10 TIIE 05 f A IT A' DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, MAECTT 11, 1004. DEMOCRiTS BADLY AT ObTS mi til Green Tra.dinjf SJa.mps Every Time Uirch Furniture Sale Lace and Embroidery Sate Saturday, flari-h 19. Vc Sale 51 Children's o m urns Fl aSrj supper Children's Slippers I v-j.aa rsiuruay, larch 19, rnrn THE 11BLIABLH STOHB. Today is Bargain Friday. Trading Stamps Free Yith All Cash Purchases if ii i f 'J ii it . r ii ji in i IaI ii vi -r.sj s I III nr na B B r? Party hi Sebiaska Sericu ly Split on Eve of E ection HZ HERDMAN LEADS ANTI-BRYANITES Will Be Hepwlsed la Kffort fo C ontrol Cosrentloa by Br)n Himself 41 CoinmandlnK i erl. 1 A virulent fisht Is on within the ranks of dnmoornxy In Nebraska and It centers la Omaha and Douglas county. The com batant are llrjan and anti-Rryan forces. Robert E. Herdman Is the srlf- constltuusl leader of the antls and the "peerless leader" hlmpelf Is to be tne plumed knight of his own brigade. The bone of contention Is control of the state convention, with the ultimate purpose of Wiring the delegation for the national con vention In Bt. Ioula for the overthrow of William Jennings Hryan. Realizing the width of the breach and Its dangerous conaequences, the I yon men have begun to fortify themselves. A few of the chief guards held a private meeting Wednenday night In Omaha and to some extent mapped out their plan of action. Thy will hold these meetings regularly. Mr. Bryan has promised to enter the arena an the active and actual general of his own forces. He will make at least one speech In the Boyd theater and as many more here and at Bouth Omaha as deemed advisable. Next week the state executive committee meets In Lincoln to fix the time and place of the state convention. "It probably will be held as early In April as possible," said a Bryan man. The Bryan faction wants an early con vention, believing Its Interests can best be surmerved In this way. The antls favor a late convention. They realize they were rather late In getting started with their fight and want time to properly and effectually array their forces. To Renominate Thompson. The plan of the Bryan men Is to re nominate W. H. Thompson of Orand Tsland for governor. Judge Sullivan had been talked of when It waa thought Thomp son might not want to run again, but Sullivan has said he did not want to be a candidate. The meeting last week In Lincoln of cer tain democratic editors of the state brought the party sore to a head. At that mwtlng Richard L. Metcalfe, editor of the World Herald, was endorsed with a big shower of boqueta for drlegate-at-large to the na tional convention. Metcalfe, of course. Is first, last and all the time a dyed-ln-the-wool Bryan man. Therefore these editors declared for Bryan. "It la tlmo for action," says Herdman, and he proceeds to call his warriors to arms. Herdman, It seems, haa not decided on any one man to beat Metcalfe for delegate-at-l&rge, but has declared he must be de feated, no matter by whom. He ' proposes first to name the two district delegates, and his first choloe Is Ed P. Smith. Then he proposes to support John A. Crelghton, who will, by the way, be the candidate of the Bryan force. "They can never beat Metcalfe in the state, though they might encompass his downfall In Omaha and Douglas county and even that Is extremely doubtful," said a strong Bryan man. "Metcalfe could, how ever, lose Omaha and Douglas county and still be elected delegate-at-large. But why should he lose this district? Hasn't he al ways supported the ticket, no matter who the nominee or what the offlceT Dtdn't he swallow Howe'.l last spring and doesn't anybody who knows Metcalfe know that that waa the bitterest pill that possibly oould be thrust down his throat T" Inarratltnde of Lee Herdman. And In this connection the Bryan people are saying some very uncomplimentary things about Herdman and Howell. They are saving that had It not been for Bryan and his friends Lee Herdman never would have been clerk of the supreme court; that certain friends of Mr. Bryan went to him when Herdman was proposed for the office and urged him to block his election on the grounds that he was a corporation maa and would not do; that Mr. Bryan consulted with hfa closest advisers, particularly In Omaha, and was told that they could not substantiate these charges; Uiat Metcalfe, ' whom Herdman now seeks to defeat, was the very man who went to Judge Sullivan and urged him to appoint Herdman. ' t As for Howell, he la accused of trying to 'ote" water on both shoulders by appear ' to be for Bryan, when as a matter of .act he Is strenuously working hand in hand with Herdman. "Howell was foisted upon the party as IU nominee for mayor last spring by the ma chine and against the will of the greatJ majority and ought, above all men, at least keep out of the fight," said this man. "I guess he thinks, though, from the SAL! At Most Unusual Bargains Front Bar (fain Squar $3 Tailor Cloths OO. at, a yard OC A fresh lot of rery fine tailor cloths bought at a great bar gain 54-inch cloths, tweeds, cassimeres, bcotch v?orsteci9, cheviots and broadcloths, 3J to 8-ynrd lengths, also trousers and suit lengths from the best imported worsteds, strictly all wool and worth up to $3.00 a yard, at yard New $1.50 Dress Goods at 59c BotiRht from New York manufacturer of Indies' high grade costume also remnants taken from regular stock many leneths enough for akirta and entire dresses, at yard i a it . a nfl Vi o f Iiiva snlrl 50c and 73c Dre.s VXu"av . -i -i -i Goods at, yard.. aWii I u V ' !?'?Vl"lC""lZ. M . WIMii sa,i iiMbi imnBS. l,anu IliOl r . aaT am . I I I L n"71 I 98c 59c serges, eto.. at. yard Imported sample ends of high grade seasonable novelties, in rem- 1 C ' naata that match, all short lengths from 1 to 1 3-4 yards, at.... Iww All the ahorter lengths go at each IOo All Wool Voiles, regular 60c grade, on bargain square at, yard 29c Silk Mouasellne, regular 60o quality at, yard - 25c! 69c Pure Silk Taffeta at 29c Yard Silks that are adapted for atsts and petticoats all colors, also fine black lining taf fotas, at, yard 39c Silks at 15c Yard-Plain and fancy silks, walstlng silks, lining silks, China silks, taffetas, printed foulards, eto., at, yard Laces All widths, dozens of hand some styles, In remnants, at, yard, 60 and 29c 15c Swiss Embroideries at 2 I -2c Ysrd- A tine lot of Imported SwIrb embroideries, worm up to 100 yuxu, oil uni nam BiikMiioi ? i some styles, In remnants, tC v' I at, yard, 60 and REMNANT DAY IN THE BASEMENT quality, 10c rtercerized Walstlngs, remnants in stripes, checks and fancy weaves, worth up to 40c yd., at, yd W fladras Shirtings, 36 inches wido, dots, stripes and fancy figures, good long lengths, worth Uoc, yd. , nuslln and Cambric, bleached muslin and 8ft lne.h bWarhed rambrlc, good lengths, worth 12c, at, yard 36-inch, 5c fierce ri zed Sateeni, remnants in black and colors, worth a yard 15c Corded Ginghams, hundreds of new spring styles, fancy "j 1 corded ana French glng- Jk 1 U2V hams, neat patterns, v9 long lengths, worth 15c 21c fluslln and Qingham, short lengths or gingham and Dleacnea munlln, Friday at yard fine India Llnon Very long lengths, worth 2&c yard, at, yard White Lawn Remnants lengths, 36 In. wide, worth 10c yard. at, yard , in long $C Percales Now spring styles Just received full yard wide, -i Imported French Per- IX A f cales, worth 25c yard, llnlj at, yard v z Novelty Suitings Stylish fancy mixtures and novelty suitings. In dress lengths, handHome patterns, worth 40c yard, at, ya-d Fancy White Goods able for Bhlrt waists and dresMes, worth 15o yard, at, yard 3U IBUUJ 15c Very deslr- 61c Batistes and Lawns New printed Datistes ana lawns in dress lengths, worth 10c yard, at, yard , 5c Remnants of table damask, all kinds and grades, at less than manufacturer's cost. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE. repudiation ha got at ths polls, that ha has a right to sting back if he can. "Herdman figures on controlling the tats oonvontlon as a means of getting ths national delegation and being able to make a showing at St. Louis In the presencs of ths reorganize, who, he believe, will triumph. That Is the purpose of his am bition. But he himself, I understand, feels shaky about controlling ths country dele gates and I know that he la overestimating his strength In Omaha and Douglas county. To start with, he cannot even control the Jacksonlans, his own organization. He will not get more than a third of them to follow him; In fact, some of the strong est Bryan men will come from the Jack sonlans. Then, as a matter of fact, the Douglas County Democracy already Is pledged to Bryan, practically. 80 ths only possible nucleus he can - get here Is from the stragglers he can pick up. This fight Is practically realigning cer tain forces In ths democratic ranks. For instance Herdman and Metcalfe were al ways regarded as friends, and now they are opposing forces, while Jim Dahlman and Metcalfe never were bed fellows when It came to politics, but now Dahlman de clares for Bryan and Metcalfe. Dahlman, of course, Is ths national committeeman from this state." Friday Specials For Ladies. . New Muslin Underwear, New Belts, New Kid Gloves. Our Ladies Furnishing Dept. fullot briglit,new ideas for spring. Ladles' New Uudermuslins 25c Covers Oood quality standard cambria corsst covers, plain tight fitting, for ISc A style liked by all lad lee-regular So value for lio. 50c Cover a or f5 cents 95c Gowns for 45c $1.80.$1.73 G0WN5 for 95c 45c to 45c BELTS for 25c 75c and $1 GLOVES, for 59c Ladies' Corset Covers A- large variety of fins rausUn and cambric, laca and fine em broidery trimmed covers, with long dip front, with V shape, square or round necks a beautiful assortment of styles reg ular 3o and 60o valuesat t&o. Muslin Gowns Good quality standard muslin gown, full width and long, cut with square V shape and high neok-mbroldery or lacs trim mings, on yoke and neck regular TOo and Ko values at 46a. Muslin Gowns The most beautiful assortment of gowns ever shown for such money, daintily trimmed with lacea and embroidery, also splen did variety ot skirts, drawers and covers, at S60. Bee show win dow display. Ladies' New Belts A varied line of novelties in ladles' belts. In silk, elastlo web. crushed leather and tinsel effects. In plain and fancy metal trimmings, gilt 45o values) for So. . Ladies' Kid Gloves. New atyle ladles' kid gloves, tans, brown, gray, red, black and whits, with 1 ilk embroidered backs and pearl buttons 76o val- Special Sale of Granite Ware With Green Trading Stamps Extra. FRIDAY ONLY. We made a large factory purchase of four leading articles in dranlte Ware, and we put them on sale Friday. This is heavy coated ware; a beautiful turquoise outside color with white enamel Inside. Five Quart TJrped Treservlng Kettle flBf. AND FIVE DOUGHS' WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS.... JOW Eight Quart JJpped Preserving Kettle tRf AND FIVE IKILUR8' WOKTH OF GREEN TRADING BTAMP8.... Two Quart CofTee Pot AND FIVE DOLLARS' WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS.... No. Tea Kettle AfC AND FIVE DOLLARS' WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS....0" Friday In Hardware Department, sale will be subject to stock on hand. We cannot duplicate these prices again, so come early. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT BASEMENT. esc -Li TAILOR W. Q. J ERR EMS, Pres. 209-211 South Fifteenth Street. TICOLL'S Isn't the ordinary sort of Tailoring nor conducted under ordinary Ideas of making to measure. We're large buyers of wool enstaking casis often where others buy yards. That means low prices. Nearly 2,000 designs this season more of a variety than you will tlnd In many other shops combined. We offer you the bene fit of our faclltlea and our ability to make It cost the least. You'll find our prices J int end our tailoring above criti cism. Trousers $5 $6$7$3-$9-$10 Suits-$20$25-$30$35 We will merit your approval and our superior made gar ments will find a permanent place In your wardrobe. Our sample bag Is now ready for out-of-town buyers. H IB Harness Special stale Heavy Con cord llarneas. complete for $28.90 Wall Paper Special Sale of New Spring Goods. See Them! See Them! In the Dry Goods Department Friday and Saturday Friday Is Remnant Day .. 10c 11c REMNANTS OF SILKOLINB, Main Floor, 6th aisle, K, 10 and IS yard lengths, new patterns, vaJue 18c, for, per yard REMNANT PILLOW MUSLIN, 1V4 to 6 yard lengths, 16o quality, at, per yard ' REMNANTS OF WASH GOODS In Cotton Voiles, Cotton and Llnon Shirt WaJst Suitings, White Mercerized Vee tings, White India Linona, White Long Cloth, 38 In. White English Nainsook. I 86x42 in. 3flx46 In. 6x50 In. ALL. WORTH 1&3 EACH. AT., lie a I Pillow Slips Stamped Linens To close out a lot that ara slightly mussed, we make prloes So, So, 7o, IOo, 16a o and 23c and give DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH PURCHASE. Embroideries, Insertions, edgings and Beadlnga, worth 20a, 23o, f f 26c, 80o and 85c, all at 1JC And DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH PURCHASE FRI DAY AND SATURDAY. Women's Suits 7.75 The largest Una ever shown In Omaha, prices from J95.00 down to Our special offer for Friday Is a Venetian oloth trimmed wtth alllc fancy but tons, new straight front jacket with girdles, colors A P t black, blue or tan " JU Elothing Dept. Bennett's Clothing Leads. 7.50 Men's suits, the real snappy, up-to-date kind tailored right value J12.50 at The line we pride ourselves most on has A ff no rival, even at $15.00 yours for lUeUU Priestley cravenette rain coats, $7.50 to $15.00. Rain coats and mackintoshes, $8.50 down to , 3.50 We can supply any want in rain coats. Furnishing Goods Dept. Friday and Saturday. Men's odd and end shirts, t AA worth up to $2.00 for 1UJ Five Dollars in Green Trading Stamps. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN Br W. C. Maxwell. M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New York City. C24-S Bee Building. Omaha. Neb. Tel. 1424. Boys' Skirts Worth up to $1.00 and $2.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps at 50c Green Trading Stamps All the Time i.u . ..hmclt-lt Is paculUrty adapted for early jiii "-7"" h.a burner. Will 1101a nre ior i srrlug use In furnace or base cure. . hours. No more sinoKe or ww. enndra. S9.00 a ton iinrd Coal. Sll.OO a ton Th,s time &i&!S!!" ir nol longer, iuu C. B. IIAVENb -u. Ht-tall "Phonea, 101. 317. J. ;i bo. loin si. We Are Now Showing The Greatest Line of BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Ever Shown in This Western Country. BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS In age from 14 to 19 years). Ths best made, most atyllsh looking suits on the market, posxmiHlng n Individuality that Is very pleasing. They com In every variety of color and pattern, In cheviots, snrxna, Thlbets, cassimeres fancy cheviots, sergeji, fancy worsteds, Rnotch cheviots. In plain O CQ colors, mixture plaldn, stripes and overplalds. Our prlcs, S, $4.60, 17.5ft, $10 WttJt CH1LPRKN S KNKI3 TANTS SI'ITB made up In Norfnlks, sailor Mouse. nusslHn blouse, double breasted and three pleco styles, In sorgoa, fancy cheviots, Bcotch s cheviots, homesiiuns, worstwls and fiinry cassimeres. In every Imimltiahle onlnr, plain, mlnpd and fancy most complete and wearable line of clothing, C fill at 11.50, ll.lfi, $2.60, $2.R, $3.50 and up to 'uu When vlniting our store don't fall to a sk to so our great lino of Hart, Shaffnor & Marx spring suits and top coats. Klght In style; right In pattern; right In At; right In workmanship. The best ready-made suit produced. In Our .lain Wash Goods Dept., Two Great Special Sales Tomorrow 1,000 pieces of fancy shirt waist suitings, in nil tha new stylos, anowflaka, bourette, etc, splendid washable, stylish fabrics, worth . tbc yard. BpecJai prloe this sale 10 C 2E0 Pieces of the choicest styles In white wafstings. Those ara all tha new spring weight, rU Imported English Jaoquard, absolutely the ery bwt fabrlo made, for a aetvlceable and stylish walnt. Will keep their luster after washing. 25C Special price this sale - SPECIAL SALE TOMORROW ON SKIRTING MOREEN IN LINING DEPT. Remnant Day Friday, Remnant Day in the Big Domestic Room. Greatest Values of the Season 6V&C shirting prints, 2JC 12o "yard wide percale, 31 C 5c at. IOo Btandard ginghams. at... Wowhlte lawn, 40 In. wide, 7C 12H flannelettes, pretty Rr terns, at patterns oa I at. 10a printed lawns, A.lc 12Ho fine white cambrto, 6C 10c indlan Head muslin. Bn at 81-3o heavy brown linen crash, gg 69o linen finish sheets, 50C IOo ready to use pillow slips, 7iC 10c German scrub cloths, gg 600 remnants of all Wnda of table linen fr om 1H to ttt yard lengths at leaa than Half Price. Special Dress Goods Sale-Domestic Dept. Friday H.2S all wool ladles' cloth, English whip cord, black and blues. In mohair brilllan tine and black cravenette, worth up to 11.26. Friday, KOc per yard . 98c all wool Scotch mixtures, all the new spring colors, worth up to 40c S8a, Friday, per yard -ww 65o wool novelties In dress fabrics, Tory de. slrabla for spring wear, worth up to Gta, Friday, per 20c yard 98c all our short lengths In wool drs goods, from 2 to 7 yards each, worth up to 8tc Friday, per 2Sc yard Grocery Prices That Are Gut in Two Trading Stamps with Everything You Buy 21 lbs. pure cane granulated sugar, for $1.00 Large sacks corn meal Wba 6 lbs. good Japan rice, sago or barley.. lHo 6 lbs. pearl tapioca, Farina, flake or pearl hominy lo ( bars best laundry soap, any brand.... loo 6 lbs. hand picked navy beans, for lHc (-lb. package self rising panoake Hour 7o 1-lb. package condensed mince meat.... bo The bent corn starch, per pkg 4o U-lb. cans breakfast cocoa 8c Bulk laundry starch, per lb IHo Fancy soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per lb o Targe bottles pure tomato catsup 8 1-Jo Large bottles fancy pickles, any kind you want " l-0 Large bottles horseradish mustard.. 8 l-o 8-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes 7tyc 8-lb. cans Boston baked beans M Vfl t-lb. cans hominy, squash or apple buttsr Ttto 3-lb. oans fancy wax or string beans.... 19 l-lb. cans sifted early June peaa 7Ho Force, Vigor. Vim, Malta Vita, Neu trlta, Egg-O-See or Presto, per pkg 7Ho Teas and Coffees Choloe breUcfant Japan, English break fast, sundrlexl. or Imperial lea, per lb Sa Choice tea slftlngs. per lb 13o Fancy Muracalbo blend coffee, per lb.. 14o A. B. C. special combination, per lb 17o An kola blend, a combination of the finest grades, per lb 22Ho Fresh Fruit Prices Large sweet Juicy Highland navels, . per dos....u . 16o Fancy Urge juloy lemons, per dos... 12a California white cIotot booay, per rack 13o Compare These Prices with Other So-Called Prices HAVDEN BROS. The sign oa the .tone read: "When you can't see this .tone, don't try to ford tne river." When you can't see the MacCartby label, don't buy the Top Coat Where that label la, quality IS a loose, luxurious tit 1H fine, allky-nnlshed, leath ery woven English covert IS-arlstooratic fashion 18 fashionable fabric-hues ARE. The top-notch Top Coat, we're turning out for $3t would surprise you. MocCarthy Tailoring, Company, 804-sO . Ittfc St . Nest door te Wsbask Ticket Offlca Pbeae CLOSING OUT -ALL OUB Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON IVtaawth aod Capitol Are. Head oar spedal "ad" vary Bonday and Wsdosaday In Tha Besw New York Boston and The East Six trains a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double-track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago.connects at that point with all lines, for aM points East. These fast trains on the North-Western Line are most conveniently equip ped for the safety and comfort of patrons. Buffet smoking and library ear.. Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawing-room and private compart ment sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches. Leave Omaha daily for Chicago at 3:40 a. m., 8:00 a. ra.. 11:30 a in., 4:25 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. Ticket end full Information en pplkttlon TICKET OPP1CES: 1 40 1-144 J Fenians Street, Osssne SSO $50 All Goitres Cai Be Cured. It iff olds roe (rest pleasure to announce lo those uflcriKC (row Uoiirs that I cad iioslilvely cure ihem. I use the Oermurt treulment wbirh hits never ben known te fail. I will lve jU for every te ui.cured. You ran be cured at home. I oimu.latloa free. If you he (Jollre writs in for J.CVV??1SNNT. U. Doa li Sailns, Kan. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER scribe law. TWENTlETrPCENTU RY FARMER Ueacnes las lAw Stock Men. THE BEE-.-For All the News. 1