Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1904, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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MAMIM! Grand Intro-
rill r . i it iii i in
Women's Now Spring Suits, Hew
Spring Jackets, New Rain Coats,
New Waists, New Skirts.
Visit Our Cloak Department Monday.
In order to Introduce our new spring suds we will Bell you
THE BEST IU.60 81'IT IN AMERICA. 'silk lined tarkot.
cornea In all colon, chevlom and fancy u Mfl
w WW
As a further Inducement for a visit. we wll sell our regular
lan siilta, by far the best garment ever Been In I J Qfl
umtht for the price, at " If wV
To mill further Impress you with the Importance of a vllt to
our cloak department we will sell our exquisite $30 spring
aults. one of thla season's most beautiful creation, eqiml
to moat 140 auita abown elsewhere,
22 90
i 3
bought from the Highland Silk Mill of
Peterson. N. J., at. about one-quarter
their actual 'worth. In this lot you will
And p ain black and flgjred black Bilk,
plain colored rustle taffeta, plain colored
I oTjln pi le, fancv silk for evening wear,
beautiful atrlpe and check llk for htrt
suit. f lie lev that no other store
in me i . r. oncr ucn exiraorainary
vAiira in nne nign class
silks. They have been on
oispiay in ittn
clow for the
dn j-a. Silks
ll hi. I2.ft
sale Monday
ne high class
have been on a 44
ith street win- 3 f I tl
he past three L A 'I O
and USo-on f j j
JI'9T RECEIVED another shipment of
pongee placed on sale
Monday, at $1 $5 and
WE ANNOfNCE tver Rn new designs and
colors In the CELEBRATED LAl'RF.L
PILK8 for ahlrt walt aulta. The LAl'REt.
BILKS lead nil others In style, color and
excliuMveiieew AB.
(136, and HOC
a most beautiful quality. There Is a per
fect crate on this allk; black, I
I fcU
whlta and colors, only.
FOULARD P1LK8 la the finest In the
city. The new gun metal, chamrscne
and crown shades only
II .00 and ,
Imported black Creje
wide, worth $3.50, .
de Chene,
2 50
1 In.
2 98
fl 60 QVAIJTY yard wide BLACK Rl'ST
I.ING TAFFETA, full of life and bril
liancy; greatest anap yet offered,
Imported blark Crepe de Metore,
wide, worth ti.00,
for ;
Voiles, Cheviots, Etamines.
.Endless variety of style colors, size Skirts' for amall women; aklrts for large
women, who iwrtnot be fitted else here can always ha fitted here.
shades of blue and black, with Oflfi ETAMINE SKIRTS Elegant, IO Cfl
Bilk drop 0 IU j graceful garments, 11 and it JU
New Spring Jackets and Rain Coats.
Beautiful light weight coata, In castors nndl Women's rain coats, the new two cape
black C flfl style, warranted shower proof, in Aft
epeclal 0 UUI lis value, for IU UU
Grand Showing of Women's Waist).
In Japanese and China silk, linens, lawns, organdies, lace, all weaves of f ft ff
fabric, ranging in price from 11. 'iu to Ill UU
Last Call on Winter Jackets
Women's 113 to $14 C flfl i Children's lit) to f!3 E fill
coats J UU coata s WV
oa,te.n'.'..!.....:.; 19 oo c!::i0. 5oc
The new dress, tailored and street hats have arrived, bringing
a thousand different hints from Paris, London and New York as
to the modes for t-pring and summer presenting a most inter
esting early exhibit for feminine thought and reflection Millin
ery Department is on Second Floor. ' .
2fm New broad crown, rolling brim, 'ready-to-wear hats.' In hand- J . M f
M 1 1 soma combination braids, trimmed in very newest Ideas. I I U
B J y These are easily worth $2.60 IhtTO
Big bunches new Carnations, 6C
Bg bunches new Cherries, 25C
The Leading Dress Goods House
of the West.
Be Sure and Attend Our Famous High Grade
Dress Goods Sale.
Commencing at 9 a. m.. Monday, we will sell ary $1.0" Voile In black or
colors, and only one pattern to a. customer, at..
I 39
1 89
Any Winter or Fail Suitings at Exactly Half the Regular Price
Everything here will be sold for this day exactly as represented In this ad, and
no goods or colors reserved.- ,
Any $1.36 voile, la black or colors,
Any $1.80 voile, In block or coiors,
Any $1.9S voile. In blurk or colors,
Any $2 50 voile. In black or co'.ors,
Any $.100 voile, In black or r-dors,
I 39
I 89
I 98
Also Spring Mohairs In the
Following Qualities:
Any 75c Slclllian or Brtlilntlne, EOl
:n oiacK or colors www
Any $1.00 mohairs, black or colors,
Anv $1.25 mohairs, black or colors,
Any $1.50 mohairs, black or colors,
Anv $2.00 mohnlra. black or colors,
Any $2.S0 mohairs, black or colors,
Ar.y $3 00 or $3.50 mohairs, black or
colors, at...
Special Sale
Wool. Dress
Domestic Dept. Monday
85c Scotch wool mixtures, new spring
colorings, worth 85o pr yard, 4QQ
B0 In. Slclllian, blues and blacks only.
wonn i.a, cn.
Monday, per yard
$S. In, Eng'Uh Henriettas, assorted colors
and black, worth 39c, 25 C
Wool Crepe de Chine, assorted colors and
black, worth 3fc per yard. J9C
Short lengths In wool dress novelties,
worth up to $1.98,
Monday at 49o and ... a3l
Great March
Furniture Sale.
Til Iti:t.l41ll F. lfMK
Now Is the Time to Buy. Just Think
of It.
Iron bed. Ilk cut, with H-lnrh brass rod
at head and foot. In any color 'I QS
you wish sale price only KVxj
1 '
i, J.- A -f : uir .
plvan. Imitation mahogany. uphIterai
.best graile velour, Jun like A R(
rut sale price 4J
Ssme larger slis
Oet fur prices on furnlturo before buy
ing. We can save you money.
Bed Spreads
100 Gases Ded Spreads
W carry th largest stock of
d Spreads. We le4 them
' all In price..
9c full alse Bed Spreads, 09
$1.10 full slxe Bed Spreads, 89C
$1.26 full slxe Bed Spreads, 98C
H.W full slxe. heavy fringed, cut IOC
corner, each I &9
$300 full aixed, heavy fringed Bed I Eft
Spreads, each I 9U
S.&0 full alxe genuine Marseilles I TTC
Bed Spreads, each 110
Wall Paper and
1 Grand dr. ring sale of Wall Paper
and Taint.. To reduce our stock to
make room for new good., we hnve cut
the prloe In two. Tho beat grade of
white blank., 3c per roll.
Fine gold pnper 5c per roll and all
other grade. In proportion. You should
lnveMtljrate these bargain, before buy
ing. The best grade of Ready Mixed Paint
on the market, only 08c per gallon.
Also Varnishes, Ktiiln., KnanieU,
Brushes and Room Molding, all at
greatly reduced price..
Lace Curtains Lace Curtains
Real Irish Point
; Real Arabian Cord
, Real Cable Net
Real Nottingham .
6,400 pairs secured by our New York buyer at a great bargain. You get the benefit.
Worth from S2 to $12 a pair. Go on sale Monday morning, March 7th, at
75c to $5.23 a Pair.
All new patterns. Each curtuln guaranteed perfect. Entir carpet and drapery department devoted to display of samples.
Don't miss this sale. '
Lot 1-Worth $2.00-Monday
Lot I Worth $4,00
Let S-Vorth $4.00-Monday
Lot 4 Worth $5.
1 94
2 23
2 93
Lot 6-Worth $.00
Lot MVorth $6.50
Lot T-Worth $7.25
Lot 8-Worth $8.00
3 39
3 50
.4 25
Lot .-Worth $9.00-'
Lot 10 Worth $10.00
Lot .l Worth $12.00
Mail orders filled. I-lenty of experienced
salespeople to make your selection easy
Coma early.
4 39
.5 23
Bolld onk chlffonleres, ' R drawers, bevel
plate gltidn lu'rior. Just like g ig
Fame Tvithout glass '. $4.S5
lt.M iiniiiK f"-i(, .;,Kt like cut, r: bber rubber hull c.ips f UC
brake aixl p.i-nsol V.CJ
Linens Linens
75c all linen Irish table
60o mercerized tablo
damusk i.
60c bleached all linen table
$1.00 doublo satin ftnlnli Irish
tHble Mt.en ....
$2.00 I 'learned satin
napkins .
150 hemmed huck
towels at , .
S' blenched theetlng
HI Inches ;".' Bt
2THc bleached rheetlng
' 1 yards wide .'
(Tie L. I., sheeting, 36 Ini1ie-i wide
- 20 vardi for
.2.3 ic
15c nRllHh long clotb Q
1$ Vards for 1 -
Mardvare, Stoves, Housefurnishings.
, s
Special fjarch Sale of Housefurnishings.
Great Bargains for Monday
60c embroideries,
JOc wash, ribbon,
25c ladles' neck wear,
(Qq " 00 adeB' ta,,or teit- 50c
" ' ' Qg 60c ladles' tailor belts, 25C
New Dress Trimmings, per yard, .. IOC
All colors Silk Chiffon on Sale Monday,' at, yard 29c
, We have secured the sample bolts of the Klauber Home Co. Embroidery House
Pt New Tork. These gooda all come In complete matched sets of the very finest
quality and latest designs.
Prices Cut Just One-Half.
SI Buys G2 Worth at This Sale-
Decorated plates, platters, bakers, sug-ars,
aauc&rinea, bowls, covered iishes, etc.
The odd pieces from dinner ar.d tea Cj
sets, Monday while they last, choice.. 3 C
Decorated cups and saucers, j'q
Fine Imported Barnvian cup. and saucers,
regular $125 per set valuo, RQ(
Monday, per set wwl
Decorated toilet sets, 39
30 Per Cent Discount on all
O. K. Washers ...... .19
Folding; Ironing bed 09c
Pioneer w:t.H board l?c
3prdon rake 1;C
8 'drawer spice cabinet tttn
Coffee mills 1c
Nickel crumb tray and scraper 1
Patent sink strainer c
Set Pott's Irons . ..' 7!M
J-o. $ copper bottom boiler '3j
Ml willow clothes b.iskels 4o.:
C.arden hoi
IMiifn scrub brushes, .dr.
Fine turkey duxters 13'
l-jire nickel plioo trays (a
50-lts. flour cans Mli'
Groceries Groceries Groceries
Always in the Load on Low Prices
And Trading Stamps Vith Every Purchase.
tl-lbs pure cane granulated sugar for $1.00 Fancy soda, oyster, butter or milk cramers
Irse sacks cormneal
liuckwbeat flour laife sacks iic
1-gullon oans fancy table syrup
Vira-allon cans Tennessi.e s irghum 19-J
f-lbs hand-picked navy beans
C-lbs breakfast railed oats fie
6-lbs pearl, tapioca, liov, sago, barley or
farina for
Mincemeat, pkK
l-lb pkg self-rlnlng pancake flour
l ll pka; Imported macaroni
The best coin starch, pks
ectru. t elluloid, i. A
Elustlc. Rl
MHgnetlc starcn, pKg
Pulk laundry starch, lb i
$-lb cans solid packed tomatoes
-lb cans hominy
S-lb cans poston bnkel beans ..
1Mb cans rainkraut
8-lh cans rhubarb
2-lh cans wax or strlns; beans .,
8-lh ram Kalv Jutie peas
-lb cans tablo perhes. apilcots, penrs.
epa; or prreenirss-" luns...: 1-V
Star or Horse Shoe tobacco lb 40c
ti. or
.. .30
.... 5o
pound 6o
Irge California Prunes, per (.ound... la
I, nine C'H'.lfortiia pta.'.hes, per pound.. T.
('hole I'lsuiied Currants, per pound. . (Vto
N. Y. EvsrKirated Apples, per pound.. Ko
Fancy teoed HV.hi-ih, per package... Po
Fancy Hurllett Peurs. per lb . . l?-iO
Fancy Moor ,ark Aprtema, j r pound Uv,a
Always In '.lie lead en low prises, a4
highest iiuality.
Fancy large Highland ravel o'antva"
etich JS
Fnncy '.nrge TIlKhlund Juicy lemons
each 1o
California White Clover h.mey, rsck..1?(t
California Whli f.qs., l-lb. pkg 7".'i
J. ()0 WORTH T'tniNa PTAMP8 FREla
Wlth a bill of ;,,,,l', .'i nounllng to $S 00
end up, we will give $5 00 exira trading
stamps free. This off'1.- will be good In
all departments throughout the whola
I store.' .
Iowa Hen Engago in Affray witk Kami
Bludgeon and RaTelvsr.
Mam Who Went After His Wife Is
Is4w Arrest for Harder
After Being Cat with
WINTERSET. la., March $.-After a ter
rible fight. In which pistols and knives
were freely used, John Thornborough, a
young married man living neur here, shot
and Instantly killed Fred Peacock and
perhaps fatally wounded Peacock's father,
a man of 0 years.
Thornborough Is terribly gashed about
the neck and face, but will recover, tie 1.
In Jail under a charge of murder.
The -fatal tight grew out of an effort
upon the part of Thornborough to Indue
his wife, from whom he la separated, to
leave the Peacock home and accompany
bim. lie drove there last night, made
known his request, and young Peacock or
dered him from the place. Wben he did
not go, the young man sprang at him with
knife and began slashing hm about the
neck and face. The elder Peacock Joined
In the fight, also using a knife. Twice
Thornborough was felled 'to the ground.
On the third attack he drew a pistol and
Bred, the shot taking efftct In young
Peacocks neck, killing him Instantly.
Wheeling about he fired point blank at
the elder Peacock, who was advancing
with a neckyoke. The acond victim fell,
shot through the neck and in almost the
same place. '
Continued from Eighth Page.
IllfT of Kansas City will preach In the
morning. At the evening service the pas
tor, Rev J. H. Graves, will be assisted
by Rev. C. W. Brewer of Des Moines,
former pastor of the Fifth avenue, church,
and Rev. J. W. Ablo of Carroll.
chaffer tlel4 to Grand Jary.
George' W. Bchuffer, charged with statu
tory assault on his 13-year-old slats r-ln-luw,
Ed a Oldenberg. was yesterday .bound over
to await the action of the grand Jury by
Justice Ouren. chaffer's ball was placed
ut $800, which he promptly furnished. At
'he close of the testimony for the stste
Friday evening Scbaffer's attorneye moved
for a dismissal for lack of evidence, alleg
ing that the testimony t the girl was un
believable and unsupported. -On renaming
the bearing yesterday morning Justice
Ouren overruled the motion. No evidence
was submitted for the defense, which had
subpoenaed about fifty witnesses, It being
admitted that the defense would be a gen
eral denial of the charge.
,.P.Lr aison Co.
rVemont N e tar
lilZmm'"f ' """"" '""1 tW" SH I -,-
Beetle Loeal Wnaaaa'e CI a a Kater
talas Omaha Women.
Mr. and Mra. R. C. Edgrrton entertained
at dinner Tutsday evmlug.
Mra. D. W. Bushnell entertained Infor
mally at whlat Friday evening.
Mrs. H. H Van Rrunt entertained In
formally at mhlat Thursday evening.
Miss Sample of Harvard, Neb., ai the
g-ueet of Misa Blanche Carlgg of Olen av
enue. Mra.. J. R. Earenflght of StuUman atreet
entertained at carda and at a dinner Fri
day. Mrs. J. 8 Anderson of Seventh avenue
iave an Informal evening at cards Uon
ay. .
Mrs. Curtis Ouren of Park avenue en
tertained Informally at cards Friday afternoon.
I Dr. and Mrs J. H Cleaver entertained a
few frtetida Informally at dinner ThursOa
evening. Misa pigaooa waa hostess to a few of her
frirnda Wrdnesday evening at ber home os
Fori a avenue.
Miss Cora Harle will entertain the mem
bers of the Euchre ciub at her home Sat
urday afternoon.
Miss McDonald of Madison avenue was
bueleas at an Informal evening given at
h.r home Tuesday
Mrs. Kevin C lescher of Galesburg. III.,
was the guest tf her sister. Mrs. V. K.
Hender of Fifth avenue, last week. She
returned to ber noma Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Iavls J. Gates entertained
I lf Xrluuds Inloruially Moudajr evening
In honor of Mr. Oatea' twelfth birthday, he
being one of the February -ers. ,
Mra Killpack of Willow avenue enter
tained T number of friends informally at
her home Friaay inirmwn. i
Mrs. E. J. Gilbert enlertsl.ied at a ken- :
slngton Wednesday In compliment to Mis :
Bennlckie of Carthage, Mo. j
Mr and Mrs. Lougee entenaineu n um
ner Tuesday evening, their guests being a
number of neighboring friends.
The members of the V'nlverslty club
were entertained Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Forrest Hmlth.
Mra. H. A. Searle of Bluff street enter
tained at an afternoon tea Wednesday.
Eight guests were in attendance.
Mrs. O. A. Robinson of First avenue en
tertained the women of the First Christian
church and their, friends at a kenalngton.
Mrs. Victor K. Bender entertained the
members of the Woman's Whist club at
her home on Fifth avenue Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Swsnson of Park avenue aaa hos
tess at a kenalngton given to a number of
her friends at her home Thursday after
noon. Mrs. M. 8. Rawlea and daughtera. Melva
and Wilms, of Toledo, O., are guests of
Mrs. Rawlea' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Mrs. W. II. Travis, formerly of this city,
but now of Cleveland. O., was In the city
the laut week, the guest of Mrs. Charles
4 Mrs.' J. H. Gorham entertained a number
of neighboring women at a fancy arena
party given at her home on Seveoth ave
nue Tuesday. evening.
Mrs. Lane, assisted by Mrs. Roberts, will
entertain tho womi-n f Grace episcopal
rhurch at Lenten tea Friday afternoon at
her home, 217 East Broadway.
The literature department of the Coun
cil Bluff Woman s club met at the dub
room Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charles
Bwalne was leader of the meeting.
Mrs. Roseoe Lfnwii. assisted by MUs
Florence Denny, will entertain the mem
bers of the physical culture department of
the Council Bluffs Woman's club at the
home of the former, on Seventh street,
Wednesday afternoon from $ to ft.
Mr. and Mra. gvenke Boysen have Issued
Invitations for a celebration of the twenty-fifth
aanlvorsary of their marrlnse
Man h 12, hi Maccabee hall in the Drown
building. Over l' invitations have been
issued. Mr. and Mr. Koysrn were mar
ried in Clinton, la., in 1H71.
J. M. Dollarhide was pleasantly surprised
by a number of his neighbors and friends
Thursday evening In celebration of the
fifty-third anniversary of his birthday. The
self-invited but none the less welcome
guests came provided with refreshments
and all other requisites for an enjoyable
The membere of the Tuesday Ottrnvm
History club were entertained Tuesday aft
ernoon at the home of Mra. E. C. Kmlih.
Mra. J. I. Templeton, president of the
club presided. Among tliojte taking part
In the program were: Mrs. Joseph Smith,
Mrs. 8an. Mrs. Schnorr, Mrs. bhuart. Mrs.
8. H. Snyder and Mrs. J. K. Cuoper.
Mr. and Mra. Thomas Itlshtoa of IA Hut-
liaon street entertained at a charmingly
appointed family dinner last Sunday in
celebration of the fortieth anniversary of
their wedding The gutsts were Mr. and
Mr. C. Clipper. Misa Ruth Crippen. Mr.
and Mis. Henry Rlsliton. Mr. bland filth
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maxnld and Mr.
md Mis. D. Robb os Omaha 8. nil re Davie
LhvoI perforated 1st ceremony forty years
ago and of those who witnessed It only
five are now living.
The members of the art department of
the Council Bluffs Woman's club will give
the flrat of the two lectures on American
art, which Is to be given In this city un
der their auspices. Monday evening at the
club rooms, third floor of Merrlam block.
The lecture will be gives by Mr. E. O.
Fitch. The subject will be "Early Ameri
can Art." and will be Illustrated by over
10U stereoptlcon pictures.
Mis Caroline Dodge has returned front
an extended eastern trip. While absent
Mis Dodge visited friends In New York
City, Washington and Baltimore. Pairing
her stay In New York City Miss Dodge
was a part of ths time a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Dawson, formerly of trie
Reglster-Ieader of Des Moines and who
are well known In this city. Mr. and Mrs.
Dawson are now engaged In editorial work
on the Globe an New York City end are
well pleased with their new field of work.
The social event of the week was the
"house warming" given by the members
of the household economics department of
the Council Bluffs Woman's club to the
members of the same department In the
Omaha Woman's club Thursday cf:ernoon
at the club's new heme In the Merriuin
block. The room were prettily decorated
with cut flowers and ferns. The guests
of honor were received by Mrs. A. R.
Woodford, leader of the department, who
waa attired in a charming black and white
creation trimmed In lace, and Mra. C. M.
Weir In a daintily pietty gown of white
organdie tied with white satin ribbons.
The feature of the afternoon's entertain
ment was a series of living pictures of
Gibson design, Mrs. W. Jacob presiding at
the piuno. Among the picture were: "The
Bachelor's Supper." "Love Confessional."
"The Last Quet." "The End of Summer,"
"Love Flies (Jut of the Window . When
Poverty Enters," "An Old Melody" and
others Those participating on the program
were Mrs. A. R. Woodford, Mrs Weir.
Mrs. M. Dent, Mre Hicks, Misa Mulhol
Uind. VI) ss Jo Blxby. Miss Helen Blxby,
Miss Grace Woodford and little Marian
Loomls, who made an Idesl Cunll. A
musical number given by Miss Hailtton
completed the pmgrsm.
A four-course banquet followed, rerved
from small tables decorated with spring
(toners la the club colors of yellow and
white. Mrs. A. R. Woodford was toaat
master. Toasts were drank to Mrs. pugh
of Omaha. Mrs. Parrott of Waterloo, Mi.
Townsend of Omaha and M!t-e Mary E.
O Dunnell of this city. Response were
made by Mrs. Walter 1. Smith, Mrs. P. J.
Montgomery and Mrs. E. J. Towslee of
this city. Presiding at the tubles were:
Mr. J. E. Hunter. Mrs. M. Dent, Mrs.
Weir, Mrs. H A. Messmor. Mr. Olsen,
Mrs. Roscoe Lemeii, Mrs. F A. Blxhy,
Mrs. Page Morrison. Mrs. GsfTird. Mrs.
Edward Canning, Miss Mary E. O'Donnell
and Miss Helene Hi shy.
The Omaha guest were: Mra. F. If. .Cols,
president of Omaha Woman s club; Mrs.
C. If. Townsend, leader of the household
economics deuartment ; Mrs. H B. Kelley,
Mrs. Mary Pugh of household ecorMmle
department of the Bellevue college. Mrs.
H. S. Jaynee, Mrs. K. II. Tone, Mrs. A.
Darlow, Mrs W. K. Ieivls. Mrs. O. P
Moorehead. Mra. R. F. t arpenter. Mr. F.
B Smith Mrs. W. L. Beard. Mrs. H. B.
Beard. Mrs. J. A. Kaley. Mrs. C. H.
Chlssm. Mrs F. W. Carmtchael. Mrs. P.
R. Ward. Mrs. C W. Hnye. Mrs. John
Haarmon, Mrs. Edwar. Johnson. Mr. T.
8 Grlgor. Mrs. F. 8. McLsfferty. Mrs F,
8 Owen. Mrs. E. U Stone, Mrs. F. J. Bur
nette. Mrs I. R. Andrew Mrs. J. Tou
lass, Mrs. J. C. Downing, Mrs. K. a Nee!,
Mrs. A. 8. Mattson, Mrs. E. P. Lulen, Mrs
W. H. Gates. Mi. B. E. Betebeiuier, Mrs!
F. W. Graham, Mrs. Thomas Henry Smith,
Mrs N. H. , Nelson, Mr. Frank Heller,
Miss McHugfi and Mis Uda Wilson.
One of the most novel and enjoyable en
tertainments of the season was Uie child
ren s birthday party" given at the home
of Mrs. J. P. Organ, Monday afternoon.
'A he occasion was the eleventh birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Orgaji, the gueata be
ing the members of the Ideal club. Tne
Mist part of the afternoon waa given over
to the usual program. Mrs. N. C. lhllllps
giving a very interesting and complete re
view of Jaooo Kns "Children of the
Poor." followed by the Shakespearian pro
gram, and two original poems lead by M s
Phillips and Mra. Organ, vrfuelr for the
afternoon was furnished by Mrs. H. B.
Jennings. At "the close of the program a
buffet luncheon was served. The ceiiler-
Ciece of the serving table was a large
Irlhday cake bukej by the piesiden. oi
the club, Mrs. Thomas Metcalf. and
adorned with eleven tiny lighted tapers. A
feature of the rake was a number of good
luck symbols which It contained Hinoi.g
'.hem being a silver piece, which fell to
the share of Mrs. B. H. Terwilllgrr. Be
sides the twenty-flve regular mem here In
attendant e two .'.otiorary inemlwrs, Mrs.
Tra"ls of Ohio 4id Mrs. A W. Rlekman
of Chadron. Neb., were In attendance. The
club will meet Tuesday with Mra. Metcalf.
The English lif-.rsture program will be
given. Those amls.Jrg on the program are
Mrs. W. H. Dv.'ley. Mra. A L. Qteveds and
Mrs. Metoalf. Mrs. Hyndahaw will be In
charge of current aventa.
Rlavsrold la for Hearst.
DEB MOINES, March 6-(8perlaI Tele
gram. The democrats of Ringgold held
the flrs democratic county convention of
the yearltoday and. endorsed the candi
dacy Of Hearst for president. The Hearst
people have headquarters opened here and
are at work all over the state and they de
clare that this Is only the beginning of a
sorles of early convention to be held for
Hearst that will Influence all the state.
lew Commissioner filves Monona
Conaty Boys I nance.
ONAWA, la... March 6. (8peclal.)-WIU
C. Whiting, lepreeentlng our commission to
'.the St. Louis exposition, Is out with an
l offer to Monona county boys to enter the
I corn contest fur IM, and says: "Let mc
knew the kind of corn you wish, also yaur
ag,e and the township you live in. I have
arranged for the low Silver Mine corn, u
corn that will do, well on light upland soli;
nlso the Iowa Qold Mine corn which, when
planted on rich land, la a good y leader and
matures In from 10C to 115 day. I will
also have Reld's, Yellow Dent, the same
kind I had lust year. Asa Turner. ;he win
ner of the "Whiting Trothy," haa kindly
sent ma one 'bushel of his choice. Held
Yellow Ient. which will be given to you
boys. I will also have the Lotrul Tender.
which Is a corn that should haye alKint i;o
j days to mature. This corn 1 have arranged
, for from Nims Bros,, who huve won first
premium In the state for several years.
.The first i) boys between 11 Mid 18 ye,ir
of age who apply ran euch hare two
pounds of corn. All boys Unit rwcivJ
seed Inst year can have M-ed ng.iln, even
If .they are paBt IS years, flic Institute will
be held at Mnplotou this year. Vou are
expected to bring ten ears of the variety
you receive, for which I will give the fol
lowing premiums: First premium, ono
course In this Hloux City Correspondence of
j Agriculture, $10; second premium, $5 rash;
third premium, $4 cash; rourth premium,
$3 cash; fifth premium, $2 oash; next five
best, $1 each; next fivo best, HO cents each.
If the boy winning first premium has
already bought the course In agriculture
I ha uiil rmlva rnsh.
Prof. F. 8. Lark will help distribute)
corn and you should apply not later than
April I The Oelny in announcement bus
bocn ' iiused by my not being able to pro
cure the tip lit kind of seed sooner.
Three Are Sentenced.
UOONK. la., 5 (Special Tele-
i gram.) Judge Whltaker sentenced Ed Air-
hart to five year for Hssault, Glen Spurgln,
two years for highway robbery, rind FTed
Will ox, live year In the reform school -for
highway robbery. They wen? taken to the
penltoiitlury tonight by Sheriff Foster.
Senten.-e amue draft to I'rianu,
WASHINGTON. M irch B. Justice Prl'ch
ard today overruled the motion of Kainuel
A. Orolf, one of the r'-cciilly t j-.ivl'ied de
fendant in the poniofll.-e, and sen
tenced bim to two v-urM In the Mound
vllle penlteiulury anil to pay a fine of
10,oh, sentence to V.ryin on arrival at the
penitentiary, tlroff immediately funilahed
I bond for l-'fl.'iOO pending tin nppeul
P-- rrnr. ,-; in r i ' r .,- T it
ee .etr i"" J
Greatest In the World
ETU Candy CatUartlo. Oood words spoken by their znaoiaa fur CAfcCAHETSto
other niamaa have made CAP.CAHB.T8 eux5aril until tlia aaie now Is over A
MILLION UOX1U A MONTH. Wby doUHlafolkellkeCAJJCARETBI Because they
ara a eweet, pain table, fragrant llttla tablet taata vuod, do rood never grip
nor gTipe-- but act gently, naturally, poattlvely. Medidue that a child dislike
will rotdoltmu'ih good. Cr.udran ara always ready to take CArJCARETU. THU
Pi-Hi hC'l' 110Mb UiilFJINE,ssk for them and ara kept baaitby always and
fcfciDst, tiia daiiKor cf chihood's ailments. Bast tor the Kovrela. All
di-utfij.ate. lOouftc, t:. NkVklt bOLD IN ULJL. Tba etiulne tablet stetcpad
GCC. biunple a-;d b ooklet fr'a.
Ad1i- eiei Lin hoccedy Co Cblca-o 'or New York. n