Iff TITE OMATIA' DAILY BEEt TnnnPDAY. MATJCIT 3. 1004. HARMONY AND CO-OPERATION I Peaoe and Prograis Aa male Deliteratioi of Farmers' Exchange. LOVE FEAST AFTER DIRECTORS' ELECTION Ofllrera Are Klocteil, Tllh II. X. Ualnea of Topeaa Prr.Mrnt, II. II. Hank of ftrbraaka Illy t Ire rrraldeot. Harmony wn th watchword at the wr onrt srsslon of the Farmers' Cooperative exchange nt the Millard hotel. An If by common ecjnsr:t hII illfTerencna swrnod to have been laid b1Jc and the business of the meeting; whs taken up and carried through f'bout d'li.y or opposition. At the mntlnn of the board of director! of the Farmers' National eic.hanfre, held at the Millard after the onr&nlsatlon meet Ina; of the tnaJn lxly )-enter day afternoon, the following officer to govern the asso ciation were unanimously chosen: H. N. Oalnes of Topaka,, president; H. H. Hanks of Nehraaka nty, vice president; Robert IJndMonm of Chicago, secretary, and A. O. Van Fatten of Van Fetten. II!., treasurer. . committee was aj-polnted, composed of members of the board, to look after the filing of the articles of Incorporation at Pierre, 8. I)., where It was decided to In corporate. The constitution and bylaw were adopted by the board so far as they could be In the present Imperfect state of organization of the concern, after which the board adjourned to meet In Chicago April 6, at which meeting the organliatlon will be completed. All members of the committee were very optimistic last night after the session and expressed themselves as having great faith In the ultimate outcome of the movement. Constitution and By-Laws. The report of the national committee ap pointed to draft a constitution, and bylaws was read and the articles were unani mously adopted. Following this the elec tion of directors was taken up and the members of the board choeen, one at a time, by ballot. The following were agreed upon to constitute the board: H. N. Gaines, Topeka; J. E. Jackson, Buckman, Minn.; L. 13. Day, Albion; A. O. Van Petten, Van Petten, III.; W. H. Huec kel, Caaeyvllle, 111.; II. H. Hanks, Ne braska City; C. E. Balnum, Alva, Okl.; Mr. Stroashaugh, Waklta, Okl.; J. A. Payne, Hamburg, la. The election of directors was followed by a love feast during which tke leading members of the association pledged their support to the organisation. J. 8. Can ad ay of Mlnden, president of the Nebraska association, said: Looks for fltroasr llrotherhnod. "I wish you Godspeed and will be with you and do everything I can to promote the welfare of the organization." James Butler, president of the Kansas association, said: "I hope to see a great brotherhood of, co-operators built from this beginning and I believe there will be. In pushing the projects of the organisation you may rest assured that I will work In harmony with you and use my Influence to get others to do likewise." At this period the members grew very enthusiastic and subscriptions were asked for. 'A large number of those present en tered their names pledging various amounts. The question then arose as to who should care for the money, no treas urer having been elected. This resulted In the election of Earl Brown of Con cordia, Kan., as temporary chairman of the organisation. All of the business which had been out lined and for which the meeting had been called having been transacted, a move was mad te adjourn, which carried and the organisation meeting was at an end. The Incorporation papers of the organ isation will be filed In the state of gouth Dakota, ' on account of the fact that the fees In that state are lower than In any other. The headquarters of the concern will be at Pierre, ostensibly, but It Is understood that the general business will be transacted In Chicago, and the general offices will be located there. Sale of Imported Hosiery Saturday i ol LO Ladies' $1 Waists at 39c ySK , f y fx nun IF2 i Fvi it ill ji i43 hale of TABL!2 CLOTHS Saturday Hundreds nf pretfy, int.ll made, and up-to-date waists tomorrow at less than half thdr regular gelling price. These waints ore made of crepe cloth in neat patterns, tucked and pleated fronts, tab utock collars and the correct fitjle sleeves in all sizes would sell regularly up to one dol lar each tomorrow main floor bar gain square, at 39c Swiss Embroideries at 2ic Yard Fine Swiss embroideries and insertings. all widths have been on display in our show window worth as high as 15c yard, tomorrow, at, yard . Fine Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries Insertings and galloons, suitable for corset f A C covers and skirtings, to 18 ins. wide, yd. . KJCmjStDC va JL' 1UO Zc Ladles' Fine Petticoats at 49c and 98c 49c-98c A CROW OF GLOHT As .Well as m Mark of Beauty Is Lai- nrtoaa Hair. It haa been truly said that the crowning glory of our race Is a luxuriant head of hair. It uaed to be thought that this was one of the blessings which the gods bestow capriciously, and It Is only recently that scientists have discovered that its beauty Is dependent upon the absence of a minute germ which flourishes In the hair follicles, where It destroys the life of the hair. To restore this life and kill the germs which cause the mlRchlef Is the mission of Kewbro's Herplclde. Herplclde surely kills the germs, and Is the best hair dressing on the market. It contains no grease or oil, neither will It stain or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Bend lOo In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. CHITTENDEN CHANGES PLANS reraaeat Kaglneer Orders Resnr T "eandlaa of River ail Will Come Himself. County Surveyor Ertnulat returned from Sioux City Tuesday night, where he went to submit plans recently approved by the Board of County Commissioner for the) re inforcement of the banks of the Missouri river at certain points In East Omaha. These plans were shown Oovemment En gineer Chittenden, but only partially ap proved by him. In fact so many and ma terial were the changes suggested that soundings of the river will have ta be made and a partial resurvey of the points tn question prepared. This will be done to morrow by the surveyor and the plans pre pared for Colonel Chittenden's approval on Saturday, when he will come to this city and make a thorough inspection of the rtver at the point affected, with the double object of baaing his recommendations for permanent Improvement to be made by the government and the allowing of the tem porary safeguards to be erected. The work will then be pushed with all possible haste, as the parties Interested believe that as the season advances their property becomes In more Imminent danger. County Surveyor Kdqjlat went to Valley at an early hour yesterday to look Into the matter of the danger threatened to the Whitney bridge by the breaking up of the tee In the river at that point, and to do some work In furtherance of the surrey of the Klkhorn that Is being made for the purpose of determining the level of the ad jacent country with reference to the ditches that have bwen and will be put In there later on. The loe waa not found to be tn an Immediately dangerous condition, but was dynamited in several plaoea to avoid tha posHslblllty of any trouble arUang from It. Mark Uay Pears to lMk. nMtrk.?uy w"l lecture In Hansoora Park Methodist Hplsoopal churoh n.it Wednesday ' evening on -Hugh ltlmer-a Story of the KnulUh Reformation." Dr. ree la a well known worker among th Iondon oor and la making a tour of tha Wee, Dr. J-earse Is also an author of Italian cloth, mercerized like sateen, elaborately trimmed with juby niching, clusters of tucks, accordeon pleated flounces, wide ru flies, etc. colors black and black and white, worth up to $2.00 each tomorrow, main floor at, each , All Linen Handkerchiefs Ladles' and men's large size all linen handkerchiefs, some laoe edged and em- C broldered corners, at, each , IJC Ladies9 Spring Suits , Skirts The swell new suits for spring at very special prices for tomorrow we present a new lot of very nobby and fash ionable suits in the best new colors Eton jackets, military effects, etc. jackets satin lined, pleated skirts, very special, at Novelty suits At SI4. 85 Here are some of the very smart eat suits that have been displayed so far every am g m late style feature all the newest and swellest X f S styles and colors very special tomorrow at . . . . J Ladies' and Miss' Wal king-Skirts In golf, novelty and mixed CQ cloths ?ery new and stylish Ia0 A fine assortment of highest grade dress and walking skirts on special sale In our ladies' suit der artment, Watch our J Windows i .njuj fiiiti x cinu 9.98 Em Watch our Windows i E W E art pleated to announce the sequel to the tale of slipptrs we held three weeks ago. On Friday, March 4, tee will place on sale all the SAMPLES OF OXFORD TIES i made by D. (Men d Sons of iV'eto 1 orfc -the $amc people who made the elippcrt. These eamplet of Oxford Tift will be displayed and on tale on our tccond floor, and we promise jtt at great a bargain in the oxfords as we gave in the slippers. These samples include oxford tics or low shots suitable for every occasion during the summer month. B i - 1 DR. BRADBURY - 1506 Farnam Painless Extraction DENTIST. TEL 1756. Without Oaa. ..w.a,.,,, ,.- Fllllnza 30c ud f "" dold Crowns, $2.50 up Bridge Work $2.50 up Lady Attendant QDCDElV Fourteen Years Same Location We positively remove nerves from teetb with out the least particle of pain. Plates $2 up. OpenSundays 10 to 12 In religious thought Mrs. Prarae accom panies him and they go from Omaha to St. Louis. MAY MAKE INK IN OMAHA Ka as City Concern Prnaperta for Factor? and Warehoaae la This City. The Bankers' Ink company of Kansas City may establish a warehouse In Omaha and later a branch factory for the manu facture of writing lnka. Manager S. D. Nelson of the company Is In Omaha anl has' been talking with Omaha jobbing and retail firms using the inks. He Is fa vorably Impressed by the advantages of this city and If he learns nothing before his departure Friday to change his Idea the oompany will rent a warehouse. The Bankers' Ink company has been In business three years at Kansas City and makes all kinds of writing fluid, cream paste and mucilage. Effect of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you have a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes Us expulsion from the air cells ot the lungs, produces a free expectoration and opens the secretions. A complete cure soon follows. Thla remedy will cure a severe cold In less time than any other treatment and It leaves the system In a natural and healthy condition. It counter acts any tendency toward pneumonia. Chaaeeller Andrews Gaeet. The annual dinner of the church society of I'nlty church Is to be held Tuesday evening. Chancellor Andrews of the uni versity 1h to be the speaker of the even ing Had will talk on, "Problems of Greater America." There will be a few other Hpeakers. The dinner will be laid In the church parlors and Is to begin at 6 o'clock. Unity memters bellnve they were the first in Omaha to hold yearly church dinners. That was a shrewd remark which an old merchant made recently to a young mer chant: "Handle goods of reputation, my boy," said he. And he was worth llaten Ing to, for he had made a fortune in a Utle country town. Below are goods with a national reputation, consumer, and It will pay you well to buy them. Bell's Mocha and Java Coffee, 20c lb., subject to market fluctuations; Bell's Banner Coffee. SOc lb.; Bell's Imperial Coffee, 36o lb.; Bell's Crown Brand Coffee, 40o lb.; Bell's O. O. Plantation Coffee (best In the world), 46c lb. Bold only In one pound sealed packages, moisture and dust proof. Ask for Bell's coffees and get the beat. Attention, Members of the Alpha Camp, W. O. W. The camp will meet next Thursday even ing, March the 3d, in Its new hall, 110 and 111 8. 14th street. There will be several candidates for Initiation, and It Is hoped there will be a good attendance to assist in showing them the mysteries of the fra ternity. Come out and help us. CHAS. UNITT, Clerk. To Enlarge For at Linn, Another section of Poreat Lawn come tery will be opened thla spring. Superln tendant J. Y. Craig mean to begin work as soon as the frost Is out of the ground The new section will be an addition on the hill slope below section twenty. Three hundred and twenty acres are Included in tlie cemtitery tract and about twenty acres only have so far been laid out and lota sold. More room la now needed Trndlug Stamps Free WM yields THkl HKLIABXB ITng. Trading Stamps Free New Spring Beauties. Hundreds of Them. New Suits, New Jackets. NEW RAIN COATS NEW VOILE SICIRTB NEW VAIST- The finest line of women's garments ever seen In Omaha, will be ahown for the firat time Thursday. Io not till to af-e them. Uundreda of satisfied customers have taken advantage of our early taiea. lou should do the same. NOBBT ETON BriTS ftandaome stylish garments with aILk lined jackets and the Bw Oaring aleeve made to aell at til ths beet auit In America q QQ WOMEN-8 NEW BTTT8, tn fine cheviot mixtures, etamloes and voilea, 20 dif ferent styles to select from, the at tractive merits of this garment are man ifold, made to sell for JL1.60- tn nn our price Thursday WOMEN'S NEW SlUTS Just received nrat time shown Thursday, a beautiful garment, wltn a dash of outing which will plense made to sell for i tl tffi.SO-Thursday's price I4.VU WOMEN'S NEW BUITB direct copies of Imported $75 garments, manufactured In New iork expreanly for our Omaha tradf rlrst showing Thursday og QQ Skirts Skirts Skirts ' WOMEN'S NEW SPRINa WAISTS. coum?yarwehhWJr m'Arr'"8 from n ,of th --eatt manufacturer. In the a,lU?heewh,ng manufacturers to ship us LINEN MADRAS WAISTS-ln plain white and polka dot special price Thursday, at ti on 60 doxen WOMEN'S WAISTS In Japanese and China Bilk, heavy veatlngs and lawns trimmed with embroidery and Insertion, worth up to $5.00 Thursday, at tl.60 IS LAND Slsof MEXICAN DRAWN WORK WAISTS, AT 12.90. K90, 16.90, $7.90, $12.90. WOMEN'S WRAPPERS-one lot of them, ju caucus ana nanneiettes at en. WOMEN'S MOIRK and mercerized sateen I underskirts, regular $2.00 values at $L00 WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS worth $5.00 at .$2.98 Fashionable Wash Fabrics in Our Main Wash Goods Oept Va-P rnii t.-. Vl Aim.nnT V... A., OXlr. . HIV f. t. ouiuc w l ite, cnu fcoT OF THE CHOICEST WAfltl rcnnnu pumiri'mi.Ma .ti .t., , ,n oo . a.-..r Olv 1904 j .k, l V. , O A Vi. XilJM DtA0Vi goods for draping over silk linings this novelty priced here QB. uuw Pure linen French fleck and checked VOH.E, In CHAMPAGNE and CREAM TINT un exclusive novelty confined to Hayden Bros., a fabric that Ih absolutely new1 and only ahown in Omaha by Hay den Bros. This select fabric haa every point to recommend It for stylish effects as any similar wool cloth contlng $2.60 to $3.60 a yard we price this e fr this excellent noveltv at. vard ... French net, printed in beautiful floral de- eltrns, the handsomest of all the new at French gauzo. In handsome ribbon and printed warp effects, a beautiful fabrio for fashionable evening wear, in the colors chosen to lead the OArt new season priced at, yard ......A'' First showing tomorrow of the latest WHITE WA18TINOS our special attrac tions at 25c, 35c, and 49a a yard. Extra Special Sale of Fine Shoes Thursday The entire sample lines of four of tha best shoe factories In New England. These shoes are miule un in the latest prvlna and from the heat of lnnthorti. anri warn made to retail at $2.60, $3.00, $.1.50, $1.(0, and $5.00 On sale Thursday In two lota: Lot No. 1 All the men's shoes O 45 I 2.600 pairs of women's, misses' child's, hoys' uij m ao.uu t. c.. - - ' i ano voums Lot No. 2 All tha men's and la- 4 flQ I $LR0 shoes dies' shoes, worth up to $3.50 w ' ON SAL.E THURSDAY. 98c BPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE "G ROVER" BHOES. Mareware, Stoves, llousefurnishings Filid-Veek f.1oney Savers Fine Turkey dusters ISn Oranlto spoons 6o Clnw hammer 9n All slel meat saw 19o Gordon rakes liio Patent sink htrnlrvors lOo Granite tea kettles nMo 10-quart tin dish pan 16o 14x21 Photo holders 6o O. K. wuHhcrs $5.16 a tinncu table spoons 12c 18-Inch hand saw ... ... .... Efio 20o butcher knife Wo 8 drawer aplce cabinet M 4flo 8 large rolla toilet paper ........ ., 10c All willow clothea banket 45o Inrge tin waah basin ....... ....... ....5c Folding coat hangcra ..... M 10o BPECIAL DEEP CUT IN HTDAT1NG STOVES, EGGS EGGS EGGS Strictly Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen 15c HAYDEW BROS. I understand that tlio Santa Fe will acll one May colonist tickets to California. during March and April at very low rates: $25 from Kansas City. Pleaaa advUe me full particulars. Name , Street Xo. City and State , Cut out this advertisement and mail to E. L. Palmer, Passenger Agent, A. T. & S. F. By., i09 EjuitabU Huilding, L)ts Moines, la. j r WHAT'S IN A NAME?" If yoo ask simply for Hunyadl Water, you wBI probably t wortliJos ud harmM sabstHut for Tb Natural LaxaJWa Water, which has thirty years' re petal ton with physicians and the public as the always-reliable remedy for COraSTQPATIOra. Tasrefore always ask for It by Its fall HUNYADI JAHQ8 H4LP A GLASS ON ARISING QlVtS FROMPT REUEP. The New Man- Tailored Suits::: for Womeiv are or display i A Few Desirable Rooms at Reasonable Prices. Thar ara four, and only four, vacant rooms In tha whole building. Amone tkam ara onm or two Mceptlonklly deslrabls medium sised rooms aa follows: Room lis: Tha ilu of th!. o(Bc 1. Hii it au a Urtm, burglar-proot .ult and h all ot tha adragtasM In Dtm war ot balnf la a ara-praot balldlu. apUndld (uillur and aur aarTlr. tr alotrlo UfUi. and wat.r. It la aoonalaBlljr loaat.4 mi Both lb WMajn Union and Poatal branch t.iKrktb efflta. Prin p-r month tn So. vita M: Mxa right la front ot th. ! lor aa Uu .nth Hour; dlvld Into waiting toom and prlrai gin, facoa auuth. Pric 1M. Room i6: Thla olBo. la 14x10 and la loc.i.l almoM In front of th. ai.r.ior, on th. third fluor. Th.i la one of th. trw amallar cai faclni th. uuth It I. flnlah la hard wood Intludli th. door. Prtca tu.o' Boom Ut Thla omea la UHill and la .r eonv.nlrut ta th. al.?ator, lu .nlrauoa h.iD .lmoot oppo.1t. to th. .l.T.tor door. It fai.i th. auath and la a vary aomfortabla oatc. botu la aunuDOT and wlnwr. Prioa v PETERS THE BEE BUILDING. dt CO., Rtntal Asents. Ground Floor. Baa Building Wo want to emphasize the impor-1 tante and advantage of a divtrsl fied stock from which to choose. There's as much satisfaction in it as in petting exceptional values. In selecting your new spring suit here you get both the newest of new styles at exceptional values. We are showing all the new styles in such a variety of effects and fabrics that none may look in vain. We're busy' selling the new suit? beyond the records of any thing vet known at this season. There's a tempting combination of stvle, quality and exclusi venous about thew units traVa showing that makes a purchase the natural consequence of an inspection. Man-Tailored Suits for Women $14.75, $16.75, $19.75, $24.75, $27.50 ( Y f) 0 3f Jib.. 1 I I II .afWlU-ataiaaaa. M. IU. ItT- IT ITllmAm .m fl aX a Green Trading Stamps Every jvJuv Time 'l 1 ' i One More Orange Sensation Two Dollars Worth of Green Stickers With One Dozen Oranges Thursday. Tha market Is booming- every succeeding- car commands a hlRher price. Wo have boug-ht one more car whole car, mind you, & cases In the oar of Lare, Sweet, Juicy Highland . Washington Navals .... HIGH COI5RKD. LUSCIOUS, SWEET AS SUGAR KRTJIT the more looks of them makes your mouth water Thursday in r ruit uepartment tasement TWO DOLLARS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS with each doien limit, three dot. to a customer no dealers or peddlers supplied price per dozen Women's Jackets for Spring A Brand New Stock on Sale Thursday Morning. Tan Etons. Blouses and Jackets. In coverts and cheviots, at $4.95, $5.95, $6.95, $7.45, $10.90, $13.75. Grean Trading Stamps With Every Jacket. Women's Silk Coats and Eton Jackets. TAFFETA SILK COATS at $3.95, $6.95, $7.50 and $7.95. PEAU DE SOIB SILK COATS at $9.50, $10.90, $13.50, $15.50, $16.90. SILK ETONS, taffeta. $5.95. SILK ETONS peau de sole, $7.95. SILK TRAVEL1NQ CLOAKS, full length, pleated back, three shoulder capes, very swell, $13.90. Green Trading Stamps With Every Garment. Dress Goods Bargain for Thursday. 200 pieces very pretty new Colored rra Goods, In all the pretty Kootch tweed effects, pretty sheer, crisp Voiles, new fancy Mohairs, 38 to 42 Inches vide, all In one lot Thursday at per yard Silks 50c Silks Silks 19-lnch guaranteed Black Taffeta only per yard 23-lnch Ruaranted Black Taffeta only per yard 38-lnch heavy Black Taffeta, worth $1.00 Thursday only per yard White Goods White Goods 60 pieces pretty fancy white goods for children's wear per yard 3o pieces pretty striped, checked and open work fancy white goods, worth 18c per yard Thursrs day only per yard 59c 75c 75c 5c 10c Rugs! Rugs! SOxGO double-faced wool Smyrna Bug. heavy wool fringe, a large line of patterns and colors to select from regular $2.60 values on t P ft sale Thursday each I jt A SID FIVK IMM.I.AIH WORTH OK GltKR TltADISO ' STAMPS. 27xUO Moquette and Axmlnster Rugs, in floral, medallion Tf and small Persian effects, worth up to $3.25. on sole Thursday. . . Jl AXn FIYH IMIM.AHM Willi P'l l ;.-.. t-., ....... aouine raced wool Smyrna Hug, heavy wool fringe worth $3.50 on sale Thursday each ' ANr fll I! (. I.AItM M (111 I'll III.' , . - " r... inui.-vu STAMPS 30x72 Moquette and Axmlnster Hug, In floral, Persian and t o plain centers each J AX . ' W lull I AOA m - ' ' ' ' a M J " ""'- UUKKS TKADI.Vfi STAMPS. ....2.38 Wa.ll Paper Jewelry Special sale on new spring " ffOOdo Up T 8ee our ndow diaplajr of Pearl Walat ? ,n . Jf Bt r Thursday's sala-posltlvely IrOtn too and tl.Ou valuea ThuraUy In Jewelry 1 Third Floor. ' uon-pr set lOW Leit! Demonstration Oa Main Floor. All kinds only the beat Fish on tha market. Mackerel. Herrlna. An- t''L TlIt ""l tonous article made by Stewart Broa., rhovtes. Finnan Haddles. Council Bluffs. Haudaoma colored Prices Right! ZZZT'ZZ?'- I Bee Want Ads Produce Result: 38