Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Boys Knee Pant
Sironz well mad, a'l wool pant
h 'JouVe seat and
knee, In 7. from 3 Qp
to 13, at, pair JJK
Your choice of hundreds of men's Overcoats and Suits
Saturday at Half the Price they would bring earlier in the season
This clothing offer to Omaha men is one that is possible only in rare times We have
overcoats and suits here that were left from our great clothing purchases during mid
season. We are so determined to clear them away without delay that we offer them at
half and sometimes less than half their marked price a few weeks ago. This is the wise
time to buy a Rood suit or overcoat you save half the price of an outfit.
Choice of the Rogers-Peet Co's.
Men's Overcoats
in the House $17.50
A most extraordinary offer
this clothing ia the
best made in Amer
icamany suits and
overcoats that sold jksMj
all in one lot
rr Every suit or overcoat that will be shown Saturday at this price is made for this gear's fashionable trade stylish,
up-to-date and hand fitted all the late style and cloth that has found popularity among good dressers sizes to fit every
body and styles of enough variety to please the most careful
buyer this is a; most exceptional event $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 11 llD flD II ll Ir
and $23 OVEKCOATS AND feUITS AT HJ' SLj iL JtrA ii 3
Hum Faigfi Bill FroTidicg for Stronger
Water Foros
Mr, l.lvrrnanh I'rooips an Amend. t
ntent I'rorldliiK fur an Kltflit-
lluar Day (or Merhanlra
r.nd Laburvra,
WASHINGTON. Feb. IS-The house
paa.ied tha naval appropriation bl'l tiHlay
after having had It under cutmldi-ratlon furl
A WMk. There vtaa a mrty contest on a
number of pro"OBal durlnK th day, wpe
clally on an effort of lilTTit minority
rnembrra to nerure an omeiu'.nn nt to fix the
price of armor plato at the llgan'r made
by tha UMvalu RtM'l itnnpany. Several
amendment were ruled out i )i i!nts of or
der and the repuhli.un K-uJus by parlia
mentary tactic left the qiitMtion of urm' r
plate In the diairetlon of the secretary of
the navy.
Upon convening the attention of tho house
as directed toward the Ortnt by tho
Chaplain, who ald In hi prayer that "dlit
putee between nntiona t:f tl.e rarth may bo
settled by the peaceful nuthula of arbi
tration." Mr. Robert iM;i ) In aupxrt of hla
amendment authorizing the purchase of
five Instead of two submarine Orpcdo
boats, which was pending whan the houi-e
adjourned yesterday. quoted Admiral
Dewey aa saying In a piTH,nnl In'.ter to him
under dato tf Kebrjary IS ihat In vi w if
the effective woik of torpedoes In the far
east It was hit Judgment that tha Humber
of these ships cou'd be well Increased.
Wants Sarfiirr Torpeiltt Uoats.
Mr. Hl!l (Conn.) conterdod for hU amend
saent authortilnc; tli-' errelary lo pure base
tubaurfuce toredo boats w ithout b;h.h Ky
le as to iiumbor. leaving It In the discre
tion of the secretary to purthaae what
BROWN'S BrDficKillrcclissS
Li ati
Throat Iroubhra,
"':V Sou i .
Awt4 ImltatiMt. 1 ' ifm. O
and Suits
is the price
Bargain climax
fiir cMcnn Your choice of
Cmil C oCaaUIl hundreds of very f ii
Overcoats ajid Suits
that were sold at $15, $20, $22.50 and $25
issi liliss'
Two Thousand Pairs
Men's Vici Kid Shoes at...
Men's Box Calf Shoes at $159
Men's Kangaroo Calf Shoes at $159
Men's Best Satin Calf Shoes at $159
Made. to sell for two dollars and a half
a pair. In light, medium and heavy
soles. All sizes, 6 to 11. Every pair war
ranted. On sale Saturday at..
number, If any, he may deem advisable
within the limit of S50,000 fixed by the
amendment of Mr. Roberts. Mr. Hill pro
posed a subamendment Incorporating In the
bill the language contained In the last naval
appropriation act, except that tho maximum
Is fixed at fSJO.000 Instead of tUO.OOO. This
authorizes purchases within the discretion
of the secretary and provide for competi
tion. In closing the debate on the amendment
Mr. Kosj declared that what waa wanted
was the beat boat to be determined by ao
tuai comparison or competition. He favored
the subbtltute offered by Hill. j
Mr. Roberta' amendment waa lost by 45 to
106 und Mr. Hill's amendment Incorporating
the 'anguage. of the last appropriation act
authorizing tho secretary of the navy to
purchase submarine torpedo bcuta and pro
viding for competition, but the limit of ap
propriation from &ou,0O0 to I'JoO.OOU, wu
adopted by a vote of SI to 69.
Mr. Llvernash proposed an amendment
providing tht'.t no money paid iut for con
struction ui.der the bill aa.ilt be paid to
uny contractor until he hen covenanted
mi ine government mar no lauortr nor
mechanic uhall be required to work over
eight hours, a forfeit of Jo a day being pro
vided fcr each man required to work be
lr- " ri:eu a poiui
order ugulnst the amendment. ;
Discussion Over Armor.
Mr I.-,... 1
. - vcn III" V . , IUUI , I . c tUtll -1.1 III O i
port the bl!l. Mr. Rixey propo.-ed an
amendment authorizing the secntary of : ""'". a .e,. t u.. ...e cmu.
ll.e navy to contract lor armor at a prjci , ,lun of ,he old Wr- Printing vffleo.
not execeeing WUtj a ton and not leing atls ' "lnK thttt ,h walls were ,n ,uch co"d'
to contract at that price to construct a i tlon u,ttt U wa8 me"ce the llve '
kovet armor Lht f.-t. rv. Mr mi. i hundreds of government employes, and
I zell tailed a point of order against the
I an-endmer.t.
Mr. feArmODd iMo.) urged its ad- ption.
I declaring that It would enable the govern-
moot, in case cf a holdup to make Us own
aiiror and protect It agamst combinations
ar.d trusts. The point of order waB sua-
talned. !
Mr Hitchcock i.N'rtl railed attention m
air. MucntooK iai.) called attention to
tuilimony of C'harlea H. Cramp, In w hlch
he was reported to have said that thai
prolUc of armor making were enor.-nou
and thai he would be willing to build shipj i
at cost ir lie tojlj iisve the profit on
armor. Mr. Hltcncock offered an amend
ment providing "that no money appro
priated ia this bill for armor shall be
usej to purchase armor not yet contraetel
for from any manufacturer or manufactur-
ers w ho constitute In whole or in part
a trust or trade conspiracy to control the
prices ef auil products In violation to the
lawj of the fnltej Stales." He charged
that the Caruegi and Bethlehem com -
j... -' y aak
l&J- :'
oi tle
ine men's
panles were in combination In violation of
the Sherman anti-trust law and charac
terised them as outlaws. Mr. Dalzell said
Mr. Hitchcock proposed to give the secre
tary of the navy discretion to determine
the character of manufacturing concerns
and insisted that a limitation already had
been placed on his discretion by the adop
tion of a previous amendment.
Mr. Mann of Illinois offered an amend
ment making Mr. Hitchcock's amendment
applicable only to concerns Judicially de
clared illegal concerns.
Mr. Mann's amendment, by a party vote,
was adopted.
The Hitchcock amendment, as amended,
then waa defeated, t7 to 109, a party vote,
except that two or three republicans voted
with the minority. At 6:S0 p. m. the com
mittee rose and the bill was reported to
the tiouao.
Men nare HetialrlHsr American Ships
for Government Supplies.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. The senate to
day considered at some length the bill re-
llui,!n,r the u nf Amnlnn Mn In rrrv
ing government eupplles, but without ac
tion adjourned for wunt of a quorum. The
bill was attacked by democratic senators as
being In the nature of u subsidy, but Mr.
Hale who wuli in cnar!0 of the measure.
defended it again this week and championed
it us in the Interest of American shipping
M' ott. from the committee on pub Ic
; recommending that the building be torn
! down. The presentation of the report gave
' rUe t0 a debute in which Messrs. Hoar.
OaIl!nger, Ecott and Allljon participated.
action was taken on ine .tport.
Tho ck-ndar of general business was
taken up and the following bills passed:
Providing for the confirmation of entries
Ulllltr homestead law when made outride
M UnJ uljlt,tl.t ln whi,-h Hie land is sltu-
Authorizing the holding ef I'nlted Btates
: conu,! kt ureal r ai.s. woni
Tliere truj considerable discussion of the
bill requiring the employment of American
vessels ln the shipment of government
stores. Mr. Berry tald that in effect the
! bill grants a subsidy to vessels owned In
' tne l'l,e1 SMea and he quoted a letter
I frjra ,ne ,"tary of war expressing tha
' OP1"'0" that the enactment of the bill would
I rult in a three-fold fhcr.-ase of the freight
! t1-
I Ur- 1Iale u'11 tverV effort should be made
1 to protect our dwindling commerce on the
Men's Pants.
Men's good quality Trouaer for
business wear: well and stoutly
made; worth up to Crt
$4.00 a pair, at per pair
of aiy Boys'
Pants Suit or
Overcoat at $3.45
Hundreds of boys' heavy and medium
weight winter euits and overcoats
the suits are in knee pants styles
ages 3 to 15 some of the best
clothing in our boys' department
going at choice
i fez frv
Second Floor and in Basciiisnl.
Tho regular price and actual value of these Is $2.50
sea. He contended that the bill put in
practice the system of other countries.
Mr. Daniel suggested a provision to the
effect that charges by American vessels
should not exceed by more than 10 per ccnl
the minimum bids of foreign vessels for
carrying the same freight, but before u
vote could be tuken Mr. Carmack moved to
recommit the bill to the committee on com
merce. The vote was 12 to So no quorum.
Mr. Mitchell offered an amendment, to be
pending, providing thut the bill should not
take effect until July IS, 1905. No action
was taken.
( IiIcuko Men May tilt Work Tuesday
to Enforce Demands for
CHICAGO. Feb. ;6 A strike U threat
ened next Tuesday of some 3.500 painters
and decorators In Chicago unless some
amicable wnge agrei ment is reached in the
meantime. The presont wage agreement
expires March 1 and the Brotherhood of
I'alnters und Decorators has notified the
employers that the men want V cents an
hour for an eight-hour day for tho current
year and 60 cents an hoar for the next
year following, with double time for over
time work and for til Sundays and holi
days. The employers say they cannot meet the
Buck leu's Arnica Halve.
The best In tho world for cuts, corns,
bolls, bruises, burns, scalds, sores, ulcers,
suit rheum. Cures piles or no pay. Sic.
For sale by Kuhn & Co.
Lines Holering l-ltlsbura Have Ult
flenlty In ICerpinsr F.nalnra
r.t Work.
PITTSRl'RO, Feb. X The ear famine
has reached on acute stage In the Pitts
burg field and coal and coke shipments
are seriously affected.
The railroad companies. In response to
complaints, make the statement that the
recent winter has, without exception, been
the most severe on traffic In years. It is
shown that It has been a frequent experi
ence during the last two months for as
many as seven big locomotives to he put
suddenly out of service while standing o:i
sidings waiting for trains to pass, because
of the freezing of water pipe.
? $3,
A very lucky purchase has come to us. Our eastern buyer secured
a preat lot of fine dress and walking skirts from a manufacturer at u
price that is simply astonishing. We have just received the ship
ment, comprising hundreds of smart new skirts every one of them a
new and jauntv stvle. None have ever been displayed for sale else
where thev are fresh, new
straight from the factory.
Home of these handsome
window where they have been greatly admired.
These skirts are made of meltons, cheviots and coverts.
in black and colors, including the fashionable
new mixtures, trimmed with tailor stitching,
satin and cloth straps, and worth as high
as $3.00 each Sat unlay
Walking nnd polf kirti. Tory flnr mrt
torlnls, now tub straps nnd AQ
sldi' pleats, nnd stmp J ZCl
triimiHHl, worth up to $7, at
New Spring Suits at $S.!s A smart
spring tiillor made jtults in the new
Ktnn Jnekets, full skirts, etc.
many very rharmliig designs,
In the Jewelry
Ladies' 50c Lace Pins
A innnufacturo's stock of lnee pins and belt
pins, only one of a kind, sel with fancy
stones, Roman nnd bright finish gold,
guaranteed to hold color, worth GOc, at. . .
Ladies' Fancy Hand Purses at 25c
Importer's line of fancy hand purses,
embossed leather, beautifully lined,
worth 5Uc and 7oc,
Mens 75c Neckwear at 15c and
Ten thousand high grade Neckties, bought at a great bat gain
In all late thapes, teeks, four-in-hands and imperiaU-Utost
Bprin" patterns In imported sllk-actually worth up to too
each bargain square a
Sale of Special purchase of men's now soft and utilt hats all tho
JVlcn's Hat latest fashions, worth up tJ 3, at
1,200 Pairs Ladies' fine Dongola Lace
Shoes, all sizes, D, E, and EE at $159
1,080 Pairs Ladies' 3-Strap, Louis heel
Patent Coltskin Slippers, all sizes and all
widths at $159
800 Pairs Ladies' Vici Kid Oxford ties,
all sizes and all widths at '$159
a pair.
Japanese at Wathing'on Informed f In
effectual Attack a' Pert A thnr.
Question of Commerce Between
lulled Males and the Philippines
Before Honse Committee
on Merchant Murine.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. The Japanese
legation hits received a cable dispatch from
Toklc, under today's date, giving un no
count of the ineffectual attempt made by
the Jnpanese to blockade the mouth of the
harbor nt I'ort Arthur and also a brief ac
count of tho attack by the Japanese on
Port Arthur yesterday morning. As a re
sult of the nttaek yesterday, the dispatch
say, one of the Russian torpedo boats
was destroyed. The text of the dispatch
Vice Admiral Kamimura reports on tho
2fith of February the following:
According to the report from the torpedo
flotilla which was Bent for the purpose of
rescuing the crews of the steamers Sent
to Muck up the harbor at Port Arthur the
steamer linkokuh. un the left side nf the
entrance- of the harbor, near the lighthouse,
and the steMmer Bushlu. outside the en
trance, were sunk purposely by the Japa
nese ,iy explosion. The steamers Tenshiti,
Buyo and Jtnsen sunk themselves on the
cast of the Lao Leshan. All the crews of
these steamers were picked up safely. Our
destroyers and torpedo flotilla are un
harmed. On the night of the 24th our de
stroyers again went on a scouting cruise
near Port Arthur, lalny and Pigeon bay.
On the day of the 2Mh our main squadron
approached Port Arthur and bombarded the
enemy' men-of-war nd forts from a dis
tance. We saw the Novlk, the Askold and
the llayan fleeing into the harbor. It thus
bilng apparent that the blockading opera
tion bad not much effect. Our squadron
then fired Into the harbor ami saw flames
and considerable smoke. We withdrew
after fifteen minutes' shilling While our
crullers were thus engntfed in tiring sie
saw one cf the enemy's torpedo boats de
stroyed. Our squadron received no dam
age. Cabinet Consider Japanese Cattle.
"Vice Admiral Togo Is still on the scene."
At the cabinet meeting today the question
of the landing of the Japanese cable on the
Island of Guam was considered. The ques
tion of grunting permission to the cable
company to Und Its cable at Guam Involve
to ome extent in the circumstances the
neutrality of the I'nited btates In the pend
ing far eaatern conlllcl. It Is understood
9 y o
1 Vi rK
$4 s $5 Skirts $138
iroods made for this spring trade am
skirts have been displayed in
Ultra cwoll skirts with sldo nnil
pleats, hip yokes, etc.. nil
the late style features -worth
.$ -at
new array of ladios
I'ashionaMe Spring
tary iaekets. with
button trimming,
etc. very special
Ladies Dress Hats at $1
A splendid variety of dress and evening hats, in
at 10c
the latest and
of them very elaborately trimmed VJ
and each a model of correct style-
these hats have sold as high as $S
and $10 each
fit. . .
Men's Mercerized Silk Underwear at 50c
A regular SI.SO value
A great chance to-buy high grade underwear at 1-3 its value. This is the gen
uine mercerized silk underwear, medium weight, ribbed, full to JT
fashioned and form fitting blue, salmon, pink and white jpx H jj
not a garment worth less than $1 and up to $1.30 Jr J
on bargain square nt
Men's $1.50 Shirts at 69c Hii?h grade negligee shirts, made of Qp
. ci.iiimc in.nt inttnrn eiiffs to inntch regular 81.30 values V
linpui iirvi pmiiiuj j.v.
a decision ha been reached that such per
mission could be granted without violating
the terms of neutrality laid down by Its
proclamotion. It seems likely, however,
that some conditions may be attached to
the permission if It should be granted.
The question Is now In the hands of Sec
retary Hay and a determination of It will
probably be) reached very soon.
Commission liitesllsutea 81. Louis.
The Interstate Commerce commission has
begun an Investigation of the business
methods of the Illinois Central. Louisville
& NarhvUlP. Mobile & Ohio and the South
ern Railroad companies, rogardintr switch
ing charges on grain shipped from ele
vators In Fast fit. Louis to Interstate des
tinations. These roads have been tmele
resiMindents In the proceeding nnd required
to hie full und specific ani-wers on or before
March 15 next. The investigation Is the
result of complaints alleging unreasonable
und discriminating rates.
Discuss Philippine ShlprtliiK.
The house committee on merchant murine
and fisheries today listened to the argu
ments of many representatives of tha ocean
shipping Industries of the country In favor
of the Frye-l.lttlelleld bill providing that
the commerce between the I'nlted States
and the Philippine Islands sli ill be carried
In American ships, but exempting the Intel-Island
trade in the Philippines from the
operation of the navigation laws of the
United Btates.
Anirila llrr)' Force fM,7M.
James G. Payne, auditor of the District
supreme court, today tiled his report on
the amount nnd value of the prize property
in the case of Admiral Dewey against
the Don Juan de Austria and other ves
sels captured and sunk In Manila buy, May
1, Pa98. The auditor, to whom the question
was referred by the court, reports tnat the
allowances of property subject to tho
share of the llbellant of prizes aggregates
Officer Files seusatlonal hull.
Captain George Broomo of the I'nlted
States army, now statloneJ In I'orto Itlco,
today tiled In the l ulled States supreme
court a suit for J.'&U"' damages ugilnst
James F. H.irlxiur and his wife, Annie D.
Barbour, of this It y, for alleged alienation
of the affections of (.'s plain Bourne's wife.
The Barbour's are prominent socially here.
ew tunslrrfrll III 1 1.
The discovery Is arnouiued of a new
counterfeit 13 national lank note on t!ie
National ity bank of N. w York, seib -i of
l-2, cheek letter l'( Iio.ecr;ns regl-ter and
Jordan treasurer. This counterfeit Is a
The Great Q
Skirt H
of the
our show
Siiit at ?l.."iO-Tho new eion and niill-
epaulet rapes,
lined Jackets,
swcllest styles--many P
- 25c
phntogruph of the original. The treusury
and bunk numbers are brown Instead of
Pioneer F.xponnder of This Fallh
Dies nt Age of One
BALTIMOKK. Feb -'l. Jime Warden,
nged 102 years, suppose I to be the uldest
expounder of Mel hodlsni In the wold, is
dead In the Baltimore county alms house,
lie whs horn In Kngland anil waa licensed
to preuch in 1M'4. He traveled afoot over
Baltimore county, anil even into Pennsyl
vania. A few weeks i go he lost his
nursery business, he smd. through the
treachery of a friend, lie was compelled
to seek refuge In the county institution
where he died.
lluffulo Merchant Shouts Attorney anil
lllowa Ills Ovtn llralns
Bl'FFALO, N. V. I'.r, IK.-lIenry I..
Schwartz of Bakr A Keliwiitx. attorneys,
was shot and probably fatally wounded
In his private olllee In the Marine Bank
building today by 11 A. Knowles of the
dry goods firm of Knowles & Gardner.
Knowles, after holding the police
at buy
for u few minutes, turned tht
revolver on
himself and blew his brains out.
The crime Is believed to have been
result of business complications.
Mellin's Pood and Milk is an
ideal combination and will
nourish and strengthen your
baby and make bim grow.
Ws should lis to seaa samp! ef Msllin's
Food (res to your bby.
hox &L:&fMP . -
ft .