Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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membership. Heretofore In the expulsion
of a clu it has rmilred the unanimous
vni or rigm cium to expei. Una bus
hr-n charged in rcul 'inanlnioii vni
nf s-en ilitis." it l.-mg taaeii lor grunted
ll'al the iiuli p. be .-xpelled would hut
vote t or Its own xpulslini.
Accepting t ' the n.-w constitution tlie
board or inrnctore mac be called tn me--t
nt any lime by the i i tuilint or by to
din ctors. A m-w Inline t hut Invuii the
SOHE C0NFL1CTI0NS IN THE SCHEOUlE l''yr. ha-. be.-n added to section A and
. an.,ta mn l u 1 1 T. .
"Anv rlavr under cimttnet or leserva-
flon who may consider himself unjustly
treated or wronged hv his duo snail nave
the light to submit hi vase to the presi
dent of the league, who shall after soilell
ln evidence- concerning the matter present
the eume to the boitr.l ot oirecior mr u
hearing, recommends Uun or adjudication."
The new constitution makes the punish
ment of a player "who shall be disquali
fied for anv crookedness" blacklisted for
ever. My ihe old constitution the player
could be reinstated by a three-fourths
vote. The position of ' supervising umpire '
la abollned. 'H? following resolution
Tint Gamei of tta L(;na to B P ayed
National l.eagne Srhednl la Heady,
bat the Pufcllrallon' of Date
Has Been' Delayed One
NEW YORK. March 3.-After a two-days'
session her the American league ami Na
tional league rommlttees on schedule to-
Former Dories that a Colored
Man Dined a. White Houir.
fcever I adertook to Raise I
Idea of orlal Eqaallty
Ihe Black Man's
bight agreed upon plnylng dates for the oifcrcd by Kdward iiHiilon of Brooklyn was
cumlng season. The American announced tinnnlmoualv adopted :
1U schedule tonight while the National ''lvprt- T''?' "".V.'ViTaTiv Im-
" ... . nttlonul committee shall play n game
lengue. will nt make Its plnylng dates pub- of ,n W(n n,,y profslonal. seml-
llo until tomorrow. Whllu the committees professional or amateur club, containing
endeavored as far as nossible to make Iho 1,1 "nl" IIV l,l,.v,,r or I'layers Inellgl-
enoeaored as rar as powsinie to make the )o ,in(lnl. ,.llIr., r ,), national agree.
schedule nonconglctkng they were not com- men! or under suspension by any clubs
pletelv successful, as during ths season 'f the National leasue. American league
, . ... . ,,.., .,,., , ... . or Nn'lonnl association, and furthermore
there will be elexen conflicting In this city, ,h,. n,( ,nnf f)f ,,,, ,)a ,, l(C playp(1
twelve In Hoston. six In rhllndclphla, by any National league club with any In-
twelve In Chicago and thirteen In Bt. Ixuis. dependent club that shall have played any
ii . . g.nes with anv other Independent club
The American league aoaaon will open on,annll auch Ineligible or suspended
April 4 with tie clubs playing as follows: player ns heretofore descrltied."
Boaton In New York; Philadelphia In resolution onerea oy r ie!s n-
WAgHINOTO.V, March J. The housa to
day In the commlttie of the wholo resumed
consideration of the District of Columbi i
appropriation bill.
land Valley railroad, and their presence
was objected to by the white laborers, who
declined to work with them. Kveiy thing
Is now quiet, though there Is nn under
current of excitement In the vicinity of the
A pirty of six negroes who took part In
the riot arrived later and the polec, undr
Instructions hum territorial officials,
rounded them up.
rial Joint meeting of all department wag Ingsion ."id 1.og.m. todav ren..tiii-i.te.l h.n Vy 'r the , .mnieticement in jure
held In 1hi Ktr-t linptist ch'irih. The suti- Join A Stirling of Hi...ini',R.-n .r , o , V. Wi :ii a profun.-nt b.ieivess man
Ject dlseusaed was "I'.elU'ous Kdticatinn hi Rm ss .and I'r. S M. Harris of i.l I K.-t.m of Kans.ts fin .
the Home. Addresses were made bv ra eoiiinv I'T meniner 11 inr i;ue i iviri 01
I.andrlth. general seeretary of the Kellrloiis Kiiualiration from this district. N.ithei
Kiiuejitlonal nssmMatlop, Nashville. Tenn.; was opposeii lor ine nommat'O!:.
Deal Taken as K ldenc that Bed
Trnst Vaa I onsnminated and
la Mrenarthenlng.
rilirAfJO. March 3. Armour Co.
hnve bought the Chicago plant of Thomas
li I.lpton. The price paid is said to have
Mr. Webb iN. C.) calling attention to ben IO.OfO. The Upton plant adjoins that
the statement made a few days ago by "r Armour ft t o.
struct all umpire and notify all club
Washington: T.atrnlt In St. I.oula, and
Cleveland In . hlcagd. managers that after the umpire has called
on Decoration day. May JO. I'hl adelphla "t'y ' t -he beginning of any champ on
... . I shin games there shall be no presentation
win piay in .ew lork; Washington in f , character to anv nlaver or manaaer
Hoston; St. Louis In Detroit nd Chicago upon the bail field
Chairman Herrmann of the National
Bn Ball commission, handed down a de!
clslon In the matter of Sunday hall games
at Rldgewood, long Island. H decided
that tli" New York American league team
cannot play Sunday ball at that place, as
It would be In violation of the national
Favorite Followers Have a Dlsastroaa
esalnn at Oakland and Only
One I'trat Choice Wins.
Mr. Scott (Kan.) that a negro had dined
In the White House while Mr. Cleveland
was president, announced that he had
writun the former president, sending him
an extract from the record, and asking If
the Htatements made by Mr. Scott were
"This morning. ' ha said. "I received the
following reply," which he read, amid ar
planse on tho democratic side:
I'iUNCETGN. March' 2. l!V4.-Hon. K. Y.
Webb, House ot Representatives: Dear
Sir It is a mutter of small concern to me
that a Mr. Scott has seen tit to uso my
name In a display of bis evil propensities
on the floor of the house of representatives.
in answer io your inquiry, nowever, 1
in Cleveland. On July 4, Boston will play
In Washington; New York In Philadelphia;
Detroit In Chicago, and St. I.ouls In Cleve
land. On Labor day Philadelphia will p'.ay in
New York: Washington In Boston; St.
Louis In Cleveland, and Chicago In De
troit. The Sunday games awarded to Chicago
nd St. Ixuls are equally divided, each city
getting sixteen at home. The Saturday
gamea throughout the season on home
grounds are divided ns follows: New York,
.k - ' :? . , , " , ;., , , SAN FKANCISCO. March 3 -Favorite
thirteen; Washington, fourteen; (Iceland. f0nw,., had a disastrous s-ssion at Oak-
thlrtsei; Delrolt. twelvu.
TIlA uoasiiTI wHH plnan at fli tin on Onln.
I aults
ber 8. the Malting team being from St. K1n,t rncr, nlx furingH and a hnlf:
J-oiils. The other closing gamea of tho sea- Adlronduok won, Taat Master aocond, As-
son will be played October 10. with Boston '"merit third. Time: l "; ,.,
, ' , . , , v Hccond race, seven furlongs: J.aoeoon
p New lork. Philadelphia In Washington woll, Dungannon second, Jatk Little third,
and Cleveland In Detroit. In all, the Time: l:3il.
..i . e, r i iiuru race, six iiinouKs ann a. imn . iu
Pinnmir iw idi tunra .ur tma nuu, . xiorlla .cond Montana
have to sny of his statement that the c
ored man. C. I(. J. Taylor, took lunch with
Me at tho White House, that it Is a de
liberate fabrication out of whole cloth.
As far as Mr. Taylor Is concerned, 1 un
di rstand, prior to his appointment aa reg
ister of deeds at Washington, that he had
served as an assistant In the olllce of cliy
attorney at Kansas City. His nomination
as register was confirmed by the annate
and he served In that plane with Intel i
gence and efficiency. He lias since died.
Borne people restrain themselves from nbus-
nifc the dead.
My Inquiries concerning Mr. Tavlor be
fore his appointment, my ohsnrvauon of
mm during his incumbency and the little I
have known of him since satisfied me that
his character Is very unjustly attacked in
me a in trine of Mr Hcott.
One charge is made aaralnst Mr. Tavlor
DV Mr. Hcott. which he doublv clinches with
land imbiv as onlv one first choice landed I truth when he declares: "lie was a black
In front and that was In the last race. Ro- negro." I am led. however, to doubt his
V. scl
iflng four games more than last season.
Following la the schedule of the home
g.m, of Ihe American league for the Vila. Thlrd'TlrT:";'
aeaaon oi im: ,
At Chicago
familiarity with his subject when he adds,
as MH.'K as you ever saw. i o'irs very
truly, UIlOYttll t'LKVKLAAU
Mr. Webb said he wanted this denial to
travel that the statement of Mr. Scott
might be overtaken.
Not a "Fool Friend
Mr. Cleveland was a friend of the negro,
Expedient second, bllt not a fool friend," said Mr. Webb,
He never by word or act encouraged the
St. J .on Is May 6. 7, 8, ; June 29. SO; July
1. 2: October 7. 8. 9
Detroit April 18. II). 20; June 2; July S.
, 4; (fciptemoer in, IV, v
CI!,,vHfndrA,,rn. K K May a; Junp Magic Flute second,
21, t!. HeplemlHT 11, 12, 1:1. Time- 116V
Washington June 1, 2, 3, 4; August 1,. 2, Hocond race, one
3. 4. September 27. 28. 29.
Philadelphia June 6. A. 7. 8: Ausrust 5. C.
7, ; BiVtember 24. 25. 2rt.
New York June 10, 11. 12, 13; August 10,
11, 12, 13; September 31; October 1, 2.
Boston Juno 16, 16, 18, 19; August 14, 15,
16, 17; October 3, 4.
At at. IaibIs.
Chicago-May 1. 2, 3, 4; July 7. 8, , 1(1;
September 16. 16, 17.
Detroit April 14, 15. Hi, 17, 24; May 29;
June 21, 22. 1; September 11, 12, 13.
Cleveland April 18. 1U. ). 21; June 26, 26.
27; July 1; Septemlier 18, 20. 21.
Washington June 6. , 7, 8; August S,
8 won. Young Morella second,
peeress third, jimu; i.avt
Fourth race, one mile and flvo yards
Put Morrissey won
Fifth race, five furlongs: Pickaway won, Hr.m nf ,1.1 pnniiiiv in tho i,ru.t nt
Nonle second, yuix 11 third. Time: 1:U8. "
Sixth race, six furlongs: Hanflpress won. n muu.
Modder second, Fulr Ijidy Anna third. This was greeted with applause by the
lime: l:lnV democrats.
r s-ttl A M 1 1 1. T ira lla,h 3 amnf fAaiilfs I
First race, six' furl'ngs: Revolt won. "Again," ho continued, "he was the
Maud Brown tniru. i rriena or the colored man, but he was also
. Y. a. 9 . 1. n 1. . . . V t .
fsncnnd race, one mile and an eighth:
Tri won Durbar Second. Turtle third, ympamiwu witn us in our race problems
Time: 1:6.". and race burdens, and that, sir. Is more
Third race, six furlongs: ivatnerine r.nnis tnan Mr Roosevelt seemed ever to have
won. t nier Ainnn secoiio, mainn nuB
Ihlnt Time: 1 :15V4
Fourth race, one mile, handicap: Waswlft 1 Mr. Scott said he accepted the statement
won. Columbia HIN second, warto isicnt 0f Mr. Cleveland as true and offered his
third Time: 1 :39. .nolnirv In the fnrmn In Inallco
vifth race Ninuson course: nianon won. - - -w ' - J
I,,1 1 if. Welthoff second. Walter third. Time: to himself, said Mr. Scott, he desired to
1 :1 1 i- , .,,.-, I ay that he never before heard the report
nixin race, six iuimios. ;
VI . at- chpUtnnhar third
Time- 1:1614. Mr. 3wanson (Va.) aKea mr. oeott
NEw ORLEANS. March 3 Kesuns: where he had heard the report, to which
.-irsr race one mite ami peveniT vnriir. i n . . ., . . . . . i.
fc7. s; September Z4.. 26, 28. irAi.i- Pnn W.rH.. second. Scotch r- Bro" repuen mat ne nan r.i ioC
- 4- H?n k3' '' AUSU"t 11 2' ThlatlV third.' Time: statement In
September 27, 2S, 2'J. u a on rr.Ho- John won Dr. ..k.a
newspapers. Mr. Bwanson
n . .11.. TAk .nn n 1 . M 11 - . .
XW Vorlc Inn- If. til 17 1 IS- jiirn.t necona rurr, out- nun. "iiu '"" IM1 lurmer lur a lOlJ oi .o-n.-M.-i--i
li i Tld 1 17: Octobe? 3. 4' i." ' ' AuKxigt Carrlck second. Governor Boyd third. Time. contftlmn thB statement. Mr. Scott rx-
DnMlr.ii Timtt 111 11 19 19 iiinl 1A 11 I ... I T n I I !... V.n .aAmair.t-i war. mala
Third race, on mile: illuminate won, f"" i"-;i
Hegyrla second. Mistake third. Time; several years ago ana the papers might
l:4Vi- .... . .not be easily procured. He said that he
u fflLs'twa: W full apology to Mr. Cleveland
Iclole third. Time: 1 :46V. 1 Mr. Scott added that he had brought, to
Boston June 10. 11. 12., 13: August 10. 11
12, 13; September 30; October 1, 2.
At Detroit.
Chicago April 77, 28. 29, 30; June
27, 2k; September S, 6, 6.
24. 25,
t. Lnus APNI 22. ZS. 25. 2: May 28. 30. ""'"" "L - - - T " r
30 ' UntitineliiT 89. .f - -'' HTtn-nce.-niieniiw mm ? V Mr- Cleveland, for the nrst time in lour
New Y'ork June 1. '. 3. 4: August 1. 2.
3, 4; September !7, 28. 29.
Boatou Juno 6. 7. 8, t; August 6, 6, 8, 9
September 2,1, 24, a".
At Cleveland.
The liuardsman won. Jake Weber second,
The anouiKement that Armour ha
bought the Llplnn plant In Chicago Is
generally accepted In Omaha as good
evidence that the lines of the beef trust
are being tightened. At the time the
proposed organisation of the beef trust
was openly announced, about two years
ago. Armour made an attempt to secure
control of the Llptnn properties, but Sir
Thomas refused to sell, lie not only refused,
but mi.le the statement that If a trust was
organised among the packers In this
country, he would fight It. This was given
as one of the principle reasons why the
organisation fell through at that time
One of the great Chicago packers, since
deceased, slated when tho project failed
that the next time an organization was at
tempted it would be gone about more
quietly and the public would not be taken
Into tho confidence of the packing house
A story went the rounds at the time of
the attempted organization which created
considerable talk. It, was that O. F. Swift
who was to have been prisldctit of the
organization, and who was tn fact the
man that was making the attempt to gt
the p i kers together, sent a cablegram to
Sir Thomas Llpton which asked, "What
will you take for your packing plant In
Chicago?" The reply came back In four
words. "What will you take?" This mes
sage ended the attempt to absorb the
Llptor. possessions.
It was generally understood nt the time
that Kdward A. Cudahy of South Omaha
was to have been general manager of the
mammoth affair bod the organization
proven successful. The. capital was placed
ut J500.000.000.
l'rof. Richard Ureen Moulton, I'nlvcrslty of
ilcago, and others.
dominated Without Opposition
RI.ooMINtlTON. 111. March S The re
publican convention of the Sevevtemth
congressional district, which Includes the
counties of McLean, Woodford, Ford. Liv-
Wftlrlnieur Snips School Work.
OXFORD. . V in'i :'. -Dr. I.elli 3
McKce his resiuird tlie pres. ! of the
W estern Female c'lli r -. efte.-Mv" m t
.T ine 8hc will be su. ,ed ry Dr l.ili ui
W. Johnson of Memphis. Term It an
nounced that Dr. McKie will be
Kansas Republican illl.
C, V UN KPT. Ix.iti Marih " - Ihe
lie.m com i -iMon of li-,.- Secii-vl
ci.nisresst.iini! illstrbt held lure iodic,
split . one inrt :n r.-nitn im-1 bur f ennrcssma n
,1 Klin : iowii"iek i f I. awn im- inul
i.tlur nnnii.g J Alien of nttaw.-i.
e.'ltol- of Ihl llel.llil ll.ilh c-eielltlons en-
ilo- snl rns.deut Roos.'wit f'-r I l onilii.i-tion.
in popular favor because of its good
ness its unvarying quality keeps it up. Over
a million sold daily. Cremo 5c. anywhere.
It's worth it anytime.
Largest Seller in the World!,
&xo ".I'"' 'iZg Qgfttf & MglB Smoker's Protection ".
Action Believed Advisable In lew of
the Disturbed Conditions of
Ihe C'oantry.
NEW YORK. March 3 In view of the
Washington press dispatches reporting that
Americans In Seoul, Corea, and vicinity,
had been sent to the Philippines by direc
tion of Fnited States Minister Allen, H.
K. Carroll, ono of the corresponding sec
retaries of the Mission society of the Meth
odist Kplscopal church, sent the following
dispatch to Secretary of State Hay:
Have the missionaries In Corea been or
dered by I'nlted States Minister Allen to
Manila or elsewhere? I respectfully ask
In the Interest of the Missionary Society of
the Methodist Kplscopal church.
Mr. Hay replied as follows:
Our missionaries In Corea have been ad
vised to consult with Minister Allen and
when practicable to follow his Instructions.
This movement does not assume to order
their movements, but In time of war the
legation opportunities for protection are
limited by hostile movements and by oif
ficultlea of communication, so that onidencn
is advisable, having in view the safety of
tne missionaries ana famines.
years, applause on the democratic side.
St i . a ...... n . r . T . . . m
. vrmiiu-raa, -"" , nluji a.,,, 'o,U Time: l:IM.
J hinnJ.;ne' lb 11. 13. 14: Auaust race, six furlongs: New Mown Hay This was loudly applauded upon the ma
10 11 12 l.P October 3 4 6 yvon, Marttana second, Bt. -Bro intra, jorlty side of the chamber.
Vn'T-'' r;.,".": . n. !? ,,"-,AUu" - HOT SPRINOS. March 3 -Rults: P.s.e. Dl.tHct Bill.
run inn-. i ,i UOes noi me genilPman ejerce ion.1 n
Volto se ond. Bob ( urt third. Time. 1 .15. WOUd btt improper and a lack of dignity
Second race, eleven-sixteenths ol a mile. ff)P th. pr-jent of the I'nlted States or
Tlanet won. Stub second. Tom Crah third. an as.pirtent to ruah Into print and deny
Tiiint rao !( furlonss: Benton won
T.aura Hunter second, Anona third. Time:
. i
Denies that He U Re-lilnd Wrilrrn Pa
cific Project or Dissatisfied with
Present Connections.
Chicago April 22. 23. 26. 26, May 28. 30,
Jo. 31; September 8, ft. In,
St. Louis April 27. 28, 29. 30; July 4, 4. 6,
; Bepiemoer b, b, h.
Deirolt May 6. 7, 9, 10; July 7. 8. 9, 11:
Beptomoer lb. in, If.
HIV rn vciccn i ..... i. 4 n
. . . .. . . Aimi, v iini lii o. ijrin m,rt ...
every newspaper statement inai mignt ne , , , . f ,h r, .
put outT asked Mr. iiarawicK n.ta.. - -
. .aill ..." wn, nil-Ollipail!U llj lilH l.tlllliy SOU
Ur Huntt rsnlled that he was not crl
I ' ........ SAVAml rn I! n a v Ol ., I t ., .1 .1 .. ., t .
Pnnrth race, one-half mile. Bath House tidsina the farmer president of the t ntiea - i r.....
purse: Hadrian won. fnariey s Aiim sec- Btate. for not having heretofore made a J""1 "" imm tne souin. j ne
ond. Sentry third. Time: 0:60'. in. htm full credit for Part' "n making a tour of the
hlngton June 15. 16 17. 18: August John E. Owens second. Dusky Hecrettniro. the denial he now makes," ne aaaea
16, iti, 17, is; Heptember jo; October 1. 2. 1 lime: i:it.
fniiadeiphia June 10. ll, 13. 14; August Hixtn race, one nine iu
Haalt.hla. l,,,aa 111 11 11 14' liimi, I UlVth Ml f One mi f S 1111 Bl ll?ril I II .
10. 11. 12, 13; October 3, 4. 6. Flora Bright won. I-oulsvllle second, King-
New York June b. 7, 8. 9; August i, 6, 8, stelle third. Time: i:.
O CLahlnrnVa.. Q'l 01 V. I
'Boston-June 1. 3. "j," 4; August 1. 2. 3. 4; DEFEATS BADGER 'VAHHITV TRAM.
beptomber 27, :'8, 2.
At Waahlnartoa,.
Chicago May 16. 17. IK, 1; July 16. 18.
1. is; Heptemher 1, 2, t.
8t. luls-May 11. 12. 13. 14; July U 13.
14. It; August 29, 30, 31.
Detroit May 2U, 31, 23; July 21, 22, 23, "3;
August IS. 20. 22, 23.
Cleveland May 24. 26, 26; July 26, 27, 29,
3ti; August 24, 2&. 26. V.
PhlladelDhia AdiII 14. 16. 16: July 26. 27
28. H: Ociobor 7. a. 10.
rw Tora April a, 23, 26, 2; June 21, 22,1 W isconsin. i-osmon.
QaAlanha. Ill IB 11 I ..a .I.U Dlohl lllT. H T(1
, n.IIWUUCl W, l, ... I HU'I UIIUTIIIV . . , r . . a . . - . -
uosion Aurll ri. a. a. an: JUIV . 4. 6. 8: HiAlnmets L.eri rorwaru.
Beptember 7, s, . flcbofMd Center.....
At PhlWadelDhla. Melees Kigni guara.
rai.. w... ... ........ .. Beverlii lftguara
' 15; August if, 30. 31.
fit. lxiuls .vlay 16, 17, 18, 11; July 16, IS.
1, 30; September 1, 2. 1
De-trolt May M. 26. W; July 26, 27. 2, 30;
August 24, 26, 26, 27.
ClevelandMay Jo, 21, 23; July 21, 22. 23,
25: August IS, 20, 22, 23.
Washington .May 6. f. , 10; July 7, . 9.
11: September 14, 13. 16.
New York April 37, .H, 30; July 4. 4,5;
6; September 7. 8. II.
Boston April 23. 26. J6; June 21. 22. ToJ.I
z, zi; Beptember 10, 12. 13.
At New lork.
2, 23, 2i
southern and southwestern states, stopping
Mr. Williams said the whole Incident nt 8on "''f - n1 8"n,a Barbara on Its
nny tit 1x119 11 13 , in n llllf AIT.
Cheap Settlers' Rates
March 1, 8,15,22 and April 5, 12, 19 and 26
Particular at City Ticket Office. 1402 Par nam St., or write
W. H. BRILL, Dist. Pass. Agt. Omaha, Neb.
.kwi th. i.ndplvin hvoocrisv of the 1,l-- 1,1 "
: ' .11 m.r. .r- eni-l rerd. Goul5 aenlp1 th" frequent reports that
LinilHU.I"ll ll'l ..a--. a a a. a, - - r
less of color, race, traits and tendencies.
Mr. IJnd (Minn.) complained of extra
vagance In district affairs, asserting that
It cost, more to run thn District of Co
lumbia than the whole state of Minnesota
and other speakers likewise complained
t BeDti
tons City Basket Ball Men Make Flac
a howl aa".
aint-v CITY. la.. March 3 (.Special Tele-
n iTh Vnnni Men's Christian asso-
iotinn niania this evenina defeated the , thnrn were too many Institutions and
T-nverslty of Wlnconsln at basket ball by tQo jaiaried offlcla'.s and not proper
.'ii .m nlsved the visitors off their fet cleaning of streets
end led In the score throughout the game. Ths house passed the District of Co
1'la-r was fast and furious, i he imeup iumbla appropriation bill and then began
... psyer I consideration oi m inumn ayirui muvu
Detwliier ijiii, Th8 house at 6 p. m., adjourned until
Cummins tomorrow
tun dc iii I cn IM DftPC DlnT
..), Defeats Tabor. I wfU nt IXII.I.I.U lis unvu imwi
I ne inung men a "T""V ' . I .... . . . ui..ii..
basket ball team reoort nne treatment wniie ismran "i"' ..
at the bands of the Tabor. team wnue in- Aloaaslda ot Colored
that cltv Velnedav The Omaha lioy.
a.r.t,ira..i iha 0U m a from the Tatior team
which was played that night. The lineup
wa. as follows:
TAIliiR. i Y. M. C. A
FOItT SMITH, Ark., March I In add.
Chicago May 20 21. 23. July 21.
fit. 1-ouls-SaVy 'ii, x, July 26, 38,
w , nuiu.i n, ja,, .n, .1.
Detmlt-May 16 17, IS, 19; July 16, 18, 18
.v, nt-iirmoer I, j, s,
rti-titer r r wii"T tion t,. Julin Hrnincr. J. C. BuUer and C.
Wnu-l C C.
KIM nln-
rnlb i'0.
Timekeeper. Mincer; umpire and man
r. r Huitin: referee. Kelson
Score: Young Men-. Christian assocla
Hon. 36; Tubor. Ti.
Cleveland Mav 11
14. 16; August 29, , 31
13. 13. 14;
July 12. 13,
v ashlutrton Muv 2. 3. 4. h: June .til' I, ,1a.
4. i . cryirnilier II, ll. 1, Jl.
rhlladnlphlu April 1 i, 2i). 27; May 27
2s. 3u. 31; Heptember 8, 5, 0.
Boston April 14. 15, 16; July 7. I, 9, 11;
October 7. , 10, lu.
At Bonus,
Chicago May S4, Do. 26; July 26, 27. 29.
A usual 24. . 26, 27.
St. laoul. May 2n. 21. 23; July 21, 2J. 23.
S; August 19, 22, 23.
Detroit May 11. 12, 13. 14; July 12. 13. 14.
IS; August . 30, 31.
Cleveland May, 16. 17, Is. 19; July It, IS,
ni-iiiruiufr I, , a.
Kiriis u ninvina whii men. Waiter Jackson, a
Churchill I ' , , . . ' . ,.,
Anilsraoa I negro, wiia sjiiihi in tiiiiii.--fc uciwn
wldte. and blacks at Ilokoshe, I. T. Wil
liam Prloe. ono of the negroes shot. Is at a
hospital here. He aays the negroes were
ordered out of the camp and went. They
returned the day following armed and
ready to resist on attack. Seventeen of
On Selleck s alley, yesterday the Omali ... w,ra ,tandlng in a group on the depot
HCe teim io.. ins nunc. 'I"". ,K arrival a trsln
...rells into c-aniD. two oui oi mree ganiea. i -
Dovle ....
Smiley ...
Sullivan .
Tarker ...
1st. 2d
, 167
, 131
3d. Total
Wshlnt.,n Anrll in l in Wl-
..a. ju; tiepiemner 6.
Philadelphia May 2.
May 27.
June 30;
30: tieptember 6. 6. 6.
ade nlilu Mnv .1 i la-
July 1. 1; 17. 19. 20, 21.
wior-W'y 7- . 1"; June 2S, 17.
t, 29; September 14. 15, 16.
3d. Total.
1 4H9
Laaa Makes Radical Changes I
Constitution wad ulves Per
ntaarat Oaarhlsea.
NEW YOKK. March 3 -The members of
the National Irttgua at their meeting today
ratified the report of the Joint coinnilltoe
on the playing rules and adopted Hu. rules
of the committee consisting of Meaers.
Brtish. Herrmann and Potter, appointed
at the anuual meeting lust fn ,0 revise
the cunatttuliun.
The tl-f Cailistlllltlon a..Ji
cal changes and coiupletsly disposes of I Hughes
any iocs mar eiiner ieugue may have had I
ior vonsoiiuaiioii. i ne iiaroe Is changed
to read "National league of Profraaloual
llaaaaaa U . 11 J-1T....U" ....I
-"a. - . I . a PIIU l.ItT I -UI .M S II
Totals M 72it
1st. 2d.
Kicoll 1
MiCiimbrldge 1-6 9-'
Stafford IJ lu
Gorman ' -
Oulnn 118 H6
Totals 672 6t'l 766 2.Bl
On Sellecks alleys last evening the
Omahaa won three games from the (.olta.
Bcisre :
Wlgman 193
Zarp 1"
Huntington 244
Bartsch 1"&
Kmery 213
when one of the white men shot at Jack
son, who returned the lire. Both men
4j I aroppea aeaa. tiotn wnue. tuiu Diacas mt-n
468 I began hooting, the latter scattering In all
' I dlrei-tlons and seeking placas of safety.
400 tneir rngni pui a siop in me uuuiuci. rnw
says many were wounded. ,
The negroes were .employed on the Mid
he was behind the Western Pacific rail
road project. The Southern Pacific con
nections with the Gould and other roads
to the west, he saJd. were eminently satis
factory and he could see no reason why
he should contemplate an Invasion of the
coast territory so long as these pleasant
relations continued. The same statement,
he added, would apply to the Santa Fe
When Yon Have av Bad Cold
You want a remedy that will not only give
quick relief, but effect a permanent cure.
You wsnt a remedy that will relieve the
lungs and keep expectoration easy.
You want a remedy that will counteract
any tendency toward pneumonia.
You want a remedy that Is pleasant and
safe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all
of these requirements and for the speedy
snd permanent cure of bad eulds, stands
without a peer. t
Missouri and Illinois Collide,
WASHINGTON. March 3.-"Rear Admiral
Barker cables the Navy department from
Uuantanamo, under yesterday's date as
"On making passage from Quontanamo
to Pensacola, l-'la . the Missouri's steam
steering gear became disabled and It
collided with the Illinois, damaging the port
propellor of the latter, but with slight
Injury to Itself. The Illinois has been
ordered to the navy yard at New York to
have its propeller replaced. "
Religious Education la Home.
PHILADELPHIA, March 8 The dele
gates to the convention of the Religious
Educational association today participated
In numerous deirtmontal meetings. A ape-
Neale ....
Honnell ..
, 137
2d Id Total.
I'D 1 70 5?.3
M6 66
2 IS 276 667
2V6 ;li t:i
231 ls 611
1,106 966 t.077
21. Sd. Tots!.
211 liS 679
216 1' 616
152 169 446
1 ;-i:t U4
21 J UC 610
"wi 17 2.17
A disease so painful and far-reaching in its effects upon
the human system as Rheumatism must have a deep and
well-laid foundation. It originates and develops in the
blood, and, like other diseases of the blood, is frequently
inherited. The poisonous acids with which the blood is
charged circulate through the Fyetetn, breaking down the
Columbus, 0-, May 80, 1003.
and causing the sharp, cutting tism. I was laid up in bed for six months, and th
a.;-.. ..l;,- Dl,.,,m.ii.m dootors I had did ine no good. They e banged med-
pains peculiar to Rheumatism. tom, .vry week, and nothing they prescribed
ITnteaa the hlnru. in nnrifiei, seemed to heln ids. Finally I left off their medi.
oine and began ths nsa of S. S. 8. My knee aud
slbow Joints wars so swollen and painful that I
could not elos them when opened. I was getting
r.aarlr.4 .liff on.l nr unA tin-, dtsoonraged when I began b. d. o.. out as I saw it
rendered stiB ana sore, ana tne WM hBlpfnms,oontinuKj,and to-day amasound,
1 nervea are enmnlete! v w-recV n well man
Alx-I., . 1 13&Q Mt. Vernon At.
nutuiuauoiii , " I'm u
naii consist or elunt cities lt,,i,,i.
York. Krooklyn. I'hlladeli.hU Im.i,,,r niirAfiO. March 1 Mrs. W. A
Cincinnati, ki. Louis un.l i'I,i,-,.a '.. uiil ,.r iiimmir was tudav elected Dresl-
tini. I dent.of the Women's Western Oolf asoca-I tional blood disease, reauires internal treatment. Liniments, nlasters and such
Section J of the ciM.stltutlon formerly tion.' Recommendation was madu to the . annlied outwardltr erive cnlw lumtmraru relief S S is th
read - or such other cuie which may b executive committee that In championship j tuings as lire appilea outwaraiy, give only temporary reiiei. O. f). a. Is ine
fi-H.iea io mainoersnip vy tne league." By I tournament nereaner proieuionai piayers
ia Kii.nii me .aiioiiai league gars a er I be deoacrea iroin aeiuig iiumri, inn
manent franchise to th eight cities named
, .."""iiiisih ruiuam explained it thus:
r- 'Owners uf tluba may change, but the
cities wl.i (he ,-luba sre it, teal cannot
b rhsnged unices by another rhang In
, th constitution of th leagu "
In section 6. referring to th admission
of clubs, th word "club" Is now mad to
read "company " th lesgu In this man.
star rsrvins th right to control It own
that trams shall connUt of but four play
ers Instead of flv.
Ds'l lus a Meal
Through dyspepsia and Indigestion. Tak
Klwtrte Bitters. They cur stomach troubles
or no pay. Only 0c. For sal by Kubo h
recognized greatest of all blood puriiers and tonics, and
in no disease does it act so promptly and beneficially as
Rheumatism, neutralizing the acids and restoring the
blood to a pure, healthy condition and invigorating and
toning op the nerves and all parts of the system. It is
guaranteed 6trictly vegetable, containing no Potash or other harmful drugs.
Write ns should you desire medical advice or other information, which will
cost you nothing. JHt 9 mfj SPCCIflC CO., A TIAMTA, CA.
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