200 8.7RO 8,000 50 8,250 . 150 1.700 1,900 y.eoo 1.500 Fourteen transfers, total ... .'..839.S08 Locating; Mew Fire Tloaae. ' Fire Chief Templeton and T. A. Brew lck, president of the South Bide Improve ment club, yesterday looked over the ground with a view of selecting a location for the proposed engine house to be estab lished by the city In the south section of The Most Healthful Beverage Known to Science. WALTER BAKER'S BREAKFAST Look for thli Trade-mark To the consumer this brand insures Perfect Tuilty, Do licloua Flavor, and Beneficial Kflects. It lias more than thi'co times th stieiiKth of cocoa mixed with ttturch, ar row root, or augar, and is, therefore, far inoro economi cal, coktiug luss thau one cent a cup. waiter Mu & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MAS 8. A 111 g heat Award la a LUi rope and America Sixteenth avenue. Chief Templelon favor a location at- Sixteenth avenue and Ninth street, as the company will be renulrel t ) cover the territory south to the city limits, west to the elevators, east to South and Oraham avenues and north to Tenth ave nue. President Brewlck favored locating the engine house at about SevenUenth ave nue and Tenth street, but It Is expected the club wll concur In Chief Templeton'a auggestlon. Dbatc Rellarlons Topics. There will be a debate at the tatter Day Balnta' church on Pierre street, between B. B. Glendennlng of the Advent Christian church and J. F. McDowell of the letter Day Saints' church, commencing on the evening of March 14, 7:30 o'clock, and con tinuing throughout the week and probably for a longer period of time. The following propositions will be discussed: "Does the Bible Teach that Man Is wholly Mortal and Unconscious between Death and the Resur rection?" T. B, Glendennlng. affirmative. "Is the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints In Harmony with the Bible In Doctrine and Organiza tion T" J. F. McDowell, affirmative. Harrison Posstr gammer chool. LOGAN, la., March 11. (Special.) A sum mer school for the benefit of the teachers r It is" not wise economy to save "the slight difference in cost between Old Undcroof Rye and other whiskies" when you get such superior quality in Old Underoof CHAS. DENNEHY 6 CO.. Chicago. M3 FOR THE STATE MEDICAL DOCTORS THE MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS "C3 i B 10 r bum Kidney and urinary troubles and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to ' evil habits of youth, excesses or the resu'ts of neglected or Improperly treated private diseases, which causes night losses, day drains and impuirs the mind, destroys muscular strength, reducing the sufferer to that deplorable atate known na Nervous-eual Debility. NO HARSH OR OANQEROU3 METHODS USED. CONSULTATION AND FDFFOfflce hours, S a. m. to t p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 EXAMINATION only. If you cannot call write for symptom blank. STATE a MEDICAL INSTITUTE l308Frnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th St., Omaha. !Ner uLjiotj mmm TO mm WoehiiiEfon CITY TICKET OFFICE, I3M Faraan SI. 'fhm 313. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment In uae for over mlxty yeara. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment coree Bpavla tuid Kin(boue. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment area ail tWiua f af biumatUaa. of Harrison county has been nrrnng. d by D. E. Bralmird, county superintendent of schools. It Is to be held at Woodbine for six weeks nnd nt the close of the session the regular Institute will be held, which will Inst only a week, and will be con ducted along the lecture plnn. The cost of the summer school will b about $25 to each attendant, which will Include board. fASTHMA1 Medical authorities now concede that under th ijtem ol treatment introduced by Ir. Frank Kheuel ol Chicago, ASTHMA CAN BE CURED. Dr. L D. Knott, Lebanon, Kt.i Pr. T. K. Brown. Prlmshar, Iowa: Dr. J. C. Curryer, xt. Paul, Minn.: Pr. M. L. Craffey. W. Louis, Mo.; Dr. O. K. Beard, Ho. Kramlnnham, Mm.. uear wltneM to theeflleacy ol hl treatment nd the permanency ol the cure In their own esses, pr. Whetrel's new method is a r,!trl iionsrtnre from the old fashioned moke powders, sprays, etc., which relieva dui ao not cure. FREE TEST TREATMENT prepared for any one rivlh a ihort descrip tion nf thi. rftsA Anri senrtlns names of two other asthmatic sufferer. Ask lor booklet of experiences of those cured. FRANK WHETZEL, M. D., Dept H amirlcaw txprstt Bids, cmciis. ve Hydrocele Varicocele Blood Poison Rupture Nervous Debility AND MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Umbers) up Stiff Jolnta. MKXICAM Mustang Liiiment peuetratea to the very bona. MEXICAN Austang Liniment alwaya five smiiaiaoiMsw . Ton Days' . Frco Treatment Offered Men . i Oreat Parisian Method That Cures' Seminal Weakness, Varicocele Stricture, Uleet, Uonorrhoea, Unnat ural Dlscharfea, Irritation and I3n-larg-emeat of the Prostate Oland, B'adder and Urinary Disorders, Without taking; iledlclne Into the Stomach and In Their Own Home. It Will Be 5ent livery Han Absolutely Free. " By a wonderful method successfully used for yeara in France, and now for the first time Introduced In America, It Is posslbls for any man, no matter how bad off. to aulckly regain the vigor of young manhood THE PARIS MEDICATED CRAYON. PLEASANT, SOOTMINO AND H KALI NO. without taking any. medicine Into the atom ach, and to prove that It will do thla they offer a full Ten Days' Trial Treatment ab solutely free to every man sending name and address to Dr. Stevens St Co., liox 1771, Columbus. Ohio. You apply it locally to the seat of the trouble, and It quickly finds Its way to the desired spot, enlarging the muscles, Increasing the nerve force and giv ing the necessary vim and energy. The world of science and medicine thoroughly endorse It. It cures In wonderfully quick time. In your own home, lost vitality, emaciation, prematurity, varioocele, "rinture. unnat ural Irritation and enlargement of the proar tate gland, and all bladder and urlriaryj disorders of men. It is the only method known to scienca tnat will eicctrlfy the body, rout wasting (Ureases, create vigor, warmth and force, and all thla without medicine taken Into the a'.omach. If others tell you nothing can be done for you, this will surely cure you. Write to Dr. elevens ft Co., Columbus, Ohio, Hox 1771. They offer Ten Days' Trial Treatment to every man. It Is no preJ' acrlption," "deposit" or "C. O. t." scheme, as this firm is too large to resort to such retty ways. In addition to the al-solutely ree trial treatment they send the most complete book ever written on the Diseases- . or Men. telling all. and runy illustrated, with forty engravings from life. Every thing Is confidential and sent perfeotiy plain, and since they merely ask you to I inquire what they have got that will cur fou, we trust every gentleman reader of his paper will write them at once as above and thus get the Ten Days' Trial Treat, ment and book, both absolutely free. The Only Double . Track Railway .. between the Missouri River and Chloago. 6 DAILY TRAINS OH1N1 TO CHICAGO 8.25 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED' V..mnl mHA train t OllriLffO. h,Bt and drft fn-rnnm "Iep4ii4t llhrrr. nr. Ium b'br. rttnmv ora cbaarv-ULots can. 8.QQ AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS ?atltn toor rt ilMpinf ax and acbft. PinlBtf ot from 0.iuUn 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS; Pullman dnwim-rocm soil tojilrt tlsoclns n-M rcolining chair ura, buHst 111 rr uid aiokiug . Ml. llaln carm. 3 OTHER DAILY TF.AINS 1 3 ifl i.iPiillmn4rswlna-nioBilplnBes,JJ . till AM "milking nnil librnri cun nrt frs.iwillo ,tM lnj thlirr r,r, tu cbicsiio. ilnln ura. . -. . mm n.k nmMhs In (JhirMO II .ill AM North Woiiwru .lauiUr.l .r ooch , taut fraaalCtiaiJ I J fir nil Fra nhsir rsra to rhlra Fr- nhair cmn to Chicajro. Pall di m le.pini cr from AmK to CaicaifU. lt in at tisii aarTltiat br-f-U ; rm 2 DAILY TRAINS ": ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7 50 AM ' w' 4ri" 81 C tit Tollman slwiptna' enn. hnftai llbnuYt , I 3 TNI vuil rrcUlns chair cnu BLACK HILLS 2.50 pm; lor, Nnrfolk To Frmont. LlnColn.Wtihoo.pairttl City, . York, llttatiriitM, n-wara, (nva, nr li n i-. ...... II, .1 slnrinuBx i)adw..od and LanJ. laroutib ra3Jiuiii ciiatr carat 'ul)roD t leaping car aarvica. Ill To Framont, Lincoln. Wahoo, norfoiKa AM i,aiu Piitaa. Vurdiitra. Bouaaiaal and U- ibnd Inrltaa Krawrvatiiiri vountry. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS Cure :i'l Sjirrlnl f SEASES OF MEN EL009 FOISON, WEAK, KERV0U5 Uli, riClitr AND BLADOEl DISEASES Treatment anil M-i!lclu- S5.UU PER MCNTil : UxaiiunuLloiis and iiiiVU-u 1 1 hj .it ollice ol by m.dl. AVrllten cnmia.iH -nven in ail curuljle disfuuvf, ur nfra il iiiuury iald fur trviitiriviit. Tianni:l iiv nm!!. H yearn In UiiMliH. Cor. 14tll il Qonsliia. OM.H.(. En, HAUL MArm THE HYGICNI LOTION Fsr Oonorrhaa. Clast Lucorrsea. Sptrmaior rhaa, Pilaaand All UnaaaUh anual Dlatharjas. NO PAIN. NO STAIN. NOSTRICTURC. rRCCSVRINCC-mm-A aara rrnUT nt IHaMaa.'W At iruKnU. or aont aujwhera fur !.. MALYDOR MF6. CO.. Lancaster. 0..U.S.A. S-.M 4 rvmnioiidi bj SIIEKMAM MrCOS K Kf.L IiUCU 11 Tor. lMh and l..di, Omaha MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beat for Ilorao ailment a. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beat for Cattle ailmenta. - MEXICAN Mustang Liniment licet for Sheep aUmentav - 2 tvriiii,,JU-!Lr-T If BVtTf -natPaW 1 AiiliJ