Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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JNew, Clever
Skirts. Walk.
Injr and
11 U Af tCfU 11' ILJ Silk Waists
'tc . wiiAlCZ- 4.90-6.9
for men
3, Laurie Wallace, Foreman, Advises Coot.
for men
of fraud in Wiseman Case.
Dress Lcnjrjtu
35c . 50c
75c to $1
'CSV ft 0 f) 10 ill
Men s Spring Clothing
If you want a suit that is: out of the ordinary
one that looks as good and IS as good as if a
good tailor made it to your special order a suit
that fits you as it should fit nake-your selection
from the new spring stock which awaits you at
this store. It is an, assortment of clothing that
will meet every mans wishes quickly and com
pletely. No matter what you pay for the suit
you buy keic tlie service it will render -you will
be most satisfactory. Even the coats of tJie lower
priced garments have hand-pad-
ded lapels and collars. : How
many stores can say that, hon
s estly?
Suits $7.50, $10, $12,
$15 ip to $25.
Top Coats and Rain Coats
$7.50, $10, $12:-up to $20.
Smart Clothes for Boys
Our new spring stock for ifie boys is ready.
larger better more varipa . than any we have ever
had the pleasure of 'inviting you to make selection from.
This applies with special force to our line at
$2-50, $3 and $4-00.
It's an actual faot that you'll find more styles here at these
prices than many Btorea can show you at a dozen different prices
you'll find here Double Breasted Suits and Norfolk Suits, Sailor
Suits and Buster, Brown Suits, all lined well and gotten up tasty
and snappy. '
v 'J I Th ai
We've a Hobby
That we rid and It's our Boys'. $1.60
Bhoee and we've ridden tt a great
manv VA.rfM.wlth t h a ...tlaf aatlnn nf
flknowlng that our customers are
pleased with the value we give them.
These shoes are mad from honest
leather with soles' that outwear any
two you ever bad
Saturday w hav extra help In our
boys' department so we can (lve you
the best of attention we tako U much
care In fitting th boys' shoes as ws
do tho fathers'. .
H Omaha
$3.50 and $5.00
v Ouriiew Spring Shoe! for men are'
here. If jrou haven't seen the tans yet,
better - do It. They are ready sellers,
perfect fitters.andi guaranteed wearers.
408 So. 18th Street (Washington Hall Building).
Great reduction In prloes still continues and people are buying In quantities.
Many of the best piece still left. The chair, that ware damaged worst sold among
the first, and many persons have purchased higher priced goods on second or third
purchane. When tney get their goods home and realise what a good bargain they
have made, they com. again and buy more. You ere- not too late to secure th
best bargains. But don't delay longer, pr then goods will all be sold.
from .,....U:..S.'U I $2.85 and..... JUC
CARRIAOES cheaper than j s (f ROCKERS that retailed Itfi
ver known up from at IH.0O for VOv
BASKETS, STANDS, etc., at one-half price or less, owing to condition.
Call and see these or you will regret it. '
Bed Effort at Omee to Aoprenena
Person Charged Wtth Tenfrrlac
. with. Jarora ava4 Atmla.
Ister Iaw,
That ther I tremendously atlff rod in
pickle for a certain resident of this city,
whose Identity 1. at present shrouded In
mystery, Is a fart that cannot be disputed,
and It Is equally true that the cause of
his Jeopardy, whoever he may be, Is due
'to his having tampered with the Jury that
recently sat In Judgment in the trial of
the case of the State against Wesley Wise
man, charged with having committed a
criminal assault on Alice Uard.
Judge Day, who presided at this trial.
will lve absolutely no Information con
cerning what the crooked work consisted
of, and County Attorney English Is equally
reticent upon th subject, but neither one
will deny that outside Influence was brought
to bear upon the Jury, or that such In
fluence was attempted. In favor of th ac
cused, and they hope to get hold of the
guilty party.
The Jury that considered thla case was
engaged for twenty-seven hour In its con-
slderatton. On th first ballot it ' stood
seven for conviction to Ave for acquittal.
On th tenth ballot the standing was eight
for conviction to four for scqutttal. On
th next ballot it again stood eeven to Ave
and so remained until iicr.irted by Judge
Day. During the six day of the trial, be
fore th cas was argued, the jury was not
kept under surveillance, but the Members
wer allowed to go to tbelr homes at night
During this tlmo it Is known that certain
one of the panel wer approached by a
young man, a friend of Wiseman, and put
In possession of facta .concerning hi al
leged assault upon Alio Oard which did
not and probably would not have been J-
iuwcq 10 appear in vviuraco. numnw mil
Information had anything to Ao with
bringing about th disagreement of tho
Jury doe not yet appear.
Crooked Work Sa.pectwd.
After having been out all night on th
cas J. Laurie Wallace. 212 North Eighteenth-street,
foremen of the Jury, sent a
communication - to Judge Day, a portion of
which was In substance a statement by the
Juryman In question that th Jury had been
tampered with previous to having been
given the case and that he was persuaded
an agreement would never bo reached.
Judge Day Immediately sent for the Jury
and after Instructing It very,, emphatically
as to its duties sent It out for further con
sideration of the oase. Thla, however, did
not result in any change of Its attitude In
regard to tho matter under consideration.
Several hours later tho Jury reported that
It was unable to agree on a verdict and
was discharged by the court.
At this time the court and county attor
ney at one took . steps to apprehend the
party who had communicated with th Jury
during tha trial. When pressed to make a
statement with regard to it Judge Day said:
"I do not think' It Would be proper for me
to say anything' now and would be glad In
tho Interests of Justice if the matter of an
irregularity had not become public at this
time. This I wlij say, that the matter of
tampering with a Jury in a case of this
kind, or any other, Is a- most serious of
fense. If such thtrigs occur they will result
in all Juries belnfllocked up and under aur
vsttlanc throughout the trial of the ease
on which they are sitting. Thla would of
course-be- a h(milih!p, 1 but one "that' s'nch
thing as this Wlil'rnake neecseary."
It is believed the identity of th parson
who wa guilty of th offense of tampering
with the Wiseman Jury will, be disclosed In
the near future and further details aa to
what his acta consisted of be mad public.
Mr. Wallace, when Interviewed on the
subject, made no secret of the fact that
the Jury had beep tampered with and tha
he had so 'notified th court, but he de
clined to make any further statement on
the ground that he had been requested
not to do so by Judge Day, for fear
that, . through the publicity thus given
th matter, the guilty party might make
good his escape before he could be appre
hended. Mr. Wallace intimated that had
it not boon for outside Interference a dif
ferent verdict might hav been returned.
1419 Farnam Street.
i'a U-t.D! Shot Ho an
la the lucious roelt-iu-your-muuth kind and
at our cut prices you can afford a box in
use all
the hou.
the time.
Stick Candy. 26 sticks for
peerless MUea, 10
-broken Mixed, lb
'Ch.mjUon' Mixed, lb
M.rshniallowa, lb '.
Cream Mixed, lb
feanut ttuuare. lb
Jiome-M&da Fudges, ib
Chocolate Drop, lb...
Awurted Cream, lb ,.
;iJlur Hweet Chocolste Drops,
frmm Square., lb
Cream Caramels, lb
Cocoanut Krtcadellcts, lb
-'hiK-olte Chips, Ib
liolf Stick. Ib
Italian Creum, Ib
Cum, ) packages for...,. .,.
... oo
... c
. ..luo
llanill. best
Tolling gai
linp In
ramllrt ior
"on 4S fevl of
gas. Territory
ttivea. $j per
w-ek easily
;jvUKVCT i
I A . TIP CO.,
m Washing
ton 8u.
i n
S3 Vj B
. . i rt
Is a good thing If you bank In the right
way. Bank v.iur money In .- DIAMONDS
with us. 8URH 1HINO increasing In
value all the time. A fcmalU secure, com
pact investment, easily negotlaole. To b
bought OIT081TH T1IS3 tOSTOFFlCB
I15.0U to $1.00.U0.
Six Sterling Tea Spoons 3 20
Bix Bouilllon Spoons 5 35
Slx Dessert Spoons T 50
BU Medium Knivea ' 10 00
felt Table Forka-: 00
BlxTabl Bpoono 00
Sterling Almond Dlshe - . I Cf
at ...,...,.. I UW
Sterling Creaxa tpoona- gg
Sterling Coid Meat Fork 2' 00
Sterling Jelly Spoona- . 2 70
Sterling Preaerv Spoon 3 00
Sterling Sugar Bowl and Croam
ar.. :. 12 00
Good servlcable medium weight patterns
JEWELKV BWhifl KIND. Uorliam or
W lilting makes. Heavy and mutlvt pat
ternsthe more elaborate ar marked In
same reasonable proportion and always In
plain figures.
107 North Sixteenth Street
I'arolr Oulu Pat to Death as.4
OrtlSeato of Demise la Road
to tho Judaro
B&rauel JSixtir, lilt Undsay avenue,
owned a dog that took a dislike, to William
Parker, truant offloer. Parker allege that
th canine Jeopardized hi life and clothes
by Jumping at him and behaving as no
r.speetable dog should,
Tha dog now is dead, or at least a cer
tificate to that effect has been produoed
In. polio court to show that th purposes
of Jusilo hav been tarved. Th case waa
set for hearing in police court, at whloh
time Baxter waa to produce the Cad dog
la court or documentary evldenoe to shew
that the Judicial mandate had been carried
out. Baxter said h did not Ilk to carry
a dead dog around with him, so he brought
a certificate of death, duly signed by an
executioner and witness. Th paper stated
that Oarfleld Baxter, a brother of the
owner of tha dog, performed the "last sad
rjtes." aa Samuel did not have th heart
to do th dead himself.
V Deputy Stato Vetortnarlao.
a"ood Inspector,
Olflot and luftrtuarir. Alfe and Eta,
Rm.iU-J.p.. Atlas.
A Russo-Japanese war atlas has been
iaaued by the Chicago A Northwestern rail,
road. Three flne cotcred maps, each ltx30,
bound In convenient forta tor reference.
The eastern situation shown In detail, with
tables showing relative military and naval
strength and financial reaouroea of Russia
and Japan.
Copy mailed to any address on receipt of
tea (10) cents In postage. Apply at City
Offices. lol-14ul Farnam Street, Omaha.
Buggies Carriages
. and Wagons:
FlfUeath 4 Cplt4 Ave.
Head our apeuial ad" every Sunday
u'nMjl.i ft The ml
Dentist with well estatJlisned practice a
an exoellent location In Bee building de
sires gentleman to har offloo, preferably
t physician. Address B ag. Bao offlra.
Crtki't Pi'.ajitti Hal.
. For IrjQ(.tlo(k Flatuleoey.OMksilpexloa and
Vatarra ot vue muoou. ueMieraee. aary
U eured abMluMly wv oo dM dyi gtvos rellel ana sure, to aiaysurea.
seat, kt 1'ru. burao for l.r.u boiti..
reujaOuUsreue. tui tnl bottle t,l be ami
nr. nU reta'a. to every muot ( Ihlm nt
. rx u . H vrtuo. for It. Adrtir nr
), iw t p eartl u (i.k. Fortuulo Cuui
' M L(k&e iMi,.n a, l (."Mew, i-i.
Anninmef maoti -of tho Theater,
The hurt two performances of tho vaude
ville program for thla week wlll bo given
at the Orpheum, matinee and night, today.
On th new bill, opening Sunday, Julia
KlngBlev, and gifted and beautiful come
dienne, and Nelson Lewis, presenting their
moet prominent ,. success, "Her Uncle's
Niece," a comedy, will be the headline at
traction. Bnyder ' and Buckley will dis
pense their unique ooinady and render a
varied Instrumental program, aa both are
accomplished muatdans. A rarely teen surt
of "stunt" will be contributed by Roberta
and ' vVilnedo, their specialty being tha
manipulation of rubber balls. A. O. Dun
can la a ventriloquist. He has a funny
layout In automatons and dialogue. The
man who wrote "Down Want McOlnty,"
Joe Flynn, will' entertain with aong aad
story, while in ' the terpaichoreaa line a
novelty ts promised by Abbaa Ben Omar,
who call his turn "A Night in Persia."
"Tho Great . Train .Robbery," th kino-
drome picture that attracted o much at
tention about a mostb ago, will be brought
back to meet a popular and widespread
Qua Ban's American mini at re la. said to be
one of tha beet of th burnt-cork organisa
tions oa the road, will be at the Krug
Sundajr matinee and night otly. Regular
Krug theater prices, with, the usual matt
nee rata.
Beat, ar now on sale for Joseph Murphy,
tha favorite Irian comedian, who cornea ta
the Krug for the flrat half of next week.
Mr. Murphy will present "The Kerry Oow"
Monday and Tuesday nlghte and "Shaun
Rhue" Wednesday afternoon and night
Thla will be hla flrat time here at popular
On Buadajr afternoon and evening "Ar
Tou a Mason T" one of tha funniest faroea
ever written and played by a splendid
company, will be th attraction at th
Boyd. Popular' pries win prevail.
On Monday evening Mlaa Marie Wain
w right will open aa engagement of two
nights, with a special matinee on Tues
day, at the Boyd. Miss Walnwright has
signalised br return to th legitimate
from the vaudeville stage by a revival of
"Twelfth Night" Aa she won her greatest
triumphs la tha role of Viola, tt Is only
reasonable to expect a fin performance of
thla dainty ooroedy. She I said to hav
an excellent company supporting her.
Sam'l Burns Is selling a beautiful white
and gold toilet set- for 16.71.
We dealr to thank ail kind friend, for
their loving sympathy, for tha beautiful
floral tributes and for many aota ef tender
kindness rendered at the desth of fur bo-
loved wife and Bother, Don rue Fentos,
fBlnkley. s
Qeorgi- Cranipton. tha Kngli.h haee in
song recital, at Chambers',
and FarcBm. Saturday matinee. March 11
Subscription (I. Tttcthor.. icn, t at
llo.ii. .
spring's Cleverest Fash
ions ii Suits, Skirts,
Coats aLnd Waists
Here is a most representative gathering of all
the new correct spring fashions in woman's ap'
parel You can search ail the entire west and not
find a more comprehensive gathering of charming
styles for the coming season. Thexe offerings have
that certain ''style character" which proclaims high
class attire. ,
Evry detail of degignintf tailoring, trimming has been
done by exjerl audi a capriuatin; array camwt help but in
terest t it ry trwiuin within reach vf ovr store and tli most
intcrwtiny thing about this grand showing is Uu loic figure at
u hich they are marked.
New Spring Suits An extraordinary
Buit offering for Saturday, consisting of about ten
different styles of the latest spring modes, made of
cheviots, broadcloths and mixtures, in olives,
browns and blacks. Coats In military or Eton
Btyles, Leatly trimmed with fancy shoulder caes;
rnnts silk Hnod: skirts in walkinc or dress lenirthal
pleattnl or trimmed with silk braids. These par- y
niortfa nrn rrfrftlv tntlnrpfl and all if fflf a
correct in fit and finlsh,.f22.60 A J
values, offered at " .,
Spring Tailor-Made Suits The very
newest styles in the clever modium-length military
effects, made of broadcloths and cheviots; also
striped materials, coats with or without shoulder
capes, trimmed with combination braids and nilk
lined skirts strapped or with side pleats, walk
ing length skirts, tailored to fit - 1 1 fj
women and misses handsome n
gannents, at "
Clever Spring SuitsMade of mixtures or plain materials in light or dark
shades, coats In military, Eton or blouse, styles, trimmed with shoulder capes, straps and
braids, cut with fancy sleeves and finished with zigzag collars and belts jj
or girdles, silk lined; skirts, walking or dress lengths. If interested in a jl U n M
new spring suit It will pay you to Investigate these, at M -r
Silk Lined Suits. $24.75 Beau- Exclusive Suits at $32. SO
tjful voile Butts, in bluo, brxywri and black, coats In
newest collarless blouuo effects, trlmmod with Bilk
braids, skirts In drew lengths. We would also mil
your attention to many other now spring styles in tail-or-mnde
garments, made of mixtures, voiles, broad
cloths, cheviots and striped materials, in all the pre
dominating shades, tailored by
the most skillful suit makers.
in stylos to please everybody
extraordinary offerings at. . . .
Made for us by the most ekllled tailors. Choice of
broadcloths, vollws, etainlnes and mixtures; also nov
elty materials. Goats, in collarless military and Eton
styles, faucily trimmed with contrasting braids, pieata
and straws. Best of linings and workmanship; cor
rect In etyle and fit The larg
eot assortment ever shown
ami thirty dollars
styles (or you to select from. Ther Is no imitation about the ONIMOD, nor
ao they have to be replaced, for they ar made tha finest and best and always
satisfactory. V
$3.50for the $5 Value.
S2.50 for the $3.50 Value
Regent Shoe Co.,
Send for caUlocue B.
Be s-n-'ot.
IIHiif.J liBl'IIWAsjLWiBMiiTpaj '
xPrice $1.98 to $5.00
that this Association has been In bunlnsss ever twelve years; has handled over
t6.0iW.OtO.00 without th loss of a single penny, ti any one and that out of Its
actual earning. It has paid all running nrperiaes and dividends of not less
than per cent per annum, besides acoumulating a reserve of $30,000.00, you
will then be ready to admit UiU It 1. the best Institution In the Investment
way that you can find.
If you hav no Investment wtth un we Invite you to oall or write for full
Information. We will promptly auply It: Investments of from (100.00 to
$6,000.00 received any day. J're.ent uaseta over 1.0u0,0u0.00.
203 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha.
Ml 1111 I I I50TARNAM
PHONE. 711
Price $5.00 to $25.00
Our atyllab spring clothing for men sn
women; boys and girts, la of the highest '
standard ot excellence. W sell yuu ol
aasy terma at rasb store prloes. Our chala
q(. 14 stores makes bargain, possible. .
Price 31.50 to $3.50
Cotna to our. new etors tomorrow. Voui
credit le guci. We have no old stock-All
new good.
H. B. Ridgley
Mdse Go.
316 South Fifteenth St.,
On ID til, between VWruua and Harney.
All Goitres Cai Be Cured.
It aloida ni. great pWasure to suuouncs
to thoM sufferUig from lAilir that 1 eati
pvsltively cur Uiavt. 1 um tb. Hennas
trMtm.nt. which has n.v.r bQ known la
fall. 1 will give tti lor .very corf. uncuretL
You can be cured at bome. Cuiisultatlua
free. If you bav Ooltr writ nt lor par
i.'.wt JBNNIT. U. Ho U Saliaa, Kaa,