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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1904)
THE OMAIIA DAILY nEE: PATITRDAY, FERRUARY 27, 1904. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MISOR MKSTIOS, Davis sells drugs. L.fTrt's flntsca (It. Stockrrt arils carpets. Tlis Faut cigar. S- cants. A store for men "term's." Annual reduction on framed pictures. Alexander'. SIS Iiroadivni . Til. 3. Km. K. A. Mpi'ln l home from a visit at Hertin lvike, Minn. Aldermnn I.nvrtt Im cnnfliu-d to hi home with a Hpralncd ankle. Hrt Ingram returned ycsterdny from a short vlxit at Ida former home In Fre mont, Neb. A mnrrtHne lfrenne kri Issued yesterday to Jumrs H. I.u ', hkccI 0. and Prances Ucrgmari, aed 21. Iioth of thla city. Mr. and Mr SimiiPl .M Inner or Carson, la., are gunis of tlinir dauxhter, Mrs. H. K. Humphrey, enrouie home from a vlult at Fort Laramie, Wyo. Clint 8. Hyart WeiU to Garner, 1 i., yester day to atUMnl the. funeral or his slstt-r, Mrs. V. C. Hc hulir. wiio died lant Tuesday In Ijm Angi'lea, Cal. Mrs. Bailie Hue, aa'd years, died terday mornlnK In ht. Bernard's hospital. One aon, A. .M. White of Ulenwoiid. la., survives her. Tne remains will be taken to day to Malvern, la , for burial. President E. K. Hurt of the First Na tional bank Is showing In his office at the bank two handsome bear skins received from Oregon, one Is the skin of a black and the otner of u cinnamon bear. The preliminary hearing of O. W. Shaffer, arrested Thursday nlnht on serious charges preferred against him by his father-in-law, Charles OdenlMTn". wns continued in Justlro Carson a court yesterday until this morning. Kev. W. I.. Muriln, pastor of the Chris tian church at Olenwood. la., assisted Kev. W. Clemmer In the revival services at the First Christian church hist evenliiK. It Is expected that theso services will be con tinued next week. Mrs. Clara May Christiansen died yester day afternoon at the home of her lather, T. H. Klley, 610 Seventh avenue, arter a year a Illness, aged 2 years. Her husband and one daughter survive her. They are In Salt Lake City. Attorney Wads worth yesterday filed in the United States court a motion to dis solve the Injunction secured by William Neatlehouse, restraining him from proceed ing with the Ihiuor Injunction case against the Hoffman saloon. The funeral of Airs. A. Yetter of Manilla, la., who died at Bt. Bernard's hospital, was held yesterday afternoon from l.unk loy s undertaking rooms. Kev. Henry De. Liung conducting the services. Uurlal was In Hillside cemetery. J. W. Shepler or the Milwaukee bridge department lett last evening for San Ber nardino, Cal., to Join his wife, who lias been, there for some time and who Is in very poor health. This is Mr. Shepler a first vacation In twenty-nine years. John tlrikson, proprietor of a oakery shop on Hroadway for a number of veais and a former resident of Omaha, who with his wife Is now visiting at, his. old home in Sweden, has written friends here that he contemplates remaining there und going into business. Robert K Walbjcu, . whu was mentioned us a candidate for the republican nomina tion for alderman from the Third ward, announces that he Is not now, never has been and doea not expect ever to be a can didate for alderman or any other oMlce In the city of Council Bluffs. Secretary H. M. Brown of the Council Bluffs Fish and Dame Protective associa tion has a letter from -State -Senator Saund ers acknowledging the receipt of copies of the resolutions auopted by tne club relative to the bills prohibiting the docking of horses' tails and the iliootuig of live pigeons from traps. Colonel Saunders writes that he la heartily In favor of both bills. John Thordsen. who was sentenced, last March to two years iii the penitentiary for raiding chicken roosts In the vicinity of this city, has been paroled by Governor Cummins. His case attracted some atten tion at the time owing to Thordsen claim ing he had been hypnotized by a woman who passed as his wife and was known as I Irs. Mixta Thordsen. The caae against Mrs. Thordsen, after she had lain in the county Jail for several months, was fnally dismissed by the county attorney. Ogden Hotel Rooms, wirt. or without board; steam hoat; frea bath; publlo par lor. II Yoa Want a Bottle Of Cramer's Kidney Cure come to ua and buy It today. We have a Block of It on hand and will sell you the large bottle, II else, for -10c. Don't forget the place, 627 Main St., the old stand. O. H. BROWN. Locks Gun Smith All kinds of repair ing dono. We fU everything but broken hearts. L. H. PETERSON, 430 W. Broadway, Thone B7G7. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. 9 Pearl Bt-. Council Biuffa. 'Phone ft. OUR PRICES Are hard on competition, but nil right for the consumer. How do they suit you? llOA$T IlEEF, per pound l'OKK liOAST, per pound FHKSII COUXTHY K(S(JS. I'ortcriwtisp SW-uk, per pimud.. C Sirloin StPttk, iht lKiuiul $q Choice Struk, tr pound q Holllnic Href, per pound 3iC Lamb Slew, per pound 3c I.auib Roast, per pound 50 LKAF I ..AIM), 13 pounds for KETTLK ItHXDKltrci) LAI! OYSTK1SS, TISI1 AND CELLKY. 0RVIS MEAT MARKET 537 Broadway. BH23I We Are the Leaders in Low Prices NOTE A FEW POKIv LOINS, pt r pound Qc LA.MIl LL(iK, per pound gi; SALT l'OHK, ptr pound 4JC 3-roUXIi PAIL HEX LEAF LAUD '. gc And all other meats in proportion. NVatch our advertisements for low prices. CENTRAL GROCERY & MEAT MARKET 'PHONE 24. BLUFFS. DEMOCRATIC CALL IS OuT One Set of Primaries to Ao-.wer for Both City tod Board cf Education. DELEGATES SELECTED MARCH EIGHTH tlty Convention to Br J'eld March 10 and Hoard of Education March l, with Ward Caucuses on March IS. At a meeting of the democratic city cen tral committee lust night It was decided to' hold the city convention Wedneaday even ing, March 16; the school convention Wed nesday evening, Murrh 9, and the precinct primaries to selct delegates to both con ventions on Tuesday evening, March 8. Ward caucuses or conventions will be held Tuesday evening, March 15, to nominate ward aldermen. The following call of the different con ventions wag Issued by Chairman J. J. Hughes of the democratic city central com mittee. ( The democrats of Council Bluffs will meet In delegate convention In the south court room of the county courthouse In the city of Council Bluffs, la., Wednesday, March 11. at p. m.. to nominate oandldates for the following offices: Mayor. City treasurer. City auditor. City solicitor. City engineer. City assessor. City superintendent of markets. Two aldermen-at-lnrge. One park commissioner. The basis of represt-ntatlon will be one delegate for each voting precinct and one additional delegate for each forty votes or fraction over half thereof cast for Victor Jennings for mayor at the city election of 1902. as follows: First ward, First precinct -. 7 First ward. Second precinct 7 Second ward, First precinct 7 Second ward. Second proclnct 6 Third ward, First precinct 6 Third ward. Second precinct t Fourth ward. First precinct I Fourth ward. Second precinct 5 Fifth ward. First precinct 6 Fifth ward. Second precinct 5 Sixth ward, First precinct 7 Sixth ward. Second precinct 2 Outside 1 The democrats of the Independent school district of Council Bluffs will meet In dele gate convention In the south room of the , county courthouse. In the city of Council j Bluffs. la Wednesday, March . 19(4, nt 8 , o'clock n. m.. to place In nomination three candidates for members of the Board of Kducatlon and a candidate for school treasurer. Precinct iiHmarle.s for the election of delegates to attend both the city and school district convention, and to e'ect new pre cinct committeemen, will be held Tuesday, March 8. 1W4. at 8 o'clock p. m.. In each voting precinct at the following places: First ward. First precinct. Jennings' stnr; Second precinct, McRoherts' o"1ce. Second ward. Fl-t nreclnet. city building; Second nreclnet. I. P. Servls" store. Third ward. First precinct. Marten's hotel; Sec ond precinct. No. 1 hosehouse. Main street. Fourth ward. First nreclnet, Farmers' hall, countv courthouse; 8ecvnd precinct. Emmet Jfouee, South Sixth street. Fifth ward. First precinct, county building. Fifth avenue and Twelfth street; Second pre cinct, countv building Sixteenth avenue and Fourteenth street. Sixth ws'd. First pre cinct, county building, Twenty-fourth street and Avenue B: Second precinct Fifth and Iocust streets. Ward conventions will be held Tueadnv March IS. lf'4. at 8 n. m.. for the mimosa of nominating candidates for ward alde men. Both precincts In each ward will meet In one convention at the following P'B0',": M Fl-st ward McRoherts1 ofce: Second ward, cttv bonding: Third ward, No. 1 hose house; Fourth ward, county courthouse; Flf'h wsrd countv bu'MIng, Fifth avnue and Twelfth street: Sixth wsrd. county building. Twenty-fourth and Avenue B. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Son. PlTt'RE OP MA14WA INVOLVED. Farmers Ask Dnmsiei o Account of Maintenance of Dams. The outcome of the suit of E. M. Clark against the Omaha & Council Bluffi Street Railway company, now drawing to a close In the district court, means a great deal more to the motor company than the $t0J damages asked by the plaintiff. An adverse verdict may mean the motor company being compelled to abandon" the mainte nance of the dama or dikes which now protect Lake Manawa and keep the water In It to a depth sufficient for boating, etc, Clark, who Is the renter of a farm In the vicinity of Manawa, sues to racover dam ages placed at $400, alleging that by reason of the dams constructed by the motor company at Lake Manawa his crops were flooded and ruined during the wet season por dozen. 6c 7iC 20c I'mk I-oln, per pound 8C Fresh Hums, per pound 8c Spare VAm, per pound 7c Veil! Stew, per pound 5c ,Yeul Kouttt, per iHtttnd 7c 1.00 25c I), 3 pountl 8 Telephone 46. 600602 BROADWAY. last yesr. A number of other similar suits are pending agalnat the motor company and In the event of an adverse decision In this case it will be practically Impossible for the company to maintain tha dams and the lakt as a pleasure resort will to all Intents and purpopes be ruined. Evidence furnished during the trial showed that since 1888 over $23,000 had been expended In maintaining the water stage of Lake Manawa by the construc tion of dams or dikes, levees and by dredg ing. If the dama cannot be maintained the water In the lake will subside to Its original level and the lake will then cease to he a body of water suitable for the purposes for which It Is now maintained. Is the statement of an official of the motor company. Mrs. Augusta Keellne filed an amend ment to the petition In her suit In which she Is seeking to set aside the deed to A. A. Clark of the property known as the 'W. C. Keellne place" on East Broad way. In the amendment Mrs. Keellne alleges that the property Is the family j homestead and valued at upward of J8.000 j and that the consideration said to have been given by Clark for the property Is grossly Inadequate and further that she signed the deed under duress. Charles Qundram has brought stilt against, C. B. Randlett, formerly of this city, now located at Sheridan, Wyo., to recover $1,447.15 claimed to be due for wages from October 1, 1895, to December 1, 1198, when plaintiff was In Randlctt's employ as cook. Oundram claims that dur ing the time he was employed he only re ceived $753.05, while his contract called for 150 a month. The following petit Jury was drawn yes terday for the term of district court be ginning March 15, tha Jury being sum moned for April 4: J. E. Ford, Ovlde Vien, James Hoon, Al Ritchie, Charles N. But ler, A. C. Ellsworth, R. H. Woodmansee, W. E. McConnell, J. D. Johnson, H. Rlsh ton, Darwin P. Howes, J. W. Morse, J. B. Coon D. E. Buck, Council Bluff; Wal ter Hough, Crescent; C. H. Coldapp, Wil liam Schley, Lewis; II. J. Smith, Kane (outside); David D. Evans, Garner; George Olsen, Boomer; Henry Lowe, Rockford; O. J. Williams, H. 8. Watklns, Neola; Robert M. Elroth, Sliver Creek. K. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250; night, P 667. Art Loan Exhibit. Realizing that tha people of Council Bluffs have had more or leas a surfeit of church bazars and carnivals, the women of the First Congregational church have started out to offer something new In the way of ao attraction by which to ralae money for the benefit of their church. They have Inaugurated a most interesting art loan exhibit, which was opened to the i public yesterday In the old W. H. M. Puscy home on Willow avenue. Curios from all parts of the world, gath ered by residents of Council Bluffs In their travels, or brought from their former homes In foreign countries, historical rel ics. Including many- from the civil war, and quaint pieces of china, pottery and other ware, and many other Interesting articles havo been gathered together, mak ing in all a most attractive exhibit. One room Is devoted to a display of Copley prints, while In another are numerous paintings and pictures, books of rare and quaint bindings, which are calculated to touch a tender spot In the heart of a "btblomanlac." One room Is devoted to war relics and historical objects, among which la to he seen a sword handed down from Miles Standlsh, made Immortal by Longfellow. One entire room Is given over to the display of beautiful and valuable articles oollected by the family of J. W. Squire during their travels In the far eaat. Other roojns contain display of china, foreign embroideries, Mexican, Filipino, Indian and other foreign articles of Interest. The exhibit Is In charge of Mrs. N. P. Dodge. Mrs. D. W. Otis, Mrs. J. W. Bell, Mrs. J. E. Hunter, Mrs. J. C. Blxby, Mrs. E. C. Smith. Mrs. C. Y. Kimball, Mrs. J. Scott and Miss Squire. Hafer sells lumber. Catch the Idea? MISS KAHLER IS NUMBER ONE. Only On, Mora Cnant After Tonlarht la P Loner's Contest. Maggl, Kabler 10,118 Llssle McCreary 18,141 Corm Oretser 1N.084 Voting was active In De Long's Bachelor Girl contest yesterday, resulting In a ohange In the position of the leaders. To day's voting is expected to be particularly lively, for the reason that when the ballot is made known tonight It will not be counted again until the olose of the con teat Monday evening at W o'clock. Votes are given on printing when the order Is taken and the ticket may be deposited when desired. The contestants standing next nearest last evening were: Allle Bell, 18,073; Anna Wack, 16.188; Lena Datch ler, 13,305; Maud Bryant, 11,226; Kate Grone weg, 11,196 and others. Real Estate Traaafera. These transfers were reported to The Bee Pebrutary 36 by the abstract, title and loan office of Boulre A Annls, 111 Pearl street: Olang Smith and husband to M D. Reed. i. In , Twin City Place, Council Bluffs, w. d f William Poffelt and wife to W. F. Phillips, ivli ne4 and nw4 seU IT-75-40. w. d 4,830 XV. M. Leslie, sr., to Martha Leslie. 23, 34. In 19. Meredith's add, Avoca, w. d 1 Goorge E McMahon and wife to James I'. Chrlstensen, lot SO, John son's add Council Bluffs, w. d 300 E. D. Fisher and wife to H. O. Fisher, part seVi ne 9-76-42, being 4.4 acres, q. c. d IT! E. D. Fisher and wife to Henry Romas. nel4 3-76-42, except 4 4 acres, w. d T II. Bliss and wife to H O. Telgen, 1H. In 13. Howard's add. Council Bluffs, w. d C5 C. T. Nugent, elnitle. to I.eona F. Fnnble K In IS Bnvllss Palmer's add. Council Bluffs, w. d.i 13 Total eight transfers 31S.JP1 OUen Bros., plumbing. TOO B'way. Tel. A45I alts for Back Tain. As a result of the tax ferret's discovery of property alleged to have been omitted or withheld from assessment County At torney Klllpnck yesterday brought suits In the district court In the name of Treas urer Conslgney to recover back taxes from the following: Augusta Roth. 3-in 23; H. B. Knowles. agent. $2,414.06; H. B. Knowles. guardian of Lamont Orr, 3546. C8; H. B. Knowles, 3719.85; Julia A. Kuhn, $169. 60; Mrs. F. C. Kuhn. IS5.46. W. H. Kuhn, 1166.99; J. C. Peterson, 3383. 47; John H. Rus sell. $101. 68; Henry 'Carter, $112.33. These, It Is said, sre but the forerunners of a number of other similar suits which the county treasurer Intends bringing on the findings of the tas ferret. Work for R-Convlcte. William N. Coffey, northweaurn repre sentative of the Central Howard associa tion. Is in tha city, the object of his visit being to seek employment for discharged and paroled prisoners from stats Insti tutions, prisons and reformatories, who are without homes and friends able and wil ling to aaslst them to secure honest em ployment and afford thom an opportunity to live good Uvea. Mr. Coffey's work Is, owing to its character, carried on In the strictest confidence and the paat history of the. man thus (eund eroploymeat U knows) only to the association, the employer and the man himself. The Central Howard association, which takes its name from John Howard, the English reformer of the seventeenth cen tury, during 1903 received applications from 256 men who desired work. Of these 248 were assisted to' secure employment, 225 proving to be permanent positions, while only twenty-one of the men so assisted to secure honest work turned out disappointments. Destitute, bnt Kot Insane. Oscar Lowrcy, a young farmer living on the Metcalfe place, east of the city, on the Crescent City road, was before the Com missioners for the Insane yesterday, neigh bors having filed a complaint that he was mentally deranged and had threatened to commit suicide. Lowrey. with his wife and one child, were found living In a small milk house on the place, which Is not much over six feet In the clear. On all sides were Indications of extreme poverty. The evidence before the board showed that Lowrey was In an acute stage of consumption and that his Illness rr.ade him Irritable, with a tendency to suicide, but not to such an extent as to warrant him being adjudged Insane. He was accordingly discharged. CORNELL HAS THE PRIZE ORATOR. Carries Off the Honors of the Inter colletrlate Association. GRINNELL, la., Feb. 26 tSpeelal Tele gram.) The business meeting of the In tercollegiate oratorical association . was largely occupied with considering charges of plagiarism preferred against Arthur O. Knapp of Coe college. The charge was that his oration was largely copied from the winning oration In the last contest. A heated discussion lasting three hours showed a majority vote for sustaining the charges, the vote standing 24 to 20, as the constitution required a two-thirds vote to throw him out of the contest, the charged were declared not sustained. The contest ants were Eugene II. Robinson of Parsons college, Hardy Bryan of t'pper Iowa, Fred J. Clark of Cornell, J. Newton Colver of Simpson, Frank M. Beatty of Iowa Wes lyan, A. O. Knapp of Coe. Wlnworth Wil liams of Drake, Ben H. Williams of Ta bor. Clark of Cornell won first honors and Colver of Simpson second. TWO KILLED IN IOWA'S CAPITOL Elevator Accident Can sea Death of Valley Junction Women. DES MOINES, Feb. 26.-Mrs. C. B. Foun tain Hnd her mother, Mrs. A. Hogue of Valley Junction, la., were crushed to death at 11 o'clock today In an elevator accident at the state house. Mrs. Hogue was the first person to get on the elevator, and the operator started the cage before she had fully got out of reach of the door. He daughter, noticing her danger, reached out to grab her and was caught between the cage and ceiling and crushed, killing her Instantly. The operator then reversed the power and the mother made a plunge for her daughter, and was caught between the floor of the building and the roof of the cage. Before the bodies were released both were dead. lorra Mar Debate with Nebraska. IOWA CITT. Ia.. Feb. 26.-Speclal.) The Iowa State university debating team which was to have met the Wisconsin team In the forensic arena within the next few months, will probably meet a team from the Cniverslty of Nebraska Instead. The refusal of ; tha Wisconsin team to meet the representatives of Iowa this year put the men In a very peculiar position i They had been chosen to meet someone, but who they wefeonaBle to find out. Since that time the president of the Debating league, H.' C. Ivens of Orundy Center, has been In communication with several other schools Nebraska was among the number, and It Is probable that they will take on the debate. The Nebraska men, In their letter to Mr. Ivens, even sub mitted a question relative to the Monroa Doctrine, Inviting them to take their side. A time for ttw two teams to meet has not been definitely settled, but It is presumed to be some time In May. Raena Vista Farmers Meet. STORM LAKE, ia.. Feb. 2fi.-(Speclal.) The twelfth annual meeting of the Buena Vista County Farmers' institute Is In ses sion. The institute is the leading one In Iowa. This year a corn Judging contest under the auspices of the State Agricul tural college at Ames, is the principal feature. Over 1,000 entries have been made by the 300 young farmers' boys and $"00 la offered in premiums. The contestants are all under 18 years and today will be pho tographed In a group for a large half-tone cut tur the leading agricultural papers. John Cownle, State Dairy Commissioner Wright and Prof. Holden of Ames are among the prominent men on the program. To show the great Interest taken at this meeting the opera house Is used and while It seats over 1,000 people, almost twice as many are able to gain admittance. Storm Lake will before another year erect a large auditorium for the institute meetings. Bars Minora from Court Room. IOWA CITT, la., Feb. 2.-SpeclaI ) The evidence submitted In the Hummer seduction case now being tried before the Johnson county district court has been of such sensational character that Judge Bylngton has ruled that no person under the age of 21 would be admitted to the court room. School children and boys from the street filled the seats during the first days of the trlul. The evidence for the state and the defense was sll submitted last night and the counsel for the state made his closing argument. The Jury Is now out. The case has attracted the widest attention, the principals bt-lug prom inent In the northern part of the county. For Sore Throat, Cold In Chest or Tonalltls try a 10c bottle of Omega Oil. Wood Wins Checker Clirfinploushln. WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. Feb. K. (Special Telegram.) H. 8. Wood of Oskalooaa won the state championship In the Iowa checker tournament which closed In this city this morning. C. A Morrill of this city got second and D. J. Long of Algona third. Next year's tournament will also be held In this city during the three dajs begin ning the first Tuesday In January, 1905. fASTHMAl Medical authorities now concede that under in- iu-ra u treatment muoduced by lr. Freuk M heUel ot Chicago, ASTHMA CAN BE CURED. Dr. L I) Knott, Lebanon. Kjr.; Dr. F. . Browu. HrlaiKiisr. lp IT. J C. Curryer, 41 Paul. MlriD : Dr. M. I., t rader. Ht. Lotus, Mo.; Lir. C. P. Beard, H. Fntuilnsbam, Mam., tow wilnaai to IhuenVacy t( Ua treatment ad the pennsnencY ol the cure In ihstr own caea. Itt. Wni-taei'i new method Is a radical departure froio tha old fuhloned moke powders, spray, etc.. which relieve but do not cure. FREE TEST TREATMENT prepared lor any one giving a short deserlp. Luin ! th. cam. and k.nilina n.iues ol two otter atthmattc iuflerert Ak tot booklet ol experieucaa ol tnce cured. FRANK WHETZEL, M. D., 9 Dept g sjaertcas Iiprsst BisfrCateaas. J ACCIDENT STOPS SESSION Iowi Legiilatuw Promp ly Adjourns When Women Are jXil ed in Capitol NO IMPORTANT BUSINESS TRANSACTED Republican Kdltora Ask to Have Chance Made In the Date of Hold In ST the State Convention, Set for Mar IS. (From a Staff Correspondent.) tES MOINES, Feb. 2fi.-Srcla1.)-The legislative sessions for today were rudely broken up by a terrible nccldent which occured In one of the elevators of the state capltol, resulting In the death of two women. Mrs. Ir. Charles It. Foun tain, aged about 3S, and her mother, Mrs. A. Houik, hged about T2. were the vic tims. Tlx- legislature adjourned as soon as the nccldent became known. There wns very little legislative work done In the two houses. The house bad Just got through with the morning pre liminaries and had pnssed the bill to In crease the punishment for chicken thieve from a Jail sentence to two years In the penitentiary, a bill which had been left over from the previous day. There wns no further debate on the bill. Mr. Cheney railed tip his resolution memorialising congress on the bill to repeal the bank ruptcy law and this wis before the house when adjournment was taken. In th senate one bill was passed, that providing that live birds shall not be used as targets In gun tournaments. This pnased without serious opposition. The resolu tion coming over from the house providing for an Investigation of the voting ma chine proposition and for a report on the advisability of adopting such machines In Iowa, was taken up and adopted. A few bills were Introduced, the only nota ble one being a bill to establish a bureau of marriage reform and to provide for publication of books at state expense on this subject, the bill Introduced by Senator Bleakley nnd similar to the one which was condemned in a house committee by Mr. Dashlell. The senate committee reported favorably on the bill Increasing the pay of and classi fying turnkeys and guards at the state penitentiaries. Favorable report was also made on the bill Increasing the salaries of country recorders. State Convention Date. It Is probable that the date for the re publican stato convention of Iowa will be changed from May 18, which wns the dato fixed upon In the committee meeting re centy. It Is found that the date will In terfere" materially with the plans of a large numtier of the editors of the state. The executive committee of the Iowa Press association hnd called a meeting of the association for the Iowa building at St. Louis for May IS or 17, and that the offi cers of the various local associations of newspaper men In the state had planned to have meetings In St. Louis at the lame time. This Is the week of the Interna tional press congress and the National Editorial association and several hundred j Iowa editors, mostly republicans, had de sired to attend, but they are persons who generally go to republican state conven tions, and the dates are conflicting. The republican state committee has been asked THE ARGUMENT! No one who has earned the title of a master in his profession would risk his reputation by poor work. This applies to AUTHORS as well as to doctors or lawyers. JSBWtllSJIII,! for MARCH, contains contributions from such famous writers as JULIET W. TOMPKINS JOSEPH C. LINCOLN I KATE MASTERSON AlAARTEN MAARTENS ROY HORNIMAN CAROLYN WELLS GERALDINE BONNER Is well worth the earnest GOOD i'rite 15 tents. There arc many whiskies which pay the dealer a better profit, but the purchaser gets the best value in Old Underoof Rye It has the least reactive effect. CHAS. DENNEHY 6 CO., Chicago. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment la urn for over Misty year. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cure Spavin and Klngbono. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment eur , all format of Hh iiuuatVavua by the newspaper men to reconsider nnd place the date a week earlier. State t'olleae Desire. Representatives of the State college at Ames appeared before the way and mean committee of the house bi.'t evening to pre sent their views in regard to the mlllugp tax proposed for the college. President Storms was there to talk on the ma'.ler with others, but so many of the members were absent that the bearing w is nt off. Ono strong argument In its favor among the members that I hi Ing u-e! with tell ing effect at this time Is that with the mlllage tax fixed the sum which are an nually appropriated for the state educa tional Institutions will he lessened to tlint extent and the sum total of general and extraordinary appropriation each session will be that muoh smaller. State Oris the Land. The state of Iowa did not got che-itel out of the land for which an appropriation was made at the Stnte Orphan' home near davenport. It was In fact bought by the state at nuctlon. The state ap propriated Ifi.noo for the land. H was known tho Hoard of Control was determined mi having the land, nnd a scheme wa put up to compel the stnte to pay over tho full $'1,0(10 Instead of doing so Chairman Cownle stopped short with n bid of $l,:91 and let a milkman take the land at that price. A the milkman wa a son-in-law of a farmer who owned land adjoining It wns supposed he desired to retain the land at nil hazards, but no sooner did he get hi deed than it wa transferred to the stnte for $4.fion. Now the Hoard of Control will have turned back Il.teO to the state treasury as money saved by re fusing to be taken In by a scheme to bleed the slate. The land purchased lie between tho Orphan's home ami a pHrt of the land already owned by the state and completes the state farm. Appeal for n I'nrdon. Mrs. Rose Waca of Chicago, daughter of Mr. Relay Smith, n life pHs-oner at Ana mosn, appeared before the Joint pardons committee and gave her testimony to the effect that in lur belief her mother did not murder Michael Smith ui Ues Moines. Sh declured her belief that the crime was committed by her sister, under the Influ ence of her iiiint, Juxt hs the slsier hi since confessed. Isaac Btatult appeared and presented the paper In the case to the committee rind read letters from Ana niosa indicating thut Mr. Smith Is h model prisoner nnd deeply Interested In the Chrlstlnn work at the prison. Injured by n Simv, Joseph Jenkins. 3." years of hkc. wa fatally Injured at noon today while operat ing a buzz saw nt hi brother Lee's home, near Dallas Center. He wa hold ing log of ntove wood when he accident ally slipped, striking his head upon tie saw. He turned over ami the whizzing saw blade ripped through his back and shoulders near the neck. ew flnnk for Storm l.nkp STORM LAKE, Ia., Feb. K. (Special.) The I'nlon Investment company of Minne apolis has decided to put In a bank nt Storm Lake and will organize either a state or national Institution. J. A. Nel son, representing thl company, has been In the city the past few days and has been greatly encouraged by business men and capitalists subscribing for about half the required stock. The Union Invest ment company owns a number of branch banks In Minnesota. EDGAR SALTUS E. NESBIT MYRTLE REED LILIAN BELL W. D. NESBIT ACTON DAVIES DOROTHY DIX consideration of every lover of FICTION On Sale Everywhere MIXICAN AAustang Liniment Umbers up BtllTJoiuti. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment penetrate to the very bone. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment alwaya i ve autia-;u. OOTCUR Soap, Ointment and Pills the World's Greatest Skin Cures. PRICE THE SET SI Ccn:p!s9 Treatment for Ever) Humour, from Pimples to Scrofula. The Aortzln Itching and barilng ot the kl. as la eczema; the frightful scaling, a In p.iorlosli; tbe loss of bt'r and crustlug of tho scalp, a W nllrd fceaJ; tho facial disfigurement, as in pimples and ringworm) the swfui su.Tcnng of Infants and ths aniletjr ol worn-out parents, as In milk crust, let ter and salt rheum, all demand a renr edy of almost superhuman virtues ta nccftsfully copo with tuom. Thai Cutlcnra Soap, Ointment and Pills art such stands proven beyond all dotibt. No statement Is tuadn regarding the tuat Is not JiutlQrd by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetixss, the power to sflbrd Immediate relief, tho certainty of speedy ami permanent cure, tbe absolute safety and great economy, have made them the stand ard skin enres and humour remedies of tho civilized world. The grandest testimonial that can be offered the Cutlcura remedies la their vorkl-wkle sale, due to the personal recommendations of those who have usod them. From a small beginning in the simplest form, against prejudice and opposition, against roonled hosts, countless rivals, and trade indllTerencc, Cutlcura remedies have become the greatest curatives of their time, and. In fact, of all time, for nowhere in the hUtory of medicine Is to be fouud another approaching them In popularity a Jil sale. In every clime and with every ptoplo they have met with the same reception. The confines of the earth rrc only limits to their growthA They have conquered the world. tr... -v. ttlinat Ilia world. Culler R.toWtol. tnt, 11 I . .jf I h.irclai Coatrr) PLIU. 2ie ptr vitl ot S), ;n.rtlt.t.. yc . Nona. itoe. I, i !,oaon, tr Charter toi:--r Nq I Pari, ft Hua da la Pam lloatan. 17 Culiiai- vt, at I'Mlrr Drug as l nam. corp.. holt rroprtal mr a tea Car " A book aOaul Cat-cure." i .1 wmanoyaie jf"v Insures Pure, Soft, U htteSkla 1DQ Dcnuuiui vo.uyicjs.aUMf jv '. enre. p.rsems son jairnr. una a.i. anliitalv Atid Pflrmapantl ',' remoToi freo- klM IMmnloa. Kawittfeaa. Hun 1 -.'j, spot, smf Tan. Died llll -' lt-ot kin ia I mured. told by Oiugglttt, or tr-sy be ordtrtd dlrsot. net-mat-Royal, tl per bolllo. zpi ess paid. Iterma-lloa-al Soap, cents, lj mall. Both In one pnekars ftl-to. ex pica pnM. THE nCXMA-ROYALB CO., C.aclnnalt, O. SCHACFER'S CL'T PRICE MUG STORE Ouiaiia. Ncbr., i.nd South Or, aha. Webr. &fie Best of Everything The Only Double Track Raiilway o Chicago The Omaha Chicago Tram Pr Excellence 1 Xo. $olid trttiu t)iia up in Omi daili; ON lllIE at 6:50 p. vi , um ing ,'hictj 7:30 tx morn ni(. Library, Jiuffe! Car, Jitrltr, nets H'.mnUtrd Sleep ( 'knirVarsiiverytliiiij. -- -city orric9 14011403 FARNAM J OMAHA TEL. 624-681 Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS - urc all i-it.'i I il CISEASES OF MEN 8L003 POISON, WEAK, NERVOUS MEM, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES ImlnK-ul anil Medlciim $5.00 Flit! MONTH J'.kiimiiiulloii.i und aiivire ft i- ul olllcu m by iniill. SVriiu-n cuiituicts -riven In all curalila Ulmiim-K. or n-tui d motit-y paid lor tri-.ilim-Kl. 'J'l utnit-iit h'j m ill. H )-s:irs In jrrii, I'.i (or. 14th mil Uunalas, OMAIIA. MOM. i MEN AND WOMEN. I hit for vtiuittuia. di hat ufluiuialiii...v Irritation u. uUfi.ou vf mucous niii.brua. Pain. Ma, fttid Dot MtrlO g All t or pO.mlioUi ol4 by aOrvvirlftU, or mn it plain ritt f jpivM. itpid. im I 0U. fr 4 I mU9 i 7. CirvuUr . 4umI MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Lieut fur Uorao aibnentaa. MEXICAN ang Lin Mustang Liniment Lit t for Cattle nilment. MEXICAN &2 -planus mi Miwiiir Wy AmnimM, mi aaHstalVVlLaa tt .iT 'a jf:' y laiu.d.j.Af lii'jr liuaraataro U ff ia If Bat la amelwra. fa rraraato 1a ilaataa f.rt:MttNSCHtrlClC0. Mustang Liniment Uett for fchctp aibuenui.