Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Jmstt to Maffle
rapy9 too X
To make Uneeda Biscuit good;
To make them right and keep them tight;
To make you want them day or night-
Is the mission of the Bakers.
' If you know Uneeda Biscuit, you know how well the National Biscuit Company has carried out this mission
You know how thoroughly good and wholesome a soda cracker can be made; how exceptionally fresh they can be kept
until they reach your table; how delightfully they satisfy the appetite when you have that longing for something
unusually good.
If you don't know Uneeda Biscuit get hungry quick 1 Buy . them try them KNOW them. Then, when you
get hungry again, your appetite will naturally, call for more Uneeda Biscuit and you will understand that
To make them right and keep them tight,
Is to make you rwant them day or night.
Out Ogntimud to May Term Bsoanis On
f . Jam Lewi Fasti
" '. '
Alt Tetlany tmm Far Tikra Will
Bo 'Repeated at th Secood
Trial la New Tarsa
of Cant. ,
The trial of the caae of the United States
against W. R. Lesser, special agent of the
Vnlted State land department, charged
with falsifying hi accounts, and which
has been In progress In the United State
district court for, three day, was discon
tinued because of the discharge of one of
the Juror, who was ' called to hi home
by the fatal Illness of his mother.
It was decided that under the federal
law a case could not be tried with a lees
number than twelve Juror on the panel,
and consequently the remaining eleven
member of the panel were discharged and
the case continued to the May term of the
court, when all the testimony thus far
taken will have to be gone orr again. The
witnesses in the eas were discharged.
The trial was Interrupted Thursday after
noon, when B. D. Tait. a Juror, of Ne
braska City received a telegram announc
ing the dying condition of hi mother at
Brock and th urgent necessity of hi Im
mediate return home If he expected to see
bar alive.
Grand Jary May Coaveaa.
Jury was empaneled upon the postpone
ment ot the Lesser caee for the trial of
Eleanor A. Rsha, on an Indictment for per
jury found at the recent term of the fed
eral grand Jury. The accused Is charged
with testifying falsely In making
proof jn hi homestead In Bock cOuVity.
The caa I but one of several of a similar
character tor which Ilk Indictment were
found during th last silting of the federal
grand Jury.
Tli next case to be called for trial In th
United State district court will be a bank
ruptcy case from Wymore, Neb., In which
one Fine 1 the defendant. ' It I aet for
trial Monday morning and probably wi:l
be th laat case tried at this term of court.
It was given out unofficially at the federal
building yesterday that a grand Jury
would be empaneled for the May term of
court and that one or two rather Impor
tant Indictment were likely to follow rela
tive to recent charge made In th report
of Assistant Postmaster General Brlstow,
which have created a lively sensation In
both house of congress.
Chief Executive Den lee 'that Secret
Clvlo Reformers lalacaeed -1
Closing of Saloons.
Mayor Moo ret denies that the Bacret
Civic Federation of Reformer had anything
to do with the midnight closing of ralobne.
"Th action was taken voluntarily by
me." eald th mayor, "ant I knew nothing
about what the federation Intended to do.
I had known by report that saloon In th
burnt district were doing business later
than It o'clock, but I did not know that
uch condition existed outside of the
Third ward. When the O'Neill tragedy
transpired It caused me to make tnqulrle
and I found that th 11 o'clock rule waa
being broken generally. Th orders that I
Issued Immediately were strict and they
will continue In fore a long a I am
mayor of Omaha."
It in said today by a city officer that
twq women detectives have been added to
the corps employed by th of vie federa
tion to try to secur evidence that aould
show proprietor of Immoral home pld
nuthorltles for protection. These women
re said to be at work at present.
fflmMTiTMffi ITT
fADtWkm Wintn DrUi-lYtrminj sj )
vriTtKislS' ' "
Nebraska Establishes Exhibits OoDsplo
ouily at World's Fair Grounds.
Edaeatloaal Exhibits Are Rapidly
Belasi Placed la Position, ant
Mach Work Beraala to
Be Don.
James Welsh, connected with th Ne
braska commission to the World' fair, ha
returned from St. Louis. He Vald:
'Th headquarter of th Nebraska com
mission now are established In the Agri
cultural building on the exposition grounds.
The location I an excellent one and Is
near the government and Iowa exhibits and
Is very conspicuous. Th Nebraska ex
hibit are being rapidly placed in position
under dlrecton of Secretary H. O. Bhedd
and when completed will be on of the
nlcoet exhibit on the ground. The en
tire collection of Nebraska exhibits, as far
a can be gathered at this season, ar now
on th grounds and are being placed In
position a rapidly a possible. The Ne
braska booth will be very handsoms one
and Us convenience make It one of th
moat desirable on the ground. There 1
much yet to be done, but Nebraska will
be very fairly represented at the opening
of th exposition In an agricultural way.1'
Placing Edaeatloaal Exhibit.
From another source It Is learned that
the educational exhibit ar being rapidly
placed and present thus far a highly cred
'table appearance. Much Is yet to be done
In arranging the educational displays from
all the states, but Nebraska is about as
far advanced as any of them. The school
exhibit from the rural ' districts and
smaller towns comprise a very Interesting
collection. The Nebraska horticultural ex
hibit will be one of the finest on the ex
position grounds. ' though there will be
some necessary delay In arranging these
exhibits for the first few weeks, because
of the uncertainty of the weather. There
Is an abundant- of fruits for the exhibit
to carry It through the entire exposition,
thsie being about 110 barrels of fruits kept
in cold storage at the grounds In order
that the display may be kept fresh.
But little will be done toward the live
stock . exhibits until later In the season,
possibly not until August or September.
Secretary H- O. Bhsdd may be addressed
In care pf the Nebraska commission to the
Louisiana Purchase exposition. Agricul
tural building, exposition grounds, St.
Louis. Mo.
St.' Loulsi and fc. W. Pattoh ot Wash
ington, g. .
C. K. Hawkea of tSitnago win contest th
office of president with James M. Lynch,
the present Incumbent, while W. A. Graham
of St. Joseph will be on the ticket against
John W. Bramwood for secretary-treasurer.
Omaha union unanimously nominated Mr.
Kennedy and instructed him to appoint n
campaign committee of ftfty, th majority
of whom have been selected.
Addition to Be Built to Compete with
New Establishment oa Capitol
t , Avenue.
Harry Fischer, secretary of th Omaha
Wholesale Produce Market House company,
ha secured permission from the building
department for the erection of steel sheds
to cost $1,800 at Eleventh and Jackson
streets. This Investment I to be made In
order to compete with the municipal mar
ket bouse on Capitol avenu and construc
tion I to begin at onoe. Other permits
Issued were to Nellie Tobln, for a H.100
frame dwelling at WO North Twenty-alxth
street; to Joseph Qahm, for two repair to
a burned dwelling at Sixteenth and Cali
fornia streets, and to J. D. Shellberg, for a
$3,500 frame dwelling at Ninth and Pine
Garbaire Wen Driver Waal to Ar
rest Police Officer for Taking"
HI Teas.
On the promts that he will take better
care of his team In the future Martin Wlne
furter. Fifth and Nicholas street, a gar
bage hauler, has been discharged In police
ccmrt. Wlnefurtcr was arrested Thurnday
afternoon by Captain Haae for leaving hi
I teum unhitched. The captain drove tha
wagon to the police station with the gar
bage man a prisoner on the seat. At first.
It Is stated, Wlnefurtcr said he would have
the captain arrested for taking his team,
but after a little explanation he was per
suaded that discretion nan the better part
of valor and accompanied the officer to the
Frank A. Kennedy Koaitaated lor
Traste of Hosae for laSrsa
Printers la Colorado.
Th result of the nomination by th con
stituent union of th International Typo
graphical union ha Just been received in
Omaha. Th nomination this year have
ir.or than passing Interest to Omaha for
the reason that Fran A. Kennedy, editor
of tha Western Laborer, la a candidate for
member of th board of trustees of the
Chlkle-Drexel horn for Infirm printer at
Colorado Spring.
Th result of th nomination for that
oiBc piac aovon maa oa tha ticket, where
two r to be elected. Of the seven Thomas
Crowley of Cincinnati received the votes of
tl wnloaa- George Nichols of Baltimore,
lei; r. A. Kennedy of Omaha, I'd Thomas
McCaffrey f Colorado Springs, 47; Eugene
Kirk af Xanana Oils'. M: kd artunMw nt
is the great flesh producer.
Thirty years have proved its
effeciency in throat and lung
troubles and all wasting diseases.
Do not try substitutes, es
pecially now, when cod liver
oil is so scarce and high. They
are mostly all adulterated with
seal or other cheap oils.
Scott's Emulsion b always
the same. The cod liver oil
used b absolutely pure i all the
other ingredients .are also
carefully selected and of the
finest quality.
Favors Joint Primaries for Comity and
Congressional Delegations.
Declares Ho May Do Candidate,
la Addition to Coralsh, Brer a, .
Bar bank, Kennedy and
Chairman T. W. Blackburn of tha repub
lican congressional committee, asked when
he would call the committee together for
the purpose of setting a date for a conven
tion to aelect delegate to th national con
vention, and possibly a candidate for con
gress, replied:
"I am waiting upon Charlman Cowell of
th county oommlttee," said Mr. Black
burn. "I wish to arrange, it possible, so
that the county and the congressional com
mittees will meat at th sm't time In ordor
that conferences may be held looking to
ward Joint primaries. I hold that the Juris
diction of th dbngresslonat committee Is
paramount and that It may call It own
primaries If It so desires. However, these
are expensive things and It would seem
feasible to me, as well a economical, to
hold Joint primaries at which delegates to
both state and congressional conventions
would be nominated. This naturally would
come early In May, aa the state convention
meets May IS.
"I can see no reason why a nominee
for congress should not be named at the
convention that selects delegate to the
national convention and which must be
held at least thirty days previous to the
Trvo Month for Campaign.
"Candidates will have twp months or ao
for a campaign and that la long enough.
Then they would have a , long time be
fore election to get before tha people.
There la little uae la trying to arrange
matters so as to hamper th democrats
as much as possible, as their action Is
known In advance they will nominate
Representative Hitchcock. There nas b-cn
nc opposition to tin early nominating con
gressional convention so far a I know.
"As to candidates, K. J. Cornish, Jnhn I,.
Kennedy and Byron O. Burbank are In the
race and want everyone to know it. Rach
has done considerable work. I am told that
Nelson D. Pratt will bo an aspirant again
and that John P. Breen may enter the list.
A. W. Jefferia ha Informed ma that ha la
not a candidate and la not soeklng the
nomination. Mayor Moo res has been spoken
of and possibly I may decide to be a can
didate myself."
Tha members of tha congressional com
mittee of the Second district are as fol
lows: Douglas county, T. W. Blackburn,
W. ' F. Ourley, George W. Bablne, A. If.
Burnett, of Omaha, D. H. Kirschner of
Bennington; Barpy county, C. II. Wllion of
Papllllon and C. E. Keyes of Bprlngtield;
Washington county, A. W. 8prl k of Fon
tanels and Wesley C. Cook of Blilr. Blick
burn la chairman, Ourley treasurer and
Cook secretary.
thi jobber have, experienced. The reduced
tlcketa are good until March 22 and have
been Issued over all lines running through
umaha territory.;. Tha Jobbers are reported
aa well saUafledi
Former Principal I,rlaton Was Rival
of I'earse for (he Milwaukee
Another Omaha man besides Superintend
ent Pearse, who figured more or less In
the contest for th place aa head of the
Milwaukee schools, win former Principal
Levlston of the Omaha High school. Mr.
Levis ton, It will be remembered, severed
his connection with the high school about
five years ago. The Milwaukee Free Frees
aaya: .
One of the tragedlea of the contrast was
the tardy arrlvxl of former Hunerlntendent
Levlston ot St. Paul. Mr. Ioviaton, hearing
of the deadlock, hastened to Milwaukee to
offer himself a u cumpromite candidate.
He arrived Tuesday afternoon and made
his first appearance st the caucus of the
supporter" of the Milwuukte Hntlldat-
held In the office of T rector Jiuue T.
Drought. Mr. Levlston asked that the thing
be put over until he could gel foiiim recom
mendation and references tnicther.
Though Mr. Levlston assured the directors
ho met thai he could set some references
on short notice, there was no disposition
on the part of the directors to wait.
President Mnynard of the Hoard of Kdu
cation aaya that no applications for the
auperlntendency of the local echo1 to suc
ceed Superintendent Pearse have reached
him. Bo far as can. be learned from board
members, there nas r-een but little discus
sion of possible cnndldatea. The nme of
County Bupe-lntendcnt F. J Boderell hns
been mentioned, howover, aa has that of
Principal Wu tor house of th high school.
These names, in connection with that of
H. K. Wolfe, formerly superintendent of
achoola In flout h Omaha, make three that
have been spoken of.
tsk rtoandtroe Gets IToanr Koatna
. . . Aavd a. Ma .of Ton
, Dollar.'
John Koundtree pleaded guilty to having
atolen a coat from tha hallway of Thomaa
Oentleraan'a . house, 1414 North Six
teenth street. last Monday, and waa sen
tenced by Judge Day, In the district crim
inal court, to four montha In Jail and to
pay a line of $10.
j Koundtree waa caugnt in me act or com
mitting the theft charged and created,
quite a sensation at the time by tha spir
ited manner In which ha tried to make
good his escape. He ran from tha Gen
tleman house to Courtland beach, pursued
by en ever Increasing relay of people
along hla route, and waa finally overtaken
and hit In the head with a hatchet In
the hands of one of hla pursuers, who left
his work to Join In the chase, but forgot
to lay down tha tool with which he waa
engagod. This la another hatchet Incident
which transpired on February St, to Im
mortalise that day. '
Marriage Licenses.
Up to noon March 11 the following; oouploa
hurt been licensed to wed:
Name and Residence. Age.
Tjirren Tiavlom, Omaha:... i.. tt
Lydla Lutiilren, Omaha tt
Werner D Nelson, Bouth Omaha If
Emma Johnson. South Omaha XI
IS K Wedding Kings. Cdholm, Jeweler.
Miss Stella Klip cntertilned some fifteen
or twenty of her young friends In commem
oration of her tlili teenth Mrlhday uX the
homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam T. Klip. U'it lUrney street, Thurdny
cvnlng. Kef were served and
the evening wa paused In various game
dear to thu hearts ut youintstem.
Final Period Prove stsaslMsbly
Good One for Omaha Jobbtaai
Today la the last buying diy of tha
three period for which Omaha Jobber
have been granting one and one-fifth fare
to out-of-town merchant In order ti Influ
ence them to come here for their early
buying. At noon Friday 64 of these tii kete
had tx-eq vised here, showing Dial this la
the most auccessful buying period which
The Gup Tha
L rCUftoT
The Famous
-r m a. js,
. TlANHAfill
JJlBFIt it.
Packed In Half-Pound and Pound Sealed Package.
Full Weight, rerfeet In Uaf. Dual anal Molsturo Prof.
J. H. BELL& GO., Chicago