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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1904)
12 TnE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCII 12, 1004. Saturday. rinroli ,y. I Stfc Sale u Children's Slippers I Children' S.lpper 5 'Si Saturday, Karen 19. C3 Special Skirt SaJe L, nf' Ladies' $5 & $6 Walking & Dress Skirts $1.98 Riversl hundred very good quality spring klrts will go on sals today for the first time good skirts wore invfr sold so ch'Mtply before. Tho Gulf and Walking Skirts are In mnltons, tweeds, fancy mix tures, Knickerbocker cloths, novelties, etc. the dress skirts are In a dozen late stylps, some with drop skirt linings a very hand somn array of smart skirts that should spII as high as si dollars sah today at Ladles dolf and Walklng skirls in the new sprint styles Ladles' walking skirts, very stylish, new features' at NEW SILK ETON JACKETS Stunning little silk coats in the new eton effects very smart and fashionable fur spring street wear 2.98 NEW SILK AND COVERT JACKETS Made In the newest styles for early spring street wear many styles remarkable values at , i... ........ LADIES' SPRING CRAVEN ETTE COATS Thano coats ars perfectly rain-proof handsomely and stylishly mads, new capes, belts, eto., at New Spring Suits at $9.98 dS; Made with the brand new military front and eton Jacket styles, epaulet capes, pretty trimmings, pleated skirts at 9.98 Smart Spring Suits $14.85 Very stylish and chlo new crea tions, with the new Juckets, trimmed with buttons, etc., the new Dutch skirts., etc. at 14.85 Children's Spring Coats In our children's department on the recpnd floor. iJong coats for the children In coverts and new mixtures, many styles at 1.98 A Ribbon Sale in the Basement 25c Taffeta Ribbon at 12ic Yard !2ic Pretty Taffeta Ribbon, in many of the very popular spring shades these ribbons would Bell regularly at 23c yard, at 19c Ribbons at 5c Yd- Ribbon at lc a Yard- A good quality of silk rib bon, wjrth lOo yard at yard 5c Bilk ribbon In a variety of colors, at, a yard lc BLACK VELVET RIBBON An extraordlo yard..., ary special bargain for Saturday at, 10c 15c fj Specials at Stationery Counter 50c stationery at 25c per box- Fine fcemstitohed linen paper with envelopes to match, newest shades, per box 15c paper at 5c boxGood writing paper, ruled or plain, envelopes to match, worth loo, C at, box DC Envelopes at lie package Fine white woven envelopes, usually sell at 10o psokago, 11 at, package 12C Til sua napkins nt 50 per thou sand Denaison't 14 in. Cfi -napkins, at, per thousand. J UC 25c Poker chips at 25c set-,l inch poker chips, a regular 50o J C set, at, set C Flinch and Bourse The two most popular games of the day C on sale tomorrow, at, set...J9C 50c Book at 10c each 200 till si tae world's beet fiction hand somely bound In cloth and printed on One woven paper a fk great bargain, at, each....lUC Cooking Demonstration Tomorrow. .iiinMPric See the Cookinf by Electricity. Bee Want Ads Produce Results Linen Collars worth 15c to 20c, oi Sale Saturday Choice 5 Cents. About two hundred dozen of broken sizes Lave been gath ered together for quick selling we don't expect them to lust long at this price luc ana uc vaiut at.... 5c Men's New Spring Sample Hats, Worth $2, for $1.00 A new line of spring samples have been bought up at less than half price not a hat worth less than $2.00 Your choice Saturday $1 00 Every hat is a new spring shape and considered the greatest value this store has ever turned out. get n T"" - 11 " 'T-Tsmsss1s1sssslSssSsslSl II sll t -Ill i lw Sill Sa BIG Stamp Special In RtAmns with 6 cans Peas at..........TOc In RtAnitta m-fth cans TomatotS at.... 603 In Slnmns wllh cans Corn at 60c In Stamps with 34 lbs. Kx elsior Ulead , $1.00 in Stnn-ps with I II s. J. and M. Coffee at..$ In Stamps with 1 lb. baking Powder. .35c In Stamps with 1 rack lloni'y.t 2nc In Stamps with 1 pkg. Malta Vita 16c In Stumps with 1 pks. Soda ..10c In Stamps with W-lb. Baker's Chocolate Vxz In Stamps with 4-lb. Schepp's Cocoanut 20c riEAT DEPT Chickens, fresh dressed, per pound Leg of Lamb, per pound All kinds fancy meats prepared to order. Bakery Dept Special for Saturday Cocoanut Macaroons, 10r dozen ,v,t Apple Coffee Ckke, IOC ' $1.00 $1.00 $8.00 Coffee at $5.00 $2.51) $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 lUc 9c 7 Try our home-made pies; they are rlellcious. Our Bakery Department Is under new mnnagement and you are cordially 'nvited to Inspect the same. E. T. SMITH & CO., 1407 Douglas. Phono, 104. 1 $1.50 ' Will Buy a. Pair Here for either a boy or girl, that we know will please you-a pair that will fit. well; look well and wear well. Tou can't beat the RY SCHOOL. SHOE for boys f.nd girls, no matter where you go. They're made of the best leather, made over the best lasts and made in the best man ner of any tchool shoe so'.d at the same price. Tho best $1.50 shoes; the best I2.C0 shoes; and fine shoes in the new and correct styles at the right prices. 1 FRY SHOE co. . ..Ml ICUV ft A.L.TOX FLOUR ALTO KIX)Cll EXCEEDINGLY iLOWPRIGES For high grade goods, constitutes the distinguishing feature of our "Ads," but the border 1 of material assistance. Strictly Preah Eggs per doxon Lemon Cling Feache per can Bartlett Fears per can Diadem Creamery Batter per lb Idle wild Creamery Butter per lb Choice Country Butter pr lb tag la Condensed Milk per can Borden's Condensed Milk per can Columbia Cream per can Pet Cream per can Wax Beans, String Beans, Cu cumbers, teaf Lettuce, Head Let tuce, New Turnips, Tomatoes, New Beets. Spinach, Cauliflower, New Carrots, Radishes, Rhubarb, Miut, Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts. FLORilA BTKAWBEKKJE& Seminar Bros. Exponents of Oood Living. 28th and Farnam Sis. f 15c 15c 15c 25c 25c 20c 14c ...9c 34c 3ic 1 GROCERY Tels. ira-1331. MARKET Tel. 7M. uioxi voxnv monj sioatv CLOSING OUT all OCR Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON FiftMnth and Capitol Ave. Read our special ad" erer? Sunday Wednesday In Tne Bee. and THOSB BERUTIPUb AQDnrn now, mo doqomdi taong nan kusbl woiuao. vr prutluca wui imperial Hair Regenerator Ui clsanest Slid nost 1s(id( Wilr Col. oritur- 11 la hiIIt aDilU-ri. abMlutlr lisxmlru sod CSl ilH.U ATIOS orod frea. Baud lor 1-ui uklet. IHPCRUL CHEMICAL MKL CO. lit W.ZMSL.New lark. Sheriuan At MoConneU Drag Co. uuiu CHICHCSTCSJ'S CNaLISN ENNYROYAL PILLS -'-1s. C Hit HrTtll s 1.NGLI.-H Store Open Saturday Till 10 P- M. o)r?Mi is Beiuvctt's Store News If you haven't visited this biggest of Omaha's "big stores". during the week, come tomorrow! The main floor is thoroughly transformed for better ser vice. Departments have been moved and turned around on a distinctly improved floor plan. The pre vailing opinion is that our eitensire alterations are a pronounced improvement. Hope to see you Saturday I How's Your Stamp Book Coming? Harness Special sal Heavy Con cord HarneftS.complete for $28.90 Wall Paper Spring: stock now complete. Designs and colorings are ex quisite. Burlap and Room Mon!dlng Third Floor. Grocery. Grocery! Leaders In first class, new, up-to-date Groceries at lowest prices,- BEN NETT'S FOR GROCERIES. , ' Navy Beans, per lb 4c Clara Chowder, can 9o K&lmon, 1 lb. can l'Jc Table Bait, sack 4c Corn M-aI. 8-lb. sack 12Vo Rolled Oats, 2 lb. pkK liic Neutrlta Breakfast Food, pkg Be Baked Beiius, 3 lb. cans lOu Pure Jelly, asst. eltiss... 10c Hoftiiny, 3 lb. can 9c Red Pepper. Snuce, botUS 7c Baking 8da, pkg 4a Pickles, asst. bottle 92 Olives, bottle 8c Parlor Matches, 6X In box 4c Batters Received Every Day From Beat Dairies. Country Butter, per lb 15c Bennett's Capitol Creamery, per lb 27o Medium Bour Pickles, pint Bo Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb..l2VsC Teas. Imperial Japan, per lb 3&c yTea Slftlnas, per lb 15o Coffees Fresh Hooated Daily. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, 1 lb. pkg 28o iionnett's Breakfast Coffee, 2 lb. can 48a Candy. Hundreds of Easter novelties up from 6o Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, etc., etc Easter Kb KB. 10 for lo Buffuc En us, 6 for Go Cream Drops, pkr 10c Tonsted Marshmallows, pkK 6o Superior Chocolates, pkg 6c M esCts 9 Meeds! Freshest, best cut meats; honest weights and GREEN TRADING STAMPS BVERX TIME. FreRh Dressed Roosters, heads and I W-lb. palls of Cudahy Best Lard m a. 9 Tiinmnriil 1 ' f " 1 hmnn iwi fu, pt-r to. (o Freeh Dreeee4 Bprfng Chickens, per lb '. .v;'. I0Hc Pork 'Ttoast, por lb ffHo Pork Chops, 8 lbs. for 26o Fresh Iaf I.rd, 13 lbs. for.. 11.00 Good Roost Beef, per lb ...7c and 5c Freh Mutton' IgR, per lb..',. So -Mutton Slew, per ib Ac Rib Boiling Beef, per lb to Home Made Puro Pork Breakfast Saustige, er lb. ire. re: 8-lb. palls. White Ribbon. Lard... .. 10c 230 Diamond "C" brand 96c Oyntera, fresh receipts, solid packed, per qt 36o Celery, home grown, beM In the narket, fresh snrf crisp, per dos.. JSo New Holland Herring, In kegs, every ohe guaranteed, per keg 75c No. 1 Hex best brand narrow and lean strips bacon, per lb 14c Best grade of Rex brand lean sugar cured regular hams, per lb llHc Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon, narrow and small strips, per lb llc M-reU's Iowa best brand Wapello ' uaco.i, lean, per lb; 14c -FOR SiOS All Sizes and Styles. Tans, Patent Leathers, Velour Galfs, Vici Kids A line at beautiful as aver shown in Omaha, all sizes and widths, AA to EE, low heels or military heels, narrow toes or wide tees- All sizes and styles at very closely cut prices- SssssslslslslslslslslsslslslslslssMsVs.sHHs Green Trading Stamps All the Time March Furniture Sale Lace and Embroidery Sale mm twmw 1 Specials for Saturday on Men's Fine Clothing MEN'S SUITS AT 810.00 AND $12.60. Mads up in all the latest sprint; styles. In cheviots, winteds. serges and rnssl meres, plain colors, fancy mixtures, strlxs and plaids all these suits are linnd-tnllor-ed throushoul The greatest suit for the money ever put on the market our spe cial for Saturday . 1I ff at $12.50 and MEN'S EXTRA FINE SUITS AT $li.00 AND $18.00. If you want s nice spring suit you enn not duplicate these In style, fit or quality, at the piioe. They are made up In the very latent and noblkwt style Hivi most desirable attems, in fancy plaids, neat atrlK, fancy mixtures and p!aln colors. In plain and fancy cheviots, caw lni(ri, thlbets, plain, unflnUhed, silk mixed and fancy worsteds, In fart Buy style or fabrio you may desire, hand-tailored throughout with hand-padded HhouUli rs, hnnd-worked buttonholes, self-retaining fronts, elegant suit In th strongest sense of ths IE Of I word, our special price $18 and.. IcaVrU MEN'S TOP OVERCOATS. For spring wear, in brown, oxford gray and tans, stripes, mixtures and plain col ors, well tailored, handsome garments cut In th very latest styles our speclRl rlce for Saturday tf 5.00, $1Z50 and lLMJU Boys' ECnco Pants Suits, Special for Saturday. Sailor Norfolk, sailor blouse, thres piece, double breasted and Norfolk rtyles, In nil .wool cheviots, ttisslmeren and serges. In plaids, fancy mixtures and p!aiu color- veil made, dressy suits, worth from $3.50 to Ji.OO O C O Our special price for Saturday, only aaJ ASK TO SEE THE HART. SCHAFFNER A MARX A!OIX)N ilAFTJ ritOC.P. OVERCOATS. Saturday's Furnishing Goods Bargains CasyrajM lM ar Sart U.lliir a Uirt Men's medium weight shirts and drawers. natural and camel s hair, an 'iCjr sizes, regular 75c value, at Men's shirts and drawers, bal- ORr Dnggon or blue ribbed, at - .w 75c men's shirts and drawers, CA bal briar gan or blue ribbed, at '-"-' Men's dress shirts, stiff or soft bosom, new spring styles fQn $1.00, $1.00 and uvl Men's white and colored border handker chiefs, clearing up of manufacturers' stock 3 for 25c; 6c, or 8 for 10c SURPLUS STOCK OK MEN'S SUSPEN DED 60c, 26c and 12 Wc per pair. Man's cotton and merino half hose, 21c ciakm. tana atui .fancies, at ribbed cotton hoso c, filieS 10c 85c boys' triple knea lO hope, at IV. 15c Mioses' and boys' i- to :o. i2vo and 25c ladles' black cotton hoae, at 50c ladles' hose, in black ribbed tCIc and fancies at 2oc and . Infant's knit and flannel socles, for rarly rpring 17 oar, ut 50c 5o ladles' Jersey ribbed and plain Ori ileeced vests and pants, at '"-' 39c ladles' light long weight 25C fleeood vests and jp.inm, at The Reliable M Dept Porter house sieak,' 3 lbs for Sirloin steak, 3 lbs. for Round steak, 3 lbs for Chuck steak, G lbs for , Rolling beef, per pound .... Pot roast, per pound , Rib roast, per pound , Pork chops, 3 lbs for Pork roast, per lb Spare ribs, per lb Veal steak, rer lb ' Veal roast, per lb 60 Voal stew, rer lb Mutton chops, Ida or rib, 3 "ids for -jo Hfntinn roust, per lb Mutton atew. cer lb iii lha. l-a.f lard for ...."'ic i Our u.t hoir nisde Bttusages ....(c 1 cannot do u.v .. Tic 25c a-c 25o ......... 3Hc 5o ..6c ar.d Sc ..-".a .l. U0 Hams and Bacon. Special fcr Saturday Choice No. 1 hams, por lb Good sweet hams, per lb ... No. 1 California hams, lb . .JKHoiNo. i Breakfast biwn, '.b . 1. ItIO Uooa cnoico uariiu, iu ,'.7Vo'l Ealt pork, lb 12i4n K'O 80 HAYDE BROS. i A Top Coat Is a Necessity In this climate. Cur line includes a-.l the smartest styles for this spring in several different lengths, and all cut according to the very latest dictates of fashion. A great variety of fabrics and range of colors. RAIN CbATS $20 to $30 TOP COATS $25 7o $35 Just One More Chance Left to take advantage of the ridiculously low prices we are making on the stock of Liquors, Cordials, Whiskeys, Wines and Cigars bought from the Harding Distilling Co, The assortment is com plete, but only a few left in each lot. First come, first served . WE CIVE CREEN TRADING STAMPS Hiller Liquor Co., 1309 Farnam St. Telephone 1241 Omaha. Neb' MAIL ORDERS FILLED. WRITE FOR PRICES. 1417 , 5 FarnamSt, I I B II J LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN OMAHA. First grand display and ex traordinary values in street ready-to-wear and tailored hats. POPULAR PRICES ALWAYS 1508 DOUGLAS ST. :2t: WKy do I sell Stationery? Best answer gets $5, Apr. 16th Opp. N. Y. L. Bldg. dftri 1615 Farnara st- S20 In Stamps Free with soch comblnstlon psckse of 1 lh. of our bo.t Tea 8.1 eio; t gal. Pure Mapls Byrup st 6c snd J lb. B.mton Basin Pow der at 46c. This Is for Baturday. Bonday and Tuesday only. M ai.mna with lha. of tha best Mocha and Java CofTes for 11.00. Saturday's Meat Specials. Cholos Peef Roast.....- ..Ui'TjK Choirs rib roast Choirs Btesk Blrloln Bleaks Sorter House Bteak 1J o Holllnr ll-f . Pork Reasls VVi 22 M.iiinn rhoos. I pounds for i0 Huar Cured Hams M.irrrll s B. C. Bacon Pork Wild Duoks. all kinds, from BOo up. Fresh fish, s" kinds. . poultry, all kinds, revived fresh dally. Follow tho crowds to Omaha's only down, town Green Trading 6tamp Meat M artist and Grocery. Ureen vegetabls rscolved frssh dally. Tho Boston Meat and Grocery Go. - lie Central Markets UCHARDS & KULAKQFSKY, Props. Fresh & Salt Meats Oysters, dame, Fish Vegetables, Etc. Ducks and Chickens 16th and Harney Sts. 'PHONE 2899. 16th and Capitol Avo. 'PHONE 1790. 3? J- --ym 113 No. 16th St 'Pbtne 1089.