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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1904)
xii is OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1004. 7 f PAST WEEK WITH EOWLERS iSplarkioo, with a o re of 2E8, ii the Star o. ( tbe Period. BARTSCH HIGH AVcRAGE IN THE LEAGUE I Clarksons mn WrlH Tied far ! First I'lsee In the Omaha llnil- Ins? l-amnr Contest, nlik Onihii la Third Place. The past week has wltnessc-d the mlllnf of nma big scorea, Claras n, with Is . getting the nearest to the perfcci mark. Of the league bowlers Uartrch leads sji average of 19, with 11. l. lleid a cloaj second. Standing of Omaha Howling league week ending March t: Ciuts. flayed Clarksons 67 Waverleys 67 Omahaa &7 Armours M Kruk f arks 67 Bt. Charles 64 National 67 Colts 67 Wrtn. 33 U ai 27 24 26 24 Lost. 24 24 M Hi ) 30 A2 S3 f . C. ., .&; .6(4 .61 .4 1 4 .444 .4;t9 .421 Following Is for the week: the average of the bowiers Average. Oames. fins. Partsch 12 2,3Uj 11. I. Keed M Bprsgue 27 1.212 1 rllscher 64 lO.ltil Cochran 1.77 Welly 67 lo.hls Emery 67 ly.27 Brunke 64 I Kramlsco 64 1,2"2 Ilodges 67 Ji.i24 Chandler 67 10, 9W Muckett 33 .1 Marble 67 tncell 8.1 .11 Potter 61 K.4il Huntington 64 t.Wt JCarp . 67 lu,&4.1 Conrad ttf t.H'S Iienman 64 .K1 Zimmerman 67 10.3C4 Jlaldwln IK Xi Norton 45 b.Vn Wlgman 61 D.2bU Hunter ' 6.444 K. W. Behnelder 39 7.(66 Neale 64 9.742 OJerde M 9,139 Hughes 67 10,131 liengele JW 6.421 Fowler 2D 4.9S Tracy s 8,441 f Clarkson Banks 61 g,Mt Jones 8 8.7K7 Orltllths 4ft 7.7W French S 6.23 Mnselln 46 1,','fJ Krtedhoff 4i 8.3"6 Bunnell 24 4,13 Lehman 31 6.210 Ureenleaf S3 6,633 Weber 30 6.124 I J. Schneider 64 9.22 Reynolds 42 7.167 Christie 12 2,1148 Clay 48 S.12'4 Carter 16 2.626 Norene 27 4.621 Qllchreat 61 8.636 6mead 18 2.1M Bolleck 18 2.W Ahmanson 45 7.340 Bheldon 18 i.VM A. C. Reed 21 ,r Murphy 6 91 High soores for the week at Selleck'a bowUng alleys: 242 256 276 256 248 290 247 2 232 266 244 279 233 239 217 222 278 233 831 233 227 239 236 2( 236 213 278 234 213 234 244 232 Ileselln A 251 Hunter 6 230 Hughes 4 220 Ilckerln 4 231 Clay 4 228 W. F. Schneider I 211 fatrlck 1 224 Conrad 2 2."S OJerde t 235 Hlrh soores on the Date City alleys prahoa, 214. 233. 210; Hlorth, 201, 210; Bose fln. 200., 209: liomlre, 200, 207: C. R. Urluen- No. 200. 20 18 14 15 16 14 Francisco Zimmerman Huntington Baldwin Norton Chandler H D. Reed 12 Frltacher II Potter 12 Hodges 14 Bheldon 15 Tonneman 12 Marble 12 Kncell 14 Bpregue 11 Dartseh 13 1 J. Bchnoider 10 Fried hoff 10 Clarkson ; 9 Traoy 9 French 9 Mockett Ureenleaf 8 Gideon 8 Cochran T Zarp 7 Iienman 7 Welty T Brunke .., . 6 Ohnerlng 6 Ahmannon 6 Bank 8 Griffith 8 Bengels 6 Christie 6 Neale 6 ::::::::::::::: I ii 1J4 m 191 ii 1X9 1 1S7 187 1M1 186 185 186 186 1.S6 184 ISi IsJ 182 111 181 181 180 179 178 178 177 176 176 174 174 173 173 173 173 173 172 171 170 170 170 170 169 16S 167 167 166 154 163 1M 155 150 High. berker, 219. 215. 2"T. W, 20P, 207. 243. 2J; rVhmela, 2(4; Hatch. 2l; J. R. McCleary, 2: N. Nelson. , t"2, t"l, 214, 235, 241!; Johnon, 231; Lucrs. 219. !"2; MrKelvv, 221; Yate, 2f; Unibb, 2". Ureenleaf, Vi; V elty, f. 2.10; W. V. Windham. 221. 217, 2ii. ; Jnne. 2i2; George Mehan, 214, to; Weymuller, 21. 2J,; C. b." Seams 11, , , 22", 2J2. 26, 2"4; P. Nellfon, 2VI. 223; Sclple, M; II. H. Puree. HI. Heath won a prize at terplns with 246 anil N. Ne.son with 246 and 642. OMAHA DEFEATS BELLEVUE Loral V. M. C. A. Tnl.cs Second Game of Basket Ball from the Colleglaas. The Omnha Toung Men's Christian asso ciation athlftes reyentd their sucoesa of two weeks . when they di-feated Bellevue college at Bellevue by si nrlng 45 points to Bellevun s 24. by ng iln ilftlng them by a score, of 42 to 2?. The contest was played t the Young Mn s t'hrtsilan association building last night and brought forth a large crowd, In which IlHvu wna rep rescnted by a hoet of stuibnts who tilled the building with trmlr uprnarl'itis aplause. Althoiigli all of the even's were exciting, the feature of the evening was an ex hibition of hnndxtnndlng and bar work done by the will known Tlnney brothers. Andrew, Anderson, loremin, Betlach and Ninkey. The various events resulted as follows: Twenty-yard Dash Benton of Bellevue first, Cornwell of Omaha second. Bhot Put Moore or Bellevue first. Corn- well of Omaha second. Pole Vniilt Y nllnce and Cornwell of Omnha both first. Hlloh K ck Peterson of Oronhs first Moore of Pellevue second. High Jump V allaee of Omaha first. Moore of Bellevue second. Broad JumD Cornwell and Peterson of Omaha flrKt and second. Half-mile Run Wilson of Omnha first Coorer of Bellevue second. Mile Run Parker of Omaha first. Nlckoll of Bellevue second. Judges-Rice, Plpal, Hill and Fentlond. IOWA COLLEGE BASE BALL GAMES. P. McNear won. The Mls second. Edfe- cl!ffe third. Time: :49. Third race, Futurity course, selling: Titus won. Our Pride second, Foxy Grandpa third. Time: 1:12H. Fourth rnce. two miles and one-fourth, Waterhouse Cup, hnndlesp: Grafter won, Vererano second, Horatlus third. Time: :6S. Fifth race, sit -furlongs, selling: Haln solt won. Mystic Pride recond, Mlmo third. Time: 1:15. Plxth rsce, mile and fifty yards, selling: Keynote won. Bvonerd-tle second, Frank Woods third. Time: 1:46. I -WW A BOTTLE OF SWANSOfTS B8m KJ ffl 1" Cl H ff ' -1 Will k Snt Mtpsla, Absolutely Free to Any Raaier at TbU Paper. Writs Today. A POSlirVFcURE FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE. W ANION'S "9-OROP5" will curs Rhnmt. tJsai la any ef Us tsrsss erstsgas eldtvslep Mat Api'lled eilerually U sfturri Instant relief front iwlo. Taken It t6 lbs blood, tlnsues and lolnu of the uric sold and other putaoQous matter, which are the rausri of the disease, lineier falls torure Rheumatiara. kldurT Trouble. Sciatica. Lunibagoand Neural gia. It has effected niore cures of the sbo? e Bamed alloients than all other remedies com bined. It bis never failed to rure even the nioat obstinate case. 'a-DkOPS" cures tnese disrates by going directly to the scat of the trouble aud removing the cause. A. a. SAKT1N. l-bapau, Miw., rites -My irlfi pm s iimi vutttrsr 1 roi HSuBlm antf vntlrslv csr4 by Iks w sf "S-UMtirs," ssi my Ssusbtrr. slin fur tour yssra ! conSnsd to b4 of Iht Un.s vb a .HUDUt-atlon ut iIWaw. sod ssji IrvsUsl bv li'iw of s, nwsi skiutsi s'o.iHaniLts sow rr.iisl te brsna Stsr yplsf your "i PhiH-S.'' Fer Cotiiht, Colds aad La Grippe use " DROPa." 11 r taking It at IxhUIu and In tbs Biornliig before brnukfuil It vii; leiievcand cure tbe most severe eousb. It will break up a eotd Quicker than env other mediciDe. It cuie La brlppe by UosuoyUig tiut germs wblca cause Wist aix'sse. For the Cmr ef Cetsrrh sad Asians "S DROPS" is the best resssdy la theweild. 1'i.llke almost soy outer remeay 11 MuwoiDicrnuiT aod also Inhaled, tbus utTinir a tiiotouvh ststerele treauiieni whicb sfli-rda early relief ana coectuaiiy cures. FREE CsMpeti NO. 219 H wii yur Mint .! fast (U(ic lrt t , t ht 1 ad ItaU )'! b aWftl a lrwl 8HttlKI rArre-Large Slse Bottle "g-DROPS" (304) Doeos) 81.00. U "-OkOPS" U avM ehtstnsfcle la yosjr torn m. erder truss us alrect and ws aeo4 it prepaid ea receipt price. HOK SALE BV URLOUL5T4. SWA1SQM RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 4l UJLS TREET. UUCAOg ehedale Prepared tor Series of Inter- collegiate Meetings This Spring;. AMES, la.. March 6. (Sneclnl UMininr C. W. Wilson of the base ball team of the owa state college announced today the ch'Klule of aames for the coming season. Negotiations have been Droitreaslna: for several months and the dates have all been ratified ty the athlete hoards of the In- niutions ana an contracts have been Igned. From present Indications the Amrs hall team will figure prominently In college bnse ball In Iowa this season. Last year he team tied with Orlnnell for the state 'hamiilonehlD with one scheduled earns not played. This was the game with Grlnnell that was to be played at Ames. Grlnnell fsiled to show up and refused to meet the Ames team in games on the Ames offer of any date selected by Grlnnell. Ames tried to play the game last fall but Grln nell refused. Arrangements have been made to settle the question In a game In Ames this spring. This game wlli be played May 3 and to the winner wlu go the silver bat and the tltlo of champion of the sttte for the year of 193. The wearers of the cardinal and gold have at this date bright prospects to win the postponed game with Grlnnell and to take the bat Into camp for the coming season as well, In spite of the claim of tne orate university that Iowa will win the championship hnnds down. The locals will have to be shown to the finish of the last grime Of last Year's team onlv two men sr not hack. Whistler at third baBe and left-fielder Carrier. Tener, who plnyed on the varsity as a sunsutme last year and nt snort arter Parsons was Injured, will trv for the place made vacant by the graduation of Whist ler. Pitts, a substitute last year, , Is the most likely candidate for the vacant place n rne nuinfla. "Tank" Brown Is back In his old nlace In the box and will ctptain the team. Reese will pitch, thus affording Ames two pitch ers as good as the best that Iowa colleges sfford. Cotton will be back behind the bat. Evans will hold down the Initial bsg, and fleshier, last year's star second baseman, will be at his old position. Parsons at short and Smith and Paine In the outfield will be out for their old places. In addition mere win ne a choice lot or new men and last year's second team men nut trvlnr for places. Among these some of the best sre Llefers, Bticken and Bhreve, all candl- aares ror nrat. Mitts and Woodmsn for second. Cutler and Brintnnll for third, and Brunnler. a substitute Ditcher last tr and who will be a candidate for the box position or ait Infield Job. Pitts, Llefers and Teller are all likely candidates for the vacant place In the Inftfield. The hearts of both rooters and base ball men were made glad by the announcement "li week tnat '1ad ' Green of Rock Rnp Ids has been retained to noach tha Has ball squad again this year. The contract baa been signed with Green and he will begin his work the latter part of March. wun practically tne same men that made up last year's team and with the asms coach, who knows the men ss well as they know each other's peculiarities, prospects are good for a team that will stand well in any pomnsny tnev meet this veer. The schedule as officially adopted Is bv far the best thnt has been arranged for the Ames team for several years. It In cludes two games with each of the other three members of the State college league Grlnnell. Cornell and Iowa one game with each st Ames snd one abrosd, he sides the early game with Grlnnell to settle lar year's chamnlonshln. There Is a week's series of practice games with the Cednr RsnMs team of the Three-I league, from the 18th to th 2Sth of April, followed bv a rsme with Si mnson rn 11,. 26th. The schedule Includes fifteen roller games. Prske. Coe, Simpson snd the State Normal being Included, In addition to tha league college games. Following Is ihi schedule: April 18 Marshalltown High school at Ames. AprM l-s Cedar Ranlds league at Ames. Anrtl W Simpson at Ames. April 80-Stste Normal at Ames. Vsv 9 Grlnnell at Ames. May 7 Sate university at Ames. Msy In Coe at Ames. Miv 13 Orlnnell at Grlnnell. May 1 Slmnaon at Indlanola. Mnv 17 nrnke at Ames. Mav l-f'ornell at Ames. Msv f aiate Normal st Cedar Falls. Miv r vrske st Dee Moines. Miv n State university s Iowa City. Mnv 31 Cornell st Mount Vermin. June 8 Orlnnell at Ames. EVENTS OH TUB RllKIHf. TRACKS. Ostrich, New Colt o New Orleans Track, Harprlses Turf Following-. NEW ORLEANS. March R Ostrich's performance in tha Oakwood handicap to day, when he ran second to Tribes Hill, the favorite, and forced the favorite out to tne last ounce, gave the talent a line of the colt's Chances In tha Crescent Olv derby. It was a race from beginning to end and the mile and a oosrter wmls rnv. eredyin 2:6M,, within one-fifth of a second or iracK recora time. Results; Flrt race, seven furlonars: John rnvl won, Yellowhammer second. Scotch Thistle tnira. Time: l:2. Second race, mile end one-sixteenth: Macbeth won, Mauser second, Lee King lliira. I inii; i :. Third race, five and one-half furlnnvs Cluremont won. Malster second, Palmltt third. Time: 1:07. Fourth race, mile snd one-fourth. Oak land handicap: Trllws Hill won. Ostrich second, Alfred F. Deweym third. Time: Fifth rsce. six furlongs, selling: Athlana on. Pld Silver second. Binana Cream inirn. Ttme; i:iss. Sixth rsce. one mile: Past won McWII Hums second Miss West third. Time, 1:42. nor tjrKitMiH. Marcn t. Hesults: First race, six furlongs; M'k Strauss won. Pusky Secret second, Miss Guldo third. Time: 1:16. Second raie. four and one-half forlons,: ivever Fret won, Jim A. Long second. Duel is' mint. Time: :S4. Third rsce. mile snd one-fourth: Theory won. Accolads second. Don Ami third. Ti"e: 2:19. Fourth race, mile and nn-slxtenth. Ar- nne-tnn hotel nure: Honolulu won, Paul Whsley second. Ralph Toung third. Time 1 :(,. "tfth rsce. one mile: Palm feeder won, Cohssset second, Aurora J. third. Time: l:"k Sixth race, rlle an one-sixteenth; Flora P4ht won. ",ltri,, second. Welcome Llyht third T,t. V48U. T8 A NO El Ff Mnr-h S eot eu!ts: Fl--t rice, six 'urlonrs. selllns;: Father ing Fnnls mon Skirmish rcond, Andrnttus tn'eci. time: i:iy Second 'ace five snd nne-hMf furlongs Golden Mineral yn. pf "ulger second Fnosstn third Time: 1 :07U Third rsc mile sn.l nne-elsrhth bn'd'e hsndlr-sc Hlr An'-srnt 'on. Ptr Hugh second Double O. third Tl-e: l it" tenurth rsce, one mile eellin: Warts vicht won Stuyve second. Bag Tag third Tin,.- l:4.wi. "fth race, one mMe. selling- ras won tn)"-uda second, Plstonijs third. Time l'H. S'xth race. la"n course seiiinv: Jse T'niiT wnn. Hale second. Euenl B tt-I'd Tln' 1-11 PV FRANCISCO. March 1,-Oakland re si'is: et race. Futnrltv iirs oetiaj- avn M won. Argot second, Dora I. third. Tirre 1-19. i Second raca, one-half mile, purse: George SIEVERSON STILL HAS CUP Wins Coombs Trophy Again, Missis Only Three Times Ooi(of Fifty. A match pigeon shoot for the Coombs trophy cup. won nt the Interstate shoot of the Omaha Gun club last month by R. B. Slevereon. was shot at the Douglas park proun'ls yesterday afternoon. Flever son ngnln proved the better man over a field of eight competitors, killing 47 nut of a possible So birds, and. therefore, still re tains the trophy. It appears from the con ditions which originally accompanied It that he Is subject to the challenge of any man In the state at any time within a year frr-m the time he won the cup. but If he still retains It at the end of the venr It Is his for nil time. It Is worth ISO. Following Is a summary of the scores made yester day: , First. Second Round. Round. Total. Sleverson 23 24 47 Leonard 20 22 42 Townsend 20 17 37 Mcfonald 23 17 40 Rogers 22 24 46 Loomls i 21 23 44 Thorpe 14 . ?0 (4 Dlefendcrfer JO tl 41 TALK OF FLOTO FOR PRESIDENT. Tchcna Expected to Control Meeting; nnd Will Name His Candidate. DENVER. March 6. (Special Telegram.) The hardest-fought contlict known to Western league history will be Inaugurated at the coming meeting of the schedule com mittee In Dee Moines on March 10. at which gathering It Is expected the resignation of President Sexton will be read and accepted by the magnates. According to well laid plans of George Tebes.ii tto T'loto will be elevated to the pedestal relinquished by Sexton. This move win he strenuously op posed by Percy Chamberlain of St. Joseph and Pa Rourke of Omaha. The former has advoented the candidacy of Doc Bhlvely of the Missouri Valley league, while the Omaha magnate will do all In his power to have "Sandy" Grlswold elected to the posi tion. Reliable Information here Is to the effect that Tehenu mill control the meeting and Install his candidate, who Is at present snorting eaitor or tne Denver Post and a figurehead In the Floto dog and pony show. NOTICE OF CONTRACTS 19 IS81ED, National Le-agne Has Already "Igned m Large List of Players. NEW YORK, March 6.-Presldent Harry . Pulllam of the National league has ssued notice of contracts and releases of players as follows: Contracts With Boeton. D. C. Cooley. James C. Delehanty. F. C. Raymcr, H. J. Carney, Irving K. Wilhelm and J. B. Stan ley. WlthChlcago, John J. O'NetU and Mordecal Brown. With St. Louis, Fetor Howling. With Pittsburg, Fred W. Nell, Fred lltrlscn and otto A. Krueger. vltn Philadelphia. Harry 8. Wolverton, Frank C. Roth, William R. Marshall. T. F. Sparks. Boy A. Thomas. 1 homas A. Barry. Thomas Fleming, John McPherson, R. E. Hulswltt, William B. Douglas, John C. Barry, R. P. Hall. John C. Lush. John c. Brackenrldge, Charlea 8. Dooln and Hugh Duffy. Contract Assigned By Cincinnati to Bt. Louis, Jacob P. Beckley. Rrleaae By Pittsburg to Columbus Amer ican association, A. C. Weaver. OAK AND DERBY QUALIFICATIONS. Twenty-Fly of tbe Best Colts In the West Booked for Events. LOriSVILLE, Ky.. March 6 -Flnal quali fications for the Kentucky Derby and the Kentuckv Oaks, to be run at Churchill Downs next May, have been announced by Secretary price, ror tno ueroy twenty five of the beat 8-year-olds In the west have qualified and fifteen for the Oaks. The list Is as follows: Kentuckv Derby--English Lad. Proceeds. Conjure. Lonsdale, Paris. Dell Leath, Frank t arr. King t rotter, r;a nerney, Marquis as Csrabos. Brancas, Council, Prince Silver wings. Monastic, Jason. Arabia, Japan. Commodore. Saltvata, Batta. Saul. Trium vir, Rough and Tumble, Riley, Sardonyx, Colt, hiiwooa. Kentucky Oaks Audience. Memories. Outcome. Determination, Vestina Belle, Foliea Bergeres, Blue Pennant, Good Cheer. miks Melton. ariora, bjaxnuok, wnue Plume, Taplola, Lyrist, Portrait. NEBRASKA DEFEATS TUB BADGERS. Hotly Contested Game of Basket Ball nt 'Varsity. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 6. (Special Telegram.) In a hotly contested game of baBket ball here tonight the University or Nebraska defeated Wisconsin university by a score of 26 to 22. The lineup: Nebraska. Positions. Wisconsin. Hagenslck Left Forward Stelmets Elliott Right Forward.. McConochle Benedict Left Guard Feverln Hosr Right Guard Mcloes Officials. Anderson and Klnsey; time of halves, twenty minutes. A dance and banquet at the Linden hotel followed the game. Cckaefer Goes to Mllwaake. WII.WAl'KEE. Msrch (.Hermann SehaerTer. shortstop of the champion St. Paul team last year, will wear a Milwau kee uniform next vear. This des! was con- fummat.d after a hot four-cornered fight, n which Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Seattle and Milwaukee were concerned. FIRE RECORD. Onnw Feed Store. ONAWA, March 6. (Special.) An alarm of flro was turned In at 6 yeaterday morn ing, when the feed store of M. B. Pemberof was discovered to be on fire. The fire de partment soon had the fire under control. The building Is owned by A. W. Mann and the loss Is fully covered by Insurance. The stock was removed without much damage. Soldier Is I'neonsclona. Jacob Oushwo. a discharged soldier from Fort Crook, was tnken from the Union station to Clarkson hospital In an uncon scious condition. The doctors attending the man are unable to say yet from what the unconsciousness Is due and are waiting for developments. Uushwo left the fort yesterday and was asleep on the train at uiheon where he was awakened. At the Omsha station ha rested himself on the seat and upon arlnlng fell to the floor. Cures Grip and COLDS Prevents Pneumonia. After a cur by 'Savanty-Sev- n" you fesl tv.rong and rejuven ated. Because "77" cures by going directly to the spot, without dis turbing the rest of the body. . Bsoause the tonicity of '77 sustains the vitality during and after the attack. Because a cure by "77" ii so oeaxaln that the mind is relieved from fear of Impending danger, always an obstacle to recovery. Jubilee Edition of Dr. Hum phrey's Manual Mailed Free. At DmsslMt. st mis. er stlM. Humphry.' M4. Co., Cer. Willlsat A Joes Smets, Twk. Our Ladies' Cloak, Suit and Millinery Department is on the Second Floor. Entrance on 16th Street. Cash or Credit 16U..& rARNAM STREETS. OMAIIA. (THE PEOPLE'S FIRMTtHB AMI ( ltrlCT CO.) Men's Clothing, Hat and Shoe Department Opens March 12. Cash or Cre lit. CLOAKS - SUITS MILLINEKY Up to DATE and & DATE AHEAD. The garments shown in our Cloak and Suit Department this season will be a surprise to the women ot Omaha. While looking around for your EASTEIi TUKCIIASES, we cordially invite you to stroll through our large well lighted cloak room. A complete line of Priestly's Cravenette Coats Rain will neither wet nor spot them From $15 up to $50 Each. I12.G0 for Women's New Cravenette Rainproof Coats, double capes, broad straps In front. $30 and $35 Sample Suits at $18. 75 A well known New York manufacturer's complete sample line of Women's Hlnh Class Walking Suits cheviots, broauVloths, basket weaves, -f j ftm p and the celebrated Imported Men's Suitings. Etons or If). Y Q short coat effects, tomorrow's special sale price Women's new Spring Jackets made from a splendid black cheviot, CB C v w lined throughout with good satin. This Monday we will put on sale a lot of Ladies9 Cheviot Suits Black-r-brown and blue. jacket made eton broad should, er effect, trimmed with folds buttons braid girdle and pipr-d with Bilklined with silk Romaine New full sleeve Skirt cut flare A $22 value, will be sold during this sale $15.00.. The New Runabout Skirt Made of raanish material, with strap seams Our $5.00 skirt up-to-date very nobby $3 50 New Etamine Skirts a Arriving Daily Ocr soecial this week is a silk drop etamine skirt trimmed with rows of silk J hanffincr new cut $18 value- Special at We oiler for -your consideration this week, a vast quantity of mer chandise that will appeal to all pros pective buyers of household goods. A word to the wise is sufficient. Come and be convinced. Cash or Credit. ill Chiffonier, golden oak, French bevel plato mirror, March Special Complete Bedroom Outfits Worth $60, at $42.50 Thoro nr 17 plt'ivs In oach of thoso outllts, iiniiprlsliii; full tloublo Ilntl, IiresKor mid WitNlit tninl, ull of matching tloFiKim In solid Kolilon oak, four Hplen iliilly built Ch.'ilrs, ono Knckrr, one Cos tunior. oiip TnMo, ono Uoilsprliig,' ono miittroKH, two I'Vather rillovn, ono Hug nml two ricturoH a v I'oHltlvo vnlue !fili. CX. S. nil At this Hiilo iae-W $8.75 Plf" life Complete Parlor Outfits, Worth $52, at $39.75 Knoh ono Includes 10 nt tractive ylotva ono ,"i piece Parlor Suit, with artisti cally tlcHlgntMl niuhogiiny - finished frniucH and covering!! of voronn vt'lour or silk d.miaks, one Parlor I.tinip and Rhndo,to match, two Pictures and one Rug. Positive s- f 0f E" value ?52.0(- LJ At this sulo x - itx $1.50 Complete Dining Room Outfits, Worth $52, for $39.25. Nine pieces to each outfit for full fur nishing of your dining room. Every one Including n line mtrrored-top golden onk Sideboard, one large onk Extension Ta ble, with massive hnnd-carvod legs, four solidly built Chairs, two Pictures and ono Hug. Pino outllt.poHltively worth $52 this salei Music Cabinet, solid quar-ter-sBwed osk, hus mirror tup, March Special $5.95 Heywood Qo-Carts snd tlahy Carriages. Seo the 19J4 lino of folding and reclining Oo-Cfirts. Monday wo offer a folding Qo-Cart at $3.98 Carpets and Draperies MATTING A serviceable gr-adc March special ALL WOOL IXOIvAIN (Jood patterns March Hpecial 30x72 8MYUXA KUOS March special lie sure and visit our drapery department. full line of lace curtains, jnirtiers, etc. HOPE rOKTIEUH Full size beautiful de signs March special HUFF LEI) NET IlED SETS March special Dangler Gasoline Stoves a 2-burner guaran teed stove March Special ,39.25 13c 49c 1.29 We carry . 1.15 4.98 1.98 Watch for Our Millinery. Opening Buy the Latest Improved EDISON PHONOGRAPH OR A Victor Talking Machine Have been tried by hundreds of people who now have one, and are highly DlfRffKi with It Ws have every type of Victor machines, made from $16.00 to $60.00, and Bdl son. from $10.00 to $75.00, with over 40,0u0 records to select from. Nothing Down One Dollar Per Week We Have Everything New in Records as Fast as They Come Out. Buy Now If You Want the Latest and Best BUY an EDISON or VICTOR From Us Pay Later The Only Doubt Track Railway between the Missouri River v and Chicago. DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 fm THE OVERLAND LIMITED flr..ra. librftfr, bufft-t UUSMTSVUsl You Make the Selectlon-We Make Terms to Suit. Nothing Down One Dollar Per Week YOU CAN PLAY VICTOR RECORDS ON ANY DISK MACHINE. EASY TERMS TO EVERYBODY IN THE CITY OR OUT OF THE CITY. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager. Omaha's Largest Talking Machine House 15th and Harney Sts. Write Us for Catalog. Telephone 1663. IteVW 1 Wlali ai i ar a Miurnlflcant olid daily train to Chicmm merit mod drawlim-room iptnji rr. lib barbtr. bath, talouhona. riiitiuK Ll aiid Cr. UlaotrlO UmIiUmI IDruugiWUl. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pullman touriat b1mi1u crtud ocacua. irlalAfl Ointiul from Ciintuu. 5.50 FM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman drawlo- ronin and tourist iMrptnaT cam, tr raolinliiK cliair Mr, buflvt library and iiuofti&m axa. JiniiiH ram. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3 fl I II Hullraandrawf Dif-roocD'rliia,our.hTiff (ill AM einokiutf mini Ubrari cam maA fr rex-iiiv 4u MIB t'hifc'. Dining CM II OH 111 Throutfti aarrlra Omaha to hioo I sjLI AM NTlh Waetrn atantiard day OitetliN aud tr cAttir car Lluicg oare. 4) P Dll Yr chair rara to ChUiajin. Pullman in rll !.(. ln rar from An. to ri.ica.ju, llis av iugcaraertiug braaalaat. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7 50 am L""iioa ii sa4 81 C Oil Pullsua .11,1 d osra, baM library i J M on muii tnm rsollnins chlr cn. BLAGE1 HILLS 2Cn DU To Framout. Lincoln. WahnoJiavidCltr. iwU m Vurk. iiaaiiuHa, hwidt 0nva, Kvi rior. Loag I'm., 'apar, lint Hpriuita, lHHilwo(pd ana Iean Through rtMliniug ciiair aaraj ahoo, Norfolk, lal and kUa ruwaiaa iaing ear aarvioa. 0 f)L All To mnnl. Lincoln. Hah. U UJ nm 1xhm riua, ardigra. buua Itiiahiii li.dlan Haaervatinn ooiintrir. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1401 and 1403 farnam Street 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha. SPECIAL, NOTICE To sll those who hv a Victor Machine write us for an IMPORTED, HIGHLY COLORED "RED EEAL" RECORD CATALOG no matter whether you have bojght your machine from us or not. rienil us your address. For Menstrual Suppression :;,7 ...... tf-rS PEN-TAN-GOT l bess t keas. IS. Be IS la Oukt bf tMratl Moceiibl Proa ts. sUU Hum Sims. tn4wwU I