Is Tnr OMAHA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY. M.VnCIT P. 1004. 4 SPECIAL NOTICES Adrertlaeraenta for theae coin run a will he taken nntll lit in. for the fTralrii edition and nntll p. ni. for Ikr morning anil Sunday edition. Rain, 1 I -2c a nord grat Insertion. 1 a word thereafter. Nothing labrn for Ira than ilOe for the first Innff. tlon. Theae mlirrlUrmrnla nirjat be ran ronaecat I vcly. AelTerllarra. Ii reqnestlag a nnm t red rhroka, ran hare answers ad drfaaeil to a nn inhered letter In eare of The Bee. Answers ao addreaaed will he delivered on preaentatlon of the check only. MISCELLANEOUS. EOYLES COLLEGE KEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, OMAHA. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, EDgllsh. DAY AND NIGHT. Apply fur Catalogue. B-M403 OMAHA Snfn and Iron works make a ape. clalty of fire ea ape, shutters, doors and safes. U. Ancreeu, prop.. Mi . lotu st. R MS50 Majli t. M. H A VERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDG. PHONE 2iM. R-634 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works, 718 t B. 14tn. Tel fcjft. ri r hii.vicr NirKKb PlatinK. Om. JJlU plating Co.. 1608 Harney. TcL S'W. R 63a CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-V BPECIAI, For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of epectncles for vi. iwn i miss tnis cnance. u. n. p- tlclans, 308 N. lth St. R fi37 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas K t.s EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. I6tn. Tel. n6. k m TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work. prompt attention, rn. win. iei. ko R-640 1ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., rleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779 R-641 T. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th & Hownrfl. R-642 PUBLICITY DESIGNS TVHEATON. in the Bee Bldg. R-643 3. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, B05 S. 13th. R 921 Al 'STRONGEST In the World ". The F.nulta- Me Life Assurance society Its policies are sight drafts 'at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants' ' National Rank Rldg., Omaha, Neb. R 646 DDI NITIMfl -i High grade work. i mmiioj tCrounee block, corner 1 YNr.QTA r l 16th st and Cap. ave. i.iiivjinkf j R 9(0 SIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. K o47 ALL kinds carpenter promptly attended to. 2oth and Lake. work, repairing J. T. Ochiltree, R 370 K. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling, ills ram am. Tel. 3f. R 162 M3 VODICKA CO . fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Ivrug Theater nidg. i ei. aiK. K 4S CLOTHES pressed, altered. Yousen. Pax ton hotel tailor. R 649 TRACINGS; hlue prints and working , drawings. Sues & Co., Omaha. Phone 16a. R-237 Apr22x TERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Rldg.; no In terest, honest values, easy terms. R 638 LOCKSMITH rfi,hR- zsrvS' 309 N- R-M253 IWB make nothing else but Wltte Gas and Gasoline engines. That's enough. Wltte Iron Works Co.. 628 W. 6th St.. Knnana I '. ii i BISIKUS8 CHACS. JTOR BALE Blacksmith, horseshoeing, car- riajre inuu in laraeni town uiacK rtii a: el&.nllMhcjl t ru i1 M ulnrll uli.n wurth trial money, a. T. Dorsey, tne iiaum Iron Co., 13tn and Harney iU. Y M27 U J CAN quickly sell for caah without local puuiitmy, your real estate, business or iiBrlnuruhln nn mutlu, naru ..,.. t ... 1 I nd me lull particulars, price, etc. AU- drees Chas. K. .Powell, 1 Vv. Mohawk t.. aveuikO-av. 1 . A 1 JUIU 1V1 HI 111 I 8HOLE8 ARMSTRONG CO.. business chances and exchangus: write us, 722 New iur xtito uiag. i ei. 4V. x 661 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room tii, xuccague building. Y-652 PUBLIC SALE A creamery bulldlnr and contents, vis. : 12 iiorse-powrr buber, 1 double acting milk pump, 1 single acting water pump, with Hteamplpe and fittings; iiiiih inu wuier lanxa. i miiw weiir welgher I and Babcock tester, and other articles necessary to run a akimminir m.M,.n Marvh U. 1904. J. F. Wvvel. Alusw .rth I Y-M573 9 FOR SALE Newspaper and lob ofMce. res- Idence; established 1SS6; northeast Ne- auuiw. cj lit, j gyy yjj BRICK YARD WANTED An experienced brick maker with some means to put In a yard, ('lav h. tested and la first-class. Shipping facll- Auureii X.QCK HOI la, t)Hk iImIa Nun. ' V ll.llH .n , - . CMl Oil UM. FOR SALE, clean, up-to-date stock of hardware and stoves, with tin shop; live town, large territory; nearly all cash; falling health. Address Owner, tort Poplar St., Atlantic, la, V-M326 fcx THE Albion Bottllnar Wnrka iii.i Neb., are for sale cheap for caah; good i, E r 1 V."1"- r write. Marry ...... v.,., , uiiciiun, itiro. X flluL3 8 10-ROOM rooming house; always full of i. pnr une or tne tiest locations in city; H block from postoftice; rent verv ",oi"0na Must leave city at once and vmaiui-a:. AUUrcl. Ku 41, iiee ' Y-339 1 W J'JKD.Partr wno "n . $6,0i0 stock In new flour mm nH '.. .. H .. . . . 1 , V " I anic-niiinil, aaiarv. Bl.D'MI Iter veur' .v. auuma 1. nee. . Y M351 llx AGENTS WASTED. WANTED. iwivuhihi agents in everv county to sollc4t subsci iptluns to TUB mtniiiiii IMTIKI FARMER Steady employment with ussjred aroiwl In. come. Agents in the country wtih h,,r. and buggy especially desired. Cmivusaers maae easily tw 10 aioo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau. nee ouuuing, umana. J 213 WE want 10,000 agents for srreateat hnnaa. fiold seller ever produced; actually sel'a 11 every house; Immense money maker for Barents: send 10c for nmiiai. ..nni. and our large illustrated cataloaruH of agents' sunullns. Koiitharn Mr..un.u. Co.. Ueut. u lu7. Houaion T.r - - . J Mils A018 LADIES with taste for art wishing to make money at home snare time .nil m - 1 l.l j , . " auuataa uiua., uu nayuen a. 1 J-M970 llx AGENTS mkke $6 dally selling the best water niter ever invented: retails at $2; amciusive territory, eeneca Filter Co Aeners, Mo. J MI70 15x rOR SALE HOKStll, WAGONS, ETC. VOH BALE. 2d hand. 4 paasenger broug ham, at bargain If taken at once. 13 Hi Harney. P ,7 FROST doesn't shave men. he shaves spoken. Wagon repairs, 14th and Leiv enworth. P 4T78 HORSES for aale; second-hand harness, vehicles cheap. Melcheor's Siablea, ;il 6. lth. P-Mwiii J'HAETON' and surrey cheap. Sam'l Burns. P-M916 BAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey cheap. P 925 Al TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. r. U. riUlblo. tout rarnam. 'PUoi.e tm WATF.I-KI,K HELP. SHORTHAND BY MAIL We urn ii iw tfivliiir li-H.onR bv m-'ll 'n short hand, it iil pay you to s;id fi r , partli'tiltu itt once. It Villi Insure ) ou u good position. AJtiris.-.. KuHRHi UO!I HROS., Care Omaha Commercial Coi.rge. MEN to learn barber tradf, free railroad fare upon our laituie to convince ou of this being the HEtfl', largest aim 0:1. y reliable, most practical l ruer college In this section. Write tor catalogue today. Western Barbers institute. Omaha, Neb. B 600 WANTED For r. 8. armv. able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of Jl ami ia, ritlzens of United Htatejt, of good cnnrac- ter and temperate habits, who ran sjieaK, read and wilte Kngllh. For Information apply to recruiting oln- er. 16th and Dodge btx., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M154 Wesfn Empluy't Ag'n, R. 34-15, Crounse b,k. ty otto TWO men to work from our wagons; steady position, ana experience uiinccer.!i j. Y. Adams & Co., ltiia Howard St. B 657 TAILORS Wanted, first -clan bushelman ana coat makers; steady worn ana goou wagon. MucCarthy Tailoring Co., !M S. 16th street. B ST WANTED, colored base ball players who are mustelRns to play on ball team and In band. Season from May 1 to Sept. 15, 19H4. Wl'l pay good salaries to good men. Inquire of Manager Base Ball, box luii, Eslhervllle, la. B-M335 WANTED Practical bookkeeper for gen eral work (one who has nail experience in hardware line preferred), by manu facturing concern. Oood position to right party. State experience, age and salary exiwcted. Address E 30, Bee. B 999 8 MOLER'S BARRER COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., offers advantages In teaching the barber trade that cannot be had else where. Write today for our terms. B MJ17 AoX WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Graduates earn top wages. Few weeks completes by this method Can nearly enrn expenses. Tools and diplomas given when through ChII or write, Moler Bar ber College, 1302 Douglas St.. (Imati.i. , B Ml JO llx WANTED, boy to learn carpet trade; must be bright. Apply People's Store. B 310 8 WANTED I want the name of every man In any way interested in incubators or poultry raising. I have something for you. write at once to si. ni. jonnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center. Neb. 11 &X WANTED, an experienced laundry washer; well recommended; stout young marrien man preferred. Pay. $15 per week; pros pects of raise to $18 Write to or call on R. W., Room 407, Auerbach Bldg., Lake City. Utah. B M346 8 WANTED Salesman to carry queensware as side line on commission basis; liberal commission; give reference. Address Hall China Co., East IJverpool, O. u in WASTED f'EM A LE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wife call Canadian omce. lbtn ana imogo. tj tj WANTED, cook and laundress for small family; good wages. 2037 Dodge st. j iw -J WANTED, a girl aoout 14 or 15 years old for light housework, in the morning until 6 In the evening, $1.60 per week. 3715 Leavenworth street. C 876 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage, uooa neia for positions; residence trade or estab lishments of your own. Four weeks com pletes. Splendid paying work. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St Omaha. C-MU9 llx WANTED, ealesladles. Hayden Bros.' eloak no suit dept. Must nave long eiju-ri ence. C-M292 WANTED Girl for general housework. 140 8. 39th St. C M343 s WANTED Stenographer who Is quick and accurate at nguree. Address . v; 01 .JOS 5 nrrT .Hvl tnr niunl Vionaework. to. 2215 r amain sx. aiMr iv FOR RKKT FT'RSISHED ROOMS. CENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th & Chicago c kki DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam " NICELY furnlnhed rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. Phona A9INt v" O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611 E 682 $1.2S PER WEEK, Doran House, 422 S. IRth Xj WJO SINGLE room, in nicely furnished, steam- heated flat; an monern; waiKing oistance; very reasonable. Tel. B2499. 2231 Furnam. second noor. iooo m.m Vienna Hotel. 1011 Farnam: fine roms; la- ales care, pnvno uuoob r., open mitmi. E-o4 kmpe furnished rooms. 324 N. 16th E-CtB LARGE, warm room, steam heat. 1909 Canltol ave. E M720 I OR S rooms, modern, steam heat. 220 N. 23d. rj io LARGE elegantly furnished alcove room steam heat, hot water, gas, bath, tele phone, large lawn, nne location, reason able. IDA LWUglBI. Cj ALOOD ELEGANT apartment house for men rooms single or ensirno. luxuriously iur nlahed. now ready for occupancy. Anolv at the Chatham, 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. Ei msiz HOUSEKEEPING Parlor floor, 8 rooms. all modern. 220 N. !J1. ti M4ho A FEW desirable rooms at the Farnam, for gentlemen. . r. M96o ROOMS 1015 Douglas st E-Mf91 9x FURNISHED rooms. 1615 Douglas st. E M995 9x LARGE room with alcove; suitable for two. 411 No. 19th. E M266 8X TWO larre pleasant rooms, also small I . r.D. Ik. O,,... JT X OCT (jw I ritillir. it.. .. - -o i vm. rooms. 523 No. 2oth. FOR RENT, three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1340 a. -nn st. . E M291 Rx FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2019 California. E M265 8 K1RMMIK1) ROOMS AMI BOA RU. 509 S. 2ath ave. Tel. L2718. F-600 THE ROSE. 3020 Harney, rooms, good board; reasonable rates. F Msl8 M27x UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglas. Meals. 15c. ' K 60S I Furnished rooms, steam neai. wnn or witn 1 . . ., ,, . , .... ., .... I out uoara. iiiuianu noiei, loin s . nicago. 1 ir ..T BEST meals In city. Karbach restaurant, 1 l.' Un.U ROOM and board. 621 8. 18th. Mrs. C. H. K-M247 8 Frederick, phone IHM. ROOMS, single or en suite; housekeeping, ft No. 17th. . F M2bo 8 SOUTH front room and board, 2418 Cass st. F-M26S 8 FURNISHED rooms and board reasonable. 4o9 N. 19th. F M267 8x -OH KENT I kKl llMSHED ROOMS. TWO unfurnished rooms, first floor. 2"1$ Cass. G M24 I FOR RENT Suit unfurnished looms. In modem house, very desirable references. Ittrj t'asa St. G 344 9x WANTED TO HE NT. ROOM, with breakfast and dinner, In pri vate family, by young man. P. O. Box t.4. K-M362 8x WANTED To rent a flat or small house; must be first-class and modern. In good locality. Address E U Bee KMS4 tx HAS THE COOK GONE? INVITE .ANOTHER WITH A WANT AD IT WONT TAKE LONG TO GET ANOTHER. KOR KKST IIOl K. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, ll.ii-L'4 N. 18th. Office, l&lll Farnam. Tel. 16i9-8ti3. I 7u Hf"ll IQPQ In "'I parts of the city. The IlUUOCOo, K Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D 6il Ufll ICCC In all Darts of the city. 11. C. liv UJLd ioters & Co., Bee Building. D bit PAVNE-BOSTWICK CO., choice houses. 601-U03 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1M6. D-673 WE MOVE pianos. Mnggsrd Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 1196. Office, 1713 Webster St. D-074 HOI SES, 'nsurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Mk. D-67." KOR RENT, 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and rhade trees; 3177 Davenport st. Apply H. J. Windsor. 1518 Dodge St. D-M375 HOI SES FOR RENT 1S18 N. ISth St. -r.. modern lo.")7 Park Ave. 10-r., modern $35. 31'ifl Harney R-r., modern IJ5. 647 8. J5th Ave. -7-r., modern-J18. 710 N. Wth 6-r., modern $ to. 712 N. DOth 5-r.. r.-.odern IJo. 2010 N. 27th 7-room $13. 1632 N. 21l St. S rooms-$S. THE BYRON REED CO. D-M238 8 2011 SHERMAN ave.. 8 rooms. modern. Imindry, hardwood finish, burn, full lot. good location. 35. Lease of a year or more, ueorge u. Wallace, urown miock. D-M107 8 FOR RENT Strictly modern flat on the second floor of Davldge Bldg., opposite cltv hall. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. U M259 10 FOR RENT New, 6-room cottage, cheap. epenoer st. l M Joi x COME to us for cheap houses. Kenny R. K. and investment Co., room ?im. nee bldg. D-314 12 WANTED At once, a good cnatmaker. P Souxey, Aurora, Neb. D M'm4 i:x FOR RENT 9-room cottage, all modern. 2015 Burt. $30; key at Dr. Paul a. r.ortn side of street. D-M356 l.lx KOR RENT -TORES AND 1KFK ES, FOR RENT, building ruitnhle for whole sale purposes al Hid rarnam, 2ix30, four storleu and first-class cemented basement, elevator. Are and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room i'.O, Be Building. 1-M6U7 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- story building at 916 rarnam st., two stories if preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, 8ec'y, Room 100 Bee bldg. 1-M9R6 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing, ibis uocige St., now occupied tiy Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. 1-682 TWO-STORY building. 1512 and the second floor l&OS-io Howard, w. il. BuBhman. 1-683 DENTIST wanted to share office with a physician with fine quarters in Bee bldg.. with well established practice. Address C 21, nee. lisi STORE BUILDING FOR RENT. , 1515 DODGE ST. DESIRABLE RETAIL LOCATION. $200.00 PER MONTH. Building 22x120 ft., four floors and hase- ment; elevator, steam neai; gooa condi tion. GEORGE & COMPANY. I-M277 12 WANTED TO Bl'Y. DrtL-o bought, sold. Antique Book Con DOOKb cern, 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 8534. N 679 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Chicago Furniture Co. Tel. 2020. N-6W WANTED Gasoline engine, from 2 to 6 horse power; send description and price to Theo. J. Bteen, St. Paul, Neb. N-M218 8 WANTED to buy. 6 or 6-room house; all modern Improvements not necessary; barn and good-sized lot In southern part of the city preferred. Address E 35. Bee. N-M246 8x WANTED Small cash register. Apply Schllts hotel, 16th and Harnev N-M353 9x OSTEOPATHY. Johnsoa Institute. 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T.V'M. Dr. J. A. Meehan. 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T.IW4. 719 The Hunt Infirmary, Mccague hldg. ,T. 2:152. 7-ft T-iR fiBAf-E DEEGAN. 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2681 721 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. 722 DR8.. LAIRD A LAIRD, 203 Karbach blk. Phone 3091. 441 M2S FOR EXCHANGE. ul piano for horse. Bchmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. Z-692 EIGHTY acres land in Burt county, Neb., for Omaha residence property. C. T. Dickinson, New York Life oldg. Z-M762 1 : . PARLOR SUITE and piano to exchange for vacant property. Address E 37. Bee. Z-MJWV 8x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 663 THE mw Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, uttorneyi, collectors, brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 123. 154 JUDGE DICKINSON. 516 N. Y. settlement estates specialty. Tel. Life; F.653. 913 LOST. LOST. Scotch collie male pup, yellow, with white points and white stripe down face. Answers to name of "Bob." Return to A. W. Jefferls, 312 Bee building. Lost-342 7 LOST, Saturday afternoon, at Boyd's thea ter, Balduff's, Kilpatrlck's or Boston Store, three twenty-dollar bills. Liberal reward. 'Phone 2457. Lost 345 7x SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, position In a drug store. I. J. Basset t, Blair, Neb. A 949 9x WANTED, nositlon bv experienced bonk keeper and lumberman. Competent to i manage yard in country town. Suttsfac tory references. Address E 34. Bee. A-113 x Ml'SICAL, THUS J. KELLY, roice, Davldge block. -JtiS DAISY HIGG1N8. voice, piano. 201S I.eav. Tel. A-2741. -M3 S CHAS. H KEEFER, piano, 65 Barker Blk. M80 IRON AND BRASS KOI Milt Y. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing Specialty Mfg Co., 41 Roving M tuid toe Faiion Llock. 2ki e-41 KOR SAI.K HEAI. ESTATE. 3-r. cottage on Pierce St. near 22d $."'25. F. D. WEAD.1S24 DOUGLAS 1524 DOUGLAS. RE M 296 8 COME TO I S FOR FIRE INSURANCE. KENNY R. E. AND INVESTMENT Co., Room 3(0 Bee Luildlng. RE 316 12 COME to us for bargains In real estate. Kenny R. E. and Investment Co.. room 300. Bee bldg. RE 315 12 SEE R. H. Iindervou if vou wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board lit Trade. Tel. 2151. RE 691 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 835 FOR KALE 80 acres irrigated land in Wyoming. For rartlcularu see Dr. J. J. (Solomon, 1837 Vinton St., city. RE M460 8x $3.600 A NEW 7-room house, all modern convenfences; large lot; corner Both and Dodge sts ; easv terms. Westertield & Hill, 615 First National Bank. RE-M10S 11 FOR Noon Luncheon try the KARRACH RESTAURANT, where vou will find the bent prepared meals in the citv at reason able prices. 413 S. 15th; Joseph Straub, Trop. RE 820 M-14 Douglas County Farm Close to Oluulia unrl Knotl, llmnhn. tynrt.l farm for feeding or l'arming; land across imc ion. i recently sola lor -'uu per acre; good bouse of 8 rooms, barn, granary. We are going to sell this property. To do so It will be sacrificed at $106.00 per acre. VV. FARNAM SMITH & CO.,' bole Aaenu. RE 165 FREE rent and new house. Will build modern houses six rooms, kuth and Blnndo bis. Cash payment, balance monthly. Nice houses and good location. Price $l,9i0. v. T. Uraham, Bee building. RE-UJl 8 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE 6S8 V HEN buying or Kelllng real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam Ktreet. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE M689 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a Jarm; if you have a business for sale or want to buy, call on or write Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., 'Phone SC6. 300 Bee Bldg. RE 686 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest S-room modern residences ;.n West Farnam district, $2,200. RB-M341 $1,300 WILL BUY a comer lot and good house near 24th and Lake sts. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE 418 FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and in first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport St. Apply RE M.176 CIkAa Williamson CalK RE-795 WE write all kinds of insurance. Kenny R. E. lnv. Co., 'Phone 336. 300 Boe Bldg. RE M686 $2,400 2622 Decatur St., new, well built, 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downsHtrV A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE 687 ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps showing In colors lands to be opened to settlement; also the Indian heirship land in Charles Mix county; price 60c. Grimes , & Abaher, Wagner, 8. D. RE 822 M14 WALLACE $1,600 -room cottage; city water, gas; lot oxl."7; paved street; Parker, near 28th; worth the money. $l,ii50 8. E. corner 27th and Seward; mod ern 8 room house; rents $16. $2,200 Modern 6-room cottage; choice little property; near ISth and Davenport. $3,500 New, modern t-toom house, near Leavenworth. Other choice bargains, improved and un improved, al) parts of the city. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLDG. RE-M360 10 FOR quick sale, two beautiful lots on 38th avenue near Dodge, only $2,600 each. Hicks, 429 Board of Trade Bldg.' RE M349 8x FIVE ACRES with apple orchard at 1 bargain; cloBe In. Inquire 1410 Dodg. RE M348 A T onrrri AT attention rlven to property I placed in our nanas ior J Kennv R. E. & InV. CO Phene 338. w ciu. RIC Mtrfm 118 ACRES. Tvalva mllea from Omaha: 65 can be eultl vaied, balance fine pasture. Purchaser rets immediate possession. A bargain at $42.50 per tcre WESTERFIELD A HILL, 615 FJrst National Bank. RE 968 9 DOYOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmeie ana sioca, .w The best way to reacn xnera tuitiuiu THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This tgricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you hae a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer .ni.f them. The cost of an advertisement is email ! cents per word in small type or $2.52 p-r inch It set in large lype. THK TWbNTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE $3 FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 4M L. HENDERSON, florist. 1519 Farnam st. ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR., 1907 Farnam Tel. A PATENTS. H J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 618 S. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 179. 7J PATENTS guaranteed. Sues ft Co , Omahs. 0 A1.1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, i j Neb. Bus. & Shorthand Col., Boyd thester, DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'B spring le.-m: lessons for adult tteglnnera. l ues, and f ri . i p. m. ; privat lessons dully; liberal reduction to pupil who Jcln now. Call 15th snd Harney. iS3 Marl3 IPHOLSTEHING. GATS CITY. 1706 Si Mary . Tel B i-iojl, FOR SALE MISCELLAAEOIS. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. W 4 2D-HAND safe cheap. Detlght, 1119 Farnam Q t93 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long lir timbers. 901 Douglas. W 6!'5 10 KINDS of Mineral Water Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. g 697 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used: big bar gain. Call or write Room 7, Bee Bldg. Q 98 HARD coal stoves, $3 tip: fuTlture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-6!9 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wick-Balke Collender Co.. 407-9 S. loth. y-700 y.M"Su?tWa?i TSi Mr..: ' cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. V iw tu We rent 8ewlng machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured Second-hand machines from $6.00 to $10 000. Nebraska Cvcle Co., 'Phone 1W3. Corner 15th and Harney. -702 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO.. Headquarters for Whips and Axle Grease. We make a special of the above and for that reason can give you anv kind nt eastern prices. J. G. Blessing. 331 N. 25th 8t., South Omaha, union shop. Q 774 FOR SALE Several scholarships in a flrst class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire- at Bee office. Q 862 BILLIARD & pool tables. 1407 Harney st. Q M848 Mar 15 FOR SALE cheep, old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room of The Bee. Q S43 AUTOMOBILES, new and second-hand. TTiO to $4,000; write for catalogue. Hj,E. Fredrickson, 16th and Dodge. Q-M411 M24 Sam'l Burns, gas fixtures nt cost. Q-924 Al JUMP seat huggv. Simpson make; a bar gain. 1837 N. 24th St. Store. Q 4 10 SECOND-HAND blcvcles. good as new. $5 to $16. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Har ney St. Q-M236 12 MOEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY Furniture loans, -piano loans. live stock loans, salary loans; quick service; any time; asy payments; best terms. We can make the loan so you have the iption of paying It in one month, or !f you so desire you may pay it in l, z. s, 4. 6, 6 or even more monthly install ments, and as fast as you pay the Inter est stops. Our rates are as low as Is to be obtained In the city; xve do not charge for papers and we never deduct Interest In advance, as some do. See us before you borrow. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1892), 306 8. 16th St. X-M910 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANO8. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Sts. X-704 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ana otners witn security; easv paments; largest business in 4S. principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-706 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; nusiness confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-708 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, iew- eiry, norses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. S19 8. 13th. X-207 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley j-HNtu o., n. a, narxer 11IOCK. A. tvv MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc.. m ran vsuai rates, nr. t'lmDenow. room 215 st 209 8. 16th St.; tel. B2964. X-M427 TtfONEY. You can establish a CREDrT with an old KtLiAHi.ii firm and secure money when ever you need it. We will advance you enough money to pay vo a... your umia lai tnai you Will owe 11 all In on place, where you gt courteous treatment. Our easy payment nlsn has astonished iw.- ne wno nave previously Dorrowed or otner loan companies, on account of our liberal rates. We make loans on SALARIES. FI.'RNI- TUKB, fIA.MtaH, LIVE STOCK, etc. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-8 Paxton Block. X-M $n MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W H i nomas, rirsi jaii rianx Oldg. Tel. ln8. W 710 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W 711 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W-713 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas WANTED, city loans and warrants W r arnam nmun cc uo., lgJU r arnam St W-714 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. W 715 ' 6 per cent farm loans. R. C. Patterson. 124 ''"' W ila 6 p;r cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam, W-717 MONEY to loan. Kenney Real Estate and invratmcni .o., r. ew Bee Hldg. W 345 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-S37 COME to us for loans. Kenny R. E. and investment. to., room 300, Bee bldg. W-S17 12U WANTED TO BORROW. WE HAVE customers wanting to borrow iiom ijw to .oAj mi a per ceni on first' claps improved Omaha nronertv Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 N. Y. Life R'dg M-103 WANT $1,600 for five years at 6 per cent private party: flrst-claas security. Ad dress D 68, Bee. M 4S1 6x DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. -M308 GINGHAM aprons made. Red-2t)64. 1770 8. 9th. Tel. -902 M17 M'DOWELL'S school removed to 1106 Fsr nsm st. M916 A 1 CLAIRVOYANTS. OYLMER. palmist. 715 N. 23d. Tel. BSC B-1U DETECT! E AuKVlY. Capt. Cormack, $17 Kartacb blk. TU. A-2S32. - -7U PERSONALS. Paper Hanging. p;,onrtinUflt: O. 1. McCLAiN. teed t reasonable prices. N. litli St. Tel. R-2A47. U M3tU HIAWATHA and 60 other songs In one booh. 6 cents, postpaid. Roltert Keenan, 60S 8. 13th. 1 M536 M12x Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, Hth and Douglas. r Tap LA HOOK, ladles' tailoring, 613 Karbach Hlk. U-731 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women, 8S24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M626 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge. Bid. U (32 ELITE parlors, 615 S. 16th, M floor. I 733 "VIAVI," way to health. $50 Bee building. U-734 MAr.lMPTir'fMtraent & baths. Mme. IY1AU.N k I-Smith, 118 N. 15. I fir.. R. 2. U M338-A-x WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Uoldmau Pleating Co., K Douglas block. U i3o BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at Columbia Phonongraph company last r.lght? I vailed till half past 9. Say, their fri-e concerts are grand, and I bought a dozen X. P. 6oc records for 25o each. -Peggy From Paris. U M137 WATERS PRINTING CO.. 1213 Douglas st. U-736 PANTORIUMi-" U-737 V-y- "? to a good ,hl: meet m. at Stoecker's cigar store this evening and we'll smoke a 6c Monogram and I'll up ii on 10 you. r ranK. L M138 SEND 25c for HOMESTEAPER'a (il'mic toiimining K-ty-cight pages of valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full hist ruction how to get a claim on tho """"i " iir.!r. n a i uj-. r ornes Hi eating Agency. Bnnesteel. 8. D. V SS3 PIAN'oliAS for rent; 3 months' rent al- lowea ,,n purchase. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1625. V 932 H. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 15; tel. T3092. U-M35H TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. lath st. U h AMILY hand laundry'! rough drying a specialty. M5 Jackson street. U M379 M23x GAS llxlures at cost. Sam'l Burns. U M 914 Al SMOKE Capt. Freer's Greenlander cigar. 410 8. 13h. U-M917 Mayl THEATRICAL 1018 Farnam. musq. costumes. Llehen, U-M911 SOLID Gold Rimless Eyeglasses onlv $2 50; with our patent "Slip Not" guard's. $1 11O extra. Eyes examined by our specialists free of charge Huteson Optical Co., 21!) 8. 16th. near Farnam. U 342 21 A POOR but honorable, well educated man, age 2. would like to meet ladv of means, matrimonially Inclined, who would help me in business: strictly confidential. Ad dress J. R. Parkin, box 51.1, Denver. Colo. U 329 7x IT WILL be a benefit to nnv of the llvina- ehlldren of James and Catherine Riley of jersey city fnow deceased) If they or any one knowing their whereabouts will com municate the same to Owen Farlev, 200 pin St., jersey city. N. J. U 330 8x READ of your loss In the pnper: will vou please come back and start life anew? Catharine E. II 331 8x BOB Your mother Is much woffled lest you are ill or In trouble: she haa heard from you but once: If you see this write ner a few nnPg, Harry. U 332 7x MIDDLE aged business man. verv wealthy. soner ana renani.', wants good, industrious wife. Address Mr. Andre, 85 Hudson av.. V Ol'-HRO. I '833 7X LODGES, dancing club or meetings of anv sina can secure a hall in the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele- vuitir service an nignt. electric light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters Co.. ground floor, Bee Bldg. U 341 MEDICAL. LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal r-ius are tne Desi. saie. rename. Take no otner. hen a 4c stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter, by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester cnenncii Co., miiadeiphla. Pa. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES, 738 At druggists, $1. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tan. enerman at Aicconneu, umaha. 739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities or women; experienced rename. 1013 uoage, Arlington block Omaha. 740 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, eczema or stomach trouble that Co- Lon-Co. WON'T cure. S59 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies aaoptea. Mrs. uaraejs, ;i4 Lake. Tel. Red-18S4. 741 FP.IVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. 1 he uooa Samaritan Sanitarium, 72 1st Ave., council tJinrr. ia. 62B PRIVATE hospital before and du-lng con finement. Mrs. r isner, bid b. n. Tel. PW9, 742 LADIES, one dose Fluo Regulator promptly relieves any case or annormany sup pressed menstruation: $1 per ho by mall Fbio Chemical Co., box 909, Milwaukee, Wis. Rl sis sx PRIVATE sanitarium during confinement Dr. and Mrs. Gerisek. 3625 Cail'ornla st. M&ts 1ZX QAILWAY TIME CARD. INION STATION 1)TH AND MARC Y Chicago, Rock laland & Paclfle. AST. Laara. ArrWa Chlrafs Darltiht Limited a I IS am a I 60 am Cblraso Daylight Loral a T :00 am a I IS pm Chicago Exprraa bll:llare a 4 IS pm Da kiolnea Eipreaa a 4 SO pm bir&O am Chicago Past Exprrai a 1:30 pm I 1 11 pa WEST. Rorkr Mountain Limited 7:10 am a I S pm Lincoln. Colorado Springi, Dd var, Puablo and Wtat a 1:S0 pm a 1:00 pm T". California and Oklahoma Plrar a 4 10 pm atl:40 pm WaAtaah. St. Louia "Cannon nail" Ex. . . .a 4:10 pm al-tOam SC. Loula Local ((.oancll BluBal.a 16 am alO M pm ( hluagu A. Northneavern. Paat 1'blrago , Luval L'hKago Mall l-ocal Sloui t'ltr Daylight lul l)nrlig!lt t'hluago Llmitad Chicago , Faat 4 h lea go , Local t hlcago Fast St. Haul Si. Pul gipreaa Kaat Mi. I Local Sioux City , Norfolk alio Utieatrcl Lincoln antl Loi.g Plnr... bratlwood. Hot Fprlnga l.lnciiln a I 40 am a T U am all so am a 110 put a I 30 am b 14 pm a T so am ai0:00 pm a i n am all .so p a I IS pm a 1:1s am a a ati pm a s:46 pm a 4 2S pat a 816 pm a 7 OS am a I IS atn a t 4o pm k 4 0s pm a 50 am aM 0 am bio IS am b I OS am LI0 li am and SO pm a o:10 pm and Wyoming Kintvaa.. d '0 lm a S 10 pm HaallBg. Superior and Alhlon . .b - 0 pm liClOpm lilruiiu. MllnavLrr av I'uul. Chicago Daylight a 7 Si am all 15 pm Chicago Faat Eipraaa a 5 4- pin a 1.10 pia O.arland Llmllrd a I JO pm a I 10 am Daa Moln.a Eipraaa af SSam a 310 pm llllnula t i-iilrnl. Chicago Eipraaa aj wpm alo u pm Chicago, Mlnnrapolla and BX. Paal Llmiiad a T SO pm a I OS am Mlnnaapolla and Bt. Paul S0am blO ISpm I ulun I'aelsle. Tba Overland Llmitad a I 40 am a I OS pm Tha Faat Mall a I SO am a 1 .20 pm Tha Caillornia Eipreaa aO Mprn Tha Atlantic Special a 1:10 am Tha Portland-Chicago Special. ..a I M pm a S SO pm Tha Atlantic Eiprata a 7 SO pm Tha Colorado ripecuu all M pm a I 40 a a Tha Chicago Spacia. a 140 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Btroau- burg Eipraaa b 4 00 pm bll 4S pm Columbua Local b a0 pm b I IS am I'ltlrago rirrat Weslerm. t. Paal and Mlnneapalla I. raid. .'. a T il am t Paul and Miaaaapalia Si., a T IS am a I 10 pm Chicago l.iailtaa a IMpa all 10 am St Paul. Mian, and Chicago Ex a I SO pm Chicago eipreaa s 4 10 am a 4 OS pm Miaaoarl I'arlge. t. Loula Eipraaa alO 00 am a I 31 pm k C. aad bt. Loula Eipreaa alO.U pm a 4 14 am Bl RLINUTON STATION IOTH at MASON Chicago, Barliagtom at Qalaev. Leave. Arlra. Chicago Spaelal a 7 00 am IllM Chicago Vretlbuled Eipraaa. . . a 4 oo pm a 1 44 am tbicage Local s 1 11 aa all (at pm H'lWAV TIMK CARD. ..a I 06 pra a 7 ru t I 41 .m r.n Mali Kaaaaa tlty. St. Joseph tt to. Illnn. Kioai nt, P.r tiprai a I II am a ot ra SI. l.oul rtfrr a I :t tn all o& kaoaai lit' MiM EipraM alt) tipil li ' ai HarllaaTtoa Mlaaourl Hlver. Wrmsra. Raatrire and Llocola .a I to am Ml OS ftt N.branka Riprraa .'.a I. Ml am a T 4r r n tarer Limited a 4 14 pis a 4 Ulark Hill, anil Puam Sound Bi.all.lil a a 1 p n loloraao Vntlbuim Flrr a I 11 1 a Lincoln Pan Mall b I 11 pia a iu. Tort crook ana Plauamcath k S10 pm bi J Ballataa ana Paello Janctlna...a 150 pm all. u bliTva and paella Junction. ..a aia WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH WEBSTER. Mlssoarl rsuplfle. Urn. ArrWe Nb. Loral via Weaalm Water. b 4 10 pm ! Si am fhleaao, St. Pa a I. Mlaa, A Omaha. Twin city PaMMnar b 4:M am b 10 pra Sloui Cltf faaarDgai a t oo pm all M aia Oaklaae Local bl Upm b t la am a DaUr. Saturday. k Daily aiorpt Sundar. a Daily airaol Monday. t Dally aitrpt OCKAJI STEAMERS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Ma tVis-Scrav b(maara wl U.auw awus kIW uHk ku 1 TKkUaM, via BoLUXrV Balllas TuwMy, at 10 a. av. Plotlardam March I I'oladam April Nooraam Maroh U Holtrrdam April 11 Statrodara March Ryndani April it HOLLAND-AatCHICA UM, a Daarbora Sc. li aaa. 111. 1 Harry kioorra. 1401 k'araaat H i C. (taukartord, UU raraaaa Set i. B. Hciookia. Ut faraaai 8b COVEHNME.T MITHll. OFFICE OF TUE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, 612 Dooly bulluliig, ru t Luxe City, Utah, .Marv h 2, .904. ISculed pro posals lu triplicate will le lnrelvcd licre until 11 a. m., standard time, April jj4, and then opened for the consu m tlon, at Fort Douglas, Ltaii. of one Hurhelor Ottl ceis' Quarters, Including; phinUiuig. gas piping, heating and elcctrir wiring, and uii . 114,011 shed. The blddars will siato In their bids the time In which tliey v.ill coiii plt te the work. Full Information and blank forms of proposals furnished on application to this office. Plans and specillcation i"v be seen herej. United Statca tet-erves 1 Im rl;ht to accept or reject any or nil pio piFals, or any part Uiereol'. Envelopes coiitlo1iiir nronoaals to lie indorsed "I'ro- posiila for Public Buildings," 1'1 addressetl to Captain bum I v. 11am. vjuaiK-i-master. M6-7-8-9 A 4. 6. 111. I.EC.AL NOTI4E. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice If hereby Biven ihHt Kriilcd bltls for the construction ol two ditches, known the Emanuel and lllnmiin ditches, will be recttlveil. the work In the t onsti uctlo 1 of said ditches to Im ibme iiccordlng to lh. plans and Hpecllicstlons of the county j ,r veyor. Hied in tho ottlce of the county clevk. The hoartl lin fixed upon tne 16th day of March at 10 o'clock; a. m. nt the county clerk's office nt Fremont. I lodge county, Nebraska, as the time sud plactj for open ing the said sealed hitfc. The bonrd reserves the riKht to reje.-r ajjv nnd all bids. HeaJed nhis to no n drsctl to C (. lkie. county clerk, 'rn monl. Dodge county, Nebraska. t:. n. uttp;. S. W. BOYD, County CI rk. Chairman of Bonril of Supervisors Msrlitni VICTIM OF POISON IS ALIVE Physicians Give No Hope, However, and Sheriff Is After Alleged Polaener. PIERRE, fi. D.. March 7.-(Special.) Miss. Rerjt Nelson, the victim of candy poisoning. Is said by the atteadlng physician to lie slowly r.jccumnlng to the effects of the. poison, with more alarming symptoms to day. The only reason he gives for tho prolonged tenure of life Is the strength and health of the patient. Sheriff Laughlln Is continuing his fK'lit for custody of Mrs. Dye, the accused, be fore the Iowa authrritlrs and will have a hearing before Oowrnur Cummins tomor row. Dakota (iame WnrtlciiK. PIERRE, March 7. ( il.) -Goc.'nor Herreld has appointed as fl.'h and gmiie wardens the following list: Roberts county, Frank C. Decljedley of Slssctoii; Kingsbury, Horace Perry of DrSmot; Pennington, Otto P. Bearancke of ICnpId city; Chuics Mix, C. M. Lokken of Lake Andrews; Union, James Halliday of Elk Point. Ilalliday was appointed 11th warden, as were tho others, which under the law also mikes him game warden und was also appointed game warden under the law providing for such an officer, snd which allows him a. salary of $50 pt r month, to be f.nld by the county, at tho option of the commis sioners. Travelers) Kleet OrTlecra. KlOt'X FALLS. S. D.. tfarch 7 (Spe cial ,V At the annual meeting of Sioux Falls council No. 100, United Commercial Travel ers of America, the following officers were, elected fcr the coming year: Past coun cilor, H. Marshall; senior councilor, A. I Peck; conductor, J. 8. Clarke; pege. H. L. Lovald; sentinel, J. B. Cloudas; executive com nil I tee, J. B. Buck, W. II. Miles, A. C. Hinckley, C Burtch; secretary-treasurer, Ir, C. Rlcker. It was decided to furnish apart ments for reading and writing purposes for the members of the council. When Yon Havat m Bad Cold You w,ant a remedy that will not only give julck relief, but effect a permanent cure. j'ou want a remedy that will relieve the lungs F.iid keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward pneumonia. You want remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds, stuods without a peer. Annonnrrmenia of the Theaters. At a special matinee this afternoon al the Boyd theater Mr. N. C. Goodwin will re peat his comedy success, "A Glided Fool." The engagement rinses this evening. On Wednesday evening nt the Boyd Madam Iilllan Blauvelt, the great prima donna, will give a song recital. Her pro gram will Include four French, four Itallnn, four German and four English songs. Mme. Blauvelt has won great distinction ahrotd and comes back to her native America with the united support of European critics mi l masters. Her recent appearance In Omaha won her a place locally and her second visit here ought to be a triumph. The advance sale of seats for Isabel Irving In "The Crluls," at the Krug Thurs. day night, began at the box office yewter dny and the demand was heavy. The com- I pfiny IS unoer tlio iiiann.snieni oi juniea ; K. Ilncke-tt, which is a guaranty of its ' i -;---! i nee. The prices for this engagement t. i i r from a cents to i.j". Weber & Fields' "Hoity Tolty" h:is made a great hit with the patrons of the Krug This is certabily one of the best rfinslial comedies een In Omaha this season. Regii lsr Krug theater prices prevail, despite th fact that the company Is a very large an I expensive one. There will be a matin. -t-Wednesday and the engagement wl'l t lo o with the performance of Wednesday iii(ht. norHrglas tlranrr Sinks. BALTIMORE. March 7.-In a colli! n t duy tlt Fi t Mcllenry between I he Nor weglan atramshtp Iberia, Captain Jacobtou, from Bitntcao. with a cargo of I'UIiuiihx. and the Norwegian steamship Himoii 1 u -mols, Capiairt for B..ii-s. the former was sunk. The latter wrh tlu may-i' and returned to port. Wry Near m Crime. . To sllow constipation to poison your body. Dr King's New Life Pills cures It snd builds up your health or ave pay. ate. For sale by Kuhn Co. 2