Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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Missouri Pacific Will Haul from EiTer to
St Lonia Without Ckirzt.
Local drain Man hows Slsty Vt-r
Csitt of Shipment fiotna to St.
Louis Despite irfomrnt ol
lioulil ttfflrlali.
Auditorium Directors Pronioto Ifaas
for Active CampmlxB to Hals
Final Balaace.
Auditorium directors met yesterday In
the Hoard of Trade building and compared
results of the canvas for $1 BuhBcrlpUoni
which was Ix-gTJn early In the week. The
members eiweesod themselves as well
pleased with the showing. Monday the
publiration of subscribers to this IJO.00O will
be begun and an active campaign to raise
this last sum of new stock needed for the
Oraln rates In Nebraska and Kansas
again have suffered a r -lapse. The Mis
souri Pacific Is the latest line to Mir up
trouble for almost everyone concerned.
The trouble Is caused by that line serving
notice that It Intends to haul grain from
all Interior points on Its line In Kaunas
and Nebraska to tho St. Louis market for
S cents per l'O ixmnds loss than the exist
ing rates from the samo points to Chicago.
As a result of this announcement the
Burlington has nerved notice that It will
take the same action.
The new rates mnd public! by theso
two lines mean that jrrnln will be hauled
from Missouri river points to St. Louis
at 1 cent per PO for wheat and nothing for
corn. In other words, the local rates from
Interior points to the Missouri river on
corn have been made to apply to St. Louis
and the same rates on wheat have been
made to apply with 1 cent added.
This action, It Is said, will have the effect
of taking all grain which originates on
the lines of the Missouri Pacific In Kansas
and Nelwaska away from both Omaha and
Kansna City, and will consequently be
another blow to the local Oraln exchange.
The same Is true of points on tho Hur
llngton tributary to the two cities named,
but the Hurllnjrtfpti hes gime only so far In
following the lead of the Gould line as it
was forced to do. That Is, It has only
cut the rates to St. Iouls from points
where It Is In competition with tho Mis
souri rncltlc. Rates from all other sta
tions been allowed to remain as they
were before the cut.
Missouri Pacific's Excuse.
The argument Is made by the Missouri
Pacific in support of Its action that very
little grain comes Into this city over Its
rails under the most favorable circum
stances, and that It Is considered not a
feeder for this city, but an outlet. This
Is said to be true, but the damage to
Omaha does not arise from the cut made
by the Missouri Paclflo alone, but from
tfie effect of the cut upon the Burlington,
which Is an Omaha feeder and which Is
likewise compelled to make reductions. It
Is contended by the Missouri Pacific that
there has always been a B-cent differential
existing between the fit. Louis and Chicago
markets, and that this differential Is an
equitable difference and should exist, but
that, owing to the rate war which has
been In effect between the east bound lines,
this differential has been wiped out by tho
Northwestern. This places the two cities
on a parity, so far as grain, rates are
concerned, and gives Chicago an unfair
In speaking of this stand a local railroad
man said:
'The Missouri Pacific might make thlB ar
gument hold good were It not for the fact
that notwithstanding the two cities are
on an equality In rate the bulk of the
grain has been going to St. Louis. During
the past two months about IB per cent of
Nebraska grain hus found a market In
Chlcugo and about 60 per cent ' In St.
Louis, and this, mind you, when no differ
ential existed between the two places. If
we were to take tho Missouri Paolflo as a
basis wo would find that almost 100 per
cent of the grain originating' on that line
has gone to the St. Louis market during
I the same period. From this It will be seen
that there was no necessity for a cut In
the rate to protect the Bt Louis market,"
Ilenrflt These Tivo Lines.
In regard to the effect of the cut upon
the Northwestern and Great Western this
samo official said:
"It will be a good thing for these two
line, as It will divert some traffic from
them which they might otherwise have to
haul under the present rates to the east at
a loss. Tho Great Western will be bene
fited more than the Northwestern, for tho
latter line Is getting Its local rates Into
Omaha for the through haul, while the
Oreat Western has to take It out of this
city on Its proportionals of 4 and 3 cents
in case the grain Is offered It, which every
railroad man knows Is a money losing
It la the opinion among railroad men
that the Northwestern has reached the end
of Its string in the rate war and that It
will announce no further reductions In the
through rates to the east. Traffic officials
How are awaiting the next move with an
expectant air and are hoping that some
thing will ba done to secure a restoration
and stop the loss.
The Rook Island announces that It will
meet tho last Great Western cut in the
Chicago rates, effective March T. These
rates are 4 cents on wheat and 3 cents on
corn. The Kock Island is the first Una to
tneet the out, which was made over a week
X. W. Harris to.. Invest Heavily In
St. l,oula (ins Property.
ST. I.OUI8, Mo., March 4. The recent
rumor that Chicago and New York banker!
were negotiating for the purchase of a
large block of Laclede Gas Light company
of St. Louis bonds Is confirmed by the an
nouncement that N. W. Harris & Co. of
Chicago. New York and Boston have com
pleted their Investigation and have pur
chased in.nno.niio of the new Issue of refund
ing and extension mortgage 6 per cent 80
ear bonds. The mortgage securing the
bonds will authorize a total Issue of $30.
vn,rin, of which $10,000,000 will be reserved
to refund at maturity the present outstand
ing bonds. The present capital stock of
$11,000,000 will be increased by an author
ized Issue of $9,000,000 additional, making
the totnl authorised capital stock $:0,000.0n0.
The Laclede Oas Light company does the
entire gtis business of the city of St. Louis.
Since the change In ownership the control
pasolng to the North American company
in April last the new management has
added many thotisands to the number of
consumers and has Installed over 20,000 new
meters. To provide for this large Increase
In business and to ennble the company to
greatly extend its plant, expenditures of
about $ will be made by the com
pany prior to February 1 of next year. The
Lnclede Oas Light company has paid divi
dends on both Its preferred and common
stock for many years and It Is believed by
the officials of the company that the earn
ing power of the company will be greatly
Increased by the expenditure above mentioned.
Dentist with well established practice In
nn excellent location In Bee building de
sires gentleman to share office, preferably
physician. Address E SS, Bee office.
Royal Achates, Attention!
Members of Royal Achates lodge No. 200
aro requested to attend the funeral of
Brother Albert M. Ring from his late resi
dence, 804 South 27th street, Sunday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock. Sister lodges are In
vited. By order of tho lodge.
MARY HEATH. Vice President
JOHN S. WOOD, Secretary.
A Home Company.
The Trans-MlsslsslppI Mutual Fire as
sociation, one of the oldest mutual com
panies doing a general Insurance business
In the state, was organized by the business
men of Omaha In 1X9H.
At that time there were only two com
panies doing a general Are Insurance busi
ness In Nebraska: the Home Fire of Omaha
and the Farmers and Merchants of Lincoln,
and to those Interested 1n the organisation
of this compnny It seemed an Imperative
necessity that some other company should
be organised to assist In carrying Insur
ance for the business men of Nebraska,
where the control and handling of the com
pany would be In the hands of the Insurers
and to a small extent keep the mony paid
for Insurance In our own state.
This company has met with uniform suc
cess since the organization and has always
been able to save the policy holders from B
to !S per cent of their premium and pay
all losses and expenses, and Is recognised
today as one of the substantial institu
tions of the state.
Great Opening Sale
"Favorite" Folding Go-Carts were first
Introduced In 1903. They sprung Into pop
ularity at once, and more of these carta
were sold in 1903, thun any other make.
The seat and back have the proper pitch
and do not cramp the child. The reclining balk fixture is simplest
easiest operated and will not slip or get out of order. They fold closer
than any other folding go-cart. They stand alone when folded. They are
light, yet strong, and are, altogether, the best folding cart made.
Special prlces-THlS WEEK
$2.48 to $15.85.
Catalogues for Out-of -Town Customers.
'wtfbfo sr.
Tooth Truth
Plainly Told
For a long time the people of Omaha have noticed the ad
vertisements of cheap dentistry. Many thought it would be
economy to take advantage of these "wonderful inducements,"'
and have done so to their cost. The patients not only lost
their money, but their teeth were in worse shape than when
they started. They know better now, and realize that a fair
price must bo paid to secure good work. Our prices are
moderate and no better work is obtainable at any price.
OOLD CROWNS and Bridge Work ........$5.00
Artificial Teeth as low as $5a00
Filling3 as low as 76c
Attention A. O. r. W.
The members of Patten lodge. No. 178.
are requested to meet at the comer of
Twenty-seventh and Leavenworth streets
Sunday afternoon at i o'clock to attend the
funeral of our late brother, Albert Ring.
All sister lodges and uniformed teams are
Invited to turn out.
II. L. BOAND, Recorder.
F. M. Shadell & Co. are showing a large
assortment of new spring ready-to-wear
and dress hats. 1522 Douglas street.
Rurns-TTaskell company, 820 New York
Life, offer for safe Investment United
States government bonds, TTnlon Pacific
railroad bonds, Nebraska municipal bonds.
A great opportunity now open at Lin
coln, Neb., to anyone doing a retail busi
ness, especially In clothing or dry goods.
The Ewlng Clothing Co. plant, with stock
and fixtures, with a good lease for six
years Is for sale. For further particulars
Inquire or direct to E. P. Ewlng, Lincoln,
"Borenson's Senatorial Scintillations."
fifty-two pages of perusable stuff, vellow
oover, yellow contents, 10 cents. Princi
pal newsdealers and book stores.
F. I. of A. Attention.
Members, especially of Mondamln lodge,
No. Ill, are requested to attend the funeral
of our late frater. A. M. Ring, at family
residence, 8o4 South Twenty-seventh. Sun
day, March f, at S p. m. Interment at
Korea t Lawn.
II. C. H. COOK, Secretary.
Don't Believe
That we are In the combination, or that we
are not cutting prices. Just because we are
not In the papers, as usual.
The newspapers told us we COTTLD NOT
don't SEE?
Here are a FEW SAMPLE) CUTS and
when you want the balance come or write
to the original Cut Price Drug Stores,
2Ro Carter's Little Liver Pills ftn
86c Graves" Tooth Powder lOo
1.00 msterlne Mo
ZSo Chamberlain's Cough Cure.. Wo
$2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills tl.flO
si.w nrystai 'ronic bjo
ii.uu ucott s umu sion
85o Genuine Castoria.....
11.00 Majrnet Pile Cure
25o Westmal's Plasters
8L00 Iler's Malt Whiskey ...
11.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whlskev....
100 pounds Oil Cake Meal $1.30
All Beykora's Remedies at hair price.
Write us for prices.
One to a customer.
B T. TATES. Prop.
16th and Chicago Bts.. Omaha. 'Phones
747 and 797 24th and N Bts., South Omaha,
'Phone No. L 6th Ave. and Main St.,
Council Bluffs. 'Phone 833. All goods de
livered In either city absolutely free.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our thanks to the
tnany friends who have so kindly extended
their sympathy during our bereavement,
and especially the ladles of St. Bam a has.
Indies of the Maccabees and O. I. A. to
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.
W. H. BAY.
Have Root print It.
Visit Hot IprlBgs, Arkansas. Via
the Iron Monntaln Hoots.
The season st the Oreat National Health
and Pleasure resort Is now In full blast
Climate unsurpassed. Hot Springs Special
leaves St. Louis daily at 1:10 p. m., making
the run In less than twelve hours. Thre
other fast trains dally. Handsome de
scriptive literature can be obtained free by
calling on or sddreaiing T. F. Godfrey,
City Passenger and Ticket Agent, S. H.
Cor. 14th and Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.
18-K Wedding Rings. Edhoim, Jeweler.
Just a Word
Baths Massage and electricity. Parlors
t O. F. Sanatorium. 2121 Laks sU 'Phone
LM-atlon for Bnslness.
If you are seeking a location for any
mercantile business, for the practice of a
profession or for the manufacture of any
article, Arst communicate with the under
signed, who will Inform you In regard to
opportunities on the line of the Chicago
Oreat Western Railway Co.. the most pro
gressive railway traversing the most fer
tile section of the United States. Maps and
Maple leaflets mailed or more specific
information given as requested. W, J.
Reed. Industrial Agent, 64 Rldg.,
St. Paul, Minn.
Susanna K. Oraham, voles culture,
Davids block, Uilrd floor.
As we have always done before we
again open the Spring season with
new novelties In shoes for Men and
women styles that are exclusive with
us shapes that no one elsa can show
Two new women's shoes are our
Blucher cut on the new potoy last
patent calf welt soles with extension
The other la a manlah appearing low
pattern buttonpatent calf best wear
Japaned leather mads welt sols with
extension edge. These are the aoms of
perfect style and finish.
1419 Farn.m Street.
Omaha's Up-to-Diti Shsi Hatist
Piles Cured
By W. C. Maswell, M. t.
Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col-
le ef New York City.
M44 BH bulimic. Omaha. Keb. Tal. 14H
Trifles tell.
Hero's ono: A promi
nent express company offi
cial of Omaha bad a Bos
ton visitor t'other day.
The visitor highly praised
' the express official's suit.
Bald It was better than
anything Boston produced
Wanted to know the tailor.
The express official said
be had It made at "Mac
Carthy's." That's only a trifle an
every -day occurrence. But
It ought to count with you
in placing your orders for
eprlug duds.
MacCarthy Tailoring
04-sos A lath Si,
Neat deor te
Wabasto Ttoket Offlea.
Pheas lie.
Early Spring
We have Just received some
very new and nobby styles of
early spring footwear for wo
men and are ready to show
them to our customers this
$5,00 and $3.50
are the prices of the bast of
these goods, and they represent
the best there Is In women's
fashlonabla footwear for spring.
We invite an Inspection of the
correot styles In smart shoes
for Immediate wear.
Now Is
the Time
to begin on your spring tonic Howell's
Barsaparflla Is a thorough scientific, up-to-date
blood purifier, and we hellers it to
be superior to any patent medicine on the
So Field's Worm Powders ....Mo
Anti-Grip Capsules 2&o
Colgate's Dactyl Is Soap.,.., lto
!1.7S Pond s Extraet L
LOO Koonls's Nerve Tonlo. 76a
1.00 Zua Fhora 80o
Howell's Malt 10x tract, I bottles Ko, fl.ZS
per dosen delivered.
II 00 Coke Land ruff Cure 90c-
L.00 TTvmiUn's Knmale 1111 ToO
U.M liOMCniter's Bitters. 7&
L(J0 PtnkUain's Blood Purlrlar,, 67 o
ltth and Capitol Avenue,
Reaches the Un ItMk Mas.
is coming, order your
Spring suit from
1515 Farnam St., Telephone 1857.
Too busy making clothes to closa
The fit of our clothes tells whether
they've been made by a master tailor
or not whether they've been made for
you and you alone.
Its easy to tell. All our clothes are
made by thoroughly trained workmen.
Prices moderate.
Helgren & Gradman
309 5. Sixteenth.
Leading Piano Dealers.
One More Week
for Green Trading
Stamp Piano Sale
No system of merchandising ever
devised, In which premiums are made
to cut a figure van surpass the gen
uine all nround Advantages carried hy
sywtem. '
To apply this remarkable system to
the sale of pianos on easy payments
Is to mark time in the history of
modern American merchandising.
Pianos on the easiest of easy
payments and Green Trading
Stamps to the total price of the
piano with first payment.
This extraordinary concession applies
to (tllKluly used pianos, plunos taken
In exchange, pianos returned from
rentals, as well hs to tho brand new
iueeu of Instruments Just turned out
from the best factories In America.
Green Trading Stamps with first
payment and payments on the easiest
of easy Installments.
Here are some suKjrea
tionsv for the week.
Pretty, second-hand, Kbony ttff
I'prlitht Piano, for ip'tU
A nlco second-hand Kldball 4CTO
I'prlKht Piano, for "40
An elcuiut sllnhlly used ffC
Upright Piano iJJIUO
A muRiilticent slightly used C1R
Mahogany Upright Ilnno ..4'-'C
Stamps to tho full price of either
with first payment, and payments
made easy for everybody.
Some 5upert, new.
Just Received Pianos
A new piano; $41 self-evident at
first examination. Yours on easy
payments ami (Jreon Trading Stamps
to the total price with CCQ
first payment 0s.00
A high grade strictly fine $rtn Upright
Piano, tone, action, construction ac
tion and detail perfect as science
Itseir, nn ,reen Trading stamps
to the full price of the
, piano with first payment ..'"O.
A new $X) Upright Piano, guaranteed
In every iwwct : payments and
Green Trading Stamps to the tntil
price of the piano with first SCOOfi
payment kPiJJ
Klne, new I'prlrht Pianos on snie
basis nnd conditions, for H98, $188,
$178 and 13.
Charles) Hawloy Keefnr, S5
Barker block, ono of Omaha's
best musicians, has Just pur
chased of us a superb Ivors &
Pond Grand Piano. Ho de
clares It's the best Instrument
that ever honored tho Queen
city with Its presence.
i mi
iHartSchafinal 1 1
n (LV i nana imoreaj
ur Ipnng
Now Ready for
Your Inspection
We linve this spring without doubt,
the flnt'st line of men's clothing evrr
thowu In the city. The famous HART,
riCHAlFNKR & MAHX haml-tnlloml
LENT of all otliors, and wo have tho
exclusive ngonry for this city. THESE
BPKINO SL ITS are models of high-art
tailoring thoy are all hand-tailored
have wlf-rrta!nlng hair cloth fronts,
hand-felled collars, hand-padded shoul
ders and sowed with pure dye silk
throughout The STILES are the lat
most desirable, and WORKMANSHIP
faultless. lu fit and wearing quality,
they aro equnl to any custotu-ninde gar
ment for which you would pay twice
the prtco we ask. Our spring pries
for these suits are 110, $12.f0, $15, $18,
$20 and up to $25.00.
OTirjANB new and slightly used all
styles, all prloes, all on easy pay
ments and all carrying Green Trading
Btamps to the total price of the organ
with first payment. See them.
Sale of Sheet Music, Musical Mer
chandise and everything musical with
Green Trading Stamps every time; all
at closer cut prices than ever.
The Chase, A Baker Piano Player
"has tho velvet touch;" the lnterpre--Xnd
Xtmo no !rjoik-rui otfi jo m
ments. and Oreen Trading Stamps to
the full cost of the Player with first
Pianos, Piano Players and
rgans on your own terms.
Write or call. Let's jet tcrether.
16th and Harney StsL, Omaha.
We Want You to See
Don't turn your back to us when we are
headquarters for yams of all description,
the most complete line In the city, we can
always match your shade.
Our stockings for Ladles and Children, at
16o a pair Is the best that can be produced
for the money we have over 100 styles
fancy socks for Men. at 2 pairs for 26a
322 S. 16th St., Omaha.
Now Is the time to visit the nation's great
Sanluu-lum. and the best way to go U via
Missouri Puclrlo and the Iron Mountain
Itoute. The miuon is now In full blast.
Climate uiuturpassi-d. Hot Spring S(evlal
leave St. luls d.tlly at 8:30 p. in. ranking
the run In leas than twelve hours. Three
other fast trains daily. Handsome descrip
tive literature can be obtained free y call
ing on or addrew!ng J. K. GODFREY, City
Passenger and Ticket Aent, Omaha; or It.
f TOWJfSEND, Genersl Pansenger and
Ticket Agent, fet. I-ouls, Mo.
S. E. Corner 14tJi anil Douglas Sts.,
OMAHA, ft Ell.
Full Set
Best Set
tiK. Quid Croi
Gold Fiainss.
Bllvsr f'ullnas.
&u up.
JO up.
(Established K.
Fin I'lioloaraplile lllnstratloas.
The Beat Farm I'aper.
Our line of Hurt SohafTner & Mars'
rntn crofts,, long hnnhomo vercruvts
with the rain proof nimllty added. THH
coat for this son boh. A'e have a com
plete line in price at $12.r0, $lf and $18.
We also Khnw a full line of aprlng
top coats, and the regular style of box
overcoats, nt $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00.
If You Want to Know
the correct styles In men's clothing for
the spring and summer season call at
your earllost convenience and see our
line of Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothing.
They are right In every way.
Swell S
pring Hats
for Men
and Boys
The greatest line of men's and boy
spring hats ever shown in the city. All
the now colors and stylish shapes from
the leading manufacturers of the coun
try. AVe are the best equipped to sup
ply all your wants of any houso In tho
You are not confined to any one make
or style, but the best the world produces
Is yours to choose from.
Any style soft or stiff hat at $1.50 and
We are sole Omaha selling agents for
the CHAMPION HATS, best $2.50 hats
Tho best $3X) hats on earth, are
equal In service and style to hats that
ell elsewhere at $5.00
The rrlco, any style, $3.00.
We are headquarters for tho cele
brated John B. Stetson hats carry all
styles prices from $3.50 to $5.00.
The Best Grades of Coal
Can always be secured when ordering of us. If you want a western coal,
clean and quick burner, try Monarch Lump, $tf.7K, or Nut, $.aft or Rock
Springs Lump or Nut, $7.15. llanna Lump and Nut, $466. If a stronger toal
in HMirri uxa niaclc Hand. $7.6o. or Jackson Hill Ohio Lump. $8.25. Trenton
Lump, $(1.50, Nut, $i.26, Is an old reliable, with, many friends. Wo also-J
carry iuu vaiua cueapcr gi uuo uimlis.
C. B. Havens & Co.,
Retail 'Phones. 301-317-825.
219 S. 16th St.
It is June
in California
You may think it is March; and it is In
the East 15ut it is June in California. Tho air
is warm, the hills and valleys are kiwji,
orange and lemon tms are laden with fruit
and the sun's rays glitter on a nummer ru. It
is June in California. Men and women, dressed
in the lightest of Bummer garb, spend till day
and every day in the open air golfing, driv
ing, riding, walking, or, best of all, watching
the sun sink into the sea. Join them. Leave
tonight on the
Golden State Limited
and in lean than three days you will be In Los
Angeles. The (iolden fctate Limited is the
newest and finest of trans-continental trains.
It is fast becoming the most popular.
Leaves Chicago 7:00 p. in., Kansas City D&O
a. m. daily until April 14. Huns via Kl Paso
in sight of Old Mexico.
Tickets and dcriptive literature at this
1323 Farnam Street,
Bee Want Ads Produce Result