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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1904)
THE 0MA1TA DAILY HEE: KT'XDAY, MAnCTT ft. Ifv04 Af.l.T WAITED. WATl:7J. canvass, ng agents In every i ounty to solicit j;.r rip' tons to THt TrtKNTIClM i.I..VTI 111' KABMKH fcirauy employment wi'h a.wjrM gixl in come As-r;; In the un'ry with h-.r nil huffy sje lalij- Canvassers make f-ily ! to ! ' p r month. Ad iires Century Farmer .Solicitors' Bureau, lice bulMins. Omaha. J 213 WE want 10. w (-nU for urcniMt house hold seller ever produced; actually selA In every bouse; Immmjc money maker for agents; send l"e for omplcte Jimpin nl mir lar" Illustrate! catalogue f serentA sui p.b-s Southern Mercantile Dept. B Houston, iex. j Jim Aprs CO., W1NTEI)-KnPTTPtln woman to travel on alary to ft aa-enta for superior line of g,.1s. Corset and fc'hirt Work. Ann Ar(r. Mich. J-.MW 5x i.mirn with taste for art wlshlnar to make mnnff at home spare time call Li Liouglas bldg., opp. Ilayden s. J-M370 11 BFST moneymaker for agent on earth r,ew article: new plan; household nec-es Kr- oella rn mirht hv showintT What It will do; sold In Minneapolis; resells tn oam trTrltnrv. COM .C: 'IIS Tor - arent outfit. I -. Pomestir Manufactur ing; Co.. dwk 3, Minneapolis, Minn. J M79 Tx OUR PLAN for starting tietrlnners In prof itable mall ortler nusiness is very suc cessful. Some we started three months a -o rKHvn 109 letters dally and are mak ing bis; money. You ran do aa well, dur new catalogue, Just published. Is the best out. It's a sure money brlnger. Complete plan for stamp. Centra Supply Co.. Kan aa City, Mo. J 242 tx AOFNTS Liveliest seller ever Invented; new household tucewltr; over J(" .nr ,.,l In one city; demand increasing dally: big profits: exclusive territory. Utility MTg Co.. Kansas City, Mo, J Ml tx GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Whsat Sip. Qniitly Down Without Any Eptchl rea'.crev CROWD SCARES AT REPORT FROM OHIO Cash Market (oallMri Dall and Offer In V by Oanple I lor Ar rest a. a 4 Fa Br ' Isen. OMAHA. March 8. 19"4. A Quietly declining- wheat market was that of today, without social leature. Corn held Its own. The poor Ohio rep rt, the dim from the winter wtiei bek. was taken by the crowd as indicating po .r cn (Jltions ovtT a larger area. '1 his gave wheat K-tae strength at the opening. Lter re ports of rain In Kansas Induced selling and brought the market to a weak finish, ihese fluctuations, In obedience to crop news, show that the market is ncarmg a normal condition. Chicago May wheat opened at f mm 'si? lo stronger than the close of FrlJay. The high point shortly after the opening ai if tc and the low Just before the rl aa io. Omaha declined from (tic to RS'.c. Chicago new July was off at the close only V. Corn did not lose any ground during the morning Omaha May opeued at 45'tC and strengthened to 4fi but was weaker at the clone, being l;.V. Ch'caeo Miy fluctuated between wc and 54Vo and cloeej at about the opening figure. The range of frlces mid on the Omaha exchange Saturday was: Cjosea Open. High. Low. Today. Frl'y. eloe was at f.'!S''T.V'-. July rar.ged ten 6lSfilo and i-c. cloelr.g 'o laaer at lJo. Ixx-al receipts were csrs. After opening higher st AlHlSc May corn ranged hei wet n 41VB41c. closing at 4lc. July closed at a lua of a at 4u'c. IxH-aJ receipts were 772 cars. A small run f hogs, with higher prices at the yards, gave provisions a strong start and the early strengtjt wns well maintained throughout the dsv. The close was firm. Final figures on Mav prk were up So at 114 17X4 May lard rlWd l&o higher at 17.40 and ribs wer m higher at 17 ZTi. Eatlmated res.-lpt for Monday: AATieat. cars: corn, 1& cars; oats, J70 cars; hogs, tt,K head. The lending futures ranged at follows: WE CAN start you In good paying business outdoor advertising!, no canvassing-; men particularly wanted In towns of 2l.ifr In rabitants and less; permanent occupa tlon, Atox, South Vhitley, Ind. j-:ot;x BEST New TVw.k to S-ll "An ep ch-makiiig hook." ( I'lttsburg Oa2ette ) Agents as sisted to start; big pay; call on business fly. People s Uook Co.. jaegson, J KM OK men chiefly. Mien. AO KNTB Every locality, to handle our New High Orndo "MetHl-Enamel Hlgns;" freatest 3r seller: FMrnlshed Rooms, ioardlng, Iresa-making and other styles; exclusive territory: sound business propo sition: good money; write for terms. Me talllo Sign Co., Rattle Creek, Mloh. J 12 x WA.NTF.U-An energetic, hustling rspr sentatlve In every town; big pay; quick money. World s Kolr Ouarantee Ass'n., Chemical bldg., St. lxuls. Mo. J 167 tlx WANTETD Manager in every city and county to handle best paying business iwn: legitimate; new: excuslve con trol. Phoenix Co., IB W. th sc. N. Y. J 178 fx w Va: AOENT8 wanted; exclusive territory; new automatic Hurglar .Alarm-Woors, win dows; wonderful seller; retails fic. Send yc for outfit Ramona Co., 8010 Metro politan bldg.. New York. J 177 6x CL K pocksl outfit starts you selling natural Oiamouus; defy txisrta. drop everything. Write today lor outiu. Cimpnian-Tower Co., Oneidu. N. Y. J 13S tix AGtNTS I76.UU weekly and expenses easily iruule wnuiur heajih and accident inaur ance; experience unnecessary; write to day. Royoi Fraternal Union, St. Loula, Mo. , J loo b: AOF-NTS make $50 per week a.l.lng tha Allen Kouiitaln Urush; write for outut and terms. Allan, Mfg. Co.. Toledo. O. J IIS bX OCR MEN make S3 to HO a day fitting glaas; our 24-pag Free Eye He ok all about It. Write Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. J 117 6x Wheat- May .. July ., Corn- May ., July .. Oats- May ., March ...Wi ...hi ...4."4 ...44'o The 34 Loral Cash cash mnrkM (Wi-i KS S 4.-A', 4S14 4S 46 44 45 i t 391, 3914 39-4 Artlclea.! Open. High. I Low. I Close ! Yes y. Wh.?t May a Jnlv h July b Sopt. '',rn Mav Jilv Sept. Oats Ml? Jillv P-p't. r'k May July I.'d Mav July .lulv Rlt--Miv July ; 1 1 l' rt i I 51 V lH1"1 41i' I 51s 41 H 14 'K 114 r 14 2I4 14 ri 7 10 7 60 ( I 7 y 1 7 3o I 7 4o I 7 T7H 7 57S i 7 rn' 7 42', 13 14 10 7 i 45 41V 4 I ' 14 17H! I 14 82V I 7 43 I 7 1-J 7 27 40 ' SB I IS I 7 rn' 7 37V 4V . 34 , 14 07i 7 r- 7 7 37', 7 f-vi 7 i: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Fetli EJct of Korthtra Eecnri.iei nd Eropi Ekck. $1, while deposits have reached the eTimnu sum of ).('.''.'' and iecie passes all pre-loiu l.iur with a totAj of U19.t.ft0. The tffki loan Ini Miw is said to have bet n caused by railroad borrowing. Grata Market. Not- continued dull. withstanding the fart that Omaha Is rel lively th highest corn market, offerings by snmple on the exchange fjoor are light. The elevators, horn-ever, are handling many cars. Receipts of wheat were 11 cars In and 3 cars out; one week ago. 6 and 1 car. Corn receipts were cars 'n and 17 cars out; one week ago, 11 and 56 car. Oats receipts, 9 cars In and 3 cars out. WHEAT-No. I hard. M'Vi'-Tr: No. S hard. W5f; No. 4 hard 71W57V; No. ! spring, S4-f'i.c; No. t spring. SljjrCc; No. 4 spnnr. ,in;tic CORN No. 1, S?Vj4o: No. 3 low. 41H"4Ic: white 4H?41lc. OATS No. 2. 3768c: No. I. SH7c: No. 4. Wfiai'e: No. t white, 42c; No. 1 white, 39-4oc; No. 4 white, 3-V: standard. 41V- Rotes from the Kiebsnge Oflleea. ' Ray Nye of Fremont was a visitor on tha exchange floor. Omaha lnspertkms of grain were 31 cars. Of wheat 1 car graded No. 1 northern, 8 cars No. 3 hard winter, 1 car No. 4 hard winter, 1 car no grade. Of corn 9 cars graded No. 3, b cars No. 4, 1 car No. 3 white and 2 cars No. 4 white. Of oats 4 cars graded No. 3 white and 1 car No. 4 white. Grain Markets Klaewhere. 4Sr: No. 4HW-41c; yellow, 4!w43c; No. No. ! white, 42'-c; No. 4. vel No. I Closing prices of grain Friday today at the markets earned were ai low a: and fol- KANSAS CITT. WE START you selling diamond; don t tall getting our liUrral offer; tj daj y sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, is. Y. Mention paper. J lib ox AOENTS WANTEDTo aell the Impro.el Cooking Mat. in. J. tnder & 1 Bridge at., Cleveland, O. J Uo fix WANTED Agents, by large transportation company, to place issue of s'.ock lor the purpose ot liM-reasing its present equip ment. This move maue necessary in older to handle enormous volume new freight and passenger business. The to k of this company pays tlie Isrgest annmil -dividend of any transportation shares In the frilled States; exceptional offer' made representative and responsible CJinnems or Individuals everywhere to act as fiscal agents for the sale of stock Address Tabasco Transp. Hatlon Co., Title and Trust bldg., Chicago. J 6x MEN everywhere distributing circulars, etc. Can earn good money and lie your own boss. Write for particulars free. Knarf Advertising Exchange, 175 Rroad way. New York. J 137 t'.x CHANCE of lifetime to one man onlv In e-ach btste with a few hundrl dollars and reference: - monopoly of legitimate business; enormous profits; without risk: highest Indorsements. Hull, lf4 East Tweuty-thlrd St., N. Y. J 130 ox MlOO WEEKLY ami expenses to men with rigs to sell 11.00 bottle Sana pari 11a for Ji cents. Address with stamp, F. R. Greene, fc Dearborn St., Chicago. J LAMP makes Its own gas and tells the time: no kerosene, wick or chimney; sells for 11.50; free lamp and credit on stock to those wishing to work for us. Liberty Lamp Co., zoo A. J., Broadway. N. Y. J Wheat May ... Julc ... Corn May .., July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn May .. July .. Wheat- May July Wheat- Ala) July Wheat May July -Cloeed- BT. LOUIS. Todav. .. MSB 44A 4W Friday. M'x 81V 44 445 No. J. aOM bNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FIjurR 8tadv; winter patents, J. nog 5 ): straights. I7"rwv spring patents. 4 l06 OO; straights, M.HtO; bakers, ti S) WHEAT No. I spring, KKj7c; No. 1 red. CVRN No. S. 5"c: No. 2 vrllow, Bl". OATS No. Z, 4oc; No. t white, 3&4g 42v. RTF No i, T?o. BARLEY flood feeding. SS4Jc; fair to choice maltins. 4.Vs"i5g. 8KET9 No 1 flax. II "r; No. 1 western. Jl.14'4: prime timothy, Clover, onntrart grade. 11 fT. PROVISIONS Mess rork. per bbl., 14 23. I ard per 1 lb . 17 lWiT 2T rlt. sides- doosev 7 rT7.2S; short sides (boxel. $7. J7V'7.5ft. Following are the receipts and shipments Of flour and grtin: Articles. Receipts. Flour, bbls ". 3 700 Wheat, bu 4.V0 Corn, bu. 174 "0 Oats, bu 2."'0 Rve. bu 12 2"' Barlev. bu K.Sflo fin the Produce exchange today the but ter market was weak; creameries, 145-ic; dairies, 14-ti ''. Eggs steady at mark. iase Included, lTtflSc. Lheese steady, lt'Vi&llc. SEW YORK bE.tllHAL MARKET. norfh IXoa. 114 IT', Short clear Shipments 4S .) !. 5.7f) 3 V Jv70l Quotations Tarloas MINNEAPOLIS. 45B 4hH DULUTH. NEW YORK. 97H 7S r,B WB 94A 87 A 45SB 4c 4 7S H7-4D .41 01 .. 7HB $1 .o", n CHICAGO IIIIAIH AD PROVISIONS. Feat ares of the Trading and Closing Prices on Boatd of Trade. CHICAGO. March 5. An Interruption of the longstanding drojth In Kansas and Oklahoma caused ht to weaken' today, the May delivery cloying 4,c off. July Is down ,tyc. May corn closed with a gain of Vi'uc. Oats are unchanged. Provisions are up 16ti2uo. May derllr-nd to 96o. while July dropped to klV. The market failed to recover from this setback, the close being weak and nenr tt-.e bottom, with May at ts.Nc. July closed at '.'92ltc. Clearances of wh"at and flour were equal to 1Wlii bushelB. I'rlmary receipts were Blo.aiu bushels, rralnst 413.nu0 bushels a jcar ago. MlnneapolTs. Duluth and Chlcagri reported receipts of S44 csrs. compared with 3-1 last k and 313 a year ago. Strength In wheat and an active demand from a prominent provision Interest caused a firm corn market early In the day. May had advanced nearlv a cent above yester day's closing figure Offerings then be came rather free lind prices eased off. An additional decline occurred toward the end of the si-ssion. The opening on Mav was uncnnrM to c nigiuT at &35,M'c. On the early bulge the i-rlee rose to 54 The shipping. 5g"75c; 3 white, good to fi deal HTRAIT AOE.VTS and Photographer. direct with the artist. Hend for our new catalogue and free samples. Ber lin Artist Association, Dept. 15, 6J State St., Chicago. , J WE PAY tX! a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial MTg Co., I'ept. 54. Parsons. Kan J AGENTS and other. I'll start you In busi ness where you can make money (no mail order scheme): something new: particu lars free Morgan Co.. Box 1, Brook lyn. N. Y. J-M tlx AGENTS make ri dally Belling the lust water imr ever Invented: tria 1 at 12: territory. Seneca Filter Co., exclualve Vcneca. Mo. J-M170 lix ANTED Man In each gas-using town with managerial ability to buy "territory r'ghf on newlv patented Air Burner and Kit Gus-Jet Heater. Burns three purts air to one of gan. Greatest legitimate money maker In existence. Secure terri tory Immediately. For full particulars ad dress Koet Mfg. Co., 15 E. Lake tr Chi cago. 111. j.4 ix " T-I . . - ... n .1.1 ici' r.orrgenc womsn to travel on Salary to get agents for superior line of "is. 1 urnei a una orks, Ann rhor .Mich. J 22 fx AGENTS 330 to 5.) weekly eajIlv male! We prove this. Luminous name plates, sigua. rHH.ia'ue iiamfsi night' siinmles free. Right Supply Co . Engie wood. 111. J-lij 6x BI' MONET tn squabs; thev sell for $: to a doaMi: chraply raised In only four k. arlte for our free bix.k six. tit this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab "o.. 11 Friend St . Boston. Mass. J MEDICAL, MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, II. IT CURES. 73s HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail, fc'herman & McConnell, Omaha. -73S DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women; experienced reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha. 740 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, eexema or stomach trouble that Co-Lon-Co. WON'T ru.-e, 669 29 PRIVATE hospital daring confinement; tabb's adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2i4 Lake. T-4. Red-lSf4. 741 PRIVATE home during confinement: bahl adopted The flood Samaritan Sanitarium, 7J 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. IX PRIVATE" hospital In-fore and during con finement. Mrs Fisher, S015 S. 11. Tel 1KS. 742 of the ' Day Commodities. NEW YORK. March 5. Receipts, 21. 5.15 bbls.; exports. 9.578 bbls.; maiket julet but stoadr; winter patents. tZ.-4ib.i; winter straights, 6 0oS5.36; Minnesota patents. 5 a. ki0. winter extras, S.0ai t.ou; Minnesota bakers, H.Ki&l.To; winter low grades. 1S1.4J 1.8". Rve flour, quiet: fair to gid, t.aou 4 55; choice to fancy, Hou-ii-CK. Buckwheat flour, nominal. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow we rn, $1.12: cltv, $1.11; kiln dried, $3.153.2&. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, Sic, to arrive. BARLEY Easy ; feeding, 5jc, c. I. f., New York; malting. KJiOSc, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 4n.i0 bu. Spot mar ket Arm; No. 2 red. 11.04. elevator, and $1.05 til OS. f o. b.. afloat: No. 1 rorthern Duluth. tl f'P'i. f. o. b . afloat; No. 1 northern Mani toba, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Market opened firm; Mav. $1.00fil "1 9-16. closed at $1.01; JulV, 7Vti9S.4C. closed at liTSc; Sep tember. K'NilSuc. closd at 8VSc. CORN Receipts. 4ti.r.'S bu.; exports. 68 bu. Spot market firm; No 2. nominal, ele vator, and 55V. t. o. b.; No. 2 yellow, D7c; No. 2 white, 55ViC. .ptlons opened firm, closing e lower to c higher: May, ES",-3 K'c, closed at oS7c; July, B7gj8c, closed at 67c. OATS Receipts. i:4.500 bu.: exports. S.K5 bu. Soot market dull; No. 2. S&'io; standard white, 57c; No. 2 white, 67c; No. KWc. HAY Steady; xholee 'lV-Mtl 05 RICE Steady: domestic, fair to extra, ?lj 6ic; Japan, nominal. HUPS Firm: state, common to cholre. 1903 'ti37c; HiJ. 4'i2to: olds. 1,Vql9c. Pa cific coast. 1903, ?7te33c; 1902, 2427c; olds, 10 flirc. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20 4o lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry, 24 to lbs.. 14c. TALLOW Ciulet: city f$I per pkg), 5"4c; country tkgs, free). mSiSHc. LEATHER Firm; aclC J4-t2Cc. WfiOTy Firm: fleece. 2?i32c. PROVISIONS RH-f. steady; family, til. ro A12 50; mes. $9.riiV.a0: beef hams. t20.f 2Ct; -packet. $10 5oill.50: city extra India mess. $l.4jl '. Cut meats, stea-dy; pick led bellies. $7.60iiW.A: j1ckled shoulders. $6 25: pickled hams. tlO.fVilI.Oj. Lard, steady: western- steamed. $76; refined, steadv; continent. t7.75: South America, W: "compound. t-l.S7Sti7.00. Pork. steady; famllv. fiR rtfi l 50; short clear, 15.0o310..j; mens."f15 rotilfi f. BL'TTER Stesdy: extra fresh creamery. 25c: creamerv, common to choice. l'uJ4V: Imitation creamery. 14f19c: state dairy. ! 22c; renovated 12fil7c; held creamery. Hfe 22c: factory. 12v615Hc. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, fancy, small colored. September. 12c: late made. 10c; small white. September. 12c; late made loVe: larse colored. September. 12c: late made. 10c: large white, September. 12c: late made. loc. KGGS Steadv : state ana Pennsylvania nearby, average ftnest. 22c; seconds to firsts, 21c; western firsts, Sc.- St. Losls Gram and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. March 5 WHEAT Lower, No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 9l4c; track. $1.04 07: May. 93Vc; July, K'C-,c; No. Z hard. H?e:. CORN-Hlgher: No. I cash. 41Hc: track, 4otf4f.Hc; May. 45Tc; July. 4S4lu,c. OATS Strong: .o. z. cssn. sc; iraca. 42W: May. vc; No. 2 white. 43'343Hc. FLOl R Dull: red winter patents, n.iuy 25. with 60 per cent patents ss high as $5 4o: extra fancy and straight. $4 HRS '. SEED nmoihy. steaay at .oou.ia. f ORN MEAL Stead v at 12 6u. BRAN-Steadv; sacked, east track, WSVlv. HAY Dull: timothy, $.0o212.50; prairie. llt N "'iri-i-i irw l ir- c-c. BAGGING V. HEMP TWIVE G- PROVISION8 Pork, higher: Jobbing. pit 27'j. Lard, higher; prime steam P' 75. Bacon, stea-iy: noxeo extra snons. .i.u; clear ribs, ft.a; short clear. $.S .25. POl'LTRY-Stemly: chickens, 'eUlo'-c: springs h'Sc; turkeys, 1-Ul3c; ducks, 13c; geese5?c. Ml 11 Mt-rieau) , creamery, iv-.c, dnrv lfW19c. EGGS I-ower at iso. pcert. Flour. Mis moon -.rf.Orfl LOANS INDICATE RENEWED BORROWING Deadlock I relieved and Bayers and Sellers Desist from Activity, llr ssltlng In a Market Almost Motionless. NEW YORK, March o.-The stock mar ket came under the Influence of the threat ot a northmi securities ueclslon on Mon day and lost more ol the small guns wuicli hsd been established b the sioa and lal-or-lous hardening movement ot the whole of the week up to today. The market closed easy and ul d. -rimes running to a point in a number of ;n o.i.liienl sioiks. "1 ha vol ume of liquidation was unimportant and Indicated nothing inure than trttdeis posi tions In the market. The rale of stock market activity has dropped to a level a low as that prevalllt.g In trie summer of li"l. and not reached before that time since the early part of lbX. The lethargy Is the more notable In view i,f the accumulation of reserves in banks and the nominal rates at which cuil money is loaned. Resources are freely employed In the speculative issues In the commodity market without causing a ripple on the stag-rant surface of the stock market. The money outlook Is not without Its obscurity, and there U a superinducing cans? for the leth argy in stocks The continued high rate paid by railroad corporations on their notes Is an Indication of the expectation of banks for demand of this kind, if the latter was one of the causes the amu.u.t withdrawn would account for hut one day in the averages. Ths deposits were Increased by $lJ.73.4f. which Is greater by t2,0o2.O than the sum of the net g.ln In cash and of the increase In loans; therefore the statement does not balance. The increase In required reserve due to the augmented deposits was H.l$.V.i; deducting therefrom the net gain In cash leaves $:,:il, ' as the reduction tn surplus reserve to 19.943.850. Computed upon the rasls or deposits less those or :M17.;0 public funds, the surplus Is $3.- 727.650. The government deposits. It may be noted, were Increased to tlTBJ'iO. making the gain since Februnry 1. $2.243 .ftO. Circulation was decreased $1.049,S"0 and the reduction In this ltm since the beginning of the year ha.s teon. $ ,.'. Loans expanded ry 19.7O9.3il0. probably reflecting the hypothe cate n of sterling exchange which h-is been bought for Investment and also some spe cial syndicate or corporation borrowing. The d!llv average of the hank r'earlngs for the week was 1179.0(1 000, or tl.ootvuO more than last week. The clearings on Paturdav. refecting Friday's business, were $15.14S 172. The heavy fall in net earnings of railroads reporting for January gives additional force to the consideration of the business outlook. Again, the obstruction to traffic In Its effect Is moderated by the acerbity of the rate war Hate cutting has gone on during the week s;du by side with efforts to arbltrste. Large purchases of pig Iron by the Volted States steel corporation have met a broad Intimation from the lending review that the purchase seems to be designed as a tonic to other departments of the market rather than to supply actual reeds for the corporation. The threat of a soft coal strike has Its part In holding In check the stork market. Finally, It Is not ex pected that nny development will effectually release the sock market from Its con straint until the Northern Securities de rision Is handed down. The bond market hns shared the apathy snd sluggishness of the stock market. United States new coq tinn 4s advanced ' per cent on call dur lr lb we. V. The following are the Quotations on the New York Stock exeh.irg": Sue. High. Dow. ti se. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Mjrch 5 MONEY On call, nominal, no loans; tlmo limns, steady; sixty oas. 3 per c-nt: ninety days. S1 per cnt; six months. s 1.14 per cent; prime mercan tile pa;"r. 4'sv'i !"r cnt. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual bulnese In bankers bills nt $4 vwV'-if 4. WTo f T demand and at $4 s."-.i4 x', for sixty-day bills; posted rates, H.MVU4.J7H; commi r-'iiU hills. $4 Wij4 3'- SILVER Bar. 57So; Mexican dollars. 4?,c. BONl'S Government, Irregular; railroad, heavy. The c'.oslng quotations on bonds are as follows: 14't V V unis,4 ti 1 IMexirsn Tsnlral te 1 li lit lie l""4i Minn A ft. U 4s TTf. f S. ret it. do coupon . co .., r-g fin coupon to r.w 4s. ret- do coupon do old 4a. reg do roupon Atrhtsnn fti. 4i. ... do all. 4i Atlantic C. L. 4s.. H a; . 4s do !S Cc, uf O. It... In Irt IK- Ctics. Ohio 4Hi til. : Alton I tr . . r , B. il n . C. a. 8 P. 1 la CAN W c. ?.... C, R. I. A P. 4a.... Jo col SS r r c. ft. L 1. 4a. rhl. Term 4 Con. T-'hacco 4s , Colo A So 4t a n 45. 4s Erie prl-,r ilf-n 4a.... do g-r-rnl 4l . r w ,t i) c. is in: , 1' 1 10: n w It's N. It R of V c 4a V Y. ten. Iten Iia N J ie-it. I (a lo-a No Paclfle 4a .... : 11 do K K T do 2a T7 75 Ka 7,H 1-1 Nort .lx W. c. 4a . T .1' iPenn. con. Ia . M'i lcpit 1 gen 4a Sf-S .1"! is?. L. I. M. -. f-t Ufa ..7; lsv 1.. S F. 't 4 so . 9;, St L 8. W. la... Shoard A. U 4a .lri s y:h-rn Pae. 4a.. . 1 So Ralls-ar Sa . 77 Teiaa It P Is. IT . St. L. A W 4a n U nion Pacific 4a ... 67 I do conT. 4p 74t;lr Steel t1 St... fTiWahati la llo.ktri Val. Offered. 104 4tt...lo4 do db. L I wiaconin 1 Colo. F. A I. c . S3 -'-t . .111' .115' . . 71 A .1: .'J . '7 Boston Stock Qootatlons. BOSTON. March 5 Call loans. I'-iS1! lr UtlK Idl cent: time loans. c!nflng prices on Atchison adj. 4i do 4 Aul-.ifcon ltd B-irton a AUny.... Itutiun A Maine Ht.F',.ni Uievateo: .... Kitvnburg pfd Met Central N. T . N. H. & Per Marquette . In Ion Faciflo Aaier. Arte. Ctiem do pfd Arr. l.i eu Tub Arrer. Sutar s pta Amr. T. It T Amer. Wwtileo do pfd P"H. I A 8 Edlsnn Eire. I Hum fleneral Electric .. Maaa. Electric .... do prd Mm (laa t'nlted Frtllt V' '"J hos Math. do pfd , V S. Sel do pfd Ex-dlvldend. 4Tiii icr cnt. stocks and bonds: .... 8i Wretlnt common .... aa AdTeutura fl Allou-i .... .kS Ama-tatnated ... 24- Amer. Zinc -.. At. antic ...A.'i jhiLft.arn Jt, U aiumet d) Hocla u t'enteanltl H . 1 ss C,ppr Ha-11 71 I !t Wen I- inlniun Coal 134 Franklin ... 74 Oranct ... 4 Lie Kerala .. ...123'i Mass Minlr.t ...i;3 X rhitan ...i:i' Mol.lrrk ... l') jfii'i Iiomlnln ... 71s. O,eoia ... 7 I'arrot ! iQulncr 1M 'Shannon 17 Tamarack 71 'Trlnltr 8S,I' ? Mining 7v, v s. on ... 4 t tah If: Victorlt IC't Winona , 65! Wolrertna .... . 75 . I . o, . ' ! .44i . 17 . 4C" . 14 ! . . ' J ' "4 . 4 . i ll 1". 4'i OMAUA LIVE S10CH MARKET Beth Beef o teen aid Cowi L'tt'e Better Thm a Week Ago. if Any HOGS siUCH LOWER FOR THE WEEK Iteceipts of Sheep Hate Item Liberal All Meek and Prices Have F.nsed Off All the War from Ten to Tent-K1re Cents. KOI T1I OMAHA. March 5, 1 Receipts were: Cattle. Official Monday 2 41!! Tueaday 3.5,1 Wednesday 3 rj Thursday 4 111 Friday 2,4:9 baturday SU 11, us. Mie, Offlclal 1 'fht lal Olticlal oau-iai Total this week In : Simn d,is lust week... U7 tviino ws-k before IS -7! S.imA three w.-ekj''i r'ams four we, kv ago. . . 1 1 .770 Sam d)s last ear la.Mi RLCEII TS FOR THE YKAR ti .4. S . 1,1 5.1." 4 .J SHe; 6s 4v. i'J.i 5 r. .i'-i 4.. :4j if. 114 '10 l.-s from $.' .1" to t K. The quality of the o-f.-rli iT" a r.,rt nja grvsl today, so that the market on paper does not look as high a It f-a'lv was as comred with yester day. The 'lightweights went largely from $'. down. No . .el P- No. A. PT "4 .:. j:t 4,. 4 - It ... f 4" t t'7V, .... !.: M i' t:t 4 tri, tt .. ; : .. tit t so 11 i . 4 :. Ti m M I l" n I s t4 :i D .4 . ti t :4 i it 73 41 I 71 7'l W It t; ,i-4 t P "I ; ::: .. t tin tl I4-) .. I is a, .-41 . I s; r I is I.I ID IN ! IS t " :? tr . i n 4o it 1 iie t: ::i M t (4 i ; t . it's 7 - 4 I 08 to r7 tl t II : i in-. ;s o I 14 :'4 4i m 7t ;t t in f I es tt t"4 40 I 17e n (K ,y. so ? ss I St 71 r-t 40 I ll 7 n " I " 7t .... ft I t-7' U 11 H I ! (.Ml 4C.P77 5; 4f, ii DA T L- The following table shows the recv.pts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oin.ih.i for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: 19 "4 l9o.t. Inc. d-'oc. Cattle i:5M l'V! 5'5 - Hojra 4 M 4.'T.1'i 11 3 Sheep Sil.H'ai ijv.UsO ltkl.W Average prices paid for liogi at South Omaha for the last sevetal days with comparisons- Dats. I 1904. 11903. ,1902. !W)l.;ii0.rlS'.'9HS9. Feb. 15... I Feb. 18.. I Feb 17... Fob. IS... Feb. 19... Feb. (... Feb. 21... Feb. Feb. 23 . Feb. 24... Feb. 25... Feb. ... Feb. 27... Feb. ... Feb. 19... Mar. 1... Msr. 2... 1 Mar. 3. .J Mar. 4...: Mar. 5...1 London Stock Market. LONDON. March 5. Closing: . . MVN. T. Central.. U ;-: Norfo.k & W. . do pfd t, ) 2J 3.7fj lw KM iuu O'O lv-J l'4"j , 7,;w 2"0 3tW monthlv regulator never Vita Co., Station A. De- LADIES. our falls; box free, troll. Mich. LADIES, one dose Fluo Regulator promptly relieves nny case if abnormally sup r.resl menstruation: 11 v4-r Nx bv mall Fiio Chemical Co.. box 909. Milwaukee Wis. M-913ex FRrh 4Tplf to sgent: practical readv call dcvlev f.,r telephones, saves brain Work, hours of time, sells Itself; one sale sells dot.ns arelng't believing. Send stamp Trlephors Aptliance Co., 1 K. Madison An., New York. J V A NTED Agents to sell first-class relia ble and conservative oil ttok; company if low oHiiltahxaUori. will tar chawt in-veetig-at..n; sure dKldend paver: lib-ral fennilml.v paid; fui: Information fur-rl-7e4l. Addreaa Tn Oil News, Lima, Ohm. j PtTKMJ. A PIJ!9FlSrt pi WOMAXKINP Write vour Wants; ladles' syringes, toilet necessities, orug sundries, patent renie- Cies. HuM-or Toilet f.i., jc; Stetr,iy Hall. Chicago. 19; x 1M11VATE sanitarium during rmflncnvnt lr. and airs. Uertoca, - Lall'ornia si. MJ4S 12x 618TT7RS In despair, sie1y relief: abnor mal sjpprsun. any 4jause; write f,r remedy; safe, sure. I T. Martha Va'kf C .. ICS Utate. ( hicago. L)7 IX DEI HYBTER 8 M.mthly Regulator brings happiness to thoosiuids of women; free samples sent. Wlihi Chemical Co . New Have ti. Conn. 150 (x LAT'IKn. our monthly regulator never falls; b x free. Vita Co., etatlon A, De troit. Mich. II. J. CoWGILL No fee unless successful, tils 8. i.,lh St.. Omaha. Til Use. ;j FATENTS guaranteed. Suet at Co . Omaha, Al.x FLOItlT. HLSil A oWOiioDA. 14 1 Fa.-naxn. L. HENDEKS4JN. 1519 Farnam st A-RFT. DONAOHCE. JR . lei Farnam. 9 A4 IUOI AND B It ASS ItllMllir, liK.Wi and aluminum catting, nickel pltt sad finthitig Spevtalty Mfg. Co., 41 aHwwua M tvud IvSi i'aatoa block. DR. W. Hl'TCHINSON. speclalltt of women and children: 30 years practice. Off! -e. S-s Cumin Retiuence telephone. f -r.Kx; omce. B-rvMx DR. TRIES, German graduate, renowned for his skill and exiwlence In confine ments: cures sterllltv. long standing di eases of ut,r.i and ovaries, cure painful, profuse, retarded or s ippreased menstrj atlon recent or of long standing Ladlas who have suffered fr years, hope-lens and detect!, can 1 cured without ops-rsthm or the hoe'dtal. If a personal WitMvWw Is imtosihle state your case fullv. Inch st&TOo and answer and adiice will prempt'v be given. Address R F. Fnes, M D . 1511 Iodge st , tuna ha. Neb. LADIES When In need tend for free trial of our never fslllrs remedy: relief sure and otilik. Furls Chemical Co., Villa au kee. Wis. LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroysl pois are the he-it Safe, reliable Take no oher fiend 4o staTtr. for particulars Relief for-I-adtes. In letter, by return rot II Ask your drutgiat. Chichester CcaculcU C, rUUdaU,iU. Fs. 10 1.7'l 6J 7i 127 i0 2o) 114 m!! 'y 61 T.... 4 4"i bUO t.:" 51 6.0 7f 10J 4.300 l.OO.) Wheat, bu. Corn. Oats. bu. bu. V, Wl 60.0CO Shipments lS.orm 11. fuel 4:.fti Kansas fity Grsla and Provisions. KANSAS CITY.' March S. WHEAT May, s-"Sc: Ju'y, soiiic: cash. No. 2 hard. s'J 9oc; No I. Mu".c: .10. z rea, ai.myiuo, -o. tl fil ftl ij8; receipts. 1. cars. CORN May. 43Vj44c; July, 44c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 42c; No. 3, 4o341c; jo. 2 white, al.-- N'o X. 4ia-42n. OATS No. 2 white, 3Vjj.c; .-so. z mixea. r'-'ic. . RTB-Ml. z 64'aX" HAY-Btendy: choice timothy. 19 50510 00; c!re prairie. H.2-t7 50. Ef.ns-Steadv: Missouri sna ivansas rafe reti rred. 14Hc !r coxen: nr- .-so x -...A. cases Ipclui'e.i per dnin. Rt'TTER Creamery, tlfi23c; fancy dairy, lsc. . Kecc'ois tr:inmnt Wheat, bu " 4" 14. .400 Cnm bu 47 2O0 ! Oats, bu 19.0u0 11,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 5 WHEAT Mav. 7Vu7V; July. 97Sc; 8f r,te Tiber. stVc; on track. No. 1 hard. 11 trjl (1"-; No. 1 northern. 9JSc; No. 1 northern, Sf'ac; No t. 27'9tV. FLoT'R- First patents are n ioted at 15 23 fir s'; second patents, ta.pwa TO; first clears. I) KWM 5; second clesrs. 12 f"2 90; car lots In mood. f. o. b. Minneapolis. 1JUAN In bulk. $16 itjl6 26. Mllnaskrt Crnla Market. MILWACKEE. March I-WH RAT Steady : No 1 northern. 9oitl ''; No. 1 northern. 9.r4irv: old Julv. W-iy9iSc RYE-Hteadv: No. 1. 'SsnTTc. MARLEY Steady; No. 2. "Sic; sample, W'i'SIc CoRN Dull; No. 1. 44gc; July Kc bid. Atchison do preferred Baltimore dc Ohio.. do preferred Canadian Faclfio ., Central of N. J..... Ches. ct Ohio Cnicago v Alton ., do '.referied Chictt U. W Chki i N. W... C. -M. ..- St. F do 1 ire f erred ..... Chicago T. A- T do preferred C, C , C. St. I Colorado Southern ... do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred .... Delaware & Hudson.. Yela., Iick. v V.... Denver & R. G do preferred Erie do 1st preferrfd.. do 2d pref erred... Hocking Valley .... do preferred Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern ... do preferred .... Louisville & Nash. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Hv Minn. & Rt. L M.. St. P. & S 8 do preferred .. Mssourl Pacific Missouri. K. & do preferred . N 1 R R. of Mex Pfd. .New lork tntral... Norfolk AV Western.. do preferred Ontario & Western.. Pennsylvania 21. 9 0 P.. C. C. & St. L Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Rock Island Co do preferred St. L. Jk S. F., 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do preferred Southern Pacific .... Bouthern Railway ... do preferred Texas or pacific Toledo, St. L. St W..., do preferred , L'nlon Pacific , do preferred Wabash , do preferred Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Central ... do preferred , Adams Express American Express... I 1, lied States Exp... Wells-Fargo Exp Amal. Coper Am. Car 4 Foundry. do 7referred Am. Cotton oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed oil do preferred Am. IyiK'omotive .... do preferred Am. Smelt. A- Refln. do preferred 2 Am. Sigar Refining. . C.bO Anaconda Mln t o Rrooklvn Rapid T Colo. Fuel A Iron. Consolidated lias Corn Products do preferred Distiller' Securities.. flener:! Electric International Paper... do preferred International Pump.. do pr, ferred National Iead North A m erica n Pacific Mil People'11 Gas Preesed Steel Car do preferred Pullman Palace Car.. ReDUbllc SteW do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tern. Coal A Iron ... V 8 leather do pref, rred F 8 Realtv do preferred I" 8 Rubber do preferred T. 8 Steel c4o referred XValrshc'iae Klec... Wesern Felon v.tiIimt Securities.. Offered Total sales for the rS 11U; I9 ici" ft', c9 - t 110, 2;t 1 l-i-t 1 t 55 301 1554 155 r,-,4 13S, fi5a '" Vt 101 143' it", 114 5t 2",i; ll.l-'-t 102 143 lii" ei"' 35'x ll't 1J2S I.60 J 41H 40H 42 4l'i 19 19 6- 42 '- 1S7 8.&-0 74V 73S 200 33S 3J' 7.7'.. 3 0 2uu ' 4.10 31 19', b9 -'4 4-t c lb' 163 ' "'t "I AtAti 1.2 ."' ; it,74 55 24 154 260 22- 62', I2' 7 iw4 19 Si FH 143 so :i:i 5S 6'H 1.7 t-7'i V 33 5 l'.3H 6 S-1 l"i 3)2 56 0' 75 M 20 W 41 IS 41 l' 291-, 2-S 23, 174 3ii 15 IS 40 !i lot 2o" tii'j 29 SO 10 Console, money ... do account Anaconda At-htaen do .fl Fa'.tlmore A Ohio t'ar'adian Pacific . Chu A; 0:1.0 Chicago Gt Wert. r . M & st. v... DeIlrT l. A R. G do pfd Erie do let pfd do 2d pfd Illltiola Central ... Louia. A- Naaii M., K. A T SILVER Bar . 7 Ontario A West. . - lva.-ilt .... . 77 Kand Mmea .114 Kcadiux .31 I do 1st pfd.... . iv do :i pfd ... .143 So. Railway .... . !-- do pfl . lJ'So. Pacific . tft : Cnlon Pacific .. . V do pfd . 44 i, V. 3. Steel . 41 I do Pfd . 1 SI WtSh .lO- V, do pfd . Iii1i qulot, 2f!14d per ounce. ,uu.t) znu.a per cent. Tlie rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 8 1-lrV,i3 per cent; lor three mutiths' bills, 3 1-16B34 per cent. t74 to- 't ' J :- I'H t: 4--4 ' - II PT", 1' Clearing; House Averages. NEW YORK. March 5. The statement of averages of the clearing house banks cf this citv for the week shows: Loans !999.91S.40: Increase. $9.709.3'ifi. Deposits. 11,0411.593 .Mi; Increase. H2.tl73.4oi1. Circulation. 139. PI9 oo,; decrease, fl.04s.ft). Legal tenders. 170.S99.4X); decrease, 1N79.2O0. Specie. $1118.192 .4co: increase, Jl.s-4C.Tta). Reserve. $j.i-91.5')0; Increase. $I71.60ij; re serve required. l:l').ltS.4oU; Increase. 11. lui.Soo; surplus. 129.943.35i; decrease. !'J.203.ST0. Kx-Cnlteil States deposits, $.t9.27;.ti, de crease. I:'. 113,025. Ilsnk Clearlnits for Week. OMAHA, March 5. Comparative mint of bank clearings for the 14 Monday 1.39i.lS3.51 Tuesday 1.255.916.77 Wednesday l,55i,5iJ 19 Thursday 1.6417. 977.H Friday 1 54o.S.Db3 Saturday 1.2S34J24 A decrease of; Irom siundlng week last year. state- week: 1103. H.559.:'i27.47 l,13o.l.,1.9, i.;ij.jo5 a 1.6a5.9tl.'iO 1 4... 4:.s4 1.1un31m.19 the iorie- 4 99 J ( 03 I & vi j 5 04",! i 244, 5 r 1 224 6 i 6 US! f SI s 3-4 5 32 J 5 H 5 S 7"' 721 I 5 27 4 M 7 031 t 7S, I 4 Ti 6 97 6 78, 5 ?: I 8 9"! SMS 23, 4 3' I 9v SX1! Hi 4 . t Ss 5 IT1 4 74, 6 95! 5 ?' 4 r. 7 '' S I SSI 1 3 is. 3 I 5: a 1 471 3 ST 3 91 3 91 3 M 8 I2 6 M 5 lTVal b 134, 5 0, 6 124 5 04 I 5 u7 ' S 121 4 69; 1 W t t W. a 4 ,ij 11 I t J v I ur, fi 37 ISO 3 79 8 911 S 8i 6 33, 4 65 HI I SO d' 4 o. 8 5 9" 5 ? s I -I I C 01, 6 22, 5 ., 9 7 of 7 01 7 11, s 11 8 07! 5 97, 6 32 5 3o I 3 si 3 f.: 4 , S 4 J i u I ae I ea 4 CM J til 3 7 4 f sr. 3 ss 4 it, r ? a I 2 3 S7 4 71 1 3 H- SHEEP There was only one car of sheep remitted this mornlr.g. so that It could not t.e said that a fair test of the market was Pi. 1. le. Thev were wethers and sold for $1 JV For the week receipts have been quite 'liberal, there lelng a gain over last week of alout li". head, and as c-jinpao-ed wltit the same wek of last ) our Uie Increase C. mounts to 1 i head. The market has been In good shape most of the week considering the heavy receipts both ut this point and at others. Packers have eldenlly had a good outlet for their product, or otherwise the market ao.ild have shown n much greater loss. Lnmbs Ivave not moved as freely as sheep and are probably In extreme cases lMiTf-o lower than at the rlose of last week. Yesvr-ling-" In a good itiniiv instances has-e also tdiown tliat t.iich decline. The demand, th, utih. or wether and ewes has teen In oo. shape and price are not over 1 "T15o lower, and this decline is more noticeable on the commoner kinds. There ! not much to be said of feeders, aa ro-rlpt ar so llsht that a test of the market has not been msde. Quotations for corn-fed stock: CncsCtJ wttern l.tmhs. 17r4'i5 7a; fair to good lam',s. 15 !'" ;i; good to choice Mexican It TTv-u. ': good to cholre west- rn vw.rlltn" H 5 'c4.75: fair to good year Pnc. 14 27 ill V; g,'od to choice wethers, 14 tf U4': fair to g,.,1 -wl fn. $3 7.y''-. good to choice ewes. $1 x',fi4 on; fair to good ewes. IS iV.-uj !ai. liepfeeentatlve sales: No. As 7 western ewe , l'T 230 wltm )-carllngs HI Mvdl.e.tes Sundsr Tl-.e official numler of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. mob en p 11 sc. C. M. St. P. Ry. Cnlon Pnciilc system.... f. & N. W. Ry , F., E. & M. V. R R , C, St P.. M. &. O. Ry.. It. A- M. Ry C. It. & Q. Ry , C , R. I. At 1'. Ry.. east. Chicago Ot. Western.... Total receipts 13 7 1 1 5 2 1 19 ..11 f6 1 6 Uhe apposition of the day's receipts was aa loiiums, each buyer puienaslng tne nuin- per 01 nead indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co... swill and company cuuahy i'u kina in Armour Ac Co Armour dt Co., biuux City 01 tier buyers tl 2 43 Hogs. Sheep. o.i4 ts.l 8.3 ii. 1.J47 l.tis'i Pt. 2 Unit t'lly Llie Mock Market. SIOTX CITY la. March 5. (Special Telreratn C'ATTl IT -Riceipts. lit) head. Market steads : l - rv.s. M.oiK'i-4.70; cows buPs and nux-1. $.' ,"' i.( 50; Blockers and feibrs. ts.vo,j-3.7o: calves and yearlings, j: t -t 70 lit MIS-Receipts. 2 4") heail. Market M. adv. r-e.Ut.g at li V.tiS Id: bulk, J5.0fr35.10. trk In Sight. Following are the receipts of f,w the fix principal western tcrday : Use stock cities yes- South Omaha Chicago Kansas City , St. Louis St. Joseph .... Sioux City Totsla Cattle. . . 3-io .... D .... S"0 .... 200 . . . . 45 .... 100 ....ITrx Ilors. Sheen. 4( tl 7 t,"J 1 orm 0 i.UC 50 1J 774 1400 .... 1S.S71 1445 CHICAGO 1.1VIS STOCK ARKT. Prices omlttl fur Cattle and Kite Cents Higher for Hogs. CHICAGO. March E. CATTLE Receipts. 200 head: market nominal; good to prime steers. $-1 CfvG.75; poor to medium, i-l.oo'u 4 1 50; stockers and feeders, t. 604 25; cows, Sl.Gt4 Oo: ("nlvesi heifers, $'.0oa4 5o; ran i.ers. 11 at'-ifJ.Su; bulls, t:'.0iii4 fsi; calves, 13.00 (i50; Texas fed steers. ll.t"X;4.75. HOGS Receipts today, 7,000 head: esti mated Monday, 30.(jo head; market steady to 5c higher; mixed and butchers. 15. loii 5. 4i ; good to choice heavy, to 4fi5 65; rough heavy, 15.15uf, 40; light, 14.6ti5 30r bulk of sa!s. 15Ki5 4o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2. OX) head: market steady; good to choice weth ers. 14 2.V.I4.75: fair to choice mixed, U b07 4 26; western fcheep, 14 Do'jo 75; native lambs, t2 .iji.Ji, western lambs, H.Ti&C.tsi Receipts. Shipments rattle 285 4.5t2 11.2H2 7U Sheep 9,001 4,ti 3.10) P) 1) .10.V.I 3 . 1) . j 4.01 . v) V ! 30 i J9 " ::; 2:4 S14 s'4 S2 474 47 4 47 9 9, 90 1244 123 1.3 f2 C', ?9 :-9; o n 2-4 191 19!", :9'4 if-S i4 "51" W sx 45-7, '-'4 24 214 101 361 I1.14 Knnsns rity Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 6. CATTLE Re ceipts. 3, 41 head; market unchanged; export and dressed beef steers, 14 75-5 25: fair to good, 14 Ooii4.75: western fed steers, $3. i3 4 60; stockers snd feeders, tl 0Ofii4 2: south ern steers. tt.5on4 55: southern cows. $.' 4 "ij 3 25: native cows, $.:. 't3 15: native heifers. f: if.-fi 4 .26 : native bulls. t-'.5.U3.;S. Receipts for the wee. 29.1'JO head. HOGS Receipts. l.'' head: market oc Top. 13 25; bull: of sales. f ''i5 JO; heavy. $5 2r.frE 35: packers. $5 lu-W 9); pigs snd lights. $4 151i5.10. Receipts for the week. 40 Soo head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head: market steady; native lambs. tJ.te,rr..6S; western lambs. 15 Ot'So 60: fed ewes. 13 uq 4 25: Texas clipped $4 S5TS 20; stockers and feeders. tJ.75a4 25. Receipts for the week, 24.150 head. Livers-eel tiraln Market. LlVERPCOL. Msrch i WHEAT No. 1 California. 7s d Futures s'eadv: March, 6s l"d. May. ft S",d. July, f ',d CORV-Spot American mixed, new. easy at 4s Ul; American mixed ,dl qjlet at ts M Futures uulet; March. 4. May, 4s 2d Toledo seed Market. TOLEDO O., March I 4EED4R Clover, cash and March. $7 It; April, 17 074; f rlmt a-sake, Kv. raa tu&vthy, 10.46, ) ion '0 4B t n riv4 74 74 42 r4 1-4 4-4 ii M4 9:4 4 11" F-l 71 4 154 81 : 9-4 2S si 210 74 41 . Kt. Losls Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Marcli 5 CATTLE Receipts. S" head; no Texans. Market steudy: rativu shinning and export, $12,tj.".0: dressed beef and butcher steers, $4tru6.(; steers under 1 t) lbs., !3?iW4so; st.ckers and feeders. 12 -fj3 9o: cows and belle's. 12iij4 Ji: canners. l.'.2't;2.5vi; bulls. 12 5o-J 8 '.,; calves. 13 "Ztti 75 KOi ;s Receipts. 1.5,0 head. Market was steady to 5e higher; pigs ard lights. 14F'i i 4 lei; packers $4 80&6.JV, .butchers and best heavv. X8 iiut, 5.1. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 250 head. Market steady; native muttons. 14 o) ! 4 '.-": lambs. '.; culls and bmks. 12.uoa3.8i; siockera t-.oirti 3.'X'. gt. Joseph Lite Hock Market. ST. JOSEPH, March E. CATTLE Re eeipts. 45 head. Market uncharged. Hi (458 Receipts. l.Ssi he,.d. Majket 5c higher. Itgl t. 14ij5.1j; medium snd heavy. 15 Rt'tit SHEEP AND LAMES Receipts, 771 head. Market steady. Totals lot! 4.',x :V7 CAi i'lE i here were several bui.ches ot calUe leporleU tins inoiiim, but not euough to make a mantel. For the wu-g receipts have been moderate, iher-) beiim a uoiieaae us compared with laxt v.e a of aooul 1.0UU hc-aU and as coin ui red wlih Uiu aaiue week of last year the falling oil amounts to about 2,oou bead. Prices this week have lhn-tuated up an 1 down through a wide margin and hi tiie con of tlie week tl,e muiki-t Is rather un even and untetileU. Up to and incud iig Thursday the tendency ot prices was up ward and an advance of fully a iiuarter had gone Into effect. On Friday, however. Packers Bcemed to hav enougn cattle to last them until next w -e-k and as a result they were very Indifferent and took off the big bulk of the weeks udviince, the g-n-ersl market being quoted about Juii25c lower. The greatest decline was on the common and short-fed kinds, 0 that sone of the good to choice grades tire perhups a dime higher than the clone of l.,st week. At the extreme close yesterday, though. It Is doubtful If anything would nave sold hlgh"ir thin a week ago. Good to chob-e f rade are quotable from 14.50 to 10 on, fair 0 good, 14 to to 14 5o and the common, r kinds mostly from t"..75 to $4 00. The cow market advanced. If more rapidly than steers the fore part of the tiok and for that reason the bre.-.k on Friday was all the more severe. As compared with the close of Inst week the n.irUrt Is perhaps steady to a dime hluhe-. though the rlose yesterday was In such h.-ol shape that it was almost impossible to mttke a sale at ny price. fanners and t'ers are selling larpelv from 11 75 to s. 4-t. fair to good grades $2.40 to $2 9) and good to choice $3 00 to tit",. The Market on lulls ha teen In bod rhape all the -week and the r",oe was ex ceptionally mean, Packers 'ere buying -n-y fw and but for a few ryx"Ula'ors a large number wou!d hase oe'n unsold. D tr.kes a choice bull to bring $125 ami something fancy might bring a 'I:. In ore. The hulk of the fair to good bulls sell frcm 12 to tl.oft. Veal calves have not eucttiaVd much during '.he week, the bulk of tnem selling from 14.50 ti $5.50. There has been n good demand for stock ers and feeders all the week for this t m of the vear. A offerings have been very moderate, trading has ruled oulte ac'le with anything st all decent selling at goql strong prices. Representative sales: ' BEEP STEERS. '5 s. At Pr. fa. At. 1 1S If I 1115 1 it: 1 1 i!t IMS t 40 I lfft 1 l'in 4 15 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 1000 I TS 1P $ 4 COWS, 1 loT-n t Tl I lltt I tv I UT t 74 I I on It - I S 1 12t0 1 U 1 130 I a" HEIFERS. 1 440 1 II BUXLS. 1 lr.i J W STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. - 1 4 X J 00 II 601 I TO I H1 II HOGS There was a small run of hops here tills morning, which makes the re ceipts this week about Su.uOO bead short of the supply of last week, b-il as compared with the corresponding week of last year 1 tlere is little change. The market all the! week luvs been jn a very un-iilexl condition owing to the rapid fluctuations In provi sions. Packers have been slow to take hold owing to the fact that it was Impossible to tell what int next move in provisions wouid be. In other words. It was a war market, which means that It was a hard market to oTrte on both from the buyers and aoll ers' standpoint. Tlie decline In the price of hogs for tr.e week amounts to about li.Vi.J'c The market this morning was again very slow. Receipts wre so light tloil there was scarcely a good killing for any one packer. The provision market opened higher and, sellers were holding f r nvre mone . Pack ers, though, were not willing to give It. and as a result tracing was slow all the morn ing. w-ltM sales ranting steady to strong. The bulk of the medium to good weight hogs sold from f to 15. le. with tholce heav. V7. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 GOOD INVESTMENT For nle T.RtMi Shares preferreel Mock In working coal mine (In whole or part) at 110 par value, per share. We have seven and a half million tons of coal that will yield a net profit of nearly $2,ono.fluu at the mine. Preferred stock draws up to twenty per rent dividends before common stock draws any profit. A splendid opportunity for moderate and conservative Investors. Ad dress V. 4 d, fare lrd A Tliouna, Chicago. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Neb. U. S. DejMttwT Capital gad Surplus, $600,009 ft INK '.tIY. s-e,. let 1. WOOD. . Prts, LlTnU MAKE. Cttkter. MANX T. I4VH.T0S. Aatx. Catslnr. ItaetlTt tectums of bukt tankers, atmaf Itiont. Imi fjia ea ItTertklt leraa. Feieitm Eiehwif koatlit so4 sols. L-:tcra ol (.'redit iaaue4. arallatlt Is all sane of tat ivorlo lutereot J ait em Tim Ortiacttes at Pat jatt Collect :tna Dsat trrBsptlr aot eooaoamlcstll. Wo .vqeaet comet onto aoo. fr. 4 II 4 15 4 n Updike Commission Co., ORAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly In -all markets. Omce, 552 Bee Building, Telephone 2456. O. W. UPftlKE. MANAGER. Gold Stocks Free! Do You Want Them? gg Do roe hot hit eees s Ua to balls s a national tstromUltoa for (it big Ulatttt4 notour s4klck It ttklag list wUet-airs. i totsttfig nt II I 111 Ts eats ssttsa tai it m w si iw a mliMt Meo ee ex. 11 eet4 a lock of area tkarts la o tore eirotslolBat CaUl'JrlJI CbCtK gold atislM otwbotr, laeersutauii, fall r'OAi 4 aes toaatatljie. fjube of I to ttoto go taan uUoAlag I ahoroa sock. Stoats token, or twaei by tnptoes, soeutlot or4at er ret latere letter. It la stoat ssnsoarsl fjfllf Sola oeaxo ts ta trorltl. "HI Tl la m... t-rf.. lii. ots,utiu roevie. i bO I -: 3S 77 -1 4 1"7, S7H log teotptuiy sbea sorlbo4 eooe gao4 otapettr ol fjnpp.0 Lo oot atoy link, it nrn obt t.f. fool port ertU toos too tollf oataad. Tale gettoits l er le usaltet ooiU rtbr mueortttton M one. Cor tlfietto ot el-area tn-eJier tilth protpootot teaiiof til boat lAo oiitlpoo Ui bo tut b rotets BkoU. UtttS to the otfttar of laser, toaoaooo toil! etUl in sar lttr Addreot L)BX n tliOIN M.. GL0. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain. Provisions V Stocks. Members Umau Uraln titbtnit, Chicago Board ut Trade and eteer txrhanges. Correspondints 'lartlett. Frailer 4 Carrlrgton. 21 Board ef Tradt Bltl'g. Omaht. dav. 137. CO shares. ew York Halss; Stork. NEW YORK. Nfsrrh 5 The following are the closing on miring stocks: 4amt Cot II CH,f1 4t A lire 1 Chvhir M ii Brc 14 wMll 4 Cc.met-k Turiel Prst.1 tl Ten Col SJ V 15 TSarat .... Hnrrt surer ... VS Sier-t Kertat Ft !r.r f'lrer 1 Te!l H'et II .4rii'. One 1 ,tanlM jo U"e Chief T Asetesmerit paid. Kete Bank Reeortl. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 5. Wi KJLr-TerrltAry wofils active; ptnled and foreign wools flrm and steady. The leading uuoiatlons are: ldabo. medium. 1-vtjlTc; low ineUium. K'lbu. Wuuilng. tine. li.-iic; havy fine. Li.4ci medium, ljijlc; low medium. H'-'f'c. Utah and Nevada, fine, li,u!'ic; heavy hne. 13 j 14c; fine rmxllum. 1l-5l7c; medium, lfcJJIrc; low medium, Liakota Cne. lfraltK-; fine mediutn. HJiTc; medium. lt;lic; low medium. iiiiOc. Montana, medium choice. llJ-oc. average. Ik lVc; staple, lj'j0.; me- dl'l"t fl.olce i" HT Uil'IS. i! .rch 5 WOf Iy-.Strady: medium gr& les. i .rihlng and clotting. l7i llc; light fine. I5"tl7i..c: heavy r.ue, I'S 14o- mn washed. 'I'TIC IXIjN, March S Wf or The arrival of wool fur the third series of auction salet amount to 3A.4 hale Imports of w fj this week were: New South Wal"-", ktf, biles: South Austnlla. I.'flO l.e.lee; New Zealand. U.lWi bales; Cape of flood Hor-e and Natal. 1 Ml bales; Falkland Isl ands 1.217 bales; elsewhere, 4.1'tO bales. FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, . PROVISIONS, STOCKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH m. noF GOMMISSION HQ ZZZT J W La (IHCORPORATSD J J J I Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00. General Offices: N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. 1BCCT CCDVIPC Moat reliable mtrktl Information. Ltirssat i DCdl dClllluC prltalt wirt tytttm in Amtrivt. 2UC RIIIDIIITCC to eaecute your orders If ths m l It L UUAnAlt ILC ruclmint prln whit i yuu Ml. Wi chars; NO INTtHLST for carrying long stocks. marktrt March i. All pi si-cie and dtTpi:is tt-re previous hlch NEW YORK, rem onlt for ln. wtned out by this week's bank statement. lu trt-uil .otai or ivAi U usrw tiutss to Pnlnth tlrsln Market. PTXTTII Mareh S WHEAT In store: Sc; No. 1 northern 'T.-; No t north ern. 4c: on rtk. No. 1 hard MV: No. 1 norttem. Ctc; No. 1 northtra. 4S May We; Julv. r7ic; Septemlr tnc. OAT a To arrive ft'd on track, 3. IURGIHS REQUIRED Sh'rSrjftUW" 00 "r REFERENCES otfmUoaml "d tala Bank: b"" CUAHA BRANCH 1618 Firms St., Tel. 3467. THGS. U. WAD3ICK, Cor. 1 1 N. B- Wo Issue each week an tihautrtive review of ths market and most accurate forecast of future movements, r rest at any of our ofllce, ths